
  • Since bringing in Conscious Parenting to my coaching practice and my personal life, I have seen a powerful positive change in how I relate to my children. This is why today’s interview with Sandra Fazio is personally so wonderful for me. Sandra not only teaches parents how to begin bringing the principles of Conscious Parenting into their homes, but she also loves it out with her own daughter. Sandra, like many parents, thought she had everything planned out to perfection. As we all learn once we become parents, children rarely align with even the best-laid plans. Sandra found it difficult to relate to or discipline her daughter, and so she turned to Conscious Parenting to end some of the strife in her home. What she unlocked was a whole new way of not just thinking about her child, but about herself too.

    When the pressure of being a Solo Parent pushes you to a breaking point, Conscious Parenting reminds you to check in with yourself. Self-kindness is easily one of the most powerful tenants of Conscious Parenting, and it’s a step that Sandra has taken to heart. She now encourages everyone to parent through deep connection and open communication. I am thankful to include Sandra’s story and perspective into the Solo Parent Community because she has faced many of the same setbacks that we have as well.

    Sandra’s story reminds us to take each day one step at a time. Your relationship with your children is ever-evolving, and it is time to trust that you know how to listen and respond to your children in a conscientious way.

    More in this episode:

    Sandra shares her own motherhood story as an older mother. How Sandra got interested in conscious parenting. Tough times parenting her daughter influenced Sandra to stop putting so much anxiety into how her planned parenting. Letting go and living presently enabled Sandra to see how conscious parenting could change her life. What conscious parenting is all about. How Sandra incorporated conscious parenting into time with her daughter. Parenting is an ever-changing, ongoing journey. Children are operating at a much higher wavelength now. Sandra needs to pay attention to her daughter to see how her needs change. How to cope with our own triggered emotions. Parents have to wear many hats. How to say “no.”


    Sandra Fazio

    Facebook - Sandra Fazio

    Parent Listening Group

    Solo Parent Life - Coaching

  • It can be difficult to find moments of peace in the middle of our crazy lives. Sometimes, we feel so overwhelmed and out of our depth, and we simply want to step away from it all. Unfortunately, if you are a solo parent, you can’t always pass the kids along to your partner for 10 minutes of quiet. How can you, as a single parent, cultivate some peace and positivity into your daily life? I have an expert guest with me today that is going to give you incredible, easy tools you can use to take care of yourself and connect with your children.

    Dr. Laura Markham is a Clinical Psychologist and founder of Aha! Parenting. Laura loves working with parents to help them build mindfulness and peace back into their parenting. She knows how unsupported parents feel as they try to guide and connect with their kids, so she has generated resources and written books that you can use at any time. Her most recent book, The Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook is filled to bursting with exercises that will help you rewire your thinking and build peace back into the day-to-day. Knowing that parents are always busy, and single parents even more so, Laura has crafted her resources to fit any schedule.

    Today, we are going to chat about how to build up your inner resilience, understand your parenting triggers, and work through difficult situations in a helpful way. Whether the kids are bickering or your child is shouting, Laura’s techniques will help you regulate your emotions and transform high-tension moments into moments of peace. Her skills are founded on coaching principles that focus on positivity, rather than simple survival. You will breathe a sigh of relief once we are done talking today! Peace is possible, and we are going to get you there.

    More in this episode:

    Laura tells us about how she works with parents to guide and grow their children in a supportive environment. Connection is everything! We need to be coaching instead of punishing. Parents need to have support to know how to self-regulate and take care of themselves. We need to have emotional generosity. Understand your own triggers as well as your child’s. You can take care of yourself while you are with your kids. Advice for parents who are struggling with self-love. Positivity is building coaching moments. What these techniques are doing to change how your brain thinks.


    Aha! Parenting

    Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook plus all of Laura’s books!

    Connect with me!

    [email protected]

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  • Busy Solo Parents often wonder how they are going to get food on the table, let alone make something jam-packed with nutrients that everyone will eat. Life is already chaotic enough! I am here to tell you today that making, simple, healthy, and delicious meals are absolutely within your reach! I’ve brought on a guest today who is going to walk us through the process of creating nutritious meals children will love. As an added bonus, she’s a mom herself who has seen her fair share of struggle. Welcome with me to the show today, Maria Quintana-Pilling!

    Maria is a functional nutrition and lifestyle practitioner, certified nutrition consultant, and the chef-founder of Urban Spice Nutrition. After struggling with her own health and digestion, Maria found the strength to make significant lifestyle changes, including her diet. She certainly knows how difficult it can be to raise kiddos while your health is failing, so now she is committed to empowering women struggling with similar hormonal and digestive issues with her incredible nutrition programs.

    I know you are going to find this episode just as helpful as I did. Maria emphasizes that planning your meals ahead of time gives you power over those key nutrients your kiddos need. Today, she will teach us how to be mindful of how we prepare meals, and why balanced nutrition is so important! Our nutrition affects everything from our energy levels to our hormone balance. When we are putting more of what is good for us in, we can only see positive results. Maria believes the key to a healthy future is giving our children the tools and resources they need to make healthy choices for the rest of their lives. What could be a better gift than a legacy of healthy food to power them through life’s biggest moments?

    More in this episode:

    Maria explains how nutrition became her second career after a fibroid diagnosis. Nutrition has played an important role in Maria’s continued health through pregnancy and beyond. Good nutrition can keep your hormones in balance! Why you should not be skipping breakfast! Breakfast staples you can use to stock your kitchen. Plan dinners a week ahead of time! Your freezer is your friend. Maria chimes in on detoxing, and how to make it yours. Advice for Solo Parents tackling nutrition.


    Co-Parenting Resource

    Solo Parent Life

    Urban Spice Online

    [email protected]

    Squash Soup Recipe

    Maria’s Breakfast Challenge

  • One of the biggest fears many parents face is the fear that we are not preparing our kids for the “Real World.” Life skills are difficult to teach, but they are so important for our children to be successful. The official name for this vital skillset is “Social Emotional Intelligence,” or the ability to navigate social problems with empathy and self-respect. I am excited to begin to dive into this topic with Jennifer Miller today. Jennifer is the founder of Confident Families Confident Kids, an online compendium of resources all about parenting children with a high Social Emotional Intelligence. She is quite the expert on the topic, and today she will share practical examples as well as encouraging stories showcasing exactly why we should be prioritizing Social Emotional Intelligence in our parenting.

    After realizing there really was not a simple, research-based resource for parents on Social Emotional Intelligence, Jennifer set out to create one. She used her own personal struggles as well as her informed perspectives to write articles and offer up tips for parents. When her son was very young, Jennifer noticed she had quite an emotional response to his misbehaviors. Rather than being content with these feelings and challenges, Jennifer armed herself with knowledge and changed her parenting to model and reflect Social Emotional Intelligence. I think Jennifer’s approach is admirable, and I know you will be encouraged by her stories. Rather than hiding the struggle, Jennifer embraces the process of slowly developing the skills that will set her son up for an incredible future.

    You do not have to be ruled by the fear of failing your children. Thanks to Jennifer, you have resources at your disposal to help you develop Social Emotional Intelligence with your kiddos. Listen today to find out how to get started!

    More in this episode:

    Jennifer shares everything about her family and why she is passionate about Social and Emotional Intelligence. Jennifer wanted to write on her blog to intentionally help parents develop social and emotional skills for everyday life. Get a good definition of Social Emotional Intelligence. We can take cues from our emotions and respond in ways that does no harm. Learn the 5 Competency areas of Social Emotional Intelligence. We work inwardly first, so then we can begin the outward work. Step back and reflect on our responses as a parent. Teaching self management is about demonstrating them ourselves. Your history as a parent will come up. Intentional practice can be a part of playtime. Tips for parents with older kids. Tools and resources for you to use right away!


    Confident Parents Confident Kids

    Family Emotional Safety Plan

    NBC Parent Toolkit

  • Parenting your pre-teens and teenagers has its own unique set of challenges. While there might not be any more diapers to change or tantrums to manage, older children still need a specific kind of love and attention. Most of the time, parents end up frustrated! This phase of life can often be isolating for Solo Parents. Without carpool lines and trips to the park, it can be difficult to find a place to commiserate with fellow teen parents. This is exactly the kind of thing that my guest, Vickie Vann, is trying to fix!

    Vickie is a fellow therapist in the area who loves to work with adults and families. She has a teen son and felt she was missing a safe place to express her concern, get advice, and vent a little. After finding there were no opportunities for parents of teens to connect and support each other, Vickie cofounded with Deb Blum parent support groups at her son’s high school. The groups have taken off, and many parents are finding comfort and confidence through genuine connection with one another.

    Vickie is going to share just how powerful communities really are. She’ll dive deep into the mind of a teenager, and come up to bat for the dreaded “helicopter parents.” She is a wealth of advice on everything from scheduling sleepovers to pushing through homework blocks. If you are a teen parent, you are definitely going to want to give this show a listen! Parents of little ones, this episode is a glimpse into what’s coming for you in just a few short years. Pre-teens and teenagers require parenting in a different way. Don’t be afraid of these challenges! Instead, Vickie encourages us all to seek out opportunities to shape your children into the adults they will become. Deny it all they want, these teens still need mom and dad. We promise!

    More in this episode:

    Vickie loves working with parents by creating discussion groups and support networks. Understanding the teenage brain. Our kids are exposed to so much so early, they seem more mature than they are. Parenting gets more intensive when your children get older. We can help our children develop and grow by “lending them” our frontal lobes. Letting our kids fail is not always the best method to teach them. Move out of negative thinking and into positive change. Stay in the game! Find your common ground and get into their world.
  • It is a busy time of year, isn’t it? With kids out of school, gifts to buy, and relatives to see, the pace of the holidays feels hectic, even more so for a single parent. There are some seasons of life when you feel all the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. Seasons come and go; some are wonderful, and some more difficult. Today, I wanted to highlight just how important it is we keep this in mind during times that are more hectic or troubling. I think this is something my guest, Kelsey Baldwin, knows well.

    Kelsey is the owner of Paper +Oats, an online business that has seen a lot of success in recent years. Kelsey is also creating incredible online content including e-courses for budding business owners. On her blog, she often writes about how she manages a business as a single mother. Especially since she is pretty much the whole show at her business, I wanted to pick Kelsey’s mind about how she finds a balance between work and life. She maintains that balance well but acknowledges that it hasn’t always been easy. Keeping in mind the seasons that come and go, Kelsey moves her life in a direction that benefits both her and her daughter, Poppy, in a positive way.

    This is a sweet and compassionate interview that will resonate well with those of us who are walking through a difficult set of circumstances. Let Kelsey’s story fill you with hope, and give you a few ideas for how to enter into this next phase of life.

    More in this episode:

    Kelsey shares all about herself and her online business, Paper + Oats. The story behind how Kelsey became a single parent. The baby was a place for Kelsey to celebrate during the early days. We chat about how the grieving process really never ends. How to find the work/life balance with small children. Kelsey’s personal strengths that allow her to run her business on her own. Dealing with the pressure of everything falling on you. Parting words of wisdom for those of us in the middle of difficult seasons.


    Paper + Oats


    Join our Facebook community for my weekly Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/DrRockettSoloParentLife/

  • How can we all work together to build a community that supports our children? Our school-aged children spend most of their week at school, so our job as parents is to support and cooperate with the teachers they are spending that time with. Ideally, this process would be as collaborative and compassionate, but sometimes those teacher relationships can be challenging. This is why I am excited to have Dr. Arina Bokas with me today. Her book Building Powerful Learning Environments: From Schools to Communities is directed towards teachers but applies to everyone. She is going to talk about her book, her experiences as both a teacher and a parent, and then give us some strategies to use as our children grow and learn at school.

    Building a good relationship with our teachers is essential for supporting your children through the school years. Any good communication you can set up early will help pave the way to success. Dr. Bokas encourages us to approach communication with compassion and curiosity. She has such useful tools to share with us today, with wisdom directed at Solo Parents, who sometimes feel even more pressure to be involved in their child’s education.

    You definitely do not want to miss out on this excellent interview! I certainly got a lot out of my conversation with Arina, and I know you will too.

    More in this episode:

    Hear all about Arina’s experiences with school communities. The book was built around a need. There was a breakdown in communication and understanding, which leads to a divisive nature in our ability to teach our students. Parental concerns v. Teacher concerns. Understanding the whole child means we have to work together. The conflict between adults in the child’s life can affect them. Be proactive. Connect with your teacher at the beginning of the year. Teachers need to know you are a single parent. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Organizing time, allowing your child to struggle. Show curiosity in what your child is learning. Assisting students who are older. How to communicate what your child needs to your teacher. What happens when things don’t go the way you want them to. Don’t go over the teacher’s head to the principal. Be careful about our language. We can collaborate without playing the blame game.


    Kids Standard Magazine: http://www.kidsstandard.org/

    Dr. Arina Bokas http://culturesofpartnerships.com/

    Twitter @ArinaBokas

    Link to buy Dr. Bokas’ Book:

    Building Powerful Learning Environments

  • Are you feeling a little anxious about The Dating Talk? My kids are still very young, but I am already beginning to think about how to have conversations about healthy relationships. So often we think of words like “consent,” and automatically go to sex. Consent is about more than physical intimacy; it’s also about respect and boundaries. The more our children understand their boundaries and needs, as well as the needs of others, the better they will be when things like sex and dating come up in their lives.

    We often get a little stuck on all the heavy emotions around dating and romance, so I wanted to bring to you a resource to help you navigate tricky moments. My guest today is Mike Domitrz, the author of May I Kiss You? And the founder of The Date Safe Project. Mike has created amazing resources for parents and kids to use together to have healthy conversations about relationships. Most important to Mike is that both adults and kids understand true consent requires more than permission to touch. It’s also about wanting that intimate contact. Consent comes down to communication, and you and I both know how tricky it can be to communicate with pre-teens and teens. Luckily, Mike has for us today some easy ways to have conversations that make the whole thing feel less icky and personal.

    Do you want your kids to be able to respond well when their peers start joking about sex? What about sexting and pornography? Mike is going to share with you today the tools and skills your kids will need to know in order to navigate these tricky social situations. In the end, I think these conversations are an avenue to really connect deeply with your older kids. You do not want to miss out on all this information today!

    More in this episode:

    Mike never planned to be speaking on sexual health and consent, but a family circumstance showed him his calling. Understanding consent in the healthy and the legal way. Clear communication with boundaries is key, and it won’t “ruin the moment.” Teaching consent starts with ourselves. How we can open the door to conversations about consent. Issues of consent crop up even without the issues of dating and sex. All about Can I Kiss You? And who it will really reach. There’s no age limit. Reading body language is a power trip. How to talk to your kids without making it personal and emotional. Giving kids skillsets to deal with all the hormones and feelings. Kids have information available to them online, so we can be a resource instead of their other sources. Dealing with sexting and giving them skills to handle moments with friends. How to have a goofy or a serious moment to connect with your kids.


    Mike’s Online Home


    Reach out to me to join one of our listening groups!

    [email protected]

  • What can you do when your child is acting out? There is a lot of information out there about discipline, behavior modification, and diagnosing the root of your child’s behavior. Some of us have come from traditional, disciplinarian homes. Others have problems setting up boundaries. Have you ever taken a moment to reflect that these moments of acting out are a chance for you and your child to grow closer together? Before you lose your cool entirely, give this interview with Lori Petro a listen. She truly has some great recommendations and resources for parents who might be struggling with everything relating to discipline.

    Lori is the mind behind Teach Through Love, a wealth of online resources for parents, solo or not, that serve to build up communication and enhance emotional intelligence with your kids. When your child is acting out, it is usually in response to an inability to express what they are thinking or feeling. We as parents have a huge opportunity to teach our children how to express themselves and then listen to what they have to say. Lori is going to show us today some ways that we can begin to build trust with our kiddos. We can build emotional intelligence starting with our own responses to behavior. It truly is as simple as learning to listen.

    More in this episode:

    Lori created Teach Do Love to help parents understand their children. The big struggles most parents face as far as behavior is concerned. What are we saying to ourselves when our children are misbehaving? Lori sees conflict as a way to grow and develop our brains. Kids need to know it is safe to make mistakes. Lori uses her own childhood experiences to inform the resources she creates for parents. Forget whatever goals you are trying to work on, and work on building that relationship. Give your children an outlet for their feelings. Feelings are a part of life, and if we stuff them, they come out in different ways. We are really building emotional intelligence.


    Teach Through Love: http://www.teach-through-love.com/

  • Have you given much thought to the legacy you want to leave behind? As Solo Parents, we have a great capacity to fill our children with memories of our lives and theirs to empower, inspire, and reassure them during times of hardship or uncertainty. No one understands that better than Melanie Vetter, and that is why I am so excited to start our conversation about legacy today. Melanie’s work with Legacy Letters is incredibly interesting, and the fact that she’s my neighbor makes this conversation an extra treat.

    Melanie Vetter is a writing instructor and legacy advisor, but really she helps people use their personal stories to build connections, resilience, and personal legacy. Melanie is passionate about the power of our personal stories and is dedicated to teaching and empowering others to celebrate document, and share a purpose-filled life using fun and joyful tools and techniques. She is an attorney, a certified Legacy Advisor, and a Certified Senior Advisor, and holds a certificate in Guided Autobiography Instruction from the Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies.

    Melanie and I had a chance to chat in-person, which is such a gift, let me tell you! As we enter this season of thankfulness and family, this episode will help you cultivate the gratitude and excitement you need to have these conversations with your family. You’ll be amazed! This is a powerful episode filled with so many incredible resources you do not want to miss.

    More in this episode:

    Melanie shares how she became involved with Legacy Letters. Ways Melanie’s family have been using the letters to grow closer together. Tools that Melanie teaches her guided autobiography classes. Autobiography is a powerful way to gain a new understanding of yourself. The hidden power of the thank-you note. Tips for Thanksgiving, sharing stories, and legacy.


    Melanie’s Website www.wellfleetcircle.com

    Contact her at [email protected]

    Melanie’s Thanksgiving blog post: http://wellfleetcircle.com/thanksgiving/

    Link to sign up for the Free 5 Questions to Ask at the Holiday Table guide http://wellfleetcircle.com/5-questions-ask-holiday-table/.

    Melanie’s SMILE Guide for writing thank you notes with ease and joy: http://wellfleetcircle.com/smile-ebook/

    Legacy Letters Blogs: http://wellfleetcircle.com/category/legacy-letters/

    Legacy Letters Examples: http://wellfleetcircle.com/legacy-letters-and-legacy-books/

  • Is there such a thing as a perfect parent? Absolutely not! Is there such a thing as a thriving parent? YES! As Solo Parents, the pressure feels like its been pushed up to 11 for us. It can be a struggle to make it through the week with everything in one piece, let alone feeling good about those pieces! How can we begin to enjoy the abundance of life? What is the secret to a thriving life filled with contentment? It’s all about your mindset!

    My guest today is Shawn Fink, the founder of Abundant Mama. Shawn’s program and writing are focused on supporting Moms, but her advice applies to everyone. She doesn’t shy away from difficult topics. Instead, she is on a mission to connect moms to one another with programs and tools designed to get you working from the inside out. She wants to show women that they can feel connected to other moms out there in a pursuit of abundance. Find people who are hurting like you are hurting, and then work together to heal and grow!

    Shawn’s approach to parenting is compassionate and real. We talk about so many relatable topics, but the takeaway is that it is worthwhile to cultivate a contented life. Trust yourself on your journey, and take it slow. You’ve got this.

    More in this episode:

    Shawn shares how all of her different life experiences allows her to fuel her writings on motherhood. Loneliness was a tool Shawn used to form Abundant Mama. What exactly is an Abundant Mama? Hint: It’s not perfection! How we can cultivate contentment. There is inner work to do to find abundance. So many of our struggles are universal, and there is such beauty in that! How to navigate parenting expert advice in your unique situation. Make decisions that honor where you are right now.


    Check out Abundant Mama Online and sign up for Shawn’s newest class!


  • We love to sing the praises of self-care on the Solo Parent Life Podcast, but for many parents, actually finding the time and space to practice can be a challenge. If they do manage to find the time, we sometimes feel guilty or unsure that self-care is even worth the time! Are you one of those parents? Then this episode is for you! Have you been practicing self-care, but seem to be missing out on all the benefits? Then listen in too. Today, we sing just a little more to share our self-care successes!

    One of the joys of my podcast journey has been reaching out to local parents in my area. Today, I got a chance to chat with my new friend Deb Blum. Deb is a Parent Coach who loves working with Moms on self-care. Not only is she a dynamic coach, but she is also quite simply a lovely person. I enjoyed my conversation with Deb, because of her generosity and care for others. She is truly a supporter of all Mamas from all walks of life, and I think you will find yourself encouraged after today. There is no right or wrong way to take care of yourself. It is all about being able to listen to what you need at the moment. Give yourself a little grace, and hop on into this uplifting episode!

    Also in this episode:

    How Deb encourages her clients to make an identity shift and take care of themselves. What Social Media has done to the pressures of motherhood. How you can take steps to limit your suffering and embrace your full life. Deb explains how she learned to listen to her body and her emotions. Tools that parents can use to help us through life’s hardest struggles. The freedom of letting go of your to-dos, and embracing the small moments of joy!

    Connect with Deb online

  • It’s been a year since I started Solo Parent Life, and I can hardly believe it! Thank you to all of you who have listened and offered feedback and support for me during this exciting journey. Today’s episode is simply a chance for me to pause and reflect on the insights that I have gained doing a year of podcasting. I’ll cover my favorite episodes, favorite guests, and challenging topics that I have used to grow as a parent. You are not alone out there, friend! Thanks for coming along on this journey with me.

    More from this episode:

    I’ve been learning to trust myself. How to turn the volume down on your self-criticism. What this community has served to do in my life. Being present with our kids when they most need it is our greatest work in progress. I share some of my favorite episodes!


    Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or go to soloparentlife.com/coaching to get started with your free 15-minute consultation.

  • Now that school is in full swing and the kids are (hopefully!) back in a routine, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to bring out this pre-recorded interview with Michelle Gale. Michelle is a kind and compassionate mother, who is encouraging parents with her own podcast, “Mindful Parenting in a Messy World.” Today, we sit down and chat a little about how to compassionately and mindfully connect to our children in the messy moments of life.

    Michelle is going to share with us today her practical, easy to use strategies to increase our awareness in the middle of our messy lives. Along the way, you’ll pick up a few memorable moments from our own adventures in parenting. All of Michelle’s wisdom comes with a healthy dose of compassion, so if you need a pick-me-up, this episode is for you. Take a breath. Let it out. And let’s begin with Mindfulness!

    More to learn in this episode:

    Michelle shares how she teaches Mindfulness to everyone. Why pausing and being Mindful brings power to your parenting. Let’s dispel some of the common myths of Mindfulness. Learning to be present in any moment. Even the dull ones. Michelle spills the beans on her new book. How to cultivate self compassion. How the S.T.O.P acronym can help you in the heated moments. Practice Mindful Listening after school this week.

    Don’t forget to grab your copy of Michelle’s Book!

    Mindful Parenting in a Messy World :


  • I think now is the perfect moment to pause. Pause for a moment, and be thankful for your kids, your support team, and community. From that heart of gratitude, I want to offer comfort and assistance to those who have been in the midst of tragedy. My heart goes out to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting and their families. Locally, we are also experiencing some terrible forest fires that have left many people homeless. As I am reaching out to offer my aid, I am also reaching inward towards my kids.

    With tragedy and insecurity in the back of my mind, I am especially grateful today for my conversation with my guest, Scott Noelle. Scott is a passionate parent coach who has built up an incredible model called “Path Parenting.” This parenting style focuses on a cooperative partnership with your child, and without the sense of authoritarian control. I think Scott has a vital perspective on parenting that is so essential while our world feels a little unsteady. When we learn the language of Path Parenting, we can remain more secure in our partnership with our children in what is definitely a tumultuous time. He emphasizes compassion, leadership, and trust above all else, and I think that is just the kind of message we need to hear today. You are going to learn so much from Scott today, so let’s begin!

    More in this episode:

    Learn ways to filter through the noise and trust your parenting intuition. Scott’s own experiences with his parents informed and inspired his love of helping parents. We describe the collaborative dynamic between parents and children. Path Parenting applied through the development stages. Combating our control-obsessed culture. Leadership begins when the parent models behaviors and attitudes. How Trust Orientation can transform your relationship with your kids.


    Sign up for Scott’s Daily Groove newsletter for a little inspiration right to your inbox!


    A Daily Groove Post Related to our talk:


    The Continuum Concept


  • Welcome back, everyone! What a gift it is to see our Solo Parent Community grow and grow as we take this crazy journey together. I love that you have all been so honest with me about the triumphs and the struggles that you experience. Lately, I have been hearing from many solo parents that they struggle with feeling like they are never “good enough.” Being a single parent is tough and isolating. Our feelings of inadequacy can affect not just our self-esteem, but how we react towards our kids. Today, I want to talk a little bit about how to battle the “Not Enough” monster while also staying strong for our kiddos.

    You’re tired. It’s the weight-of-the-world kind of tired. Sometimes, it feels like everything has been placed on your shoulders. How are you expected to carry that weight and pay the bills and raise healthy, bright kiddos? I’ve been there! I want to share with you how I learned to manage my unmet expectations, set boundaries, and talk through my own feelings of inadequacy. You are not alone in the journey! Reach out and let’s talk. The dishes can wait!

    More in this episode:

    Let’s pick apart the “I’m not Good Enough” Mentality. How to sort through your unmet expectations. Boundaries are a big deal! Tips from my family to yours for creating boundaries. I share the story of when my self-confidence took some hard knocks. Unlock the power of listening. Know when to slow down on your own and slow down with your kids.


    Join one of our Parent Coaching Groups

    [email protected]

  • School is back, and things are finally starting to settling in, aren’t they? As school routines, and all the busyness that comes with them, become the norm and not the exception, it is helpful to have a discussion about how we can help our family roll smoothly. Life gets busy during the school year, so how can you manage the chaos in a healthy way? I am excited to share the things that have been lifesavers for my family, with the hope to spread the love to yours!

    It’s tempting to want to “wing it,” sometimes, but never underestimate the power of a good plan. I’ll share with you an outline or two for a morning routine that starts your day right. When the kids come home and want to crash, I’ll show you how having a meal plan in place can feed everyone’s bellies without breaking your bank. Finally, I am excited to share the ways that I’ve been making time to connect with my kids. Time is a precious thing, so let’s talk about ways to save your time and your sanity!

    More tools for your school year:

    How you can maximize your morning routine while including your kids. Simple food prep tips for making school lunches a snap. Using your afternoon routine to manage chaos. Being aware of your child’s homework needs. The hidden power of a Meal Delivery Service. Ways you can make special time with your kids and connect with them. Questions to ask your kids to slow down in the moment.


    How do you rock your morning routine? Reach out to let me know!

    [email protected]

    Interested in Parent Coaching?


  • Welcome, everyone! It is such a good thing to have a community of support around you, and that is just what Solo Parent Life has become. Community support for a solo parent can mean the difference between giving up and growing strong during what can be a truly difficult season of parenthood. What makes this community even better is that it is inclusive of all types of solo parents, including single dads! I’m thankful that I can bring a single dad’s perspective to you today.

    My guest is Robert Beeson, who hosts his own podcast for us solo folks, “Solo Parent Society.” Robert has a big heart and an even bigger idea of what having a community mindset is all about. After a divorce that left him the full-time caregiver of his three girls, Robert decided that he had an opportunity to get rooted in his identity, strengthen his faith, and come out of a season of hardship even stronger than before. Solo Parent Society was born out of a desire to create resources that single parents can use—free from judgment!

    Through Solo Parent Society, Robert is taking the idea of community support group right to the people who need it most. He is right on the brink of launching Solo Parent Society material nationally, and I am excited that he gets the chance to be on the show. He adds so much value to our ongoing discussion about parenthood with vulnerability, passion, and a lot of inspiring personal growth. I hope you are ready because his passion is infectious.

    Robert shares why he created his podcast. Becoming a single parent can really strip away our identities. Single Parenthood can be life-changing in a positive way. The power of support groups for recovery. Finding a grounding point is key to finding yourself in the seasons of parenthood. There were not a lot of resources for single parents to build community, so Robert knew he needed to step in. There is value in telling our stories. Words of hope for those who might be struggling. How meditation and religious chanting has given Robert clarity. Have real conversations with your kids. Be present with them. How the Solo Parent Society has grown from a Nashville phenomenon and is growing nationally.


    Check out the Beta Site for starting or finding a group near you.


    Don’t miss any of the Solo Parent Summit Interviews!


  • Recently, I asked my community for topics that you most wanted me to cover on the show. You have spoken, and I have listened! So many of you in our Solo Parent Community have asked me about how to navigate Co-Parenting. How can we Co-Parent well, while also keeping myself sane? I hear you loud and clear, so today I am excited to bring my experiences and best tips right into your ears. The way I see it, there are two major issues at stake.

    How can I deal with all the Big Feelings surrounding the separation? How can I deal with Big Feelings surrounding my Ex-Partner?

    The bottom line to remember is that we are doing this for our kids. How we respond to our Big Feelings will inadvertently give our children a way to manage their own. We want our kids to grow up feeling loved and supported by everyone, including our Ex and any new partners. I know how difficult and isolating it can be to Co-Parent on your own. With that in mind, I want to welcome you to a place of acceptance where your Big Feelings are acknowledged and supported. I appreciate you letting me into your ears today! Happy listening!

    Also in the show:

    Ways that you can change your perspective about your Ex-Partner. Communication tools that you can use. A discussion of the Big Feelings that we tend to have when Co-Parenting. It’s all for the kids! How can you refocus to put them first. Tips for In-The-Moment Anger Checks. Text and Email communication tools for writing back to your Ex Healthy ways to handle your hurts. What to do when they bring up your Ex’s new partner.” For extra support in Co-Parenting, reach out to our Solo Parent Community!

    Feel free to reach out with Questions and Comments about the Podcast!

    [email protected]

    Parent Coaching is still available.


  • Welcome back to another moment to join together with the Solo Parent Community. We’ve had some exciting times in my household with the addition of our new family dog, Marley! Having a new family member has been such a welcome change and a breath of fresh air. It’s a little bit like self-care for me since having Marley around is such a positive experience. We talk all the time on the show about the importance of taking care of yourself, so it is great to find a new way of putting that into practice.

    My guest this week is Karrie Myers Taylor, and she certainly knows a thing or two about self-care too! I am excited to share this interview with you not just because her healthy tips are superb for busy solo parents, but she was also interviewed for the Single Parent Summit happening this month! Karrie focuses on a holistic approach to health and wellness and really puts the focus on why you are eating the foods you eat. Healthy changes can begin today, and I know you will be inspired to start by what Karrie has to say. Go ahead and give it a listen! Karrie battled with perfectionism and its impact on her mental and physical health.

    After struggling with her weight, Karrie shares why she used food for a buffer. Quick healthy eating habits that you can use today! The emotional side of eating can be positive. How to detox from sugar and caffeine with easy swaps. Karrie speaks to how she can help with the anxiety associated with changing health habits. Getting the kids to buy into healthy eating. Ongoing support can lead to a breakthrough.

    There is still time to sign up for the Single Parent Summit
