Focusing on Act 1 of 'Romeo and Juliet', this episode is designed to help Year 8 revise and prepare for their end-of-year assessment. We'll look at Romeo and Juliet's first meeting in Act 1, Scene 5, as well as taking a brief look at other relationships in the play, including Romeo/Rosaline and Juliet/Nurse/Lady Capulet.
Designed to help you prepare and revise for your Year 9 end-of-term assessment, this episode examines Owen's much-anthologised poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est'. Focusing on the text's connections to the Aristotelian triad and classic rhetoric, I also want to draw your attention to the poem's distinctive and creative language choices, or diction.
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Short episode (with Paper 2 on Monday 20th May!) focusing on Ralph and an illuminating interaction with Piggy...
Beatrice Garland's poem 'Kamikaze', from her 2013 collection 'The Invention of Fireworks', explores themes of sacrifice, nature and the consequences of war. In this episode, we'll consider the poem's sudden perspective shift and poignant reflections on shame.
In this episode, we look at the role of the supernatural in the play, from the riddling, paradoxical witches (or weird sisters), to visions, hallucinations and phantom daggers!