
  • I went back and forth between deciding if I should share this particular, difficult story about how I avoided more contention online. Couldn’t I just share these principles in a vague way and it would still help teach you? No, The Spirit said. I prayed to know If I should share the story and the answer was, “Share the principles AND the story”. Sometimes, we learn better as we hear how it actually happened, with real life people.

    Recently, I was confronted with some online backlash and it was getting worse. The other person was hurt and I was too. I had to ask myself, How am I to handle this heated situation?

    The words of President Nelson came to my mind CLEARLY. “Contention drives away the Spirit—every time. Contention reinforces the false notion that confrontation is the way to resolve differences; but it never is. Contention is a choice. Peacemaking is a choice. You have your agency to choose contention or reconciliation. I urge you to choose to be a peacemaker, now and always.”

    My situation ended sadly but it worked out for the better. I hope that you guys will learn from this story and see yourself in it. What contentious situations are you dealing with right now that you can improve on? Remember to CHOOSE peacemaking, as Christ would. It is in your hands.

    Hope this finds you well,

    Laura Cragun

  • Every word I type, I am reminded of how much it is a blessing to be in contact with you. Not just the fact that the internet is incredible. But I have faced major opposition to getting these messages out to you! My computer seemed to have become possessed every time I would try to work on material. It was laughable but then turned to the point of discouragement. Hard work would be erased, things would freeze, uploading would take forever, etc…and none of it coordinated with each other. Just random technical difficulties that seemed to have no end in sight.

    And I am not a newbie when it comes to technology, so I couldn’t blame it on that. I know my way around programs and computers but it would give me grief every time. With a lot of prayer, factory resetting my computer and persistence, I have finally got out my message. However, the quality of my uploads are not as good as I would like since I have had to spend so much time on just getting it up. All in all, the adversary is real and it is a testimony to me to keep sharing and spreading my own unique light of Christ. Excited to do it again and share the gospel in any way I can.

    But it didn’t stop. This time the opposition was in the form of other people coming after me online. It was heavy and disheartening. I had to decide how to handle the situation and keep it free from contention. Unfortunately, that meant to stop all communication with them. I will explain more and share that story for another time. But wow, the opposition keeps coming.

    With your new year, I hope that you will be savvy on how you avoid the adversary. Understanding our enemy is key. Playing on the offense with continuing our conversion to Christ and his gospel, WHILE we play defense and not allow negative influences in our lives. Checking where we can improve and fix those breeches will look different for everyone. Invite the spirit to be your guide as you evaluate what that looks like for you.

    On that note, I deeply evaluated what that looked like for me at the beginning of 2023. I made a LOT of changes and now I am sharing that with you today in my 2023 year review with many stories sprinkled in.

    I decided to let go of my business, after seeing a lot of things that I didn’t want to align myself with in the industry. The spirit had told me to shift how I spend my time, and now I was to fully engage with being a Wife, Mother and Homemaker. It has been a beautiful journey and I love how our home feels now.

    God was also so good to me and knew that I still needed a bone to chew. I NEED something for me to work on at any given time. Since we had thought about homestead for a long time, I decided to finally take the plunge and start actively looking for our next home and land. It felt like it was time. We found our place and are moving this summer.

    God Shaped Me in 2023 for the better and I can see more clearly now. I invite you to look at your past year in the same way. God is in the details and when you use the Spirit as your guide, he will NEVER lead you astray.

    With love,

    Laura Cragun

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  • This week I am talking about how to be mindful of your entertainment. What we put into us GREATLY affects us! It can either compliment the Spirit or offend the Spirit.

    However, I have fallen into the trap lately of not watching much entertainment at all! It felt safer that way. It is hard to find and I have been burned by it before as I try to be open and find things. The junk creeps in! But be busy and productive with projects, kids, etc…

    As you can imagine, this has not worked in the longer term. I am not a robot haha. I need to have GOOD content in my brain. Living stories that inspire, motivate and encourage me. The Protagonist feels reliable and grows through hard challenges and I feel SO good after I hear stories like that through great shows, movies, books, etc…

    I have felt strange as an adult not being able to watch, participate or be a part of mainstream media entertainment over the past several years as I have started to be really picky about what I bring in. I would have negative internal dialogue “Why are you so sensitive?” “Come on…You’re an adult. It will be fine.”

    It feels isolating. I may have not been able to be a part of the conversations of what people are watching/reading etc… So what do I have to give?

    Yes! It is so important to find good and beautiful sources of entertainment. It is not just about taking away the good. It is also about adding in the good.

    I have a few stories I share about it (you know me! I share stories!) And most importantly, I Invite you to carefully consider what you are entertaining yourself with, take out the evil and replace it with good.

    Being Mindful of our Entertainment is one reason how we will become a Zion people that is ready for Christ to come soon. We will have the Spirit more in our life, have more gusto for everyday ways to serve and share good entertainment with those we know and love too that can bless their life too.

    Hope you accept my invitation to BE MORE MINDFUL of your Entertainment too. Have a great week!

  • I have taken a long break from things and I am excited to be back. I hope to share weekly messages with you of things that I am studying, thinking about or feel impressed to share with you.

    With taking a long break, I have worked on a few things. Myself, My family, Homestead plan and unfortunately, my doubts in myself.

    Myself: I felt at peace to do the inner work of myself and my family. I got better with taking care of myself and improved my relationships with my family. Trying to be a better neighbor and friend as well. Relying on God in the specifics in my life and taking time to go to the temple often.

    Family: Being a mother of 3 kids and taking care of a home is one of the most important things I could do. Honing in on this role and falling in love with it all over again has been a miracle and blessing. It is a ton of work, as many of you would know, but I feel like my Savior cares and helps me, especially when I feel depleted.

    Homestead: I am excited but It has been a stretching experience for my husband and I. We have been planning it for years and I am very grateful to finally make it happen this coming spring when it is done. It has come with obstacles, trials, and doubts from people who don’t agree with me but I keep pushing forward. Grateful for a husband who is willing to do this, even though it is not his dream. It is hard for us moms to make our own dreams come true, when we mainly focus on everyone else’s.

    My doubts: I felt like I lost my connection with my voice and less confidence to share what I am feeling. Of course that is a lie from the adversary…. “What good do you have to say?” Then, of course, my past regrets of my coaching business and what I have learned after closing things up. I felt that many people share and teach a lot better! They are focused and collected. Less cringey than me. My style of sharing is more conversational and I share a lot of stories from my life.

    I finally realized and accepted that I just need to be ME. And that God wants me to share my light in whatever way that looks like for me.

    ZION: So after speaking about many of those personal things, I wanted to share my thoughts about ZION and how we can build it around us.

    I felt very impressed that this is my vision for life. Build Zion by creating love, connection and relationships…thus we will be able to better usher in our Saviors second coming.

    It is scary to surrender daily to the Lord and tell Him, “Thy will be done” with my time and efforts. But I know there is no better path to take than to live to serve and love others. This world is starved of goodness and maybe I can shed a little light in my little corner of the universe.

    If you have made it this far in the email, thank you for listening. I hope that this Youtube/Podcast (whichever way you choose to listen) helps give you perspective and inspiration. I don’t teach anything new really…it is just all about our motivation to finally do these things we already know.

    Sending love and feel free to reach out.

    Laura Cragun


    YT: my channel

  • “I don’t think people understand how much Sense of Self matters.”

    Amber Price, BYU PhD Researcher

    We will be talking about how important now more than ever, to self validate so that we can have better relationships. WE are at the CORE of these relationships, THUS we can make them better if we look within ourselves.

    Want to learn 2 new interesting terms?

    We will be talking about

    Emotional Fusion


    Tune in to hear her amazing insights! Find this interview on Youtube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or my website, LauraCragun.com.

    Or visit her website at https://amberaprice.com/

  • “People would ask me, ‘How do I become more confident in sharing my testimony?”

    First of all, you have to know for yourself.

    So then if anyone comes to attack your beliefs, you will not fall.”

    - Hayley Clark

    Sounds like a popular scripture, right?! (Hel. 5:12)

    I was honored to speak with her, as a fellow sister, about our duty to share the gospel and our light. She is a great example of loving God more than loving the validation of man.

    Learn more about her story and ways that she shares her testimony in this podcast/video.

    Find it on Youtube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or my website, LauraCragun.com.

  • Link to WATCH this Episode: https://lauracragun.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-start-homesteading-part-2/

    Here is Part 2 of The Ultimate Guide on How to Start Homesteading!

    As a side note, this guide is to help you figure out:

    What you would even WANT if you have a desire to homestead someday. Sometimes we don’t even know what options are available. (#thenotebook – As Ryan Gosling would say, “What do you want?!” It is so important to decide what you even want) What to look for when you are SEARCHING for a Homestead property or about to buy one! Thus, I don’t share a ton of information about the ACTUAL homesteading logistics, like what plants in your garden grow best together, how to start a beehive, how to rotationally graze your cattle, etc…

    The main topics I cover in this video are (Continuing from part 1):

    Irrigation. What it entails and what to search for. (Ex: Difference between water rights and water shares) A Miscellaneous Category on your due diligence as a buyer. Other things that many people don’t consider, but should! (Ex: HOA’s even in homestead neighborhoods, Easements, Location considerations, etc…) Deciding on the HOUSE! Pros and Cons of a Custom Build, Manufactured Home and Anything that is more unconventional like: Barndominiums, Shed Houses, Build-it-Yourself Kits, etc… LASTLY, and the much anticipated discussion of BUDGETING. HOW MUCH will all this cost! I will be giving you a breakdown of it all – Septic Tank, Permit fees, the Manufactured House itself, etc…But keep in mind, I will be sharing ballpark numbers $$

    It has been a treat to share this all with you and I hope it helps at least ONE PERSON who is following it! Good luck on your journey, wherever you are!



  • My Website: Visit the Blog Post of this Podcast/YouTube

    Surprised by this title? Yeah…I am too!

    This is different from what I usually talk about with Mental Health!

    But I felt like I needed to share what I have learned over the years on getting ready to finally purchase our family homestead this summer and FULFILL MY DREAM that I have had for years.

    I hesitated to do a podcast on this because I am NOT an expert nor am I homesteading YET!

    I thought it would be good to share with you what I am learning WHILE I am searching.

    I have learned so many logistics and mechanics on how to make my dream a reality and I believe it will help you if you are considering it too.

    In this episode, I will be talking about the W’s of getting started with Homesteading. How, When, Where, What, Why.

    But here is a preview:


    I DEEPLY desire for a slower pace of life, friendlier community, and getting back to the land and nature, especially since I grew up that way.


    These ARE the last days. Christ’s Second Coming is sooner than we think. I want to be prepared physically for those difficult events to come.


    Where do you want to be? How far away will your urban fringe will be so you can still get to a Costco/Walmart? Does your work situation allow you to further out?


    How much land do you want? Current homestead or buying a lot to build your own home? What do you want to do with your homestead? (As little as a 1/4 acre with your house, a chicken coop & a garden… all the way to having a 10 acres with the whole gamut - greenhouse, barn, pasture, pens, etc…


    The toughest question of all. I will be going through specifics such as-

    Mentally preparing: Resilience, getting your family on board, your current lifestyle

    Creating a “Saved Search” on a Real Estate App for the type of property you want (even before you are ready to buy) so you can look for a while and get used to what the lingo and culture of buying a homestead is like

    Utilities: Having Water, Septic, Power and Gas

    MANY other things…

    There will be two parts to this episode because it is such a big topic. So stay tuned next week for Part 2 where I will be talking about:

    The Home itself and what your options are

    Irrigation: Having water is KEY

    PLUS! A Budgeting Breakdown - with actual prices $$$

    Kind of cool, right?! It is exciting to share and I wish I had a complete resource like this when I first started searching and figuring this out. Reach out anytime if you have any questions - [email protected].



  • Kristen Walker Smith is an Author, Speaker and Creator of One Minute Scripture Study. She has struggled with OCD since she started having children.

    I felt drawn to her since I have loved ones who have OCD and wanted to learn more.

    Hope this conversation opens up ideas to help you or your loved ones who also struggle with this mental illness.

    More from Kristen: Website: https://kristenwalkersmith.com/

    IG: kristenwalkersmith

  • Hello! Glad to be back. Giving you a few:

    Life updates biz updates, thoughts about the Second Coming & what to expect in the future from me!

    Check out the video of this podcast on my website blog. https://lauracragun.com/

  • I thought I would take you guys on a journey of these past several years of what I have done with business and how far I've come!

    It has changed a lot but I am so grateful to continue to share my message of mental health and somehow make an impact in the world.

    Grab the FREE Adult Friendship Guide!

    Learn more about me at LauraCragun.com

    STRONG Sense of Self: 12-Week Coaching Program FREE Self-Discovery Session
  • How is it that other people that you see have such strong connections with each other? What is their secret?

    By the end of this podcast, you will understand the KEY that unlocks the very best in our relationships around us.

    Grab the FREE Adult Friendship Guide!

    Learn more about me at LauraCragun.com

    STRONG Sense of Self: 12-Week Coaching Program FREE Self-Discovery Session
  • Think about that one person that you know that know matter what they do, they have this AMAZING ability to keep a strong Sense of Self. It is in the way they walk into a room, accomplish life goals & tasks AND even in the way they have failures!

    They are relatable and contagious to be around because you can feel that positive energy within them. That person, my friend, has found the wisdom of having a Strong sense of self, and you too can have that ability to be authentically YOU.

    By the end of this video, you will know what it means to have a strong sense of self and what it takes to get there. Because Don't we all want that?!

    Grab the FREE Adult Friendship Guide!

    Learn more about me at LauraCragun.com

    STRONG Sense of Self: 12-Week Coaching Program FREE Self-Discovery Session
  • SO... you are noticing something is off in one of your friendships whether it is a really toxic relationship or just a fading out friendship and you just don't connect that much anymore.

    In this podcast, I will dig into 3 different types of friendship fallouts and how to deal with them! You will be able to identify what type of fall out your particular friendship is going through and have actionable ways to work on it rather than having it fester…because that can be really draining!

    Grab the FREE Adult Friendship Guide!

    Learn more about me at https://lauracragun.com/

    STRONG Sense of Self: 12-Week Coaching Program FREE Self-Discovery Session
  • I am sure you have felt like me and have thought it would be easier just to be kids again and ask anyone on the playground, "Will you be my friend?"

    But as adults, it is tricky, cringy and sometimes hurts when we can't find the right fit of friends or they don't reciprocate the friendship.

    This video will break down everything you need to know on how to make friends as a grown adult woman!

    Grab the FREE Adult Friendship Guide!

    Learn more about me at https://lauracragun.com

    STRONG Sense of Self: 12-Week Coaching Program FREE Self-Discovery Session
  • In a culture where we are pressured to love our bodies, you may feel at a loss when you actually don't. But you don't have to love your body all the time, to respect it.

    In today's video, I will be talking about this important principle in Intuitive Eating - Principle #8 - Respect Your Body and how you can come to grips in your heart with this concept of respecting your body even when you don't love it.

    JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP - "Latter-Day Intuitive Eating Community" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1243022466167347

    Video Mentioned: "What if I NEED to Lose Weight?"


    Learn more at LauraCragun.com!

    Find more resources and products with Laura Cragun Coaching:

    My Free Guide - The Beginner's Guide to Intuitive Eating

    My FREE Intuitive Eating Breakthrough Session

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 14-Day Workbook

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Course!

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Coaching Program

  • "Intuitive Eating sounds great and all but what if I really do need to lose weight?"

    Many people feel this way, and you are not alone. There are answers.

    In today's video, I will help you rectify your need to lose weight and to still be an intuitive eater.

    FREE Beginner's Guide to Intuitive Eating!


    JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP - "Latter-Day Intuitive Eating" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1243022466167347

    Video Mentioned: "Intuitive Eating When You are SO STRESSED"


    Learn more at LauraCragun.com!

    Find more resources and products with Laura Cragun Coaching:

    My Free Guide - The Beginner's Guide to Intuitive Eating

    My FREE Intuitive Eating Breakthrough Session

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 14-Day Workbook

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Course!

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Coaching Program

  • Let me paint a picture for you,

    You are woken up by your teenager telling you that they are going to be late to school, the trash cans need to go to the curb because the truck is around the corner, you check your phone and there are 21 notifications and then before you know it, it is 11:24am and you are so hungry because you didn't eat breakfast!!! 😫

    How are you going to finally Eat Intuitively when you are so stressed most of your life? 😫😫😫

    In today's video, I will give you a simple strategy to really start changing your life around! Because I have been there too!

    JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP - "Latter-Day Intuitive Eating" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1243022466167347

    Video Mentioned: "When Others Don't Support or Understand" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mo4k9eneJo&t=517s

    Learn more at LauraCragun.com!

    Find more resources and products with Laura Cragun Coaching:

    My Free Guide - The Beginner's Guide to Intuitive Eating

    My FREE Intuitive Eating Breakthrough Session

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 14-Day Workbook

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Course!

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Coaching Program

  • In order to have both Family Life & Business to exist,

    We have to know our priorities.

    Our schedules will flow and work well together, when we focus on our "needle movers" each day.

    In this Podcast Interview with Ceri Payne, @ceripaynecoaching

    We talk about how we want to feel, and then we start to create our routines and days to support that desire!

    Go listen on my website (LauraCragun.Com), Apple or Spotify!

    Ceri Payne's BIO:

    Ceri Payne, M.Ed, is a certified life coach from The Life Coach School. She created her six-figure life coaching practice while parenting three teenagers, teaching special education full-time, supporting her husband in his demanding career, and serving as the President of her Church's Women's Organization.

    Ceri works with successful women in business (many who have ADHD) to create a life they love while having enough time to strengthen relationships, set goals, and make money in their business. Ceri helps clients identify their priorities, organize their time, create and plan schedules so they can make progress towards their goals in both their business and personal life.

    Her Resources:

    Free Webinar- “Three Things Every Successful Entrepreneur Should Have In Their Schedule and The One Thing They Avoid”

    Learn more about my 5-D Time Management Solution

    Laura Cragun Coaching:

    My Free Guide - The Beginner's Guide to Intuitive Eating

    My FREE Intuitive Eating Breakthrough Session

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 14-Day Workbook

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Course!

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Coaching Program

  • So… you have started Intuitive Eating and well meaning people in your life are saying things like,

    "I am just concerned about your health.

    "I am worried about your weight."

    "That is too much food."

    In today's video, I have some solidarity for you and helpful tips to help you Navigate Intuitive Eating when Others Don't Support or Understand because it hurts when those you love say things like that!



    Learn more at LauraCragun.com!

    Find more resources and products with Laura Cragun Coaching:

    My Free Guide - The Beginner's Guide to Intuitive Eating

    My FREE Intuitive Eating Breakthrough Session

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 14-Day Workbook

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Course!

    My Latter-Day Intuitive Eating: 12-Week Coaching Program