Shakespeare Anyone? is co-hosted by Elyse Sharp and Kourtney Smith, two professional actors and hobbyist Shakespeare scholars. Join us as we explore Shakepeare’s plays through as many lenses as we can by looking at the text and how the text is viewed through modern lenses of feminism, racism, classism, colonialism, nationalism… all the-isms.
We will discuss how his plays shaped both the past and present, and look at how his work was performed throughout various periods of time–all while trying our best to approach his works without giving in to bardolatry.
We examine one play at a time for an extended window of time, interspersed with mini-episodes about Shakespeare’s time for context. Episodes are released every other week. -
Patriarchs Anonymous (PA), a podcast about masculinities by choreographer Maciej Sado. PA investigates feminist and queer alternatives to what we commonly consider “male” and rediscovers masculinity as a spectrum — through engaging with diverse articles, artworks, and conversations with artists and activists. Big big thanks and gratitude to Andrea Zavala Folache (@lastmegas) for the cover art, and Wojtek Blecharz (@voytek_blehash) for the intro music that you will be seeing and hearing with each episode. I could not imagine it better. <3
True horror stories written by those who made it out alive. First-person accounts narrated and produced in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]
Podcasten som hjælper dig med finde din personlige smag inden for vin og samtidig gør dig klogere på de dejlige dråber. Rigtig god lyttelyst!
Vært: Jonas Landin
Ekspert: René Langdahl
Der kan forekomme sponseret indhold i afsnittene.
Køb bogen her
Besøg os på Facebook og Instagram, hvor man kan vinde vin og se billeder og andet godt.
Kontakt: [email protected] -
Blindsmagerne er til dig, der interesserer sig for vin. Det kan både være for nybegynderne og nørderne. Vi tilstræber en ukrukket og nysgerrig tilgang, hvor vin tages for det, det er: nydelse frem for alt!
Dine værter er Henrik Lehm og Philip Nordstrand Nielsen.
Hvis du kan lide hvad du hører, og vil deltage i konkurrencer om vinpræmier, kan du støtte os via dette link: -
Every week Join Christopher Menning On The Back Bar as he interviews industry leaders and experts in the world of bartending, cocktails, wine, and spirits.
Be part of the discussion as we cover a wide range of topics and trends on the subject of alcohol. From craft cocktails, bartending advice, and how to taste spirits.
If you are a bartender, sommelier, brand ambassador, whiskey aficionado, or frankly just like a good beverage then welcome to your new home for drink news, storytelling, insight, and entrepreneurial advice.
The drinks world has become one of the most exciting and innovative industries in the world, and its time we learned more about it. -
Den 4. Væg er en podcast om dansk scenekunst. Vi taler om teater og med teater. Hver anden uger udgiver vi en podcast, der både indeholder anmeldelser, reportager fra det danske scenekunstliv og interviews med relevante personligheder. Vores mål er at kunne åbne scenekunstens magiske verden op for endnu flere – og særligt unge! Gennem vores anmeldelser håber vi at kunne fungere som guider for, hvor det er allerfedest at smide sine måske sparsomme kroner henne.
Bawdy Storytelling – dubbed 'The Moth for pervs' by the LA Weekly – is the nation’s original sex and storytelling series. Founded, emcee’ed and curated by sexual folklorist Dixie De La Tour, Bawdy Storytelling features real people and rockstars sharing their bona fide sexual exploits. Bawdy Storytelling’s one-of-a-kind approach to sex-positive personal narrative has coaxed liberating tales out of everyday people, creating unforgettable experiences for performers and audiences alike. These stories aren't memorized. Storytellers aren't reading from cue cards. This is honest-to-badness story time with true sexcapades and poignant, hilarious, transformational tales at each and every show.
Chaque mois, le Centre Pompidou reprend un thème sociétal pour éclairer une œuvre de sa collection : art et consommation, art et utopies ou encore art et féminismes...
Découvrez l'art autrement à travers des archives de conférences historiques du Centre Pompidou, des interviews inédites, des points de vue détonants et des musiques actuelles !
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
PleinAir Magazine publisher Eric Rhoads delves into the world of plein air painting and the outdoor painting movement.
Podcasten er til dig der er nysgerrig på at udvikle børn og unges kreativitet. Podcasten indeholder viden, debat, interviews og konkrete ideer og aktiviteter du kan lave med børn og unge for at udvikle deres kreative muskel.
New lecture series on Oscar Wilde, his life, his works and his philosophy delivered by Dr Sos Eltis, lecturer in English
Træd med ind i troldmandens hule til en uformel snak om tryllekunst i selskab med Nicolaj Christensen, Anders Lilleøre og Mads Fencker.
Mønterne er palmerede, kortene lagt i stack og tryllestaven er skruet op på 100%
Igennem diskussioner, lege og kreative øvelser bliver tryllekunsten i det 21-århundrede taget til et kærligt eftersyn. -
QueenPod: The Queen Podcast is your official one-stop shop for everything related to the world's greatest rock band. Joined by comedians and Queen superfans John Robins and Sooz Kempner, host Rohan Acharya and Queen archivist and documentarian Simon Lupton will take you through all of Queen, track by track, album by album, listening along to the tunes and analyzing them (well, at least talking about how awesome they are). We'll also have news and stories about the band, fan questions and queries, and some very special guests!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I LitSisterspodcast diskuterer, analyserer og fortolker søstrene Sophie og Mille litteratur, der har gjort indtryk. Søstrene har egentlig aldrig haft benene plantet solidt på jorden, nej, faktisk har de næsten altid ét ben i den virkelige verden, imens det andet er begravet dybt i litteraturens verden.
Du kan nu gratis – og med lukkede øjne få oplæst bøger, jeg har skrevet om menneskeligt potentiale.
Du kan høre om mennesker med stærke sanser, om stress i et nyt lys, om vores arbejdsliv og i det hele taget få inspiration til dine ører. -
The Roma Army Podcast
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Food for Thought is THE resource for living compassionately and healthfully. Listen to insightful, common sense perspectives about food, animals, cooking, eating, health, language, politics, zero waste living, literature, film, advocacy, and so much more from the Joyful Vegan herself, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.