
  • Hey there, and welcome back to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect. Today, I want to ask you a question—one that might make you pause for a moment. Are you living in the past?

    Now, I don’t mean reminiscing about good times or holding on to precious memories—that's part of life. But have you ever felt like you’re stuck in the past, unable to move forward? Like something happened—maybe a loss, a major life change, or even just a slow drifting away from what once was—and you find yourself constantly looking back, wishing things had stayed the same?

    If this is you, and it can happen to any of us, I want you to stick with me because today, we’re going to talk about how to break free from the past and step into the present with joy, confidence, and hope.

    Recognizing When You’re Stuck in the Past

    Let’s be honest—sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re living in the past until we take a closer look at our daily thoughts and habits.

    Let me share some signs with you, and as I do, just check in with yourself. Do any of these feel familiar?

    You constantly think about how things used to be. You find yourself saying, "Back then, life was so much better," or, "If only I could go back." Maybe you scroll through old pictures, replay past conversations, or even feel resentment about where you are now.

    You might even use sleep as an escape. Have you ever looked forward to sleeping just because your dreams bring you back to a time when things were different? Maybe your subconscious mind is clinging to something you haven’t fully let go of.

    Do you keep yourself busy—too busy? Ever notice how some people stay glued to their screens, constantly working, cleaning, or doing anything just to avoid facing what they’re feeling? That might be a sign you’re running from the present.

    Do you escape through distractions? Whether it’s binge-watching shows, drinking, or even over-reading (yes, there’s such a thing!), you might be numbing yourself from the reality of today.

    You may be in denial about your current life. Maybe you don’t want to change the furniture in your house because it reminds you of someone you lost. Maybe you’re avoiding making new friends because deep down, you don’t want to admit life has changed.

    If any of this resonates, don’t be discouraged. Becoming aware of it is the first step to change. And let me tell you—it’s never too late to reclaim your present and create a future that excites you.

    How to Start Living in the Present

    So, you might ask, how do I break free from the past and start fully embracing today? Here are some steps that I have learned—and I know they can help you too.

    First, Acknowledge Where You Are. Take a deep breath and say to yourself: "I’ve been holding on to the past, and I want to move forward." There’s no shame in it. This is about self-awareness, and that alone is empowering.

    Make Small Changes. If your environment keeps you stuck in memories, make adjustments. Rearrange your space. Let go of items that no longer serve you. And if you feel like a fresh start is needed, maybe even consider relocating. Your outer world reflects your inner world.

    Then, Define What You Want Now. What are your dreams today? What excites you? Sometimes we get so caught up in what we lost that we forget there’s still so much more ahead. Write down your goals and desires—not the ones from ten years ago, but the ones that feel right now.

    Take Care of Yourself—Mind, Body, and Spirit. When we’re stuck in the past, self-care can take a backseat. Look in the mirror. Are you taking care of your body? Your mental health? Your spiritual well-being? Start small—drink more water, move your body, get fresh air, meditate. Reclaim your energy.

    And, Very Important - Allow Yourself to Feel. If you’ve been avoiding grief, sadness, or disappointment, it’s time to process those emotions. It’s okay to feel deeply—but don’t let those feelings keep you frozen in time. Journaling, talking with a trusted friend, or even seeking professional guidance can be powerful ways to process and heal. Grief after loss is normal, but it is a stage that you can pass through successfully without becoming mired in emotions.

    Get Support if You Need It. Sometimes, breaking free from the past isn’t something we can do alone. If you feel stuck, reach out. Talk to a mentor, a therapist, a spiritual advisor—someone who can help you gain perspective and clarity.

    And, Start Living—Now. Every single day is an opportunity to create something new. Imagine looking back at this moment five years from now—imagine that—and being grateful that you chose to move forward.

    In fact, a powerful technique is to project yourself to five years in the future and imagine yourself telling your closest friend how grateful you are for all that has transpired in the last 5 years because you decided to move ahead and not be held back by your past. You can do this literally speaking this little exercise out loud. Very powerful.

    In conclusion, I want to leave you with this: you are not your past. You are here, right now, in this moment, with the power to shape your present and your future.

    One of the best ways I know to experience the “Now,” is to take time to still your mind, your emotions and your body. Focus your attention upon your heart, and meditate upon the words, “I AM.”

    Repeat these words mentally or aloud, whichever you prefer, “I AM, I AM, I AM,” until you have the sense of “being” rather than doing or thinking or revolving emotions. Just be “I AM,” connecting to your Higher Self and feel the present moment.

    Do this daily to continually bring yourself into the present moment until being in the present becomes your “normal.” Then you can extend your meditation to not only contemplate what is, but what can be.

    Take a deep breath. Let go of what was and embrace what is. Then step boldly into what can be.

    If this episode spoke to you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Reach out, share your story, and let’s keep this journey going together.

    Thank you for tuning in, and until next time, remember—your best days are not behind you. They’re right here, waiting for you to claim them.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello and welcome to today’s episode, “Why Losing Your Job Could Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You!” Now, I know that might sound a little counterintuitive—after all, losing a job is never easy, especially if it’s completely unexpected. But stick with me, because we’re going to dive deep into how this challenging experience can actually open up new doors for you.

    I believe most people would agree that we are living in a dynamically changing world right now. But as the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.” How true this is.

    Mindset it Important

    So it behooves us to learn some skills for navigating change, especially unexpected or major changes, and probably the most important skill is having a positive mindset.

    If your overall belief is that change is an opportunity for greater opportunities, then navigating the emotions when there is loss is much easier. Cultivate the mindset that every new beginning is a steppingstone toward a richer, more vibrant future.

    How do you develop such a mindset? Well, by going within and connecting to the Divine that holds the vision and plan for your perfect life. By trusting that your Higher Self, made in the image and likeness of your creator, is ultimately in control you open the door to God’s vision for your life that is far more expansive than your own.

    Nevertheless, if you’ve recently faced a job loss—whether through downsizing, redundancy, or another unforeseen change—you’re likely experiencing a whirlwind of emotions.

    One moment, you might feel, like, panic, and the next, anger, despair, or even numbness, especially if you’ve been in your role for a long time or if your job was your only known path. It’s natural to cling to the good memories of that job when the bad suddenly fades away. But today, we’re going to explore why it might be time to let go of those feelings and look ahead.

    Processing Your Emotions in Important

    Let’s start with something important: the emotional roller coaster you’re on right now is completely normal and even with the best mindset, the shock of losing a job can make you question your self-worth, trigger self-doubt at a time when you need confidence the most. Instead of trying to block out or fight these feelings, consider this approach: acknowledge them, embrace them, and then let them go. Holding on to those negative emotions only weighs you down, keeping you from moving forward into new possibilities.

    Now, here’s a thought that might help shift your perspective. Often, layoffs are triggered not by a personal failing, but by decisions made by accountants—people you’ve never met who are simply moving numbers around on a balance sheet. To them, you’re just another number. It’s not about you personally. So instead of asking yourself “Why me?”, remember that sometimes, it’s just the way modern business works.

    Your Spiritual Connection is Important

    This is the time when your spiritual connection becomes even more important.

    I clearly remember the day I was laid off from my job as a supervisor in a large call center that closed. Hundreds of people were without jobs and many were in a crisis situation.

    I could have taken a job with an affiliate company that would have meant traveling 80% of the time. My colleagues thought I was crazy for not going for it since it would have been job security and a substantial income. However, I knew it was not for me.

    It occurred to me then that I would not have had the courage to follow my convictions to manifest my ideal job had I not been spiritually connected. Because of my connection to Source, I was able to keep focused on my goal and be happy and secure knowing that my ideal job was on its way.

    And sure enough, two months later a friend told me about a smaller Call Center that was looking for a manager. I interviewed and got the job. And not only was it a promotion for me, it also paid substantially more than my previous job. Check out my previous video posts: “Three Steps to Staying Spiritually Connected” to learn more.

    Now, if you are being fired, believe it or not, this all still applies.

    Perspective is Important

    So, let’s take a moment to look at the bigger picture. Heraclitus was right. Change is the only constant in our rapidly evolving world. Almost everyone you know has transitioned from one job to another at some point in their life. Many have discovered that a job loss was actually the catalyst for finding something even better—something that aligned more closely with their true passions and goals.

    So, how can you turn this challenging moment into an opportunity for growth? It starts with rethinking and resetting your life’s direction. Again, consider this period not as an end, but as a fresh start—a chance to redefine what you truly want from your career and your life.

    I want to share with you three actionable steps to help you chart a new course:

    Decide What You Want to Avoid:Think about what aspects of your previous job you disliked or things you definitely don’t want to do in your next job. For example, if the daily commute drained your energy, consider roles that offer remote work, or something closer to where you live, or even starting your own business. By identifying what you don’t want, you can focus on finding what you do want.

    Reevaluate Your Expertise:Are you tired of the field you were in? Now might be the perfect time to explore different industries. With a wealth of free courses available online, you can dip your toes into new areas and see what resonates with you.

    Explore Your Interests: Pay close attention to what naturally draws your attention in your day-to-day life. Maybe it’s the sections you frequent at a bookstore, the TV programs that capture your interest, or the stories you read on social media. Take notes over the next week or so. Look for patterns or recurring themes in your interests—these could point you toward a passion or a new career path you hadn’t considered before.

    By taking these steps, you may uncover a new direction that not only fits your skills but also ignites your passion. Many people have found that what initially seemed like a setback turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to them. That’s how it was for me, and who knows? This could be the turning point in your life as well.

    Before we wrap up today’s episode, I want to leave you with this final thought:It’s not the job loss that defines you, but what you do next that truly matters. Embrace the uncertainty, trust your instincts, and allow yourself the freedom to explore new horizons.

    If you found today’s discussion helpful, please subscribe and share this episode with anyone who might be navigating a similar transition. And if you have any thoughts or personal stories about turning a job loss into an opportunity, I’d love to hear your story. Just leave your comments.

    Thank you for joining me on this journey today. Remember, sometimes the end of one chapter is just the beginning of an exciting new story. Until next time, keep reimagining your awesome future life - even if you haven’t lost your job.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
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  • Hello and welcome to today’s episode. I hope you are having a marvelous day and I’m so happy you are joining me because our topic today is important: negative self-talk and how we can transform it into something positive and powerful.

    So let’s start by defining what I mean by “negative self-talk.” Essentially, this is that inner voice that criticizes, doubts, undermines your confidence or keeps reminding you of all your “sins” of the past. It might whisper things like, “You’re not good enough,” “You always mess things up,” or “Why even try?” No doubt you are aware of this negative chatter in your mind that keeps reminding you of past failures, faults or things you’ve done in the past that you wish you hadn’t done.

    These thoughts can be persistent and sometimes feel like a permanent part of your mental landscape.

    But here’s something important to remember. Negative self-talk is not a fixed truth. It’s simply a habit of thinking that you’ve developed, and it is one that you can change.

    Research in psychology, particularly in cognitive behavioral therapy, shows that our thoughts significantly influence our feelings and behaviors. When our internal dialogue is harsh and negative, it can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. And this is something we do to ourselves! Think about it. No one is forcing us to think specific thoughts. It’s just as easy to think positive thoughts as negative ones.

    While you may not be convinced of this at this moment, stick with me because recognizing this is the first step toward change.

    What are the Impacts of Negative Self-Talk?

    It’s perfectly logical to ask, “Why does negative self-talk matter so much? “

    Because it shapes the lens through which you view your life. When you constantly tell yourself that you’re inadequate or incapable, you not only damage your self-esteem, but you also miss out on opportunities for growth and happiness. It creates a self-fulfilling prophecy—if you believe you can’t succeed, you might not even try.

    Consider this: every time you catch yourself thinking negatively, it reinforces the belief that you’re not worth the effort of positive change. Over time, this can make it incredibly challenging to break out of the cycle. But here’s the good news: with awareness and practice, you can begin to transform these negative thoughts into empowering ones.

    From a spiritual perspective, your ability to speak the words, “I AM,” is unique to you as a human among many species on this earth. This means that you have the power to change, and the words you use directly impact your self-concept and personal empowerment.

    Dr. Joe Rubino, a recognized self-esteem expert says that personal empowerment comes from accepting responsibility for your own life. He encourages individuals to stop blaming circumstances or others for their feelings of inadequacy. Instead, by taking charge of your thoughts and actions, you reclaim the power to shape your self-image and, ultimately, your destiny.

    Practical Strategies

    Let’s talk about practical strategies to transform negative self-talk. I’m going to share several steps that you can start applying today.

    The first step is simply becoming aware of your negative self-talk. Try to listen to your internal dialogue throughout the day. You might even find it helpful to keep a journal where you note when these thoughts occur, what triggered them, and how they made you feel. Awareness is a powerful tool—it gives you the chance to catch those negative thoughts before they spiral.

    Then once you’re aware of a negative thought, ask yourself a few questions:

    * Is this thought based on facts, or is it just an opinion?

    * What evidence do I have that contradicts this thought?

    * How would I respond if a friend said something similar about themselves?Often, when you examine these thoughts closely, you’ll see that they are exaggerated or even entirely unfounded.

    Then, replace the negative thought with a more balanced and constructive one. Instead of thinking, “I always fail,” try reframing it as, “I’ve faced challenges before and learned from them, and I can overcome this too.” Now this might feel a bit awkward at first, but over time, these new affirmations can reshape your mindset.

    Remember, you’re human, and it’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are simply learning experiences. Instead of berating yourself for errors, treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a dear friend. Self-compassion means acknowledging your imperfections while also recognizing your strengths.

    Mindfulness—that is, being the “observer,” consciously aware of your thoughts and feelings—helps you to stay present and observe your thoughts without judgment.

    Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking a mindful pause during your day, these practices can create the mental space needed to interrupt negative thought patterns.

    We all know that change doesn’t happen overnight. Every time you catch and challenge a negative thought, celebrate that victory. Over time, these small wins add up, gradually shifting your overall self-talk to a more positive and empowering narrative.

    Real Life Example

    Here is how I have learned to handle these negative projections—and yes, they may be projections from your own unresolved unconscious or even from external sources.

    According to Memetics, the ideas we think of as “ours” are often the product of cultural transmission. Memetics is a framework introduced by Richard Dawkins and expanded by Susan Blackmore. Ideas (or “memes”) propagate through society much like genes do through populations. They are copied, modified, and passed along, meaning that many of the concepts we internalize are the products of shared cultural evolution rather than entirely unique creations.

    No matter what the source, we are responsible for how we handle it. When a negative thought presents itself to me, particularly the revolving of recurrent thoughts from the past, I step in to break the habit by speaking to myself: “Nancy, we are not going there.” Quite a while back I learned that I have the power to interrupt and change any pattern or negative self-talk that presents itself, no matter what the source.

    You also have that power. But it does require the willingness to take responsibility for your circumstances and not allow any negative thought or pattern to continue, which simply gives it more power.

    It's like a wise teacher I had once said, “You can’t stop a bird from landing on your head, but you can stop it from making a nest and abiding there.” This ability to interrupt negative thought patterns is in my opinion one of the most important keys to overcoming negative self-talk.

    Tips for Daily Practice

    Here are a few practical tips you can integrate into your daily routine to continue transforming negative self-talk:

    Morning Affirmations

    Begin your day with a few positive affirmations. It could be as simple as saying, “I am capable and resilient,” or “Today, I choose to focus on my strengths.”

    Mindful Moments

    Set aside a few minutes during the day to practice mindfulness. Even just a short meditation can help ground you and interrupt negative thought patterns.


    Write down moments when you notice negative self-talk. Over time, review these entries to see patterns and progress. This not only builds awareness but also tracks your growth.

    Gratitude Practice

    End your day by jotting down three things you’re grateful for. Focusing on positive aspects of your day can help counterbalance negative thoughts.

    Seek Support

    Sometimes sharing your experiences with a trusted friend or a mental health professional can provide additional perspectives and encouragement.

    Transforming negative self-talk is a journey, not a destination. It requires patience, persistence, and the willingness to look inward and interrupt negative habits and patterns.

    Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate all negative thoughts—they’re a natural part of being human—but to build a more balanced and compassionate inner dialogue that supports your growth and not reinforce the negative.

    Every step you take, no matter how small, is a victory. Over time, these changes will build a foundation for improved self-esteem and a more positive outlook on life. So, be gentle with yourself during this process. Celebrate your progress and know that every moment is an opportunity to choose kindness over criticism.

    Before we wrap up, I want to remind you that if your negative self-talk feels overwhelming or persistent, consider reaching out to a professional who can offer personalized guidance and support.

    Thank you for joining me today. I hope this episode has given you some useful insights and practical tools to start transforming your negative self-talk. And if you found this episode helpful, please share it with someone who might benefit from a little extra positivity. Until next time, be kind to yourself and keep moving forward on your journey to empowerment.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello and welcome to today’s episode. I’m so glad you’ve decided to join me for a topic that might just change the way you look at mindfulness and meditation. Many of us picture meditation as sitting perfectly still with our legs crossed and our eyes closed. But there’s another powerful option that can be practiced in daily life, outdoors, indoors, or anywhere you can find a little space and time: and that’s walking meditation.

    So, let’s dive in.

    When you think about meditation, you may automatically picture yourself sitting down, becoming quiet and closing your eyes. But meditating while walking is another useful option. It’s something you can do whether you’re on a quick lunch break, strolling through your neighborhood, or visiting a lush forest. If you’ve ever walked in a forest surrounded by the smell of fresh greenery and the sound of a babbling brook, or walking on the beach at sunset, you know how refreshing these experiences can be.

    They give you a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Walking meditation taps into that restful awareness, helping you disconnect from distractions—or even thinking more clearly about a problem that’s on your mind. And there are many benefits of walking meditation.

    Some people find it difficult or uncomfortable to sit for long periods, especially if they’re new to meditation or have a physical challenge. Taking a stroll provides a different approach to launching or expanding your meditation practice. And if stress has been piling up, you might find it more soothing to keep moving around rather than trying to stay perfectly still.

    Staying Awake and Engaged

    Now, let’s talk about one of the most common issues with seated meditation: and that is nodding off! No doubt you have experienced this if you meditate at all. For instance, if you were up all night finishing a project, or comforting a sick child, or dealing with insomnia, you might find yourself dozing during a sitting meditation whereas a walking meditation will help you remain more alert, simply because your body stays active. And then later, when you’re able to get the rest you need, you can return to a seated practice feeling more refreshed.

    Now another fantastic benefit of walking meditation is that it’s good for your body as well as your mind. Every bit of physical activity counts toward keeping you fit, and a walking meditation of 15 minutes to an hour is a gentle yet effective way to exercise without strenuous effort.

    Clarity, Connection, and Spiritual Practice

    Now one purpose of meditation is to develop a clearer mind that you can rely on all day long. When you become accustomed to walking while meditating, you may find it easier to connect spiritually and generate clear, positive thoughts in any setting—even in the middle of a busy city block. And many retreat centers include walking meditation in their programs, so it’s become a common variation that you’re likely to encounter.

    Now, you might wonder: What makes a walking meditation different from simply taking a stroll? Well, it’s all about intention. A walking meditation is practiced with the deliberate intention of cultivating mindfulness or a spiritual connection, rather than just aimlessly moving around and letting your mind wander from one worry to another.

    How to Practice Walking Meditation

    Now a good way to start is to create a path. I suggest you begin by deciding on a route for yourself. It can be as simple as walking around your living room or strolling through a local park or along a safe sidewalk in your neighborhood. Ideally, pick an area you’re familiar with and find it conducive to quiet reflection, so it’s easier to avoid distractions.

    Be sure to pace yourself. Most people find a slightly slower pace is more conducive to becoming deliberate and attentive, and it’s perfectly fine to start walking at your usual speed and gradually slow down as you settle into the rhythm of your breath and footsteps. But there is nothing wrong with walking at a faster pace either.

    Be sure to quiet down. What I mean by this is, leave your earphones at home and turn down the mental chatter. Put aside your to-do list, your plans, or worries. Still your mind and observe that sense of that inner quiet. If any thoughts pop up—acknowledge them, but let them pass, and gently bring your focus back to your body moving through space. This is also a wonderful time to repeat your personal affirmations or decrees, either silently or aloud if you’re in a private setting.

    Breathe deeply. Pay attention to your breath, drawing it from your diaphragm so you can feel your abdomen rise and fall. Gradually synchronize your footsteps with your breathing in a natural, sustainable pattern. For example, you might inhale over two steps and exhale over the next two. But don’t force anything—just let your breath and step find a comfortable rhythm.

    And notice your body and surroundings. As you walk, tune into the sensations of your feet, your legs, and your torso. Feel the ground beneath you, whether it’s soft grass, a wooden floor, or a paved sidewalk. Observe any sounds, scents, or gentle breezes. Rather than judging these stimuli, simply notice them as part of the experience. It’s all about becoming completely present with what you are doing.

    Walking meditation can be an ideal transition to sitting meditation. Sometimes, taking a few minutes to walk mindfully will help release tension in your body, clear your mind, and make it easier to settle into stillness for a seated practice.

    Another good use for walking meditation is as a supplement to your sitting practice. For example, if your foot gets a cramp or you simply want to move around, meditating on your feet can help extend your overall meditation time without breaking the flow of mindfulness. The idea is not necessarily to replace a seated practice, but to complement it.

    Each method has its own benefits. Seated meditation helps quiet the body and mind more deeply, while walking meditation keeps you physically engaged and can be easier to sustain if you’re feeling restless or fatigued.

    Again, walking meditation is not meant to replace sitting meditation. Traditional seated meditation has profound benefits, especially when it comes to quieting your physical, mental and emotional bodies, focusing on your heart center as you connect to your Higher Self, the ‘I AM Presence’ within.

    Finding What Works for You

    Ultimately, of course, it’s up to you to discover what works best for you in your own spiritual routine. Some days, you might prefer the stillness of a seated practice; on others, you might need the active engagement of a walking meditation. The important thing is to spend some time going within, re-centering yourself, and nurturing that connection to your inner being.

    Here are some practical tips for success.

    Dress comfortably and wear shoes and clothing that won’t distract you with any discomfort.

    It’s helpful to set a time frame. Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, a defined time can help you be more consistent and fully present.

    Always stay safe. If you’re walking outdoors, keep an eye on your surroundings and watch for traffic or obstacles.

    Experiment. Try different speeds, locations, and times of day. Notice how each variable affects your mood and mindfulness and your ability to stay spiritually connected.

    I think you will find that walking meditation is a beautiful, versatile practice that allows you to bring mindfulness into your everyday life. Whether you have trouble sitting still, need a way to de-stress after a busy day, or simply want a fresh approach to meditation, it’s worth exploring. The more you practice, the more you’ll discover your own rhythm and how to balance walking and sitting meditations for maximum benefit.

    Thank you for tuning in today. I hope you’ll give walking meditation a try and see how it transforms your daily routine. And if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend or leave a review. And as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments—I’d love to hear your experiences.

    Until next time, I wish you peace, clarity, and a wonderful walk in mindfulness.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe

    I’m sharing this interview, which was recorded during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic a few years ago, because the insights offered then remain just as relevant today. In that challenging time, we discussed resilience, creativity, and the ways we can find hope in uncertainty—topics that continue to resonate as many of us navigate new obstacles.

    Though the circumstances have evolved, I believe these reflections can still serve as a reminder that growth often emerges from the most difficult periods. My hope is that revisiting this conversation now will spark fresh ideas, motivate you to keep moving forward, and offer encouragement to anyone facing tough times.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • We honor our earthly mothers on Mother's Day. Have you thought of honoring our divine mother's? And What does "Mother" really mean to all women on earth? Join me as we celebrate and hear commentary on woman's role as mother.


    I believe that you and I have chosen to live during this time. We are being asked to pivot, own our purpose, and thrive. Our purpose is to lead others to awaken and thrive. This time is calling gifted leaders, healers, mentors, guies, conscious entrepreneurs, and creatives to step up and lead. We get to create the New Earth, and guide others into the new era for humanity. This is why I partnered with Anna Kowalska for this free online series “Sacred Success Salon: How to Lead and Thrive and an Awakened Leader in Times of Uncertainty.” Anna is bringing over 40 experts, including me, to share wisdom on how to navigate these times, and powerfully step into your awakened leadership. It's FREE and is begins this week. JOIN HERE


    Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

    Go to https://www.nancyshowalter.com/for a FREE Copy of My Book, It's OK to Be Rich: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Increased Wealth and Personal Mastery and FREE Mini-Course, "How to Speak Your Success: The Shocking Truth of How Your Words Impact Achieving Your Goals."

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello, and welcome to today’s episode where we will explore the many ways to expand and deepen our awareness in this rapidly changing world.

    Today we’ll be talking specifically about contacting the Divine—that intimate space within ourselves where the material and the spiritual meet. We’ll draw wisdom from Jesus Christ, and other sacred texts of the world, and we’ll also touch on how modern science backs these timeless teachings through the study of the heart’s own intelligence.

    So, let’s dive in!

    The Universal Call to the Heart

    One of the most beautiful truths is how wisdom traditions worldwide have pointed to the same place when contacting the Divine: the heart. Listen to these quotes:

    * From Jesus: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” An amazing statement that, in my opinion, has not been fully embraced by Christians, or anyone else for that matter.

    * A similar statement from Buddha: “The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”

    * From Mohammad: “He who knoweth his own self, knoweth God.”

    * And from the Bhagavad Gita: “I have given you words of vision and wisdom more secret than hidden mysteries. Ponder them in the silence of your heart, and then, in freedom, do your will.”

    All of these profound statements remind us that the Divine isn’t something out there, but something within. We know that our heart certainly is more than a physical organ. From a spiritual perspective, it is where the spark of your divine self resides as an actual energy field of extraordinary love, wisdom, and power. We call these three qualities the threefold flame due to its triune nature. You can think of it as the sacred place where the world of material existence and the world of spiritual being meet and integrate.

    The heart truly holds a still, small voice capable of guiding us through life’s journeys. Your heart center is like a divine alchemy lab: you bring in the “lead” of human thinking and worry, and through heart-centered awareness and meditation, it’s transformed into the “gold” of higher presence and peace.

    Heart Intelligence and Modern Science

    Nowadays, scientists are uncovering what the sages knew all along—that the heart has its own type of intelligence. Research in fields like neurocardiology shows the heart communicates with the brain and body through electrical, hormonal, and electromagnetic signals.

    One organization that has conducted an abundance of research and has developed some simple techniques is the Institute of HeartMath. It is a non-profit organization in California dedicated to helping people establish heart-based living and global coherence.

    Their research shows that it's really the heart that's the master organ. It has its own intelligence separate from the brain. The heart is the first organ to be formed in the human body. Even today, scientists do not know what makes the heart begin to beat. And when you think about it, we can live without a functioning brain, but we cannot live without a functioning heart. When the heart stops beating, that's the end of life, unless we can stimulate the heart and it begins beating again.

    Some scientists even say the heart is a major source of intuition and perception, which echoes the ancient teachings we just heard that real understanding, real presence, flows from the heart space.

    Imagine how different life would be if we consciously decided to live from the heart. We’d find clarity and peace, even in chaotic times. And we’d accelerate our own consciousness—heightening awareness, compassion, and emotional resilience. That’s what we are after in this episode.

    Practical Exercise – Entering the Heart Space

    To make this practical, let’s do a short exercise together. It’s very brief and can be done almost anywhere. But if you’re driving or not at a time or place you can do this, you can come back to it later. But if you’re in a quiet place where you can pause safely, feel free to follow along now. Take a nice deep breath in
 hold it for a few seconds
 then exhale slowly. Allow your body to release any tension. Repeat this, consciously feeling yourself completely letting go and relaxing.

    * Now Imagine a drop of water falling from your head down into your heart. As it falls, let go of all thoughts and worries, just like the water drop falls effortlessly through the air.

    * Feel it land in your heart space. Visualize or sense it gently hitting a still pool in your heart. Notice the ripples of peace radiating outward.

    * Bring to mind a time when you felt immense joy, love, or peace. Let that feeling grow in your heart. Feel those positive emotions flow out from your heart, filling your body and the space around you.

    * Mentally affirm “I AM.” Just “be.” Timeless, spaceless
”I AM.”

    * In this sacred space, you may pose a question. Perhaps there is a pressing question in your life. Gently place it in this heart space. Relax and allow the Divine to speak to you. An answer may come in several different ways—in the form of a thought, or what you may call “hearing.” It may come as a picture if you are a more visual person, or as a feeling, or even as a “knowing,” depending on your gift or gifts. You may even experience an answer in more than one sensory way.

    * Don’t force an answer—just remain open and notice any sensations, insights, or intuitive nudges that surface. If you don’t receive an “answer” immediately or during the meditation, it’s OK. The answer may come when it is least expected. Someone may say something or you read something that stands out to you and you recognize as the answer to your question. Remember, no answer is an answer. God’s timing is not always our timing.

    7. Take another deep breath. Allow yourself to be aware of your heart’s intelligence and note how you feel. Notice how when you are in your heart space, all is well—peaceful, no sense of struggle, no worries. Tune back into this feeling and step into this space as you go about your day.

    The more you practice this simple exercise, the more natural it becomes to live in your heart space. It’s a matter of gaining momentum.

    At first, you might only be able to do this in a quiet room, eyes closed, with or without music. But soon, you’ll find that you can drop into your heart anytime—right before a big meeting, during your commute, or even while talking with someone. Simply return to this “space” as you focus your attention on your heart and mentally affirm “I AM.” With enough practice, you may experience a point where you rarely leave your heart space.

    Imagine what that does for your sense of connection, calm, and clarity. That’s when we start to see a true acceleration in our consciousness: life flows more smoothly, decisions become clearer, and compassion and responding rather than reacting to situations becomes second nature.

    I invite you to keep practicing this heart-centered meditation at least once a day and other times throughout the day. First thing in the morning is good as it gets you connected to the Mighty ‘I AM’ within and it sets the tone for your day. You can also get specific answers for the activities of the day or set expectations of what you would like to happen.

    Thank you so much for tuning in today. I hope you found the insights and practice helpful. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe or leave a review. I’d also love to hear about your experiences with the heart-space practice, so feel free to share.

    Remember, the kingdom of God, the divine, or however you name that Source, is within you.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to today’s episode: “A New Level of Consciousness: Ushering in the Golden Age.”

    I’m Nancy Showalter, your guide on this continuing journey toward higher consciousness and personal transformation, and I’m thrilled you’re here for our first episode of the new year, which I predict is going to be awesome!

    As we step forward into this new year, we’re going to explore spiritual breakthroughs—those quantum leaps that catapult not only individuals but entire societies into a brand-new paradigm of thinking and being.

    If you joined me last year, you know our resolution was all about embracing a higher consciousness. This year, we’ll look at how we can rise even further—together—and why this is vital if we truly are to create a golden age for humanity.

    Let’s begin by reflecting on what we mean by a “spiritual breakthrough.” Most likely you’ve had moments of epiphany—times when you realized something bigger was at play in your life. It’s in those moments, you suddenly see the world differently. It’s as if a door opens, and the light shines more brightly into your mind and heart. That’s pretty much the essence of a breakthrough.

    But here’s the key: these leaps aren’t limited to lone mystics on mountaintops. History shows us that these quantum leaps in understanding can occur at both the individual level and the collective level. When they happen collectively, humanity steps into a new era.

    Historical Leaps in Understanding

    To illustrate the magnitude of such shifts, let’s talk about moments in history when bold thinkers did propel us all forward in ways that seemed almost impossible at the time.

    Consider the shift from believing that the Earth was the center of the universe to understanding we revolve around the sun. Giants like Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler faced ridicule—some even faced severe punishment—just because they dared to challenge the status quo. And yet, these visionaries paved the way for modern astronomy, fundamentally altering humanity’s sense of our place in the cosmos.

    Then more recently, the transition from Isaac Newton’s model of the universe to the somewhat strange and mysterious world of quantum physics that shook our understanding of reality. Einstein, Planck, and Bohr discovered that subatomic particles behave in ways that defy what we think of as “common sense,” and this opened doors to ideas about consciousness, energy, and the interconnectedness of everything.

    In each case, skeptics dismissed such breakthroughs initially. Yet, over time, these ideas sparked innovations that changed the course of humanity. The willingness of a few to explore beyond conventional thinking brought forth our current, more nuanced understanding of the universe.

    Spiritual Breakthroughs and the Golden Age

    Today, these big-picture shifts parallel what is happening with spiritual understanding

    More and more of us sense there is something greater than the everyday grind. We feel subtle energies; we experience synchronicities; we meditate or pray and notice our perspective broadening.

    Why does this matter on a larger scale? Because, as a collective, when we break through spiritually, we open the way to a golden age—an era marked by harmony, enlightenment, and compassion, and these inner transformations can spark outer changes. Eventually, these personal awakenings can turn into societal evolutions.

    That’s where I believe we are today—at the precipice of individual and collective spiritual awakening that will be led at first by the few and then will spark change in the many.

    Ordinary People, Extraordinary Possibilities

    The exciting news is that these breakthroughs aren’t reserved only for scientists, philosophers, or mystics. Any of us—yes, even the so-called “average person”—can experience them. Here’s why:

    Today, knowledge that was once secret or limited to specialists is at our fingertips. With the Internet, books, online forums, and spiritual communities, anyone can explore new frontiers in understanding.

    With the more current revelations from the ascended masters over the last couple of centuries, we have access to the deeper, inner spiritual knowledge and experiences that were once only known to those mystics who experienced the Divine through meditation, prayer and fasting and other spiritual disciplines.

    Thanks to technology, we are more connected than ever. We can learn from people on the other side of the world, broaden our perspectives, find spiritual mentors, all within a few clicks. This is unprecedented in our known history.

    Societal norms are beginning to shift. Practices like meditation, energy work, mindfulness, and yoga—they are no longer viewed as fringe—they’re mainstream. And the understanding of the violet flame as a spiritual frequency that transmutes negative energy into positive energy—once a strange notion—is now practiced by millions in meditation, with mantras and decrees, and is readily accessed all over the Internet. This cultural openness cultivates the perfect environment for deeper spiritual exploration.

    When you combine these factors, it means that average individuals, just like you or me, can tap into deeper levels of awareness—if we keep an open mind and heart. We become catalysts for transformation not only in our own lives, but in our families, communities, and ultimately the entire planet.

    Embracing the Frontier of Consciousness

    This really is the frontier of consciousness. So how can you, a pioneer in this frontier, set yourself up for these spiritual breakthroughs? Let’s look at some ways.

    Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:Create a daily habit of quieting the mind and listening to your inner self. Stillness can be the doorway to new insights. I will talk more in future episodes about how to connect to your Higher Self and receive direct communication.

    Stay Curious:Read widely—explore spiritual texts, quantum theories, ancient wisdom traditions as well as more current revelations. Nurture an attitude of curiosity rather than rigid skepticism. And, of course, subscribe to my podcast!

    Cultivate Community:Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals. Participate in groups or workshops that expand your horizons.

    Integrate Knowledge into Daily Life:It’s not enough to just learn or have abstract spiritual experiences. Look for ways to apply new insights in everyday moments—like approaching conflicts with greater compassion, listening more intently—not just hearing, but actual listening, or seeing challenges as opportunities to grow.

    Everything that comes to us in this life is for our growth. It is like the testing of our spirits to see how we handle it, how we maintain our centeredness and navigate challenging times. Learning to control your thoughts, feelings and reactions cultivates spiritual mastery. Saint Germain has given great teachings on the importance of such personal mastery, which is also part of what I want to share this year.

    Trust Your Inner Guidance:When exploring unconventional ideas, there might be pushback or doubt—from yourself or others. Learn to trust your inner resonance and attunement with your Higher Self. Once you are able to connect spiritually and attune to your Higher Self—the I AM Presence within—you are able to receive clear guidance and support in your everyday life.

    Personal Stories and Hope for the Future

    I’d like to share a quick story from someone in our community, who had a profound spiritual shift last year after diligently following daily meditation, directly invoking the power of God and other spiritual practices. This person found that as they healed emotional traumas and limited beliefs, they tapped into a state of inner peace they’d never known. Soon, life began to flow more smoothly, and new opportunities opened. They’ve said they went from surviving to truly thriving.

    These stories keep multiplying. They illustrate that when one person has a spiritual breakthrough, it ripples outward. Family relationships heal, local communities grow stronger, and society steps closer to what we envision as a golden age—a time where compassion, awareness, and creativity define our way of life.

    We are on the cusp of tremendous change, both personally and collectively. Much like the leap from believing the Earth was flat to understanding it’s round, or from the predictability of Newtonian physics to the wonder of quantum physics, we are ready for a new leap in spiritual understanding. The golden age we speak of isn’t just an ideal—it’s a tangible reality we can help bring about by being open to the extraordinary.

    In your own life, ask: What if there’s more? Then listen, meditate, read, study, ask questions. Allow yourself to embark on this marvelous quest for truth. Because the moment you decide to expand your thinking, you step into a new level of consciousness—one that helps heal you and, by extension, helps heal the world.

    These are a few of the topics we will delve into as the year unfolds. So be ready for incredible acceleration and breakthroughs!

    Thank you for being with me today as we set the tone for the year ahead of incredible possibilities. Until next time, stay curious, stay open, and remember: the golden age begins with you in your heart.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Greetings, and Happy New Year! As we wrap up another year that has gone by amazingly fast, I would like to invite you this year to go beyond the usual tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions. Instead of focusing solely on external goals like losing weight, saving money, or picking up a new hobby, let’s consider a deeper, more profound commitment: accelerating your spiritual consciousness in the year ahead.

    This episode isn’t just about self-improvement—it’s about self-awakening and transformation.

    What does it mean to expand spiritually? How can we integrate higher awareness into our daily lives? Let’s dive into the possibilities that come with committing to a spiritual transformation.

    Begin by Reflecting on the Past Year

    As the year ends, take time to reflect on your spiritual journey over the past 12 months:

    * What were the key lessons you learned this year? Did you experience any challenges that pushed you toward greater understanding or compassion?

    * Were there times when you felt truly aligned with your higher self? When did you feel the most peace, joy, or divine connection?

    * Where do you see room for further growth? What limiting beliefs or habits could you release?

    Reflection is not about judgment; it’s about awareness. It’s through awareness that we open the door to conscious transformation.

    The Call to Accelerate Spiritual Consciousness

    We live in a time of great awakening. As collective consciousness evolves, we’re being called to step into our Higher Selves and align with the divine purpose within us. So what does this look like in practical terms? Consider:

    * Commit to practices that nurture your soul, such as meditation, prayer, journaling, or simply spending time in nature. Even 10 minutes a day meditating on “I AM,” can create profound shifts and insights.

    * Practice being fully present in your interactions and activities. Notice how this presence transforms mundane moments into sacred ones. This can be challenging for us who live in a fast-paced world where we like to multi-task and do things in automatic mode.

    * Address unresolved emotions or past traumas. Seek the guidance of a spiritual mentor, therapist, or healer to support your journey. This is very important if you have particular stumbling blocks from the past that keep you from moving forward.

    * Embrace opportunities to uplift those around you. Service opens the heart and aligns us with the divine flow of love and abundance.

    * Deepen your relationship with God, the Universe, or however you conceive the sacred. This connection is the foundation of accelerated spiritual growth.

    * Use the Violet Flame for Transformation—Mantras, visualization and meditation using the violet flame is key to your transformation and acceleration of consciousness. Visualize each cell of your body as dynamic pulsating energy and surrounded by the violet vibrating frequency to clear negative records and to restore the free-flowing light from your Higher Self, the I AM Presence. A simple mantra you can use is “I AM a being of Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires.” When combined with visualization and focus, tremendous transformation can take place. Click here for a video meditation on the violet flame.

    Setting Intentions for Spiritual Growth

    Unlike resolutions, which often focus on external achievements, spiritual intentions center on inner transformation. Always remember, when setting intentions or creating affirmations or decrees, state them in the present tense as if they are accomplished already. It is also more powerful to speak your intentions when possible to bring them into physical reality.

    Here are a few examples:

    * “I AM aligned with my Highest Self in all that I do.”

    * “I live with greater compassion and forgiveness.”

    * “I trust the divine plan unfolding in my life.”

    * “I release fear and step boldly into love.”

    Choose 3 or 4 transformations significant in your life and create intention statements. Write them down and revisit them regularly. Allow them to guide your actions and choices throughout the year.

    The Ripple Effect of Spiritual Commitment

    When you commit to accelerating your spiritual consciousness, you don’t just transform your own life—you impact your immediate environment and all evolutions on the planet. Every act of kindness, every moment of forgiveness, and every expression of gratitude creates ripples that uplift humanity as a whole.

    As you step into the new year, do so with a sense of sacred purpose. Release what no longer serves you, embrace the truth of who you are, and commit to walking the path of love, light, and spiritual awakening.

    Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Here’s to a year of profound growth, deep connection, and divine transformation.

    Happy New Year and may your spirit shine brighter than ever. Until next time, stay inspired, stay aligned, and stay blessed.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Greetings, dear listeners, and welcome to Part 3 of my special Christmas gift to you. If you’ve been following along, thank you for joining me as we explore profound truths about who we really are and the legacy Jesus left for all of humanity.

    In Part 1, I introduced the first portion of Chapter 2 from my book, You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner: Awaken to Who You Really Are. In Part 2, we delved deeper into the idea of shedding the “unreal self,” the synthetic identity that keeps us from embracing our true divine nature. Today, in Part 3, we will complete this journey together by reflecting on The Great Awakening and its implications for your life.

    As we stand at the threshold of a new age, the Aquarian Age, there is a stirring within many hearts—a call to rise higher, to see beyond the illusions of this world, and to claim the divine potential within. This is the essence of The Great Awakening. It is not simply a concept or a historical event; it is a living reality unfolding in you and in the collective consciousness of humanity.

    Jesus’ life and mission marked the beginning of this awakening, and it is no coincidence that his birth is celebrated during a season of renewal and light. He came to remind us of our origins and destiny. He demonstrated for us what it means to live as a Christed being—fully human and fully divine.

    Yet, how often do we limit this potential in ourselves? How often do we settle for half-truths about who we are, holding fast to the labels of sinner, unworthy, or less-than? As long as we cling to these false beliefs, we remain bound to the lower self, unable to experience the fullness of the life Jesus promised.

    It is time to awaken to the Christ within. This awakening requires a shift in consciousness—a letting go of the old paradigms and a willingness to embrace the truth that you are, at your core, a son or daughter of God. As Jesus declared, “The kingdom of heaven is within you” [Luke 17:21]. This is not a far-off place or an abstract concept. It is a state of being, available here and now.

    The journey to this awakening is not always easy. It involves peeling back the layers of conditioning, fear, and limitation. It requires us to confront the aspects of ourselves that are out of alignment with divine love and to bring them into harmony with the truth of our being. But this is the work we are called to do—to reclaim the light within and let it shine.

    Paul’s words in Romans 12:2 guide us: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This transformation is the essence of awakening. It is a call to think differently, to see differently, and to live differently. It is a call to recognize that you are not merely human striving to become divine, but that you are divine expressing as human.

    As we conclude this chapter and this series, let me leave you with a vision of what is possible. Imagine a world where each individual recognizes their divine identity and lives in alignment with it. Imagine the peace, love, and creativity that would flow. This is not just a dream; it is the potential that lies within each of us. It begins with you.

    This Christmas, as you reflect on the birth of Jesus and the light he brought into the world, remember that this light is also in you. Let this season be a time of renewal, a time to embrace the truth of your divine nature, and a time to commit to living as the Christed being you are meant to be.

    Thank you for allowing me to share this gift with you. May the light of Christ fill your heart and guide you on your journey.

    Until we meet again, I wish you the most holy and joyous Christmas and holiday season. Love, light, and blessings to you and your loved ones.


    The Perfect Gift for Those You Love and Care About!

    You can purchase your copy of You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner: Awaken to Who You Really Are at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello and welcome to Part 2 of My Christmas gift to you. In Part 1, I read the first part of Chapter 2 of my book, You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner, Awaken to Who You Really Are.

    This week, I will be reading the second part of Chapter 2 entitled, “Sinner No More! Shedding the ‘Unreal’ Self.”

    These two weeks are definitely a sequence, so if you have not heard the first part, you might want to go back and listen to it first. It focuses on your true identity as a son or daughter of God and the role you play in this specific cycle of our spiritual evolution.

    To continue, Here is part 2 of my Christmas gift:

    Sinner No More! Shedding the ‘Unreal’ Self

    I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.


    The desire to know the meaning of life, where you came from and where you are going, eventually awakens in each of us. When it does, the search begins to uncover the mysteries of life and awakens us to reclaim our true identity.

    Throughout your soul’s evolution in time and space, you—and all of us—have created a synthetic, or unreal, aspect of self that obscures your real divine Self.

    The late Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, said that we are born three times. The first is our physical birth. The second is when we develop the ego, and the third is what leads to the birth of spiritual consciousness. He also said that this last birth never will happen if the person focuses exclusively on the ego, on its conditioning and on our rigid unresponsive mental patterns.

    This is the part of you I am calling the “unreal” or the “synthetic” self that conceals your ability to perceive your True Self.

    This is described in the book of Romans in the New Testament, “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man
” [Romans 1:19-23]

    Just as Michelangelo said that he saw an angel in the marble and carved until he set him free, this too is our task. We must carve away that which is not of our original perfection and set free the “angel,” or true self, within.

    In order to do this, it is essential that you shed the identity of “sinner.” True, none of us is perfect. As already mentioned, we all fall short and make mistakes, some greater than others, and we all create negative karma. But we must shift our perspective and identify with our true nature as sons and daughters of God and live life from that perspective.

    The label of “sinner” is what those who wish to control have placed upon you. When you see yourself as a “sinner” and not worthy, you become a victim of your own weaknesses and are more easily manipulated by others or by circumstances.

    In Romans 3:23 we read, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Again, this says we have all sinned, not that we are sinners. You are a son or daughter of God and even if you fall short or make wrong choices, it does not negate who you are.

    Sinners are mentioned many times throughout the Bible, in different contexts. Jesus was criticized for hanging out and eating with sinners and tax collectors. His response was that those who are healthy don’t need a physician, but those who are sick do.

    He did not see them as irredeemable or unworthy of God’s love, nor did he call them sinners. Rather he called them from their sins to him. He saw them as the ones he was to serve. He told us that what we do to the least of them, we do to him, further acknowledging the indwelling Christ in God’s children.

    Jesus knew that those who bear the light of Christ and the seed of the I AM that I AM within their hearts—referred to as Lightbearers—are not perfect in the human sense. He saw the living light of Christ in those who did not see it in themselves. He clearly demonstrated that the Lightbearers are in every station of life and in every religion, or no religion at all.

    He chose Matthew, the most reviled and hated tax collector, as one of his disciples. He called out those to follow him that were from the common people, imperfect as they were. He even called some who were considered the lowest of life at the time.

    He befriended Nicodemus, a Pharisee who was one of the important members of the Jewish ruling council and member of a ruling class who Jesus directly challenged.

    He ultimately converted and gave a commission to the Roman Saul who once seriously persecuted his followers and participated in St. Stephen’s stoning.

    He proved to us—if we have eyes to see—that it matters not our station in life, our religion or our spiritual path.

    He came to awaken us, the ones who bear the light of the living Christ, whether we are conscious of our divine heritage or not and whether we call it that or not. He came to shake us free from our sins and leave an indelible record for all time what it means to walk the earth as Christ and to give our lives for others.

    The apostle John said “as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” [John 1:12].

    John was saying that anyone who could receive the Christ in Jesus, could be quickened to become one with the Christ Self within. In other words, there is only one Son of God and the Christ in you is the same as the Christ in Jesus.

    Peter, the apostle, had an awakening of this universal message that Jesus brought when he said, “In solemn truth I can see now that God is no respecter of persons, but that in every nation the man who reverences him and does what is right is acceptable to him!” [Acts 10:34-35]

    In Romans 2:14-15 we read Paul’s perspective: “When the Gentiles, who have no knowledge of the Law, act in accordance with it by the light of nature, they show that they have a law in themselves, for they demonstrate the effect of a law operating in their own hearts. Their own consciences endorse the existence of such a law, for there is something which condemns or commends their actions.”

    The concept of Christ and Christ consciousness is applicable to all of us, not just those who profess the Christian faith. This is the hope for all of us.

    Jesus did not come to offer us an unobtainable goal. He came as a living demonstration of what we all can seek and achieve. He even told us this and said we could do even greater things than he did. Have we listened?

    This concludes Chapter 2 and the second part of my Christmas gift. Look for Part 3 and the conclusion of my gift next week . Thank you for being with me today. I wish you the most joyous Christmas and holiday season whatever you are celebrating this time of year. Until next time, love, light and blessings your way.

    The Perfect Gift for Those You Love and Care About!

    You can purchase You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner: Awaken to Who You Really Are at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Greetings, dear listeners, and welcome to Part One of my special Christmas episodes.

    Today, I have a heartfelt gift for you—one that resonates deeply with the spirit of this season of love, light, and renewal.

    As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the embodiment of the living Christ, I want to share a message that calls each of us to awaken to the truth of who we are.

    I’ll be reading from the first part a chapter of my book, You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner: Awaken to Who You Really Are.

    The chapter, entitled The Great Awakening, invites us to look beyond the limited identities we’ve been taught and embrace the divine potential within us all.

    This is my Christmas gift to you—a moment to reflect, to feel inspired, and to remember the profound truth that Jesus came to show us. So, find a quiet space, settle in, and let this message speak to your heart.

    Chapter Two

    The Great awakening

    That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

    ~ JOHN 1:9

    The Great Awakening—a popular topic these days—refers to many areas of our lives. But there is one area of our lives that I believe has not received nearly enough attention—spiritual awakening.

    Yes, many have awakened spiritually and have connected with a greater aspect of themselves. Many realize that something is changing and have experienced things beyond the normal. There are the many who need more understanding of what is happening, and then there are those who sense nothing and do not care.

    There is a descent of light and illumination over our planet that is bringing heaven much closer to us, and the world is waking up!

    When did this Great Awakening begin? It began over 2,000 years ago with the well-planned incarnation and mission of Jesus Christ—a mission so important and yet so misunderstood.

    Why do I say this?

    Because Jesus’ life was an in-your-face example of who each of us are meant to be. He came to earth as the living Christ in the physical world to re-awaken us to who we really are—sons and daughters of God who are also meant to do the same.

    I urge you, no matter what religion you follow, or none at all, do not dismiss the importance of his life. Put aside any pre-conceived notions whether you are a follower of Jesus, or not, and keep an open mind.

    Jesus imparted critical teaching to the world. Most importantly, he solved the mystery for us of how it is possible to be divine and live in this physical world as a human. He had the spiritual attainment of the Christ, but he was born into the world as a helpless baby who needed the protection of his parents, just as we did.

    He had to be protected, trained and schooled just as we did. He was tempted as we are. He had to grow into the fullness of his Christhood as he matured even though he already had that attainment before incarnating. His life is meaningful to us because, not only do we have the potential to do the same, but also we have the mandate to do so.

    Jesus was awake and fully aware of himself as the Son of God as well as the Son of Man. He came to earth on a mission to publicly demonstrate for all time what it means to be Christ—the Son of God—in the physical world. He left a record in this dimension that was for all who have ever incarnated, or who ever will incarnate, on earth.

    You may have not yet achieved this oneness with your Christ potential, but it is your divine destiny also. Jesus revealed this truth in so many ways. However, many of his teachings have been misunderstood or distorted, whether by our own lack of understanding or by how his teachings were codified by the early church.

    Yes, Christ is the only Son of God. Just as God creates Man in His image over and over again, so is the Son of God, Christ, within each one of us.

    The scripture quoted at the beginning of this chapter says that Christ is the “true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Notice that it specifically says every man that comes into the world. Not just one.

    Christ is the term used to describe the offspring of God. But no matter what terminology you may choose to use, the Son of God is the true identity of every son and daughter of God incarnating in this world.

    It does not matter what religion you were born into or if you never have been religious. Your job on earth is to externalize Christ individualized within you and fulfill your own unique reason for being as Jesus did.

    Carl Jung says, “Christ exemplifies the archetype of the Self.”[i] We refer to this Self as our Christ Self. The Christ Self is also referred to as the Higher Self or Higher Mental Body as described in the scripture, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” [Phillipians 2:5]

    Jesus’ teaching as recorded in the Bible is very clear regarding our true identity, and we know that not all of the records of his teachings made it into the Bible.

    Jesus told us not to look around to find the kingdom of heaven because it was within us, and who is in the kingdom of heaven but God? God is within us. This is why Jesus said we could do the things he did and even greater.

    If our true identity is not the Christ, the Son of God, then how is it possible we could do greater things than what Jesus did?

    Simple logic negates the limited concepts that have been foisted upon us by those who wish to control and keep us from manifesting our true power. We have not been taught that we were born to become a Christ. Rather, we have been taught we are sinners.

    Yes, we all have made mistakes and have karma to balance, but we don’t claim our mistakes or sins as our identity. Those are the things that we are overcoming. As long as we identify ourselves as sinners, separate from God, we negate the great power of God within us.

    Fear and the sense of unworthiness will not only keep us from the joyous and abundant life we are meant to live but can potentially delay the fulfillment of our divine purpose and our permanent reunion with God.

    It is important to remember that Jesus was not a Christian. He was a Jew. He was raised in the Jewish tradition but was not confined by it. His incarnation was a fulfillment of the scriptures of the coming of the Messiah prophecy and was not just for those who knew him when he was alive on earth, but for all who have ever incarnated on this planet or who ever will.

    While the Jews of the time were looking for a savior who would do battle with the Romans to free them from their bondage, Jesus came as a different savior. He clearly demonstrated and left a permanent record in our world of what it means to be the Son of God, the Christ, while embodied on earth.

    He came to re-awaken us to our divine origins and to restore Man to his rightful place in God’s hierarchy—as Sons and Daughters of God. He came to restore us to our Christ consciousness as we were before the disobedience and fall from grace. He saved us from our fallen consciousness that has kept us from our union with Christ.

    He physically and outwardly walked through the spiritual initiations that we all must master on the spiritual path: transfiguration, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. He died for us and showed us the victory over death. Granted, for most of us these initiations are not necessarily in the same way that he experienced them. Nevertheless, we will experience them in whatever way that is divine will for our souls.

    While some do actually give their life in a physical way as Jesus did, it is not a necessary component of the initiation. There are many ways Christ in you can be crucified, and resurrection and ascension back to God, is the goal.

    When Jesus told us we could do greater things then he did if we follow him, he did not mean to follow him as a puppy follows after its master. Rather, he meant by becoming as he is—Christ incarnate on earth. Then we too, “will have the light of life.” If the kingdom of heaven is within us, then we cannot deny that God and Christ are there too.

    Jesus was prepared for this specific mission. He came as the Christ incarnate at the beginning of the Piscean Age, which is the last in the sequence of twelve astrological ages that last approximately 2,150 years each.

    The twelve ages together make up a 25,800-year cycle, which we are wrapping up now at the end of Pisces, and are moving into the Aquarian Age, which is the Age of Freedom. Jesus promised he would be with us until the end, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”[ii]

    Some translations of this verse say “
to the end of the world,” and many have taken that to mean the end of the physical world. While we cannot completely discount that possibility, particularly when we see what is happening in the world these days, we see there are different translations of this particular passage.

    There is not an exact date for the ending of one age and the beginning of the next. Rather, as each age concludes, there is a transition period where there is a ‘wrapping up’ of the one ending and a ‘birthing’ of the new one beginning. This is where we are today.

    All that we are experiencing during these trying times is the culmination of the Piscean Age when all is being reconciled. That is, when the tares are being separated from the wheat[iii] and when light prevails over darkness.

    At the same time, we are giving birth to the Aquarian Age, which is meant to be a “golden” age. Aquarius is the age of freedom—freedom for individuals to fulfill their destinies as well as the planet as a whole, which also has a destiny to fulfill.

    For all this to be accomplished according to Divine Will, we must accept our roles as Sons and Daughters of God and be the instruments through which divine prophecy is fulfilled. We have dominion in this world and we hold her destiny within our hands and hearts.

    It is an amazing time that you agreed to be here and to be the hands and feet of God and his angels and masters to give birth to this new age.

    This concludes Part 1 of “The Great Awakening” chapter. Stay tuned for Part 2 next week.

    Thank you for sharing this spiritual journey with me. May you be blessed many times over during this precious Christmas season.

    The Perfect Gift for Those You Love and Care About!

    You can purchase You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner: Awaken to Who You Really Are at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello everybody and welcome to today's episode, which is very special, as we're going to talk about Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy. We're going to talk about her spiritual retreat and again, how you can visit that retreat. Now, Kuan Yin in Buddhism, she's revered as the compassionate savioress.

    As I said, the Goddess of Mercy or the Bodhisattva of Mercy. She's beloved as a mother figure and a divine mediatrix, very similar to Mary, the mother of Jesus. People look at it as she's the Buddhist Madonna.

    Her name, Kuan Yin, as she's often called, really means literally ‘the one who regards, looks on or hears the sounds of the world.’ According to the legend, she was about to enter heaven, but paused at just as she got to the door, as the cries of the world reached her ears. Now she is known as the protectress of women, of sailors, craftsmen, merchants, those under criminal prosecution and those desiring progeny.

    So, you can see where this flame of mercy and compassion, as she's known as the Goddess of Mercy. Many people believe that just by the recitation of her name, it will bring her instantly to you. As already mentioned, she is known as the Bodhisattva of Mercy.

    Bodhisattva of Mercy

    Now, a bodhisattva is one who stands with humanity. It's a vow that the bodhisattva takes to stand with humanity. It's a very sacred calling.

    This means that you're more aware of the oneness of all of life, and you're aware of all of life and its manifestation from the highest to the lowest. She says there are quite a number of these bodhisattvas on the planet, but they're greatly outnumbered by those who just go their own way of riotous living and whatever. But basically, it's a very high and holy order to be a bodhisattva.

    The Temple of Mercy

    Kuan Yin's spiritual retreat in the etheric realm is called the Temple of Mercy, and it's near Peking, China, situated in the foothills above Beijing.

    The description of this retreat is there is a central pagoda with golden dome that rises above 12 surrounding pagodas, each of which focuses the yin and the yang qualities of the 12 hierarchies of the sun. Above the entrance to each of these 12 temples are pieces of crystal and precipitated metal that chime the notes of the temples as the wind blows through them. So, kind of like a wind chime.

    There's a circular stairway spiraling along the periphery that takes us to the top of each pagoda. In her retreat, we could say that Kuan Yin is truly a cosmic mother. It's the tenderness of her heart's love for all who come to her retreat and it just melts even the most denseness of human creation. Even those with the heaviest karma, it spurs them on to renewed service.

    So great is Kuan Yin's compassion and forgiveness, no one leaves there without knowing that they are loved, and they can go forth to try again and to succeed. So, remember, we can visit these spiritual retreats at night when we leave our body as we're sleeping. You can simply make the request to ask to be taken to the retreat of Beloved Kuan Yin in the foothills above Beijing.

    I want to leave you today with a meditation that I did a while ago on Kuan Yin and mercy. It is not long, and I think it would be very rejuvenating for you. So enjoy the meditation.

    I will see you next week. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.


    Today I'd like to borrow some wisdom from the Eastern traditions.

    In China, there is a goddess known as Kuan Yin, and she is widely viewed as an immortal and revered for her unconditional love and compassion. She's called the Goddess of Mercy. So, I would like us to experience in these few minutes that unconditional love and compassion.

    The first person that we really want to give unconditional love and compassion and forgiveness and mercy to is ourself. So, let's take a few minutes and just take a nice deep breath, letting everything go, and I want you to stand as if you are this god or goddess of mercy.

    You are the immortal one, and I want you to visualize and think of that vulnerable child part of yourself within you. See that beautiful self that was so free at one point, but may have experienced difficult situations, hurtful situations. So just extend now as this goddess of mercy. Extend to this inner child unconditional love. Hug this child just as if you would your own child who might be hurting. Give forth this compassion and mercy, and let that child feel totally secure in your love, your embrace, your compassion.

    Then take another deep breath and think of someone in your life that might be a bit difficult, might be real difficult, but just whoever pops into your head intuitively. Do the same. Extend this unconditional love and mercy.

    You Become the Goddess of Mercy

    You are the goddess of mercy. Love, compassion, and forgiveness, and let that energy just flow from you as this beautiful violet-pink light and love that you're giving to this person.

    Just setting aside any differences, setting aside the thoughts about the situation. Just let them go and experience what you'd be like without those thoughts about the situation, and allowing love, just unconditionally, love and compassion flow through you to this person, to this situation.

    Then take another deep breath and recognize beautiful quote, words of Lao Tzu, “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

    So, letting go, forgiving is really your freedom. No matter what anyone else has done to you, you become free when you let go and forgive and extend unconditional love and compassion.

    So do this exercise each day this week. Take the same situation yourself or another difficult situation or different situation every day. It doesn't matter.

    But just allow yourself to totally feel this love, compassion toward yourself, toward others. Have an amazing week. Have a magical week.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello and welcome to today's episode, “Universal Laws, Part 5, Free Will and the Law of Cause and Effect.”

    So how does free will and the law of cause and effect intersect? We're all created equal, but since we have free will to make choices, that's where our equality ends.

    It's your choices over the entire span of your earthly existence that determine what you must experience in order to balance karma, grow spiritually and accelerate on the spiritual path.

    It's interesting to me to see how some of the most privileged people in society see themselves as victims, which only validates a belief that victimhood is a state of consciousness.

    “If You Change the Way You Look at Things, the Things You Look at Change.”

    The late Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” We have the power to change our state of mind, our belief structure, how we perceive life. As the saying goes, “Change your thinking and change your life.”

    For instance, you can catch yourself when you start to rehash and recreate a hurt or a difficult situation. You can even stop yourself before you start thinking of yourself as a victim. Whether we like to admit it or not, there's always that point where you can say ‘no’ to yourself.

    “No, Nancy, we're not going there. We're not recreating this. We're not reliving it.” The ‘we’ is you speaking from your Higher Self to your soul. Now another way to look at that is you can think of it as the adult you speaking to the inner child. It's a matter of personal discipline. You can learn to control your thoughts, which lead to feelings.

    Now, if the feelings appear to come first, you can refuse to engage them and change your thoughts as just described. Because when you rehash situations, you're simply re-sowing the seeds that will grow and come back to you again.

    An important fact about the law of cause and effect is while it's a simple law, its application is not always apparent. Effects of the causes that we set in motion are not necessarily instant. It may take a lifetime or numerous lifetimes before the effects of our actions circle back to us.

    In reality, this is the mercy of the law. It gives us additional time to grow and mature spiritually so we're better prepared to handle the return effects of some of our unenlightened choices from the past. It also gives us an opportunity to balance some of our debts to life through our service to others, even specific individuals whom we may have harmed over time. Positive karma also returns to us and helps us get through the times when negative karma circles back.

    At other times, a return of karma can seem almost instant. It can be as simple as helping a neighbor in need and then later a different neighbor helps you when you lose your job. Or it may be that you're not careful and as a result you fall and sustain a serious injury.

    A Portion of Your Karma Returns to You Daily

    The law requires that a portion of your karma returns to you daily. This is what Jesus meant when he said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Your ‘cross’ is your karma that you're called to transmute and balance daily. You're meant to ‘deny’ yourself, which means that you turn away from the human consciousness and follow in the footsteps of Jesus to become as he is.

    Now whether you're aware of it or not, this game of life goes on continuously every moment of your life. Your thoughts, feelings, actions, and words are all creations that define your world and send forth degrees of constructive or destructive energies.

    This can be the reason why you sometimes see wonderful people experiencing dire personal experiences. We often hear people ask, “Why would God allow such and such to happen?” When in reality we are the quote “God” in this dimension. We are creators and we were given dominion over the earth. We have free will to choose how we express that dominion.

    When we create in conjunction with God and our own divine nature, we're in alignment with divine will and we're true co-creators with God. The God above and the God below are in complete harmony. We are whole just as Jesus said, “I and my father are one.” We become the instruments of our divine nature expressing itself.

    Being made in God's image and likeness, you are meant to create as he creates, manifesting instant results. “Let there be light, and there was light.” Jesus demonstrated this mastery with the miracles he performed.

    Sometimes we learn the hard way when using our creative energies. A good plan of action to live by is to understand that all of your life is your responsibility and nobody else's. Let's not miss the critical key that Jesus gave us when he spoke ‘I AM’ statements. He was teaching us how to master the law of cause and effect by being the cause that sets forth effects in our own lives and in the world at large.

    ‘I AM’ is a declaration of what ‘is.’ For example, “I AM the light of the world.” The cause, “I AM the light.” The effect, the light is in the world. The more you decree ‘I AM,’ the more you are sending forth the effect of whatever you are declaring.

    The Two Most Powerful Words You Can Utter

    ‘I AM’ are the two most powerful words you can ever utter. Use them wisely.

    Take the time now to contemplate the law of cause and effect and the concept of taking full responsibility for your life. Write down what it means to you to take full responsibility for your life and identify ways that you are taking full responsibility for your life. Then identify ways that you don't take full responsibility and what changes could you make. Then create ‘I AM’ statements around those situations so that you become the cause.

    That's all for today.

    I will be with you next week. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello and welcome to Universal Laws, Part Four: “The Law of Cause and Effect.”

    Now some people believe that the Law of Cause and Effect is really not scientific. It's kind of a ‘new age’ concept—the law of attraction. But Albert Einstein actually has something to say about that. He says,

    Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”

    So that's his perspective and I think it sheds a lot of light on those who think that the law of cause and effect is not a scientific law. This law is the third universal law that we're talking about today and it's really been with us since the beginning of time. It's the most fundamental law of how the universe works.

    We know it by a number of different names. The law of karma, Newton's third law, “for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction,” and of course those colloquial expressions such as ‘what goes around comes around,’ ‘what you sow you reap.’ So this is really not a new concept at all.

    Religious Texts

    We also find that the same law being taught in a number of the world's religions. In the Bible, book of Matthew, we see, “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”

    In the Buddhist scriptures it says, “According to the seed that is sown so is the fruit you reap there. From doer of goodwill gathers good, from doer of evil, evil reaps.”

    Foundational to this understanding of the law of cause and effect is the understanding of the law of vibration which we talked about last week.

    Returning to the basic premise that everything is energy and according to its vibrational speed and frequency, we have different manifestations—including you—because you are a vibrational being and according to the level of your vibration it's what you're putting out to the universe that will come back to you.

    You Are a Creator

    You are constantly creating with your thoughts, your emotions, your memories, your words, your actions. All of these are manifestations of energy.

    As an illustration, if you had a traumatic experience at some point in your life and you've not completely released it, that energy imprint, or record, is still in your subconscious memory. Each time you think about it and feel it all over again it's no longer something in the past, it's in your present moment. By reliving the past you're recreating the situation all over again. As you recreate that past situation it becomes an even stronger imprint, and it can become like a prison for you.

    This is one cause of illness, disease, and emotional bondage—not being able to release and let go of these past traumatic experiences which are energies manifesting in our four lower bodies, meaning our physical body, our emotional body, our mental body, and our memory body.

    Well, the good news is that this is also true with your good memories.

    You can likewise raise your vibration to a very high level by simply remembering or re-experiencing a very wonderful event that happened in your life. Many people use this “remembering” technique in their meditations to get centered in their hearts, or when their vibrations dip to a lesser level and they want to get back to a higher vibration.

    Responsibility for Your Own Life

    But in order to grasp fully and understand the law of cause and effect we can't overlook the important fact that we must take responsibility for our lives. This is sometimes a tall order for some people. Society today practically encourages us to blame others for the condition in our lives, whether it be our parents, our teachers, past experiences, the government, or just our particular circumstances.

    So, contemplate this concept of taking full responsibility for your own life.

    What does that exactly mean to you today? Are you a victim? Do you place yourself in that role?

    Take a look at that and next week we will talk about how free will and the law of cause and effect interact.

    Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello and welcome to “Universal Laws Part 3: The Law of Vibration.”

    If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. - Nikola Tesla

    The second universal law we're going to talk about is the “Law of Vibration.”

    Quantum physics tells us that everything is energy and energy is in constant motion, and it vibrates at varying speeds. According to the rate and frequency of the vibration, we have various manifestations that we see and those that we don't see in the physical world.

    For instance, the objects around you, such as your chair, your desk, the car you drive, etc., appear to be solid, but they're not. Rather, everything is energy in motion composed of rapidly flashing packets of energy.

    So, why do they appear solid when they're not?

    Well, I always think of a movie as a good analogy. In the movie, people are moving around in what appears to be in a smooth, continuous fashion. But in reality, those moving images are a series of just slightly progressed different frames that flash before you so quickly, every split second, that you don't perceive the time gap between the frames. It all looks solid, just like we view motor movements in real life.

    We experience life through our five senses, which are conveyed to us through vibrations. We experience life with our thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that are vibrations that others can sense.

    For example, you probably have had the experience of meeting someone and feeling uncomfortable in their presence, even though they may not outwardly express anything negative.

    Or, you could be feeling down a bit, and then an old friend that you haven't heard from in a long time calls you on the phone and says they're in town, so happy to connect with you, and you immediately respond to their enthusiastic energy, and your energy changes, and you feel excited and good again.

    Because you responded, that person's energy literally lifted your vibration. Of course, there may be times when you are the person with a positive energy that lifts someone else who needs it.

    Everything and everybody has a vibratory frequency that is continually being broadcast. Think of Jesus' words when he said that we shall know them by their fruits. Fruits are not only results produced, but also vibrations.

    Knowing that everything is energy, it's a great key to understanding yourself and how the universe works. It is this law of vibration that gives birth to the law of cause and effect, which we're going to talk about next week.

    But I want you to think of a time when you had gut feelings about someone or some situation. Did you follow that feeling? What was the result?

    Energy is a fascinating thing, and if you doubt that you're energy, take a few minutes to rub your hands together very, very hard for about 10 seconds, and then hold them a couple inches apart and feel the energy that's flowing between the two. Then you move your hands out slightly and back, and it's almost like there's a block of energy in between your hands.

    This is your life force. This is your energy, and this energy can be directed for healing and various purposes.

    That's all for today, and I will see you next week. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Thank you for being with me today, and if you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, download, and comment. I'd love to hear from you, and your support is much appreciated.

    Don't forget to go to www.theawakeningnow.com for free bonuses and information on my new book, You Were Born to be a Christ, But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner, Awaken to Who You Really Are.

    See you next week.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello and welcome to today's episode, “Universal Laws, Part Two, The Law of Free Will.”

    Now, the law of free will is many times overlooked and not included in the list of universal laws. But if you think about it, your ability to choose is critical in determining the outcomes for your life.

    So, from my perspective, it's one of the most important, if not the most important, of all the universal laws. Because we have to consider, even after you're aware of universal laws, you have the choice as to whether or not you follow them.

    Do We Really Have Free Will?

    Some people question whether or not we really have free will. Because if we choose not to follow universal laws, there are negative consequences. But of course, this is why it's even more important that we learn these laws and align with them so we can thrive and make progress.

    Ask yourself, do you believe that circumstances limit your choices and you don't really have free will? Or you're a victim of your upbringing or your status in life or identification with a certain group of people?

    If so, this is a false belief that limits you. You can choose to be who you want to be, to think the thoughts that go beyond your limits, and feel a specific way, no matter what your circumstances are. It's really up to you.

    The Amazing Viktor Frankl

    I like to look at the life of the amazing Viktor Frankl, who lived through his experience in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He said, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

    This was a great lesson he learned when his freedom was taken away from him, and he was brutally treated. He could not change how he was being treated, so he chose to change how he responded to it, how he perceived it. As a result, not only did he survive when many others perished, but he also lived to tell his story of personal transformation that has helped millions.

    Our free will is exercised all the time. We have small and large choices in life that range from deciding when to get up in the morning, when to go to the store, whether we want to get married, have a child, whether we speed on the highway and risk a ticket or accident, or to join a neighborhood gang in order to feel we belong somewhere.

    The choices you make in these instances lead to very different outcomes. Some are positive, some are negative, some don't impact your life or anyone else's in any significant way, but making decisions is a critical part of who you are and how you progress in life, and this is both spiritually and materially.

    Evaluate a Choice You Have Made in the Past

    So take a time, recall, write down a time when you had a major decision to make. If you can't think of a major decision, then use any decision where you had two or more options to choose from and you had to make a choice.

    Once you've identified the situation, then list what your choices were in that situation. Taking the choice that you made, what was the outcome that resulted?

    Then look at other potential choices. What might have been different if you made any of those choices? Do you regret the choice you actually made? What did you learn from that experience? Have you made the most from that outcome?

    It's worth spending some time on this because it's very important to understand the significance and the results of the decisions that you make.

    I will be with you next week as we investigate our second universal law, the law of vibration. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Thank you for being with me today and if you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, download, and comment.

    I'd love to hear from you and your support is much appreciated, and don't forget to go to www.theawakeningnow.com for free bonuses and information on my book, You Were Born to be a Christ but You Were Taught You Are a Sinner, Awaken to Who You Really Are.

    See you next week.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Host Nancy Showalter:

    Hello and welcome everybody to our episode today where we're going to be talking about the spiritual cosmology of light versus darkness.

    I'm very happy to have Alberta Fredrickson back with us today as we sum up what we've been talking about in the last two episodes. Thank you, Alberta, for being with us here another week.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen:

    Thank you, Nancy. It's good to be with you.

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    Our special guest today is Mark Myers. Mark's a veteran researcher and he even does this for his profession where he investigates the medical and biochemical literature to develop integrative health solutions to major illnesses.

    In his personal time, he really goes into ferreting out hidden information about the spiritual dimensions and the history of our universe from a spiritual perspective that maybe many people have not heard before.

    Mark, we're really happy to have you with us today. You've been with me before in some of our earlier episodes, which people really loved. We are looking forward to not only hearing about your fascinating research, but how specifically it relates to what we're dealing with today in America and around the world. We have talked about these things in our last two episodes, so welcome, Mark.

    Guest Mark Myers:

    Well, it's nice to be with you, Nancy. Always fun to be able to share these exciting facts with people as we get a greater perspective of where we came from so that we know where we're going to go.

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    Exactly. So, Alberta, maybe it'd be best if you could just start with a real brief summary to bring Mark up to date with what we've covered and our listeners in the last two episodes here.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen:

    Okay, well, it's such an exciting topic. It's always hard to summarize and make it brief, but I think one of the things that we've been talking about is this concept of America as an experiment of the Great White Brotherhood. It's actually an experiment in freedom, in this element of freedom, and we're certainly getting many lessons daily in the news about this aspect.

    The Great White Brotherhood, which you have talked about before, is really a group of individuals and they're both ascended and unascended as we still are. This includes individuals of all races, all creeds, all nationalities.

    We're really talking about everyone here. When we make reference to that term that we've used before called the ‘I AM Race,” it's not about race. It's not about race at all. It's about the Light and the presence of God to come through each and every one of us and through our nations and through all of the activities that each of us are engaged in daily.

    Saint Germain, of course, who you have introduced to your audience and all of us love dearly, is the ascended master who's really the sponsor for this particular age, the Aquarian age. He explained that America really was, and still is, an experiment.

    There are no psychological or astrological predictions that determine how it's going to turn out. We don't know what America's fate is yet because we are in it and we are developing it and we are moving forward with it. So it's not fore- ordained in any way. It will be what we make of this amazing opportunity for our turn of life on planet earth.

    So, there isn't anything automatic about fulfilling a cosmic destiny. America is simply the opportunity, the gift of freedom, like the gift of free will that we have been given, and placed in our hands and our hearts, and we are here with the divine intention of delivering it and bringing it to a whole planet.

    If indeed there is to be a victory for freedom, a real cosmic destiny that can be forged and won first on this continent and then on the entire planetary body, it will be because this group of people that we've spoken of, this I AM Race, have made this quality of freedom their own. Sometimes this has been referred to as the work of the ages, this quality of freedom.

    So the masters have emphasized that America is more than just a nation. It's a symbol. It's a symbol to all people of the possibility for the realization of both individual and world freedom. This possibility is also a responsibility and it rests upon the shoulders of what we have referred to as the Lightbearers, those souls who have known freedom in the past, those who have embraced it and realize the potential for the expansion of a flame of freedom and a flame of liberty in the heart of all Lightbearers in the world and in all the nations of this world.

    So currently we're seeing some rather radical elements in the news who openly state that they are Marxists trained and that their intention is to tear down this system of freedom and of governing peoples, which means tearing down our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

    So these are efforts not only to destroy the intent for America and for planet earth, but it's also to rewrite our national history. The masters have taught us that they would like us also to expand in the consciousness of those who are in these United States, in America and in the world, this awareness of the oneness of life upon the earth and on the planet and that maybe here in America where we are given this amazing quality of freedom, we can once again come together and draw mankind together and set before the people of the whole planet a bigger cup of light in the heart of America.

    It's like a future that the Holy Family concept can draw us together and make us feel that Holy Family concept. Once again, we see that this example, that America can be a holy family concept example to the entire planet and for us to realize how much opposition there is to it in our present moment, in our present day. And that's why we turn to our spiritual practices to assist us and getting through and passing our own tests, helping our nation to pass the tests, helping our leaders to pass their tests so that we can bring this holy family concept not only to America, but to this entire planet.

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    Yes. Well, thank you for that. We also talked about how America is not a perfect nation because there's no such thing actually. It was founded by people, imperfect people who had vision, who were inspired by the Divine, by God's direction to them. We talked about how Christopher Columbus, how he wrote in his own words, how he was inspired.

    So if our listeners, any of you have not heard the first two episodes prior to this one, I really would encourage you to listen to those because I think it'll give you a new perspective on America and what it is. It is still in the becoming.

    Now, we left our listeners last week, we left you all by pointing out how Jesus came to this planet in his own words, “not to bring peace but a sword.”

    Even though he gave us those two ‘great commandments’ and exemplified them in his life, his total compassionate love and mercy, he was fully aware of the fallen angels and those of darkness that he had come at that particular time in that particular region of the world for their judgment.

    So this is an important key and this is what we're going to talk about today because understanding the forces of light and darkness is really key right now to the victory not only of our nation, but personally and of our planet because like we said, every planet has its divine plan also and all life keeps evolving toward—back to their Source, the One.

    So, this is where we're going to begin today. Mark, tell us first about how you do your research and the sources of your research and just a summary of that.

    Guest Mark Myers:

    Okay. Well basically I research everything that I can find from different spiritual movements. I look at the Internet, I look all over the place, the sources that I have found to be credible in the past, and I aggregate this information into a picture.

    So we have a viewpoint and I think that it's important that we expand our view, our awareness, our cosmic lens with which we look at things. Because if we look from a very narrow viewpoint, for instance, a thousand years or a few thousand years, then we're only seeing a very minuscule part of history.

    But remember, time is vast and millions and millions and millions of years, and there's a history that we have here on this planet of light and darkness. And before that just light. And there's a history throughout the entire galaxy and these sectors of galaxies that God created where there has been a great battle going on.

    I mean, star Wars showed the great rebellion. Well this wasn't too far from the truth. We had many millions of years ago a great rebellion, the forces of darkness wanting to overcome the forces of light and being kicked out of heaven as the Bible tells us.

    So, this is kind of the lens that we need to look at things through so that we can really have a clear and crystal perspective of what we need to do for our own personal victory, but also for a planetary victory and also for the victory of our entire solar system.

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    Yes, and we know that a lot has been revealed by the ascended masters through their lineage and that which they have brought forth starting really in the 19th century, 20th centuries and up to the present.

    So, we have a lot also of scientists who have found a lot of archeological kinds of proof of things of different evolutions on this planet. Very interesting. So, we know it goes back a long way. We know there's talk of Atlantis and Lemuria and different civilizations that really are not outpictured in our current history.

    So Mark, take us back to the earliest point of what you know about the forces of light and darkness and that you talked about those being cast out of heaven and how that all has come about.

    Guest Mark Myers:

    Well, as you were saying, Nancy, the last 150 years or so has been very rich with movements that have brought things from higher octaves to us in the physical where we have more of a connection through movements of
I can name a few: Theosophy, the I AM movements, the Agni Yoga Society, Bridge to Freedom.

    A lot of these movements have brought to us pieces of information. So if we go back, well first I agree a hundred percent with what Alberta's saying. I like to say that I think that as we stand in the middle of this alchemical crucible, this experiment of America, which is still unformed, but we don't know the outcome. As we stand in that crucible and look, we can clearly start to see the forces that are molding that and you're seeing them outplaying again as they've played in ages past.

    I mean, America is an open experiment, I might call it, I'm trying to think of the right word. It's an open experiment in the last couple hundred years where in the past the Masters have taught us in private, in mystery schools. They've given us the Truth, they've given us the vision.

    Well, America has given us a chance for all of us in an outer way to outplay all these things. This is a very important time. But to trace back to the very earliest points that we really understand, we understand that earth was inhabited early on. You probably talked about the root races, which are mandalas of souls that come to earth. The first three root races came outpictured the light, and they returned to the higher octaves without a glitch.

    So we know that earth had these golden ages and the golden age simply means that we're out picturing the gold of God, the golden light of God. So we had those golden ages.

    Now, when the Fourth Root Race came, there was a cosmic glitch that happened in somewhere in the galaxy. We don't know where, but some point we had the great rebellion as I was talking about earlier.

    In this great rebellion, we had a rebellion of the fallen angels, and this is the original insanity in my view. And I believe the ascended masters use the insanity of rebelling against the great being that created you, a rebellion against God, the creator.

    So we have this rebellion and it states in the revelations in the Bible that they were kicked out of heaven. So now they're down here amongst us, and what did they do? Did they repent? Did they try to regain their highest state? No, they came across the physical material galaxy in huge amounts of destruction, destroying worlds everywhere that they went. And eventually they came to our own galaxy and our own solar system.

    You can see some of the destruction. If you look at some of the planets here, you see that Mars has no atmosphere. It's a red planet, a dead planet. You see an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which is the remnant as many of us probably know of a planet called Maldek.

    Maldek was destroyed by forces on their own planet that created such nuclear weapons and such nuclear war that they actually turned their planet into rubble. Then they were given the opportunity to come here, and this is the point where we come in where light and darkness actually met.

    At this point the earth, we had innocent Fourth Root Race here on Lemuria, which was the motherland of Earth. They were evolving and decisions were made by higher cosmic councils, ascended masters, and by the initiates here on the planet. “Yes, we'll take some of these souls that destroyed their planet Maldek and let them interweave and embody among us and we can help them and we can bring them up higher in the light because there is still some good in these souls to redeem it.

    Well, what happened was the exact opposite. Instead of them being brought up to higher levels of light, they brought the entire planet down. This is the point in history where the Bible picks up with good and evil and starting to talk about this.

    So when you start to expand the lens of awareness, looking at this cosmic perspective, we can see now that this battle of good and evil, light and darkness has been going on for a very long time.

    We're actually in the time that Jesus predicted is the end times, which is the time when this will be resolved, when the darkness will be separated out from the light. We, as lightbearers as Alberta was saying, need to make the calls that these ones, the right thing happens, that this darkness is overcome and that the planet is raised up into a golden age, which we know there are predictions of.

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    Right, and we also know that the evolutions on the planet who volunteered to take some of these souls to actually help them, they got caught up. Like you say, it brought it all down instead of bringing them up.

    But this had to do with the choice to accept into your consciousness, to look at the creation instead of the creator, shift your consciousness and accept into your being and world this unreality.

    So, it still comes back to our responsibility, personal responsibility. Even though these forces were very evolved scientifically, they taught the engines of war, they taught the concept of war to this planet.

    Because like you said, those first three root races which were evolutions of light created by God who came into the physical to manifest those unique qualities that God created them to make them a unique individual, that they return back to their Source and become those eternal life, those permanent beings. That's where this ‘fall,’ as Mark has said, happened.

    It's important for us to understand that these forces, having all of this energy that was no longer the perfect alignment with God's will and who we really are, our mighty I AM Presence, which is God within us. That lack of alignment has opened the door to many evolutions.

    The ascended masters have told us that just like America is a melting pot of the world, well, the planet is kind of a melting pot of this universal system. There are many evolutions on this planet from various different planets and systems in the solar system.

    So we have all levels of consciousness, everything from the very darkest ones who manipulate the light bearers and steal their light because they've cut off their own connection to the God Presence within them. So you have to continue your existence, you have to steal the light somewhere to get it to exist.

    These are the ones that are deceiving us on this planet. What are their main tactics? Divide and conquer. Keep us at war with one another. Let the lightbearers keep killing themselves off while these fallen ones manipulate the monetary system on the whole planet. Keep us indebted, keep it all going.

    So, we see a lot of things manifesting right here and now in this day and age that we are dealing with.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen:

    Nancy and Mark, when I listened to Mark relay the history basically of the universe and the cosmos, it tends I think, to make us, as think of ourselves as mere humans here and look at the mess we've made and look at the mess we're in and how can we ever get out of it.

    That's what is so incredibly powerful about the I AM teachings and the meaning of ‘I AM’ because it's claiming God where we are. I mean the very phrase ‘I AM’ is “God in me is.”

    So I'm just in awe every time I think about how large the obstacles seem and that the simplest of tools, a couple of words give us the concept because it's not just us, it's God in us. It's God in the earth and it's God in everyone else. So it couldn't be more powerful. We could not be better equipped to be able to handle what feels like a darkness that will just swallow us all up.

    So, I'm just listening to Mark again relay that history makes me realize how grateful we are for the teachings and of the very words ‘I AM’ and what we choose to put behind those words because it means, “God is.”

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    Yes, and that is what the I AM Race is all about. It's those who actually are awakening, are awakened to or are awakening, to that presence of God within them and understanding that there is a greater power within all of us, and that's what unites us, that oneness in God I AM.

    So we find that this is the way out of this dilemma, is the raising of consciousness, the awakening of the people of the light, not necessarily going out and destroying everything and having a physical war. It's the revolution of higher consciousness rather than physical revolution of destroying one another.

    It's important that we recognize this divide and conquer tactic because this is the main one. You can see it, dividing with races, with genders, with lifestyles, with rich and poor and all different ways that we are being divided.

    So, Mark, won't you continue.

    Guest Mark Myers:

    Okay, well, the division of lightbearers, of course is their key objective, but their modus operandi we have to remember is deception. Deception is how they manipulate us because we are unaware. If we are unaware, I mean more and more people are becoming aware, but as our unawareness we can be very easily manipulated. So it is that awareness that helps us to rise above and then use the spiritual tools, which I believe we'll be talking about in a little while.

    But deception, it goes all the way back. If you look at the Bible and you look at the Old Testament and the early fights between Babylon and Nimrod and where this whole thing started, they realized that they couldn't beat the lightbearers in an outward outright fight in the light, so to speak, or outward. So they had to go and hide and be deceiving, and they manipulate us from the shadows, from the darkness.

    It's very hard to fight an enemy that's in the shadows. Have you ever tried be in the military and fight in the middle of the night and try to fight someone that you can't see? So this is a time where we need to draw these individuals and their modus operandi out of the shadows into the light so that we can use our spiritual tools and our new gained awareness as we're all gaining more and more and more awareness as we rise higher and the vibration of the planet becomes higher. We gain that awareness, drawing them out of the shadows so that we can have a real true victory by overcoming this darkness.

    We all know the Bible says that light will overcome the darkness. If you enter a dark room and switch on the light, which one wins, right?

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    Right, exactly. We have to emphasize too that these dark forces have penetrated every aspect of life on this planet. That's why Jesus came, and he even said, “The prince of this world cometh, but he has nothing in me.”

    We've talked about that, meaning when we purify ourselves, we can't be hooked by these fallen ones who come to hook into our own personal weaknesses, and that's how they can control us individually, but also collectively where we can actually kill each other off in wars and oppose each other constantly understanding that really the force that is pushing us down is not the lightearers, it is these forces of darkness.

    They have infiltrated even the United States government and here we are. You can go back even in the history of this nation, the history of statements on the planet of how there's been vows by various enemies of the state to infiltrate, they will infiltrate America from within.

    So, is it always easy to tell who’s light and darkness? Not always because there are a lot of lightbearers who are, as Mark said, deceived, and they fall for a lot of this stuff and they become then the tools of the fallen ones not even knowing it.

    So we can't judge in that sense. We can only ask the Lord Jesus Christ to judge and because God knows pure judgment of separating the tares from the wheat, the light and the darkness as Jesus taught.

    Guest Mark Myers:

    Yeah, we have a certain equation I think that we need to look at here. That equation is who's going to, how many light bearers are going to wake up versus how many are still manipulated and still deceived and in darkness, and the equation ultimately plays out.

    The more lightbearers wake up, the more time we'll have on this planet to overcome this darkness. We as light bearers can influence all this. We have many, many ways of doing this.

    First of all, we raise our own vibration and when we have a certain vibration, it's transmitted around us. We have an aura, an aura of what we would call light, of concentrated energy of a force that we can send out. We can send that energy out and envelop an entire planet. The aura of one lightbearer that's been raised up enough can engulf the entire planet and affect every other particle and every other life on this planet to help them raise up.

    We also have powers of meditation. We can go into meditation and use powers of visualization, of focus of what we call ‘picturization’ to picture a greater and greater planet, a planet of lightbearers, of everybody being Buddhas or everybody being spiritual, ascended masters.

    As we put that out there more and more, there'll be more and more people that will actually raise to that concept that we send out there. It's another thing that we can do. We also have the power of the spoken word, which we know is very important in this time. We can use mantras, we can use chanting, we can use fiats. We can watch the news, and we can give simple prayers to whoever our favorite ascended master is, whether it be Jesus or whomever. Then we make that call.

    I find it's most effective when you're watching the news to make it right then and there while you're thinking about it, when you see that heinousness or whatever is going on in the news, you make the call and then you release it and then God will take over.

    We also have a very powerful way of making prayers, which we call the power of the spoken word. You've probably talked about that. There are certain prayers that unlock the alchemical keys to the light in certain masters and allow those masters to shed their light on our planet and to take control.

    So, in other words, we have a grid of light that descends from the ascended master Jesus or Saint Germain or El Morya or whomever that master is that we're making a call and their consciousness comes in as a grid of light and takes over.

    So we call for it over our president, over our government, over our people, over our cities that are experiencing all this violence, over our law enforcement, over anything that you want to place that with.

    Then that master's consciousness and energy will take over and we can have a change, an alchemical change. It's like you're standing there in the crucible of being, and it could have gone one way, but the master is there, and it goes the right way, the will of God.

    So, these are all things that we can do, and we have tremendous power if we're talking about. We are divine beings, we have a certain divinity. We may be now in the physical, but this is only a part, a small part of ourselves. We have much in the divine that we can draw down, use this power, use this love, use this wisdom to change ourselves and a planet.

    Host Nancy Showalter:

    We can't underestimate the power of calling God's angels into action. Every ascended master, like Jesus said, he has legions and legions of angels at his disposal, and this is true in the whole heaven world.

    We have the power to call in the name of our I AM that I AM, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of any ascended master, to send those legions of light into these troubled cities, into those that are experiencing difficulty.

    You can do this whether it is for violence, whether it is for rebellion, whether it is for natural disaster, whether it is for just uplifting communities. The power of prayer and the invocation and taking these tools are very important.

    When you look at the news, many people don't even want to look at the news anymore, especially people who are on a spiritual path because they realize, number one, a lot of unreality in the news, but also they don't want to taint their consciousness.

    Well, try looking at the news from a different perspective like Mark was describing. When you look at the news, look at it from the level of your Christ Self, your Higher Mental Body, your divine self, and make the call. Send the angels, call for the violent flame. We've talked about the violet flame. We know for our own improvement and our own psychology, we have the I AM affirmations as Alberta talked about.

    We can invoke light, send light, send angels, and as Mark said, call the master’s electronic presence to be over situations. This can be for individuals that are passing out of the screen of life, people who have ailments, healing prayers.

    We use the same power to send God's light and the healing light of Jesus Christ, of Mother Mary, of Archangel Raphael, the different archangels to send to these folks for the healing energy.

    This can be for yourself, for your family, for your community. We have to just expand our consciousness to be aware of just how powerful we are. We are one with God made into the image and likeness.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen:

    That's exactly the phrase I was thinking, Nancy, is that when we see these circumstances in the world, it tends to want to make us feel small. We're not able, we can't overcome these things. They're too big for us to handle.

    That's what's so wonderful about these teachings and about the meaning of ‘I AM,’ it's ‘God in me is.’

    When we say ‘I AM” awake to these things, God and me is awake to these things. So with God on our side, we're never outnumbered and we're never too small and we're never too tiny to be able to make a difference.

    I know that people, I do sometimes, when I'm watching the news, I get discouraged thinking, “Oh, this is so big. How can we ever overcome this? It's just gone too far now.”

    But the truth is that these simple words, ‘I AM,’ meaning ‘God in me is,’ are such a powerful way for us to move our own consciousness out of whatever we're thinking is hopeless, whatever we thinking is too big for me to handle. Somebody else will have to do it, or this is the government's job. It's not my job.

    We can't do that. It's our job because it's God's job, and it's God in us who's doing the job.

    So, I'm so grateful for all the various tools that we have that make it possible to listen to the news and turn things around by giving this positive response right in to the face and the voice of the news.

    Guest Mark Myers

    This is an important point that Alberta's making and a cautionary note, is that we need to remember that we always should do the will of God or call that the will of God be done and to stay in almost like a continence of humbleness and humility when we make these calls.

    A gentle one is the Buddhist would call it because there are stories in Eastern myths like Milarepa and other ones where early on they used these powers that they developed to destroy their enemies. Well, we never want to do this. It's God that takes charge of these things.

    We want to keep in this humble adoring humility that we do. So, I just caution people to remember that. One thing when we make calls is we can always add at the end that this be done according to the will of God so that we don't get ourselves into trouble,

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Right. You never make a call in anger, fear any other vibration. That's why I say you must bring your consciousness to a higher level and you're allowing God to do the work.

    It's powerful praying, powerful prayers that you're putting forth. So again, yes you have, as you stand in the light of God and use that power as Mark said, it's also you are humble to that power.

    Remember Jesus always said, “It's not I who do this work. It's the father within me.” That's what we must remember because we can make karma by making calls in anger against someone. That's not the idea. The idea is we want to consume darkness with the Light, and the Light is more powerful. Power in you is greater than any power outside of you, and we can consume that darkness with Light.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    In these times when we are listening to the noise, everything seems so boisterous. Even in our speaking of it now, we reference making calls, making prayers, so it's an active kind of doing. But there's this thing that Mark has alluded to as well, that there is that part of us that can do this silently and within and without making a lot of noise because we can picture to help things come into focus. We can picture the things that we want to come into our world and our awareness without even uttering a word.

    Now, we do practice the science of the spoken word because it's powerful, but the way we visualize, the way we think, the way we hold things in our mind and in our mind's eye are also very powerful antidotes to some of the things that we want to see changed in our world.

    So, we all have a place whether we think of ourselves as a more boisterous or outgoing personality, or “I don't speak up often, I'm really the quiet one in the corner.” Whatever that is, you still have tools to be changing these things in your mind's eye, in your thoughts, in your feelings.

    Because a lot of what contributes to this madness and this mania that we're seeing is how we're feeling about things and how we're thinking. So we have the power to think, “Oh, what am I thinking now? How could I change this thought into something that's more constructive? How can I hold a different feeling about this right now in my heart and for the hearts of those who were involved in this particular activity?”

    So many tools, many of them are spoken, but many are not.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    I want to emphasize that what we're talking about is how we can deal with what is happening on the planet with darker forces, with all the separation of light and darkness is from a spiritual perspective, in no way are we saying that those who feel called to take their positions, whether in government or any other way, or to speak out against unreality and bring forth the truth, if that is your calling, that is totally lawful to do in the same vibration that we're talking about.

    Guest Mark Myers

    I just wanted to bring up another important spiritual tool, and it's a big topic, but I just want to touch on it briefly. It's a way, I mean, we're dealing with such weight of darkness upon us in every moment of every day because the darkness is very weighty. It's physical, it's weight. The karma is weight.

    So, we can recharge and rejuvenate ourselves and get a divine vision and awareness of what we need to do at night. We work 24 hours a day, we work during the day.

    But when we lay our bodies down to rest at night, we can go to where the masters have on higher planes, their own houses, their retreats, their temples, whatever you want to call them, where we can go and be taught and be recharged and rejuvenated by the flames there so that when we waken in the morning, we have a brighter view, a newer view, a better view of what's going on in a newfound power as we were flooded with the light of these things.

    I actually very much look forward to the last moments of the night where I can be in peace and quiet like Alberta was talking about, and not be in all the noise and all the things that are going on.

    As I do that, I meditate on God, and I asked to be taken to a retreat that I know of. It can be any master Jesus or Mother Mary or whatever masters that you know. They all have retreats, and these are brilliant focuses of light at a higher level, a higher frequency on this planet that our souls travel in our finer body.

    So, they're wrapped in our mental body and our emotional body, so on and so forth, our etheric body.

    The soul can travel to these higher planes at night, be taught and be rejuvenated. What a wonderful thing to wake up in the morning with this freshness, this new awareness, this new power to start the day again in the, what do you want to call it? Darkness or samsara down here, whatever name you want to give it to. So, I would also add this to our spiritual list of tools.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Absolutely, and these retreats are where we actually go in between embodiments for instruction, for preparation for our next venture if we have not ascended and eliminated returning to this planet.

    So we've talked about the ascension. We have covered a lot of information today, and I hope this has been helpful to each one of you. Is there any final word either of you would like to add?

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen:

    It's wonderful to be with all of you and to be able and free enough to explore all of these concepts in our lives. I'm grateful. Thank you.

    Guest Mark Myers

    My final message would be to remember that you are a divine being, to remember the divinity within, and that we do have the ‘I AM’ as we've talked about and all these things. We're here to bring that divinity on this planet, and eventually we will return to that divinity. So, as we say, onward Christian soldiers.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Awesome. Thank you so much, Alberta. Thank you so much, Mark.

    It's been a wonderful discussion, and I will see you all next week. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

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  • Host Nancy Showalter

    Hello and welcome everyone. Welcome to our episode today as we continue our discussion from last week on the question, “Does America Have a Special Role that is Spiritual in Nature?”

    I'm very happy to welcome back this week Alberta Frederickson, who is author, teacher and coach, and she's also a student of the ascended Masters for many years.

    So, Hi, Alberta and welcome. It's so good to have you back.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Thank you, Nancy. It's good to be with you again too.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    This week we're going to take a much broader and higher perspective on this topic, and we need to keep in mind that in this vast universe and cosmos, there's a greater plan that is bigger than any one of our lives and even any one planet in this magnificent universe. This is the perspective from the ascended Masters that we're going to look at today.

    There is a hierarchy in heaven, meaning all life in the cosmos is part of the one part of God. People call the one, God. They might have other names, but basically all life has a level of intelligence, including plants and animals and all life comes from and was created by the One Source, which again is commonly referred to as God. So, we do use that word because we refer to it that way also.

    All life is evolving, so nothing stays static. Either we progress in consciousness, or we fall back. Now, in addition to the sons and daughters of God, there is the angelic kingdom and the elemental kingdom, and that elemental kingdoms are beings that ensoul the elements in the physical world. Now, we're not going to get into that in this particular episode, but at a later one we probably will.

    Now we know that we each have a unique purpose for each incarnation here on earth and we're destined to outpicture, or to demonstrate, that divine purpose for which we were created. Then to return permanently to the Source, that total reunion, the I AM Presence, and at that point, we too will be an ascended Master no longer required to embody in the physical dimension.

    Alberta, just as we each have a divine plan, each planet and each nation also has a divine plan. This is where the divine purpose of America comes into play.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Yes, it's pretty amazing how all of this fits together so beautifully and getting a greater understanding of what the divine intention might be for all of us is very exciting to me.

    Last week we shared some of what the ascended Masters have taught us regarding the concept that America is really a grand experiment of the Great White Brotherhood. It's actually an experiment in freedom and it wasn't fore-ordained, and they didn't know how it would turn out.

    So now the Great White Brotherhood is the group of individuals both ascended and ascended, and it does include individuals of all races, creeds, nationalities. So, our beloved Saint Germain, who is the ascended Master for this Aquarian Age has explained to us that America really was, and still is, an experiment. There are no psychological or astrological predictions that determine the outcome of America's fate. It is not fore-ordained. It will be what we make of this amazing opportunity.

    So, there's nothing automatic about the fulfillment of a cosmic destiny. America is simply an opportunity, it's a gift of freedom. Like the gift of free will that we have is placed in the hands and the hearts of a specific group of people with the divine intention of bringing it to the whole planet.

    If indeed there is to be a victory of freedom on this planet, a real cosmic destiny forged and won on this continent of North America, it will be because this people have made this quality of freedom, sometimes referred to as the ‘work of the ages,’ their own.

    So, we also know as we shared last week from the historians who have deeply researched the life of Christopher Columbus, that before America was a nation, she was an inspiration in the heart and mind of this visionary explorer, Christopher Columbus. We know that this is one of the previous embodiments of beloved Saint Germain.

    This is what they found in the diaries of Christopher Columbus as he himself wrote about how he came to the Americas.

    He wrote, “It was the Lord who put into my mind—I could feel his hand upon me—the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies,” meaning from Europe to the Indies, “all who heard of my project, rejected it with laughter ridiculing me. There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because he comforted me with raves of marvelous inspiration from the holy scriptures. I am a most unworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely. I have found the sweetest consolation since I made it my whole purpose to enjoy his marvelous presence.

    “For the execution of the journey to the indies. I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps. It is simply the fulfillment of what Isaiah had prophesied in the Bible.”

    So just think of the power of the Holy Spirit and the personal courage it required to take off sailing with three small ships on such a voyage when most of the world thought that they would sail right off the edge of a flat world, if they thought of it at all.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, and the Masters also emphasize that while they sponsor the concept of the nation of America, they're not separatists regarding America. Rather, again, they say it is the place of the experimentation. They also say that if the experiment fails in America, it will not succeed anywhere else. It is a sponsored nation.

    But each nation has a divine plan of its own to fulfill and according to their divine destinies, the various nations of the world represent the various parts of the earth body from a spiritual perspective like the seven chakras. In fact, they've told us that people of ancient Atlantis and even Lemuria have reincarnated in America to take up where they left off and to finish the work begun.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    They've emphasized that America is not just a nation, it's more than that. It's more than a nation in that it is a symbol to all people of the possibility to actually realize both individual and world freedom, the very concept of world freedom and this possibility and the responsibility for it rests upon the shoulders of the lightbearers.

    That's the name given to those souls who have known freedom in the past, those who have embraced it and realize the potential for the expansion of this flame of liberty and freedom in the heart of all lightbearers in the whole world, and all the nations in the world.

    Currently, we are experiencing in our news some rather radical elements who openly state their goal that they are Marxist trained and that their intention is to tear down this system of freedom and governing, which means they want to override the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There are efforts not only to destroy, but also to attempt to rewrite our national history.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    We see evidence of that of, course, in the tearing down of monuments, also the rewriting of textbooks. It's quite amazing, and you see some of these commentators go around and talk to college students, even professors sometimes and teachers, and they don't know the history of this country. They can't even answer basic questions and it's kind of scary.

    The Masters have stated that while heaven's working with us to rescue many parts of the world, that this is the time when we must concentrate on America itself because America is going through this great trial and we see that every day in the news.

    They're clear that with all of this division, it becomes more and more difficult for America to manifest her divine purpose and be the model nation of freedom and liberty to welcome all as the melting part of the world and still protect her borders. The Masters are in favor of protecting the borders, and to still send her treasure and her blood to the rescue of peoples and nations around this entire planetary body without falling prey to the vicious energy that is hatred of America.

    This hatred of America is really hatred of the Light. The Masters say it's the hatred of the Light, the hatred of the Christ consciousness, hatred of the platform where one is free enough to be able and allowed to rise in consciousness. That's not the case in all countries.

    Now, the Master El Morya said that we need to “let the voice of America return to one voice, one sound of the will of God.” So that one voice is meant to be in alignment with the will of God. It's not a destructive voice. It's not a violent voice. It's the will of God.

    “Let the people of America come together in the reality of cosmic history and not a history revised,” he says.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Well, that's the need of the hour is to bring forth some level of unity where we're not so divided over every little aspect, including every part of even our history. Saint Germain has added to that saying that you just gave us from El Morya. He said, “The land of America in the main, so little understood by most of us, is of far more importance to all life on this planet than most of us can imagine. America is a land somewhat different from others because it is here that is gathered from every land, those who love freedom.”

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, the melting pot.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Yes, they've experienced it before. They know it when they see it, and they also know it when they're denied it.

    He encourages us to remember the words Saint Germain says, “conceived in liberty.” These words appear, of course, in the famous Gettysburg address spoken by President Abraham Lincoln nearly a century ago. Saint Germain said that he actually inspired the words of that address.

    So, the Masters have been with us throughout this entire existence of this country and are still with us. I can remember my days in school when we were asked to memorize the Gettysburg address and then to recite it aloud in our classrooms.

    The Masters were also behind the idea of placing the great Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Now, this was a gift from the people of France to America at that time, and it stood as the open door to our great land. Saint Germain said that “the radiating light and flame of divine love from the gracious Goddess of Liberty through that statue whose likeness it is, is a much more powerful protection to our Eastern seaboard and the entire nation than any unascended being has any idea.”

    So, it's not just a statue. It is a focus, a focus of light and a protection to our Eastern seashore border.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Right, and probably people aren't aware, but the Goddess of Liberty is actually also a Master in the highest spiritual realms. That is what this statue, as you just said, it's that likeness matching that vibration and people who come over on the boat or plane or whatever, when they see the Statue of Liberty, many, many immigrants have said how it’s just like they're coming home.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Right, and we can only imagine how many little replicas of the Statue of Liberty have been sold and distributed all across the planet from people who have visited here and take it home as a memento and a souvenir.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yeah, it carries a definite vibration. If you've ever visited it, it's magnificent.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Well, Saint Germain also told us that the idea of paying a price for liberty requires eternal vigilance. So that's a phrase that we could ponder for quite some time. What does it really mean?

    But it does mean that it is one of the prices of liberty to have a nation that is free and therefore having a strong and a grateful sense of love for your own country, not only your native land, but also for any adopted nation if you're a new citizen and a fervently determined desire to have them well governed as well as protected at all times should not be considered as belonging only to a few who are able to dedicate all of their time and energies to this project. It's for all of us. We have to value it, we have to treasure it, we have to understand what it really means.

    The Masters have taught us that they would also like to expand in the consciousness of those that are in America, in the United States and in the world, an awareness of the oneness of life upon the entire planet that we could actually be able to create in America a future that holds a holy family concept and draw all mankind together and set before the people of this planet what Saint Germain refers to as a cup of light in the heart of America.

    So once again, we see this idea of building and holding and living a holy family concept as an example to the entire planet.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    That's another thing that's being attacked in our society.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Yeah, there's tremendous opposition to this whole idea and what an attack on the family in all the forms that we see it in the news now, and all more in favor of a more selfish, adopting a more selfish nature about how the world's supposed to be providing for us as individuals instead of what we are contributing to building a world that God would have.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    With all of this, someone might ask, “If America was sponsored by the ascended Masters and it was conceived in liberty and justice for all, how did we get where we are now? What happened and who's responsible?”

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Well, that is the question of the hour of course, because we see now how people know that there's something not right, but they don't have all the insight into what is the right way to fix it.

    We're all busy dealing with our own life and our own karma and all of the things that are set before us in daily living that it's really like a question that keeps putting off to the back burner somehow. We don't really concentrate on it to see what might be the solutions that are right here with us right now that we can use that would be a right way to fix it.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    I think we can find answers in our history and the biblical scriptures as well as what the Masters have revealed to us. Just going back in a simple look at the world when Jesus incarnated in the Middle East 2000 years ago.

    I think sometimes we have a distorted view of the totality of Jesus' mission. He himself said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I'm come not to send peace but a sword.” I mean, that can't be any more direct.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    That's right.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    He came for the judgment of the fallen ones, those of darkness, and he said that many times as he is going through his ministry. Yes, he preached love and gave us the two greatest commandments to love God with your whole heart, mind, and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.

    He demonstrated what he meant by that, by healing the sick, helping the poor, not condemning the sinner and then going through the crucifixion, resurrection, transfiguration, and ascension.

    He actually demonstrated for us the very initiations we must also go through, not necessarily in the physical sense like he did. We don't have to be crucified on a cross, but spiritually we must go through them in whatever way the law deems and unfolds in our life.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    I think this is one of the most important things that we can gain from our study of the teachings is that all of those things that came from the great teachers, the steps they went through, the troubles they experienced, the victories they had, all of those were meant to be a roadmap

    Host Nancy Showalter

    That was the whole meaning of Jesus' life.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    It was meant to be a roadmap for us and for all those who will follow us.

    So, Jesus, I mean, he also recognized that this planet was not being ruled by forces of light and that's what he came to expose. He came in knowing that he was going to be standing up against great opposition and opposition that of course would attempt to take him out of life, to have him leave life. What it gave him was the opportunity to demonstrate to us the life beyond.

    So, when Jesus was among the people and teaching, at one point he prayed to his Father asking the Father to glorify the Father's name, meaning the Father's name. A voice came out of heaven saying that he had glorified it and he will glorify it again. The people heard this voice and then Jesus explained to them that the voice came for their sakes and not his.

    So, he could demonstrate that God was listening, God was observing, that Father God was with us and He knows what we're about and He knows what we're doing and that we can't hide it from Him no matter what we think. We can't hide it.

    His next statement of course to the people was, “Now is the judgment of this world. Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.”

    Host Nancy Showalter

    He recognized the prince of this world, meaning the powers that control this planet and that is what he came to expose.

    We also read in the book of Ephesians, “Where we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

    It's like the apostles knew this, they were taught by Jesus. Not everything Jesus said is recorded in the scriptures.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen


    Host Nancy Showalter

    I mean, you remember the apostles were saying it would take volumes and volumes and volumes to all of Jesus' teachings.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Some of those scripture that was written, of course, was written even some years after the lifetime of Jesus.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Well, and then there's the books of the Bible that were eliminated once the Roman government got ahold of it and decided to embrace the church of Christianity, followers of Christ.

    But basically, Jesus wasn't, he was not only aware of the darkness on earth, but he actually came for its judgment.

    We have to think of those times in those days. I see people today, and it seems like some people think that inequality, slavery, caste systems and the like all started with the conception of America. Of course, that's not so.

    Now this episode is not a history lesson but think of what Paul wrote to the Galatians. Once Jesus came with his message, Paul described all of this inequality changing, this is what Jesus brought. Paul wrote, “Wherefore the law was our school Master to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by faith.”

    In other words, the law, all this strict Jewish law and all these different strict things, that was the school Master to bring us onto Christ. “But after that, faith has come. We are no longer under a school Master for ye are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as you have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither bond nor free. There is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    We need to think about, think about—women had no status. They were property of their husbands. Children were property of their husbands. There was slavery, there was all of this inequality. That's been going on, not just in the time of Jesus, but a long time.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Yeah. It's the history of our world as we know it. So, these are the instructions that Jesus brought to the disciples and to the followers, and he had to know that they wouldn't all accept them because it was so contrary to the actual lives that they were living and the circumstances of the lives that they were living.

    So these kind of concepts have persisted for many, many hundreds of years now. That's why the incarnation of Jesus Christ and his mission, as the beginning of a Piscean Age, was so impactful because it was something that had to be new.

    It was a renewal in some forms, but it was a brand new aspect in other ways to be looking at the lives you're living in, then be giving these teachings that seem so apparently contrary to it.

    Yet knowing by your experience of being and walking with Jesus and with the Christ and with the teachings and with the disciples, that it was different somehow. Things were different now in forever.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    The disciples struggled with this. That's why Paul's writing what he wrote, and there were conflicts. They're human beings at a certain level of consciousness at that moment in a society that they had to fit into. That's how they were taught and that's how it was.

    So you see where they really had to struggle about this oneness with each other, love your neighbor as yourself, seeing everyone as equal. It was very challenging. You can study the history of it.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Here we are at the end of so-called Piscean Age when that judgment that Jesus prophesied does come to fulfillment, to full fulfillment. We can see it now. We're in the same boat as those disciples of not wanting to accept certain things or certain changes that have to be made. It's contrary to what we have lived and what's the history behind us and behind our parents and all others.

    But that's also the very reason why America is a great and grand experiment in freedom. If we really get freedom, what will we do with it? What does it mean to us to have this grand experiment in freedom?

    But the Masters, there was no foretelling that it was going to succeed. So they were putting their energy and their light and all that they could, their instruction behind our being able to succeed in the carrying out of this great and grand experiment in freedom.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, and I mean even our founders recognized this. They said, “We've created a Republic.” I mean, they took a long time to come up with our form of government so that it could be of the people, by the people for the people instead of the hierarchical structures of the past or dictators of the past or whatever.

    So it behooves us to really understand and look at Jesus’ life and others. He advocated this whole new law of the two great commandments and this equality. He was revolutionary.

    The thing here is though, you notice he didn't take up arms against the Roman empire, even though they're going to try to murder him. The many wanted him to, they wanted him to lead them in battle to overturn what they considered a very corrupt government and be the leader of the Israelites and that area. “No”, he said, “that's not my mission.”

    He came to show us that really the revolution in this day and age is a revolution in higher consciousness. Until we accelerate to this higher consciousness, until we become in alignment with our own God's self within us, which is God's will, and until we manifest that in our society, we are not in alignment. It's not going to happen by just constantly, ‘overthrow a leader.’

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    No, and it's also not going to happen by thinking someone else will do it. We are the players on the stage in this day, in this hour and in this time. It really is up to us. In many ways we will have to be revolutionaries to our own way of doing things. We'll have to change our ways that we don't want to. So, we become the revolutionaries in our own world.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Right, exactly. Jesus recognized these dark forces. He recognized that they were in control of the planet, basically. He said, “The prince of this world cometh, but he has nothing in me.”

    That is a great clue to us. What did he mean by that?

    What he meant was he had purified, he was pure. He didn't have any anger, any resentments, any fears, any...He knew who he was. He's the living Christ, the son of God, and he came to manifest that to us.

    So the force of darkness has nothing in you when you have purged yourself of these lower vibrations and are truly at the level of the Christ consciousness, or the higher mental body, or Buddhic consciousness, whatever you want to call it.

    This is what Jesus demonstrated for us. So that's a clue because these forces have worked their way into all aspects of the planet, including America. I mean, I think we can see that.

    We examine all of this and have to ask, “How do these negative forces come to be on this planet? How did this happen? Do we know anything about our cosmic history?”

    Well, fortunately the answer is ‘yes.’

    The Masters, as well as a lot of researchers and scientists, have revealed a lot that is not necessarily abundantly clear in the scriptures of the world. I mean, they may be referenced—are things we don't pay attention to, we don't give enough attention or understanding to.

    In the first episodes of this podcast, I talked extensively about this with the researcher Mark Myers.

    He will join Alberta and me next week as we go deeper into this subject and see how it's impacting us right now and what shift of consciousness is needed and what tools we can employ to make an impact.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    I'm looking forward to it.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yeah, I am too. It's an exciting episode coming up next week. So, everybody, Don’t miss it!

    We'll see you next week. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Host Nancy Showalter

    Hello everybody and welcome to our episode today. Last week we talked about the ‘I AM Race’ and we introduced this concept of America having a specific calling.

    So, our question today, as one nation among many nations, does America have a special role that is spiritual in nature? What is the relationship of that role with the role that each nation has on the planet?

    There's quite a lot of evidence that this may be true, and it comes from a variety of sources, not only prophecy, but also the stated beliefs of our nation's founders, from church records, teachings from the ascended masters, and modern day visionaries who still receive messages from the blessed Mother Mary who is an acknowledged patronist of the United States and even of all of the Americas.

    We have Alberta f Fredrickson with us again today. Welcome, Alberta. Great to have you back.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Thanks Nancy, and I'm happy to be back with you again as well.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, we had quite a discussion last week and I think this will be exciting also for our listeners.

    Alberta, why don't we just start to give just a very brief explanation of the ‘I AM Race’ just to bring our listeners into the conversation and they know what we're talking about.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Sure. The I AM Race is composed of individuals, people who we refer to as light- bearers and they come from every nation, every race and every religion. They're not confined to any one race. In fact, that word ‘America’ is composed of the same seven letters that also spell ‘I AM Race.’

    So, the I AM Race really refers to the children of Israel, the sons and daughters of God who have appeared again and again throughout the ages.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Okay, great. Alberta, there really seems to be a major movement of highlighting everything that's wrong with America and even elements now publicly stating that there trained Marxist that intend to tear down the system rather than to improve or fix areas that need to be fixed, but radically changing our form of government. I'd like to begin with the founding of the nation and in addition to what history tells us and what the ascended masters tell us.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    That's a great starting place and it really does change everything, I think, once you have an understanding of what they were attempting to do.

    The Declaration of Independence was really our declaration, meaning America's declaration of independence from the British Empire. It was, in a manner of speaking, our charter of rights, and yet it was an establishment of the rights of all mankind, not just those colonists in America.

    From then to now, we're still striving to maintain that principle and stand for it around the earth. Our founding fathers and mothers, taking them at their own written word, accepted that these rights were God-given, that there was a certain divine providence presiding over the affairs of men. In fact, that's what many called God—they called it or He, Divine Providence.

    These were essential liberties, liberties that would set the blueprint for a nation where individuals could be free men, independent, self-responsible and self-accountable.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    I think that's a really key thing that you're bringing up, Alberta. This is something that is very different from other nations and was, as we said, even last week and this week, it is a ‘grand experiment.’ The ascended masters were involved in this sponsorship to see if this could work

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Right. And the very fact that they would even be willing to sponsor a government that would truly be one that was recognized by men as ‘God over men,’ meaning that we placed the divinity, our God, over the management and the governing of our interactions with one another, the interactions of men.

    So, it was a pretty lofty goal and not one that the people of the day could really fulfill in that moment. But it was a laying out of a way of life where we could strive to be accountable enough, accountable enough to forge and become our personal individualized version of a son of God, a daughter of God, a Christ walking the earth in those days of our earliest beginnings, as well as today.

    That was patterned after the life of Jesus Christ. So, as we go on, we'll see how that role that we were free enough to choose, and did choose to the best of our ability, actually became a certain responsibility to be a Christ-like nation as a model to other nations.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Right. and you have to wonder, is this why so many people feel that America was founded on Christian principles or even as a Christian nation, although the intent was not to have a state religion? Of course that's exactly what they were getting away from. But basically, our founders were Christians, and they did have Christian principles, which are not limited to Christianity by any means.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Absolutely right. Those are my thoughts as to why so many do feel that America was founded as a Christian nation. Many of those settlers came to this country to escape religious persecution and to forge a new way, maybe a way of spiritual liberty where men could choose according to their own conscience.

    So even though many of the founders supported the concept of Christianity and God's ways for presiding over men and granting them these rights, they also embraced tolerance through having the freedom to choose. Men could choose according to their own conscience, and that meant they could choose not to believe in God or not to participate in religions, Christian or otherwise.

    But I think there is a connection in that word ‘government’ implying the concept of God over men.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, and that's unique also.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen


    Host Nancy Showalter

    Well, there was much communication at that early time via letters because of course they didn't have the Internet and other written works that we fortunately have still with us that reveal what their thinking and intents were.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Exactly. Those who were leaders in the founding of the United States of America were really very prolific in their letter writing to one another and then later in published works and in their speaking, even though it is sometimes difficult to imagine how they had time to write so much.

    I mean, they each still had to earn their livings on their farms or in shops or as clergymen. They had to raise families and many of them had to educate those families themselves and still pay attention to this inner drive that they had for freedom—freedom from religious persecution, from the former lands in Europe, freedom from an oppressive monarchy and the freedom of spirit to actually choose how they would govern and be governed.

    So according to their own written words, their lives were filled with their study and acknowledgement of spiritual matters, and they wove it into their daily lives, both public and private, and they also preserved it in writing for us today.

    May I share a couple of their stories with you and with your listeners?

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Sure. Go right ahead.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Well, one founder in Patriot was John Jay. He was president of the continental Congress during the revolution and was one of the three founding fathers who drafted and signed the Peace Treaty with Great Britain to establish America as an independent nation.

    After the US Constitution was written, Jay helped write the Federalist papers and is considered one of the three men most responsible for the adoption of the Constitution. When George Washington became the first president, Jay served as his Secretary of State and then was appointed as the original Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. So, these were the guys who were right there at the very beginning of establishing this model for governance.

    Chief Justice John Jay believed that Christian principles should be included in civil arenas. So, he said and wrote rather forcefully that “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty, the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” A very strong statement.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, indeed. It is a very strong statement, one that probably wouldn't be too popular today, but it does reflect exactly how much Divine Providence—God—was within the founding of this nation and in the minds and hearts of the people that founded it.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    So, our first president, George Washington, also encouraged the inclusion of religious principles throughout the public's business. In his famous farewell address when he announced that he would retire from public office at the end of his second term, he offered some pretty candid advice on what it would take to keep America strong.

    We know that some wanted Washington to remain in office and to become king, and he refused all of that in favor of the republic that the founders had struggled to agree upon.

    So, for generations afterwards, Washington's farewell address has been considered so important and its content so profound that it was published as a separate standalone school textbook. Students were taught that this address was the most significant political speech ever delivered to the nation, and they were tested on its content.

    Regrettably, Washington's farewell address has now largely disappeared from current textbooks apparently because it has too much religious content for today's trending secular outlooks.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    That is so unfortunate because again, we see our history being just sort of wiped away in one hand, wiped away, and another hand all the negatives being put forth.

    So, Alberta, can you give us a summary of what Washington said in his farewell address, just briefly?

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Well, Washington specifically identified religion and morality as the two most important elements of the American political system, and he even warned that anyone who attempted to separate those two elements from the political system could not be considered an American patriot—religion and morality. Just think about that today.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yeah, well those are strong words too.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    I mean, indeed, if America's system of government was deliberately and intentionally built upon religion and morality by these founders, then it's important to note how successful it has been even though America is by no means perfect by those standards.

    The fact is America is now the world's longest ongoing constitutional republic on the planet, and to exist more than two centuries under the same governing document is an accomplishment unknown among contemporary nations.

    For example, during the same time that America has had just one government, France has had 15, and in just the 20th century alone, Russia has had four, Afghanistan, five, and in Poland seven.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Great facts to know and appreciate, and I know a lot of people do not know those facts.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    We must also know and appreciate that the historical founders at that time were all men. So, there were many battles and changes yet to be made in our history.

    The founders did confirm many times that it was God's word that also provided the basis for what our termed inalienable rights, meaning rights bestowed by God upon every individual regardless of race, gender, or social station.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Now that you mentioned that, I mean we can see through our history how we have strived to reach those goals. I mean, these were lofty goals, as you said,

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Right, and ones that were clearly apparently not attainable immediately.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Right, of course.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Among man’s inalienable rights were those listed as life, liberty, property, religious freedom, self-protection, due process, sanctity of the home, as well as others that are listed throughout the Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights.

    Now, this is an interesting thing because the founders did not agree on the issue of slavery even then this definition of inalienable rights. So, from the very beginning, they began to compromise. There never would've a United States of America without a declaration of Independence, and that declaration would not have been agreed upon unless the Southern representatives had some assurance that slavery would not be prohibited. So, the net result is that 100 years later we had to fight a civil war to decide that issue.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Don’t we see that dynamic playing out today in our government? One party wants to address the specific need in the country and the other party has their opposing demands, some of which have no relationship to the issue at hand, but it's their opportunity to get greater parts of their agenda fulfilled even though it may not be fully in alignment with the Constitution.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen


    Host Nancy Showalter

    So, by needing both parties’ agreement, when government is divided legislatively, things get put into law or monies allocated for things that are not in alignment with the founding principles, and considering the issues we're facing today, it'd really be wise for all of us to take a closer look at our history and recognize which party was on which side of the issue back then.

    That's another discussion of course, but it's always been amazing to me that anyone in a nation being founded on freedom, individual freedom, granted by their creator could justify slavery of other fellow human beings. But understanding some of those dynamics of how our government works where one side can hold the other side hostage, we can see some of the clear choices we have when we choose our leadership.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Right, and our founding documents do directly acknowledge two things. One was that God gave these rights to men and subsequently to women, and number two, that it is the purpose of government to protect these rights.

    They thought that this was so important to the maintaining of a republic form of government because many of them also believed that to not do so would invite God's anger or his wrath to be upon them.

    Thomas Jefferson actually wrote, “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God, that they are not to be violated, but with his wrath. Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

    So here we have Jefferson saying that if we violate God's laws, then God can't be on our side in defense of that behavior and that there would be consequences. Today we would call this our karma.

    This quote is actually carved inside of the Jefferson Memorial, and there are actually five carved quotes inside that memorial, and four of them speak of God's involvement.

    I think this is just amazing when people say that we're supposed to leave God out of our government now, and here are our founding fathers carving into marble monuments these words, and that four of these five quotes speak of God's involvement in the ongoing nature of this nation.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, absolutely. The founding of this Republic on these principles, the ascended masters at least have called this a grand experiment in freedom, because we can see in our country with freedom, you have the freedom to burn the flag. You have the freedom to say whatever negative about the government, about anybody else. You just can't hurt anyone or threaten.

    But it's freedom. It is a two-edged sword. It's a two-edged sword because it's relying on the individual to maintain that morality within themselves. And Jefferson says, I think it's very interesting that he points out that the United States, the country will not be protected when we veer too far out of God's laws and violate God's laws.

    When I was studying a political history course and traced the forms of government in Europe until the founding of the United States, I was really impressed with this fact.

    I could see from all the monarchies and dictatorships, all the different things that went through the Western civilization. There had never been a government like this before, and it allowed so much freedom for the individual that as we said, it was uncertain that could even work.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Right, and this grand experiment in freedom was challenged from the moment it was decided. Following that constitutional convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a citizen what they had given us, and he said, “a republic if you can keep it.”

    So this was a fair warning. They knew what they were doing when they made this a Republican form of government, not a republican, as opposed to the democratic parties as we think of them today. But a republic is a much more difficult form of government to maintain than a democracy is because a republic requires a more educated effort from the voters.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Well, and not only that, but the founding fathers really didn't want a pure democracy. They considered that to be almost mob rule, or it could turn into mob rule, and we see evidence of that possibility with what's happening in our cities today.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Yes, yes.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    The ascended masters have also taught about this spiritual founding of America, but there are others who seem to confirm what the founders said about this spiritual sponsorship, or this responsibility that America carries.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Yes, and I love to read the teachings and the sermons of Dr. Peter Marshall, who was an immigrant to America from Scotland in 1927, and he definitely echoes the words of our founders, and he did it right in the midst of our federal seat of government.

    He only lived to be 46 years old, and yet he preached to the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington DC and he actually became the chaplain of the United States Senate.

    One of his wartime sermons that was my favorite was titled, “Our Covenant Nation,” and he delivered this sermon on Armistice Day in 1947. This is part of what he said, “A covenant nation is one that recognizes its dependence upon God and its responsibility towards God. This nation, meaning America, was so born, God was recognized as the source of human rights. The Declaration of Independence says so. A covenant nation is one which recognizes God and his purposes stand about a nation and the nation's interest, and that the highest role a nation can play is to reflect God's righteousness in a national policy. Ours therefore is a covenant nation, covenanted with God in the beginning.”

    He went on to say, “This country was founded in religious faith. It had different expressions to be sure—Quakers, Puritans, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Methodists, and Baptists, Lutherans and Catholics of French, Spanish, and Irish stock—all contributed to the molding of that faith and its free expression in this land where men were at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of their consciences. These all believed in the equality of the individual before God, and that every soul was equally precious in God's sight.”

    It should be noted too, that in their time they founded schools throughout the land that were all rooted in religion. Harvard and Yale were founded by Congregationalists, the universities of Columbia and Pennsylvania founded by Episcopalians. Princeton's was founded by Presbyterians, Duke and Northwestern by the Methodists, the University of Chicago by Baptists, Fordham and Notre Dame by Roman Catholics.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Boy, you wouldn't recognize that today, would you?

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    No, you wouldn't, but you can see that that was how they were founded and how they were intended.

    Dr. Peter Marshall also quotes President George Washington in his first inaugural address, and this is what George Washington said, “And was it not so because in the beginning, this nation was established for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith under just and equal laws with the right to worship God according to the dictates of conscience in religious liberty that all should have an equal chance to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to provide a model for the world and to lead men into a better life.”

    So here is the first president in his first inaugural address declaring America as a model to the world, this grand experiment in freedom. Washington also said, “Apart from faith in God, the history of America has no meaning.”

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, and that's a very strong statement also. But what we're tapping into here is a broader perspective of what this nation is—not just another nation on the planet trying to do its thing and struggling along—but this is why people want to come to this nation. Everybody's trying to get here because of what these principles are. It's very obvious that there is this calling that this was founded, and the founders actually understood it and they clearly articulated it.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

and they were willing to lay their lives on the line to make it happen.

    Host Nancy Showalter


    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Marshall also speaks of this idea that the greatest spiritual task confronting us, meaning America, is the need to interpret for our time, the meaning of the motto inscribed on each metal coin, on each coin it says, “In God we trust,” and to apply that interpretation to our national and international policies. So, we can see that these really are keys to God-government.

    Dr. Peter Marshall's son, who was also named Peter Marshall, wrote a book with a co-author David Manuel, and this book was called, The Light and the Glory, and it's all about America's spiritual beginnings and God's plan for America.

    They actually asked the question, and I'm quoting here, “Did God have a plan for America?

    Many have discovered the reality of the living Christ and pursued the belief that God has a plan for each individual's life, a plan that could with spiritual effort be discerned and followed. But what if he dealt with whole nations in the same way? They concluded that the Bible said he did.

    Now that's their conclusion, and the authors go on from there to share some research on Christopher Columbus. They ask the question, “What if Columbus's discovery wasn't an accident, not accidental at all? What if it was merely the opening curtain of an extraordinary drama? Haven't the first settlers described themselves as having been called by God to found a new nation based on the centrality of the Christian faith and God's word?”

    Interesting question.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Absolutely, yes. We know—because we know from the ascended masters, their teachings—that Saint Germain was previously embodied as Christopher Columbus, and that every individual soul's dharma, or ultimate mission, develops over many embodiments that he or she has lived.

    It's really interesting to see that even in that lifetime, Columbus felt he had been given his life's mission directly by God and that he felt called to bear the light of Christ, of Jesus Christ, to undiscovered lands and fulfillment of prophetic passages in the Bible, and that he knew he'd been guided by the Holy Spirit the whole way.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Right. I think these two researchers, Peter Marshall Jr., and David Manuel, they discovered the diaries and everything of Christopher Columbus, and so they were able to see some of his words, and Columbus himself actually wrote, “It was the Lord who put it into my mind. I could feel his hand upon me. The fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies, all who heard of my project, rejected it with laughter ridiculing me. There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because he comforted me with rays of marvelous inspiration from the Holy Scriptures for the execution of the journey to the Indies. I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics, or maps. It is simply the fulfillment of what Isaiah had prophesied.”

    So here he is writing in his diary on this long, long, long adventure that he was with his crew and the ships.

    Even then he was knowing in his own soul and his own being that he was being led. He was being led by Spirit to do what he was doing, even though some of the decisions may have looked like mistakes.

    But then Columbus gave us all some wonderful advice. He said to all of us, and this would be true today for us, “No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Savior. If it is just, and if the intention is purely for His holy service, the working out of all things has been assigned to each person by our Lord, but it all happens according to his sovereign will, even though He gives advice. Oh, what a gracious Lord, who desires that people should perform for him, those things for which he holds himself responsible day and night, moment by moment, everyone should express their most devoted gratitude to him.”

    That's what Christopher Columbus wrote in his diaries at that time.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes, and these are so important things. These are right in his own words. And when people malign his image today and the man that he was, they really need to see this side of Christopher Columbus to understand that he was acting in a human world by divine inspiration. This human world is not perfect. There's no such thing anyway in this dimension is perfect. We have to rise in our consciousness to even begin to reach the perfection that's within us.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Well, I think as students of the ascended masters, we know now that Saint Germain was Christopher Columbus in a previous lifetime, and that he is now the prophet for the New Age, and now we are the ‘New Age discoverers’ as Columbus was the new world discoverer.

    So the new World order of the ages that we are engaged in now is really the result of what some have called the revolution of higher consciousness, where a greater percentage of men and women can walk and talk with the angels, with the masters, and with cosmic beings, and it's a part of their daily existence, their daily life to carry on this holy communion.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    That's where we're headed with a golden age.

    Well, we've covered a lot of material and we could of course go on and on. We will, we'll continue this next week.

    We know that many of the founding fathers have since made their ascension and are now ascended masters. This is what I'd like to talk about next week. I want to give a much higher, broader perspective so that people understand we are all here evolving on planet Earth, doing the best we can and going forward.

    Unfortunately, some people today insist on focusing only on the faults of our forefathers, forgetting that, like I said, there's no perfect human being.

    We all have our faults, weaknesses, prejudices, indoctrinations, et cetera. We're striving to overcome these things while at the same time doing good things in accordance with divine will. So, we have a lot to talk about yet on this subject.

    So, Alberta, thank you again for being with us. It's just been a pleasure, and I hope our listeners are as enthralled with this subject as we are.

    Guest Alberta Fredricksen

    Thanks for the invitation.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    You are welcome, and we'll be back next week. Until keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

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