Michael Hichborn (Lepanto Institute) joins us to discuss...
Catholic Campaign for Human Developnent... Where's the beef?
AID - U.S. Bishops' Quid Pro Quo
The Lepanto Report
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Christine Niles (https://stellamaris.media/) joins us to discuss...
Christine Niles, the SSPX and victims vindicated
AID - Uniting the clans?
How do we keep the faith?
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
¿Faltan episodios?
Stephen Brady (RCF.org) joins us to discuss...
"Make Them Own It"
Project rape accountability
AID - Are our leaders Catholic?
Stephen Brady is at it again
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Susan Vance (S.N.A.P.) joins us to discuss...
Who is the "Porno, Hook up Priest?"
AID - Don't tell the parishioners
An improper response
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Susan Vance (S.N.A.P.) YouTube Channel -
Mark Belenchia joins us to discuss...
Mark's survivor story
AID - Conflict of interest
"Blue-Collor Advocate"
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Kathy Kane (Catholics4Change.com) joins us to discuss...
The Archdiocese of "Filth-A-Delphia"
AID - Who is lurking at St. John Vianney Center?
Secret Investigations
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Richard Coon (survivor) joins us to discuss...
Richard Coon's story, the beginning.
AID - The Church stands alone.
And then there's more...
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Richard Windmann (SCSA) & Aaron Hebert join us to discuss...
Comparing apples to oranges
AID - Let's wait em out
Protecting another predator
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Chris O'Leary joins us to discuss...
"And that's when things got really bad"
AID - There is something worse than abuse
Is it time to move on?
Sacraficed Podcast
Chris O'Leary youtube & testimony
Website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Rick Merfeld (Caught Up In Christ Ministries) joins us to discuss...
Living in deception
AID - Rick, we're just rtying to field a team.
Spiritual Triage
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Kevin Wells (Author) joins us to discuss...
The The Sage the Church Needs
AID - Gentiles love The Angry Catholic
The Priests We Need To Save The Church
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Fr. Michael Briese and Gene Gomulka join us to discuss...
Permission will not be granted
AID - A broken trust
Lord, where do we go?
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Letitia & Alex Peyton (Tentmakers & New Podcast Resilience In The Shadows) join us to discuss...
Resilience In The Shadows
AID - Ecclesiastical gaslighting
Fight of flight
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
For more information about the release of the new podcast "Resilience In The Shadows" click below:
Tom Oglesby (KCRD-FM) joins us to discuss...
In Rome timing is everything
AID - Bishop Strickland in context
What's playing in Debuke?
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Joseph Gallagher (Church Militant Insider) joins us to discuss...
Our concerns of a cover up at Church Militant & The most recent letter from Chruch Militant appealing for support while continuing to skirt the real issues.
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Joseph Gallagher: @joegallag on X
Mark & Ryan-Marie Houck join us to discuss...
"If you take that deal... don't come home."
Branding vs. Evangelization
Raising kids Catholic
Mark Houck @ The Be A Catholic Man Conference 2023
Website: https://theangrycatholic.com/
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
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