
  • Do you have big dreams but no idea how to make them happen?

    In this weeks replay episode we're talking all about how to actually start creating your ideal life now. There is no doubt that social media is an incredible marketing tool and can provide endless opportunities for your business - when it's done right!

    I help all my clients to align their business with their life so you’re setting yourself up to grow without sacrificing your sanity! We cover 5 key areas for you to look at, take action on - starting now! 

    Here are the highlights:

    [01:59] Creating a work-life balance

    [02:25] Getting clear on what you really want

    [04:00] The importance of passion and joy

    [06:23] Managing your expectations and increasing your happiness

    [08:20] Building resilience and how you respond to change

    If you want to know more how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

    References: The Four Tendencies


  • Email Marketing is the only thing that you own when it comes to digital marketing. It gives you direct access to vital game-changing data and insights that are game-changing to your business.

    A few years ago, in 48 hours I made £2k from a really small list which blew my mind. And having a growing, engaged email list is the way to make sales from your email list.

    Looking at industry stats, around 5% of your audience on social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook) are likely to see your content whereas average open rates for emails are between 25-30% which is bloody incredible.

    To find out how to leverage this, personalise it, and create that powerful 1:1 relationship with your reader, listen to this episode.

    Here are the highlights:

    [02:43] The power of lead magnets

    [04:39] Examples of lead magnets you can create

    [05:51] Creating collaborations to grow your email list

    [07:38] Sending weekly emails that people want to read!

    [11:05] GDPR & Opt Ins

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




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  • ​​In today’s episode talking all about ADHD and running a business, we’re talking about ADHD-Related Decision Paralysis.

    If you’re constantly experienced overwhelm and the fatigue that comes with the cognitive load of too many decisions to make and consider, then this can really stunt your business growth and potential.

    As someone who has ADHD myself, I share some of my personal experiences around decision paralysis and some of the most effective strategies that have helped me and my clients to manage these challenges. 

    When it comes to making decisions, there is a huge need for a personalised approach so you can find practical solutions for reducing overwhelm.

    I share lots of practical tips and strategies that work for me when it comes to reducing the cognitive overwhelm, such as doing a brain dump, focusing on easy wins, and the significance of completing tasks over perfecting them. 

    I must emphasise that there is a huge need for individualised approaches and strategies, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution so please take from this what you need and what feels like a good fit for you.

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:18] Understanding ADHD and Decision Paralysis

    [01:09] The Impact of Decision Paralysis on Business

    [01:39] Strategies to Overcome Decision Paralysis

    [02:20] Personal Experiences with Decision Paralysis (and what I do about it)

    [03:14] The Importance of Strategic Decision Making

    [03:45] The Consequences of Overthinking

    [05:05] Practical Tips to Combat Decision Paralysis

    [08:34] The Role of Perfectionism in Decision Paralysis

    If you’re looking for coaching and support so you can reduce the cognitive overwhelm and start making better decisions that equate to more sales and working less hours

    Click here to book a call and join my in person strategy day on 18th April

    Or click here to book a call with me to talk about joining my mastermind

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • In today’s episode of the ADHD series, I share openly how I handle rejection sensitivity and making sales.

    It can be much harder for people with ADHD to put themselves out there knowing they will hear no, or “not right now” as it’s believed that for people who experience RSD, their brains can't regulate rejection based emotions and behaviours, which then makes them more intense for you. And yes, even when you know it’s nothing to do with you at all.

    As an example, if I've shared something really vulnerable or that feels vulnerable to me on social media or in an email or conversation I’ve had, I can want to run away and hide. And I’ve learnt how to give myself permission to put myself comfortably outside of my comfort zone and how to reset and regulate my nervous system.

    I am sharing insight and strategies that have helped me and hundreds of my clients to manage and navigate rejection sensitivity in business with ADHD so you can make more sales by understanding how neurodiversity impacts the way you work. 

    I must emphasise that there is a huge need for individualised approaches and strategies, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:39] Understanding Rejection Sensitivity in Sales with ADHD

    [01:34] Personal Experiences and Challenges with Rejection Sensitivity

    [02:00] The Importance of Sales in Business and the Struggles with ADHD

    [03:01] Psychoeducation on Rejection Sensitivity

    [04:55] Soothing Your Nervous System: Strategies and Tools

    [08:21] Being Kinder to Yourself: Celebrating Wins and Practising Gratitude

    [09:37] Facing the Fear: Understanding the Worst-Case Scenario

    I am running a Business Retreat on 18th April 2024, to help businesswomen to make more sales and grow their businesses.Click here to book a call and join my in person strategy day on 18th April

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • In this series of episodes, I will be talking about my own personal experiences of ADHD and some of the things I have found difficult when it comes to running my business, as well as supporting my clients with their own business growth when they are neurodiverse.

    I am sharing insight and strategies that have helped me and hundreds of my clients to manage time blindness, improve productivity, and understand how neurodiversity impacts the way we work. 

    I talk about the importance of setting realistic deadlines so that you can grow your business without burning out, why you need to celebrate all wins especially the smaller ones and getting realistic and understanding how long tasks truly take you so that you can be more productive.

    I must emphasise that there is a huge need for individualised approaches and strategies, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:55] The Importance of Personalised Support 

    [02:03] Addressing Time Blindness and ADHD

    [02:54] The Power of Deadlines

    [05:22] Celebrating the Small Wins

    [07:30] Getting Realistic with Time Management

    I am running a Business Retreat on 18th April 2024, to help businesswomen plan their year ahead.Click here to book a call and join my in person strategy day on 18th April

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • If you feel like life is constantly throwing you curveballs and you’re firefighting way too often, working on strategies for resilience and dealing with change are critical.

    Although I know it doesn’t feel sexy to work on it but this skill will not just help your business growth, but also your personal development and overall wellbeing too.

    In this episode I share some of the personal challenges I have faced with adapting to change while running my business (as a self confessed control freak and planner!) And I share three key points that will help you to see change more positively and help you to deal with unexpected situations that will inevitably arise. 

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:28] Understanding the Impact of Change

    [02:02] 4 Strategies for Dealing with Change

    [05:52] The Importance of Identifying Your Gaps

    [07:13] The Power of Reframing Thoughts

    [07:30] The Role of Coaching in Managing Change

    If you need a personalised strategic plan to create consistent income and sustainable business success whilst working less hours, Click here to book a call with me to talk about working with me

    Click here to book a call and join my in person strategy day on 18th April

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • Do you know how to help your brain be more creative?

    Personally, I geek out on all things Psychology and personal development and in this episode I share how you can move your brain into a more innovative state and what might be stopping you doing that now.

    Staying creative and being able to innovate are key to staying ahead of the competition and up to date with market trends, but it can be challenging to do this when you’re already busy with clients (and life!)

    Creating regular habits are essential to enable you to think differently and take more calculated long term risks so you can achieve your business growth goals.

    In this episode I talk about the role of the brain in your ability to strategise and innovate, focusing on the struggle of balancing stress responses with creative thinking. 

    I share how you can facilitate better business practices, such as engaging with diverse perspectives and adopting a long-term view to change.

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:28] The Importance of Innovation and Creativity in Business

    [01:37] Understanding the Role of the Brain in Innovation

    [03:21] Strategies for Maximising Your Potential Through Innovation

    [04:12] Three Key Steps to Enhance Innovation

    [06:29] The Value of Long-Term View in Business

    If you need a personalised strategic plan to create consistent income and sustainable business success whilst working less hours, Click here to book a call with me to talk about working with me

    Click here to book a call and join my in person strategy day on 18th April

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • People pleasers and perfectionists. How do you feel about conflict?

    Managing a difficult conversation around a client complaint or having to manage communication with one of your team that aren’t performing?

    If it makes you want to crawl under a rock or have the ground swallow you up, you’re not alone.

    There is a very real and biologically inbuilt reason that most of us aren’t fans of conflict or difficult conversations. Humans want to feel like they belong. And when we have to tell someone something they may not like or agree with, our brains are wired to associate this with being ousted from the tribe, which 100s of years ago would have meant our chances of survival significantly decreased.

    In this episode I explain the importance of being proactive in these situations rather than reactive, so that you can deal with the inevitable nature of disagreements in any human interaction. 

    I share strategies that you can add into your toolkit so you avoid feeling disarmed when such issues arise and feel more empowered and in control.

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:28] Understanding Conflict Resolution in Business

    [01:05] The Importance of Being Proactive in Conflict Management

    [01:25] Personal Challenges Around Difficult Conversations 

    [02:21] Tools for Difficult Conversations 

    [03:08] Understanding the Role of Self Worth in Conflict

    [03:55] Three Key Strategies for Conflict Resolution

    [07:03] The Power of Cooperation in Conflict Resolution

    [08:21] Moving from Threatened State to Solution Finding

    If you need a personalised strategic plan to create consistent income and sustainable business success whilst working less hours, Click here to book a call with me to talk about working with me

    Click here to book a call and join my in person strategy day on 18th April

    Click here to listen to Episode 10 of the Podcast on How to Say No

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • In this episode of 'Supercharge Your Business', I talk about time management and understanding your capacity. We live in a fast paced world and this can lead to so many misconceptions about what you are able to achieve within a time frame. 

    If you’re serious about wanting to manage your time better and want to learn how to be more efficient and more productive, you need to be committed to changing your habits.

    I talk about the 3 things you can start with to kick this off right way.

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:28] Understanding Time Management and Capacity

    [01:21] The Reality of Time and Its Limitations

    [01:45] Understanding Your Capacity and Its Impact on Your Team

    [02:13] Three Key Areas to Improve Time Management: Capacity, Goals, and Delegation

    [02:20] Understanding and Maximising Your Capacity

    [04:49] Setting and Understanding Your Goals

    [06:42] The Importance of Asking for Help and Delegating

    [07:23] How to Start Delegating and Asking for Help

    If you need a personalised strategic plan to create consistent income and sustainable business success whilst working less hours, Click here to book a call with me to talk about working with me

    Click here to book a call and join my in person strategy day on 12th March

    Click here to listen to Episode 10 of the Podcast on How to Say No

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




  • Are you struggling to maintain momentum in your business? When you work for yourself, and especially mostly BY yourself, finding motivation every day can be difficult.

    Business owners, freelancers, consultants and coaches often struggle to keep up momentum and motivation so they can keep making progress towards their goals. And this is even harder when you just wing it day-by-day.

    So if you’ve set your business goals for this year or your focus for this month, today we are talking about how you can keep feeling excited about them, and focus on innovation as well as delivering a brilliant service to your clients.

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:45] Patience is key: instant gratification is limiting your growth

    [02:00] Ditching the chaos for strategic planning and decision making

    [04:41] How to test and refine your approach systemically over time

    [05:51] Find your support system and avoid feeling alone

    [07:44] Think beyond today

    Book a call with Nicole to create a personalized strategic plan for consistent income and sustainable business success: [Link to booking page]

    If you need a personalised strategic plan for consistent income and sustainable business success, Click here to book a call with me to talk about working with me

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly chasing your tail in your business? Not knowing where to start, or what to do next?

    When you have a million things on your to do list, and you’re wearing all the hats in your small business from marketing, sales and finance to client onboarding and client delivery, it is so important that you understand your longer term business direction.

    If you don’t, you end up “winging it” which puts you into a constant state of hyperarousal and stress, increases your cortisol and adrenaline and it means that you stay in fight or flight, without the energy to make the critical decisions for business growth.

    I know when you escape the corporate reins, you crave freedom (I was there too!) But the reality is, you structure creates more freedom. It’s about finding the right balance of that for you so that your daily actions are intentional and not just p*ssing into the wind!

    In this episode I dive deep into why "winging it" just won't cut it for long-term success and I share 3 key strategies so that you gain control, get strategic, and achieve consistent success and results.

    Here are the highlights:

    [01:27] Why you need to start planning longer term

    [04:05] How to ditch the chaos and gain predictability (and less stress)

    [05:34] Setting clear goals and avoid impulse driven actions

    [07:49] How to build the consistency that increases your income

    If you need support and accountability to work on and in your business at the same time, so you have a pipeline of ready to buy clients, my next mastermind starts on 1st February 2024 where I’m in your back pocket for mentoring and guidance for 3 months.

    All information about the mastermind is here

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind®

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • Today, marks a special on-year milestone of the podcast!

    To celebrate, I’m reflecting on the incredible journey of the past year and actually releasing an episode every single week!

    I’m deep diving into my own 2023 review, which was a year of growth, resilience, and transformation, and sharing with you how you can do the same to drive your own business growth in 2024.

    Here are the highlights:

    [01:27] Setting Intentions for the Year Ahead

    [05:13] Evaluating Your Time and Capacity - and how I work a 4 day week

    [06:20] Setting Income Growth Goals

    [07:47] The Importance of Growing Your Audience

    [10:48] Personal Growth Goals to Set Yourself

    [11:40] Outsourcing to a VA and Expansion

    [13:47] Marketing Evolution and Messaging

    [14:56] Investing in the Right Places for Success

    If you need support and accountability to work on and in your business at the same time, so you have a pipeline of ready to buy clients, my next mastermind starts on 22nd January 2024 where I’m in your back pocket for mentoring and guidance for 3 months.

    All information about the mastermind is here

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind®

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • Instead of setting goals, try this.

    It’s what I’ve done for the last 3 years and it’s made a huge difference to feeling more excited, intentional and focussed on what the year will look and feel like.

    Rather than focusing on specific targets and tasks or increments in revenue, I talk about setting an overall intention or sentiment for the year. 

    I share openly my personal experience of setting 'simplicity' as the goal for the previous year, and how it led to a 60% growth in my business.

    I also share my intentions for 2024 on 'ease' and 'bravery', where I want to simplify my business further whilst taking big bold steps towards growth.

    I share with you how to find your own intentions and guiding words.

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:42] Challenges in Setting Goals

    [01:45] A Different Approach to Goal Setting

    [02:36] Setting Intentions for the New Year

    [03:02] Reflecting on my Previous Year's Word: Simplicity

    [07:03] Choosing the Words for the New Year: Ease and Brave

    [11:19] Applying this to your Business Growth for 2024

    If you need support and accountability to work on and in your business at the same time, so you have a pipeline of ready to buy clients, my next mastermind starts on 22nd January 2024 where I’m in your back pocket for mentoring and guidance for 3 months.

    All information about the mastermind is here

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind®

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • Understanding The Customer Conversion Cycle: Attraction, Nurture, Conversion and Retention

    In the 53rd episode of the Supercharge Your Business Podcast, I talk about the process of customer acquisition and conversion. It often takes longer and is way more expensive to convert new clients than existing ones.

    It’s so important to understand your own lead generation strategy and know  how long it takes for leads to convert into paying clients. 

    Here are the highlights:

    [00:28] Understanding Conversion Time

    [01:48] The Customer Buying Cycle

    [02:25] The Importance of Retaining Existing Customers

    [02:45] Understanding Your Audience and Their Needs

    [03:50] The Importance of Consistent Lead Generation

    [04:55] The Individuality of Each Customer

    [05:51] Understanding Your Average Buying Cycle and Customer Value

    [07:14] The Importance of Paid Offers (not freebies!)

    If you need support and accountability to work on and in your business at the same time, so you have a pipeline of ready to buy clients, my next mastermind starts on 22nd January 2024 where I’m in your back pocket for mentoring and guidance for 3 months.

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind®

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • If you’re experiencing feast and famine income months and you’re on the busy-not-busy rollercoaster, today I’m talking about why.

    Lead generations isn’t icky or sneaky. It’s a vital part of your business strategy for generating consistent revenue and money recurring income. 

    The key is finding a way to keep on top of nurturing existing relationships and building new relationships whilst serving your existing clients.

    In this episode I talk about how to build an audience, attract new clients, and avoid the feast-and-famine cycle.

    Here are the highlights:

    [1:21] What happens when you don’t focus on lead generation

    [2:20] How to make lead generation less ‘icky’

    [4:34] Using social media as a powerful tool for building relationships 

    [5:25] Bullying and having a social media presence

    [6:34] Speaking and sharing your expertise to reach a wider audience

    [7:34] PR (public relations) as a small business owner to build your brand, reputation and credibility

    If you need support and accountability to work on and in your business at the same time, so you have pipeline of ready to buy clients, my next mastermind starts in January 2024 where I’m in your back pocket for mentoring and guidance for 3 months.

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind® We start in January 2024 and there are some bonuses running in December.

    If you want to book a 1:1 with me for personalised support and guidance, there are a few spaces available in January. Click here to book your session and use the code SYB200 for £200 off.

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • In this episode of the Supercharge Your Business podcast, I’m talking about  pricing your services and packages. 

    It’s so important to get the balance right between what you need in terms of your business generating profit so you can pay yourself well, and also making sure your offers and services are aligned to your audience to make it an easy yes, meet their needs and still generate profit.

    Pricing your services and packages needs to be strategic and aligned with your audience’s needs and in today’s episode I share some offers you can think about introducing if you’re not generating the revenue you need right now.

    Here are the highlights:

    [2:00] What to do if your high ticket service isn’t selling

    [3:00] How to make it an easy yes for your clients 

    [3:41] Focussing on the audience you already have

    [5:22] Understanding your time and pricing properly

    If you need to create a strategically aligned service suite, this is something  I help my clients with every day. My next mastermind starts in January 2024 where I’m in your back pocket for mentoring and guidance for 3 months.

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind® We start in January 2024 and there are some bonuses running in December.

    If you want to book a 1:1 with me for personalised support and guidance, there are a few spaces available in January. Click here to book your session and use the code SYB200 for £200 off.

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • To niche or not to niche? That is the question that many business owners struggle with. 

    In this episode of the Supercharge Your Business podcast, I talk about whether or not niching is right for your business. Niching can be a powerful way to position yourself as an expert and attract more clients, but it's important to niche in a way that feels authentic and sustainable for you, your skills and your business goals.

    Niching does not have to mean you’re limited to one thing. You can still have a wide range of skills and experience, but you can’t try to force yourself into a niche that doesn’t fit your personality or values.

    Here are the highlights:

    [1:42] Why niching works and has it’s place

    [2:57] A different way to approach niching in your business

    [4:30] Identifying your values

    [6:57] Understanding what makes you stand out

    [8:32] A question to ask yourself to own your point of difference

    [10:26] Information on my mastermind

    If you're struggling with niching, or if you're considering pivoting your business, my mastermind will support you to upgrade your marketing and develop a plan to grow your business

    Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind® We start in January 2024 and there are some bonuses running in December.

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • Your annual business strategy needs to drive action.

    A business strategy is essential for you to understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. It needs to outline realistic goals that enable you to reach your longer term vision and so you can consistently track progress. 

    Scheduling regular sales activities that will help you to achieve your targets is key as well as understand your ideal client so you can create targeted marketing campaigns.

    In this episode, I outline 4 key things to consider when planning your business strategy. 

    Here are the highlights:

    [1:07] My focus for 2023 and how it helped me to achieve my goals

    [3:12] Getting clear on your number and which ones to focus on

    [4:37] Aligning your services and products and pricing them correctly

    [5:24] Scheduling your sales activity as part of your business strategy

    [7:33] Get clear on who you’re selling to and tailoring your marketing

    [9:10] Identifying what support you do and don’t need to help reach your goal

    👉 To join the Strategy Masterclass on 12th December (replay available) click here to register and save your seat

    👉 Listen to episode 45 of the podcast here Selling on Social Media without Sleaze

    👉  If you need support to build a pipeline of ready to buy clients and increase your sales and profit to pay yourself well, Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind® We start in January 2024 and there are some bonuses running in December.

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • The exact method I use when it comes to investing in my business.

    When you’re faced with lots of options and offers, it can be hard to make a decision. Whatever decision you make, needs to get you closer to your end goal. 

    And not only that, but the cognitive load of having to make the decision (and not making it, mulling it over and over) can be exhausting. It takes up a lot of energy to hold the thoughts, so instead of having to do that when you’re balancing everything else in your life, I’m going to share a simple 4-step process that you can follow to help you make the right decision quicker.

    The thing you decide to invest in next may not mean you hit your goal immediately, but it may be one of the steps you need to take to get you closer to it.

    Here are the highlights:

    [3:19] How to assess where you’re at right now

    [3:57] Setting better goals (for more listen to Episode 1 of the podcast here)

    [4:36] The importance of getting uncomfortably specific

    [5:07] Understanding the gap and where you need the most support

    [6:40] Examples of how you can plug the gap

    [9:10] Identifying what support you do and don’t need to help reach your goal

    If you need support to build a pipeline of ready to buy clients and increase your sales and profit to pay yourself well, Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind®

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:




    Visit my website here

  • Every business owner faces challenges at some point.

    And no, this doesn’t just happen at the start.

    As your business continues to grow and evolve and you continue to grow as a person too, there will be new challenges that arise and need to be solved.

    There are a number of things that no matter your stage of business, need to be prioritised to enable you to successfully have a full pipeline of ready to buy clients, and a business that generates you enough profit to pay yourself well.

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing the most common challenges I see for small business owners and my clients before they start working with me.

    Here are the highlights:

    [1:13] Why impatience is the biggest motivation killer

    [2:16] Lead generation and client acquisition

    [3:57] Why growing an audience of ready to buy clients is so important

    [6:02] What metrics to measure to increase sales

    [8:54] Time management and being more productive

    [11:56] Making better choices

    If you need support to build a pipeline of ready to buy clients and increase your sales and profit to pay yourself well, Click here to book a call with me to talk about joining Thrive Mastermind®

    To download my free guide to create more time click here

    To find out how I can support you to grow your business:


    Follow Nicole Louise Online on Social Media:
