
  • Have you ever wondered what it truly means to live a soul-driven life? In this episode, join me and my son, Blake Chalfant, as we dive into the world of soul alignment, self-discovery, and embracing your unique path. We'll explore the ancient wisdom of indigenous cultures, the power of rites of passage, and how modern societal pressures often lead us away from our true essence.

    Together, Blake and I address the global mental health crisis, discussing the critical link between emotional and physical well-being. We'll share how aligning with your soul's purpose can bring profound peace and fulfillment. Learn to interpret life's signals and navigate various forms of resistance to foster a more meaningful existence.

    We also touch on the balance of masculine and feminine energies within us, the importance of creating spaces for voicing needs, and the role of parents in nurturing their children's unique paths. Whether you're seeking to reconnect with your soul's purpose or find inspiration to live authentically, this episode provides nuggets of wisdom.

    In this episode, you will hear: Exploring self-discovery and finding one's unique life path. Discussing the global mental health crisis and the link between emotional and physical well-being. The importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies within individuals and society. Creating space for individuals to voice their needs and the role of parents in supporting children's unique paths. Nurturing self-trust and aliveness in children through diverse experiences and positive male role models. Reigniting passion and finding purpose, especially in the mid to later stages of life. The power of rites of passage and indigenous wisdom in uncovering true essence.

    Blake Chalfant Website


    The Human Experience Podcast


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  • What happens when we cross over to the other side? In this episode, spiritual medium and healer Kristen Numen shares her near-death experience, detailing her vivid encounters with the afterlife.

    Join us as we uncover Kristen's emotionally charged journey into what many describe as heaven, offering comfort and understanding to those curious about the afterlife and the spiritual realm.

    Kristen recounts her life review, where she saw the ripple effect of her actions on others and experienced a moving reunion with her spiritual family. Her miraculous return to life, the sheer joy of waking up in the hospital, and the subsequent challenges of memory recovery are shared and will leave your mind racing.

    This leads to exploring themes of self-love, personal growth, and overcoming life's challenges. Kristen's opinions on intentional thinking, the law of attraction, and the beauty of being true to oneself are deeply inspiring.

    In this episode, you will hear: A vivid recount of Kristinā€™s crossing over and experiences such as visiting the Akashic Records. Themes of self-love, intentional thinking, and embracing one's authentic self. A discussion on planning lifetimes, reuniting with spiritual family, and the role of divine beings. About overcoming life's obstacles, the significance of self-awareness, and channeling messages from divine beings. An emphasis on gratitude, living in the present, and the power of spirituality in personal growth. The power of mind, body, and spirit interconnectedness through near-death and spiritual experiences. MORE ADULT CHAIR

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  • In this episode, weā€™re having a conversation with the inspiring Elyse Archer, founder of Super Human Selling. This isn't your everyday chat; we're peeling back the layers to uncover the raw and real magic of embracing your authentic gifts. Forget chasing someone else's dream ā€“ it's all about shining in your unique light, and Elyse is here to show us how.

    Elyse takes us on her personal journey, swapping the relentless pursuit of external success for a life rich with genuine talent and passion. It's about getting real with yourself and recognizing those innate strengths that make you, well, you.

    We tackle the often tricky task of accepting compliments and owning our talents without an ounce of guilt. We also chat about facing fears, embracing change, and the exhilarating journey towards a life that resonates with your truest self.

    Feeling stuck or blocked creatively? We dissect the difference between ego-driven and soul-inspired ideas and share strategies to navigate inspiration and overcome those pesky mental roadblocks.

    This isn't just about tapping into your gifts; it's a journey to living a life that's undeniably yours. If you're ready to unlock your potential and live out loud, this is your sign. Hit play, and let's get this transformation party started!

    In this episode, you will hear: The journey from external success to aligning with authentic talents and passions. Creative pursuits as a path to personal and professional fulfillment and success. Overcoming societal pressures and learning to receive compliments and recognize personal talents authentically. Embracing discomfort and initiations for self-discovery and personal growth. Shifting mindset and self-worth to break through financial limitations and achieve greater income. Differentiating between ego-driven and soul-inspired ideas.

    Resources from this Episode

    www.elysearcher.com/moneymindsetlive https://elysearcher.com/4quadrants/ MORE ADULT CHAIR

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  • Hey everyone, today we're hanging out with Dr. Katie Deming, an oncologist with a whole new take on cancer care. Forget the usual clinical jargon ā€“ we're going deep into the world of conscious medicine.

    Dr. Deming has this incredible story about how she moved from traditional to integrative oncology, bringing a holistic approach to well-being into her practice. We chat about how crucial things like diet, grounding, sunlight, and emotional work are in fighting cancer. If you're up for a chat about aligning your emotional, mental, and spiritual health to face illness, you're in the right place.

    We also touch on the stresses of daily life and how to avoid them. Dr. Deming gives some tips like wearing blue blocker glasses and using grounding pads to improve your well-being.

    Lastly, we chat about handling emotions during treatment and the importance of having the right people in your corner. Dr. Deming shares some powerful stories about visualization, the power of mindful communication in healthcare, and more.

    This isn't just for people affected by cancer but anyone looking for a more conscious approach to health and life. So, if you're interested in a fresh look at medicine that puts patient independence and holistic healing front and center, give this a listen.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    Dr. Katie Deming's journey from traditional oncology to advocating for integrative and conscious medicine.

    How holistic well-being, including emotional, mental, and spiritual health, helps with cancer prevention and recovery.

    Strategies to mitigate stress from modern living and boost mental health.

    The role of emotional management, supportive environments, and empowering communication during cancer treatment.

    Rethinking healthcare to prioritize patient independence and self-reliance in the healing journey.

    Resources from this Episode

    Katieā€™s website: katiedeming.com


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  • In episode 408, I explore the transformative world of healing ancestral trauma, limiting beliefs, and patterns with the incredible Alyse Bacine. Alyse is a spiritual mentor and breathwork practitioner whose journey into the realms of deep healing and spiritual growth is both inspiring and profound.

    She shares her profound insights on recognizing and dealing with trauma, understanding childhood wounds, and connecting with one's higher self through breathwork.

    Listen to discover:

    Why addressing trauma isnā€™t about actively seeking it out but rather dealing with it as it presents itself in your life. How triggers, especially within relationships, are opportunities for healing and growth. The importance of understanding your birth story and early experiences to uncover core beliefs and childhood wounds. Practical breathwork tips including a demonstration. Insights into the fears women face and how to overcome these fears by following intuition and understanding trauma. Felt called to start business, thrived despite COVID. Embracing soul alignment, following your heart. Overcoming fear of judgment and loss. Taking steps forward, overcoming fear, feeling momentum. Ancestral and familial trauma affect energetic imprints. Recreating childhood trauma in romantic relationships for healing. Recognize triggers as opportunities for growth. Impact of early relationships on adult dynamics. Reconnect by understanding, shifting energy, and contributing. Partners should grow, see each other's potential. Creating intentional breath work for healing and guidance. Find rhythm, body breathes, just go. Healing mother wounds impacts relationship with money. Breathwork clears blocks and enhances intuition. Receiving wisdom through breath work for clarity. To reduce dizziness, slow down and breathe. Promoting Instagram, podcast, Facebook, website, freebie.


    https://wwww.aquatru.com Promo code: Adultchair for 20% off

    Alyse Bacine Website: https://www.alysebreathes.com/

    Download Alyseā€™s free resource, The Metamorphosis Method: 5 Ways to use Breathwork: https://alyse.myflodesk.com/5waystousebreathwork

    The Adult ChairĀ® Website: https://theadultchair.com

    Download the 5 Myths Keeping You Disconnected From Your Partner: https://courses.theadultchair.com/myths

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMichelleChalfant/

    The Adult ChairĀ® Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theadultchair/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Michellechalfant

  • Did you know that your physical health directly impacts your emotional state ā€” and vice versa?

    Think about it: when youā€™re not in a good place emotionally, how does your body feel? Full of aches and pains, stomach issues, or other not-so-comfortable symptoms?

    In todayā€™s episode, Dr. Tom O'Bryan, an internationally recognized speaker on food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and the development of autoimmune diseases, joins me to discuss the intricate link between physical and emotional health.

    You may be surprised to know that everyday substances like gluten in modified food, toxins in the environment, and even electromagnetic waves can trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation and a range of health issues, including serious conditions like Alzheimerā€™s.

    Dr. Tom shares startling insights into how certain foods, especially those altered chemically to enhance taste, can adversely affect our bodyā€™s defense mechanisms and even lead to addiction. We'll also explore the crucial differences in the prevalence of chemicals allowed in food and household products across different regions, like the US and the European Union.

    Of course, we also talk about small lifestyle adjustments that you can do right now to dramatically improve your health, such as opting for glass Tupperware or incorporating more organic products into your diet.

    Listen to discover:

    The link between emotional and physical health.

    How unresolved emotional issues can manifest physically.

    Why inflammation is at the core of most health issues.

    The significant impact of our diet on our health, focusing on common culprits like gluten.

    Why small lifestyle changes can make massive impacts on your overall health.

    Listen to continue your wellness journey with us and understand how to take charge of your health in todayā€™s complex world.

    Quotes to Remember:

    "If thereā€™s any area that people donā€™t want to talk about, itā€™s their emotions. And anytime I have a patient that says, ā€˜Iā€™ve been everywhere, and Iā€™ve tried everything, and Iā€™m still not better,ā€™ it almost always is emotional baggage thatā€™s buried so deep, they donā€™t know itā€™s there." - Tom

    "Weā€™re born and raised in this world to think that when you have a symptom, you take whatever they tell you to take, and the symptom goes away. Now youā€™re healthy. No, you're not. You didnā€™t have a deficiency of the medicine." - Tom

    "So many people are walking around with trauma, and they donā€™t know it; itā€™s either they havenā€™t touched it, they havenā€™t looked at it, or theyā€™re walking around with anger, theyā€™re walking around with unprocessed grief, sadness, whatever it might be. And itā€™s contributing physically." - Michelle

    Connecting with Dr. Tom O'Bryan:

    For those looking to dive deeper into the relationship between chronic inflammation and various health disorders, explore Dr. O'Bryan's resources. His insights into the effects of diet and environment on health are transformative and can be explored further through his published works and his website.

    As we wrap up this enlightening discussion, consider how your own physical health could be influencing your emotional well-being. Remember, itā€™s not just about treating symptoms but addressing the root causes that intertwine our mental and physical states. And if youā€™d like to join Dr. Tom Oā€™Bryanā€™s upcoming summit, just click here.


    Dr. Tom Oā€™Bryan Website


    The Inflammation Equation Summit


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    Dr. Tom Oā€™Bryan YouTube




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  • Todayā€™s episode was inspired by a conversation with a dear friend who was seeking relationship advice.

    The truth is that many relationships face similar challenges ā€” even relationships that arenā€™t romantic.

    As I explained the significance of self-awareness in her relationship, the role of her childhood wounds in shaping her interactions, and how to effectively repair and improve the communication in her relationship, I realized that the conversation was something everyone could benefit from.

    If you would like to start improving your relationship today, stop what youā€™re doing and listen to this weekā€™s episode.

    In this episode, I share the three strategies you can use to improve your relationship:

    Self-reflection and ownership

    Healthy communication

    Effective repair strategies

    I also include actionable tips centered on understanding yourself better to improve the dynamics of your interactions with others.

    Listen to discover:

    The importance of self-awareness in relationships

    How your childhood impacts your relationships

    The power of direct questions in communication

    Techniques for expressing needs and wants effectively to partners.

    What ā€œstonewallingā€ is and how it affects your relationships

    How to manage your and your partnerā€™s emotional needs

    If your relationship isnā€™t as healthy as youā€™d like it to be, the tips and strategies in this episode will help you take the first step to creating a healthier, happier relationship. And we all have to start somewhere!

    Quotes to Remember:

    "Healthy relationships require healthy communication. It's probably one of the most important things that we can do." - Michelle

    "The way to improve any relationship is to look in the mirror and actually look at yourself." - Michelle

    "Instead of why is this happening to me, we ask the question, why is this happening for me?" - Michelle

    "If you want to be with this person long term, you've got to come up with a repair plan.ā€ - Michelle

    ā€œYou've got to be willing to sit in whatever's going on with you, journal it out, call your coach, call a therapist, call a friend, process it, whatever you need to do in order to help yourself to work through that." - Michelle

    Connect with Michelle: For more insights and tools to help you navigate your relationships, visit my website and check out the free resource on "Five Healthy Relationship Myths That Keep You Disconnected From Your Partner" at The Adult Chair Website.


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  • Hello, beautiful souls! Iā€™m thrilled to welcome you back to "The Adult Chair" where we explore the paths to emotional maturity and healthier relationships. Today, weā€™re diving into a fascinating discussion with the wonderful Barbara Ireland, author of "How to Stop Negative Thoughts: What My Near-Death Experience Taught Me About Mind Loops, Neuroscience, and Happiness."

    Listen to discover:

    Barbaraā€™s Near-Death Experience and Its Impact: Barbara shares her powerful near-death experience that profoundly shifted her perspective on life, emotional health, and the power of our thoughts. This extraordinary event led her to develop techniques to overcome negative mental loops that influence our emotional well-being.

    The Concept of Mind Loops: We delve into what mind loops are and how they can trap us in cycles of negative thinking. Barbara explains how these loops not only affect our mental health but can also manifest physically and disrupt our lives.

    Strategies to Break Free from Negative Thinking: Barbara introduces her method for breaking free from destructive thought patterns, which includes recognizing and renaming thoughts to detach from their negative impacts. This process helps shift perspective and regain control over oneā€™s mental state.

    Applying Barbaraā€™s Insights in Everyday Life: Practical tips from Barbaraā€™s book and methodologies are discussed, giving listeners actionable strategies to apply in their daily lives to improve mental clarity and emotional resilience.

    Quotes to Remember:

    "We come here with these brains, these minds, but no one teaches us how to use them. And they're so powerful, continually creating our existence." - Barbara

    "Everyone says this loosely: We are spiritual beings in human form... But did you really think about that?... I love that you brought that up." - Michelle

    "If we get into unconscious negative habits of thinking, we are unconsciously creating negative outcomes." - Barbara

    "We need to be looking at what the heck we're thinking. That seems to be the root of everything. That's the taproot to everything else." - Michelle

    "Every question [in my life review] was about my thoughts. What does that tell you about the potency of our thoughts?" - Barbara

    ā€œWho is God? What is God? I was born and raised Catholic, but it never resonated as deeply as what I felt my whole life already. I felt this deep connection with God, source, universe, whatever you want to call it." - Michelle

    "Once you clean your thoughts and you've cleaned your emotions and you don't have to wait till it's all gone, but once that process is up, you're being unblocked there to start creating from a conscious level." - Barbara

    Connect with Barbara: For those inspired by today's discussion and eager to learn more about managing mind loops, Barbaraā€™s insights and techniques can be explored further through her book and at How to Stop Negative Thoughts. Additionally, keep an eye out for her upcoming workshops and group sessions, which promise to be enriching.


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  • Hello, my beautiful Adult Chair family! Itā€™s Michelle Chalfant, and Iā€™m thrilled to be back with you after a few months away. These months have been a transformative journey for me, one filled with deep introspection and change, not just personally but also for our beloved podcast.

    In this episode, Iā€™m joined by someone very special, Jennifer Dawn, who has been a guide, mentor, and friend to me through this incredible period of growth. Jennifer has a profound connection to energy and healing, and she generously shared her insights on self-discovery and the transformative power of embracing our true selves.

    Listen to discover:

    The Journey of Coming Back: I open up about my break from the podcast and what it meant for my personal growth.

    Jennifer Dawnā€™s Impact: Jennifer talks about her lifeā€™s work, dedicated to awakening consciousness and guiding others to remember their true nature.

    Embracing the Cycles of Life: We delve into how personal and global transformations are akin to the natural cycles of the seasonsā€”necessary and rejuvenating.

    Navigating Personal Transformations: Jennifer and I discuss how to find peace and direction during challenging times by connecting more deeply with our true selves.

    Quotes to Remember:

    "Who we think we are, is not really who we are. We are so much more." ā€” Michelle

    "In the darkness of our hard moments, we find the seeds of our true becoming." ā€” Jennifer Dawn

    "Each step in our journey, no matter how small, leads us closer to the essence of who we truly are." ā€” Michelle

    This episode is a heartfelt reminder that the challenges we face are not just obstacles but opportunities for profound growth and self-discovery. Jenniferā€™s perspective on embracing the cycles of life offers a refreshing viewpoint on how to approach our personal evolutions. As we discuss the importance of reconnecting with ourselves, I encourage you to consider how you can tune in more deeply to your own inner wisdom.

    Connect with Jennifer Dawn: To learn more about Jenniferā€™s work and access the resources she offers, please visit her website linked in our show notes. Her insights and tools, like the "Illuminated Love Oracle," are wonderful aids in the journey toward self-discovery. Use the code MICHELLE10 for 10% of her oracle deck.


    Jennifer Dawn Website

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  • Lately, thereā€™s been something stirring in my soul.

    I donā€™t know exactly what it is yet, but I feel like itā€™s going to be BIG ā€“ like something new is coming, and I need to go inward and listen for what it is.

    Have you ever felt this way? When this happens, I believe itā€™s our soul tugging at us, trying to tell us something about our mission and purpose on the planet.

    And I have made it my intention to always listen when the soul calls.

    Itā€™s something I like to call ā€œsoul alignmentā€ ā€” a practice of going within and listening to the soul to get clarity on who we are and our illuminated path.

    In this episode, Iā€™m teaching you how to tune into the voice of your soul (the part of you that is seated squarely in the Adult Chair), why this is so important and how to clear the blocks that stand between us and our souls.

    The five simple practices I share in todayā€™s podcast will help you hear your soulā€™s whispers and nudges, know and feel the next steps on your path and take aligned action ā€” not from the Adolescent Chair but from the Adult Chair.

    Listen to discover:

    The power of ā€œsoul alignmentā€

    The importance of ā€œdeep listeningā€

    How the ego gets in the way of listening

    5 steps to listen to your soul

    How to unlock greater passion, purpose and peace

    The ego is rooted in fear, lives in the past and future and often screams at us in a loud voice. The soul lives in the present moment and speaks to us in a whisper, which is why we have to get still to hear it.

    This episode will help you get out of your mind and into your heart, go inward and listen deeply to find your true purpose and guidance from within.

    ā€œWhen we align with our soul, we are guided.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    "When you're aligned with your soul, even the things that feel ā€“ to the ego ā€“ bad, what we find is that these things are the most beautiful gifts that we could have ever received." - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œWhat your soul has in store for you is unlike anyone else on the entire planet.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œMeditation is simply a practice that brings you into the present moment.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œYouā€™re going to feel nudges or feel pulled or moved to do things. Thatā€™s your soul. Pay attention.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œYour soulā€™s not going to talk to you from your head. Your soulā€™s going to talk to you through your heart.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œEgo lives in past and future only. Soul lives in present moment only.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant


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  • What if the secret to better sleep, less inflammation and reduced pain was as simple as walking barefoot in the grass?

    Both the earth and our bodies have an electrical charge, and ā€œgroundingā€ (or ā€œearthingā€) refers to the practice of connecting our bodies to the earth ā€“ keeping the bodyā€™s charge at an optimal balance and unlocking tremendous health benefits.

    If you think this sounds like something made up by a crunchy tree hugger, think again: the father of grounding, Clint Ober, is actually a cable guy.

    Clint had a strong connection with nature from growing up on a ranch out West and great knowledge about how electrical currents work from his career in the cable industry.

    One day, he saw a group of tourists all wearing thick rubber-soled shoes (a non-conductive material), and it hit him:

    Could our modern lifestyle be keeping us from grounding into the earth?

    This has led to a new frontier of health research, with very promising findings about the impact of grounding on inflammation, stress, autoimmune disease and more. Itā€™s the real deal!

    I had the chance to talk to the man himself, Clint Ober, about how grounding works in the body, why our society is so ungrounded, the many, many health benefits of grounding and how anyone can start grounding ā€“ for FREE and today.

    Listen to discover:

    What earthing and grounding is

    Why our bodies need to be connected to the earth's electrical charge

    How grounding works in our immune system

    The positive effect grounding can have on pain and chronic disease

    How you can start grounding today

    Grounding is so simple ā€“ it literally just requires going outside with bare feet (or conductive shoes).

    And unlike so many health hacks or miracle cures on the market, this isnā€™t something to be added to your healthā€¦instead, itā€™s a return.

    A return to nature, our design and the natural harmony that occurs when weā€™re connected to our bodies and the earth.

    "The earth is basically electrical." - Clint Ober

    "We can heal these illnesses we're walking around with by grounding." - Michelle Chalfant

    "We've totally insulated ourselves from the earth when we're wearing shoes." - Clint Ober

    "You can't have inflammation in a grounded object." - Clint Ober

    "As soon as you get grounded, then you have the earth's energy all around your body, and it pushes away all of this environmental stuff." - Clint Ober

    "If you want to take 10 years off your [age], just go outdoors and stick your bare feet on the grass." - Clint Ober

    "The body is always striving to heal itself. Always. We are in the way." - Michelle Chalfant


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  • Have you ever gotten a ā€œgut feelingā€ that something was going to happenā€¦and then it did? Or sensed that someone wasnā€™t trustworthy or that you shouldnā€™t move forward with a decision?

    This is your intuition at work!

    Intuition is something we all possess, and something weā€™ve all undeniably experienced, but how it works remains largely a mystery. Is it something spiritual? Psychological? Biological?

    Laura Day grew up feeling like her brain was ā€œdifferentā€ in some way. She knew she had ADD and a number of head injuries, but she didnā€™t know she had an uncanny intuition until one day, she saw a television program about ESP research. She immediately related to it, picked up the phone, called the researchers and said, ā€œI can do that.ā€ For years, she participated in research studies about intuition and how it works.

    Since then, Laura has built a high-profile career using her intuition for large companies and organizations and teaching others how to develop and tap into their innate intuition. A math, science and data nerd, Laura had no preconceived notions about intuition, which has given her a practical, grounded approach to learning and teaching about this ability.

    In this episode, Laura shares her insights into what intuition actually is, how to tell the difference between intuition and fear, how to enhance your intuition and why intuition alone isnā€™t enough ā€“ we must direct it towards action.

    If youā€™ve ever been curious about how those gut feelings and seemingly ā€œsixth sensesā€ work, youā€™re going to love this episode!

    Listen to discover:

    Whether or not weā€™re all born intuitive

    How to tell the difference between intuition and fear

    Why we all need to learn how to use our intuition

    How to enhance and direct your intuition

    The power of moving from intuition to action

    Laura believes intuition is less a sixth sense and more an extension of the five senses we already have. But like a muscle, we have to exercise it and develop it.

    When we learn to connect more deeply with ourselves and pay attention to whatā€™s going on around us using all five senses, itā€™s amazing what we can uncover ā€“ and how that can help us direct our lives and relationships towards greater wisdom and wellbeing.

    ā€œWe are all born intuitive.ā€ - Laura Day

    "If it's a persistent fear, it's not intuition. Intuition is accurate, immediate and actionable." - Laura Day

    "It's a misnomer that intuition is a sixth sense. It's not. It's an extension of all of your senses in time and in space." - Laura Day

    ā€œSo many people stay stuck, and they donā€™t realize that they are powerful creators and that they can get their way out of it.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    "The first thing you do to open your intuition or direct it effectively is you have goals." - Laura Day

    "Intuition will show it to you, but it won't fix it for you." - Laura Day


    Laura Day Website


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  • 2023 is behind us, and 2024 is here! The new year represents a clean slate and new chapter where you can begin manifesting the year ā€“ the life ā€“ you want.

    I believe that, as creative beings, we are always in ā€œcreation mode.ā€ Like gravity, we canā€™t turn the laws of manifestation on and off ā€“ they just are.

    So, then the question becomes: What do you really want? And what is it that you are creating with every thought you have and word you speak?

    In this episode, Iā€™m giving you everything you need to get more intentional with your creations this year, whether you have a dream youā€™re finally ready to manifest or thereā€™s something you want to change in your current reality, beginning with the words youā€™re telling yourself.

    Weā€™re covering four keys for POWERFUL manifestation, how to tune your ā€œenergetic dialā€ into the ā€œradio frequencyā€ of your deepest desires and a 10-step process to help you clear the unconscious beliefs that are blocking your creationsā€¦this is the missing piece to manifestation that no one talks about but makes ALL the difference!

    Listen to discover:

    How manifestation works

    Getting clear on what it is you truly want

    Why things arenā€™t manifesting in your life

    The missing piece of manifestation that no one talks about

    A 10-step process to clear blocks and barriers to manifesting

    Four powerful keys to manifestation

    Youā€™re going to want to get pen and paper out for this one, because Iā€™m giving you all the details, all the nuances and all the secrets to manifestation that Iā€™ve learned over the years ā€“ with real-life examples to help you begin applying these principles today.

    Whatever it is you want in 2024 (and even if youā€™re still figuring that out), this episode is step 1 to finding freedom from limiting beliefs, clearing unconscious blocks and changing the trajectory of your life this year.

    ā€œWe are beings that are able to create. And we create our reality with every thought we have.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    "Once you clear your unconscious blocks, then you can attract in your creation." - Michelle Chalfant

    "We have to have what I call a 'consistent manifesting mindset.'" - Michelle Chalfant

    "Everything is possible ā€“ everything and anything. You just have to line up with it." - Michelle Chalfant

    "The more you focus and expect and live as if this creation is coming in and already here, the faster it will come to you." - Michelle Chalfant

    "I promise you can get and create the life that you want. Your thoughts and your spoken words are powerful. So, be really mindful of what you're saying." - Michelle Chalfant

    "We're always in creation mode. It does not turn itself on and off, just like gravity. So, if you don't like your reality, you do have the power to change it with your thoughts." - Michelle Chalfant


    2024 The Adult ChairĀ® Coaching Certification - Doors Close January 5!



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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themichellechalfant

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMichelleChalfant/

    The Adult ChairĀ® Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theadultchair/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Michellechalfant

  • Kute Blackson is no stranger to miracles. Growing up the son of a spiritual leader in Ghana, Africa, Kute witnessed healings and transformation that were nothing short of awe-inspiring.

    But when he realized it wasnā€™t his calling to take over his fatherā€™s ministry in the way his family expected, it led him on a challenging and transformational journey of his own: one in which he discovered the magic of surrender and how it can heal our lives.

    In this episode, Kute delivers so much wisdom about what surrender really is (itā€™s not passive like you might think), the role of the ego in our lives, why the challenges we face are an essential part of our soulā€™s journey and how to let go and live open to the possibilities ā€“ the miracles ā€“ life holds for us.

    Listen to discover:

    Kuteā€™s story of courageously following his calling even in the face of adversity

    Why challenging experiences are essential to our soulā€™s growth

    What surrender actually is and why itā€™s so powerful

    How to tell when weā€™re in the flow

    What to do when you feel stuck and are struggling to surrender

    Where resistance comes from

    Why surrender requires grieving what we think we know and how it opens us up to more love and joy

    Each of us is here with a purpose, and even the difficult moments in our lives hold something important for our growth. When we can relinquish control and what we think our lives should look like, we discover that there are divine possibilities beyond what our mind can even think of or dream upā€¦and what a truly exciting, miraculous journey that is!

    ā€œThose challenges [donā€™t] mean youā€™re on the wrong path. It sometimes means youā€™re on the right path; you just have to go through, on a human level, the soul test.ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œForgiveness frees you.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œIt doesnā€™t mean that when something difficult is in your path, itā€™s not God-inspired, soul-inspired.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œLife is a university for our soulā€™s evolutionā€¦Weā€™re always succeeding when weā€™re learning the lessons, even if itā€™s difficult.ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œIn our culture, we have this misconception that surrender is weak.ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œIn true surrender and letting go, what if you actually got more than you could have intended and planned with the limited concept of your own mind?ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œSurrender is when we stop trying to force life to fit into our limited idea of what we think it should look like.ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œMany of our goals are often projections of unmet needs from our childhood.ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œThe mind is constantly seeking to understand whyā€¦which is another form of control.ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œItā€™s the journey that brings us the happiness.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œMany times people think that theyā€™re feeling the feeling, but theyā€™re actually thinking about the feeling.ā€ - Kute Blackson

    ā€œTo truly surrender requires the willingness to move through the portal of grieving.ā€ - Kute Blackson


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    ā€œThe Magic of Surrenderā€ (Kute Blackson Book)


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  • Whether itā€™s eating healthier, getting exercise, starting a meditation practice or staying socially connected, figuring out what to do to be happy might be simple ā€“ but actually doing these things and living in a way that lets us experience happiness is much harder.

    When we know there are things we can do that will make us healthier and happier, why do we struggle to actually do them? Why do we get caught in a cycle of chasing happiness instead of choosing joy, even when we know better?

    This is what Gretchen Rubin wanted to understand when she began studying happiness and why people form the habits they do.

    It turns out that it has everything to do with how we relate to expectations.

    Gretchen discovered that there are four different ā€œtendenciesā€ that tell us how different people approach habits and expectations ā€“ whether we question expectations, comply with expectations, rebel against expectations or uphold them from within.

    We are born with our tendency and thereā€™s no right or wrong way to be, but our ability to pursue happiness and form habits is directly connected to which tendency weā€™re wired with.

    In this episode, Gretchen describes each of the four tendencies in detail and ways to work with your type to go after the life you want. She also talks about habit formation and the different approaches to starting a new habit, so you can figure out which one works best for you!

    This is so fascinating and has major implications for how we structure our lives, how we work with each other in business and relationships and so much more!

    Listen to discover:

    Concrete steps we can take to start boosting our happiness

    The "four tendencies" personality framework

    The Upholder, The Obliger, The Questioner and The Rebel ā€“ four different ways we all respond to inner and outer expectations

    How your tendency impacts how you form habits

    How to overcome resistance and work with your tendency to be as successful and happy as possible

    Misconceptions about happiness and techniques to form better habits

    Though it's true that everyone is different in terms of what makes us happy, we're also all different in how we get to the things that make us happy.

    When we understand our wiring, we can overcome resistance and set ourselves up to achieve the life we want, in a way that is uniquely ours.

    "Our physical experience is always going to color our emotional experience." - Gretchen Rubin

    "The key to happiness is relationships." - Gretchen Rubin

    "Don't suit other people. Suit yourself." - Gretchen Rubin

    "I'm a big believer in the genetic roots of personality." - Gretchen Rubin

    "We can work with each other to help us all achieve our aims, but sometimes we have to provide a different way from what would work for us." - Gretchen Rubin

    "Your communication style would change once you know this." - Michelle Chalfant

    "Happier people are more interested in the problems of the world." - Gretchen Rubin

    "You have to take care of yourself. You have to put yourself first." - Michelle Chalfant

    "When you're not indulging in a temptation, it goes away." - Gretchen Rubin


    Gretchen Rubin Website


    Happier Podcast (Gretchen Rubin podcast)


    Gretchen Rubin Books


    The Four Tendencies Quiz


    The Happier App


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  • For too many years, mental health came with a stigma.

    It was treated as something ā€œwrongā€ in the mind, with the psychological and physical looked at entirely separately.

    Itā€™s almost as if we forgot that the brain is part of the body ā€“ a physical organ that needs care just like our heart, our gut or any other part of our body.

    And when we support our brain health, it can have BIG impacts on our mental and emotional health.

    Dr. Bisleen Attli is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-certified naturopath, which is a fancy way of saying she bridges the world of psychology and physiology to promote mental health and brain health.

    She is a wealth of knowledge on how our physical health and our brains are connected, and she digs down to find the root causes of common mental health challenges like depression and anxiety.

    In this episode, Dr. Attli breaks down the science behind how food, sleep and even limiting beliefs affect our brain health, why mental health symptoms are often our bodies warning us about a physical imbalance and what you can do to feel better fast.

    Listen to discover:

    The #1 negative mindset that can affect brain health

    The common physiological roots of disease

    How blood sugar is related to brain health and the symptoms of blood sugar dysregulation

    Why the gut is considered ā€œthe second brainā€

    How the liver, your hormones, inflammation and even your mitochondria can affect your mental health

    There are certainly times where we need more support, and medication might be the right treatment for depression, anxiety or other mental health symptoms.

    But when you see your brain as more than just your mind, but also part of your body ā€“ something that you listen to, care for and support ā€“ you will be able to make informed choices to support both your physical and mental health.

    Because you are more than a diagnosis. You are a whole, connected being ā€“ mind, body and spirit ā€“ and you have more power over how you feel than you might have ever realized.

    "A lot of people don't realize how they feel in their bodies has a direct impact on how they feel and think." - Dr. Bisleen Attli

    "Your body and your mental health can truly be changed with effort." - Michelle Chalfant

    "Something that I'm really big on emphasizing is addressing the root cause of brain health challenges...My big thing is, 'What the heck is happening in your body that is causing you to feel this way?'" - Dr. Bisleen Attli

    "When it comes to the mindset piece of things, the number one thing I work on helping women uncover are their limiting beliefs." - Dr. Bisleen Attli

    "I cannot tell you how many people have gone to therapists and then come to one of my coaches, and they're like, ā€˜I got more out of this one session than in my therapy for 10 years'" - Michelle Chalfant

    "Whether someone comes to me for anxiety, depression, whatever it is, not only is there stuff happening in the mind, but we also have to understand that there are dysfunctions happening in the body that are causing you to feel how you feel. It's not all in your head." - Dr. Bisleen Attli

    "If your blood sugar is all over the place, guess what's following? Your emotions." - Dr. Bisleen Attli

    "Eating in a certain way affects your mood. You will find that you are less anxious, you're less moody, less depressed, less sad when you monitor blood sugar." - Michelle Chalfant

    "Your gut impacts everything." - Dr. Bisleen Attli

    "Good health isn't magical. It's just doing the simple things consistently on a daily basis and making sure you are prioritizing them." - Dr. Bisleen Attli

    "It's not selfish to put yourself first. It's actually self-loving...You're going to be a better person if you're healthier ā€“ mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually ā€“ first. You can help so many more people. You can connect with more people." - Michelle Chalfant


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  • As you think about your life, do you ever wish your story was different?

    You wish you more of this, less of that, that an event had never happened, that you had done the thing you will always regret not doing.

    But what if the story you tell yourself about your life is just as important as the story of what happened to you?

    And what if you could change your entire life by consciously changing how you think about your past?

    LaShonda Walker is a Certified Adult ChairĀ® Coach who has created an incredible healing process called ā€œA New Life Story,ā€ inspired by her training in The Adult ChairĀ® model.

    Based on the idea that the challenges we face in our present reality are always connected to something from our past, LaShonda helps people identify the limiting beliefs they carry with them, edit the stories they tell themselves using fact and truth and, as a result, rewrite their entire futureā€¦and the futures of the people around them.

    Using this process, LaShonda has seen clients get unstuck and make HUGE life changes in just 20 minutes, and I canā€™t get over how powerful it is. In fact, I asked LaShonda to coach me using her process on air, and she dropped an insight about my life so mind-blowing that it left me speechless!

    In this episode, LaShonda breaks down her process step-by-step so you can try this powerful work and begin writing a new story for yourself and your family today.

    Listen to discover:

    TAC Coach LaShonda Walker's "A New Life Story" process

    Why your past determines your present

    How to replace old stories and limiting beliefs with fact and truth

    How to edit and rewrite your life story based on who you are today

    5 "W" questions to ask yourself when rewriting your story

    Why doing your work transforms generations

    A huge takeaway from what LaShonda shared is that we arenā€™t just products of our pasts; weā€™re products of our entire familyā€™s pasts. Sometimes the limiting beliefs and challenges we struggle with arenā€™t even oursā€¦but they are ours to heal.

    When we step up and do this work, we can change the legacy of our family for generations to come.

    You are the author of your own story, no matter what has happened in your life. What new story do you want to write for yourself today?

    "I'm finding with my clients that when things are coming up in their present, it is connected to the past. And as we begin to look at that, we discover limiting beliefs that are there." - LaShonda Walker

    "We don't realize how much we bring from our past." - LaShonda Walker

    "As you're doing that work of healing the present ā€“ your emotions, your triggers, working with those Adolescent stories ā€“ as you heal, that healing then begins to transform your legacy." - LaShonda Walker

    "It's all limiting beliefs from childhood. They're just sitting in there, inside of us. That's why we get so triggered." - Michelle Chalfant

    "The work is worth it." - LaShonda Walker

    "You are absolutely asking the right questions and cracking them open for fast transformation and relief from their pain, their emotional disturbance, their limiting beliefs, all of these things." - Michelle Chalfant

    "When you are in your power, I truly believe you are in overflow. And when you are in overflow, you are able to then feed and provide and share and help build up others." - LaShonda Walker

    "We don't just heal as individuals. We heal in community." - LaShonda Walker


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    A New Life Story Podcast (LaShonda Walker Podcast)


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  • ā€˜Tis the seasonā€¦for triggers!

    At the holidays, stress, drinking, spending money and spending time with others all increase. And with that, comes a decrease in patience, sleep, time for self and all the things that make us more resilient to stress.

    Add in the fact that we tend to be around people we arenā€™t normally around for longer periods of time, and itā€™s a landmine for triggers.

    But as you know, I love triggers because they are such a powerful opportunity to look at and work on our limiting beliefs.

    So, I invite you to view this yearā€™s triggers as a holiday giftā€¦a chance to not only learn about yourself but eradicate triggers for good.

    Donā€™t worry: Iā€™m not sending you out there without a plan. Iā€™m giving you 10 steps to work with a trigger so you can be prepared for whatever comes your way this holiday season.

    The first four steps will help you regulate your nervous system, calm down and come back into balance when triggered. These are a lifesaver if youā€™re at a gathering where you need to keep your cool until you can work on the trigger!

    Then the last six steps will teach you exactly how to work with your triggers so you can heal the limiting beliefs beneath them, get unstuck and get triggered a whole lot less in the future.

    Listen to discover:

    Why the holidays are a prime time for triggers

    What a trigger is and where they come from

    Why triggers are an amazing opportunity to work with limiting beliefs

    The difference between a trigger and a true emotion

    10 steps to work with a trigger

    Sure, maybe triggers are like finding a pair of socks wrapped up under the tree ā€“ not what you wanted, but what you needed. Theyā€™re still a gift!

    I hope you discover so much about yourself this holiday season and transform those triggers so you can live with more peace all year long!

    ā€œThat is what a trigger is: it is a belief that I have about myself.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œTriggers are a way to help us to find and identify limiting beliefs that we have about ourselves.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    "A trigger is something that we carry with usā€¦When you can move on from something, it's not a trigger.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œMore than likely, most of these beliefs ā€“ crazy enough ā€“ are from the age of zero to six. And Carl Jung says the average age is actually three, where these beliefs have been planted into the unconscious mind.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œYour breath is your savior because it will help you to stay present. It helps to keep you slow. It helps to rebalance the nervous system.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œThe way out of our pain, the way out of our triggers is to go through.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œā€‹ā€‹Energy does not stay constant, my friends. So, if you allow it to do whatever it needs to do, it will start to move through you.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œYou will find [with] this tool [that] you're gonna be able to use it not just at the holidays but the rest of your life. It is empowering.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant


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  • The holidays are a time where it feels like everything is a bit magnified: there is so much joy and brightness in the world but also space for sadness, loneliness and grief to be amplified.

    Itā€™s a touchy time of year where whatever weā€™re feeling gets underscored by parties, gatherings and traditions.

    But the holidays donā€™t create these feelings. In fact, according to my guest on the podcast today, WE donā€™t even create most of these feelings. Rather, we pick them up from our parents and the world around us, and the key to overcoming loneliness and sadness is to understand where it all began.

    In this episode, Iā€™m bringing back one of my favorite people, Dr. Dain Heer, to talk about loneliness, how to identify what is ours and what is not, how to clear whatā€™s not ours, how to get out of victim and so many more important, empowering topics!

    Dr. Dain also shares tools and techniques you can use immediately to start clearing negative emotions ā€“ one of the reasons I love his work so much!

    Listen to discover:

    What loneliness is and where it comes from

    Why 98% of our thoughts and feeling arenā€™t actually ours ā€“ and where they come from

    How to get out of negative emotions

    What to do if youā€™re experiencing loneliness in life

    The true root of victimhood

    The ā€œclearing statementā€ for fast transformation

    Dr. Dainā€™s work with Access Consciousness is all about realizing the power you have within you to change. When youā€™re able to get rid of what is not yours, it gives you the space and energy to work on what IS yours and create your life instead of falling victim to it. I hope the tools in this episode help you find your inner power, no matter what youā€™re feeling this holiday season ā€“ or any time of the year!

    ā€œYour point of view creates your reality. Your reality doesnā€™t create your point of view.ā€ - Dr. Dain Heer

    ā€œItā€™s as simple as redirecting that energy out of your energy field.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant

    ā€œIt starts to undo the foundation of limitation.ā€ - Dr. Dain Heer

    ā€œWe donā€™t have to be limited by the world around us.ā€ - Dr. Dain Heer

    ā€œWhen we open the door for possibilities, it makes that available to everybody else on the planet.ā€ - Dr. Dain Heer

    ā€œPeople who do victim have learned it.ā€ - Dr. Dain Heer

    ā€œVictims are actually victimizing others and controlling them with their victimhood.ā€ - Dr. Dain Heer

    ā€œIf we can just sit in someone elseā€™s energy field thatā€™s healthy, we become more like them.ā€ - Michelle Chalfant


    Dr. Dain Heer Website


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    Who Does This Belong To App


    The Clearing Statement


    ā€œBody Whisperingā€ (Dr. Dain Heer Book)


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  • What image comes to mind when you think about self-care?

    A massage or bubble bath?

    A fancy dinner?

    Being all zenned out in lotus pose?

    Though these things can be wonderful, I also think they can give self-care a bad name by portraying it as something fun, frivolous and even a little selfish.

    In reality, true self-care ā€“ or what I like to call ā€œtherapeutic self-careā€ ā€“ is absolutely essential to our well-being and our ability to show up for those around us.

    Therapeutic self-care is about meeting your core needs as a human ā€“ mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Itā€™s an inside job first and foremost, and it doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive to do WONDERS for your nervous system, stress levels and overall balance in life.

    As we go into the holidays where schedules are extra packed and stress is high, we need to become even more mindful of our self-care. To send you into this season with empowering self-care practices, I tapped Adult ChairĀ® Master Coach and self-care guru, Theresa Steighner, to share her advice for self-care at the holidays (and year round!) with us.

    Theresa shares the four pillars of true self-care, plus five fast and free things you can do daily to keep your nervous system in balanceā€¦this is self-care like youā€™ve never heard it talked about before!

    Listen to discover:

    ā— Why self-care is so important

    ā— What "therapeutic self-care" is

    ā— The four pillars of true self-care

    ā— 5 quick ways to regulate your nervous system

    ā— How to prioritize yourself and your self-care

    I promise you, if you do what Theresa recommends in this episode, youā€™ll feel less stress, less overwhelm, more presence and more peace this holiday season. Tidings of comfort and joy, indeed.

    "Our self-care is more than the bubble baths, the massages, the getting the pedicures. Self-care is really about taking care of our needs on that physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level." - Theresa Steighner

    "A big part of self-care is being able to set those boundaries, but we really have to know who we are first." - Theresa Steighner

    "When somebody compliments you, it's a reflection of you back to you." - Theresa Steighner

    "Awareness is key. We cannot change what we are not aware of." - Theresa Steighner

    "You can't grab what's happening in the moment and raise your self-awareness if you're constantly in the future or the past. Make sure you're slowing down." - Michelle Chalfant

    "Women have a really hard time putting ourselves first." - Michelle Chalfant

    "Nature regulates our nervous system." - Theresa Steighner

    "Yoga helps us to repattern those habitual response patterns and brings awareness so that we can show up in a healthier way, in that healthy adult." - Theresa Steighner

    "You've got to make sure you're asking for what you need. You're worth it." - Michelle Chalfant


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