This episode was recorded ahead of the European Men's Leadership Summit and the MANN SEIN gathering in Berlin in June. We discuss the challenges of modern masculinity, fathers, mentorship, the art of seduction, men's groups, the history of men's work, and much more. We will all be attending the gathering on June 17-18 to continue and develop these conversations. If you are interested in hanging out or joining the conversation, then check out the event at https://mannsein.org/en/Robert Glover https://www.drglover.com/Rowan Andrewshttps://www.rowanandrews.com/John Aignerhttps://malevolution.org/en/Alexander Bardhttp://futuricamedia.com/
In this conversation we talk about Urbit, its core philosophy, the technological problems it seeks to address, and its community. We also reflect on Curtis Yarvin's thought, the influence of Jorge Luis Borges on Urbit, and more besides.
Find Jurij on Urbit at ~dilryd-mopreg
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This is the third installment of our series engaging in a chapter by chapter analysis of René Girard's book "Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World", along with Girardian expert and AI professor Thomas Hamelryck. In this episode we dive into Chapter 3 of the book, "The Process of Hominization".Check out Daniel Fraga's book Ontological Design: Subject is Project, available on Amazon now: https://www.amazon.com/Ontological-Design-Subject-Daniel-Fraga/dp/B09VWMV9Y8
And check out the new Technosocial Institute websitehttps://www.technosocialinstitute.co.uk/
In this conversation, Owen Cox speaks to Alexander Bard, Shauheen Etminan and Zachary Adama about psychedelics, shamanism, the state of culture, and the thesis that Mexico, Iran and Peru are the three superpowers of plant medicine. Shauheen Etminanhttps://linktr.ee/shauheenetminanZachary Adamahttps://zacharyadama.com/Alexander Bardhttp://futuricamedia.com/Check out Daniel Fraga's book Ontological Design: Subject is Project, available on Amazon now: https://www.amazon.com/Ontological-Design-Subject-Daniel-Fraga/dp/B09VWMV9Y8And check out the new Technosocial Institute websitehttps://www.technosocialinstitute.co.uk/
Daniel Garner, one half of O.G. Rose, joins us to talk about ethics, Dostoevsky, walking a path between extremes, and much more besides.
Find his work here: https://www.og-rose.com/
Cadell Last and Owen Cox are launching a new project in January in collaboration with Maniphesto, called The Art of Being a Man.
We have both been doing men's work together for some time, as well as exploring questions of contemporary culture and masculinity on our YouTube channels and in other creative work (for instance, Cadell's book Sex, Masculinity, God, coauthored with Daniel Dick and Kevin Orosz). We wanted to create a type of men's work that expresses our shared interest in existential questions, continental philosophy, and Freudian psychoanalysis (and Heavy Metal and Hip Hop music). The idea with the Art of Being a Man was to create a series of workshops to explore elements of the psyche that are often overlooked, ignored, repressed or experienced as "problems to solve". Our intention is to lead a group of men in spending time with these parts of our selves, exploring what they mean, what we can learn from them, how we can draw inspiration and strength from them - in short, to see if we can live more artfully with all parts of our selves, and sublimate the forces that move through us for expression in our creative work.
The topics we will cover in our workshops will be:
Pleasure and Infantile Drives (Kill, Eat, Fuck)
Adult Eroticism and Sexuality
Melancholy and Depression
Love and Community
Creativity and Art
The idea is that we begin with the early beginnings of the psyche, the drives that we are created with, and slowly move through to our own ability to express ourselves and influence the world around us. In addition to the core workshops, there will be a facilitated community platform, optional "homework" exercises and prompts for those who want to go deeper into the material, and optional extra community calls or 1on1 support. The course will begin on Sunday 16th January and run on alternative Sundays through to 8th May. Each workshop will last 5 hours, with an hour break in the middle. They will start at 4pm CET, 3pm GMT, 10am EST. If you're interested, check out the links below,. You can sign up by following the Maniphesto link. And if you have any questions, get in touch with Owen or Cadell!
Cadell Last and Alexander Bard join us to dissect the past two years and think about future projects, antagony buttons and activism. Check out Cadell's new platform for courses and ideas, including courses on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and The Art of Being a Man https://www.philosophyportal.online/
Alexander's latest book
Alexa Vartman is a tantra teacher and the founder of The New Tantra. We discuss all things tantra, androgyny, orgasms, dangers on the spiritual path, and criticisms of The New Tantra.
Maniphesto Media Academy: https://maniphestocore.com/maniphesto-media-academy/
TNT workshops, private sessions & online courses: https://thenewtantra.com
Start practising tantra at home for free: http://21daychallenge.com
Alexa's book: http://50misconceptionsofsex.com
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
John Robb is an author, military analyst, entrepreneur, and writes the monthly Global Guerilla report. In this conversation we discuss new networks of power, conflict and warfare in the information age, the emergence of the tech elite, citizens' data rights, the concept of The Long Night, blockchain and networked consensus building.
The Global Guerillas report: https://www.patreon.com/johnrobb
Maniphesto Media Academy: https://maniphestocore.com/maniphesto-media-academy/
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
Edwin Bywater is an engineer and author. In this conversation, we explore ideas from Edwin's book, different types of ecological consciousness, planetary desire, capitalism and attentionalism, critiques of the environmentalist movement and global power dynamics and networks.
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
The Alexandrian Trinity join us for an epic enquiry into metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics and more. Alexander Ebert is an American singer-songwriter, composer and philosopher. Alexander Elung is a storyteller and philosopher. Alexander Bard is a music producer, TV star and philosopher. In this conversation we touch on emergence vectortTheory, transcendental emergentism, theories of the prima materia of the universe - spacetime, space, hypertime, compression, implicate and explicate orders, habits of nature vs. laws of nature, determinism and transdeterminism, Roger Penrose's physics, ontological design, ethics, the barred absolute, and aesthetics.
Ebert's writing: https://badguru.substack.com/
Bards latest book: https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Libido-Violence-Network-Society/dp/9188869237
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
Jean-Philippe Marceau is an editor of the Symbolic World blog and a YouTuber. His work explores symbolism and uniting religious ideas with scientific thinking. In this conversation, we debate and discuss ways of approaching truth and universality, Christian metaphysics and Hegelian dialectics, freedom and necessity, Christ's resurrection, and religion as pragmatic instrument.
Find J.P here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZzlvx0HHYiPOJTEOU399WA/featured
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Ole Bjerg is an Associate Professor of Philosophy and Economics at Copenhagen Business School and the author of The Meaning of Being A Man. In this conversation we discuss Heidegger and the existential task of becoming a man, "Das Mann" and the new movement of gender moralism, entering into relationship with nature as it expresses in subjectivity, cryptocurrencies and paradigms of money, Being and technology, fatherhood and abortion.
Find Ole: https://www.themeaningofbeingaman.com/
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
Peter Limberg is the founder and steward of The Stoa. Peter is a friend and an earnest, balanced sensemaker in today's chaotic cultural world. As steward of the Stoa, Peter is a respected cultural commentator, having had conversations with a vast and diverse range of powerful and insightful thinkers. He also coined the term "memetic tribes" in his celebrated medium article "Memetic Tribes and Culture War 2.0", and is a practicioner of stoicism. In this free-flowing conversation Limberg tells us about his perspective on the culture wars, on politics, creativity, the internal daemon whose advice he follows, the relationship between parental issues and political inclinations, and the concept of virtue.
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano: http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Thomas Hamelryck is a Lecturer and Researcher at the Bioinformatics Centre at the University of Copenhagen Biocenter. His academic research interests revolve around Machine learning, Bayesian statistics, Protein Structure Prediction, Probabilistic Programming, Deep Learning. In this conversation, we discuss the topics of Mimetic Desire and René Girard, Nietzche, Religion and mass culture, the Internet, the spiritual practices of Tantra, Sutra, and Tribal Dynamics in the Internet age.
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
Paris Cecilia Jayer and Timo Jansen are teachers and practitioners of tantra.
In this conversation we discuss The New Tantra and their workshops, anal and vaginal de-armouring, crossdressing, practicing sex without orgasms, polyamory and jealousy, physical techniques for working with sex, sex education, NoFap, sexual shame, porn and internet culture, playing with masculine and feminine polarities and having confidence when flirting.
Find out more:
TNT workshops, private sessions & online courses: https://thenewtantra.com
Start practising tantra at home for free: http://21daychallenge.com
Book by TNT founder Alexa Vartman: http://50misconceptionsofsex.com
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
Dylan Walker is the original co-founder of Technosocial. He spent 9 months living in the Canadian wilderness during the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. We discuss Dylan's 9 months in the wilderness, technology, agriculture, ideology and civilisation, universal basic income and the Silicon Valley elite, immortality and end of history thinking, history as contraction and expansion, all-encompassing institutions like modern medicine and education, modernity's allergy to suffering, and returning death to consciousness.
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
Raven Connolly is a thinker and facilitator on the Stoa. Cadell Last is a philosopher and YouTuber.
In this episode we explore: hyperstition; the notion of "Late Capitalism", and whether it is still meaningful to speak of capitalist societal structure; the new problems of desire created by sharing economies; using reason to work through the paradoxes of bodies, and reason's limits; what reproduces itself in a post-capitalist culture; dying a good death; defeat and the present historical moment; ego, immortality and original perception; Cadell's notion of the invisible handjob of history; commodity fetishism; creative tension between objects; the impotence of human bodies; love stories and romance, and how they might look in the 21st century; new forms of storytelling; and bringing digital subcultures into the Real.
Find Cadell here: https://cadelllast.com/
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
Brent Cooper is a Political Sociologist, behind the The Abs-Tract Organization (TATO), a Metamodern Think Tank producing political theory and critique. In this podcast we explore critiques of both Ontological Design, as explored in Technosocial by ourselves, as well as of some of the broader ideas around Metamodernism. We speak of critique, of progressivism and about activism - through political action as well as design interventions. Correction: The Centre Pompidou in Paris is not a train station but an arts centre (I swear I didn't mean it on purpose). Additionally, the Dutch artist and architect behind “New Babylon” is Constant Nieuwenhuys.
Find Brent on: https://medium.com/the-abs-tract-organization
Support Technosocial https://www.patreon.com/technosocial
Music by Salvatore Schiano http://www.salvatoreschiano.com/
Also on https://anchor.fm/technosocial
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