
  • We’re kicking off Pride this year with none other than my good friend Jay Wolf! Jay reads a snippet about their best worst boys, Egan and Petrel before we get to talking about their newest book as M. Daniel McDowell, The Shepherd in Shadow, which releases June 28th!

    Things we mention in this episode:

    Valerie Valdes

    The Gormenghast series, by Mervyn Peake

    Inkfort Press Self-Publishing Derby

    Bringer of the Scourge, by M. Daniel McDowell

    Glen Cook

    Fritz Leiber

    Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

    The Colour of Magic and Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett

    Beating Hearts & Battle Axes

    New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine

    Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo

    M.E. Morgan

    X-Men ‘97

    Forged in Fire

    Jay’s socials and M. Daniel McDowell’s socials

  • This time around, I’m thrilled to welcome to the show Meg Elison! Meg reads to us from the start of their trunked novel, Hemet, which leads us into a wonderful conversation about a whole host of topics, including her own artist’s statement on spooky stuff.

  • ¿Faltan episodios?

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  • This time around, it’s my delight to welcome back to the show Victor Manibo! After a bit of catching up, we get into Victor’s new book, Escape Velocity, which releases later this month from Erewhon Books!

    Things we mention in this episode:

    The Sleepless, by Victor Manibo

    Victor’s first episode

    “The Cask of Amontillado,” by Edgar Allan Poe

    The Fall of the House of Usher (show)

    Gravity (2013)

    Funeral and Neon Bible, by Arcade Fire


    Shōgun (TV series) based on the novel by James Clavell

    Game of Thrones

    Our Share of Nights, by Mariana Enriquez


    Victor’s website, twitter, insta, tiktok, fb, and substack

    Stick around next time when my guest will be Meg Elison!

  • In addition to the regular strong language, this episode carries content warnings for: reclaimed gay slurs; a non-graphic depiction and discussion of non-consensual sex; depictions of consensual violence; and discussions of attempted suicide, medical trauma, experiences of psyche wards, descriptions of psychosis, forcible medication, restraint, experiences of homelessness, alcoholism, and body horror. The non-consensual sex and the consensual violence are both depicted in the reading, which is 24 minutes long, and there is some further discussion of the events from the reading following it. Perhaps even more so than usual, listener discretion is advised.

    This time around, it is my complete gremlin pleasure to welcome to the show Ivy Fox! Together, we perform the entirety of her play, Strapped, which leads us into a wide-ranging conversation that touches on collaborative art, anime girls, furry music, mental health, and so much more. Seriously, this episode is over two hours long. We just kept talking!

    Things we mention this episode:

    Sarah Gailey

    Friends at the Table

    Toronto Fringe

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer



    Magic: the Gathering

    Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, by Samine Nosrat

    Chuck Tingle

    “Trust the Process,” by Hilary B. Bisenieks in Stone Soup

    Machine Girl

    The Mad Bird

    Kirby’s Return to Dream Land

    US Trans Survey

    Rev (blue liquor)

    Madness and Civilization, by Michel Foucault

    Death of the author

    The Legend of Zelda


    Warrior Cats series, by Erin Hunter

    This tumblr post

    The Matrix

    Splatoon 3


    All Our Yesterdays, by Hilary B. Bisenieks

    “Chain Bastard”

    Metallic Rouge

    Blade Runner

    Dungeon Meshi

    Hunter x Hunter


    Slay the Princess

    Revolutionary Girl Utena

    Together We’ll Shine

    Conflict is Not Abuse, by Sarah Schulman

    Voidreckon, by Mittsies

    Techdog 1-7, by Patricia Taxxon

    I WANT TO LOVE AGAIN, by doefriends

    Watership Down, by Richard Adams

    Ivyfoxart [at] gmail [dot] com, Ivy’s cohost and ko-fi

    Soul Mates! on cohost

    Doctor Fanfiction’s Monster

    Tableturf Battle

    Media Club Plus

  • This time around it is my absolute delight to welcome John Wiswell back to the show to talk about his debut novel, Someone You Can Build a Nest In, which just released this very week! We talk about John’s favorite bits both in and no longer in the book, along with conversation about language, games, and a surprise musical performance!

    Things mentioned in this episode:

    Premee Mohamed

    Sarah Gailey

    Caitlin Starling

    “D.I.Y.” by John Wiswell

    “Open House on Haunted Hill” and its Japanese cover

    Katakana and Hiragana

    Hunter x Hunter (2011)

    Media Club Plus

    Starred review in The Library Journal

    Merc Fenn Wolfmoor

    “This is Not a Wardrobe Door,” by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor

    Sickos yes

    4th Street Fantasy


    John Scalzi

    Ted Chiang

    Martha Wells

    Chuck Tingle

    The Simpsons

    The Arcadia Project trilogy, by Mishell Baker

    Camp Damascus, by Chuck Tingle

    Miri Baker

    Tom Bombadil

    Howard Tayler

    Writing Excuses

    Schlock Mercenary

    Brandon Sanderson

    Mary Robinette Kowal

    Maurice Broaddus

    Dongwon Song

    Reservation Dogs

    Holly, by Stephen King

    Vacíos Cuerpos


    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Baldur’s Gate 3





    Friends at the Table Balatro stream

    Austin Walker

    Twilight Mirage and Spring in Hieron soundtracks


    Deep-fried jpegs

    Is It Bandcamp Friday?

    Web 1.0

    John’s twitter, bluesky, insta, patreon, and substack

    Escape Velocity, by Victor Manibo

  • This time around, it’s my pleasure to welcome longtime friend of the show Laura Blackwell! Laura reads to us from her very very trunked story, “Poor Prisoners,” which leads us into a wide-ranging discussion of things we wish we’d learned sooner, writers whose work we admire, and kindness to our past selves.

    Things we mention in this episode:

    Story Hour



    Macey’s Murderboard episode

    All Our Yesterdays, by Hilary B. Bisenieks

    Quaker Spec Fic issue



    The Iliad and Odyssey, by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson

    Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney and Maria Dahvana Headley

    Grimms’ Fairy Tales

    Lattimore, Fitzgerald, Fagles Homers

    The Aeneid, by Virgil, translated by Robert Fagles

    Paradise Lost, by John Milton

    Translation State and the Imperial Radch trilogy, by Ann Leckie

    The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years, by Shubnum Khan

    Archival Quality, by Ivy Noelle Weir and Steenz

    The Mütter Museum

    Ivy’s episode

    Just Like Home, by Sarah Gailey

    The Death of Jane Lawrence, Last to Leave the Room, Yellow Jessamine, and The Luminous Dead, by Caitlin Starling

    Megan E. O’Keefe

    Megan’s first episode

    Steve Toase

    Amanda Cook

    Jo Miles



    Premee Mohamed

    She Walks in Shadows, edited by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles

    Beneath the Rising, And What Can We Offer You Tonight, The Annual Migration of Clouds, and The Butcher of the Forest, by Premee Mohamed

    System Collapse, by Martha Wells

    Yuletide (fic exchange)

    The Red River of the north

    Lake Agassiz

    Marie Brennan

    Martha Wells

    Ursula Vernon

    Chuck Tingle

    Sarah Gailey

    Hugo Awards thing

    Stoker Awards

    Edenville, by Sam Rebelein

    Camp Damascus, by Chuck Tingle


    Death Note manga, netflix, and anime

    Potato chip eating scene

    Death Note: The Musical

    Laura’s website, bluesky, twitter, insta, mastodon

    Join me next month when I’ll be talking to John Wiswell and Ivy Fox

  • To open this show’s sixth season, it is my total delight to welcome A.D. Sui to talk about her forthcoming novella, The Dragonfly Gambit, available later this year!

    Things we mention in this episode:

    Neon Hemlock Press

    dave ring



    Fix-it fic

    Fanfiction dot net

    Even Though I Knew the End book tour episode


    Carl Engle-Laird

    100th episode

    Jared can’t read vine

    Blue Eye Samurai

    Family Guy

    Rick and Morty

    Anna’s twitter, insta, bluesky, and website

    John Wiswell

    Ursula T. Kingfisher Vernon

  • This time around, to close out season 5 of Tales from the Trunk, I’m thrilled to welcome Jo Miles to talk about the excellent conclusion to their Gifted of Brennex trilogy, Ravenous State!

    Things we mention this episode:Worldcon 76

    Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie

    Ninefox Gambit, by Yoon Ha Lee

    Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin

    Brandon Sanderson

    A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin

    ART and Murderbot from The Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells

    Starling House, by Alix E. Harrow

    System Collapse, by Martha Wells

    Warped State and Dissonant State, by Jo Miles

    Jo’s mailing list, bluesky, insta, and mastodon

  • Today, it’s my pleasure to welcome back to the show Premee Mohamed! We talk about her new novella, The Butcher of the Forest, out February 27th from Tor.com books, and then feed something new to the trunk.

    Things we mention this episode:

    The Fifth Season, by N.K. Jemisin

    Hansel & Gretel

    Annihilation, by Jeff Vandermeer

    Escape from LA

    The Faerie Queene, by Edmund Spenser

    Snake Plissken


    Van Helsing post

    Dracula, by Bram Stoker

    Red Deer Polytechnic

    Thursday Next books, by Jasper Fforde

    The Siege of Burning Grass, The Annual Migration of Clouds, and We Speak Through the Mountain, by Premee Mohamed

    The Rider, The Ride, The Rich Man’s Wife, by Premee Mohamed

    One Message Remains

    “The General’s Turn,” by Premee Mohamed in The Deadlands

    Sean Markey’s episode

    Mysterious Galaxy event with John Wiswell, on February 28th 2024

    Someone you Can Build a Nest In, by John Wiswell

    The Two Doctors Górski, by Isaac Fellman

    The Vanished Birds and The Spear Cuts Through Water, by Simon Jimenez

    Premee’s bluesky, insta, patreon, and website

    Stick around next week, when I’ll be talking to Jo Miles!

  • Once again, it’s time for an awards eligibility roundup! This episode’s transcript appears in full below:

    Hello, and welcome to Tales from the Trunk: Nominating the works that did make it. I’m Hilary B. Bisenieks.

    Listeners, it’s somehow that time of the year again, where awards nominations are upon us, and so I have once again reached out to all the wonderful guests who make this show what it is to round up works they’d like to receive your attention for nominations.

    To begin, Tales from the Trunk is eligible for the Hugo Award for Best Fancast.

    Sarah Gailey, who most recently joined me for our 100th episode retrospective, is eligible for Best Graphic Story for Know Your Station, and for Best Fanzine for their excellent Stone Soup.

    Leigh Harlen, who joined us in August of 2021, is eligible for Best Novella with A Feast for Flies.

    Dee Holloway, who joined us last May, is eligible in various categories. Her eligibility post is linked in the show notes.

    Juliet Kemp, who just joined us most recently a few weeks ago, is eligible for Best Novel with The City Revealed; Best Novella with Song, Stone, Scale, Bone; Best Short Story with “Just As You Are;” and Best Series for The Marek Series. Their eligibility post is linked in the show notes.

    Maya MacGregor, who appeared on the show in April of 2022, is eligible in Best Novel and Best Young Adult Novel categories for The Evolving Truth of Ever-Stronger Will.

    Freya Marske, who appeared here in October of 2021, is eligible for Best Short Story with a version of the very story that she brought to this fine podcast, “One Version of Yourself, At the Speed of Light.” She is also eligible for Best Novel with A Power Unbound and Best Series for The Last Binding.

    Sam J. Miller, who joined us in January of 2022, is eligible for Best Short Story with "If Someone You Love Has Become a Vurdalak."

    Premee Mohamed, who last joined us in the summer of 2021, is eligible for No One Will Come Back For Us in various short story collection categories and for “Imagine Yourself Happy” for Best Short Story. Her eligibility post is linked in the show notes.

    Annalee Newitz, who joined us for a book tour last January is eligible for Best Novel for The Terraformers.

    Aimee Ogden, who joined us twice last year, most recently in August, is eligible for Best Novella for Emergent Properties. Her eligibility post is linked in the show notes.

    Malka Older, who joined us at the start of this season in March of last year, is eligible for Best Novella with The Mimicking of Known Successes and for Best Short Story with both “The Plant and the Purist” and “The Dangers We Choose.”

    C.L. Polk, who last joined us in February of last year, is eligible for Best Novelette with Ivy, Angelica, Bay, which you can read right now on Tor.com.

    Caitlin Starling, who last joined us in October of last year, is eligible for Best Novel with Last to Leave the Room and Best Short Story for “Caver, Continue.” Her eligibility post is linked in the show notes: Twitter | Bluesky

    Steve Toase, who joined us back in April of 2021, is eligible for Best Short Story with “Crumpled.” His eligibility post is linked in the show notes.

    Rem Wigmore, who last joined us in August of 2022, has an eligible novelette, Lightrunner’s Gambit, and a novel, Wolfpack.

    Fran Wilde, who joined us in January of 2021, is eligible for Best Novella for The Book of Gems, Best Short Story for “The Rain Remembers What The Sky Forgets,” and Best Short Story for “No Contingency.” In addition, she would like to recommend From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi, in which “No Contingency” appears, to be considered for anthology and related media categories. Fran, along with Julian Yap, are eligible for Best Editor, Short, for their work at Sunday Morning Transport, which is itself eligible for Best Semiprozine.

    If you’ve made it this far, I’d like to sincerely thank you for listening and nominating over the years. Your support means so much to me and all of my guests.

    Next month, we’re closing season five of this show out with a book tour appearance by Canadian author and definitely not a lorge beetle Premee Mohamed and a trunk reading from Jo Miles. Please note that due to some scheduling conflicts, Premee’s episode will be releasing on February 8th rather than the 1st.

    Also, season 6 is almost upon us! I’m still hammering out guests, so stay tuned to see what amazing authors join me!

    Tales from the Trunk is mixed and produced in beautiful Oakland, California.

    Our theme music is “Paper Wings,” by Lillian Boyd.

    You can support the show on patreon at patreon dot com slash trunkcast. All patrons of the show now get a sticker and logo button, along with show outtakes and other content that can't be found anywhere else.

    You can find the show on Bluesky at trunkcast dot bsky dot social, and I post at hbbisenieks dot bsky dot social.

    If you like the show, consider taking a moment to rate and review us on your preferred podcast platform.

    And remember: don't self-reject.

  • This time around, I’m joined again by the delightful Juliet Kemp, who joins us to talk about their new novella, Song, Stone, Scale, Bone! After a great little reading, we talk about some of the things that are hard to get on page.

    Things mentioned in this episode:

    Josh’s episode

    The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, by Patricia C. Wrede

    A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin

    The Marek series, concluding with The City Revealed, by Juliet Kemp


    Madeleine Sami

    Our Flag Means Death

    The Last Binding trilogy, by Freya Marske

    Freya’s episode

    Juliet’s website, twitter, bluesky, and mastodon

  • Today it is my sincere pleasure to welcome to the show weird little guy and all around splendid human being Josh Storey! Josh reads to us from his trunked novel, The Wolf That Waits at the End of All Things, which leads us into a lively discussion of the novels we wrote a few pages of when we were young, the ways we reuse ideas until they find the right home, and semiotic bullshit.

    Things we mention in this episode:

    Trunkcast’s 100th episode

    Terry Pratchett’s troll counting

    Macey’s murderboard episode on We Make Books

    River of Teeth, by Sarah Gailey

    Sarah Hollowell

    World’s largest frying pan in Iowa

    Jessica Mary Best’s episode

    Machineries of Empire series, by Yoon Ha Lee

    Jasper Fforde

    Zip disk

    Final Fantasy


    The Locked Tomb series, by Tamsyn Muir

    Miri’s episode

    Mary Robinette Kowal

    Rock Lee

    System Collapse book tour

    A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin

    Baffling Magazine


    All Our Yesterdays, by Hilary B. Bisenieks

    Death (Neil Gaiman)

    Friends at the Table


    Brandon Sanderson

    Writing Excuses

    Mary Robinette Kowal’s patreon

    “The Air Gap,” by Hilary B. Bisenieks in Lamplight

    C.C. Finlay


    Mary Robinette Kowal’s MICE


    Be The Serpent

    R.J. Theodore

    Peridot Shift series, by R.J. Theodore


    Gnome Stew

    Misdirected Mark network

    Personal Canons Cookbook

    My macaroni and cheese recipe (and essay)

    Héctor González

    Amal El Mohtar

    Bigolas Dickolas

    This is How You Lose the Time War, by Amal El Mohtar and Max Gladstone

    Trigun Stampede

    Trigun (98)

    SunCoast Video


    Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

    Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi)

    Apocalypse Keys


    Pathfinder 2.5


    Josh’s insta, bluesky, and website

    Urban Phantasy blog

    Premee Mohamed

    Jo Miles

  • Today it’s my great pleasure to welcome publisher of The Deadlands, Sean Markey, to the show! Sean talks us through the inception of the magazine, what it’s like being a publisher, and where both the magazine and his press, Psychopomp, is going next!

    Things we mention in this episode:

    Elise Catherine Tobler

    Laura Blackwell

    Story Hour



    Beth Wodzinski

    Quaker Spec Fic issue

    “Refuse All Their Colors,” by Annalee Flower Horne

    A Voice Calling, by Christopher Barzak

    Martha Wells episode

    Meg Elison

    Maria Haskins

    Vanessa Maki

    Avra Margariti

    A.R. Arthur

    Ancillary Sword, by Ann Leckie

    “The Dead Boy Inside Me,” by Angel Leal


    C.C. Finlay


    Strange Horizons

    Chuck Tingle

    Sarah Gailey


    The Deadlands Patreon

    Psychopomp store

    Diablo 4

    “Ultraviolet,” by Spiritbox (and on Bandcamp)

    “Peristalsis,” by Vajra Chandrasekera

    Rakesfall, by Vajra Chandrasekera

    “The Long Way Up,” by Alix E. Harrow

    “Death is a Diner at 3:00 a.m.” by A.C. Wise

    Psychopomp twitter and bluesky

    The Deadlands twitter and bluesky

    Shimmer’s twitter

  • Today it is my absolute pleasure to welcome to the show none other than Martha Wells! Martha joins us to read from and talk about the newest entry in her Murderbot Diaries series, System Collapse, out November 14th from TorDotCom publishing!

    A transcription of this episode by Kiri from the Murderbot discord is available here

    Things we mention on this episode:

    Hugo Awards

    Nebula Awards

    Locus Awards

    Dragon Awards

    Network Effect, Fugitive Telemetry, and Exit Strategy, by Martha Wells

    Witch King, by Martha Wells

    City of Bones, by Martha Wells

    Jamie Jones

    The Book of Ile-Rien: The Element of Fire & The Death of the Necromancer, by Martha Wells

    Mammoths at the Gates, by Nghi Vo

    Furious Heaven, by Kate Elliott

    Andrea Hairston

    The Water Outlaws, by S.L. Huang

    Aliette de Bodard

    Martha’s website, bluesky, mastodon, and insta

    The Deadlands

    Join us on November 17th, when my guest will be Sean Markey!

  • Hey everyone, Hilary here. Due to a combination of life things and poor planning on my part, there’s no new interview this time around, but I’d like to take this spooky month to highlight a great episode from the backlog with our composer and true horror ghoul, Lillian Boyd.

    A few other things before we get to the episode:

    This show is now on Bluesky at trunkcast.bsky.social, and I’m on there at hbbisenieks.bsky.social. Of the twitter-replacements, Bluesky seems to be the one where most of my writing friends have ended up, so it made sense that the show should find a home there, too.

    Also, a heads up that due to scheduling needs, next month’s book tour with Murderbot author Martha Wells will be coming out on Monday, November 6th, rather than Friday the 3rd.

    Finally, thank you all so much for listening. I always appreciate hearing from fans of the show. Your support and enthusiasm helps continue making this show what it is!

    And now, on with the show!

    It's my absolute delight, this time around, to welcome our very own composer, Lillian Boyd (@herelieslill), onto the show. Lillian reads her short-story-that-should-be-a-novella, "Inside Job" (cw: gore, skip forward 10:15 to avoid) before we just go off on an extended tangent about horror movies, noir, pulp, and being as thoroughly on our bullshit as is possible.

    Things we mention in this episode:

    Rank and Vile

    Tetsuo the Iron Man

    28 Days Later

    My appearance on Rank and Vile

    The Reinvented Detective, edited by Jennifer Brozek and Cat Rambo (2023)

    Raymond Chandler

    Guy Noir: Private Eye

    A Prairie Home Companion

    Nick Danger

    The Firesign Theater

    Clive Barker

    Nightmare Alley

    Guillermo del Toro

    Magic for Liars, by Sarah Gailey

    Nick and Nora

    Humphrey Bogart

    Farewell, My Lovely, by Raymond Chandler

    P. Lovecraft (notable racist)


    Neuromancer, by William Gibson

    Blade Runner

    The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde

    "Panama," by Van Halen

    Terry Pratchett

    Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

    The Discworld

    The Bromeliad

    Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett

    The Long Goodbye, by Raymond Chandler

    Chandler's cat letters

    Guards, Guards! by Terry Pratchett

    Carpe Jugulum, by Terry Pratchett

    Neil Gaiman

    Ichabod Crane

    Michael Kane

    Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

    Sandman, by Neil Gaiman

    "The Book Job," The Simpsons season 23, episode 6

    "Falafelosophy," Arthur season 14, episode 4a

    "Neil Gaiman! What are you doing in my falafel?"

    Alanis Morisette

    Amanda Palmer

    Tori Amos

    Fiona Apple

    "Silent All These Years," by Tori Amos

    Where's Neil When You Need Him?

    The Crüxshadows


    "Mr. Sandman," by The Chordettes

    "Enter Sandman," by Metallica

    Hot Topic

    "Cry Little Sister," by Gerard McMann

    The Lost Boys


    Ego Likeness

    The Velocipastor


    Siouxsie and the Banshees



    "Running Up That Hill," by Placebo

    "Running Up That Hill," by Kate Bush

    Velvet Goldmine

    "20th Century Boy," by Placebo

    "20th Century Boy," by T. Rex

    Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

    Queen of the Damned


    Failure to Adapt

    The baseball scene from Twilight


    Blade 3: Trinity


    House of Wax

    Friends at the Table: Sangfielle

    The VVitch

    Sarah Gailey's appearance on Episode 1 of this very show

    Hailey Piper

    Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy, by Hailey Piper

    Trouble and Her Friends, by Melissa Scott

    The Mountain Goats

    Alien Vs. Predator

    Fireside Quarterly, June-July 2021

    The Rank and Vile list

    Bride of Frankenstein

    And Now the Screaming Starts!

    Candyman II: Farewell to the Flesh

    The Crow: Wicked Prayer




    Lillian's Twitch

    Hair Metal

    "Dream Warriors," by Dokken

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

    The Books of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin

    Charles Vess

    The Farthest Shore, A Wizard of Earthsea, and The Tombs of Atuan, by Ursula K. Le Guin

    Keebio's Iris keyboard

    Bán Dénes, mrzealot


    Ghost in the Shell


    Hako Royal True switches


    Lillian's website, soundcloud, and reedsy

  • In this, the spookiest month, I’m delighted to welcome back to the podcast, Caitlin Starling! Caitlin reads us an excerpt from her terrific forthcoming novel, Last to Leave the Room, coming out October 10th from St. Martin’s Press, which leads us into a great conversation about the potential gaps left in for fanfic authors, among other things.

    Things we mention this episode

    The Death of Jane Lawrence, The Luminous Dead, Yellow Jessamine, and The Oblivion Bride, by Caitlin Starling

    Neon Hemlock

    And What Can We Offer You Tonight, by Premee

    The Crawling Moon, edited by dave ring

    Dracula Daily

    Luminescent Machinations, edited by Rhihannon Rasmussen and dave ring

    Turks (Final Fantasy VII)

    Isaac Fellman

    A Dark Song

    Archival Quality, by Ivy Noelle Weir and Steenz

    The White Road, by Sarah Lotz

    Rotten dot com

    Third man syndrome

    Ernest Shackleton

    The Echo Wife, by Sarah Gailey

    Spiderman pointing

    “Caver Continue,” by Caitlin Starling

    The Queen’s Thief series, by Megan Whalen Turner


    Shirley Jackson

    Caitlin’s website, insta, and bluesky

  • This time around, it’s my pleasure to welcome Sarah Hollowell back to the show! Sarah reads us an excerpt of her new book, What Stalks Among Us, which releases September 12th, and then we fall down a hole of absolute gremlinry.

    Things we mention this episode:

    Sarah’s first episode

    A Dark and Starless Forest, by Sarah Hollowell

    Fast and Furious series

    AEW All In

    Adam Cole and MJF


    Roman Reigns

    RPF (Real Person Fic)

    “The Unreality of Pro Wrestling”

    The Shield (wrestling)

    Dean Ambrose/John Moxley



    Darkness Falls

    Just Like Home, by Sarah Gailey

    The Conjuring series

    The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal

    P-38 Lightning


    The Poppy War trilogy, Babel, and Yellowface, by R.F. Kuang

    The Priory of the Orange Tree and A Day of Fallen Night, by Samantha Shannon

    His Majesty’s Dragon, Spinning Silver, and Uprooted, by Naomi Novik

    Terry Pratchett

    Regular Show, “California King” and “Eggscellent”


    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild

    Oxenfree and Oxenfree II: Lost Signals

    Return of the Obra Din

    Hollow Knight: Silksong

    Hades II


    Animal Crossing

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Sarah’s bluesky, tiktok, insta

    The Nursery Nurse tiktok

    Join us again in two weeks for the 100th episode of Tales from the Trunk!

  • This time around, I’m delighted to introduce you to Jessica Mary Best! Jess and I do something a little different and perform for your listening pleasure part of the pilot episode of her trunked audio drama, Third Wheel! That reading leads us into a great conversation about the different approaches between written prose and writing for audio.

    Things we mention this episode:

    Stars, Hide Your Fires, by Jessica Mary Best

    Chuck Tingle’s episode


    Chekhov’s Gun

    Brandon, Iowa

    All Our Yesterdays, by Hilary B. Bisenieks

    Sufjan Stevens

    Fall Out Boy

    Panic! At the Disco

    Illinois, by Sufjan Stevens

    “They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From the Dead!! Ahhhh!” by Sufjan Stevens

    “I Write Sins Not Tragedies,” by Panic! At The Disco

    “Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off,” by Panic! At The Disco

    “Of All The Gin Joints In All The World,” by Fall Out Boy

    “Stars, hide your fires”

    Tor dot com writeup

    The Strange Case of Starship Iris

    Tom Swifties

    Munch Squad

    Friends at the Table

    Sarah Gailey

    Lillian Boyd

    Welcome to Night Vale


    Keep it Steady


    The Bear

    Phoebe Bridgers



    99% Invisible

    The Allusionist

    Articles of Interest

    Fearless (Taylor’s Version)

    Jess’s website and insta

  • This time around, it’s my delight to welcome back to the show Aimee Ogden (@Aimee_Ogden)! Aimee reads a delightful excerpt of her brand new book, Emergent Properties, available now wherever you buy books, which leads us into some great conversation about the things that made this book, whether or not those things ended up in the final draft.

    Things we mention this episode:

    “The Cold Calculations,” by Aimee Ogden

    The Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells

    Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney

    Aimee’s Clarkesworld interview

    Wallace and Gromit

    Marie Kondo

    “A Half-Remembered World,” by Aimee Ogden

    Translunar Traveler’s Lounge



    Sam Reich

    Game Changer

    Entertainment Community Fund


    Wheel of Fortune

    Dungeons and Drag Queens

    Escape from the Bloodkeep

    Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien

    Matt Mercer

    Erika Ishii

    Robert Reich

    Breaking News (Dropout)

    Brennan Lee Mulligan

    Name That Bird

    Aimee’s website

    Spiders Georg

    Stick around next time when my guest will be Jessica Mary Best