As we grow in paying attention to the ways we are hiding we also learn to see how shame shows up in so many parts of our lives.
Recommended resources:
- Course available through Trellis Counselling: Uncovering Shame and Guilt, by CCEF (see also: https://www.ccef.org/curriculum/uncovering-shame-guilt-curriculum/)
- Book by Ed Welch, Shame Interrupted: How God lifts the pain of worthlessness and rejection.
Together we take some time to reflect on what it means to really belong and how we extend that to those who God places in our lives.
Recommended book: Peter Sondergeld, Becoming You.
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Our anxiety can work like an alarm, telling us that something is wrong. What do we do with that anxiety and where do we go? Together we take the time to better understand what to do with our anxiety and how we can grow in bringing our fears to God.
Recommended books:
Ed Welch, A Small Book for the Anxious Heart: Meditations on Fear, Worry, and Trust.
Paul Tautges, Anxiety: Knowing God's Peace.
Ed Welch, Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest.
Recommended books: Jefferson Bethke, To Hell with the Hustle & John Mark Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.
How does God work deep and lasting change in your life? This episode shows what it does and doesn't look like and discusses how we can work, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to see this growth in our lives.
"I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages." - Charles Spurgeon. Why can Spurgeon profess this? Listen and find out.
Recommended reading: Dane Ortlund, Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers. Available at: Pro Ecclesia Bookshop
Kingdom centred rest: what does this mean and how can we live our busy lives while at the same time abiding in Christ and finding rest in God?
Recommended Resources:
- Podcast Episode, Rest, by Alasdair Groves. https://www.ccef.org/podcast/rest/
- Podcast by John Mark Comer & Jefferson Bethke, Fight Hustle, End Hurry. https://open.spotify.com/show/4RVAv8IK4vWARCmRP18f8D?si=a50690ff3b064f89
- Book by Ed Welch, Created to Draw Near.
This episode looks more closely at engaging with our anxieties and learning more specifically what God calls us to do with our emotions.
Resource: Brene Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way we Live, Love, Parent and Lead
Exploring emotions from a biblical perspective and beginning to develop a theology of emotions. Part 2.
Recommended Resources:
CCEF, Alisdair Groves'Negative Emotions Part 1 & 2' - https://www.ccef.org/podcast/negative-emotions/ (Part 1); https://www.ccef.org/podcast/negative-emotions-part-2/ (Part 2)
Book: Untangling Emotions: by Alisdair Groves and Winston T Smith
Exploring emotions from a Biblical perspective and beginning to develop a theology of emotions.
God has created us to need him and to need each other.
Recommended resource: Ed Welch, Side by Side. Available at Pro Ecclesia Bookshop
Christmas time can often be busy and filled with family, excitement, or even loneliness. This episode focuses on the peace that God gives in Christ which is in the Christmas message: "Peace on Earth"
Book recommended in this episode: 'The Hardest Peace' by Kara Tippetts. Available at: Pro Ecclesia Bookshop
Encouraging someone is more than platitudes or comforting words. It is also bringing the hope of Christ and the gospel to bear on their situation. Together we will explore what wise, gospel-centred conversations look like.
Resource referred to in this episode: Mike Emlet, Saints, Sufferers and Sinners. Available at: Pro Ecclesia Bookshop.
It's so easy to rush in and try to help someone, but sometimes there is much more value in giving space so they can share what is going on.
Resources referred to in this episode: Growing Together program by CCEF, delivered by Trellis Counselling, and Ed Welch, Side by Side.
Available at: Pro Ecclesia Bookshop.
What does it mean to care for each other as God has commanded us to? Together we will start to look at the commands of scripture about loving one another.
Book referred to in this episode: Bob Kelleman, Biblical Counseling in the Church.
Available at: https://reformers.com.au/