I am interviewing Will Sibley Healer, the author of the book "Rise of a Lightworker", that describes his journey and experiences that we are also talking about in this video.
Will Sibley is a Spiritual healer and Reiki Master based in Carrickfergus Northern Ireland.
He began to receive messages from the World Spirit and loved ones who had passed shortly after his father died in 2013. The messages told him he would be given a gift and he would know what it was when he received it.
He has been classified as a Trance Healer that has the ability for facilitating psychic surgery to take place when required. Will is dedicated to healing the sick and promoting Spiritual Healing and receives regular requests for distance healing globally.
Get his book here
His website
Meet in this Podcast Episode Steve Fierro, again. This time about astral worlds, duality, good & evil.
Listen to the first Episode with him here: https://anchor.fm/bharati-corinna-glanert/episodes/From-Wallstreet-to-seeking-the-truth-and-waking-up-eh688c
Follow Steve: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWz9UrOFrUAq637EuiW25g/featured
His Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6MtJtbzpOAXqDiEpQQ9I2R
¿Faltan episodios?
Aubrey is not just a very special soul with a very big heart, he is also a famous and well-known Podcaster and founder of Onnit, which is a lifestyle brand based on a holistic health philosophy.
Aubrey stayed for one week in our Darkness Retreat, which was a very deep experience for him. Find out about Aubrey's history in this inspiring interview.
How did Aubrey move from party life to a life of daily awareness?
Which psychedelic experiences touched him the most and what changed him so much in one week at the Darkness Retreat?
Learn more about Aubrey's spiritual experiences, which anyone can experience completely without psychedelic substances. (With us at the Darkness Retreat www.darknessretreat.net)
Aubrey currently hosts the Aubrey Marcus Podcast, a motivational destination for conversations with the brightest minds in athletics, business, science, relationships and spirituality with over 35 million downloads on iTunes. He regularly provides commentary to outlets like Entrepreneur, Forbes, The Tim Ferris Show, and The Joe Rogan Experience. He has been featured on the cover of Men’s Health, is the host of the Fit For Service Fellowship, and is the author of the NYT Bestselling book Own The Day, Own Your Life from Harper Collins.
If you ask Aubrey the cause he is most passionate about, it is raising awareness for psychedelic medicine, through organizations like MAPS.org and Heffter Institute. He is a 20 year native of Austin, Texas where he currently resides.
Follow Aubrey Marcus:
On Youtube
On his website
On Onnit
His Books
When I recorded this podcast episode, I was sitting under the open sky watching the stars! It is so important to connect with nature and the universe! We have to stay humans and not be turned into robots!
Activate your pineal gland and your third eye, you will then be able to see visions like me. The happenings can change for the better when more wake up. But we have to wake up! Prepare yourself and your family for the great events in the future!
What happens here on earth is not a movie, it is reality! Wake up and free others from their hypnosis!
Click here to activate your pineal gland in 3 easy steps https://thirdeye-coachings.com/
This is an amazing podcast about how to enter divine energies and how we can connect to the divine! Nina Rao is talking about her first soul-connection to Mantras and how she found the way to a life full of power. How can we connect best with the divine? And what is the point of it all?
Nina Rao learned traditional chants (bhajans) from her grandfather in a village in south India when she was nine years old. The chants quietly stayed with her until she rediscovered chanting with Krishna Das in New York in 1996. Her childhood was spent living in and moving between many countries around the world and when she settled in New York her working life began in the banking world, switched to organizing and leading photographic wildlife safaris in Africa and India, and now for many years, is Krishna Das' business manager and assistant.
Nina tours with Krishna Das, playing cymbals and singing with him, and was honored in 2013 to accompany him at the Grammy Awards webcast performance. She is very connected with him and also to her Guru Siddha Ma.
For information about Nina, please visit NinaRaoChant.com
An amazing interview, again with Patricia Cori! How important is it to wake up now? Why is the awakening of humanity so important? Find it out here in this podcast. In this interview, Patricia talks about her experiences with people she has met in life and who she has helped on her way to awakening. The time of awakening of humanity is now!!
Watch the first interview with Patricia here on YouTube HoloVibes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_VUGCInAuk&t=3922s
Patricia Cori is a world-renowned author, public speaker, and activist for the rights of human beings and animals, a warrior for Planet Earth. A proven sensitive and acute clairvoyant, she has been explored mysticism, philosophy, ancient civilizations, metaphysical healing, spirituality and unexplained mysteries and teaches on these subjects to enthralled audiences around the world. She is a prominent figure in the Spirit Community, well-known on the international lecture circuit—actively offering courses, seminars and workshops internationally on a vast range of topics, which reflect her broad knowledge of alternative methodology in healing and her remarkable gift of helping others rekindle and ignite the flame of power within us all.
To learn more about her courses, workshops and speaking engagements, go to https://www.patriciacori.com/
Meet in this Podcast Episode Todd Acamesis, a public speaker, spiritual teacher, trained remote viewer, self-taught astral projector, and brainwave entrainment researcher. His mission is to show people that there is more behind being than just the physical body. The topic of the afterlife is part of his daily life. We talk about the Matrix and how we are all subject to the law of the universe. As an expert in Astral Projection / out of the body experiences, Todd reports here about his most intense experiences! Get to know amazing moments that go beyond the horizon!
Follow Todd here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JourneyofTruthUK
Meet in this Podcast Episode Akshay, Author of Fearvana, enteurprenur, Ultra Runner and United States Marine veteran! Akshay was also in our Darkness Retreat in Germany and made some intense experiences.
In this Episode Akshay and me will tell you, how to turn pain into transformation and even blessings!
His book Fearvana had special commentaries from Dalai Lama.
Watch the last Livestream with Akshay here on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6DyAFOLX9I
Watch also his Video about his Darkness Retreat Experience: https://darknessretreat.net/experiences/coming-back-to-light-after-7-days-of-darkness-retreat-akshay-nanavati-shares-his-experience/
Check out his book Fearvana that is about turning Fear into Health, Wealth and Happiness! https://amzn.to/2D5j0rn
Also Check out Akshay's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Existing2Living
and his website: https://fearvana.com/
An amazing interview, again with Tyler Kiwala! This is the second part of the Podcast with Tyler Kiwala
“YES ITS REAL – how to understand the Matrix and connect to Aliens”.
We talked about raising consciousness and waking up in these awesome times! There are big lies about the awakening of humanity! Let’s go deep into the rabbit hole to look behind these lies and illusions!
Tyler Kiwala is an experiencer, independent researcher and passionate disclosure activist. Most popularly known in the awakening community for Journey To Truth Podcast, hosted by himself and fellow discolure activist Aaron Kuhn. Together they have created a platform for discussing any and all “controversial” and eye opening topics without limitations in an effort to spread awareness to the masses. Tyler has an own YouTube channel with eye-opening content that takes a deeper look into some of the lesser known truths of our world that are hiding in plain sight.
YouTube : https://bit.ly/2P9clC7
Listen to this amazing podcast about the power of our mind, timelines, transforming fear and connect to Aliens!
Tyler Kiwala is an experiencer, independent researcher and passionate disclosure activist. Most popularly known in the awakening community for Journey To Truth Podcast, hosted by himself and fellow discolure activist Aaron Kuhn. Together they have created a platform for discussing any and all "controversial" and eye opening topics without limitations in an effort to spread awareness to the masses. Tyler is in the process of developing his own YouTube channel where he will be creating content that takes a deeper look into some of the lesser known truths of our world that are hiding in plain sight.
Connect to Tylor here:
YouTube : https://bit.ly/2P9clC7
Meet Arne in this real and deep Podcast. Arne is sharing his awakening Process and the hard lessons he had to go through. His awareness triggered not just big separation with his old life but even his divorce. How to heal, to stay in your truth and come out stronger and real, this and more you learn in this special Podcast with Arne!
Ever wanted to meet somebody who taught a Shaolin monk how to stunt drive cars ? Then you have to listen to this Podcast with Kealan Harrington!
Learn how to make up your mind to become unstoppable, that will give birth to a part of yourself you didn't know existed!
Follow Kealan Harrington here:
Going The Ultra Mile
Helping Fathers in Unfulfilled Careers Transition From Employee to Online Business Owner linked to Passion & Purpose
Stefan Berns is a great friend of mine since many years. Stefan went to many up and downs in his live. Every time he went to a down time he came out more bright and stronger.
Now he is using his deep understanding to help coaches, trainers, healers how they can get more dream customers, lightness & focus through THOUGHT FORCE.
Stefan is a mindset and awareness coach and lives on the mediterranean island of Cyprus.
Here you can find Stefan Bern on social Media:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/stefan.berns
FB Gruppe: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GEDANKENKRAFTMASTERMIND/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/StefanBerns
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gedankenkraft-coaching-by-stefan-berns-zypern/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/stefan_berns_official/
Telegramm: https://t.me/Bewusstsein2020
Join us on this amazing talk about waking up from the Matrix with Steve Fierro.
Steven is currently still working a full time job as a derivatives broker and is working on special projects to getting knowledge out to the masses. Stevens soul is leading him to this point, where he feels strongly to help others to become aware and fully waking up!
Nina Rath is my very dear friend.
She is a sensitiv empath with a strong soul. Nina is an Austrian filmmaker and poet, who loves to explore the beauty of life. Enjoy her insides and her deep understanding of vibrations and get inspired.
Ninas best Movies:
More about Nina:
A special Podcast with Roy Coughlan
Roy is living what he believes. And that is nothing less then that we have to change the world to a better place. But how we do this? How we can make a real change?
What has deep love and forgiveness to do with chancing the world?
Listen and enjoy and let it flow deep into your heart !
Join Roy Coughlans Podcast here: www.awakeningpodcast.org
Welcome to my Podcast!
Let me tell you about my life so you can sense what to expect at this Podcasts.
As a young child, I had my first contact with paranormal experiences and spiritual powers. For a long time, many of these spiritual occurrences eluded my comprehension and understanding. Only now, after many years of studies, the answers have come to me and closed this circle of questions.
At the age of 17, my inner calling for more knowledge and understanding became so loud that I started a veritable seminar and training marathon!: I enrolled in workshops, attended lectures and seminars etc. – learning everything I could about healthy nutrition, detoxing, fasting, raw food, reflexology, prana-healing, and so much more.
Initiation into Vedic Teachings
In 2001, my spiritual path took me to South India, where I was initiated into ancient Vedic knowledge: a very protected source of wisdom that had been, until then, accessible only to a few seekers. I was led into deeply spiritual processes at highly energetic places of power and practiced very intense Sadhana meditation for ten years. This period shaped my life tremendously and touched me in the depth of my soul. Since 2008, I have been organizing regular power places tours for small groups to special locations in North and South India.
Returning to GermanyIn the year 2012, I returned to Germany, to live in Sasbachwalden with my husband and our two children. Our place is embedded in the pristine nature of the Black Forest. It is here that we started the “Source of Power – Spiritbalance Sadhana Ashram”. We have a very beautiful, large retreat center with a big seminar room, therapy room for our PandoraStar Session, and a lot of space for darkness retreats as well as a temple. As I continue to travel to India, I am also offering spiritual travel tours to special places of power. The participants on these journeys can expect to receive deep spiritual knowledge, special experiences and direct contact with yogis and sadhus.
Powerful Kundalini AwakeningThrough a profound, unifying and transcendent mystical experience, I had been graced with a very powerful kundalini awakening. This experience has opened channels within myself that – ever since – allow me to see subtle energy fields. Since then, I have been intensively studying astral worlds and everything about the aura. I enjoy guiding and accompanying all those who are interested towards their own soul experiences.
I am here to share my knowledge on how we can activate our own soul and healing powers by giving individual consultations, PandoraStar Sessions, presentations and workshops. My main focus is energy work using Mantras, Yantra, the PandoraStar light technology as well as energetic processes with spiritual power objects.
Dive deep into the unknown with me. Enjoy the Podcasts!