If you want to support my podcast (Ačiū!!): https://www.patreon.com/bmatke
You can Find "Dr. Mah" here:
Website: https://www.drcherimah.com
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Sponsor: www.proballers.com
"Dr. Cheri Mah":
Dr. Mah is a highly respected sleep physician and n Adjungt Lecturer at the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center. Amongst high level athletes and sports franchises she's regarded as a sleep expert with a focus on benefits of sleep for Athletes in particular. Some of the clients she worked with in the past are Andre Iguodala, the Golden State Warriors from the NBA, San Francisco Giants from the MLB, Pittsburgh Steelers & Philadelphia Eagles from the NFL, San Jose Sharks from the NHL and many more.She's also currently a sleep expert for Under Armour and served on the performance council at Nike in the past and worked with companies such as ESPN, Gatorade & many more.
Today, we talked about all things sleep. Dr Mah gave extensive examples on the benefits of sleep as well as the dangers of under-slept athletes. We talked about the small things athletes can do in order to prepare themselves for journeys across timezones. Certain things you can do before, during and after your sleep.
Did you know that bringing your own pillow from home already helps getting a better night of sleep? Did you know that the snooze button is not good? Did you know that your FT percentage, reaction time & speed in general suffers if you are under-slept? Do you know what "Sleep Debt" means? What is a "Nappuccino"? These topics and many more we discussed in this very unique and insightful episode!
0:00 Intro5:20 Sleep Window & Sleep Debt16:05 Nappuccino 24:06 Timezones & Jetlag31:53 First night in new bed35:53 "NBA Schedule Alert" Project42:00 What can coaches do?49:15 Gaining player's trust52:00 Andre Iguodala's sleep journey56:30 Calm down routine after games1:04:15 Does supplementation help?1:07:45 "Napspressos"#DrCheriMah #DrMah #SleepDoctor #SleepPhysician #Sleep #Benefitsofsleep
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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Sponsor: www.proballers.com
Gigi Datome is a household name in Italian basketball and his journey is a phenomenal one. Coming from a small island (Sardinia) in Italy to playing in the NBA, winning the Euroleague (2017) and being the captain of the national team of Italy.
After winning countless domestic leagues and cups in Italy & Turkey he finally decided to hang up his shoes and move into a new role with the National Team behind the scenes.Today, we talked about his journey as a player and the challenges he went through before going to the NBA as well as during his NBA career, his exciting times in Boston with the Celtics as well as his glorious years with Fenerbahce. We touched on how he dealt with going through slumps, his routines as well as his interests off the court.
This episode is another instant classic especially for the players approaching retirement and the ones that just retired and are looking for directions.
0:00 Intro 2:00 Being Open Minded, Books & Locker-room10:00 Retirement Preparation17:40 Learning Curve With New Role24:00 Important Coaching Ingredients
29:40 ProBallers.com
33:25 Celtics Memories
36:50 Dealing with a "Slump"
41:00 Role Transfer
49:00 Preparation & Routine
53:20 ATOs#GigiDatome #Gigi #NBA #BostonCeltics #Fenerbahce #Milano #ItalyBasketball
You can Find "Gigi" here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gigidatome/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GigiDatome
X: https://x.com/GigiDatome
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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¿Faltan episodios?
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Trenerio Žibėno kelias iki dvieju LKL čempiono titulu nera iprastas - del to šios dienos epizodas vertas demesio.
Mes kalbejom apie jo kelia ir kaip jo asmenybe keitesi keliaujant po skirtingas šalis. Mes aptarem koks jis buvo gyvenant ir dirbant Lietuvoje ir koks jis tapo po išskirtiniu patirčiu užsienije. Kodel Italija butent turejo didziausia itaka ir kaip merginu komandu treniravimas skiriasi nuo vyru.
Giedrius atsivere apie savo emocini kelia ir kiek reikejo jam pačiam prisipažinti, kad reikia keistis ir dirbti su savimi. Išsamiai kalbejome apie komunikacija su štabu ir kokia svarba turi korektiška ir atvira komunikacija tarpusavyje.
Labai reikalingas epizodas visiems jauniems treneriams ir busimiems vadovams!
0:00 Intro
2:45 Sveikata4:00 Buvau senamadiskas13:00 Jaunu treneriu klaidos15:45 Kitu kulturu itaka19:30 Italijoj atradau save23:30 Indonezijos klubo vadovybe29:40 Dvigubi standartai35:00 Merginu Treniravimas38:00 ProBallers.com42:30 Treneriu štabo niuansai57:50 ATOs#GiedriusZibenas #Vilnius #VilniusRytas #Treneris
Rasit Giedriu Žibena čia:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ghibbi_z/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/giedrius.zibenas
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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Aron Baynes is a household name not only in Australia but also in the NBA as well as in Europe. Has been around the globe playing in Europe, NBA, GLeague, NBL & Australia National Team. He's a 3 time Olympian and a NBA World Champion with the San Antonio Spurs in 2014.
Aron went through his fair share of challenges in his life and today we talked about all of them. We talked about his freak injury in Tokyo and the gruesome period he experienced throughout his recovery period, going into a deep depression. We touched on topics like 'negative self talk' and the effect it had on his children, rekindling the love for the game by going a step down to Greece, memories from the cold weather periods in Vilnius, Detroit & Boston and went down memory lane from his time with Brad Stevens.
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Also, rate this podcast on all audio platforms, it helps for promotion and helps people with similar interests to see what you like to see!
0:00 Intro
2:15 Aussie Memories
4:10 Decision for Family Reasons
15:00 Timing of Decision
20:00 Hobbies & New Pursuits
27:00 Memories of the TD Garden
29:50 Memories from Rytas
31:45 3pt Shooting Evolution
38:00 ProBallers.com
41:03 Emotional Control On&Off the court
46:00 Black & White thinking on vs off the court
50:45 Negative Self Talk
56:45 Mental & Physical Road to Recovery
1:02:40 ATOs
#AronBaynes #Boomers #Celtics #NBAChampion #Spurs #Olympian #RoadToRecovery #Retirement
Finding "Baynesie":
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BaynesAron
X: https://x.com/aronbaynes
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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#68 Kyle Hines - Process of Retirement
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My first repeat guest, Kyle Hines, came back to my podcast after being my #2 episode to talk about his process of retirement, being in peace with it and entering the next stage of his life.
This conversation was very sincere and transparent, talking about the difficulties of sending out the final decision to the world, when he actually decided to make it his last season, the memories that still sting and the next stage of his life. A very unique and actually fresh conversation where you can see Kyle's emotions and thought process clearly.
Please Share, Comment & Like this episode on YouTube as well as other platforms!
Also, rate this podcast on all audio platforms, it helps for promotion and helps people with similar interests to see what you like to see!
0:00 Intro
1:15 Small Talk
7:40 Reflection & Regrets
9:15 Anticipating Retirement & Family Component
21:30 ProBallers.com
26:40 Most emotional moment
34:50 Home & Next Stage
39:00 Hobbies & Nutrition
43:44 Retirement Advice
#KyleHines #Retirement #EuroleagueLegend #Champion #BasketballLife
Finding "Kyle Hines":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sirhines42/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-hines-12414332/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kyle.hines.5496
X: https://x.com/SirHines
Homepage: https://www.teamhinesbasketball.com/
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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Gytis yra labai žinomas krepšinio teisėjas ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir Eurolygoje. Jis buvo išrinktas geriausiu Lietuvos teisėju 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 metais! 2021, 2022, 2023 metais buvo išrinktas teisėjauti Eurolygos 'Final Four' ir visus 3 kartus teisėjavo Eurolygos finalą.
Šiandien su Gyčiu aptarėm labai daug temų, susijusių su šia profesija, daug dėmėsio skyrėm pasiruošimui ir komunikacijai rungtynių metu. Kalbėjom apie konfliktus, apie emocinį balansą ir apie labai svarbią tėvų įtaką teisėjo karjeros pradžioje. Podkaste išgirsite daug įdomių faktų apie teisėjavimo užkulisius.
Kviečiu jus visus paklausyti šio išskirtinio pokalbio ir būsiu dėkingas, jeigu pasidalinsite juo su krepšinio profesijos ekspertais ir draugais.
0:00 Intro 2:45 Kelionės & Balansas 11:00 Kodėl pasirinkti teisėjo karjerą? 16:20 Tėvų įtaka jaunam teisėjui 26:30 Fizinis pasiruošimas / Forma 29:45 Skautinti komandas 35:20 Komunikacija ir Konfliktai rungtynių metu 44:40 Peržiūrų taisyklė 50:50 Sunkiausias švilpukas 59:50 Procesas po rungtynių 1:01:35 ProBallers.com 1:06:30 Gero teisėjo charakteristika 1:13:50 Greiti švilpuka
#GytisVilius #Teisejas #Krepsinis #Eurolyga #LKL #Svilpukas
Kaip rasti "Gyti Viliu":
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gytis.vilius
“The Benas Podcast”:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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Svetaine: www.bmatke.com
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Tim has been a long-time friend of mine, we go way back to 2014 and ended up celebrating our 10year anniversary of our friendship in Colombia together, where this podcast was recorded. Tim has had experiences as a coach early on in his life as a 22 year old in Spain in the lower divisions, learned his ways without speaking much Spanish at the time. Tim has since coached at an elite level in Euroleague for Maccabi Tel Aviv as well as New Zealand National Team as an Assistant Coach and New Zealand domestic league as a Head Coach. He also was the G-League assistant at Delaware as well as the Head Coach at OTE before joining the BYU Basketball program this season.
Today, Tim told us all about his journey, from finding his way to the GLeague via email application to coaching at the World Cup in Spain in 2014 as an Assistant of the New Zealand National Team. He also shared the lessons he learned working under great Head Coaches such as Giannis Sfairopoulos at Maccabi Tel Aviv. Tim also shared his unique perspective on the rookie adjustment issues in Europe and many more topics that we talked about.
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New Zealand Culture & Leadership Basketball Philosophy Lessons From Maccabi Tel Aviv Head Coach in Spain at 22 Learning to haggle Online Platform Projects Coaching & Keeping it Simple Rookies in Europe OTE ATOs#TimFanning #BYU #Israel #Spain #OTE #NewZealand #NCAABasketball #MaccabiTelAviv
Finding "Tim Fanning":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timfanning510/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ELTim
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-fanning-6025b8b/
X: https://x.com/coach_team
Website: www.hoopsenglish.com
Finding “The Benas Podcast”:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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Damjan Rudež is a highly accomplished basketball player who played at all possible levels of basketball and has now ventured into the business side of things with the "Sunset Sports Festival". Damjan started his professional career in Belgium before returning to Croatia to play for Split and later various other teams in the Balkans before moving on to Zaragoza, Spain. Damjan was picked up by the Indiana Pacers in 2014 and played three years for three different teams before returning to Europe when signing with Valencia.
Damjan also represented his Croatian flag in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
Today, Damjan opened up about his struggles early on in his career in Oostende as well as his sliding door moment in his workout in front of all the Indiana Pacers staff. Damjan also talked about the struggles of retirement, creating his new identity as well as how him and his business partners started the Sunset Sports Festival, which has become a household event during the summer in Zadar, Croatia.
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Championship Mindset Paris Olympics Saturation & Retirement Shooting Slumps Frustrations after NBA Post Career Life ProBallers.com Finding your Niche/Role Sunset Sports Festival ATOs#DamjanRudez #Retirement #Shooter #SunsetSportsFestival #Mindset
Finding "Damjan Rudež":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/damorudez9/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/damjan-rude%C5%BE-b1456b235/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/damjanrudez86
X: https://x.com/Damjan_Rudez
Event Website: https://sunsetsportsmedia.com/
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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My good friend Simon Cote is not only a long time friend but also used to be a long time colleague in the world of coaching. After serving as an Assistant at SMU & University of Tennessee in the late 90s he decided to start his coaching career in Europe and worked with current World Champion Gordon Herbert in Frankfurt. He was part of the championship team there before becoming a Head Coach himself in Giessen. Simon has also a wealth of experience as an Assistant coach in different countries as well as being a NBA scout for the Denver Nuggets in the early 2000s.
Today we talked about the darker side of coaching, the part where you get fired and have to search for new opportunities in the world of basketball coaching. Simon talked about loss of identity and eventually about his transition out of the sport and into a completely new avenue, finance.
Lots of valuable lessons in here for everyone on how to re-define yourself, finding new motivation in a completely new area of life and overcoming challenges that come with that. Leaving behind the sport you love is never easy, today you will hear Simon's story.
Please Share, Comment & Like this episode on YouTube as well as other platforms!
Simon's Coaching Path Adapting from NCAA to Europe NBA Scout Experience Giessen Job Self-Doubt after getting fired Role of an Assistant Coach New Identity as a Head Coach Sense of Self & Dealing with Pressure Mentorship & Gratification ProBallers.com Leaving Basketball & Transitioning Lessons from Basketball ATOs#SimonCote #HeadCoach #Basketball #GettingFired #NewIdentity
Finding Simon Cote:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/syeco777/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simoncote/
Finding “The Benas Podcast”:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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Sophia started her basketball journey together with me in Shreveport, Louisiana as an exchange student before she became a superstar at Baylor University. She took the Lady Bears to a National Championship and became the MVP of the Final Four before getting drafted by the San Antonio SilverStars and continuing her journey in the WNBA and later in various countries around Europe as well as in China! Sophia is currently an Assistant Coach with the Lady Bears program and is continuing her mentorship of young ladies in college as well as developing their on-court skills at the same time.
Today, "So" and me talked about her journey and the challenges along the way that she encountered while reaching her potential. We talked about the straining journey of a WNBA player and how to juggle playing all year around between WNBA & overseas, which at some point ended up in exhaustion and an ACL tear during her time in China. We also went into depth of her journey of retirement and trying to rediscover herself, building a new identity outside the court and finding new passions that she can pursue, including podcasting with her husband.
Sophia is also a proud mother of two and enjoying life all together in Texas.
Please Share, Comment & Like this episode on YouTube as well as all audio platforms!!!
(0:00) Intro
(2:25) 1st date with Sophia
(5:40) "Relationship & Reason" Podcast
(12:00) Foreign Exchange Student Life
(15:45) Difference between Confidence & Cockiness
(23:10) WNBA & Overseas Workload
(32:00) Dealing with retirement
(41:20) Starting the coaching career
(45:00) Balancing Stress & Joy
(51:20) Unlearning old behaviors
(55:05) ATOs
#SophiaYoungMalcolm #SophiaYoung #NationalChampion #Baylor #WNBA #WomensBasketball
Finding "Sophia":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophiayoungmalcolm/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sophia.young.1466
Twitter: https://x.com/sophiayoung33
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7ukVy0rgM8P6wAHx3UbbRO?si=632943f0287c459f
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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Micah has a wealth of experience on the NCAA level as well as the NBA level with the Boston Celtics where he spent 6 years as an Assistant Coach to Brad Stevens. Prior to that Micah already served as an Assistant at Butler and Purdue before joining the Celtics in 2013. After his NBA stint, Micah decided to go back to Purdue as an Assistant once again before taking the Penn State Head Coaching job in 2021. In 2023, Micah joined he Fighting Irish and is currently going into his second season as their Head Coach!
Today, Micah and me kicked off the conversation talking about what it feels like to coach his son and how to maintain a healthy balance between the two roles. We went on to touch on the main differences between coaching NBA vs coaching NCAA players, differences in communication styles, lessons that he learned from being an Assistant Coach that he applies to his current Head Coaching job. We also talked about how he manages the load on his staff, what he expects from his Assistants and what he noticed in attention span of players over the span of his career.
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Coaching Son Coaching difference NCAA vs NBA Lessons as an Assistant vs Head Coach Coaches trusting coaches Communication Styles NBA vs NCAA Filtering out information ProBallers.com Expectations from Assistant Coaches Length of Meetings Attention Span of Players & Scouting Info Recruiting Players & International Players ATOs#MicahShrewsberry #NotreDameMBB #NotreDame #NCAA #NBA #Coach
Finding "Micah":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coach_shrews/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Coach_Shrews
Finding “The Benas Podcast”:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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#61 Paulius Jankunas (LT) - Ką daro komandos kapitonas?
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Rėmėjas #1: www.Proballers.comRėmėjas #2: www.forestdomes.lt
10% Nuolaidos kodas: BENAS10
Šiandienos svečio ilgai pristatinėti nereikia - Pauliaus Jankūno vardas daug kartų nuskambėjo ir vis dar skamba Žalgirio Arenoje. Beveik visą savo profesionalią karjerą praleidęs Žalgiryje ir su juo laimejęs 15 LKL titulų bei 5 kartus tapęs Karaliaus Mindaugo taurės nugaletoju, Paulius šiandien apsilankė mano podcaste.
Šalia visų vietinių, asmeninių pasiekimų ir kitų apdovanojimų Paulius gali pasigirti ir trimis medaliais, iškovotais su Lietuvos krepšinio rinktine. Bet šiandien visgi nekalbėsim apie titulus, o analizuosim kelią tų titulų link ir kokie niuansai nulėmė sėkmę.
Su Pauliumi mes aptarsim jo būdus susikoncentruoti ir atsiriboti nuo išblaškančių aplinkybių; apie tai, kokius dalykus apie varžovų stiprybes ir silpnybes išgirsti prieš rungtynes iš skautų ir asistentų žaidėjui būna svarbu; paliesime, kokios tos kapitono pareigos iš tikrųjų yra ir ko tiksliai jos reikalauja. Paulius pasidalins, į ką daugiausiai kreipė dėmesio būdamas kapitonas ir kaip stengėsi padėti naujai atvykusiems komandos žaidėjams, ypatingą dėmesį skirdamas iš užsienio atvykusiems žaidėjams ir jų integracijai Lietuvoje. Kalbėjome ir apie komandos rūbinės privatumą, dabartines Pauliaus pareigas ir į ką jis kreipia dėmesį stebėdamas treniruočių procesą iš šalies.
Šis pokalbis taip pat ypatingas, nes aptarėm ir gyvenimo vertybes bei kitas temas, apie kurias rečiau teko girdėti ankstesniuose podcastuose.
Jeigu pokalbis jums patiko, prašau juo pasidalinti! O jei mano podcaste norite dažniau matyti svečius ir pokalbius iš viso pasaulio - prenumeruokite ir nepraleiskite naujų epizodų.
Forest Domes Koncentracija Kitas Etapas Pasiruosimas/Skautingas Rungtynem Stiprybes vs Silpnybes Ka daro kapitonas? Komunikacija Konfliktas Komandoje ProBallers.com Issukiai naujuose pareigose Treniruociu analize Komunikacija su treneriu Charakteris vs Talentas ATOs#PauliusJankunas #Jankis #Kapitonas #Zalgiris #Krepsinis #Kaunas
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LinkedIn (Žalgiris): https://www.linkedin.com/company/bc-zalgiris-kaunas/
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Martin Kuchalik - Business Communication vs Sports Communication (EP59)
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Not many people in the sports business know who Martin Kuchalik is but the people who work with him truly appreciate his knowledge and view on things. Martin is a communication expert and is hired by companies to observe and improve internal communication especially when taking the vertical communication from management down to its employees. The goal is always to create a platform of understanding each other better and cooperating in order to reach common goals...just as in sports.
Today, I tried to combine the two worlds and bridge the gap between the business world of communication and my basketball world, especially within the coach's locker-room as well as the dynamic between coaches & players.
We talked a lot about trust-based communication, brutal honesty vs honesty with empathy, how to ask powerful and open ended questions, cultural differences within a company and how to help understand each other better, how to deal with manipulation as well as patronization at the work-place and much more.
My favorite episode to say the least, we totally geeked out :)
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How to help companies? Importance of Vulnerability Emotional Security by Leadership Emotional vs Non-Emotional Responses "Hurt people hurt people" How and when to give feedback? Body language & Finding Truth Cultural Differences How to improve confidence? Criticism within Cultures Overthinking Manipulation & Undermining Relationship aspect ATOs#MartinKuchalik #Communication #BusinessCommunication #SportsCommunication
Finding "Martin":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martin_kuchalik/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martin.kuchalik
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-kuchalik/
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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Anthony is a former professional basketball player who played in a lot of different places around the world. He played four years at Stanford before transitioning to the DLeague at the time, making his way to Italy later on before coming back to the DLeague again. Later, he finally decided to take his talents to Europe as well as South America and played in countries such as Ukraine, France, Israel, Venezuela, Dominican Republic as well as Kosovo where he ended up finishing his career in 2020.
Today, Ant shared his experience of playing in Venezuela and how he almost got kidnapped upon arrival, his path throughout Europe and how open he was to new cultures and new experiences before deciding to retire. We also talked about our life as scouts on the road and the life in hotels and the challenge of finding a routine. Anthony also talked about the beginnings of "Swishcultures" and how he goes about living out his creative side of things, while also being productive in everything he does.
A multi-faceted personality with a variety of experiences and lots of fascinating stories to tell.
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(0:00) Intro
(2:30) Getting Robbed in Barcelona
(10:00) Routine on the road / Workouts
(19:30) Balancing Work&Social Life
(25:30) Can You Be An Introvert & Be A Scout?
(29:30) Dealing with Rejection & Women
(35:30) High Demand Personalities
(46:45) ProBallers.com
(54:30) Venezuela Experience
(1:00:50) Cultural Adaptation
(1:05:50) Life Post Retirement
(1:12:00) "Swishcultures" & Other Passions
(1:23:55) Scouting vs Coaching
(1:28:15) ATOs
#AnthonyGoods #AntGoods #Swishcultures #ExPlayer #Retirement #Stanford
Finding "Ant":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/antgoods87/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntGoods
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anthony.goods.54
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-goods-826b2845/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swishcultures/
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Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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Eskedar is a good friend of mine and has been living in Vilnius first as a refugee before finally becoming a Lithuanian citizen. Today she shared her crazy and unique story of how she escaped an oppressive government in Ethiopia 19 years ago, got tangled up in an even more restrictive government in Khartoum (Sudan) until civil war broke out before ending up in jail in Lybia and then taking a boat to Malta to finally enjoy her freedom. She did this final journey while being pregnant and ended up in Lithuania with her boyfriend at that time. Meanwhile, Eskedar enjoys her freedom in Lithuania for 17 years now, is politically active and shares her story as inspiration for all people around Lithuania that anything is possible while also being a business woman in Vilnius.
Eskedar is running several Cafes in Vilnius where she is selling her locally roasted coffee beans from different countries in Africa & inviting people to traditional Ethiopian Coffee Ceremonies while creating her own community based on her native Ethiopian hospitality traits.
If you need an inspirational story as well as a good laugh and a new place to taste some Ethiopian Coffee in Vilnius, check this episode out and share it with friends who love coffee as much as we do!
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Origins of Bulletproof Coffee Escapes from Ethiopia, Sudan & Lybia Creating a Community in Lithuania Ethiopian Culture of Trust Exploiting Ethiopian Coffee Plantations Cozy Vilnius Eskedar Cafes Activist for Different Causes#Eskedar #Ethiopia #Ethiopiancoffee #Coffee #Vilnius #CoffeeinVilnius #EthiopianBeans #Lithuania
Finding "Eskedar":
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/esked_ar/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eskedarcoffeebar/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eskedarcoffee/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eskedarcoffeeterrace/
Website: http://www.eskedarcoffee.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EskedarTila
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eskedarcoffee
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eskedarcoffeebar
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eskedar-tilahun-ma%C5%A1tavi%C4%8Dien%C4%97-41207668/
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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Francesco Cuzzolin is currently the Head of Performance at EA7 Armani Milano and has a wealth of experience in the field of Strength & Conditioning. He became the first Strength & Conditioning coach in the NBA when he started to work for the Toronto Raptors. Besides clubs he also worked with Italy's & Russia's Basketball National Team and is also serving as a consultant to Technogym as well as the ELPA (Euroleague Player's Association). Cuzzo also serves a role in education when he holds lectures at the University of Murcia as well as Sevilla.
Today we covered a variety of topics in my longest podcast yet. We talked from the importance of sharing information amongst peers, finding information from outside your field and applying it to your daily job. I was also curious on what coaches and scouts have to do in order to be pro-active against prolonged sitting and hurting their backs. Weightlifting for players, the recovery process after games and many more topics that are important to athletes, coaches & staff!
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(0:00) Intro
(3:00) Sharing Ideas & Communication
(16:30) NBA (Raptors) vs Europe
(26:00) Multi-Tasking & Organizing yourself
(35:00) Learning New Information
(39:00) Physical Health of Coaching Staff
(50:40) ProBallers.com
(59:40) Data Analysis & Value of Sleep
(1:08:10) Weightlifting During Season
(1:12:45) Preparation Common Mistakes
(1:19:50) Studies on Music & Frequency
(1:25:45) ATOs
#Cuzzo #PerformanceCoach #HeadofPerformance #Milano #ArmaniMilano #Euroleague #NBA #NationalTeamBasketball #ItalyBasketball
Finding "Cuzzo":Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fracuzzolin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fcuzzolin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/francesco.cuzzolin.3
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesco-cuzzolin-phd-b8485427/
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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Sergio Scariolo doesn't need a long introduction, his successes speak for itself especially with Spain's National Team and the countless titles internationally that they have won. 5 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals across Eurobasket, World Cup and Olympic tournaments. He's the winningest National Team coach in the modern era of basketball. Sergio can also consider himself a NBA champion when he won the NBA championship as an Assistant Coach with the Toronto Raptors.
Today, we let all of those achievements 'rest in peace' and talked more about the constructive part of the game, especially when it comes to communication with super stars and his take on it as well as lots of stories around the invention of the Spanish Pick & Roll & more.
This episode had lots of constructive advice for young coaches behind the scenes on how to behave in certain situations as well as avoid doing the mistakes that he did himself during his younger years as a coach.
A very genuine and sincere episode with one of the greatest coaches of the modern era of basketball, please enjoy!!
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(0:00) Intro
(3:00) Sergio off the court
(7:10) Communication & Self Criticism
(22:45) Michelangelo Effect
(31:00) ProBallers.com
(35:10) Invention of Spanish Pick&Roll (2009)
(40:50) Beginning of the Diamond Sets
(43:45) Defensive Versatility
(52:00) ATOs
#SergioScariolo #SpainNationalTeam #SpanishPickandRoll #BaloncestoEspana #Basketball
Finding Sergio Scariolo / Spanish Federation:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/baloncestoesp/
Twitter Sergio: https://twitter.com/sergioscariolo
Twitter Federation: https://twitter.com/BaloncestoESP
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BaloncestoFEB
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/federaci%C3%B3nespa%C3%B1oladebaloncesto/
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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Boris Diaw is a well known name in the basketball community, not much introduction needed at this point, even after his retirement. He's a winner and a patriot in the most truest sense. Every summer he played for the National Team of France and in 2013 he won the FIBA Eurobasket and followed up in 2014 with a NBA championship playing for the Spurs in a memorable playoff run.
Today, Boris and me talked not only about basketball. We spent quality time together during the podcast and explored our interests of travel, photography, food as well as coffee & wine regions...plenty of delicacies. We also dove into topics such as expectations from Assistant Coaches, emotional balance and his approach to life & basketball in general as well as the summer of 2013. How he went from losing the NBA Finals to winning the Eurobasket with France and winning the NBA Finals in 2014, all within 12 months...what a ride this was, please join us!
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(0:00) Intro
(3:00) Coffee, Wine & Travel
(14:15) Impact of Montessori School
(26:10) Impact of Coaches
(31:30) Dos & Don'ts for Assistant Coaches
(37:40) Embracing Pressure
(39:10) Winning Eurobasket of 2013
(46:50) Preparing For Retirement
(52:06) Emotional Balance & Attitude to Life
(56:30) Playing in French 11th Division
(58:50) ProBallers.com
(1:05:00) ATOs
#BorisDiaw #NBAChampionship #NBA Finals #Eurobasket #Wine #Coffee #Travel #Photography #MontessoriSchool
Finding Boris Diaw:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diawboris/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theborisdiaw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boris.diaw.944
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/boris-diaw-57832ab1/
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
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Tadas Bulotas took on the profession of a basketball agent after his father but started his own company together with Arturas Javtokas in 2008 while he was still only 19years old. He eventually sold his business and joined Wassermann agency as one of their representatives in Europe. Besides many international draft prospects Tadas also represents clients in Euroleague as well as Japan and other countries around the world.
Today's episode is centered around topics of problem-solving within the business. Different aspects of his job require a variety of different perspectives in order to resolve problems that occur between the different parties involved. We also dove into recruitment & ethics in this business. Unwritten rules and more....
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(0:00) Intro
(2:10) Berlin vs Vilnius
(6:20) Starting as an Agent
(10:00) Impact of Father
(13:15) Start of Recruitment
(18:50) Contact with Teams
(22:50) Communication with Coaches & Teams
(26:00) Finding a New Team
(31:12) Injury of Players
(35:50) Players Leaving Agents
(41:00) Daily Routine
(43:00) ProBallers.com
(48:15) Ethics of Agents
(55:10) Emotional Gratification
(1:02:50) Future of Business
(1:14:03) "Small Print"
#TadasBulotas #TeamWass #BasketballAgent #International #AgentLife
Finding Tadas Bulotas:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bulotastadas/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tadas.bulotas
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tadas-bulotas-7577765b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BulotasTadas
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Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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0:00 Intro
2:52 How are you?
5:00 Basketball Beginnings
8:40 Art of Basketball & Standards
12:45 National Team Beginnings
17:00 Mentorship & Big Responsibilities
27:40 Focus & Preparation Process
32:30 New Assistant Coach Responsibilities
37:00 Communication with players
44:00 Expectations from Assistant Coaches
46:00 Under-rated "Actions" on offense
51:30 ProBallers.com
58:05 Protecting mental health
1:04:15 Reflections: Becoming a Head Coach
1:06:50 ATOs
I want to welcome our new and first sponsor of the show, www.proballers.com
Every basketball geek knows them, it's a statistical platform that carries the top 75 leagues around the world, you can easily access all the information on your phone, which it's optimized for and have fun scouting players and leagues around the world!
Lassi is a young and up&coming basketball coach from Finland who started to coach in 2005 and became National Team Assistant Coach as soon as 2010 and has been an integral part of the coaching staff under Coach Dettmann until Lassi himself became the Head Coach of Finland's Basketball National Team in 2022! Currently, he also serves as an Assistant Coach to Luca Banchi at Virtus Bologna in the Euroleague.
Lassi and me talked about various subjects but most notably and most importantly about the topic of mentorship and how important it was in his development as a young basketball coach. We also talked about the transition from Assistant Coach to Head Coach and back to being an Assistant Coach again while serving as a Head Coach in Finland. Other topics were the importance of balance, decompressing, finding a place to work or unwind outside the hotel, reflections on the past and most under-rated actions on the basketball court.
Please enjoy...Share with friends & colleagues, Comment & Like this episode on YouTube as well as all audio platforms!
#LassiTuovi #FinlandBasketball #HeadCoach #AssistantCoach #Mentorship #Leadership
Finding Lassi Tuovi:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lassituovi/
Twitter: https://x.com/coachtuovi?s=20
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lassi.tuovi
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lassi-tuovi-a72142164/
Finding “The Benas Podcast”:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-podcast/id1558492852?uo=4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Bw5UJNSQLKo0wUybEIza3
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-benas-podcast
…or visit www.bmatke.com to find more info.
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