🏜 We're officially in a trust desert, people. Your future buyers still want to buy, sure.
But, the times are a changin' and to keep up, we need to level up.
Here's just a few of the changes in the online business landscape that have accelerated over the past 12 months:
🤠 We're all super aware that there are cowboys in the industry, and many of us have been burnt by them;
💸 We don't have as much free cash to splash, and we're super wary of ensuring it goes to the right person for the job;
🤖 AI is advancing at a clip, and we're craving a unique perspective and a human to lead us;
💅🏼 The industry is becoming more sophisticated, and in a buyers market we're spoilt for choice; and
📈 Buying cycles are getting longer, as people stop responding to direct response marketing and instead are taking their time to make sure a purchase is the right one for them.
All of these changes have led to the "perfect storm"; one where the online business landscape is fast being split down the middle into two clear camps:
The first? Those willing to do what it takes to develop trust. And the second? Those still clinging onto the old ways of doing business, and wondering why it isn't working anymore.
In today's podcast episode, I'm breaking down what this trust desert is and five things to consider to ensure that you don't get left behind.
Here's a summary of points covered:
1) Touchpoints: The need for more touchpoints to build rapport with audience prior to purchase.
2) Audience: The increasing importance of audience and community.
3) Middle of Funnel: The non-negotiable need for a middle of funnel content channel.
4) Thought Leadership: Why how to content no longer cuts it.
5) Catering to Longer Buying Cycles: Why multiple touchpoints are needed to achieve a benchmark CVR.
If you need help with developing trust with a robust traffic system for developing traffic and building trust with them, you need Traffic Playbook! This is a full course included in Lifestyle Business School, and also able to be purchased separately.
To check it out, click here.
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In the past month, I experienced the “tipping point” in the leveraged business model I started building out from scratch 12 months ago.
Ep 185: ❤️🔥😍 Sexy Budgeting, Finances and PROFIT for Online Business OwnersEp 262: How to Make $500k Within 24 Months With a $2k Offer (Detailed Step by Step)Ep 253: Engineering Alignment: Building an Offer That Sparks Joy, Lights You Up and Brings Happy to Your Day
All leveraged expertise-based models have them, IF YOU KNOW TO STICK WITH IT LONG ENOUGH TO GET TO THE MAGIC ✨
But, this isn’t always in line with the rhetoric online.
We hear of “quick wins”, “six figure launches” straight out of the gate and unicorns who build their dream business in a year.
And sure, with some business models, that may actually be possible.
Take a service-based or freelancer business model for instance.
You can build it in a day, book yourself out in a week and be making $10k in a month.
The trade off? That the revenue comes at the expense of your time.. forever.
When you’re creating a leveraged business model that ultimately gives you compounding revenue, high profit margins and MORE time back as time goes on, it’s different.
There’s the decision to start.
Then, the build.
And then FINALLY, the tipping point.
The tipping point is the inflection point where the work you have done up until that point starts to compound and snowball.
Your revenue starts to really increase.
Your time and the energetic lift starts to decrease.
And all of the hard work starts to pay off.
But, it’s a process, and it’s in NO WAY instant.
I think being more honest about this is only going to serve people, because they might then have more realistic expectations, stay in it for the long run and actually start to see the fruits of their labour over time.
In today’s podcast episode, I am going to share a little about that process.
I’ve followed this exact same process now for three iterations of my business.. and it’s the SAME EVERY TIME.
Podcast Episodes Referenced:Want more?
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It’s official ONE WEEK until my 7th business birthday (and my ACTUAL birthday! 🎈), so I thought it a good time to reflect on 7 lessons I’ve learnt from 7 years in business.
Here goes!
1️⃣ It’s okay to leave money on the table.
2️⃣ Traditional business advice might not apply.
3️⃣ There isn’t one right way of doing business.
4️⃣ Everything is a solvable problem.
5️⃣ Take the action and the outcome will (eventually) take care of itself.
6️⃣ On indecision.
7️⃣ Make your success a habit.
Read the full blogpost here.Want more?
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⏰ PSA: The price for Lifestyle Business School increases by up to $900USD in 24 hours, and we have just added a new super accessible payment plan. Click here.
This is a business strategy podcast Q+A, where I am answering some JUICY questions.
Let’s call it a big ‘ol business strategy sesh!
I answer:
➡️ I am a creative and I want to expand my clients/audience with a leveraged offer like a digital course or products. What is the best way to do this?
➡️ I want to create a low cost digital product, around $30. Can I be successful with this?
➡️ I have a specialised niche and I want to create something lower cost to serve them. Should I?
➡️ How much time do you need to dedicate each week to build a successful lifestyle business?
And more!
These are some of the questions that have been coming through as we prepare to close the doors on the current price, extended time bonus and all of the other special bonuses. Whether you are thinking about joining Lifestyle Business School, or you simply love a good strategy jam sesh – this is for you!Want more?
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I’m launching this week (could you tell? 😆) In the lead up, I committed to something that I have been going back and forth on for literal MONTHS:
Switching Lifestyle Business School from LIMITED TIME ACCESS (one year) to UNLIMITED ACCESS (for as long as the course exists). It’s a nuanced decision, and I still don’t know what the right answer is.
But intuitively, I really felt a pull to test it — and so, a week ago I pulled the trigger.
So in today's podcast I'll be talking about the pros and cons, why I’m testing it for this launch and why I’m actually not 100% committed that there is one “right” way — yet. I will test it, see what the data says, and decide from there.
And PS — if you have been thinking about joining Lifestyle Business School, this MAY be the only time I offer unlimited access (it will depend on the outcome of my experiment offering it!) So, now is the time.
RIGHT NOW, in this launch, you can join Lifestyle Business School and get access to curriculum for as long as the program exists. So, now is the time to join if its been on your mind because this is ONE BIG EXPERIMENT that you will get to hugely benefit from.
Join now before doors to this offer close and the price increases on 31 October.Want more?
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Today, we are going to walk through the EXACT steps for growing a leveraged, expertise-based online offer to a very specific revenue amount.
I want to make this really practical for you, so I will be specific with the numbers:
The goal? Get to a replicable $500k year with a $2k offer.
The first year is set up, the second year is going to be where we make it happen.
Both are important – and I will explain why knowing THAT is important, too.
And PS -- this isn’t even a hypothetical either, because this mock scenario closely mimics my EXACT path over the past 12 months of rebuilding my business.
So, here goes!Want more?
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👉 I’m hosting a brand new live class on October 24th called The Predictable 3-Part Operating System for Building a Simple, Time Leveraged, Online Course Based Business Model or Revenue Stream. To register, click here.
Over the past two years, I have realigned, re-imagined and re-built my seven-figure business from the ground up to deliver high profits, working 5-hour days and with 400% more creative fulfillment on the daily.It’s not hype – it’s the truth.
The shifts I have made in the last 12 months, and how it feels to be on the other side; The changes and price increase coming to Lifestyle Business School, and how you can get in before it happens;The five checkpoints to move through to build out the system for a leveraged business, and why you need them all in place prior to focusing on growth; My thoughts on multiple offers and when the right time is to expand; The system I used whilst traveling to simplify my growth and how it worked to focus my energy, effort and output and to achieve my goals without working more.All about my brand new masterclass on 24 October: The Predictable 3-Part Operating System for Building a Simple, Time Leveraged, Online Course Based Business Model or Revenue Stream. To register, click here.
And, it seems that many are following suit.
It’s nice to be a trailblazer, and at the same time I feel compelled right now to transparently share what I’ve learnt.
I’m hosting a free class later this month that I have been working on for weeks, and in today’s podcast episode I am sharing with you:Want more?
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Want to retire early in 10 years, and live on $80k forever?
With a lifestyle business, you can.
[Read the full blog post here].
People want a quick win, and the industry sells the pipedream of a gazillion dollars in two seconds.. but if you’re willing to develop the skill of being a course creator?
A LOT can happen in 10 years ⌛️
Here’s the cliff notes:
Invest $10k a month from the profits of your high cashflow online course business for 10 years (instead of spending it on Gucci bags, a big team or lifestyle creep).
At year ten, you can retire with $2m in the bank.
You’ll take $80k a year for the rest of your life without depleting the balance.
Here’s your road map for retiring in 10 years, if you start today 🗺️:
1️⃣ Commit to developing the skill of being a course creator. Create one flagship course.
2️⃣ Develop your skills to sell 300 a year at $1000 each. That’s $200 - $300k. Spend one third of that on expenses/tax, a third on your salary and set a third aside ($120k a year).
3️⃣ Invest the one third you set aside into assets (eg stocks, property). In ten years assuming a 10% average annual return, you’ll have over $2million.
4️⃣ At this point, you’ll have the option to retire early. Spend 4% a year each year after that forever and you’ll have $80,000 in annual income without depleting the balance (Google the 4% rule).
5️⃣ But if you do it right? You’ll probably still be loving what you do so much you don’t even WANT to stop anyway.
This, my friends, is what it means to build a lifestyle business.Want more?
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In the past 12 months, I’ve created 8 online courses.
That’s 680 lessons, according to my course platform.
[Read the full blog post here].It’s all been part of a grand master plan I hatched in mid-2023 to build out the complete operating system for building a leveraged, expertise-based lifestyle business.
The eight courses are designed with that specific endgame in mind.
Here’s a summary:
Lifestyle Business School Roadmap: This is the overarching roadmap for mapping and tracking your progress to your personal endgame. Dream and Design: Design the leveraged expertise-based business model that satisfies the Monday Morning test and feels just right for you. Create and Validate: Build a simple, leveraged expertise-based offer suite (and the engaged lead list to sell it) in 12-weeks. Deliver and Delight: The full delivery playbook for building out a stand out and streamlined online course, group program, membership or mastermind. Rinse and Repeat: The ultimate collective of every live launch and promotion under the sun. Traffic Playbook: Develop and execute a simple but sophisticated marketing plan to sell your scalable offers. Automate and Accelerate: Build out a fully automated system of cascading campaigns to sell your offers on autopilot.. while you sleep. [Not currently included in Lifestyle Business School] Operational Elegance: The full back end blueprint for running your online business including systems, structure and streamlined processes to simplify, scale.. or step back!Here’s why it was important to me, though.
When I looked around, I saw too much piecemeal advice.
“Implement this strategy for success!” – one course would say.
“Do this and get your next 1000 followers!” – another would say.
The truth is, everything worked (if implemented).
But, the advice was piecemeal.
They were tactics, when ultimately what someone needs to build a successful leveraged lifestyle business is a simple, holistic strategy, and a clear map with all of the pieces laid out in order.
That’s what I have created in Lifestyle Business School.Want more?
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To get sales, you need leads!
To get leads, you need traffic!
So, how do you get it?
What’s working now?
[Read the full blog post here].
The truth is, times have changed.
The landscape is crowded.
Ads are costly.
And getting attention feels about as easy as screaming to a band to pull you up on stage in the middle of a rock concert.
So let me lift the lid on how I do it, and what’s working right now.
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So, you have big business goals – incredible!
What’s your plan to achieve them?
Q4 is sneaking up on us, and as anyone in online business would know that means prime money-making season!
There is a lot of opportunity in the final three months of the year.
[Read the full blog post here].Whether you’re well behind on your annual sales goal or you’re simply looking to maximise the opportunity that this time of year brings, preparation will give you the BEST chance of making this your biggest quarter of sales yet!
The best way to prepare?
With a simple, actionable marketing plan.
If you haven’t created yours yet, now is absolutely the time.
Planning ahead will allow you to get strategic, and squeeze the most juice out of this prime time on the online business calendar.
In today’s piece, we will walk through how to create a simple marketing to smash your Q4 goals, and set yourself up for a strong end to what has for many been a more trying year.
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You know the whole “money in your sleep” thing?
“Build a funnel and watch the money roll in whilst you’re catching z’s”?
The truth is, it’s real – but not in the same way it’s been taught, sold and done online for the past few years.
[Read the full blog post here].The standard advice is that you set it up once, flick the switch to “on”, and watch the sales start rolling through the door.
As much as I’d love to sell you that strategy, it doesn’t quite work that way.
That’s the bad news.
The good news?
Is that when done the right way, at the right time, using principles that work right now, and the right “full funnel” strategy, an evergreen funnel can become one of the most powerful automated workhorses for generating bonus profit in your business.
In today’s piece, I am going to share with you how to build out an evergreen funnel system to sell your online course, program or membership the RIGHT way.
(No BS or unrealistic promises included).
Side note – We have just added a fresh new course soldier to the Lifestyle Business School lineup. It’s called Automate and Accelerate, and it’s a step–by-step, here’s-exactly-how-you-do-it system for building out an evergreen funnel system to sell your offer/s on autopilot.
It includes the full strategy for creating a front end evergreen funnel to make sales immediately, and then the three to six month back end ecosystem to continue to cycle your leads through a series of offers to make profit.. without lifting a finger.
You can check out Automate and Accelerate and join us in Lifestyle Business School here.
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Active income is never passive.
Work is work.
But the income from your work can be funneled into assets that CAN be passive – and that, ultimately, is the game.
[Read the full blog post here].These days, I am passionate about sharing that message with others.
Even moreso in this online business world, where we have the capacity to build high profit margin businesses.
And, where a little know how on what to DO with that income is life-changing.
And so, in today’s piece, I am sharing with you the six steps for building a business that will one day allow you to make work optional and to enjoy true passive income.
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Truthbomb: The ONE metric just about every single person underestimates is the amount of traffic they are able to deploy for their online course or group offer launch.
[Read the full blog post here].
They put BIG effort into a launch, and maybe secure a handful of sales.
On “paper”, it performed great and achieved all of the benchmarks for success.
But still, THEY consider it a flop.
The culprit?
They simply didn’t drive the volume of traffic required to achieve their sales goals.
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Building a successful online course business in 2024 requires an irresistible, hell-yes core offer.
[Read the full blog post here].
Here’s the kicker, though.
Whilst making sure your offer is irresistible to the person you’re selling it to is non-negotiable (something we covered in detail in last week’s piece, and this one too), it’s only step one.Building an offer that sells is one thing.
Building one that lights you up, fulfills you, gives you more of what you want and allows you to reach your goals so you can run it for the long term without burning out?
Well, that’s entirely another.
Here’s one thing my seven years in online business has taught me:
Success isn’t success if it doesn’t give more of what you want.
This is a Naval Ravikant quote, and I have it pinned everywhere:
On my laptop screensaver.
My phone.
My desk.
It serves as a reminder for me of what “success” is and what it isn’t.
In an online world that has for so many years espoused financial and “numbers” based success as the only true indicator of it, it’s important to remember.
For so long, “success” and “alignment” haven’t co-existed, nor have they been together “considered”.
On the one side have been the people chasing “success” at any cost.
And on the other, those seeking “alignment”.
But it’s only recently that anyone has considered the two to be mutually exclusive.
Thankfully, the tides are changing.
When I started talking about wild alignment, and building a lifestyle business, just TWELVE MONTHS AGO – it was new, and novel.
Today, there’s lots of talk of freedom-based business, and balance, and building a business that complements your life without scaling to the moon.
In today’s piece, I want to share with you what I feel is the critical “foundation” for achieving this in practice.
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Recently, I embarked on an extended Euro-trip.
[Read the full blog post here].
EXCITING, of course – but, with a catch.
The flight to Dubai en-route to Europe departed from Brisbane at 2am.
Tricky in any event, but even moreso with a two and four year old to contend with.
I did the sleep math olympics trying to figure out how to cope.
My realisation?
From a toddler perspective, I was likely screwed regardless of HOW I decided to approach things (especially since those awesome inflatable travel beds for kids on planes are banned on my Emirates flight – damn, right).
And so, I started focusing on my own sleep.
“If we get on the plane at 2am, they MIGHT go back to sleep for a few hours and it’s going to be smart to try and catch at least a couple of hours myself so I’m not zapped and losing my proverbial s$%# when we arrive in Dubai 14-hours later” – I thought.
In other words? I started to focus on the things I thought I MIIIIIIGHT be able to semi-control.
And so began my deep-dive into the world of getting sleep on planes.
Plot twist: This turns into a content piece on how to create an irresistible, hell yes online course coaching or membership offer so bear with me.Want more?
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Simple scale, complex fails.
Has a catchy ring to it, right.
And, a whole lotta truth.
Here’s how I know.
[Read the full blog post here].
As a person, I am naturally someone that tends to overcomplicate things.
Give me a task to complete, and I will somehow singlehandedly find the most complex, convoluted way of completing it.
Back in my corporate days, I worked as a Marketing Manager.
Working closely alongside me was our PR Manager – who was the exact vision of what you would expect a PR Manager to be.
Vibrant, sociable, vivacious.
And, light on detail.
Whenever we were given a project to work on, she and I would approach things so very differently.
I always admired her approach:
Pick up the phone, get it done, smiling all the way.
Meanwhile? I would sit at my desk for hours upon hours, writing up complex plans and generally just overcomplicating things.
Of course, both were strengths in a way – and our very different approaches complimented each other.
When I started my business, though?
I noticed myself taking that same tendency to complicate things into it.
And, let me tell you:
THAT did not serve me well – until, it did.
In many ways, it was my tendency to overcomplicate things that resulted in the business I have today.
I have spent many years learning the art of simplicity.
As a result?
I create online courses sharing the same simple strategies I created for MYSELF to eliminate my tendency to overcomplicate.
Of course, old habits die hard, and the truth is?
That still every day I have FIGHT MYSELF not to overcomplicate my business.Want more?
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This isn’t a piece on passive income.
It’s not a piece on the freedom to work from anywhere.
Or, to pick up and travel the world.
Instead? It’s about building a drop everything business and how I built it.
[Read the full blog post here].You see, when most of us think of course or digital-product based businesses we think of the fun freedom that it may one day give us the opportunity to enjoy.
We aspire to build the “bucket list” business:
One that creates deep impact for those we serve, whilst simultaneously giving us time, freedom and happiness in spades to spend time with little ones, live without financial burden and go on extended staycations.
I know I sure did.
Happily, six (almost seven) years of hard work, trial and error in, I have mostly done that.
But, here’s the clincher.
It’s not the “bucketlist” business that I have been the most grateful for this year.
It’s the drop everything business.
It’s building a business that has afforded me the ability to scale back and work less not by choice, but by necessity.
From about March on this year, I have worked around 5-hours a week.
The fact that I even COULD – without financial burden or business ruin? – is something that I will always be eternally grateful for.
And so, in today’s podcast episode I want to share with you some of the things that made that possible for me.
The truth is that it is, unfortunately, highly likely that at some point in all of our business careers there will come a time that we’re forced to slow down, pause or stop business as usual for less-than-desirable reasons.
It might be a diagnosis, or a chronic health condition, or an accident.
Whatever the reason, having the foresight to know HOW to set your business up in a way that supports you even when you aren’t “in it” is, I think, a superpower and a gift.
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To sell an online course or leveraged offer, you need people to sell to.
[Read the full blog post here].The problem?
Those looking to build an online course business from scratch usually fall into one of two camps.
1) They are existing content creators looking to leverage their extensive audiences by building a course based business around it; or
2) They are service providers seeking to take their skillset and build something more leveraged from it.
My experience is that usually?
In both cases, the founder hasn’t started or prioritised email list growth, and they are either starting from scratch or they are starting with a small email list that they haven’t nurtured.
So, how do you start and build an email list so that you are able to successfully sell an online course, group coaching program or membership?
Here’s two things to keep in mind first and foremost:
Firstly, quality matters much more than quantity.
The secret? A super aligned email list, and high quality nurture of the people on it.
Alignment comes from making sure that the lead magnet you offer to people in exchange for their email address is very closely aligned to the topic of your core offer.
High quality nurture means that your lead magnet is more than just a PDF.
People need several touchpoints with you (the number is up for date, but it has increased with time – last time, it was around 17) before they are ready to buy from you.
And secondly, your email list growth should be done WHILST you are building your business.
It’s common to spend months and years spinning your wheels trying to hit a magical number BEFORE you start selling, but actually?
The act of starting your course business and launching will be the thing that grows your list as you go.
For both of those reasons, the strategy I recommend for people that want to build a successful course business in 2024 is to start by creating a mini-course and delivering it live over four or so weeks.
Read more about it in my blogpost.
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Have you ever dreamed of jumping on a plane and running away?
[Read the full blog post here].Wanting to live the laptop lifestyle and work from anywhere but unsure how to *actually* do it without your business burning down?
Wonder how all of those people on Instagram every European summer actually afford to do it?
In a week, I am jumping on a very last minute plane to Eurosummer, family (including a wild 2-year old and lively 4-year old) in tow.
This hasn’t been something I’ve had on the planning list for a long time (please listen to last weeks podcast episode where I share about losing my Mum for more context on my snap decision).
More than anything?
This trip is an exhale.
This trip is therapy.
And, this trip is a complete disconnect from reality, to reflect, honour, enjoy and heal.
At the same time, I know there will be some wondering how I can be so lucky or privileged to make this happen. Which, of course, I am.
But, it’s not all that. And maybe, it could be possible for you too.
If you’ve ever dreamt of an extended trip and feel compelled or inspired to make it happen, in today’s podcast episode I am going to share how I’ve done it, what it is costing, my thoughts, fears and nerve-citement around doing it with young children and all of the nitty gritty.
Let’s dive in.
PS. Here's the link to the card I use (I get points if you use my code, my travel fund thanks you).Want more?
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