
  • Thanks to you, our Specialty Café community, we're gearing up for the next season. In the meantime - are you interested in winning a $50 gift card? Here's how:

    Listen to Specialty Café. Rate and review (and enjoy!). Take a screenshot of your review and email to us at [email protected]. Include your name, school, and year.

    Winners will be announced at the Canadian Federation of Medical Students' (CFMS) Annual General Meeting in Moncton, New Brunswick on September 20, 2024. Specialty Café will be hosting a live podcast with a few Royal College specialists (afternoon Sept 20, details to follow soon).

    Good luck!

  • Once you hear today’s guest express her deep and unwavering dedication to Pediatric Emergency Medicine, teaching, and advocacy, you’ll understand why her career is perfectly suited to her passion.

    Kirstin Weerdenburg, MD, FRCPC, shares her global journey which led her to practice in Halifax, NS. She expected to focus solely on clinical practice but soon discovered there’s a world of opportunity in addition to being a Peds Emerg specialist (such as medial journalism and caring for newcomers to Canada).

    Dr. Weerdenburg holds her patients and their families in the highest regard, always attuned to their concerns and worries. For her, earning their trust and seeing a smile on their faces makes it a truly rewarding day.

    Join host Cameron Wong as he discovers that Dr. Weerdenburg is eager to share her knowledge not just with her patients and families, but also with her colleagues, learners, and the public. She finds great joy in seeing her team thrive and grow.

    Check out the Specialty Café primary specialty eps on:

    Pediatrics (Oct 7, 2022) https://specialtycafe.libsyn.com/pediatrics

    Emergency Medicine (Dec 3, 2021) https://specialtycafe.libsyn.com/emergency-medicine

    This is the last episode of Season 6. We can't wait to bring you more great eps in the fall. Any questions, suggestions, ideas? Reach out to us [email protected].

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  • What does mentorship mean to you? Join our podcast team Andrew, Emily, and Mark, as they explore the importance of mentors in their educational journeys. Their discussion highlights some of the amazing benefits of learning from a mentor in a rural setting (this includes of course knowing the entire health care team as well as dinner and ‘hanging out’ with your preceptor!).

    They reflect on their past podcast hosting and mentor experiences, and look ahead to the future. Who knows where your path may lead. Take risks. Take chances. When one door closes, another opens! And... be present with your learning experiences. It's goes so quickly!

    A huge thank you to our dedicated (and outgoing) hosts, Andrew Pauls, MD and Emily Wu, MD as they make their way in family medicine! Thanks for being such curious learners. Welcome to one of our new podcast hosts, Mark Garabedian.

    In addition to episodes on Royal College subspecialties, we'll present more Spotlight episodes covering topics such as preparing for CaRMS, balancing work and life as a learner, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, MedEd, and much more. If you have suggestions for a topic, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Today’s guest is a singer, pianist, science fiction enthusiast, storyteller, listener, and creative writer. And as importantly, he’s a Pediatric Hematology/Oncology specialist. Join us as Kyle Mendonça, MD (PGY6... but not for long!), shares his fascinating journey with host Cameron Wong.

    Dr. Mendonça opens up about his residency experiences, his passion for working with children, and why he chose this challenging yet rewarding subspecialty. If you're looking for a career in medicine that offers a variety of experiences, from inpatient to outpatient care, managing both critically ill and healthy patients, and forming long-term relationships with families, this might be the perfect path for you.

    Bonus: it's a 2 in 1 specialty (listen on to learn more!).

    You'll need to thrive in a collaborative environment, working closely with a big team of medical specialists and 'lots of' allied health professionals. While the emotional demands can be high, the specialty also offers immense joy and inspiration as you guide patients and their families through what can often be the hardest time of their lives.

    You’ve heard this before on Specialty Café… but being a person with interests outside medicine simply makes you a more rounded, healthier, and happier doctor (and person!).

    Check out our episode on Pediatrics (published Oct 7, 2022), https://specialtycafe.libsyn.com/pediatrics

  • "What do you want to do in this world with your life… and how are you going to meld that into medicine?". Some wise refelctions from today’s guest – Adrian Huang, MD, FRCSC.

    Host Andrew Pauls (now an MD!) asks Dr. Huang to walk us through his experience as he jumped from medical school to his first year of residency in Orthopedic Surgery. What worked? What didn’t? What lessons did he learn? How did he cope with this new level of responsibility? Is a balanced life possible?

    Dr. Huang shares answers to these questions and so much more. If you take away any message from this discussion, you might want to put this at the top of your list: Goals, habits, systems = resilience = crucial steps to avoid burnout.

    Do you want to connect with Dr. Huang? Feel free to email [email protected]

    Or check out Dr. Huang's social media:

    Instagram: scrubbedout/YouTube: Adrian Huang (theRealScrubbedout)/TikTok: @scrubbedout

    Linked In: Adrian Huang/Facebook: scrubbedoutdoc/Website: www.scrubbedout.com

  • Are you uncertain about which specialty to pursue, but know you want a career that is public-facing, involves patient and family interaction, and thrives on the dynamic, high-pressure hospital environment with quick results? And most importantly, do you love working with children?!

    Tune-in to this episode as Allen Hayashi, MD, FRCSC tells host Emily Wu, MD why Pediatric Surgery gives him joy and a sense of immediate accomplishment. Dr. Hayashi's journey to this subspecialty wasn't driven by deep philosophical insights, but rather by reflecting on what he enjoys and what he doesn’t.

    Dr. Hayashi is one of the rare specialists who still practices both General and Pediatric Surgery, and he wouldn't have it any other way. As a bonus, his dedication to his patients is so well-known that the local police often give him a pass for speeding during late-night emergencies!

    If you’re interest has been piqued and you want to learn more about Pediatric Surgery, feel free to contact Dr. Hayashi: [email protected] .

    Here’s the white paper Dr. Hayashi referred to: Joy in Work https://www.ihi.org/resources/white-papers/ihi-framework-improving-joy-work

  • Critical Care Medicine can be unpredictable and stressful, but it is also one of the most fulfilling and compassionate areas in medicine. Today's episode features an inspiring conversation with Omar Ahmad, MD, FRCPC, a specialist who not only manages stress well but thrives on it. Join host Andrew Pauls as he explores Dr. Ahmad's journey through medicine, delving into what drew him to this high-pressure yet rewarding specialty.

    You'll hear about the delicate balance required to save lives while supporting patients' families during their hardest moments. Dr. Ahmad shares his passion for guiding families through these challenging times, assuring them that their loved ones are in skilled, caring hands.

    Discover the many paths to Critical Care, what residency entails, and the diverse ways you can shape your career. This conversation emphasizes the importance of pursuing interests outside of medicine, finding joy in life beyond your career, and the role of humility and continual learning in achieving a fulfilling life in medicine.

    Teamwork is key. Being humble enough to know that you are just one team member is equally key! Critical care offers more than collegiality... you gain supportive and lifelong friendships.

  • Discover the world of Developmental Pediatrics, one of the best-kept secrets in the field.

    Imagine it’s the end of your workday, and you’ve celebrated some unique and special gains with your patients and their families/caregivers. You focused on and applauded their strengths and successes. You reflect on your fortune as you work with (and learn from) a wide range of dedicated and innovative allied health members. Do you think this would fill your cup?

    Tune in as Rhea D’Costa, MD, FRCPC, shares her experiences and insights into this fascinating subspecialty with host Cameron Wong. Learn about the realities of working alongside families and caregivers who ‘move mountains’ to support their loved ones.

    Studying for Royal College exams is one thing… but keeping up to date on pop culture for ages 0-21 years old is a pretty sweet form of professional development! If you are torn between Pediatrics, Neurology, Physiatry, and Psychiatry, Dr. D’Costa encourages you to explore the intriguing world of Developmental Pediatrics.

    Check out our episode on Pediatrics (dropped on October 7, 2022).

    Resource: F-Word for Child Development https://canchild.ca/en/research-in-practice/f-words-in-childhood-disability

  • Although this season focuses mainly on subspecialties, our guest today kindly agreed to take us back to a primary specialty (Plastic Surgery) and share her experience as a resident. Note: this is a new episode.

    Would you describe yourself as an innovator and a patient advocate? Do you often wonder what you can do better for your patients? Does your creative passion ignite when discussing topics like AI, 3D printing, and the power of teamwork? Listen on... Plastic Surgery might be your calling.

    Xiya Ma, MD (PGY3), candidly shares her journey with host Cameron Wong, delving into topics such as navigating being unmatched, her untraditional decision to take a hiatus during medical school to pursue a master's degree, the importance of self-belief and self-trust, and the need to nurture your life outside of medicine.

    Oh yes... and of course Dr. Ma gives excellent insight into the diverse specialty of Plastic Surgery and her life as a resident.

    It’s not always easy, but try not to lose sight of your own happiness (personal and professional).

    Check out another episode on Plastic Surgery with Shane Seal, MD, FRCSC (published on February 3, 2023).

  • Tune-in for a slightly extended episode... we promise it's worth it! While Geriatric Psychiatry takes center stage, our guest consistently brings the focus back to the essence of her medical practice: the patient and their caregiver.

    Regardless of the specialty you're pursuing, you won’t want to miss out on the insights shared about humility in medicine, social duties, importance of taking care (and respecting) our elders, great advice whilst you navigate this healthcare path, and so much more!

    Join Soojin Chun, MD, FRCPC as she takes host Cameron Wong through her journey to becoming a Geriatric Psychiatrist. Discover the pivotal moments behind the when, why, and how of Dr. Chun’s journey, all while emphasizing her unwavering dedication to her elderly patients who deserve a fulfilling last chapter. Driven by her sense of duty, she embraces the opportunity to learn from one of the most remarkable patient populations. After all, true wisdom cannot simply be taught—it comes with aging!

    When contemplating a career in Geriatric Psychiatry, words like humility, privilege, storytelling, extensive consultations, patience, and embracing challenges might spring to mind!

  • Welcome to Season 6 of Specialty Café, where we continue delving into Royal College specialties, subspecialties, and more.

    This season, we're delivering on your requests for more special episodes, offering unique insights and journeys. In this timely episode, join host Cameron Wong as he engages in a candid and inspiring conversation with Victoria Turnbull, MD, (PGY2, Urology, University of Western Ontario) who shares her experience of going unmatched in 2021.

    Dr. Turnbull's journey is a testament to authenticity. Throughout the discussion, she offers frank insights into her challenges, but also highlights the transformative power of staying true to oneself. Her encounter with a staff member who simply said "me too" shifted her perspective, and was quite simply... freeing. This realization sparked a commitment to advocate for openness and community among those who find themselves in similar situations.

    This episode is full of valuable takeaways. Dr. Turnbull's story underscores the message that going unmatched does not diminish your worth. Whether you're navigating the CaRMS journey or supporting peers and future colleagues, there's much to take away from this conversation.

    The opinions expressed in this episode are not the views of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and belong to the individual guest(s).

  • This is the last Rewind episode of the season. Thanks for sticking with us while we revisited some of our most popular primary specialties. Look out for Season 6 which drops on March 12, 2024. Spoiler Alert: The first episode shares an honest insight into what it's really like going unmatched during the CaRMS process.

    In the meantime...

    Our guests describe Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation as a magical specialty. What could be better than getting up every day with the intention of optimizing the quality of your patients' lives? Join host Haley Eckel as she unpacks the mysteries of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation with two passionate doctors from Alberta: Jaime Yu, MD, FRCPC and Yasmin Chishti, MD. It's no secret that fate has steered our guests toward this fulfilling specialty. A career in medicine can be tough - but Physiatry offers immense joy too. A bonus: it really is possible to have a healthy work/life balance. Who knows - Physiatry just might be your path!

  • We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way. We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    In the meantime, gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday (only a couple more to go) as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    What does a day in the life of a Urologist look like? Who is the patient population? Actually - what is Urology? Join Andrew Pauls as he explores and demystifies this specialty with Emmanuel Abara, MD, FRCSC (Richmond Hill, ON) and Amanda Hakala, MD (PGY-1, Ottawa, ON). It's no secret that our guests are hugely passionate about Urology, surgery, their patients, and .....medicine in general! Dr. Abara imparts word of wisdom on his commitment and experiences as a rural Urologist while Dr. Hakala share tips on what makes a good candidate for a Urology residency. What comes through loud and clear is our guests' dedication to their life in medicine. Who knows- this specialty might just be for you!

  • We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way. We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    In the meantime, gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday (only a couple more to go) as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    Our guests today are quite simply passionate not only about being physicians, but about making sure patients live their best life. If you’re looking for a specialty that incorporates medical and surgical management of skin diseases and concerns, and has vast career opportunities, well… listen on!

    Join host Emily Wu as she dives into the diverse world of Dermatology with Laurie Parsons, MD, FRCPC and Emma Heck, MD. They share insights into their rewarding practice and residency.

    This specialty allows you to practice all age groups and all genders. Dermatologists can have a general practice and really be part of their community, or indeed sub-specialize in many areas. It’s exciting and satisfying to be practicing Dermatology in an era with new therapies and molecules to treat patients’ diseases! Bonus - you can practice this specialty for many, many years!

    In case you’re wondering – no…Dermatologists are not just pimple poppers (they do in fact dissuade this habit!). Stay tuned as our guests debunk a few more myths about this specialty!

  • We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way. We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    In the meantime, gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday (only a couple more to go) as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    Apart from the obvious clinical expertise... an Anesthesiologist needs to be empathetic, calm, a multi-tasker (physically & mentally), and quick on their feet! Join Andrew Pauls, Richard Alexander, MD, FRCPC, and Raphael Rivière, MD (PGY 3) as they dive into the joys and challenges of this rewarding specialty. Do you see yourself working with an incredibly broad population? Do you crave diversity and unpredictability in your day? Does the idea of putting people out of pain appeal to you? Not only do our guests share their professional expertise... they impart some words of wisdom for your healthcare journey. In a nutshell - working in medicine is a privilege. Take the wins and enjoy the journey!

  • Gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way! We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    Anyone. Anytime. Anything. Anywhere. Can you live up to this motto? If yes - then Emergency Medicine just might be the right fit for you. Join Andrew Pauls as he chats with Dr. Kaif Pardhan, FRCPC and Dr. Andrew Chang, PGY2. Our guests provide first hand advice on what makes a good Emergency Medicine candidate with a few 'insider' tips on what the selection committee looks for! It's a privilege to help patients navigate the emergency room during what might be one of the worse days of their lives. Tune in as this episode offers not only valuable insights into emergency medicine, but shares some important life advice for medical students. (Orignally published Dec 3, 2021).

  • Gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday for the next few weeks as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way! We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    Do you like children? Do you genuinely care for children in more than an academic way? Would you consider care givers as key players in your team? Does the idea of working in a rural and remote practice in Canada’s Arctic (Nunavut!) appeal to you? Or how about doing a Pediatrics residency in beautiful Newfoundland and Labrador? Settle into this episode as host Andrew Pauls explores not only Pediatrics – but so much more (like the humanity of medicine). Guests Amber Miners MD, FRCPC and Alanna Roberts, MD, open up about their journeys (one is not so traditional) to becoming a Pediatrician. When you are in an environment you belong to, it clicks. You feel like you are home. Tune-in to learn about what residency programs look for in a candidate (one tip… be genuine). But while you are on this journey to becoming a specialist, remember to not let medicine be the only thing that defines you! Pediatricians are well-rounded doctors from diverse backgrounds and interests. Keep being you!
  • Gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday for the next few weeks as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way! We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    Gillian MacMullin, MD, FRCSC knew early on that being a community Obstetrics & Gynecology specialist was for her. Join Emily Wu as she picks Dr. MacMullin's brain not only on what an OBGYN does... but about the realities, challenges, and joys of being personnally and professionally known in your community. Spoiler Alert: practising in a community is mostly joyful and truly fulfilling. A day in the life of this specialty is never ever the same. A huge bonus is the ability to tailor so many aspects of this practice to what works for you - and what really interests you. And apparently babies are rarely born during office hours, so be prepared for some overnight shifts! (Originally published Feb 11, 2022).

  • Gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday for the next few weeks as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way! We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    Does a rural practice in psychiatry appeal to you? Are you someone who thrives whilst wearing many different hats at work? Is working in a multidiscinplinary environment for you? Join host Emily Wu as she chats with Dr. Evelyn Obosi, FRCPC about her practice in Prince Albert, Saskatchwan. You'll learn about a holistic approach to treating patients... psychological and social factors play a huge part in the treatment plan. The journey to stabilizing a patient not only affects the patient - it also has a great impact on the patient's family and the community as a whole. It's evident that Dr. Obosi reaps an abundance of joy and rewards from her practice. When she says every day is different - she really means that every day is different! And you'll learn that Dr. Obosi's route to Saskatchewan involved a few different countries!

  • Gear up for a trip down memory lane. Join us every Tuesday for the next few weeks as we hit rewind and release some of our all-time favourite episodes. Let’s dive back into the primary specialties that sparked your interest.

    We’re prepping fresh content for the next season of Specialty Café. Stay tuned for exciting new episodes heading your way! We’ll continue delving into subspecialties and beyond!

    A huge thanks to our listeners not only in Canada but also around the world! Questions or suggestions for this podcast? Reach out to [email protected].

    Hear about the role of art & science in General Surgery in both rural and academic settings! Who would have thought that compassion and humility are amongst the most important qualities of a General Surgeon. Being able to partner with patients as they navigate their health journey is simply a privilege. Join Andrew Pauls as sits down to an enlightening discussion with Dr. Yemi Laosebikan, FRCSC and Dr. Joshua Hefler (PGY-3). We learn how the Hippocratic Oath has steered a life of dedication and gratitude. Our guests talk about about the professional and clinical side of this specialty. They share the very human aspects of being a General Surgeon. Every day is different but so gratifying with plenty of joy. (This episode originally aired on October 21, 2021).