
  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Esther Rollhaus, MD, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -all aspects of reproductive psychiatry

    -the reasons why someone would reach out

    -how meds are used as an adjunct to therapy

    -the many safe and effective treatments that can be used before, during and after pregnancy

    -many of the myths about meds

    More about Esther Rollhaus, MD:

    Dr. Esther Rollhaus is an adult, child, and reproductive psychiatrist in private practice in Riverdale, NY and via telepsychiatry to New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Florida. A graduate of Stern College for Women, Icahn School of Medicine, and Montefiore Medical Center, she has a particular interest in reproductive and perinatal psychiatry. She has presented at national and international conferences on women’s mental health, infertility, and family therapy.

    Connect with Dr. Rollhaus:

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    -Give her a call at (347) 380-5714

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Rachel Daar Cohen joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -a powerful, raw, and deeply emotional story of resilience after a tremendous amount of struggle

    -her struggle with infertility, trauma, grief, addiction, and endometriosis

    -how kindness is so important as we never know what people are really going through

    More about Rachel:

    Rachel Cohen is a firm believer that sharing some of her life experiences and struggles will help other women feel less alone. Preschool special ed teacher by day and writer by night, Rachel is dedicated to shining a light on difficult topics and shattering stigmas through her written and spoken word. Since struggling with endometriosis, infertility and medical trauma for many years, Rachel has become a proud advocate for others with endo and she now works hard to arm women with the accurate information necessary to take control of their own disease and get the proper medical care they deserve. Rachel lives with her husband, two children and dog in Houston, TX.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Chavie Bruk joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -pain and the way it changes over time

    -her and her husband's permanent infertility

    -adopting 5 children at different ages (some as newborns and some later in life)

    -her grieving the loss of a biological child

    -how grief morphs and changes with the passage of time, but how it doesn’t really go away (and that’s okay!)

    -how sitting and immersing yourself in the sadness can actually make it a easier to hold

    -forgiving yourself when there is communal pain on top of personal pain

    -and how it’s pretty impossible to be able to hold both

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Peri Lyman joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -her two amazing daughters

    -one of whom has special needs and the other of a free spirit, loving life

    -her experience getting asked if she’s a grandmother yet and the questions that make her crazy

    -how it feels to be asked insensitive questions

    -what are the kinds of things that should always be off limits

    -the best my way is to approach these kinds of situations

    More about Peri:

    Peri Lyman is the founder of Loaleinu.com, Mom of adult children, friend of the friendless, weirdo sympathizer, offbeat chick living in a mainstream Jewish community with NO grandchildren.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Ricki Steiner joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -her primary infertility journey this far

    -why she decide to start talking openly about her struggles on social media

    -how she feels when people tell her they’re praying for her (with a whole sidebar on her relationship with G-d right now)

    -how she deals with insensitive comments

    -what tools she uses to keep herself afloat

    More about Ricki:

    Ricki Steiner lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and dog Crimson. She currently works in marketing for a fragrance company. Her goal on social media has always been (and will alway be) to make people feel seen and heard, not matter the struggle.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Talia Mizrahi, Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist Certified Grief Educator, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -how to talk to children about grief and loss

    -sharing news in a way that is developmentally appropriate for each child

    -normalizing the greiving process for children by explaining that you may be sad one day and not the next

    -making sure that each child knows that they are not their feelings by explaining that you can feel sad, but you're not a sad person

    More about Talia:

    Talia is trained as an Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and is a Certified Grief Educator. She has a passion for authentic conversations and believes deeply in the power of connection as people share their stories of loss and integration in the context of a caring community. Talia found tremendous comfort in the relationships she built with fellow-grievers in the aftermath of her own loss, and has pivoted professionally to make grief support her primary focus (and love!). She facilitates a grief group for adults under the supervision of grief expert David Kessler, runs an in-person group at a local children's grief center, and educates on grief-informed practice in several arenas. Talia feels it is an honor and privilege to be invited to walk alongside those in grief, and she is humbled to be able to hold space for others at their most vulnerable moments. Talia lives in Cincinnati, and when she is not drinking dark roast coffee or making up silly rhyming songs to amuse her children, she daydreams about curling up on the couch with a good book.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Rabbi Elchanan Poupko joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -his recent piece about the insensitivity in the orthodox community to people who are struggling to have a child

    -his personal story of infertility and the pain he and his wife carried for all those years

    -how their infertility challenges made him a passionate voice for those who are still in the trenches

    -practical takeaways on what you can say and do to ease some of the pain

    More about Rabbi Poupko:

    Rabbi Elchanan Poupko is a writer, a teacher, and a rabbi. Rabbi Poupko has written hundreds of articles in three languages on topics ranging from Jewish law, to current events, and infertility in the Jewish community. He is the host of The Jewish World podcast. He lives with his family in New Haven, Connecticut.

    Connect with Rabbi Poupko:

    -Follow him on Instagram

    -Check out his posts on Threads

    -Watch his videos on YouTube

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    -Read some of his articles; Infertility Lack of Awareness Month, Jewish holiday guide to friends, family of childless people, Fertility: Children Are Not Shawarma, IVF for agunot: A welcome change, A miscarriage never ends at a miscarriage, Your IVF Child Does Not Need ‘Koshering’, Lech Lecha: Infertile Nation, Nothing immoral about IDF IVF, The loneliness of Orthodox infertility

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Rachel Goldberg LMFT, PMH joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -binge and restrictive eating habits and how that can affect fertility

    -the reasons why disordered eating or exercise can cause fertility issues

    -the guilt and shame that go along with this these diagnoses

    -the small changes suggestions people can make to try to get them out of a destructive feeding pattern

    -her thoughts on ozempic and other meds that have been linked to increased fertility success and how that plays a role in someone’s habits

    This article on safe exercises that CAN be done during fertility treatments was also mentioned in this episode.

    More about Rachel:

    Rachel Goldberg is a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Los Angeles, specializing in eating disorders, perinatal mental health, and infertility, with a special focus on third-party reproduction. As a certified perinatal fitness instructor and personal trainer, Rachel's background enriches her approach to navigating body image, disordered eating, and fitness in relation to fertility, pregnancy, and the postpartum period. She is also a regular contributor to various media outlets.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Reva Schlanger Peyser MS, RD, CDN joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -a myriad of issues surrounding fertility in regard to body image and eating disorders

    -how people feel like their body is failing them during the struggle to build a family

    -how people might use eating, nutrition, exercise to try to take back some control

    -rigid behaviors that can be detrimental to helping people find balance with their body

    -practical suggestions on how people can ground themselves, even when things feel so out of control

    More about Reva:

    Reva Schlanger Peyser MS, RD, CDN is a registered dietitian specializing in counseling those who struggle with eating disorders and/or disordered eating. She has experience working in many different eating disorder treatment facilities and is not practicing in the private practice space. Reva’s mission is to help clients heal their relationship with food and body. In her free time, Reva loves to cook and spend quality time with her family including her golden retriever, Daisy. For Reva, life's all about relishing the flavors, both on the plate and in the heart.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Curt Sechrist joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -his fertility journey, with the backdrop of becoming part of the Jewish community

    -his childhood and when he realized that he was gay

    -his experience of being exposed to more of Jewish culture and religion, and how that became an even bigger part of his life when he met his future husband, Adam

    -his decision to convert

    -why they chose to adopt instead of pursuing surrogacy

    -their adoption process and the incredible journey that brought them to their son

    More about Curt:

    Curt is a former Broadway and TV actor turned Jewish professional. He was raised in the UK and spent 15 years working in London before moving to NYC in 2013. He met his husband shortly afterwards and they built their life together before relocating to San Francisco in 2020 where they welcomed their son through open adoption. They moved back to NY in 2022 where most of their friends currently live. Curt is a Jew by Choice and now spends his time thinking about ways to make folks feel welcome in Jewish life and community. Curt and his husband are passionate about telling their adoption story and helping be the example of same sex family building they never had growing up.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -her upbringing, her passion for her job as a community rabbi, and having a stillbirth

    -her baby, Leo, who she lost

    -what grief looks like when your job is to hold people in *their* pain

    -how she has managed to get through all of it

    More about Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman:

    Karen Glazer Perolman is the Senior Associate Rabbi at Temple B’nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, NJ, the congregation she has served since 2008. She studied at the University of Maryland at College Park (2004) followed by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York (M.A.H.L., 2009; Ordination, 2010). While in rabbinical school Karen had the privilege to serve as a teaching assistant to theology professor Rabbi Eugene B. Borowitz, z”l. She sits on the board of Project Kesher and was a member of the CCAR Taskforce on Women in the Rabbinate from 2017-2020. She is a grateful alumnus of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Clergy Leadership Program and CLAL’s Rabbis Without Borders, GLEAN, and LEAP fellowships. Karen is a voracious reader which fuels her passion to understand the relationships between food, spirituality, politics, Judaism, feminism and social justice. She is married to Liz Glazer, a lawyer-turned-standup comedian and are parents to baby Eloise, teenage cat Jack, and Leo, of blessed memory.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Shira Collings joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -her personal experience with recurrent pregnancy loss (4 heartbreaking losses)

    -how navigating grief is hard enough after a loss, as most people don’t truly understand what a grieving person needs

    -the added layers of being part of the queer community, which brings up other ways that people can feel isolated and alone

    -needing to find supports that are LGBTQ+ affirming and grief knowledgeable (almost a unicorn!)

    -the guilt and shame they carry (thinking the loss is their fault because of their lifestyle choices)

    -the judgement they might face from people about family building

    More about Shira:

    Shira Collings, MS, NCC, LPC (she/they) is a psychotherapist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She primarily specializes in eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image, and is especially passionate about providing LGBTQ+-affirming, neurodiversity-affirming, and fat-affirming eating disorder care. Shira’s personal experience with pregnancy loss sparked their passion for supporting those who are struggling to build their families as well.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Rob Reider joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -the stillbirth of his daughter, Lila, in December 2017

    -how he dealt with the grief and overwhelming heartache

    -how he and his his wife, Tehila, got through those early weeks (spoiler alert- they were both a mess)

    -the power of community and finding other men to talk with, who could validate his feelings and let him know he was not alone

    More about Rob:

    Rob Reider is a musician, father, husband, and Executive Director/Co-Founder of SAD DADS CLUB. He currently lives in Falmouth, Maine with his wife, Tehilah, and their rainbow baby, now four-year old son, Dallas. Rob and Tehilah’s daughter and forever firstborn, Lila, was delivered stillborn at 38 weeks. Rob co-founded SAD DADS CLUB alongside Jay (Bella’s dad) and Chris (Izzy’s dad) as a way for fathers to connect and support one another through the unique complexities of infant and child loss from the father’s perspective. The ever-growing community has created a space for men to be vulnerable, expressive, and supportive with one another. As a community, SAD DADS CLUB is working to redefine masculinity and showcase the strength, power, and benefits of being emotionally in touch and expressive in a healthy way. SAD DADS CLUB helps fellow bereaved fathers navigate life after loss by nurturing a supportive community and providing access to mental health services.

    Connect with Rob:

    -Check out the SAD DADS CLUB Website

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, David Melamed joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -his 14-year struggle to have a child

    -his candid and heartfelt discussion of the most painful and challenging moments

    -the sources of strength and upliftment on this journey

    -his courage and emotional depth

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the male psyche and the profound pain of infertility

    More about David:

    David Melamed is originally from Denver and moved back to his hometown about 10 years ago. He runs a search marketing agency with his beautiful wife, Chani. He got married at 28, and now, 14 years later, he still wonders if he was supposed to rub the esrog jelly counter-clockwise, and that’s why the gods are punishing him with this infertility rollercoaster.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Jen Blumenfeld joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -the story of her 3 beautiful children, some of whom came into this world through donor eggs (you'll have to listen to find out which ones!)

    -longing for a child and having multiple failed cycles

    -how Jen and her husband came to considering donor eggs

    -Jen's relationship with her donor, unlike an anonymous donor, Jen knew her donor, which made the decision so much easier for her

    -building her family with the help of science and a modern-day miracle

    -the idea of epigenetics - what comes from your biology, what comes from your environment

    -parenting *all* her children and ensuring they get the love and attention they need

    More about Jen:

    Jen Blumenfeld lives in Oakland, California, with her husband, three daughters, and their energetic 12-year-old doodle puppy. A Bay Area native, Jen has always been deeply engaged in the Jewish community, consistently contributing as a lay leader. From helping establish the Mission Minyan nineteen years ago to serving on membership and outreach committees at her synagogue, and leading parent committees at her children's schools, Jen dedicates her free time to building and nurturing Jewish community. Jen has a background in fashion, retail, and e-commerce. For the past three years, she has been a stay-at-home mom to her three girls. Jen has served on the Hasidah board for the past seven years, where she is passionately committed to normalizing infertility in all its forms and assisting couples in their journey to parenthood. Having experienced the pain of infertility herself, Jen understands the significant financial burdens and socio-emotional challenges it presents. Being a recipient of donor eggs, she deeply believes that helping someone become a parent is the greatest gift one can offer.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Elana Frank, CEO of Jewish Fertility Foundation, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -her own fertility journey - the tale of a woman who will go to any length to build her family

    -doing IUIs in a doctor's home in Israel to turning to IVF back in the States and then choosing a donor embryo for her last child

    -her experience with secondary infertility - the yearning for another child while feeling guilty for not being happy with the two children she already had

    -how she started and grew her organization, Jewish Fertility Foundation, in the midst of her journey

    More about Elana:

    Elana Frank has 20+ years of experience working with nonprofits (Jewish Community Relations Council of NY, Kfar Hassidim Youth Village in Israel, Jewish Fertility Foundation) through fundraising, marketing, community outreach, volunteer recruitment, board development, and program development. After personally experiencing the pain and loneliness of infertility, yet noticing how lucky she was to have had her journey begin in Israel, where it's free, Elana was inspired to help others. Cost, education, and access were tremendous obstacles for this “unspoken” issue in the Jewish community, so she rallied countless like-minded people and created the Jewish Fertility Foundation. She has since received national attention through awards and public speaking engagements for the work that the Jewish Fertility Foundation has accomplished. Elana lives in Atlanta, GA, with her husband, three boys, and their fish “Devil.”

    Connect with Elana:

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Emily Getz joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -how she and her husband had their first child naturally and never expected that it would be difficult trying to build their family

    -her stillbirth and multiple miscarriages, 1 ectopic, 4 rounds of IVF and still no baby

    -the grief, shock, loss and heartbreak that were almost pushed to the side as they pursued every possible step in order to try to have another child

    -the decision of whether to walk away and be done with this part of their lives, try adoption, do IVF one more time or use donor eggs

    -how they came to the realization that using an egg donor was the best chance for a good outcome

    -how Emily wanted to connect with her donor, even beyond her looks an decided using a Jewish donor was the thing that helped her transmit some piece of her to a future baby, even if it wasn’t her genetics

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, neonatologist, Michelle Weissman, MD joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -how she became a single mother by choice...to 4 children

    -how this was never her "plan A" and she didn't even consider becoming a parent until she was in her 30s, with no dating prospects on the horizon

    -the process of how and why she got comfortable with the idea

    -how she broke the news to her parents and their reaction and her entire fertility journey

    -her support system, her community's reaction to her children, and what her kids think about being raised by a single mother

    More about Michelle Weissman, MD:

    Michelle Weissman, MD is a neonatologist in Bergen County, NJ and the proud mother by choice to 4 amazing boys, ages 14, 12 (twins) and 10. Growing up in the modern orthodox community, this path was never “Plan A” for her, but she has been surrounded by a warm and supportive family and community. She shares her story to give hope and strength to those still waiting to build the family of their dreams.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Dr. Eric Surrey, Rabbi Idit Solomon, and Lori Metz, LCSW, CCM, BC-THM join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -the most frequently asked questions about donor conception

    -who considers using a donor

    -how one picks a donor

    -the emotions that people typically grapple with

    -who needs to know that you are using a donor (the egg salad comment was so great here!)

    -how the Jewish community relates to donor-conceived children

    Spoiler alert: Dr. Surrey was the doctor that Rabbi Solomon used for her donor-conceived children, and she talks all about that here. If you are thinking about embarking on a donor journey, or you are already on that road, this is the episode for you.

    More about Dr. Eric Surrey:

    Dr. Eric Surrey is a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist at CCRM Colorado. He is past President of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, Society of Reproductive Surgeons and the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society and currently serves on the Executive Council of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology.

    More about Rabbi Idit Solomon:

    Rabbi Idit Solomon is the founder of Hasidah. Rabbi Solomon earned a Master's Degree in Jewish Education and led the Department of Jewish Education in Columbus, OH. She is also an alumnus of the Rabbis Without Borders program and a member of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality's Clergy Leadership Program.

    More about Lori Metz, LCSW, CCM, BC-THM:

    Lori Metz, LCSW, CCM, BC-THM, is a therapist, author, creator, and host of LIFE, love, insight, fertility, experiences podcast, manages support groups, workshops, and speaks publicly. She has worked in health care for over twenty years in various settings such as hospitals, home care, health insurance, and patient safety oversight organizations, serving an array of communities. Her expertise on mental health, how to process and cope with infertility psychologically and emotionally, pursuing third-party reproduction to build your family, deciding to redefine your vision of family as well as communication skills, relationship strategies, self-care, nurturing, and more. She encourages curiosity and changing your perspective when going through treatment and using gratitude to cope. Her profound understanding of those providing care, needing care, and paying for care has allowed her to develop successful strategic campaigns and programs across the country. She is currently organizing an initiative to add donor conception and adoption to the medical intake process by replacing the category “other” with donor and adoption. The change will improve health outcomes while reducing unnecessary costs.

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  • On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Taliya Corbett joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

    -the story of her daughter, Ora, who was stillborn, after having 4 healthy boys

    -how she was raised as a Muslim, and fell in love with Judaism (and her husband, Ari) and converted at 26

    -dealing with secondary infertility after she had her first

    -how she always wanted to have a girl and the difficult pregnancy with her daughter (she had preeclampsia and Ora was also on the small side)

    -the huge shock that Ora was stillborn

    -the delivery, her grief process and how she tries her best to be the best mother she can to all her children

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