Is it ever okay to lie? That's the question Matt takes up on the show today. Interestingly, this question is not merely an ethical one but also has bearing upon larger issues related to theology, anthropology, and hermeneutics.
Resources mentioned on the show:
(1) David Bentley Hart,You Are Gods: On Nature and Supernature // see chapter 4: Pia Fraus: Our Words and God's Truth
(2) Craig G. Bartholomew, Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics: A Comprehensive Framework for Hearing God in Scripture
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Revelation 15 is a remarkable passage, for it offers a vision of a christologized exodus. This is a powerful illustration of the ways in which the New Testament employs Old Testament material and bridges the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the story of Israel -- especially the Exodus story. There are a number of insights this conceptual bridging affords -- not least in how it illuminates the way the Gospel frees people from evil empires and the spiritual realities that empower them.
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This passage centers around the proclamations and actions of several angels, who play a decisive role in the eschaton. Readers are also confronted with further images of divine judgment. How should one interpret these judgment texts, specifically, the gruesome picture given in v. 20?
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In Revelation 14:1-5, we meet once again 144,000 people who are marked on their foreheads. This mirrors the content of Revelation 7, furthering the narrative of the text as a whole. But new material is introduced in the process. Matt analyzes this new content, revealing important allusions that tie Rev. 14 back to Old Testament passages found in Deuteronomy, Zephaniah, and Isaiah.
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Matt answers a listener's question about evangelism, specifically: Should Christians first preach about sinbefore talking about grace? The answer to that question requires a story...
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Matt chats with Paul Wilson, a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh. His research focuses on migration in the book of Acts. This is a topic that not only garners attention among biblical scholars but also among those engaged in modern political discourse. It's a hot topic, to say the least. In this conversation, Paul guides listeners to think through the subject of migration and, specifically, forced migration, in a way that leans into the insights of the New Testament and Christ's vision for the church to be a loving and welcoming community.
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Revelation 13 describes two beasts: the first rises from the sea, the second from the earth. In this episode, Matt chats about this mysterious second beast. Who, or what, does the land beast symbolize? How would John's first readers have understand this passage? And, moreover, how should modern readers interpret it? Finally, what about the actual mark of the beast? Are there relevant Old Testament passages that serve as the conceptual background for this concept? And what does it have to do with buying and selling? Listen to find out!
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Who (or what) is the beast from the sea in Revelation 13? What clues from the text can we observe that will help us answer this question? Moreover, what insights can we glean from events, persons, and institutions that existed in the first-century Roman world (specifically in the region in and around Asia Minor) that would help us read Revelation 13 accurately and coherently? Listen to find out!
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
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Revelation 13 is a well-known chapter, containing as it does the infamous "mark of the beast" text. This particular passage (and the chapter as a whole) is often the subject of much discussion -- and speculation. In this episode, Matt offers "big picture ideas" that provide an introduction to Revelation 13, addressing questions, such as: What is important about the symbolism of the two beasts? How does the Old Testament help us understand that symbolism? What details does John provide about the mark of the beast that push against some modern/popular conceptions of it?
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Mentioned in the show: David deSilva's new book: Judea under Greek and Roman Rule
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Most would be surprised to learn that the first Christmas 2,000 years ago had a lot to do with politics—indeed, it radically challenged the politics of the day. But in what way? And how can this help us navigate political life in the modern world? Matt addresses these questions, as well as discusses other theological truths and devotional implications of Christmas that are important to consider as we celebrate the Messiah’s birth this season.
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Revelation 12 is full of Old Testament allusions -- what are they, and how do they help us understand the meaning of John's vision? This chapter also contains an abbreviated re-telling of the life and ministry of Jesus. It's a re-telling that features a woman about to give birth to a baby -- a child that a certain dragon seeks to devour. Who is this woman (Mary? Israel?), and how would have the first readers of Revelation understood John's way of telling the story -- those, that is to say, who were familiar with Greek myth? And lastly, how can Revelation 12 help modern readers reconsider popular notions about the "tribulation"?
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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Revelation 11 kicks off by talking about a "temple." Is this a reference to a physical temple? Or is there another way to understand it? How might considering other passages in the New Testament help us in this regard? And who are the two witnesses? Is John saying that, at some point in the future, there will be two individuals who show up (Moses? Elijah? Others?) to prophesy? Many modern prophecy teachers are confident this is the case. In this episode, though, Matt argues that, perhaps, the truth of the matter is far more interesting -- and relevant for today.
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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On the podcast, Matt has been going verse-by-verse through Revelation. The core narrative found in this last book of the New Testament is how the weak (the slain Lamb and his people) are victorious over the strong (the dragon and his people). We see this same narrative elsewhere in the New Testament, namely, in the Gospels. There Jesus elevates the small, the weak, the marginalized; the heroes of his stories are often cultural outcasts. In this vein, how does Jesus' teaching on faith in Luke 17 shed light on the faithfulness the seven churches are called to exhibit in Revelation?
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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This episode is brought to you from sunny San Diego, where the 2024 annual IBR/SBL/AAR conference was hosted. Matt offers thoughts on the value of academic conferences, not least with respect to the Bible. In short, deep reflection happens best in community, where the back-and-forthness of dialogue can take place and where encouragement and critique can blossom. Biblical hermeneutics, after all, is a dialogical endeavor, one that simply cannot happen in the silo of individualism. In this vein, Matt also discusses anti-intellectualism in the church and why the academic study of Scripture is a gift to the kingdom.
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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Christians are called to be peacemakers. But what, exactly, does this entail? Specifically, how do we live as peacemakers in a world such as ours? How are we, for instance, called to handle toxic relationships? And how can the story of creation in Genesis 1 help us answer these questions?
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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Revelation 10 introduces a "mighty angel" from heaven. The angel's speech, message, and activities resemble that of an angel depicted in the Old Testament (i.e. in Daniel). But there are also dissimilarities between the two. How might observing these features help us understand Revelation 10, especially with respect to the angel's enigmatic speech about time (10:6)? There's also the mysterious message of "the seven thunders," which John is told not to write down. What does this mean, and how could the Old Testament help us understand the message's concealment? Finally, what's going on with John being told to "eat" a scroll, and how does this lead into the discussion about the two witnesses in Revelation 11? Listen to find out!
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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The sixth trumpet brings about the release of four angels, who had been bound (imprisoned) at the Euphrates River. Who are these angels, and what's the point of their being bound at a geographical location such as the Euphrates? Readers also encounter a cavalry that numbers 200 million. What's the significance off this number, and what, exactly, is this cavalry? Is it a demonic ? Is it a human? And will this cavalry appear in the future, or should we think differently about it?
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Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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Matt discusses the events that occur at the fifth trumpet. Who is the "star" that Revelation says "had fallen from heaven to earth"? Is this the "destroyer" of Exodus 12? And what relationship do these texts have with Isaiah 14:12-20? Furthermore, what are the locust-beings that come up from the "bottomless pit," and what are they doing to the earth and its inhabitants? Does this text describe acts of judgments, and if so, what is their purpose?
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Support the podcast via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheBibleUnmuted
Read Matt's blog: matthewhalsted.substack.com
Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It
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Matt chats with pastor and author Mark Beuving about the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, whose thought-provoking writings have captivated readers ever since they were first published. Mark unpacks this intriguing thinker, sharing specifically how Kierkegaard's essays on love and faith could influence our own thinking about what it means to live out the Christian life.
Get a copy of Mark Beuving's book: Resonate: Enjoying God's Gift of Music+ + +
Check out Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It: (link here)
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This episode comes with an interesting lineup of topics: Why did Jesus allow Lazarus to die? What does the Bible say about death and the intermediate state? Do Christians who have died know what's happening on earth? Do they experience emotion, such as regret? Why would God allow Job to suffer? Did God offer Job up as a pawn or is something else going on?
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Check out Matt's newest book: The End of the World As You Know It: (link here)
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