
  • Healing doesn't have to happen in traditional ways. Carmen Theobold says horses saved her life. Tune in and see how horses make the best therapists! Nature heals!

    Highlights 0:00

    Guest Bio: Carmen Theobald

    Carmen’s coaching, facilitation and speaking combine her experience working with thousands of horses, her own Post Traumatic Growth, and a determination to make a difference in this fractured world. She has worked with hundreds of individuals, teams and organizations, helping them get unstuck, embodied, and intuitively empowered.

    Carmen is the Founder and Director of Horse Sense North, where they offer personal growth, leadership & team development, and trauma recovery with some "Horse Sense". Adding some Horse Sense allows people to develop more clarity, connection and courage in every aspect of life, and step into healthy leadership for self and others. All programs are offered with polyvagal informed principles, and they have a particular focus on serving those who serve others.

    Carmen and her two- and four-legged herd live on a scenic farm in Almaguin, Ontario, where all team members are committed to creating a protected, inclusive, and trauma informed space.

    Learn more about Carmen Theobald here:







    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Everybody is talking about boundaries. But do you know where to draw the line? What's reasonable? In today's podcast, I share 30 boundary violations you may not know you're making along with a strategy to help you figure out others.

    Podcast Highlights

    Being aggressive with service workersStalkingDoing what you please rather than risking a "no"Urging children to kiss or hug adultsSharing someone's information without their consentCriticizing, nitpicking or judging othersPressuring others to share their thoughts, feelings or beliefsWithholding love or affection to punish themManipulating someone's emotions to gain power or controlJoking, teasing or making demeaning commentsUsing big emotions to dominate or controlPressuring someone to forgiveReading private correspondenceUndermining confidenceChallenging someone's beliefs of lifestyleUsing mind games to manipulate or controlNot allowing someone to speakAsking personal questionsPressuring someone for physical contactIgnoring requests for alone timeCalling or texting too muchExposing someone to triggering content without their consentIgnoring deadlines or meeting timesOvercommitting or piling things onto one personWorking during nonwork hoursUsing someone's belongings without permissionNot cleaning up after yourself in a shared spaceNot paying your bills on timeEngaging in romantic relationships with someone who doesn't have equal powerNot standing up for yourself


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Want to know how to break the toxic positivity habit? In this podcast, Laura Giles talks about:

    1:00 what's toxic positivity

    3:55 signs of toxic positivity

    15:00 why toxic positivity is harmful

    18:00 how to break the toxic positivity habit


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • There are things you need to know about being a mother that can help you have a better relationship with your mother and be a better mother. Curious? Take a listen.


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The tests say there is nothing wrong with you, but you know you aren't feeling well. What do you do? Instead of giving up or going to a therapist, there is another solution. In today's podcast, Dr. Neil Nathan will help you see what's going on and help you to know what to do about it.

    Guest Bio:

    Contact Dr. Neil Nathan here: https://neilnathanmd.com/

    Get The Sensitive Patient's Guide to Healing

    Get Toxic: Heal Your Body


    SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@lauragiles804

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe - a sanctuary where earthlings can rediscover who they were before the fear set in. Let's rewild together!


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We are all born to be ourselves. Hiding, play small, taking on too much control, lying, and blaming can lead to a life that feels unlived because we may die unseen. Want a game changer? It's radical responsibility. Not sure what that is or how it helps? Tune in and see!


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Come to the Play Retreat


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We live in an extrovert dominated world. It can be hard for introverts to be seen and accepted for who they are. If you want to connect with the introvert in your life, you may benefit from some insights. Here are 30 things introverts want extroverts to know about them.


    Introversion is not a problem that needs to be solved

    All introverts are not the same

    Introverts are often slow processors.

    Silence is okay.

    Social hangovers are a thing.

    Introversion isn't about low self-esteem.

    Introverts have social skills.

    What others see as wishy washy could be self-care.

    The introverted brain is different.

    Introverts are harder to sway.

    Lonely and alone are not the same things.

    A pause is not an invitation to jump in.

    Don't call me.

    Don't ask personal questions if you're a stranger.

    We hate ice breakers.

    Everyone doesn't love surprises.

    Don't mistake being quiet for apathy or ignorance.

    It's not about you.

    Writing is easier than talking.

    We value deep conversations.

    We might be bored. We're not boring.

    We're not looking down on you.

    We're not always mad.

    We can't turn on at the flip of a switch.

    It's none of your business.

    I'm listening because I'm interested.

    I want to be invited.

    Pointing out my quirks is really uncomfortable.

    I might push back hard if you're not getting it.

    Just because I appear to be doing nothing doesn't mean I'm not busy.


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Hero's Journey has been used as a template through life because it works so well across cultures and lifespans. One of the stops along life's journey is the Meeting With the Mentor.



    0:51 Who is the mentor?

    9:00 observe and self-reflection

    10:30 homework

    10:50 if you're stuck, say you're stuck

    12:10 walk beside them

    13:50 ask what you want to know

    14:30 don't take yourself too seriously

    15:50 ask for clarification

    16:30 breaking from your mentor

    17:50 planning for termination from the beginning

    18:30 put it in writing

    19:45 take a heart centered approach

    20:50 is it for me?

    21:31 are you blocking help?


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Coaching with Laura Giles


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How often do we ask ourselves, "Are you the one for me?" Want some help deciding if someone is your person? Tune in. Laura Giles talks about:


    2:38 Pick the person you can live with, not the one you love

    2:59 Be yourself

    4:36 Don't settle for "good enough for now"

    5:26 If your relationships suck, work on you

    6:56 Accept your person with their flaws

    7:41 Love them for who they are, not for how they love or how they make you feel

    9:42 Make security a baseline, not an end goal

    11:00 Can their family be your family?

    12:20 Religious compatibility

    13:10 Financial compatibility

    15:28 Openness and honesty

    16:30 All betrayal is self betrayal

    16:57 Can we resolve conflict?

    18:25 Sexual compatibility

    19:40 Self-care

    20:21 Roles

    21:54 Parenthood

    22:31 Domestic support

    23:40 Health and Fitness

    24:10 Status

    25:10 Social compatibility

    25:35 Drugs, alcohol

    26:00 Am I accepted?

    26:44 Do I know who I am?


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe - a sanctuary where earthlings can rediscover who they were before the fear set in. Let's rewild together!


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Lots of people have mysterious, hidden health issues that doctor's can't fix. What could be going on? Tune in today and see what Linn Rivers has to say about gut health. It may surprise you.

    Guest Bio:

    Linn is a graduate of the renowned, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Her journey with holistic medicine and spiritual counseling however, started way before this time. Linn’s educational background includes; Holistic/Functional Medicine, Spiritual Counseling, Licensed Eastern/Western M.T, Neurolinguistic Programming, Yoga Therapy, Life Coaching, Death Doula, Hypnosis, Human Design Analysis, and she is also a Film Director, Producer, and Writer.

    Contact Linn Rivers



    SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@lauragiles804

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe - a sanctuary where earthlings can rediscover who they were before the fear set in. Let's rewild together!


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The signs of toxic femininity are all around us. They are so prevalent that I am sure you miss them all the time. In this podcast, Laura Giles peeks beneath the surface to uncover what's hidden in plain sight. She shows you how to heal toxic femininity, starting with you!



    1:11 What is divine feminine?

    6:16 Sleeping Beauty

    7:31 the Law of Hospitality

    9:35 there is no space for Crones

    10:12 Maiden, Mother, Seductress, Crone

    12:20 The Mother

    12:55 Second Seductress

    14:56 Snow White

    16:35 Rapunzel

    18:35 Hansel and Gretel

    21:05 Cinderella

    25:55 How to heal Toxic Femininity

    27:10 Virtual Red Tent

    Join the Virtual Red Tent here:



    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Why are you so misunderstood? Is it you or them? This podcast takes a look at some of the most common reasons and what you can do about them. Think it's about being an introvert? Don't know what an INFJ is? Be sure to catch what Laura Giles has to say about those things and a lot more!


    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


    Get Involved

    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe - a sanctuary where earthlings can rediscover who they were before the fear set in. Let's rewild together!


    It's Not You, It's Me on YouTube


    Spiritual Travel wIth Laura Giles


    Coaching with Laura Giles


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Can we heal naturally with PEMF? Yes! A couple of weeks ago, Mark Fox guested on "It's Not You, It's Me" to talk about the resin Vibe, a device that helps the body heal itself naturally.

    Today he returns to answer listener and user questions about the Vibe. We're going to do a deep dive to explore our listener questions so that we can heal better, faster, and more efficiently with frequencies.

    Guest Bio: Mark Lee Fox is Founder And CEO Resona Health

    Entrepreneur, scientist, engineer, author, creative thinking consultant, crop formation researcher, and former Space Shuttle Chief Engineer. Hot Air Balloonist for 35 years, and built his own airplane.

    Inventor of VIBE, the world’s only “Pocket” Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) device.

    See how easy it is to use VIBE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuSN-7Lq71E

    Listen to the first podcast here: https://www.lauragiles804.com/can-you-restore-wellness-with-technology-yes/

    Join our support/research group here: https://player.lauragiles.org/share/cOl5uPXVlarUzXay?utm_source=manual

    Get your discounted VIBE here: https://resona.health/laura-giles/

    Mark's Books:

    DaVinci and the 40 Answers: A Playbook for Creativity and Fresh Ideas


    What On Earth Are We Doing To Our Health?



    SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@lauragiles804

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Coaching with Laura Giles


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What happens when "be yourself" means you become an alien researcher! Yikes! What kind of life experience leads there? None of us can control what life throws at us, but we can decide what to do with it. My guests today, Leslie and Stephen Shaw, are experiencers of extraterrestrial phenomena. Tune in to see what happened. As researchers, Leslie and Stephen Shaw are interested in your stories. Find out how to contact them here.

    Guest Links:


    SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@lauragiles804

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


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    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe - a sanctuary where earthlings can rediscover who they were before the fear set in. Let's rewild together!


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Don't do mornings, but you need a morning routine? This is just for you. Tune in and learn:


    Why you need a morning routine

    The 8 things everyone needs in their morning routine:




    clean diet

    drugs (medications)





    SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@lauragiles804

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


    Get Involved

    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe - a sanctuary where earthlings can rediscover who they were before the fear set in. Let's rewild together!


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    Coaching with Laura Giles


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Can we use technology in wellness? Yes! The global wellness market is a $1.5 trillion dollar industry worldwide. And we're in the age of the Jetsons! Technology is changing wellness in such a way that many symptoms can be a thing of the past. Not "someday," but NOW! We can actually target problems like addiction, diabetes, PTSD, migraines, and weight gain with technology. It's natural, safe, and drug free!

    Tune in as Mark Lee Fox shares about his pocket PEMF device that has protocols for 59 problems in one device.

    The future is here!

    Guest Bio: Mark Lee Fox is Founder And CEO Resona Health

    Entrepreneur, scientist, engineer, author, creative thinking consultant, crop formation researcher, and former Space Shuttle Chief Engineer. Hot Air Balloonist for 35 years, and built his own airplane.

    Inventor of VIBE, the world’s only “Pocket” Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) device.

    See how easy it is to use VIBE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuSN-7Lq71E

    Learn more about VIBE here: https://resona.health/laura-giles/

    Mark's Books:

    DaVinci and the 40 Answers: A Playbook for Creativity and Fresh Ideas


    What On Earth Are We Doing To Our Health?



    SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@lauragiles804

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Tip Jar - Support My Channel Here


    Get Involved

    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe - a sanctuary where earthlings can rediscover who they were before the fear set in. Let's rewild together!


    It's Not You, It's Me on YouTube


    Spiritual Travel wIth Laura Giles


    Coaching with Laura Giles


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    Laura Giles may talk about products on this podcast. If you buy from a link, she may earn a commission that does not impact the price that you pay. The fee helps to pay for podcast expenses. Thank you.


    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Do you ever ask yourself why do good girls like bad boys? It's in all the movies and in real life, too! Today Laura Giles does a deep dive so you can understand this, and if this is you, do something about it.


    The 4 Reasons Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys

    1:40 immaturity

    4:26 codependency

    10:14 unconscious programming

    14:30 random interval reward

    What to Do About It?

    18:18 make it conscious

    18:35 accept it

    19:00 neutralize the program

    19:43 grow

    If I can help with neutralizing the programs or growth, please reach out. I'm here for you.

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


    Get Involved

    Join the FREE It's Not You, It's Me Tribe -

    It's Not You, It's Me on YouTube

    Spiritual Travel wIth Laura Giles

    Follow me on Instagram

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    Host Bio: Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Every life is different. Life has a plan for all of us. When we ignore that plan or struggle against it, we stop living authentically. Today Juan Taylor shares his unique life journey. I hope it inspires you to trust yourself, surrender to what is real for you, and start living consciously and authentically, too.

    Guest Links:

    To contact Juan Taylor or donate to Fishen With a Mission Zelle 614.218.0887


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    Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

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    Music, photos, and video by Pixabay.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Did you know there is a way to live life more fully and authentically? It's the practice of wu Wei. Wu Wei is an ancient Taoist practice that brings you in touch with your inner power and helps you to tap into your non-physical self so that you are wiser, more efficient, and more of who you really are. Curious? Tune in!

    Episode Highlights

    What is wu Wei?What are the benefits of Wu Wei?How to practice wu Wei?

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    It's Not You, It's Me on YouTube

    Spiritual Travel wIth Laura Giles

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    Host Bio: Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Do you ever wonder how to beat a narcissist at their own game? Wouldn't it be nice to expose them for who they are? An apology, or at least acknowledgement of their deeds would be amazing. So, how do you get that to happen? Tune in to today's episode and see.

    Episode Highlights

    What is a narcissist?What are the narcissistic games?How to beat a narcissist at his own game. (Yes, I know the title is grammatically incorrect. I did that for SEO. lol)

    I want to hear from you! Leave me an audio comment. I listen to them all.


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    It's Not You, It's Me on YouTube

    Spiritual Travel wIth Laura Giles

    Follow me on Instagram

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    Host Bio: Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.