The Cell Culture Dish (CCD) podcast covers areas important to the research, discovery, development, and manufacture of disease and biologic therapeutics. Key industry coverage areas include: drug discovery and development, stem cell research, cell and gene therapy, recombinant antibodies, vaccines, and emerging therapeutic modalities.
Simona s Kristínou sú dve kamošky študujúce biologické odbory. Rady sa rozprávajú a myslia si, že podcasty sú cool. Tak prečo nevyskúšať ich vlastný? Ich cieľom je byť príjemným audio šumom vašej každodennej rutiny.
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation podcast features editor Daniel Goldstein, MD, in round table talks with the JHLT's digital media editors.
Welcome to the "Powered by Trans Ova" Podcast, where Trans Ova team members will cover how our reproductive toolbox of embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, and sorted semen can multiply the success within your livestock breeding program. Throughout our series, we will also cover a wide array of topics such as frequently asked questions, management and care tips, and client and location highlights.
This is all about Kepler-44b
A fun light hearted podcast hosted by iGEM team Nottingham in which we talk about stuff ranging from synthetic biology to potential superpowers. Stay tuned for various guest appearances from other iGEM teams as well.
Having the power 💪
I would like to share this so not a lot of people get trapped like I did
A weekly podcast highlighting recent research in science. -
Aprendizados EFPA
Hi! My name is Karolína and I'm a virology PhD student. And because I believe virology is full of fascinating stories, I decided to share some of them. Join me on a journey to the world of viruses, dangerous epidemics and unexpected scientific discoveries. :)
I study the lives of the wildest writers who ever lived.
Věnujeme se osobnostem a dějinným událostem nejen z českého prostředí.
Všechny díly podcastu Historie Plus můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
Vědecko-populární reportáže, rozhovory a dokumenty pro všechny. K poslechu živě na Dvojce, Pohodě, na webu a v aplikaci
Všechny díly podcastu Meteor můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
Una serie radiofonica in 14 episodi di Roberto e Sara Cavosi, che cerca di entrare nelle piccole\grandi vicende personali di uomini e donne comuni che, attraverso i mezzi di comunicazione dell'epoca, sono stati testimoni diretti di quel primo passo.
Magazín o věcech mezi nebem a zemí pro přátele opravdové vědy i fantazie.
Všechny díly podcastu Planetárium můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
On the Green Fence lives up to its name in looking at complex, often divisive environmental issues from multiple angles. It’s not about greenism, but about delving into the major concerns of our time in an engaging and human way. DW reporter Neil King sits on the fence and explores the role business, society and science play in our transition to a more environmentally friendly world. In so doing, he aims to make sense of issues that affect us all, but which are often over-simplified or convoluted by ideology and lobbyism. On the Green Fence stands for an open-minded, relevant and entertaining approach to the environment.
Interviews with scientific imaging experts from across the globe, from Teledyne Photometrics and Teledyne Princeton Instruments.
The opposite of throwing shade, TL explores the intersection of spirituality and mental health. With a hefty dose of metaphysics and a whole lot of vulnerability, TL asks questions like: What does it mean to co-create with the universe? Does magic exist? What can ordinary people do about the great injustices of our time? What does living a meaningful life look like? Can we make coffee a food group? Host Brandy Walker attempts to answer these questions, and start new conversations about old paradigms, all while being her awkward, adorable self.