
  • Jesse is an Associate Creative Director at Marketing for Change, a research and creative agency propelled by behavioral science. He's also the tallest designer I know, plays in a volleyball league on Wednesday evenings, and will tell you the best chicken tender in Colorado Springs is from Ivywild Kitchen. When Jesse isn't winning ADDY or Telly awards, he's pushing passion projects—like T is for Tattoo—to new heights. Ha, new heights, lol. Tune in for a talk about working with a team, graphic design tattoos, and including passion projects in your portfolio. You can find some of Jesse's funny internet videos on Instagram, see more of his work on his website, and learn more about where he works at Marketing for Change.

    Questions for this interview.

    How does the team you work with—or the people you collaborate with—help you handle feeling like an imposter?Have you learned anything working with a team you don't think you would have learned working alone?Do you enjoy presenting your ideas or designs to clients? Do you ever find the process intimidating?What percentage of time do you spend planning and thinking vs. actually making?Can you tell us how your remote working days look and how often they happen?Are the people you meet with also designers, or do they have different roles?Do you have any tattoos directly related to graphic design?How do you decide or choose the subject matter for your tattoos?Can you explain the concept behind your "T is for Tattoo" project?Where did the kids in the video for T is Tattoo come from?Were you surprised no one backed the "Your Name Forever" reward tier?Do you regret getting any of your tattoos? Do you have any cover-ups?How would you respond to students asking if they should include a passion project in their portfolio?You became a design educator in 2023. What was that experience like?Were there any takeaways from your first semester of teaching?Do you have any words of encouragement for designers looking for more impact or meaning in their work?Can you tell us about the book you made in memory of your dog, Dylan?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Jason is an independent Senior Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Muralist in Augusta, Georgia. This guy's been through the trenches and has worked at 24-hour sign shops, agencies, and everything in between. Even though he's worked with HBO, Nike, and the Atlanta Braves—Jason doesn't shy away from working with the local burger joint or the hardware store down the road. Small businesses are a part of his DNA. Tune in for a talk about recognizing opportunities, building trust with your clients, and genuine Augusta chicken bones. You can find Jason's work on his website, follow @jasonthe29th on Instagram, and connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Questions for this interview.

    Can you talk about the impact the game Paper Mario had on you?What are some of the things you do in your life to streamline your workflow?You encourage young designers or recent grads to "mind the gaps." What do you mean by that?Do you have advice for someone who's an illustrator but wants to be hired as a graphic designer and is having trouble deciding what to showcase in their portfolio?After reflecting on your work, what's the most vulnerable thing you can say about it?What have you learned from rejection, and how do you keep moving forward?April 13, 2019, was a significant day in your journey. What can you tell us about that day?You changed how you do business, and you're taking a more aggressive approach this year. What does that mean?What specific things do you do to build trust with your clients?Can you talk about your three-mood board strategy?You once packaged and sold chicken bones at a design conference. I'm dying to know. Where did those bones come from?When was the last time you wore a pair of JNCOs? What about a Michael Jordan jersey?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


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  • Matt is an Austin-based graphic designer, illustrator, and type designer. You probably know him as StayGray Ponyboy, and even though he has a new logo, he assured me he's still the same PonyBoy. Matt has worked with big-name clients like Disney, Jeep, Adobe, Under Armour, and the Atlanta Braves. He's also the founder of Crop, an annual creative conference showcasing real stories from real people. Tune in for a talk about focusing on quality, updates to his logo, and the problem with the phrase "Fake It Till You Make It." Follow Matt and Crop on Instagram and find more information about the conference at cropcons.com.

    Questions for this interview.

    (Listener Question) As the founder and creator of Crop, what do you hope people take away from attending Crop?What do you look for when putting together the lineup of keynote speakers for the conference?Can you think of a friendship that wouldn't exist without Instagram?In your Medium article titled Designer Dysmorphia, you mention feeling inadequate. Do you still struggle with that feeling today?In your opinion, what's wrong with the phrase "Fake It Till You Make It?"What do you think about current graphic design content trends on Instagram?You recently redesigned your logo. How did you decide it was time for a change?You switched hosting platforms for your portfolio website. Why did you move from Squarespace to Wix Studio?How do you decide which projects to feature in your portfolio?Did you place a cap on the total number of projects to include on your website?You create a lot of designs that revolve around analog audio. Where does the inspiration for those designs come from?Is the design for your typeface, Zilker, based on a specific source of inspiration?(Listener Question) Do you have beginner tips for someone interested in designing a typeface from scratch?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Daphna is a designer living in Austin, TX, focused on visual design, product design, and illustration. Known as the Queen of Occult, her illustrations draw inspiration from traditional American tattoos, the occult, and mysticism—expect lots of skulls, snakes, and hands. Despite having close to 100K Instagram followers, she experiences some of the same struggles the rest of us do, like the difficulty of building a portfolio and the fear of sharing your work online. Tune in for a talk about leveraging social media, licensing your artwork, and people who use your designs without permission. You can find Daphna's artwork on Instagram, merch on her online store, and more work samples on her website.

    Questions for this interview.

    Is Queen of Occult a nickname you embrace?Do you ever feel any pressure from being labeled that way by other designers?Does the thought of your work being too consistent ever cross your mind?How much of your independent work comes from platforms like Instagram and Dribbble?What advice do you have for people who want to leverage social media for independent work but are worried their work isn't good enough to share?How do you typically move communication with a potential client off social media and start to onboard them?Does the response to your work and comments about your work on social media make you more confident as a designer?How do you maintain such a high level of output for your artwork?Does the style of your independent work ever creep into your designs at your full-time job?Can you explain what a Tattoo Pass is and tell us the story behind it?Do people steal your work often? How does it make you feel when that happens?Do you have any advice for someone who might find themselves in a similar situation?How do you handle ownership of the artwork you create? Do you license the artwork for specific uses and a limited time, or do you transfer all ownership rights to the client?What are some of the things that made you weird as a kid?If you had to give up one thing from your illustrations, would it be snakes, skulls, or hands?Do you know the name of the typeface used on your portfolio website?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Wendy is an Owner and Creative Director of Lewis Carnegie, a multi-discipline design studio in Austin, TX. She's created work for The University of Texas, The Harry Ransom Center, Home Slice Pizza, Austin Batcave, and many others. She's also recognized as a FELLOW by AIGA Austin and served as vice president for the chapter. Wendy and her husband (Sean) are pillars of the creative community in Austin, and Lewis Carnegie has a long history of hosting fantastic design events—and that is exactly where we met. Tune in for a talk about making yourself valuable, getting involved in the creative community, and women in design. You can find samples of Wendy's work at lewiscarnegie.com.

    Questions for this interview.

    (Listener Question) How do you know when the project you're working on is complete?You met your partner Sean in Maine—how did you end up there?What are some of the big takeaways from working at Pentagram?Ideally, what do your relationships with clients look like, and what do you care about most when choosing to work with someone?Why is it important to you for Lewis Carnegie to host events for the design community and welcome people with open arms?What do you think students and young professionals can do to feel like they belong to the design community?Do you have any advice for someone struggling to combine typefaces successfully?What are the essential skills you're looking for when you hire someone?How do you think the design industry has changed for women since the late 1990s?Are there any areas where you won't compromise or allow yourself to settle for something less than a specific standard?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Oen is a Distinguished Design Executive at IBM. He's also held titles like Visual Designer, Creative Director, and Design Principal. However, at his core, Oen is a Designer, an Advocate, and an Educator. He's served on several AIGA Boards, is recognized as a FELLOW by AIGA Austin, and has taught at Austin Community College for over 15 years. I met him in 2010 while he was my Portfolio Development Instructor. You can connect with and follow Oen on LinkedIn and see work samples on his website, visualnotepad.org.

    Questions for this interview.

    Can you give us a quick summary of all the places you worked before IBM?How did you know it was time to leave Y&R and move on to something new?How many people do you think you've interviewed at IBM?What does someone need to have or need to do to get hired at IBM?Is there a portfolio piece or a specific interview moment that has stuck with you until now?(Listener Question) What do you think is important to showcase in a portfolio in 2024?What's the driving force behind your involvement with education?How do you approach failure, and how do you react to it?Is the way you process failure influenced by where you grew up?What do you think a successful mentorship needs to have?What impact does international travel have on your design work?What do you think makes a typeface great?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Matt is an independent visual designer—based in Austin, TX—primarily focused on brand identity, package design, illustration, and custom typography. He's done work with Helms Workshop, Canales & Co., The Butler Bros, and more. Matt is also a metal guitarist, DIY to the bone, and if push came to shove, he'd give up custom typography before music. You can find his work on Instagram @mattthompson and delicious pricing information on his website.

    Questions for this interview.

    In December 2023, you posted a graphic on Instagram that said, "Design Pricing...Let's talk about it." What's the story behind that post?Can you talk about how you charge your clients for work?Can you tell us about your connection to the music industry and why you have messaging specific to musicians on your website?Do you think music creeps into your designs or influences your professional work? If it does, how so?Do you ever get pushback on your prices? How do you respond to clients who want your services for less money?What advice do you have for someone who understands they should be charging more for their work but doesn't know where to start?(Listener Question) How do you find new clients? Is it just who you know?What characteristics do you look for in a client?Which would you give up, playing the guitar or custom typography?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Nick is the Owner of Longo Designs. He's a brand builder, a design instructor at Cal State University Northridge, and a mentor. He's also a Co-Host of The Deeply Graphic Designcast (The DGDC), the ultimate podcast for creatives, and you can watch him weekly on Adobe Live: Office Hours. I met Nick at Crop 2023 in Austin, TX, and we've been friends ever since. Tune in for a talk about package design, portfolios, resume design, and typography.

    Questions for this interview.

    How do you think students can benefit from going to their first design conference?What is it about the package design process that keeps you going back to it?What advice do you have for someone struggling to find their first packaging client?What are some (important) questions to ask the client during the kickoff meeting?(Listener Question) Is there anything you felt unprepared for once you entered the professional workforce?"If it ain't a HELL YES, it's a HELL NO." Can you talk about what that means to you? What are some common mistakes you see designers make with their resume designs?How do you think students can safely take more risks and still create effective designs?(Listener Question) How do you balance your creative vision and still meet client expectations?(Listener Question) Do you ever get cold feet before starting a project? What helps you get past the hesitation?Do your students use Dafont.com? What do you say to convince them to source typography from somewhere else?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Russell is the Owner and Creative Director at Studio Dzo, a Black-owned and Woman-led multi-disciplinary, design-build studio based in Austin, Texas. He's also a Design Educator and teaches Portfolio Development at Austin Community College. Russell is a longtime friend—we went to school together, worked together at Dell, and were roommates for a while. Check out work samples at SudioDzo.com and follow Studio Dzo on Instagram.

    Questions for this interview.

    (Listener Question) What makes a strong portfolio? What specific things do you look for?What can you remember and tell us about your first portfolio?Do you consider yourself a confident person? (Listener Question) What advice do you have for graphic designers who struggle with self-doubt and imposter-like feelings?What were some of the considerations you made before leaving Dell? What emotions did you experience after making that decision?What has Studio Dzo taught you that you didn't know before?Can you explain the meaning behind the phrase "pulling taffy"?What's the story behind the thought, "Get your mind right, get your grind right"?What kind of value did you get from going to AIGA events?What can students do before they take a portfolio class to help them be more prepared?Do you have any words of encouragement for people of color in the design industry?Where should designers go within themselves to find inspiration for their visual identity?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Zaine is an independent Illustrator & Graphic Designer located in Austin, TX. She's completed work for Yeti, June Shine, Kammok, and Corvus Coffee. Zaine is also a former student of mine, and I'm proud to feature her as the first guest on the podcast. You can see more of her work on Instagram and her website.


    Questions for this interview.

    Think about what you knew when you graduated vs. what you know today. How much of a gap is there? Is it significant?Is there something you should have learned in school but didn't?How do you use nature for inspiration? Specifically offline inspiration. How do you repurpose what nature has to offer?(Listener Question) What do you think defines success as an illustrator?Can you tell us how you landed the 2024 Parks Project calendar project?Do you share sketches or process work with clients before you show them a finished illustration?Which design application do you use in your workflow for illustrations?(Listener Question) Have you ever felt dissatisfied with a final design that a client approved?How much value did you get from your internship with The Young Jerks? What kind of things did you do during your internship? Do you have any advice for someone looking for an internship?Have you learned any production lessons the hard way?Do you ask clients for a percentage of the total project cost upfront?Were you ever intimidated by typography as a student? What would you say to help someone who is?How is your process for working with clients different today than some of your earliest paid work?


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.


  • Welcome to Students of Design. My name is Joseph Israel Raul Bullard, and I'm a Logo & Visual Identity Designer based in Colorado. I'm also an adjunct professor at Austin Community College and have taught there since 2017. As you can imagine, I've seen a lot of student work—the good, the bad, and the trash. But more importantly, I've heard a lot of the same questions. This podcast will provide interesting perspectives on some of them.


    If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. 

    If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

    Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at [email protected].

    Follow @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.

    The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd Nick.
