Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton label themselves cowards while revisiting the classic season one Voyager episode Jetrel. From Neelix's compelling origins, to Kes's fantastic supporting turn and the show's track record for undervaluing its ensemble, the duo highlight exactly why this early story is worthy of reappraisal.
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Related Podcast Episodes:VOY: "Caretaker""Duet" and DS9's 30 Year LegacyEarly Departures in Star Trek Join us next week as we create the Trek alien Hall of Fame! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton question what the deal is with Star Trek while determining which classic TV show concepts would best suit the franchise. From Michael Burnham stand-up comedy routines, to the Prodigy gang crashing Bayside High and Spock disco dancing in primetime, the duo pitch the many fun ways Trek could draw from television history for inspiration.
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Related Podcast Episodes:TNG's Lost YearsStar Trek Revivals: Make It So? Join us next week as we revisit Voyager's season one Neelix story Jetrel! -
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Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton take shots of prune juice while creating the definitive Top 10 list of Worf stories. From towering faves like Redemption and The Way of the Warrior, to more obscure entries such as Rightful Heir or The Sword of Kahless, the duo closely examine every essential episode on their journey to crafting the Worf Hall of Fame.
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Related Podcast Episodes:TNG: "Redemption"TNG: "Birthright"DS9: "The Way of the Warrior"DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow" + "By Inferno's Light"The Weirdest & Wildest Trek Spin-offs That Never Were Join us next week as we decide which classic TV show formats would work for Trek! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton debate how many Rios holograms are equal to one Spock while engaging in a fun game of Star Trek crew swap. With each host in possession of five famous ships they must haggle and negotiate suitable trades in order to assemble new character combinations. Who will come out on top?
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Related Podcast Episodes:The Evolution of Star Trek Ensemble Casts Join us next week as we build the Worf Hall of Fame! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton enthusiastically declare "Yum yum!" while diving into Trek's inconsistent lineup of two-parter villains. From evil tech-bro genius Henry Starling, to manipulative Obsidian Order head Enabran Tain and walking A.I. monster Leland, the duo determine which characters left a mark and which ones fizzled out.
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Related Podcast Episodes:The Journey of DukatStar Trek's Ultimate Baddies DraftStar Trek Villains Who Fizzled Out Join us next week as we swap around the Star Trek crews! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton devour Livanian beets while revisiting the classic DS9 episode, Who Mourns for Morn? From the story's fun caper energy, to its effective use of a recurring side player and witty humour, the duo underline how real misfit Trek comedy should work. Plus, the hosts examine the noisy Section 31 fallout.
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Related Podcast Episodes:Star Trek's Best Recurring CharactersDS9: Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang"VOY: "Unimatrix Zero" Join us next week as we rank the two-parter villains! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton engage in a little mecha-boom-boom while reviewing the new Paramount+ film Star Trek: Section 31. From Michelle Yeoh's much-hyped return as Emperor Georgiou, to the film's place within cinematic Trek canon and the franchise's streaming movie future, the duo weigh in.
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Related Podcast Episodes:Discovery: "Terra Firma, Part 1"Discovery: "Terra Firma, Part 2"Section 31: The Spy Who Phased Me Join us next week as we revisit the classic DS9 episode Who Mourns for Morn? -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton revert back to their barbarian states while diving into Trek's best and worst penultimate episodes. From Ro's dramatic exit, to Lower Decks' multiverse shenanigans and Jack Crusher's Borg makeover, the duo debate which stories did the best job setting up their splashy finales.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Discovery: "Lagrange Point"Picard: "Võx"ENT: "Demons," "Terra Prime" + "These Are the Voyages..." Join us next week as we tackle Star Trek: Section 31! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton go full misfit while attempting to forecast Star Trek's impact in 2025. From the Section 31 film, to Strange New Worlds' return and the curious arrival of Starfleet Academy, the duo reveal their hopes, expectations and predictions.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Star Trek's Most Awkward Moments, Part ISection 31: The Spy Who Phased MeSNW: "Subspace Rhapsody" + "Hegemony" Join us next week as we explore Trek's penultimate episodes! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton tearfully embrace their imaginary friends while reminiscing about the Star Trek year of 2024. In addition to revealing their favourite podcast moments and most humiliating bloopers, the duo also reflect on the endings of Discovery, Lower Decks and Prodigy.
Happy New Year to you all! We'll see you in 2025!
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Related Podcast Episodes:
The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2023!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2022!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2021!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2020!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2019!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2018!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2017!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2016!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2015!The Best, Worst, Weirdest & Wildest Moments of 2014! Join us in the New Year as we ponder Trek's forecast for 2025! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton brace for weird while breaking down the final two episodes of Lower Decks, Fissure Quest and The New Next Generation. From new spins on classic characters, to Klingon combat and character farewells, the duo break it all down.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Ranking Trek's Series FinalesDiscovery: "Life, Itself"Picard: "The Last Generation" Join us next time as we wrap up 2024! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton experience Cardassian occupation hallucinations while diving into the latest two episodes of Lower Decks, Fully Dilated and Upper Decks. From Data's decapitated head, to soap flute comedy and Ransom's mentoring strategies, the duo break it all down. Plus, the hosts discuss the recently dropped Section 31 trailer.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
TNG: "Time's Arrow" The Many Faces of Brent Spiner Join us next time as we say farewell to Lower Decks! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton slam baseballs down on their desks while crafting the ultimate Top 10 Benjamin Sisko stories list. From homerun hits like In the Pale Moonlight and Far Beyond the Stars, to more obscure options like Accession or Rapture, the duo closely scrutinize every essential episode on their journey to creating the Sisko Hall of Fame.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
DS9: "Emissary"DS9: "Past Tense"DS9's "In the Pale Moonlight": Trek's Most Challenging Episode?DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice" - Why This Underrated Story Deserves More LoveDS9: "What You Leave Behind"The Dominion War: 20 Years Later Join us next time as we continue on our journey with Lower Decks' final season! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton hit up an Acamarian arcade while reviewing the latest two episodes of Lower Decks, Starbase 80?! and Of Gods and Angles. From Enterprise shout-outs, to demigod children and Boimler's facial hair, the duo cover all the big topics. Plus, the hosts discuss the recent Roddenberry Archive-produced short film Unification.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Catching Up with Lower Decks S4 + Very Short TreksStar Trek: Generations Join us next time as we create the Benjamin Sisko hall of fame! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton ponder the current state of the Cardassian union while revealing which remaining legacy characters most deserve to be brought back. From the NX-01's trusty first officer T'Pol, to plain, simple Garak and a fraudulent TNG time traveler, the duo examine each candidate and debate how their return should happen.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Star Trek's Best Recurring CharactersExploring Star Trek's Outsider Characters Join us next time as we review episodes 5 and 6 of Lower Decks' final season! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton outrun a giant icosahedron while checking back in with Lower Decks' latest episodes The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel and A Farewell to Farms. From Jennifer's return, to Gallamite skulls and a belated Wej Duj follow-up, the duo weigh in on the show's current trajectory.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Lower Decks: "Wej Duj"Lower Decks: "The Inner Fight"Lower Decks: "Cupid's Errant Arrow"Lower Decks: "Envoys" Join us next time as we determine which legacy characters are still worth resurrecting! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton awaken from cryogenic sleep just in time to debate which Trek episodes and films are the most overrated and underrated on IMDb. From Khan's debut, to the return of the Enterprise-D and Strange New Worlds' musical extravaganza, the duo highlight the most glaring examples of online voters getting it wrong.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
TNG: "Best of Both Worlds"VOY: "Caretaker"Picard: "Vox"SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"SNW: "Subspace Rhapsody"DSC: "Vaulting Ambition" Join us next time as we tackle the two latest episodes of Lower Decks! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton buy lifetime subscriptions to Fleet Magazine while kicking off Lower Decks' final season with the episodes Dos Ceritos and Shades of Green. From Becky Freeman and her riding crop, to Tendi's Orion pirate shenanigans and Boimler's Bointers, the duo compare the show's latest season launch against those of the past.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Lower Decks: "Second Contact"Lower Decks: "Strange Energies"Lower Decks: "Cupid's Errant Arrow"Catching Up with Lower Decks Season 3 Join us next time as we debate whether IMDB users are scoring Trek episodes properly! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton take a break from their Commander Ransom fan-art in order to reveal their hopes for Lower Decks' final season. From Mariner and Boimler's character arc conclusions, to Enterprise cameos and less Orion hijinx, the duo debate how best to wrap up Trek's most irreverent adventure.
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Related Podcast Episodes:
Catching Up with Lower Decks Season 4Lower Decks: "Old Friends, New Planets"Lower Decks: "Reflections" Join us next time as we engage with the premiere of Lower Decks' fifth and final season! -
Hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton are taking a break this week and instead present a very special SpyHards Podcast episode, recorded live at this summer's Trek to Vegas convention:
Agents Scott and Cam beam down to the 2024 Trek to Vegas convention and decode the classic Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Our Man Bashir. Joined by DS9 showrunner Ira Steven Behr, writer Ronald D. Moore and co-producer Robert Hewitt Wolfe, the hosts explore how this 60s spy genre love letter came to be.
Directed by Winrich Kolbe. Starring Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, Michael Dorn, Terry Farrell, Colm Meaney, Armin Shimerman, Alexander Siddig, Nana Visitor and Andrew Robinson.
*SpyHards wish to thank our friends at Inglorious Treksperts, who produced all four days of programming on the Treksperts Stage at Creation's Trek to Vegas convention, for making this possible.
*We'd also like to sincerely thank Ira Steven Behr, Ronald D. Moore and Robert Hewitt Wolfe for their invaluable participation.
*If you're a Star Trek fan don't miss Inglorious Treksperts every Thursday wherever you listen to podcasts, and new episodes now available on YouTube at inglorious treksperts. You can also follow the show on all major social channels at inglorioustrek and inglorioustreksperts.Join Subspace's Facebook page for exclusive content such as videos and bonus episodes.
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Join us next time as we return to your usual Subspace programming! - Mostrar más