
  • In episode 89 of Mastering Modern Selling, hosts Tom, Brandon, and guest host Kristie Jones, engage in a riveting conversation with Bill Kirst, a renowned change management expert.

    The discussion dives deep into the transformative potential of AI in sales and the critical role of empathy and effective change management in leveraging this technology.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Importance of Empathy in Change Management:Bill emphasizes empathy as his greatest skill set, crucial for understanding and supporting individuals through change. Empathy counters apathy and inertia, significant risks in any organization. It helps build trust, fosters relationships, and supports the human side of technological transitions​​ .AI’s Role in Enhancing Sales Efficiency:AI tools like Microsoft's Sales CoPilot (formerly Viva Sales) aim to free up time for sellers by automating administrative tasks. Bill shares statistics showing that sellers spend 70% of their time on non-selling activities. AI can reduce this burden, allowing sellers to focus on building relationships and strategic thinking .Adapting to AI: Embracing Change:AI is set to drastically change jobs, particularly in sales. It’s crucial to help individuals understand how their roles will evolve with AI rather than just focusing on how to use the technology. This change management should be 90% about adapting to new roles and 10% about the technology itself .Building a Culture of Continuous Learning:AI implementation should come with support for continuous learning and professional development. Sales leaders need to ensure their teams are not just using AI tools but are also enhancing their sales skills and adapting to new ways of working. This involves coaching and mentoring to fully leverage the benefits of AI .The Future of Work with AI:As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it will teach us more about ourselves and our work. Leaders need to prepare their teams for this shift by fostering a culture of curiosity and adaptability. This includes encouraging critical thinking and reducing over-reliance on scripts and rigid processes .

    Bill Kirst’s insights shed light on the transformative potential of AI in sales and the essential role of empathy and effective change management.

    By focusing on human connections and continuous learning, organizations can successfully navigate the changes brought by AI.

    Dive into the full episode to explore more about leveraging AI in sales and learn practical tips for effective change management.

    Stay ahead in the game by understanding how to integrate these innovations into your sales strategies.

    This Show is brought to you by Fist Bump.
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

  • In the latest episode of Mastering Modern Selling, Brandon Lee and Tom Burton welcome back Kristie Jones, a seasoned consultant specializing in helping early-stage startups and privately-owned companies.

    Kristie's expertise in sales processes, hiring, and career strategy shines through as she shares invaluable insights on making intentional career moves. Here’s a quick recap of the episode:

    1. Embrace Full-Cycle Selling:

    Kristie highlights a significant shift in the industry where full-cycle sellers are becoming the norm. These professionals are responsible for the entire sales process, from prospecting to closing. This approach ensures that salespeople are deeply engaged and accountable for their sales pipeline.

    2. The Importance of Sales Processes:

    One of Kristie's key points is that often the people aren't broken, but the processes are. She emphasizes the necessity of having well-documented and effective sales processes that tie seamlessly into CRM systems. Without robust processes, even the best sales talent can struggle.

    3. Leveraging Communities for Prospecting:

    Kristie introduces the idea of using communities, such as Reddit and various Slack groups, for finding and engaging with prospects. These platforms offer raw and unfiltered insights into potential customers' pain points and needs. Engaging authentically in these spaces can set sales professionals apart as trusted advisors.

    4. Strategic Hiring:

    In her consulting work, Kristie often assists companies in hiring the right talent. She shares her approach to project managing the hiring process to ensure the best candidates are selected. This involves a deep understanding of both the company's needs and the candidates' strengths.

    5. Overcoming Burnout and Career Missteps:

    Addressing a common issue, Kristie discusses how many sales professionals experience burnout due to poor job fit. She encourages listeners to be intentional about their career choices, ensuring they align with their strengths and career aspirations. Finding the right role can make a significant difference in job satisfaction and performance.

    Kristie's insights underscore the importance of being intentional and strategic in both career and sales processes.

    Sales professionals can unlock significant growth and success by embracing full-cycle selling, refining sales processes, leveraging communities for authentic engagement, hiring strategically, and aligning career moves with personal strengths.

    This show is brought to you by Fist Bump.
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

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  • In this episode of Mastering Modern Selling, Tom Burton and Brandon Lee are joined by Vince Menzione, founder of Ultimate Partner and former General Manager of Partner Sales and Strategy at Microsoft.

    Vince brings a wealth of experience in transforming businesses through strategic partnerships. Get ready to dive into the world of partnerships and learn how they can revolutionize your sales strategy.

    1. The Evolution of Partnership Strategies:
    Vince shares his journey from being a top seller in the early days of wireless computing to leading major transformations at Microsoft. He emphasizes the importance of developing a robust partnership strategy, highlighting how partnerships can drive exponential growth and success. From building influence strategies to leveraging resellers, Vince's experience underscores the critical role partnerships play in modern selling.

    2. Navigating the Hyperscaler Ecosystem:
    A significant focus of the discussion is on the three hyperscalers: Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. Vince explains how these tech giants have reshaped the cloud landscape, emphasizing the necessity for businesses to align with them. He discusses the massive cloud commitments these companies have and how they influence decision-making at the board level. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for businesses looking to thrive in the cloud era.

    3. Building Effective Influence Strategies:
    Vince delves into the importance of creating comprehensive influence strategies. He talks about the need to engage with all stakeholders in the decision-making process, not just the direct buyer. By developing relationships with various influencers and understanding their roles, businesses can better navigate complex sales cycles and ensure they are addressing all aspects of the customer's needs.

    4. The Role of Modern Selling Techniques:
    In the age of digital transformation, Vince highlights the shift from traditional selling methods to modern techniques. He discusses how COVID-19 accelerated digital adoption and changed buyer behavior. Today, buyers are more informed and rely heavily on digital channels. Vince stresses the importance of building trust and credibility through consistent engagement and thought leadership, particularly on platforms like LinkedIn.

    5. Partnering for Success:
    Vince provides actionable advice for businesses looking to partner effectively with tech giants. He emphasizes the need for partners to differentiate themselves and build a strong internal alignment around partnership goals. By showcasing success stories, maintaining clear communication, and staying agile to adapt to changing strategies, partners can position themselves as valuable allies to tech giants and drive mutual success.

    This episode with Vince Menzione is a masterclass in leveraging partnerships for sales success.

    Vince's insights reveal the transformative power of strategic partnerships and the importance of adapting to the evolving landscape of modern selling.

    Don't miss out on these invaluable lessons.

    This show is brought to you by Fist Bump.
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

  • In an era where buyers meticulously avoid sales conversations, understanding the 'Anonymous Zone' becomes pivotal for sales teams.

    In this episode, Tom Burton and Brandon Lee dive into this challenging landscape, offering actionable insights on how to engage buyers who prefer to remain invisible until the last possible moment.

    Here are five key takeaways to transform your sales approach:

    Recognize the Buyer's Journey: Buyers today complete most of their purchasing research anonymously online. Recognizing and respecting this journey allows sales teams to adapt their strategies to be more aligned with modern buying behaviors.Provide Value First: Instead of pushing for sales, focus on providing value through educational content and insightful interactions. This positions sales teams as trusted advisors, rather than mere sellers.Leverage Digital Tools: Utilize digital tools and data analytics to gain insights into buyer behaviors without direct interaction. Tools like CRM software and AI can help predict buyer needs and timing, making engagements more timely and relevant.Cultivate a Strong Online Presence: In the anonymous zone, your digital footprint speaks volumes. Building a robust online presence through engaging content and active participation in relevant platforms draws buyers out of anonymity.Encourage Engagement: Foster an environment where potential buyers feel comfortable engaging. This could be through interactive webinars, online workshops, or public forums where they can interact without feeling the pressure of a sales pitch.

    The Anonymous Zone need not be a barrier. Instead, it offers a unique opportunity to understand and adapt to the evolving landscape of buyer preferences.

    By focusing on trust, value, and engagement, sales teams can effectively reach and convert even the most elusive prospects.

    This show is brought to you by Fist Bump.
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

  • In this week's episode of "Mastering Modern Selling," Victoria Jiménez, an esteemed practitioner from the University of Texas at Dallas, shares her wealth of experience and insights from the sales program with Hosts Tom Burton and Carson V. Heady.

    Here are five pivotal points from the discussion:

    Integrative Sales Education: Victoria details her academic journey in sales, highlighting the program’s focus on real-world applications rather than traditional exams. The curriculum emphasizes role-plays, hands-on projects with CRM tools like Salesforce, and intense competition simulations that prepare students for actual sales scenarios.The Humanistic Approach: Echoing modern selling philosophies, Victoria stresses the importance of viewing prospects as individuals rather than just business opportunities. This approach fosters genuine connections, making it easier to address their needs effectively.Leveraging LinkedIn: The program also teaches the strategic use of LinkedIn, including maintaining a strong SSI score, to better identify and engage with potential clients. This tool is pivotal in understanding what matters to prospects at a personal and professional level.AI in Sales: Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in their training, with tools like ChatGPT being used to grade role-plays and provide feedback. This integration of technology is preparing students for the future landscape of sales, where AI aids in refining sales strategies.Continuous Adaptation and Improvement: The sales program is continuously evolving, and adapting to new industry standards and technologies. This adaptability is crucial for staying relevant in the ever-changing field of sales.

    Victoria's insights not only shed light on the cutting-edge methods being taught in modern sales education but also underscore the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in sales.

    Her approach illustrates how blending technology, personal connection, and strategic thinking can revolutionize selling techniques. For those eager to stay ahead in the sales game, embracing these innovative strategies is key.

    Watch the full episode here!

    This Show is brought to you by Fist Bump. Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

  • In the latest episode of 'Mastering Modern Selling,' we had the pleasure of hosting Matt Watson, the dynamic founder and CEO of Full Scale.

    This discussion is a treasure trove of practical insights on leveraging personal branding and modern selling strategies effectively.

    Key Insights from the Episode:

    Personal Branding on LinkedIn:Matt emphasized the power of LinkedIn for personal branding. Regularly posting relevant content not only boosts visibility but also establishes credibility and authority in your industry.The Importance of Networking:The discussion underscored the importance of building a robust network. Matt shared how his extensive network was crucial in the rapid growth of his company, highlighting that your network can significantly amplify your reach and impact.Content Consistency:Staying consistent with content creation on LinkedIn is vital. It keeps you top of mind for your network, ensuring that when they need services you offer, your name is the first that comes to mind.Engagement Beyond Likes:Engagement doesn't always manifest as likes or comments. Many are silently observing and absorbing your content, which can lead to opportunities when they decide to engage more directly.Integrating Sales and Marketing:Matt's journey from a tech specialist to a marketing-savvy CEO illustrates the importance of integrating sales and marketing. Understanding and embracing marketing can profoundly impact business growth and sales.

    Matt Watson's insights from this episode of 'Mastering Modern Selling' are invaluable for anyone looking to sharpen their sales and marketing strategies in the digital age.

    His success story is a testament to the power of personal branding and network leveraging in modern selling environments.

  • In this engaging episode of Mastering Modern Selling, we had the pleasure of hosting David Priemer, a seasoned sales strategist known for his contrarian approach to modern sales practices. David shared profound insights and strategies to reimagine and revitalize sales processes, emphasizing a journey from conventional sales tactics to innovative and effective methods.

    Key Takeaways:

    Value-Driven Discovery Calls: David stresses the importance of transforming mundane discovery calls into value-driven interactions. He advocates for these calls to focus on the buyer, making them not just about gathering information but about providing immediate value, which engages and benefits the prospective client.Sales as a Science: Emphasizing sales as a science rather than an art, David underscores the necessity of having a systematic approach. He believes in developing a robust sales process that can withstand the high turnover typically seen in sales roles, ensuring continuity and consistency in performance.Challenging Old School Methods: David challenges traditional sales tactics and emphasizes the importance of a sales culture that is adaptable and continuously evolving. He advises organizations to shed outdated practices and adopt new strategies that align with modern buyers' expectations and behaviors.Strategic Changes and Assessments: Highlighting the strategic changes necessary within organizations, David talks about his unique maturity assessment tool that helps sales leaders understand and improve their sales processes and strategies effectively.Building a Destination Team: The concept of 'destination team' is crucial in David's strategy, where a sales team is not just about having great salespeople but about having the right processes and environment that attract and nurture talent, fostering long-term success.

    David Priemer’s insights remind us that successful selling in today's market requires more than just following a script; it demands a deep understanding of the sales process, creativity in approach, and most importantly, a focus on providing genuine value to customers.

    His strategies are a call to action for sales professionals and organizations to rethink their methods and align with modern expectations to achieve sustainable success.

  • In this episode of Mastering Modern Selling, our special guest, MJ Smith, a seasoned B2B marketing leader with extensive experience in the industrial sector, shared invaluable insights that are shaping the future of sales and marketing.

    Below are the five key takeaways from our enlightening discussion:

    Leadership and Content Synergy:MJ underscored the critical role of aligning company leadership with marketing strategies. His approach involves creating a cohesive narrative across the organization, starting from the CEO, to ensure that the messaging resonates deeply and uniformly across all platforms.Harnessing CEO Influence on LinkedIn:An astonishing 19% of MJ's qualified pipeline results from the CEO's active participation on LinkedIn. This highlights the power of personal branding and direct engagement by company leaders on social platforms to drive tangible business outcomes.Strategic Narrative Development:The conversation emphasized the importance of crafting a compelling strategic narrative that answers "why change" and "why now" for customers. This narrative serves as a foundational piece that informs all aspects of business communication and product development, ensuring consistency and clarity in all messages.Content Diversity and Authenticity:MJ advocates for a mix of content types on social media, from strategic narrative posts to spontaneous, visionary insights directly from the CEO. This blend not only enriches the content stream but also maintains authenticity, keeping the audience engaged and connected.Focused Channel Strategy:Focusing predominantly on LinkedIn has allowed MJ's team to maximize their impact where their target audience is most active. This strategy of channel concentration rather than dilution across multiple platforms has been key to building a strong brand presence and recognition.

    Engage, Inspire, and Innovate

    MJ Smith’s session is a treasure trove of innovative strategies that challenge conventional sales and marketing approaches. His integration of personal leadership narratives into the company’s brand story, combined with a focused content strategy, provides a replicable model for sales leaders looking to elevate their game in the digital age.

  • In an enlightening episode of Mastering Modern Selling, Samantha McKenna, CEO of #SamSales Consulting, brings her vibrant energy and unmatched expertise to the table.

    As a veteran in enterprise sales with a rich background including leading roles at major corporations like LinkedIn, McKenna offers a fresh perspective on sales strategies that break the conventional mold.

    Here are five essential insights she shared, designed to elevate the sales experience:

    The Delayed Thank-You Tactic: McKenna introduces a subtle yet powerful technique called the 'delayed thank-you.' Instead of immediately responding with gratitude after a proposal submission, she suggests waiting until the promised follow-up time. This tactic ingeniously nudges the client to remember and honor their commitment, increasing the likelihood of a timely response.Proactive Calendar Management: To combat the common issue of unresponsive prospects post-initial agreement, McKenna recommends proactively scheduling meetings for a future date, giving clients an easy way to confirm or reschedule. This assertive approach minimizes limbo and boosts the efficiency of securing important sales discussions.Humanizing Sales Interactions: Emphasizing manners and authenticity, McKenna advises sales professionals to humanize their interactions. By prioritizing genuine communication and avoiding salesy jargon, sellers can foster better relationships and stand out in a profession often marred by stereotypes of pushiness.Navigating LinkedIn as a Sales Tool: Leveraging her expertise from years at LinkedIn, McKenna stresses the importance of using LinkedIn not only to project thought leadership but also to engage actively with potential clients' content. This strategy helps build relationships and positions sales professionals as attentive and informed partners.Expanding the Sandbox: McKenna shares a case study of engaging a potential client through strategic interactions on LinkedIn. By consistently engaging with the client’s posts and offering value, she was able to secure a significant business opportunity, showcasing the effectiveness of thoughtful social selling.

    This episode merges traditional sales techniques with modern digital strategies, particularly in leveraging social media for meaningful business relationships.

    These insights not only challenge the status quo but also invite sales professionals to refine their methods and mindset toward more effective selling.

  • In the latest episode of Mastering Modern Selling, our hosts sat down with the renowned sales expert Mark Hunter, offering a deep dive into the world of sales and its evolving dynamics.

    Here are some key takeaways from this episode:

    1. The Power of Association:
    Mark emphasized the significance of who you associate with in the sales domain. Your circle greatly influences your professional demeanor and prospects, underscoring the old adage, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

    2. Consistency is Key
    Mark highlighted the importance of consistency in establishing trust and credibility in sales. Whether it's how you present yourself online or your follow-through on commitments, consistency helps build a solid reputation, ensuring your potential clients know what to expect from you.

    3. Understanding the Buyer's Journey
    The conversation delved into the necessity of aligning with the buyer's journey rather than enforcing a seller-centric approach. Understanding and supporting the buyer's needs and process fosters a more meaningful and effective sales interaction.

    4. Credibility Through Value
    Mark stressed the need for sales professionals to focus on delivering value, not just pitching products. By truly understanding and addressing the customer's needs, a salesperson transitions from being a mere vendor to a trusted advisor.

    5. Reflection and Learning
    The episode was a reflective journey, with Mark sharing his own experiences and transformations in the sales world. His initial challenges and subsequent learnings serve as a testament to the dynamic nature of sales and the continuous need for personal and professional growth.

    The episode with Mark Hunter was a treasure trove of insights, emphasizing the essence of relationships, consistency, and genuine value in the sales process.

    It's a call to action for sales professionals to introspect, adapt, and continually evolve to meet the changing landscapes of modern selling.

  • In the latest episode of Mastering Modern Selling, we head into the heart of modern sales techniques with the hosts, Tom Burton and Brandon Lee.

    This episode highlights the evolving landscape of sales, offering a fresh perspective on engaging with the modern buyer.

    Five Essential Insights:

    Old Sales Methods Are Out: Brandon Lee explains that the old way of selling, where you guide potential customers through a set process, isn't effective anymore. We need to change how we think about sales to succeed in the digital age.The New Sales Strategy - The Flywheel: Learn about the "Modern Revenue Generation Flywheel," a new approach that replaces the outdated sales funnel. This strategy focuses on ongoing interaction, building relationships, and providing value online.Building Trust Online: Discover the importance of building trust and genuine connections online, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. It's all about having real conversations, not just selling.The Importance of Being Liked and Trusted: The episode highlights how crucial it is to be known, liked, and trusted. These are key to forming strong relationships with potential customers in the digital world.Getting and Keeping Attention: Find out why it's vital to grab and keep your customers' attention in a busy online space. It's better to create new interest in your product than to rely on existing demand.

    The episode wraps up by bringing together all the ideas and strategies discussed, showing how important it is for sales professionals to adapt to modern selling techniques.

    Building relationships, engaging digitally, and focusing on the customer are essential in today's sales world.

    Use these insights and strategies to improve your sales approach and make more meaningful connections with your customers online.

  • In this week's episode of Mastering Modern Selling, we were joined by the remarkable Moeed Amin, a seasoned sales professional and neuroscience expert.

    As we explored the interplay between neuroscience and effective selling strategies, Moeed shared invaluable insights that are bound to transform the way you approach sales.

    Key Takeaways:

    ◾ The Intersection of Neuroscience and Sales:
    Moeed delved into how understanding the human brain can significantly enhance sales strategies. By recognizing how decisions are influenced by cognitive processes, sales professionals can tailor their approaches for maximum impact.

    ◾Emotional Intelligence in Sales:
    The discussion highlighted the critical role of emotional intelligence in sales, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding buyer emotions to foster meaningful connections and drive decisions.

    ◾Strategic Questioning:
    Moeed emphasized the power of strategic questioning in uncovering the underlying needs and motivations of potential clients, enabling sales professionals to offer more targeted and compelling solutions.

    ◾Building Trust Through Authenticity:
    Trust is the cornerstone of effective selling, and Moeed shared strategies for building genuine relationships with clients, ensuring long-term partnerships and success.

    ◾Adapting to Buyer Behavior:
    Understanding and adapting to the evolving behaviors and preferences of buyers is crucial in today's dynamic market. Moeed provided insights on staying agile and responsive to these changes to stay ahead in the sales game.

    Moeed Amin's expertise in neuroscience offers a fresh and profound perspective on sales, urging professionals to embrace a more informed and empathetic approach to their interactions.

    By integrating these insights into your sales strategy, you can unlock new levels of success and customer satisfaction.

  • Dive into the world of sales and marketing with Erik Huberman, a maestro in attracting and retaining attention in our bustling digital age.

    In a world where attention is the new currency, Erik's strategies offer a blueprint for success.

    This episode offers insights for anyone looking to elevate their sales and marketing game.

    Key Takeaways:

    1️⃣ Event Networking as a Top Funnel Strategy:
    Erik emphasizes the power of attending events to meet new people and expand one's professional universe. He advocates for using these opportunities not just for direct sales but for building a broad network that can lead to diverse opportunities.

    2️⃣ The Art of Follow-up:
    Diligent follow-up is Erik's secret sauce for nurturing relationships. He suggests touching base with contacts every 90 days, ensuring you remain top of mind without being overbearing.

    3️⃣ Social Media Consistency:
    By posting daily across various channels, Erik maintains a steady presence, subtly reminding his network of his expertise and offerings, making it easy for them to reach out when the need arises.

    4️⃣ The Three Pillars - Awareness, Nurturing, Trust:
    Erik breaks down his approach into these fundamental elements, focusing on building awareness, nurturing relationships, and establishing trust through third-party validations like reviews and testimonials.

    5️⃣ Sales and Marketing Synergy:
    A unique insight Erik shares is the symbiotic relationship between sales and marketing. He views marketing as a support system for sales, with both departments collaborating closely to enhance the overall business outcome.

    Whether you're in sales, marketing, or just looking to expand your professional reach, these insights are invaluable.

    Remember, it's not just about grabbing attention; it's about holding it and converting it into meaningful relationships and business outcomes.

  • Dive into the journey of sales transformation with Dale Dupree in this episode of Mastering Modern Selling.

    Discover innovative strategies to elevate your sales approach, foster genuine customer relationships, and stand out in the competitive sales landscape.

    Key Insights:

    Reimagining Sales: Explore Dupree's journey from a traditional sales perspective to a groundbreaking approach, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and value-driven interactions.Value-Driven Discovery Calls: Learn the art of making discovery calls not just informative but engaging and tailored to the buyer's needs, transforming these interactions into opportunities for meaningful connections.Sales Process Innovation: Dupree highlights the necessity of evolving sales methodologies, urging a shift from conventional tactics to strategies that resonate with today's informed buyers.Building a Robust Sales Culture: Understand the critical role of a supportive and dynamic sales culture in nurturing talent, fostering innovation, and driving sustainable success.Actionable Strategies for Sales Success: Gain practical advice and actionable strategies from Dupree's experience to refine your sales approach, enhance customer engagement, and boost your sales performance.

    This episode not only inspires you to think differently but also provides concrete strategies to revolutionize your sales approach.

    Embrace these insights to sell more effectively, build lasting relationships, and significantly reduce the "suck" in sales.

    Engage with the content, apply the insights, and join the conversation on revolutionizing modern selling practices.

  • In episode 75 of "Mastering Modern Selling," we delve into the evolving world of digital sales with guest David JP Fisher. Unpack the essence of digital-first approaches and human connections in sales with actionable insights from Fisher's extensive experience.

    Key Points:

    Digital First, Not Digital Only: Fisher emphasizes the importance of a digital-first approach while maintaining human connections. Sales at its core is about human interaction, not just technology.Leveraging LinkedIn: Fisher shares his journey from selling knives to becoming a LinkedIn sales pioneer, highlighting the platform's role in modern selling and relationship building.Commenting Strategy: A simple yet effective tactic Fisher recommends is engaging meaningfully with connections through comments on LinkedIn, fostering interaction and visibility.Building Social Capital: Fisher stresses the importance of earning trust and recognition in your network before making sales pitches, advocating for building relationships over time.Authenticity and Storytelling: Sharing genuine experiences and stories resonate more with audiences, helping build a credible and relatable online presence.

    David JP Fisher's insights remind us that while digital tools are indispensable, the human element remains central to sales success. By integrating digital strategies with genuine interactions, sales professionals can navigate the modern selling landscape more effectively.

  • In this week's episode, hosts Brandon Lee and Carson V. Heady explore the transformative journey in sales methodologies with Lee Salz, author of "Sell Different!" and "Sales Differentiation."

    Delving into the concept of a sales contrarian, the discussion unveils how traditional sales tactics are being reevaluated for modern effectiveness.

    Key Points Discussed:
    ◾ Value-Driven Discovery Calls: Emphasizing the importance of making discovery calls interesting and focused on the buyer rather than the sale
    ◾ Maturity Assessment in Sales: Introducing an innovative approach to assessing and enhancing sales team maturity for better performance.
    ◾ Shifting Sales Mindsets: How adopting a contrarian perspective can lead to more successful sales strategies by challenging conventional wisdom.
    ◾ Importance of Sales Process Over People: The critical role of a solid sales process in ensuring sustained sales success, rather than relying solely on individual sales talents.
    ◾ Utilizing LinkedIn for Sales: Strategies for leveraging LinkedIn effectively to establish subject matter expertise and engage potential clients without direct selling.

    This episode emphasizes the need for sales professionals to adapt and innovate in their approaches. By reimagining sales from a contrarian viewpoint, there's potential to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

  • On this episode of "Mastering Modern Selling", we delve into the integration of traditional and innovative selling strategies in the current sales landscape.

    5 Key Points Discussed:

    Donald's Unique Selling Philosophy: Inspired by his experiences selling mangoes in Jamaica, highlighting the importance of creativity and authenticity in sales.Importance of Creativity: Discusses how being creative helps sales professionals stand out in a crowded market.Role of Social Media: Explores how social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, have become vital tools for modern selling.Engaging with Prospects: Strategies for effectively connecting with and engaging prospects on social media platforms.Power of Personal Connection: Emphasizes the enduring value of personal connections in the sales process, despite the digital age's influence.

    The episode wraps up with actionable insights for sales professionals aiming to blend traditional selling skills with modern social media engagement techniques.

    Donald Kelly's experiences and strategies offer valuable lessons on differentiating oneself and succeeding in today's competitive sales environment.

  • Join us for this week's episode featuring Drew Ellis, VP of Mid-market Sales at SAP, who brings valuable insights into modernizing B2B sales strategies. Our discussion is aimed at sales professionals eager to excel in the digital era, offering guidance for those engaging with both large enterprises and the dynamic mid-market. We will explore how to leverage LinkedIn not just for outreach but as a platform for establishing your personal brand and demonstrating thought leadership in the realm of social selling.

    We address the misconception that artificial intelligence (AI) threatens sales roles, presenting instead how AI can enhance your sales approach. Discover how AI can refine your industry knowledge and provide you with advanced strategies to gain a competitive edge. We'll discuss the role of AI in improving team collaboration and enhancing sales presentations, highlighting AI's role as a supportive tool that amplifies the human element crucial in closing deals.

    The episode also focuses on the importance of authentic customer interactions, sharing personal stories and strategies that underscore the value of face-to-face engagements in today's digital world. Learn about the significance of customer-centric events for building relationships and expanding networks. Furthermore, we'll examine how leading sales professionals incorporate AI to boost their teams' effectiveness without compromising their organizational culture. This episode promises to inspire you to adopt AI and innovative sales methods while reaffirming the enduring importance of personal connections in winning customers' loyalty.

  • Join us for an insightful discussion with Julie Hansen, an expert in virtual communication and sales, in this week’s special feature. We delve into the art of mastering digital interactions, exploring how to establish a commanding presence both on camera and in person. Our conversation will focus on practical strategies to enhance the authenticity and impact of your virtual engagements. We will examine advanced training techniques designed to align your self-perception with the way you are perceived online, addressing the complexities of contemporary B2B sales and the critical importance of digital proficiency in business interactions.

    For those who find video meetings challenging, our discussion with Julie Hansen offers valuable guidance. We'll explore the nuances of nonverbal communication, the importance of energy in virtual presentations, and the effectiveness of eye contact with the camera. Hansen provides practical tips for navigating online platforms, ensuring that a lack of physical presence does not hinder your ability to establish strong connections and project confidence. Our session covers essential techniques for engaging effectively in virtual environments, whether in one-on-one negotiations or group presentations.

    This episode also encourages you to stretch your boundaries in virtual expressiveness. Julie Hansen introduces her unique exercise to enhance dynamism on camera. You’ll learn how to elevate your energy levels and bring a memorable and engaging personality to your online interactions. Packed with actionable exercises and insights, this session is designed to prepare you for live presentations, ensuring you not only perform confidently but also leave a memorable impact. Join us to transform your digital communication skills and make a lasting impression in your virtual interactions.

  • In this episode, we are joined by Kevin Brown from LeadSmart Technologies. We begin with a reflective journey that takes us from Kevin's early experiences to the modern sales environment influenced by AI, social media, and a customer-focused approach. We discuss LinkedIn's transformation into a vital tool for sales and share interesting anecdotes from his professional history. Kevin provides valuable advice aimed at improving engagement and attracting potential clients, especially at trade shows.

    We also address the challenges of transitioning from a passive online presence to an active, impactful one in social selling. We also delve into the complexities of expanding networks, crafting appropriate messages, and overcoming self-doubt.

    As we conclude, we focus on the significance of building relationships in sales. We discuss ways to position yourself as a trusted advisor in your industry and how to nurture genuine connections that lead to business opportunities. Kevin shares his experiences with successful internal networking and educational sales methods. We also address key questions on prioritizing activities to create a cascading effect in sales results.

    This episode is packed with practical advice and strategies for using LinkedIn effectively, expanding your network through live engagements, and becoming an appealing brand for your target audience.