Introducing "Anxiety in the Archives," a podcast dissertation about libraries, open access, and the evolving nature of academic writing
Wherein grad students collide via Zoom; gamefication and sound rhetoric are
defined; steampunk is NOT defined, or even talked about (much); and
Bluestocking learns that grad school in COVID times is not an easy thing. -
¿Faltan episodios?
or Why Nothing Ruins War Like the Rising of the Dead with Justina Ireland’s Dread Nation
**There are some issues with sound quality in this episode. You will probably need to crank the volume. The producer apologizes for her shoddy sound-editing skills**
Show Notes
Today’s Book(s):
Dread Nation by Justina IrelandCitations:
The Heathen School: A Story of Hope and Betrayal in the Age of the Early Republic
Like Clockwork: Steampunk Pasts, Presents, and FuturesPodcast Recommendations:
The Clockwork Cabaret
The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast
Texas Steampunk Connection
Gallery of CuriositiesLibrary Boosters:
Mahometan and CelestialLibrary-Agent Bellerophon:
Eilís PhillipsEpisode Music courtesy of FreeMusicArchive.Org:
“Come On Brenda, It's The 90s For Chrissakes”, Basic Bitches
"Morning Terrors Nights of Dread", Shilpa Ray
“Burn the World”, Grand MalEpisode Sounds courtesy of FreeSound.Org
Contact Us!
Twitter and Instagram: @spdhpodEtsy Store:
Blue’s Junk ShopThe Steampunk Dollhouse is a Wind-Up Girl Studios Production, in association with Simply Adorkable podcast network. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International license. It is written and produced by Elizabeth Headrick.
[steampunk, steampunk novels, steampunk literature, steampunk librarian, steampunk lifestyle, post-apocalypse, steampunk survival guide, steampunk music]
Sequels 1 - A Very Special Sequel Supplemental - Wherein We Revisit Old
Favorites and Delight in New Adventures - Rod Duncan, Queen of All Crows
(Map of Unknown Things - continuation of The Fall of the Gaslit Empire
series; A.J. Hartley, Guardian (Steeplejack #3); Rachel Caine, Smoke and
Iron (Great LIbrary #4) -
...---... ...---... ...---...
Wherein universes collide, as they ALWAYS seem to do; steampunk is, for once, NOT defined; and Bluestocking learns that she is not yet ready for London primetime
Show Notes
Asylum X
The Presenters:
Eilís Phillips - @EilisPhillips
William Sutton - @WilliamGeorgeQ
Jenevieve Van-Veda - @VanVeda
Helena Esser - @esserhelena
Kurian T. Peters - @skuldugger
Claire Nally - @tinyhippo1979
Karl Bell - @drkarlbellYomi Ayeni - @yoms
Clockwork WatchBooks Mentioned:
William Sutton - Lawless and the Devil of Euston Square: Lawless 1
Claire Nally - Steampunk: Gender, Subculture and the Neo-VictorianArjun Raj Gaind - Empire of Blood Issue 01
Katie MacAllister - Steamed
Gail Carriger - Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate)That Fucking Hill:
Steep HillGorilla Knitting:
Yarn BombingGerman Steampunk:
Steampunk Jahrmarkt 2017
Steampunk Jahrmarkt 2018Library Boosters:
Mahometan and CelestialEpisode Music courtesy of FreeMusicArchive.Org:
Intro and Wrap - There's A Hole At The End Of Tunnel by The Black Hakawati
Credits- the lincolnshire poacher mi5 by The Conet ProjectContact Us!
Twitter: @spdhpodThe Steampunk Dollhouse is a Wind-Up Girl Studios Production. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International license. It is written and produced by Elizabeth Headrick.
[steampunk, steampunk novels, steampunk literature, steampunk librarian, steampunk lifestyle, post-apocalypse, steampunk survival guide, steampunk music]
Episode 14 - 15 Feet of Gas-lit Snow or, How a Spiritwalker and a Soldier
Risked Their Souls - Karin Lowachee, The Gaslight Dogs -
Wherein Bluestocking updates the listeners on the current state of the
Library and asks for assistance in achieving a long-held dream. -
Wherein universes collide (once more), steampunk is (again, not really) defined, and Bluestocking learns that she is basically a muppet
Library Boosters:
Mahometan and Celestial
AudibleSteampunk Podcast Collective:
Watch a video of the interview!Episode Music courtesy of FreeMusicArchive.Org:
“Storyteller” by JahzzarContact Us!
Twitter: @spdhpod
Facebook: /SPDHPodThe Steampunk Dollhouse is a Wind-Up Girl Studios Production. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International license. It is written and produced by Elizabeth Headrick.
[steampunk, steampunk novels, steampunk literature, steampunk librarian, steampunk lifestyle, post-apocalypse, steampunk survival guide, steampunk music]
Episode 13 - Destination Perdido Street Station, or Why Punishing People
with Extreme Plastic Surgery is Really *$%^ed Up - The Bas Lag series -
China Mieville -
or How to Throw Sand in the Gears of Ordinary Steampunk with the anthology
Clockwork Cairo: Steampunk Tales of Egypt, edited by Matthew Bright -
or Why Xenophobia Always Leads to a Bad End - S.E. Grove, The Mapmakers
Trilogy -
or Why Sometimes It’s About the Silk, Not the Steam with Ken Liu's The
Dandelion Dynasty Series -
Wherein universes collide, steampunk is (not really) defined, and tubas
rend the air with a jaunty tune -
Wherein Bluestocking explains why she will need to put Ken Liu’s
magnificent (and massive) tomes on hold for a bit longer -
or, How a Young, Jewish Woman Decided to Grab Destiny by the Horns with
Emily Barton's The Book of Esther -
Wherein we become acquainted with a man who is most certainly not a
lunatic. He’s not. Honestly. -
Wherein the steampunk survivalist becomes learned in the various and sundry
pox and plagues that inevitably accompany the apocalypse -
or, How a Carnival Kid Brought Down an Empire with Rod Duncan’s Fall of the
Gas-Lit Empire series -
or, Why Decolonial Determination is Steampunk as S*&# with the anthology
The Sea Is Ours, Tales from Steampunk Southeast Asia, ed. Jaymee Goh &
Joyce Chng - Mostrar más