Hi Loves-
Welcome to Soul Naked The Podcast Episode 1 of Season 3! Today I have Crystal Ryan, of Crystal Marie Photography on the show to share the unique medicine we have created in our Embodied Woman Retreats.
I recently held another womens spiritual retreat in beautiful Anna Maria Island Florida and I asked Crystal to create something unique with me! A space where women can come uncone, turn back on and see themselves clearly. Where their reality expands through somatics, community, connection and ceremonial photography! We talk about the potent portal that was retreat, what you can expect w
hen you choose to come on retreat, what we created by bringing both of our art forms together (the healing arts and visual artistry) and the love that we all opened to together.
And don't just take it from us- we share some of the womens personal reviews of their experience.
Tune into Fridays Podcast Episode where will announce the location & details for our next Embodied Womban Retreat; She who must dance with the dark 2024
Continued Support that I reference in this espiode:
Sign up for the retreat waitlist here: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/events
Schedule a call with Erin for coaching: https://SoulNakedCEO.as.me/Apply/
Connect with Crystal for photography: www.crystalphotographsitall.com
Connect with Me: www.Instagram.com/soulnakedsomatics
Connect with Crystal: www.Instagram.com/crystalphotographsitall
Hi Queens,
This episode is a compilation of all the things that will help you in your integration process post retreat (or any type of event, mastermind, coaching, transformational experience where you are called to integrate your experience and "new" embodiment).
I talk about support, intention, nervous system regulation, holding the frame, spaciousness, action and more.
This episode is coming off the back end of a loving, powerful, deeply potent retreat experience I held with a kick ass group of queens this past week! It is something that we discussed at legnth prior to them leaving retreat and going home and it's something that doesn't get shared enough. So here we are- a living, breathing peice of work about the exciting, edgy experience that is Integration!
Integration; to form, coordinate or blend into a functioning or unified whole (thank you to Google for this definition).
Want to retreat with us in the future-- Retreat Waitlist Right here: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/events
Want to work with me on stepping into your full power and most authentic self expression through embodiment coaching & energy work: Let's Go--- Schedule a Call here. https://SoulNakedCEO.as.me/Apply
Just getting started---Join my Breathwork & Embodiment membership called "The Embodiment Portal" and start your own daily ritual by dropping into your body, finding your center and releasing stress and pressure. HERE https://www.soulnakedceo.com/offers/zDjyywvY
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Hi Loves,
You're here for episode 4 of The Experiment. This has been such a creation of love and truth and I've truly enjoyed recording every second of this series (and living it:))
This wraps up my month long experiment and in this episode I am sharing the importance of having a reference point for the way you want to live and experience life. Often times women feel like they dont have a reference point for a softer, more receptive life and it came to my attention, that these episodes were serving as just that for a lot of you!
We also discuss my recent source code healing session and how I shifted, on a really deep level, an embodiment that had been rooted in me for like 30 years! That is some wild, powerful and also shockingly gentle recoding happening! We don't have to continue to operate the way "it's always been" or chalk up pain, limitation and lack as "normal" or "realty"- we can shift and transform old narratives and programming (tune in to see how this method of embodiment coaching works).
Feel through this episode as you listen, I have an inuitive knowing that simply tuning in is going to shift something within you!
Here we are calling our energy Home! Together, we are falling back in LOVE with being ALIVE and being vessels of receptivity and creativity!
Join us at Soul Nourished Day Retreat: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/offers/odkK8bBk/checkout
For other ways to experience 1:1 coaching and healing work with me visit www.SoulNakedCEO.com/courses
Hi Loves- Welcome to Episode 3 of the experiement. If you haven't listened to the previoius 2 episodes, I would go do that- they are contextual precursors for what I share in this epsiode.
On this riff, I share we are reminded that these experiments and experiences aren't linear. They are a continual upward spiral of growth and evolution. And how "quickly" we shift as we LIVE in the SPACE and in the experience of life.
How to hold our heart when it wants to close, how to allow shadow work to be a process of continual awareness of the parts of us we ignore and push down WITHOUT needing to SEEK and HEAL all the time- but rather moving through your life with this level of presence and awareness.
Experiences with my partner that have emerged as I learn how to more deeply embody my desire to surrender. And how that is translating in my life. And I share about my own personal practice of re-evaluating my values, creating a portal where I re align to WHO I am NOW and who I am becoming, while I allow myself to shed old values and ways of being.
This episode will continue to support those of you who identify with always having been the "mature" one or "wise one". The one who may have been pushed to grow up "too quickly" as a child. Who didn't have needs and was praised for not having needs because it was a convenience for those around you. Those of you who learned to caregive and caretake and always put others needs above yoour own. Who got frequently recognized for performance and giving and achieving. This experiment is really my way of sharing my own journey and a permission slip with you- to reorient to a new flow of life. To reclaim the importance of your needs and really allow them to be met.
Together we are falling back in LOVE with being ALIVE and being vessels of receptivity and creativity.
For ways to experience coaching and healing work with me visit www.soulnakedceo.com/courses or to join the membership mentioned in this episode visit https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Membership
Hi Babes-
Welcome to episode 2 of the experiment. If you didn't yet listen to the previous episode, ypou may want to go do that first
In this episode I share with you what the experience has been like for me clearing my entire schedule in April. Asking for my family to step into a bigger role and rely on me less and support eachother in a new way. I share what edges I've met, a pattern that has revealed itself to me and what the spaciousness is opening up for me! The importance of LIVING our lives, having needs and desires and allowing them to be met! There are certain thigns I am doing solely for PLEASURE & PLAY and then there are things that are deepy nourishing and healing.
Really this time is to re-evaluate my values, allow myself a portal to land in where my needs really matter and get met. And for me to decide where exactly I DESIRE to weild my energy.
I feel like this episode will continue to support those of you who Identify with always have been the "mature one" or the "wise one" or the one that grew up quickly as a child in your family. Who didn't have needs and was praised for not having needs because it was a convenience for those around you- that you were "easy to parent" or 'please'. Maybe this is because you had parents who were distracted/busy or unwell and you had to take on a caregiver role or maybe its because you had a young sibling born really close to you and you had to be the "big kid" & you recognized or perceived that there wasnt space for your needs.
So really we learn to put others needs above our own, and this experiment for me is really my way of energetically reorienting to a new flow of life. And it's proving to be really beautiful. Together we are falling back in LOVE with being ALIVE and being vessels of receptivity AND creation.
This is juicy, tune in and share with the women in your lives!
For ways to experienceing coaching and healing work with me visit www.soulnakedceo.com/courses
If you're feeling like the constant flow of energy is going outward, aka you are always giving, doing, serving, taking care of and proving you are loveable and worthy by doing.....this episode is for you.
I'm on a month long experiment to reorient to receiving in a new way. The alchemy of Abundance is in full swing. I am sharing with you- the navigating of a month where I have cleared my entire schedule. Said no to many things- rescheduled otheres and let my family no that they will need to rely more on eacother than me. I have asked for support and I am receiving it. I am alchemizing the abundance in and around me and I AM FULLY taking it in.
I'm sharing with you the why, the how you can also reorient to receivership and let the flow of energy (the good stuff) fill you up too, AND I am sharing my own experience of meeting my edges. Together, we are falling back in love with being ALIVE, being vessels of receptivity and ease AND creation.
This is juicy, tune in and share with the other women in your life.
For opportunities to experience coaching and healing work with me visition www.soulnakedceo.com/courses
Join us for a candid riff on sacred sexuaity, self sabotage and relishing in the raw, primal human experience. We have come here for "so much more than we've been told" and it's not wrong to choose a different way of being or to push the edges. Explore with us what it means to be embodied in our sexaulity and what it feels like to be held in sacred union. AND how to wield our life force energy into a rich life (mystery and all).
To connect with Erin follow us on IG @ www.Instagram.com/SoulNakedSomatics & send us a message letting us know what you took from this juicy little riff.
To connect with Sam follow her on IG @ www.Instagram.com/TheProfanePriestess . Sam has a brand new offering out called Bad Girls Club- a 6 week container for those women wanting to dive into storytelling, sexuality and sisterhood. visit https://www.wildsoulcraft.com/badgirlsclub to sign up (I will be a space holder and guest facilitator in this container--- hope to see you there babes).
Okay so this message came through me the other day. I often get “downloads” if you will—— messages, concepts, transmissions that come through and I realized the other day—- I sometimes keep them to myself— but truly this is not what they are for—- like I know that I receive messages because I am the conduit to share them with you- whether they seem out there, crazy, not that important or wildly important and a little fear around sharing them and it is in fact selfish of me to hold them and it is sometimes exhausting.
Sooo I received a message about rage and self pleasure the other day. And it was pretty damn direct- "if you are not self pleasuring or allowing yourself to express, in a healthy, safe way; your anger and your rage—- and simultaneously you are wondering why you are not manifesting the things you desire—- you have your answer. Wondering why you are manifesting funky relationships, misaligned opportunities, frustration, lack, or you feel stuck….these are all intrinsically connected.
I elaborate on this episode about
The connection between pleasure and our voice The interconnectedness between our yoni and our throat chakra How and why women are supressing their rage (and how to work with this) Why expressing our rage will liberate us How women are deeply DESIRING to be heard, seen and fully expressed How what we manifest is more of what is living within our womb space What embodiment practices can help liberate you into more softness, openness, receptivity, expression and thus the manifestation of your desires, the stewarding of your legacy and everything in between.I Love you. Life Loves you. Let's rise!
To join Goddess Yoga Virtual Class grab your ticket here....GODDESS YOGA WORKSHOP
To connect for Embodiment Coaching Schedule a call with Erin HERE
To join the breathwrok and embodiment membership click here
It is really easy to focus on wanting, or desiring. And in fact it is beautiful to have a mission & vision for your life.
In terms of energy, though, there is a profound difference between wanting (and feeling like it is something you are missing) and having (knowing that it is already within you). One allows you to be in a space of continual lack. While the other is the embodiment of abundance.
In this episode I talk about how your body knows how to receive What might be "blocking" or in the way of your receptivity how to shift from wanting to having. a practice to invite you into the embodiment of abundance. (in fact what abundance really is)If this epispde gives you an ahah moment or resonates with you, I would love if you would share your thoughts with me on Instagram
Get on my email list and receive a powerful self healing breath work practice here
To schedule a consult call to take your embodiment to the next level with coaching hop over here
To retreat with us in Tulum, apply here.
I love you, life loves you, lets rise!
How to do the belief work without continually working to shift your thoughts. Our beliefs klive in the body and when we start working with the wisdom of the body, we revolutionize our relationship with ourselves and change, one, deeply held narratives.
In this episode you will learn how to connect to the sensations around limiting beliefs and welcome them forth. How to embody them and give them expression and space to be moved through you.
You'll also learn why thought work is not the answer to actually transforming your life form the inside out (it is powerful, but it will only take you so far
You'll learn how to begin to anchor in new beliefs that are rooted in your truth- through embodiment.
How to allow these beliefs to take root in your subconscious mind.
This is such a powerful belief change process because we are actually working with the stored emotions, energy and lived experience in the body, as opposed to simply working with conscious thoughts and trying to force new beliefs through the mind.
If this resonates with you and something shifts, I would love it if you would share your aha moments over on Instagram with me
Sign up for my email list and receive a free self healing breathwork practice here
This week’s episode I go into my explant journey with you all.
I have had breast implants for 12 years and as of last week, they are gone - no more toxic bags taking up space in my body temple.
This one felt really important to share, because as I was sharing little bits and pieces on my Instagram and blog, many of you guys were messaging me saying you wanted to get yours out too or you were experiencing some Breast Implant Illness symptoms.
I wanted to open up dialogue on reclaiming body sovereignty from the physical perspective, since most often we are talking about energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual.
For me, it was time.
I have been healing my heart a lot and removing my implants felt like the next obvious step. Except, not so obvious since I kept putting it off apparently.
Tune in to hear the story of how I finally decided to move forward with my explant and all the emotions and narratives I’m navigating as a result.
You know your body…whatever choices were best for you then were best for you.
Whatever choices feel best for you now are right for you. Listen to yourself.
You can trust your knowing! -
Hi darlings. Listen, these past two years we have spent burning shit down, deeply healing, cracking open and sheding what wasnt working for us! And now where do you land your heart? Your newly uncovered Soul Naked-ness?
Space. Spaciousness. How do you move forward into the birthing of Your New Earth? OUR new earth?
This episode is all about Birthing, after we have spent much time burning! I am so excited to deliver this one to you.
I Love you. Life Loves you. Let's Rise.
To join the Sensual Soveriegnty Mastermind : https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Soulnakedmastermind
Next Feminine Leadership Day Retreat Phoenix May 14th: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
Join us for our weekly donation based breathwork journeys (virtual): https://linktr.ee/soulnakedceo
Part 2 in our feminine expression series. (the other "Who Is the Light Feminine" is Ep 3 in season two my love). Tune in to hear how The healthy expression of our dark feminine energy can show up. And I share how the shadows of the dark feminine may show up in your life. In these episodes I invite you to take a deep breath, drop into your body and tune into where these expressions may be alive in you! So powerful!
Cheers to leading, loving and liberating yourself and leaving your legacy!
To do this work in sacred community- to embody your dynamic, dream dripping, sacred rebel self & lead from depth. I invite you to check out The Sensual Sovereignty Mastermind : https://www.soulnakedceo.com/SoulnakedmastermindPhoenix Feminine Embodiment Day Retreat May 14th- https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
Join us for our weekly donation based breathwork journeys: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodiment-portal-the-weekly-breath-club-tickets-287986444207
Welcome darling- This is a 2 part episode on the expression of the Light and Dark Feminine. Listen, the expression of our feminine energy is often not something we have been shown, taught or given permission to explore. Let this episode be a permission slip into the dynamic essence of who you are as woman.
I share with you what the healthy expression of the light feminine looks like. And what her shadows may appear as in your life (trust me hear some of these and really be able to identify it in your own life)
There is beauty in the journey- the opportunity of life is to continue to liberate ourselves through our experiences, our expression, our dreams and desires. Through giving and receiving openly.
Hopefully some of these help you to play with your feminine energy that is very much alive within you.The Sensual Soveriegnty Mastermind is open, find the info here: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Soulnakedmastermind
Phoenix Day retreat May 14th: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
Join us for our weekly donation based breathwork journey virtually: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodiment-portal-the-weekly-breath-club-tickets-287986444207
I Love you. Life Loves you. Let's rise.
If you want to reclaim your power- go the places youve been taught to fear and hide from: your naked body, your pleasure, your womb, your voice, your deepest desires, your sexuality and sensuality, the uninhibited movement of your sacred body. And do it in spaces that you might feel like you "don't belong in yet"- with women that want you to rise! With women that mirror back to you your wholness.
This is the work that will heal humanity. And this leads me into riffing on the sacred art of body painting- which is something we do on retreat together!
Tune in to reclaim your own relationship with your body temple and your power source.
The Sensual Soveriegnty Mastermind is now open : https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Soulnakedmastermind
To join us in our weeklly breathwork journeys (donation based): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodiment-portal-the-weekly-breath-club-tickets-287986444207
Next Retreat in Phoenix Arizona: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
I love you. Life Loves you. Let's Rise.
Listen, your job is to be okay with being wrong. Some of the stuff I shared on, believed or was teaching a few years ago- DO NOT align with how I operate, lead and live my life now. To me, this is good! If you're here I am willing to bet that you are always growing and coming closer to the truth of who you are- so guess what? Give yourself permission to show up exactly as you ARE, and change as you see fit!
I truly hope you contradict yourself!
Also, can we talk about leading in integrity and being someone who puts their healing and growth above all else- becuase, well, you are the walking embodiment your purpose.
Okay tune in, enjoy!
Here is where you can find The Sensual Soveriegnty Mastermind: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Soulnakedmastermind
Here is where you can join us in Phoenix for Day Retreat: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
Join us here for donation based breathwork journeying weekly: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodiment-portal-the-weekly-breath-club-tickets-287986444207
I love you. Life Loves you. Let's rise!
Hi divine loves, welcome to another juicy episode with an incredible guest, Lauren Eliz love of the HEAL program.
We dive into what it means to lead from the feminine. “If entrepreneurship has taught me anything, it is the path to embracing and embodying my femininity”. We talk about this “masculine allure” of entrepreneurship that often shows itself to us - “I get to achieve something. I get to succeed” etc. Lauren shares how she reached many illusive milestones and how it was truly unsustainable. And we speak into the path of healing your relationship with the shadows and wounds of leadership (that often arise when you are building something of purpose and passion).“I think that is something many female entrepreneurs go through- you wake up more to your souls mission, your purpose and you have to abandon the logic and reasoning, to really follow your heart”.
Tune in as we share the shadows of Feminine Leadership. See if any of these are being called to be healed within you and feel through the invitations we provide to do just that!
If you are wanting to create a holistic approach to success- where YOU and your BEing is at the center of it all- tune in!
I love you. Life Loves you. Grab your free breathwork practice below, tune in to see what is new at Soul Naked CEO. And connect with Laure of Love on IG and at her website.
Connect with Lauren:
To join us in our weekly Sunday breathwork club– a donation based soul naked offering—https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodiment-portal-the-weekly-breath-club-tickets-287986444207
Mastermind- 6 month container of embodied healing & leadership:
Next Retreat Experience- Reclamation: A Day Retreat– https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
TULUM Sacred Rebel Retreat Oct 12-18th 2022: https://www.soulnakedceo.com/sacredrebel
“Your thoughts don’t become beliefs until you feel them in your body”
Jayme and I follow up episode 54, with a beautiful extension leading into feminine shadow work, dropping into the body and transforming our lived experience. And what is it actually all for. The body is the subconscious mind and the body is where lived experiences, emotions, stagnant energy are stored- and some are very much alive within us! The path to liberating ourselves into higher levels of consciousness is through the body. This has been a pivotal part of Jayme’s transformational journey- and she shares her journey of dropping out of the mind and beginning to access the body.
She explains that she read all the books, listened to all the podcasts and did all the personal development work- but there were a few pieces that she could “never seem to” figure out- and one of them was that she could understand all of the concepts- but what we she supposed to “act on”? And in that, she realized she was still looking for something outside of herself to find a purpose, to light her internal fire.
“If you don’t allow yourself to feel all the feelings- even the pain, the discomfort, the fear- you cut yourself off from feeling all the high vibrational feelings- the joy, the ecstasy, the freedom”
The power of mindset work and belief work has been an integral part of the beginning of her journey, but what it doesn’t do is change the experiences stored in your body( she likens it to running up against a glass ceiling if you avoid the body). The power of being present in your body and actually transmuting the emotions and traumas living in your being. We talk about how your body is a receptive channel- and in order to truly feel safe to receive- we must begin to receive ourselves fully.
This is a juicy episode. Enjoy the opportunity to meet yourself at a new level of congruence and intimacy.
To join us in our weekly breathwork club– a donation based soul naked offering—https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodiment-portal-the-weekly-breath-club-tickets-287986444207
Mastermind- 6 month container of embodied leaership:
Next Retreat Experience- Reclamation: An Embodied Leadership Day Retreat– https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
Thanks for tuning in- make sure to leave a review and send a screenshot to hello@erincallcoaching.com and we will be sure to send a free breathwork track!
To connect with or work with Jayme: visit her at www.instagram.com/thesoulsavage
In this episode Jayme shares her journey to living a rich life. What it looked like for her to quit her corporate job, embrace her desire to live wildly, lead her children and pursue her passion as a life coach. Her journey has included deep healing working with the feminine and masculine, which created a perfect platform for us to talk about embodying the divine feminine.
We openly speak into why there is so much talk about the rising of the feminine and embodying our feminine nature etc. And where does this leave the divine masculine energy (both collectively and within each of us individually). I believe the most important thing we note and deeply expand on, is that the rising of the feminine has nothing to do with being more valuable or trumping the masculine. And yes it has everything to do with taking our patriarchal culture and helping to create harmony again. Harmony in the divine maculine and sacred feminine- so that we as beings may embrace the wild, mysterious, intuitive, fluid, creative, sensual nature of the feminine. While, also guiding the healing of the masculine! It’s a really beautiful conversation and some epic insight that will invite you into deeper introspection on your healing journey. And truly the awakening of the entirety of humanity.
Enjoy! And to work with me please see the offerings below…
To join us in our weekly breathwork club– a donation based soul naked offering—https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodiment-portal-the-weekly-breath-club-tickets-287986444207
Next Retreat Experience- Reclamation: An Embodied Leadership Day Retreat– https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Embodiedleadershipretreat
Thanks for tuning in- make sure to leave a review and send a screenshot to hello@erincallcoaching.com and we will be sure to send a free breathwork track!
To connect with or work with Jayme: visit her at www.instagram.com/thesoulsavage -
In this episode I really dive into the question- who are you performing for? Perform, meaning showing up to present to an audience- but more so the idea of showing up masked, in a way that we think will elicit our desired response from those around us.
I invite you into the idea of what it may look like, feel like, be like for you to use your body, mind, expression as a tool for liberation instead.
I’ve been holding really deep space for my clients as we navigate through this paradigm of performance culture and lean into a new earth paradigm where liberation is the guiding principle. And of course, this means I have been really met with my own edges of transformation in this area- as I birth my retreats, my sacred containers of transformation for clients and on my own individual embodiment journey. I share all of this during the episode.
We talk about meeting ourselves with witness, radical self love and utter honesty and holding self through this process of liberation and sovereignty. And how as we begin to live in total authenticity our ego starts to do this thing where it wants to hide and perform again. Let’s move through the holding patterns of our ego w clear devotion to liberation.
Tune in & Let this meet you powerfully.
Thank you so much for tuning in.
Please leave a review and enjoy our free breathwork below as a sacred exchange.
To work with Erin apply below for the Mastermind and put your name on the retreat waitlist.
Soul Naked Retreat Waitlist https://www.soulnakedceo.com/soulnakedtheretreat22
Breathwork & Embodiment Membership- https://www.soulnakedceo.com/Membership
FREE Self Healing Breathwork- https://www.soulnakedceo.com/opt-in-aad22992-8e64-4f03-9657-d68bcd3dd4cc
Follow us on IG: www.instagram.com/SoulNakedCEO
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