
  • Manifestation is one of the most frequently misunderstood spiritual gifts. Many people completely give up on manifestation after well-meaning teachers or coaches unintentionally misrepresent it - but make no mistake, manifestation is a POWERFUL spiritual gift when you know how it actually works!

    This episode of Soul Guide Radio explores the deeper nuances of manifestation. I reveal the REAL secret to getting everything your Higher Self wants - and how this secret massively kickstarts your divine ability to manifest! You’ll learn how shifting your energetic frequency in this moment impacts what you will receive in the future, and how becoming too attached to your dreams can keep you from the experiences, relationships, and achievements you’re truly meant to have.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to get into an easeful daily practice that leads to your deepest heart’s desires consistently coming trueHow to become open to the different ways that love, joy, and abundance can arrive in your lifeAn invitation that will have you consciously creating a dream life and business with joy, ease, and flow!


    00:01 Intro

    03:39 What your Higher Self wants

    05:07 Love what you have

    08:50 Attachment to dreams

    10:23 “When you love what you have…”

    13:13 Daily practice

    16:28 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Blueprint

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

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    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • While you turn to your Higher Self for guidance to help you follow your dreams, you may not always get the answers you expect! Sometimes, your Higher Self will guide you into situations that are confusing, frustrating, overwhelming, or even painful. But they aren’t doing it to hurt you - in fact, these experiences are EXACTLY what you need in order to heal, grow, and unlock a higher level of your potential!

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, you’ll learn how to better understand and deepen your most important relationship - your relationship with your Higher Self. Tune in for a soulful exploration of 3 key ways that your Higher Self can trick you, the divine reasons why this happens, and how to receive the lessons and the healing that want to come through.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    Why your Higher Self calls you to dreams that it knows can’t be achieved (yet)Why your Higher Self guides you toward things that you do not wantAn invitation that will have you forging a HUGELY sophisticated relationship with your gift of intuition, in ways that lead to massive flow, growth, and alignment!


    00:01 Intro

    05:56 Stretching your container

    08:25 Clarifying your boundaries

    11:35 Learning to care less

    14:06 Ask your Higher Self

    15:14 Soul Blueprint

    17:00 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Blueprint

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • When we spend months - or even years - working toward a dream, it’s common for our excitement and energy to falter. In many cases, it can even turn into frustration or apathy and push our dream further out of reach. In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, you’ll discover a reframe for your dreams that will keep you in energetic alignment, as I reveal the #1 question we should ask when pursuing a big dream! (It’s actually a question we should be asking ourselves daily - but often forget to ask at all!)

    Tune in to uncover how this super-important question can keep you moving swiftly on the path to fulfilling your biggest dreams! This episode offers a tiny taste of my Soul Blueprint Certification program, so you won’t want to miss it.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    Two ways the answer to your question may arrive to you (and how to recognize it when it comes)How to use the answer to gain sharper clarity and unstoppable momentum behind your dreamsAn invitation that will have you energetically aligning to your highest dreams and intentions, so they can start coming true!


    00:01 Intro

    04:43 The #1 question

    05:39 Receiving the answer

    07:43 Clean energy or not?

    09:09 Daily practice & sharper clarity

    10:42 Finding your alignment

    11:32 Human Design & proving energy

    13:30 Using your answer

    17:33 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Blueprint

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I welcome back one of my most amazing and thought-provoking guests, Julie Foucht! Julie is an incredible business coach who has spent over 20 years working with women looking to honour their divine feminine spirit while making more money. She’s an expert in understanding the impact of masculine paradigms on women entrepreneurs - and she believes it’s vital for women to be rich!

    Our candid conversation explores the energetic frequency of money (and its relationship to love), how we can build energetic fields that welcome more wealth and abundance into our lives, and what happens when we cut off the energetic flow of money. You won’t want to miss Julie’s inspiring insights!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    Powerful money practices that you can incorporate into your everyday lifeHow to understand and align to your own energetic cycles and flow - and uncover your financial set-pointAn invitation that will have you connecting to the energy of money in ways that open you up to all the wealth ready to arrive to you!

    Guest bio: For over 20 years, Julie Foucht has worked with women coaches, healers and soul-fueled entrepreneurs to open their money channels and create soul-fueled, financially abundant businesses. She received her coach certification in 2006 and has built a 6-figure coaching practice that allows her multiple vacations a year, her dream home on the Central Coast of California, and lots of time to play with her grandchildren.


    00:01 Intro

    04:09 Meet Julie Foucht

    05:00 How is money energy?

    06:18 Building energy fields & opening channels

    12:07 Understanding our cycles & flow

    15:11 Financial set-points

    18:16 Human Design & boom/rest

    20:11 Dream space

    22:08 Everyday money practices

    25:37 Why women need to be rich

    29:58 Source & healing

    34:23 Invitation & conclusion


    Julie Foucht



    Instagram: @artoffemininebusiness

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • Do you find yourself craving more (or less) structure in your day? Do you prefer to work in your cozy, colour-coordinated home office? Or do you LOVE experimenting with new environments during the workday? Knowing how you work best can help you tap into more easeful productivity. Your Human Design arrows provide deep insight into the way that you engage with the world around you, and can help you build a blueprint for your most joyous and creative business day!

    Looking at your Human Design arrows (also known as “Variables” or “the Four Transformations”) and the directions they face will help you better understand how you digest information, which environments you thrive in, and your most aligned approach to creating routines and setting goals.

    This week’s episode of Soul Guide Radio explores how following your Human Design arrows will fill each and every business day with more joy, creativity, and ease. Tune in to learn how to optimize your day in a way that recognizes and honours your unique energetic needs!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The two Human Design arrows that can help you set up YOUR perfect business dayHow to understand your specific arrows individually and togetherAn invitation that will have you making simple tweaks to your environment and daily routine that will result in a huge upgrade to your quality of life!


    00:01 Intro

    03:51 Human Design arrows

    08:13 Old paradigm v. new paradigm

    09:28 Arrows for setting up your workday

    11:44 Digestion arrow

    14:19 Environment arrow

    16:18 Digestion + Environment

    19:51 How I do it

    24:40 Taking it to the next level

    26:12 Invitation & conclusion


    Run Your Free Human Design Chart HERE using Jovian Archives

    Get Your Free Human Design Chart HERE using Genetic Matrix

    Soul Guide Radio #118: Finding the Harmony in Your Push-Pull Energy


    Soul Guide Radio #73: Soul-Guided Planning Part 1


    Soul Guide Radio #74: Soul-Guided Planning Part 2


    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • What’s the difference between manifestation and conscious creation? While these concepts are similar in meaning, they’re actually quite different in practice - and understanding their differences is absolutely essential to fully embracing your power as a conscious creator!

    If you’ve been tuned into the coaching world lately, you may have encountered some negative conversations around manifestation. I believe that many of these opinions are based on a misunderstanding of what manifestation REALLY is, and what the practice can truly offer us. This thoughtful episode of Soul Guide Radio deeply explores the concepts of both manifestation and conscious creation, while debunking a few of the false beliefs that have become popular.

    Listen now to learn how to integrate both into your experience with more ease and confidence!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    Why your energetic frequency fluctuates, and how to raise your baseline so that you can align to your biggest dreamsWhy NOW is a potent time to claim your role as a conscious creator - and how to powerfully step into that role and attract abundance! An invitation that will have you consciously creating a joyful and wildly successful year ahead!


    00:01 Intro

    03:56 We are always manifesting

    05:24 Map of Consciousness

    08:57 Manifesting in response

    10:20 Becoming a conscious creator

    12:59 “This or something better”

    13:57 Why become a conscious creator?

    16:49 Raising your DEF

    18:59 Core valued feeling states

    22:32 Sauna example

    25:04 Invitation & conclusion


    The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential by David R. Hawkins

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • Our spiritual gifts are incredibly powerful. They can help us build stronger connections, heal our deep wounds, consciously co-create our reality, lead others into more meaningful ways of living and being, and tap into our highest potential.

    So… why do so many of us have the urge to just shut them down??

    For many of us, embracing and expressing our spiritual gifts doesn’t feel SAFE. We’re afraid of being judged, ostracized, ridiculed, or rejected for engaging in a spiritual practice and nurturing our connection with the divine. This fear is a wound that many people in the spiritual community call the ‘witch wound.’ In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to truly heal your witch wound, so you can live an authentically spiritual life in your highest alignment!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How and why the witch wound cuts you off from your spiritual gifts How past and current trauma and conditioning shapes your experience of the witch wound - and my 5-step process for healing it!An invitation that will have you connecting to and co-creating with the divine in the powerful ways you are designed to


    00:01 Intro

    04:07 Lightworkers, old souls & lifetime experiences

    08:15 Rejection v. acceptance

    11:17 Ancestral witch wounds

    15:04 How we are designed

    16:58 Asking your Higher Self

    18:48 5-step healing process

    20:24 Healing my wound

    24:39 Wound release & post-release re-patterning

    29:14 Invitation & conclusion

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • Are you tired of trying to build your business with pushy, outdated bro marketing tactics? Do you find that selling leaves you feeling stressed out? When you sell in a way that is energetically unaligned with your Soul Mission, it not only feels bad, it’s also unlikely to attract the people you’re meant to serve! What if you could connect with your dreamiest soul clients with more ease - in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling like a sleazy used car salesman?

    This episode of Soul Guide Radio is the first in a super-powerful, five-episode deep dive exploring Energetic Soul Client Attraction, an energetic alignment process that will allow you to send out just the right energetic signals in your business in order to attract your soul clients! Make no mistake, THIS is the future of business for soul-guided entrepreneurs. Bonus: this process will also help you attract the right people in your personal life!

    In this juicy episode, I unpack the first (and most vital) energetic alignment of the Energetic Soul Client Attraction process - aligning your business to your Soul Mission. Let’s begin!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    A guided step-by-step process for identifying your Soul Mission How to deeply connect to the soul of your business and align it with your Soul MissionAn invitation that will have you taking inspired action that is aligned with your Soul Mission and sparks MASSIVE business growth!


    00:01 Intro

    08:32 Evolution & alignment

    10:58 Identify your Soul Mission

    15:14 Tap into the soul of your business

    19:54 Journey to alignment

    21:19 Align your Soul Mission to your business

    26:32 Highest joy & SOUL-ed Out Circle

    31:03 Invitation & conclusion


    Quantum Human Design Evolution Guide 2024: Using Solar Transits to Design Your Year by Karen Curry Parker


    Join SOUL-ed Out Circle!


    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • Our souls are inherently wired for growth - but that doesn’t mean it always comes easily. Growth often requires us to leave our comfort zone, face tough challenges, or confront memories, beliefs, or parts of ourselves that don’t make us feel very good.

    The natural discomfort associated with growth causes many of us to shy away from powerful growth opportunities or pull back when things start to feel unfamiliar or unpleasant. When we’re unable to sit with and move through discomfort, this prevents us from reaching higher levels of our potential and can leave us feeling stuck and stagnant.

    This episode of Soul Guide Radio deeply explores how avoiding discomfort thwarts your growth, and reveals how to find (and lean into) the comfort within the discomfort so you can learn, grow, and thrive in your life and business!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to tell the difference between discomfort and pain (and the roles they play in growth)How to find your creative edge in your business - and uncover your most aligned paths to growthAn invitation that will have you tapping into the ease and flow of your growth cycles, so you can spark more growth and begin stepping into the full expression of your potential!


    00:01 Intro

    03:28 Meanings of discomfort & uncomfortable

    04:52 Pain & healing

    05:46 Discomfort & growth

    07:47 Pain v. discomfort

    08:51 Pushing edges in your business

    11:34 Addressing the fear of discomfort

    12:38 Finding the comfort

    15:53 Creating your lists

    18:37 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Blueprint

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • While running our businesses, our biggest focus tends to be on making sales. We stress about attracting leads, booking clients, and earning more money. But what if the #1 measure of your success wasn’t your revenue, but your happiness? In this heart-led episode of Soul Guide Radio, I share an instant reframe that will likely lead to immediate results - and set you up for massive, long-term, joyful success!

    Tune in to learn the measures that you should be using in your business to create more balance, how to ensure that the energy you spend in your business gains you more than just sales, and one powerful example of how I build trust, provide value, and create positive impact BEFORE the discovery call - while simply doing something that I love!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    Why creating measures of success is so important - and why being overly focused on one specific measure can actually put you in ‘lack’ energy How to identify your most fulfilling sources of joy (and your biggest energy drains)An invitation that will have you setting up your life and business to be a consistent source of joy, in ways that kickstart your sales and income!


    00:01 Intro & listener review

    05:31 Energetic & nuts-and-bolts measures

    08:02 What brings you results & joy?

    10:03 Podcast example

    13:06 Identify sources of joys & energy drains

    15:25 Money as a measure of success

    17:04 Start-up investment

    18:28 Prioritizing joy

    20:41 Morning joy ritual

    23:30 Joy inventory

    25:54 Invitation & conclusion

    Stay connected:

    Facebook: facebook.com/groups/soulguidecircle

    Instagram: @allysonscammell

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    Seeking a high-vibe speaker or guest instructor for your event? Reach out here: allysonscammell.com/speaking

    If Soul Guide Radio resonates with you, consider leaving a review to help us reach more soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs.

    Podcast support:

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

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    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • As we ascend to higher consciousness and experience higher vibrational resonances, the beliefs we learned as children may no longer serve us - and in order to thrive in this new world, we need to shift and reimagine the way we think about many things… including our dreams!

    This thoughtful episode of Soul Guide Radio explores the false understanding that we have been taught when it comes to our dreams - and what it actually means to be in the dreaming process. You’ll learn what’s missing from the way you currently think about dreaming, how the feeling of desire can lower your energetic state, and why being too attached to your dreams can steal your joy and peace.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The truth about what our dreams really are - and how to dream the RIGHT wayHow to intentionally align your life and your business with your dreamsAn invitation that will have you stepping into the true power of your dreams, so you can hop on an accelerated path to consciously bringing your biggest dreams to reality!


    00:01 Intro

    03:27 Dreaming, desire & energy

    06:10 Relationship conflict story

    07:22 Over-attachment thwarts manifestation

    08:59 What dreams really are

    10:57 100k business example

    13:02 Soul Blueprint dream

    16:00 Aligning your life & business with your dreams

    18:05 What do you need to heal?

    21:02 Healing & alignment process

    28:27 Leave a review

    29:27 Invitation & conclusion


    Map of Consciousness


    Soul Blueprint

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • Has a fear of being judged ever held you back from standing up for yourself or being honest about your desires? This soulful episode of Soul Guide Radio explores the deep, powerful, and potentially painful block that can keep us silent and still: the bitch wound.

    The bitch wound is sort of a sister to the witch wound explored in episode #142, but it can feel more sensitive for many women. This deeply ingrained wound stems from the social conditioning that teaches us that strong and ambitious women who stick up for themselves are too loud, too confident, and too assertive - in other words, they’re “bitches.” By deconditioning ourselves and healing this wound, we can start embracing our voices, our power, and our success, without shame or self-consciousness!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to recognize and heal the bitch wound inside yourselfThe differences between patriarchal and divine feminine leadership An invitation that will have you rewriting the conditioning and healing the wound that dulls your light, so you can step into the powerful, divinely feminine being you truly are!


    00:01 Intro

    04:51 Patriarchy v. divine feminine leadership

    07:02 Gendered meanings of “bitch”

    07:51 Control & submission

    09:26 “Too much”

    10:41 Protecting ourselves

    11:50 Witch wound

    13:58 Deconditioning

    17:29 Healing the wound

    20:05 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #142: Healing the Witch Wound

    Soul Guide Radio #136: How to Self Heal

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • What if the same blueprint that helps you unlock productivity and alignment in your business could help you decode your child’s behaviours - and guide them to greater success?

    My guest for this thoughtful episode of Soul Guide Radio is Nina Cuellar-Barry, a Human Design Parenting Coach who helps heart-led moms create peaceful homes and end conflict with their children of all ages. We explore how Human Design can help you develop a nuanced understanding of exactly what your child needs from you in order to thrive!

    Tune in as Nina reveals your best first steps for integrating Human Design into your parenting journey, why we need to let go of our expectations for who our children “should” be, and why every child breaks the mould.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    Powerful tools that will help you deeply understand your child’s unique energetic needs, motivations, and purpose How to integrate these tools into your daily life and routines (no matter your child’s age) An invitation that will have you using Human Design to better support your kids through life’s highs and lows, enabling you to bond in magical and meaningful ways!

    Guest bio: Nina Cuellar-Barry is a Human Design Parenting Coach, a former special education teacher, a Quantum Human Design Specialist, and a certified QHD Family Coach. Her passion is helping moms use effective tools to guide their children within the framework of Human Design, which offers so much wisdom and insight.


    00:01 Intro

    03:36 Meet Nina Cuellar-Barry

    05:17 Every kid breaks the mould

    09:34 How to get started

    11:25 Asking for help & letting go of guilt

    16:48 Releasing expectations & accepting the self

    20:42 Our Human Design charts & gifts

    23:12 Soul Blueprint

    24:55 Human Design types

    31:04 Working with Nina

    33:00 Invitation & conclusion


    Nina Cuellar-Barry


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/33ninacb

    Instagram: @33ninacb

    Peaceful Moms, Happy Kids with Human Design


    Free Human Design charts


    Quantum Human Design

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • Tapping into our deep vulnerabilities on the page may feel uncomfortable or scary - even when we’re writing for our eyes only. But openly sharing our authentic stories can be incredibly healing and allow us to create massive impact not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others!

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I sit down with the amazing author, story coach, and book writing mentor Amy Hallberg to explore how we can use the writing process to clarify and share our vulnerable stories in a way that enables us to heal… and to deliver our important messages to the people who are meant to receive them.

    This is a beautiful conversation jam-packed with thoughtful insights. If you’ve been feeling a nudge to begin working on a book or keynote - or simply want to build a more nourishing journaling practice - you won’t want to miss it!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The connection between writing a book and the journey toward healing (and why this process can be SO powerful!) How to get started if a book is calling your name - even if it’s only a tiny whisper right now An invitation that will have you healing through writing in ways that will greatly heighten your creativity!

    Guest bio: Amy Hallberg is the author of Tiny Altars: A Midlife Revival and German Awakening: Tales from an American Life. She is a podcaster, story coach, book writing mentor, and the founder of Courageous Wordsmith Community for Real-Life Writers. Amy guides writers through their narrative journeys - from inklings to beautiful works.


    00:01 Intro

    02:41 Meet Amy Hallberg

    06:44 Should you write a book?

    09:00 Amy’s writing journey

    12:26 Meanings & interpretations

    16:23 Writing, sharing & divine timing

    20:34 Martha Beck

    23:33 Open doors & healing with the flow

    27:17 More Martha Beck & knowing your why

    29:23 Sharing vulnerable stories

    37:31 Invitation & conclusion


    Amy Hallberg



    Instagram: @amy_hallberg

    Martha Beck


    Byron Katie


    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

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    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

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  • When dealing with vampires in movies or books, you have options: garlic, crosses, and the trusty wooden stake. But how do you deal with real-life energy vampires?

    An energy vampire is someone who consistently exposes you to low frequency emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, pessimism, and anger. They may be an obnoxious acquaintance or a demanding client, but they may also be someone you love - a friend, parent, spouse, or even child.

    While most energy vampires don’t deliberately try to drain you, being around their energy frequently or for long periods can pull yours down. In this short and sweet episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to protect your energy from low vibe people and organizations, and stop bringing negative energy home with you!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to perform relationship inventories, energetic shielding, and cord cutting How to surround yourself with more of the high vibe people that uplift you An invitation that will have you protecting your energy in powerful ways, so you can stay joyful and high vibrational!


    00:01 Intro

    03:36 Phase Entanglement

    05:43 What is an energy vampire?

    07:23 Doing a relationship inventory

    09:18 Energy shielding

    10:50 Cord cutting

    11:33 Finding high vibe energy

    13:48 Invitation & conclusion


    Energy & Spirit Oracle

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

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  • In the family film Yes Day, children challenge their parents to say “yes” to their requests for an entire day, leading to some wild adventures. After a lot of effort, my seven-year-old got me to agree to give her a mini Yes Day of her own. An essential part of that afternoon? The firm boundaries that I set beforehand.

    That day, I set boundaries to prevent my daughter from ordering five ice cream cones. In my business, I set boundaries to protect and nurture my energy.

    We often find it difficult to say NO to the requests or opportunities that don’t serve us… but we can find it just as hard to say YES to those that do. In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to establish, maintain, and modify healthy business boundaries that keep your energy in harmony and allow you to enjoy all the good stuff you may have been missing out on!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to know exactly when you should say YES - and when to say NO!How to follow through on all of your heart-led yesses and nosAn invitation that will have you experiencing energetic harmony in life and business that puts you in a delicious, effortless flow state!


    00:01 Intro & listener review

    06:12 Energetic alignment

    08:21 Check in with your energy

    14:06 Setting & modifying boundaries

    18:38 Following intuition & authority

    20:00 Follow-through & Yes Mall story

    26:24 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #121: Make Your Every Business Day Full of Joy & Creativity by Following Your Human Design Arrows

    Soul Guide Radio #123: Manifest Your Dreams & learn New Insights at Lightning Speed by Following Your Human Design Arrows

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

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  • You do it. I do it. My clients do it… we all take in far too much information each and every day. This isn’t something that we do consciously. The modern information era has rewired our brains - and it’s super easy to feel overwhelmed by our constant exposure and access to a steady stream of media, influencers, and other noise.

    When things feel too complicated, finding the answers we need can feel harder than it has to be. How do we cut through all the clutter and static so that we can figure out our best next steps?

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explore the power of the pause to ask the right question - and reveal how it can help you take those sticky, difficult life challenges and uncover their most easeful solutions!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How chaos can cut you off from your Divine Guidance Team - and how to know when you need to pauseHow to ask the right question in the right way (and receive the answer you need with clarity!) An invitation that will have you receiving the perfect solutions to your life’s biggest conundrums, so you can shift out of the confusion and start living a life that’s more simple, joyful, and aligned!


    00:01 Intro

    05:14 Chaos in your system

    09:21 The power of the pause

    11:56 Asking the question

    14:00 Past lifetime wounds & clarity

    16:13 How to receive answers

    21:44 Second-guessing & examples

    26:13 Why we fight against solutions

    27:15 Human Design Authority

    30:37 Invitation & conclusion

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

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  • Our spiritual gifts are incredibly powerful. They can help us build stronger connections, heal our deep wounds, consciously co-create our reality, lead others into more meaningful ways of living and being, and tap into our highest potential.

    So… why do so many of us have the urge to just shut them down??

    For many of us, embracing and expressing our spiritual gifts doesn’t feel SAFE. We’re afraid of being judged, ostracized, ridiculed, or rejected for engaging in a spiritual practice and nurturing our connection with the divine. This fear is a wound that many people in the spiritual community call the ‘witch wound.’ In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to truly heal your witch wound, so you can live an authentically spiritual life in your highest alignment!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How and why the witch wound cuts you off from your spiritual gifts How past and current trauma and conditioning shapes your experience of the witch wound - and my 5-step process for healing it!An invitation that will have you connecting to and co-creating with the divine in the powerful ways you are designed to


    00:01 Intro

    04:07 Lightworkers, old souls & lifetime experiences

    08:15 Rejection v. acceptance

    11:17 Ancestral witch wounds

    15:04 How we are designed

    16:58 Asking your Higher Self

    18:48 5-step healing process

    20:24 Healing my wound

    24:39 Wound release & post-release re-patterning

    29:14 Invitation & conclusion

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

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  • Adventures are fun and challenges suck… right? Let’s think again! When you consciously approach life’s challenges as great adventures, it can activate something deep inside yourself and empower you to handle these tough times with more ease - while releasing wounds, learning valuable lessons, and shifting into something higher!

    The truth is that we NEED challenges in order to reach our dreams. They’re a vital and necessary part of the journey to realize and fulfil our big soul missions. In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I empower you to transform the way that you approach the challenges that you encounter along your path, so that you can move through them (and learn from them) without being derailed!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How challenges trigger your wounds and give you the opportunity to healHow to identify and embrace the gifts inside your challenges (yes, even the really big challenges!) An invitation that will have you turning the lessons you learn from your challenges into a roadmap for soul-aligned success!


    00:01 Intro & listener review

    04:30 Human Design

    05:49 Finding acceptance & gifts

    06:53 Clarifying your dreams

    09:19 Healing, learning & the power of the question

    13:05 Accelerated growth example

    19:04 Clarifying my goal

    22:19 Source has got you!

    25:17 Releasing pain & creating adventure

    28:15 Launch example

    33:08 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #136: How to Self Heal

    Soul Guide Radio #140: Reach Your Dreams by Showing Up

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

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  • When you’re working toward a big dream, you may sometimes feel stuck or stalled out, especially if this dream has been in your thoughts for a long time. So, what does it really take to make a wish come true? Contrary to the teachings of books like The Secret, it takes a lot more than just thinking about it! If you want to reach your dreams with more ease, you need to start showing up for them.

    When you intentionally get into the right energy, you can actually accelerate and amplify your ability to consciously create the reality you’ve been dreaming about… and bring all of those juicy and satisfying wishes to fruition!

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explore what it means to show up powerfully for your dreams of tomorrow - and what can happen when you get clear on what you really want and stay committed!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The role that your energetic resonance plays in conscious creation - and how to tune it for your most powerful results!How to overcome the most common blocks that pop up along the wayAn invitation that will have you showing up for your dreams in a way that has you fulfilling even the most hard-to-reach goals!


    00:01 Intro

    04:18 Thoughts, emotions & energetic resonance

    06:26 Check in with yourself & your dream

    08:09 Get clear & my dream example

    14:34 How do I show up?

    18:45 Show up for your end state

    20:37 Overcaring

    22:48 Getting derailed by results

    24:06 Divine timing

    25:40 Recap

    27:15 Invitation & conclusion

    Did you know that All the ANSWERS about your soul experience are INSIDE OF YOU. If you’re ready to claim the key to unlocking them, then join me in SOUL BLUEPRINT - a certification program that reveals how to ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts to CLARIFY your soul's unique blueprint, and ALIGN your energy to your soul-guided intentions so that your DREAMS come true.
    ENROLL NOW at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint 

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

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