The lads and lasses of Achievement Hunter congregate each week to discuss the important questions in life. Plus drink beer. Watch LIVE every Thursday at 3PM CT on Rooster Teeth Live. Watch the free video version at
Comedians and Video Game enthusiasts Heather Anne Campbell, Nick Wiger and Matt Apodaca discuss all things gaming. Join them as they joke about the games they're playing, have played, and will play someday. Good games and bad games: It's time to Get Played!
A podcast that reveals the truth about video games that those other video game podcasts don't want you to know. Co-hosts: Alton, Kay and Reese
Intro music: Video Games by Envyneslies Envyneslies – Video-games
Thank you to Angelvila for the logo!
Main Account:
Find out more on the Video Games Are The Worst Thing On Earth website: -
Peer to Peer features two best friends living together in a house in Atlanta, and chronicles stories from their unusual lives. They're two distant friends that met on an old basketball podcast, Agent 00 and Legend of Winning discuss interesting topics from their lives and popular culture. A serious departure from the type of content they regularly post on YouTube, no subject is off-limits for these two.
Are you tired of listening to intelligent podcasters who make sense? Well, this is your lucky day! The Snack Covenant is a complete train-wreck of a podcast that somehow, for some reason exists.
We cover various past and upcoming games (such as Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Death Stranding, Nier Automata, Déraciné) as well as other stuff.
So grab a seat, chillax, and get ready to lose a few brain cells!
PS. Bring your own snacks -
A comedy podcast about video games, hosted by kind and knowledgeable boys (and Australian comedians) Tommy Dassalo and Ben Vernel.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Videogame-industry veterans Mikel Reparaz, Matthew Allen, and Chris Antista rally their colleagues for weekly discussions about games, the industry, and the circus of egos and information that surrounds it all.
William Hughes (The A.V. Club) and Gary Butterfield (Watch Out for Fireballs!) get together four times a week to talk through every single item, trinket, boss, monster, and, really, everything in Edmund McMillen's "The Binding Of Isaac". New, bite-sized episodes come out every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
This is a Podcast for nerds, by nerds. We cover a variety of topics including movies, comic books, video games and anything else people can geek out over. Remember nerds, you're not alone. You are with friends. This is Nerds With Friends. Check out our website
Inside Baseball to termin, który oznacza zazwyczaj dowcipy i tematy znane tylko niewielkiej części rozmówców, która to część rechocze między sobą i nikt nie wie, dlaczego.
Commodore 64 Game Reviews and C64 News.
Two gamers with a love for the history of video games play and discuss the best and worst titles in existence. Blow out your NES cartridge, check the batteries in your remote, and memorize your Game Genie codes… It’s time to get RETRO!
Spiritual successor is a comedy, video game design podcast inspired by Polygon's CoolGames Inc. Spiritual Successor is hosted by Blake Raya and AJ Hart
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A comedy and video game podcast presented by video game UI designer Steph and cosplayer Nikki. Every fortnight they run down their 'top fives' on various gaming topics.
Join Caleb J. Ross and Travis Terry on a journey through some of gaming's wildest narratives. It's a storytelling podcast where the stories are already written but rarely told. It's comedy at heart and all for fun.
The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.
This Podcast is hosted by Nathan Sharp and Hunter Hughes aka Nate and Dookie. 2 YouTubers who post YouTube videos to YouTube.
Fear& is a show hosted by Will Neff, Hasan Piker, QTCinderalla & AustinShow. The show will occasionally contain special guests and cover pop culture events, memes, reacts, fun light hearted conversation topics and totally will not veer off down into a dark political blackpilled depressing rabbit hole :)