A unique talk that blends Tafseer of the Quran with examples from the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Going on its fourth year, Tafseerah is held every Friday night at 7:00 PM with Imam Azeez.
Tafseerah Surah An-Nahl Part V
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Tafseerah Surah Nuh
Tafseerah Surah An-Nahl Part 1-3 Recap
Tafseerah Surah An-Nahl Part IV
Happy Jumaa! In the third year of Hijra, during the month of Shawwal, the believers in Madina faced their most dangerous threat to date! The Quraysh of Makkah, heavily armed, and bloodthirsty for revenge, arrived at the doorsteps of Madinah giving the outnumbered Muslims only days to prepare. This chapter in our history is filled with pain and tragedy, and yet we can never forget it or leave it behind. Let’s honor our history and explore the lessons of Uhud.
Happy Jumaa! If you were lost in a desert and you stumbled upon a cave, would this cave protect you from wild animals, bugs, rain, from sun and heat? Would it give you shelter and a sense of Aman? With all the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we must have a cave we to take refuge in! What is your source of protection, peace, and tranquility? Where is your cave in this Dunia? Join us at Jumaa today to learn more about the cave in Surat al Kahf.
Happy Jumaa! Allah (swt) commands Rasulullah (saw) to recite the story of Qabeel and Habeel, or Cain and Able, in the Qur’an. In this story we find the first great conflict in human history between two brothers that concludes in the most tragic of ways. As Qabeel murders his own brother, he murders is own spirit. Thousands of years later people continue to play out versions of this same conflict in their own lives turning relationships into catastrophes and lives into tragedies. What we need is Divine guidance on conflict resolution.
When someone engages in unbecoming behavior or sins openly in ways that Allah (swt) has prohibited and then boldly claims “only God can judge me”, what statement are they really making? Even for those of us who seek to live righteous lives, is it really true that we should completely abandon the idea that our reputation among others matters? Does the prophetic tradition endorse this abandonment of maintaining a good reputation? Or is it possible that our reputations mean more to us than we realize?
Happy Jumaa! With every resource at our disposal, every opportunity before us, and a life filled with blessings unimaginable to most humans in history, how could it be that we still may feel that our lives are falling apart? The same mind-boggling phenomenon seems to apply to societies who seem to have had all the might and power to dominate the world, and today all that remains of them is is ruins! What is the missing ingredient that can ensure that the resources we build our lives with will persist?
Happy Jumaa! Ibrahim (pbuh) went against his fatherly instincts and attempted to take the life of his only son, as an act of sacrifice intended to offer Allah (swt) his utmost devotion. But in Ismael’s stead, Allah (swt) called upon Ibrahim to sacrifice a ram. Ever since, offering an Udhiya, or a Qurbani, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, has been a staple in the Sunnah and the beautiful tradition. What are some of the adab, virtues and rulings of offering a sacrifice? And what are the virtues of the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah? Join us today at Jumaa to learn more inshaa’ Allah.
Happy Jumaa! If you want to hear someone say critical and harsh things about Muslims, you probably don’t have to search very far. Some of the meanest things to be said about our brothers and sisters do not come from bigots out there, they come from fellow Muslims. Sometimes the harsh language is disguised as self-assessment, but with no solutions to be offered. Other times it is the expression of a few negative experiences that have completely tainted someones outlook on the world and made them feel hopeless. We’ve spent a lot of energy and attention on addressing Islamophobia when we see it in the media or in politics, and rightly so! But what about the Islamophobic sentiments that exist within our own community?
Happy Jumaa! We’ve experienced the most incredible Ramadan this year and we are still feeling the spiritual energy and rejuvenation from all of our efforts. Yet, as we celebrate our victory, in our peripheries we sense that Shaitan has been let loose upon the earth again and he is targeting the believers in these days. His aim is to topple all that we’ve built in the previous month, but we will not let him, and we have the prophetic recipe to prevent the plotting of iblis and to extend the life of Ramadan through the rest of the year.
The Needy | Harmony, Ramadan 2021 | Episode 26
The Prophet | Harmony, Ramadan 2021 | Episode 19
People | Harmony, Ramadan 2021 | Episode 20
Volunteering | Harmony, Ramadan 2021 | Episode 30
In this final Friday of the month, we continue our exploration of the special acts of worship of Ramadan. Today we investigate the constant partner of prayer, and the twin sister of fasting! Despite this status, it is an act of worship that often goes overlooked and neglected. Today we explore Zakah and the wider category of Sadaqah. We ask Allah to make all of us capable of performing this ’ibadah this Ramadan and for many Ramadans to come.
Work | Harmony, Ramadan 2021 | Episode 28
With the endless distractions of modern life, having a few moments of deep connection with the divine proves to be elusive. In this month of Ramadan, as we investigate the Ramadan acts of worship that grant us the good life, we look today at Itikaaf, this unique devotional act that achieves unity with the Creator and harmony with this presence. What is Itikaaf? How is practiced? How long can I do it? Can it be done throughout the year or just in Ramadan? This and many more questions will be answered this Jumaa inshaa’ Allah.
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