Tonight we continue with our world of serial killers and we are talking about Americas first. That's right we are talking about H.H. Holmes and his murder castle.
Tonight we kick off our slasher series. We will talk about the man behind Psycho, Leatherface, and more. We are talking about Ed Gein.
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Tonight we are talking about the truth behind Stranger Things. What really happened in the top secret facility? What has our government really been up to?
Tonight we have started our series on government conspiracies. this episode is a good one we go over time travel and what could actually happen if you do. What really happened to the USS Eldridge in 1943?
We are back with the conclusion of our story. Who is a believer? This episode we go over how dragons could breath fire and fly, along with some very cool accounts.
Tonight we are talking about my favorite! You guessed it Dragons! This story will be two parts can we convince Troy they are real?
Tonight we are talking about hellhounds, are they real? But we also have a story about a man made hellhound. Did it happen? You decide.
Tonight we are talking about a near death experience. We are talking about what she saw and what she did with it.
Tonight we are starting a new thing called spooky states. Get ready Rhode Island we are coming after you and going over your spooky secrets.
Tonight we went down the rabbit hole on all things Romanov. We will talk about Rasputin and how he was involved with the royal family.
Tonight we are playing another haunted ritual. Who's going to play, and will you see the little girl Charlotte?
Tonight we are talking about the Van Meter Visitor. A sad story about a misunderstood monster with a twist at the end.
Tonight we are learning about voodoo,Papa Legba and Marie Laveau. We will talk about what landed Papa Legba in hot water, and how Marie Laveau will always be the most famous voodoo Queen of New Orleans.
Get ready tonight we have two stories on why you should not go hiking in Russia, or anywhere for that matter. What happened to both group of hikers? You can decide.
Tonight we are doing a true crime story. We are headed to NOLA to talk about the Axeman, a serial killer Louisiana will never forget. Just throw on some jazz and you should be safe.
Tonight we are talking about the infamous Mothman of Point Pleasant WV. Im very excited about this story because it actually has a few more cryptids around his area.What is Mothman? You decide.
Episode:64 Braxxie the Monster
Episode:138 Indrid Cold
Episode:56 Here come the Men in Black -
Tonight we are talking about Project Serpo. This story was posted on a major UFO website under the name anonymous. is this story true? You decide.
Tonight we are talking about folklore from the seven seas. We are going over several stories of legendary sea monsters. Are they real? You decide.
Tonight we are talking about Stardust Ranch. This story has it all! Aliens,ghosts, and cryptids oh my! Buckle in its going to be a crazy ride.
Tonight we are bringing you another haunted ritual! We are doing the window game and this one is extremely terrifying.
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