
  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers Podcast. Chris, David, Russell and Simon talk about one of the big buzzwords in the industry at present being the term of Quality Engineering, what it means, how it differentiates from "Testing" and what it means for the future.

    For the banter, Russell asks us all what our favourite pizza toppings are, unsurprisingly there is talk of "it depends", and pretty much every topping is mentioned from the peers.

    We start by talking about what Quality Engineering is and whether there is such a role of a Quality Engineer. This takes us on a slight rabbit hole around job titles.

    Is there more to Quality Engineering than just Testing being re-branded? Does it offer more around holistic quality?

    A couple of mentions were made during the episode.

    The Quality Engineering Charter which has been launched in 2024Jit Gosai's Quality Engineering Newsletter

    Where do you sit on the discipline of Quality Engineering?

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    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Hello friends, thank you for joining us for the latest episode of the Testing Peers podcast.

    This time, join Russell, David, Chris & Dermot as we discuss Presentations.

    Before diving into the main event, Chris asks the group to go back in time to when they first travelled for work. Our thoughts and experiences of that, and how that will have changed over our careers.

    As the Peers move on, we discuss different presentation styles, contexts, tools and 'weapons of choice' - hello PowerPoint my old friend.

    Talking about slides, we discuss context, notes, ALL OF THE TEXT, PowerPoint as documentation and more.

    Dermot talks about the value of audience consideration and the concept of multi-sensory learning [https://www.twinkl.co.uk/teaching-wiki/multisensory-learning#:~:text=Multisensory%20learning%20is%20all%20about,gustatory%2C%20olfactory%2C%20proprioceptiveorvestibular%20senses.]

    The Peers talk about changing styles over time, thinking on our feet and preparing for the worst.

    The team discuss the value of setting expectations for interactivity and engagement, the power of good facilitation, allies and such.

    Finally, what is the purpose of the presentation? Has that come across? Did we receive feedback?

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    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to episode 108 of the Testing Peers podcast.

    This time, join Russell, David, Callum & Dermot as they talk requirements, emergent ones at that!

    Before diving into the main event, Dermot kicks the Peers off with a conversation around fandom and eras, initially with Dr. Who.

    Moving on, the group discuss what emergent requirements are.

    Undocumented, not (yet) asked for, potential unknown complexity, not refined, just an idea.

    The team talk about maturity, the need to sometimes be comfortable with not knowing all up-front.

    What does testing look like in this world?

    Are there trends we have seen, traps, lessons learned?

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers. Chris, David and Russell are joined by Bruce for this one to discuss the topic of "Square Peg, Round Hole" and how we sometimes may not always feel like we or some tools fit and how we can address those challenges.

    Bruce starts with the banter and asks everyone what gets them up in the morning, everything from running, coffee and children are mentioned as things that get us started every day.

    Chris starts off the topic by asking about using the wrong tools for the job, the peers dive into looking at overengineering or under-engineering, automation tools, traceability matrices and also how our systems can sometimes be used in a way that wasn't intended.

    Where have you experienced Square Pegs in Round Holes?

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers. On this episode, Simon, Chris, David and Russell look back at the huge success that was the first Testing Peers Conference held in Nottingham on 14th March.

    Before diving into it, David leads the banter and asks the peers about the most retro thing we all own and the Peers all reminisce with all things tech, cars and movies.

    With the main retrospective, the Peers divide the conversation into 4 main sections using our MetroRetro board - including the topics of "what should we start doing", "What should we stop doing", "What should we keep doing?" and the "hopes for the future".

    So many people and organisations to thank that helped make PeersCon happen such as the venue, the Trent Conference Centre. Our sponsors, NTT Data, nFocus Testing, IntelliQA, Medtronic and Cambridge Consultants. Our speakers, our VolunPeers and our audience for attending. It really means a lot to us all.

    The good news is we will be back next year, book the date of 13th March at the same place in Nottingham in 2025. More details to come but you can get tickets here: https://testingpeerscon.com

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers podcast. Simon, David, Chris and Sam spend some time discussing the topic of linguistic gatekeeping and how sometimes our language can exclude people from conversations

    Chris starts us off with the banter topic of our experiences of "I Told You So" moments, after discussing several scenarios from our childhood, with everything from beach balls in the sea to broken bones as the outcome, it seems we have definitely learned the hard way.

    The key to this discussion is certainly that language and how we use it can be power. Within the world of software, there are lots of examples where we have used language as a way to block progress in the conversation, whether this is down to deliberately trying to exclude others by going into too lower level of detail or using politics to prove a point.

    Where have you come across this kind of gatekeeping and how did you overcome it?

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to episode 104 of the Testing Peers podcast.

    This time around we have a special trio of Callum Akehurst-Ryan, Russell Craxford & Ben Dowen, as the Peers talk about owning your career.

    Callum starts us off with important banter on snackage, before we head into sharing our own career stories and discussing what owning your career means along with our own challenges and some words of wisdom.

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers podcast. Beth Marshall joins Chris, David and Russell to discuss the topic of saying no.

    Chris starts with the banter, asking the peers which films they have turned off or left the cinema because they were rubbish, various films mentioned, although the northerners on the recording seem to never walk out on anything.

    On the main topic, the discussion around what we've said no to in the work/community environment, from not doing talks or taking on too much extra curricular activities and putting yourself first. Getting overwhelmed is never a good thing to allow happen too often and knowing your limits should be seen as a positive.

    The key message here is that it is OK to not say yes to everything asked of you. What can you say no to, to protect your mental health or wellbeing?

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on L

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  • Welcome to episode 102 of the Testing Peers podcast.

    This time around join Tara Walton, Chris Armstrong, Russell Craxford & David Maynard, as the Peers talk about measuring.

    On the week of our first #PeersCon event, Tara breaks the ice, asking us our favourite and least favourite parts of conferences.

    Then we dive in.

    The team discussed the traps of bad metrics, gamification, toxic culture and talk about the importance of value and relevancy in what we report on with a few tales from Chris (as per usual).

    We do share other tips and tricks, Russell mentions DORA metrics.

    What struggles have you had with metrics? Better yet, what success stories have you had?

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • In this episode Rich Bradshaw, Simon, David and Chris talk all things automation.

    Banter this week is brought to by Rich as we discover TK Maxx is the perfect way to explain exploratory testing.

    We dive into our first experiences of automation, going back a while, talking about different tools, tech debt and the frustration. We talk about the joys of source control.

    We talk about going full circles from automation to aid us to focusing on the UI automation then end to end testing then back to using automation to help make life easier again. We ponder is automation about making testing more effective, and quality better or saving money?

    Discussions move on to talk about creating automation tests and understanding the risks to decide what to test and how both are now common requirements in testers.

    We would love for you to join us and be a part of our first-ever conference, Testing Peers Conference #PeersCon - we are looking for "VolunPeers" to help make this event a success if you want to help, please apply here: testingpeerscon.com/volunpeer/

    Tickets are available here: testingpeerscon.com/ticket/

    [email protected]

    Twitter (https://twitter.com/testingpeers)

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Testing Peers podcast has reached 100 episodes!

    Beth Marshall (10 episodes), chairs this special look back and forward episode, joined by Simon Prior (78 episodes), Russell Craxford (88), Chris Armstrong (93) and David Maynard (96).

    Beth skillfully guides the conversation to talk about the podcast and beyond, what are we most proud of?

    A few little peeks behind the curtain, including some insight into how long the editors typically take per episode. Many thanks to you David and Russell <3

    The Peers talk about successes and failures, which leads to us discussing tips for those who want to create their content.

    The group then close by looking forward to March 14th 2024, with the inaugural Testing Peers Conference.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey so far, please continue to provide feedback, we only improve thanks to you.

    Finally, to all our co-hosts and episode contributors......in addition to the five in this episode, we have another 21 wonderful humans joining us to date:

    Dave Shorter, Bruce Hughes, Shey Crompton, Steve Watson, Ugne Livinaite, Dan Ashby, Steven Warburton, Emna Ayadi, Neil Studd, Heather Reid, Vernon Richards, Sam Nitsche, Tara Walton, Beth Clarke, Callum Akehurst-Ryan, Dermot Canniffe, Beren van Daele, Sanne Visser, Lena Nyström, Ben Dowen & Jon Richardson.

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • One away from the big 100, what better way to celebrate than talking about our experience with failures? Simon, Chris, Russell and David share stories of failures from their careers and what they have learned from them.

    Before diving into the main topic, Chris leads the banter and asks the Peers about their failures when it comes to computer games, which ones did they really suck at? :) Sports games seems to be the main theme here.

    The peers cover a lot of ground on the topic of failures, but the biggest common ground is definitely the need to learn from them and not repeat the same failures again.

    What failures have you learned most from in your career?

    Flipping that and looking at future successes, we would love for you to join us and be a part of our first-ever conference, Testing Peers Conference #PeersCon - we are looking for "VolunPeers" to help make this event a success if you want to help, please apply here: testingpeerscon.com/volunpeer/

    We would love to partner with companies for sponsorship of the conference too: testingpeerscon.com/partners

    Tickets are available here: testingpeerscon.com/ticket/

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers podcast. On this episode, Chris, Russell and David are joined by a new guest, Jon Robinson. The topic they all discussed was the wonders (or lack of wonder) around Meetings.

    Jon leads the banter and asked everyone for their weirdest/craziest meetings, this covers everything from awkward situations, to lack of context, to managers taking over and sending meetings in different directions.

    Russell asks the peers for their favourite meetings, this covers everything from the casual manager meeting who puts the "quick chat" type meeting into the calendar to the productive meetings that have the clearest agenda and a definite outcome.

    General meeting etiquette and how we improve a meeting culture going forward and tips for discussions that aren't right for meetings (and an email or a quick message would suffice).

    What are your thoughts on meetings? Do you have a favourite type? let us know!

    In the spirit of collaboration, we would love for you to join us and be a part of our first-ever conference, Testing Peers Conference #PeersCon - we are looking for "VolunPeers" to help make this event a success if you want to help, please apply here: testingpeerscon.com/volunpeer/

    We would love to partner with companies for sponsorship of the conference too: testingpeerscon.com/partners

    Tickets are available here: testingpeerscon.com/ticket/

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Happy New Year from the Testing Peers!

    In this episode, the FullSnackTester, Ben Dowen joins Russell, David and Chris as we talk collaboration.

    Before the main event, Ben asks the group about resolutions, where the group talk about reading, fitness, cooking, answering conference calls for papers and our own conference #PeersCon, coming March 14th 2024 in Nottingham, more information can be found at testingpeerscon.com

    Ben starts the group off by talking about collaboration at work, from pairing to ensembling. Working in small and big groups, on something at the same time.

    We discuss the myth of inefficiency around collaboration, tips for creating safe spaces, routines, accountability and more.

    The value of including cross-functional colleagues in collaboration activities, the aim of a shared purpose and learning together is touched upon.

    The Peers discuss how collaboration enables responsibility, empowers and enables ownership.

    We also discuss what can get in the way of successful collaboration, from conflicting priorities and office politics to individual goals getting in the way.

    There is an understanding that we all make mistakes, but we can learn from them, iterate and always look for ways to continuously improve. We talk about training and awareness, and how to sell upwards.

    We talk about how collaboration can give a voice and more inclusion to functions in teams that are often marginalised in a culture that is often built around development efficiency.

    It was a really fun discussion, we hope you enjoyed it and would love to hear how you collaborate at work.

    In the spirit of collaboration, we would love for you to join us and be a part of our first-ever conference, Testing Peers Conference #PeersCon - we are looking for "VolunPeers" to help make this event a success if you want to help, please apply here: testingpeerscon.com/volunpeer/

    Tickets are available here: testingpeerscon.com/ticket/

    We wish you the happiest of new years, from all of us here at Peers HQ.

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Merry Christmas, season's greetings and happy holidays from the Testing Peers!

    Welcome to our fourth annual festive episode.

    Steve Watson, Tara Walton, Lena Nyström & Dermot Canniffe join Chris, Russell, David and (eventually) Simon as we engage in Would Heu-risk it? at this time of the year.

    Before we dive into the main event, Russell asks the Peers our favourite thing at Christmastime:- anything from food, family, old movies, presents and time off.

    We then kick-off with Would Heu-Risk it? a card deck and book, born from gamifying risk workshops.

    The group bring their festive problems to Lena, she then draws three WHRI cards (a la fortune teller / tarot) and we discuss what the cards can tell us.

    The group bring problems from exploratory testing, organising a conference (hello #PeersCon), team availability, budgets, communication, annual reviews, change and WIP limits.

    The pod closes out with the group giving a little end of year festive message to you all.

    Thank you for listening!

    The Testing Peers Conference will happen on 14th March 2024 in Nottingham, if you want to be part of it, check out the site and we are looking for speakers, sponsors and VolunPeers.

    Check out the site and get involved: https://testingpeerscon.com

    [email protected]

    Twitter (https://twitter.com/testingpeers)

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Thank you for joining the Testing Peers for another episode. On this one, Chris, David, Simon and Russell discuss the role of the manager and whether we still need them.

    Before jumping in, David asks the peers what things they can't live without, we have answers from people, the internet, books and coffee machines.

    Simon starts the main conversation of whether we could live without managers. Of course, context is key here, every company is different and the needs for a Test Manager or manager in general can be varied. Has the role evolved? Have companies and people evolved with it?

    Simon mentions a blog post he wrote a few years ago and that a lot of what was written then, is still relevant now.

    Has the role changed? What do you think?

    The Testing Peers Conference will happen on 14th March 2024 in Nottingham, if you want to be part of it, check out the site and we are looking for speakers, sponsors and VolunPeers.

    Check out the site and get involved: https://testingpeerscon.com

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers podcast.

    This time, join Chris, David, Vernon and Russell as they discuss the topic of 'being not doing', the theme for the Testing Peers Conference #PeersCon, on March 14th 2024.


    After breaks the ice asking us 'where is your favourite place to be?' we jump into what we mean with being not doing.

    The conversation opens with Chris talking about 'being agile, rather than just doing agile', 'being a tester, rather than just doing testing'.

    The Peers delve further into the topic with many questions to better define it covering intrinsic motivations, what defines you, what is transactional.

    We look at how tiring it can to 'be all in' very often, the challenges in leadership around this area.

    How this may be represented in our day to day and how can we move from doing to being? Is it more conscious?

    Take a listen and let us know what you think. What does being mean to you? Do you have an idea around this theme to answer the call to contribute to #PeersCon? Would you like to be a 'VolunPeer'?

    Check out the site and get involved: https://testingpeerscon.com/programme/

    [email protected]

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers. The Awesome foursome back together again with the topic of fighting fires and some of the additional effort that is needed when it is all hitting the fan.

    Chris starts off the banter with asking us about memes we may use in the workplace, we have everything from Homer Simpson, Bryan Danielson, Barney Stinson and Mr Bean.

    We then dive into the main topic and Chris kicks us off with an story of his time testing games with the bugs not being prioritised and issues being left unfixed. Russell talks about a time when the release date was before the time testing was due to finish. Simon then covers examples of defects found in production and the varying ways in which these can be approached. David mentions an example when a Senior leader highlighted a bug which immediately caused a panic even though it ends up being human error.

    The Peers then go on to talk about how to work through the fires without causing panic and getting better collaboration at all times.

    Russell refers to Heather Reid's Testbash 2023 talk - https://www.ministryoftesting.com/testbash-talks/9a60cbd8

    What fires have you had to put out recently? How did you do it? Get in touch and tell us your stories.

    [email protected]

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    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to the latest edition of the Testing Peers podcast. This time, David and Chris are joined by Dermot and also brand new host Sanne. The peers are talking about first impressions and how reputations can sometimes proceed you.

    Sanne starts the conversation off with a great question of "what do you friends know you best for?", for any of you that know the peers, what do you think of when you think of them?

    Once on to the main topic, the conversation starts with Sanne's thoughts on first impressions when joining a project/team looking at reputation that proceeds you, whether that be from external opinion based on social media presence or internal good work. Sometimes the reputation from external factors can impact expectations from day one, so it can sometimes be key to ensure people aren't making unrealistic assumptions.

    What experience have you had with others first impression of you? And have you any stories of where you have got first impressions wrong of someone?

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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers, this week David, Beth, Chris and Russell. This week we focus on flow work

    Russell is on banter duty this week and we start with what gets us singing along to songs, it seems it doesn't take much to get us singing.

    How do you get into a flow state?

    Beth introduces the topic and David starts us off with a mention of the Pomodoro Technique. Chris talks about the different parts of focus with the book Learning How to Learn: How to Succeed in School Without Spending All Your Time Studying by Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski.

    We then move on to talk about habit and finding the time to flow and tips and tricks. We look at writing notes, journaling and splurge journals so you can focus and put thoughts aside for later. Discussions move on to managing time and the variety of ways individuals find flow and how it depends on many factors.

    If you have any tips, tricks, ideas or thoughts on flow, please let us know by getting in touch.

    [email protected]
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    We’re also now on GoodPods, check it out via the mobile app stores

    If you like what we do and are able to, please visit our Patreon to explore how you could support us going forwards: https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

    Saffron QA is a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry.

    You can find out more at https://saffronqa.co.uk/ or on LinkedIn

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