[21m 8s] In the final part of the interview, Fred talks with Jim about what the future holds (and that snazzy Hugo nod). In particular, we find out some details about the upcoming 12th Dresden Files novel, and what Jim might do for a second series after Alera wraps up. Plus, a dangerously decaying orbit around the moon! Tune in.
AS YOU MIGHT EXPECT, there are probably some SPOILERS in this one. If you're current on the series, though, you're probably in good shape. -
[21m 44s] In this second of three parts, Fred continues his conversation with Jim, covering the frequently asked questions of the tour, including things like Harry's relationships (and lack thereof), power escalation, the number of books in the series, the RPG that Fred and others are working on, and that whole "Jim Butcher Himself" thing. Plus, famous people are just people, and James Marsters is a good guy.
NOTE: There are some mild series spoilers in here, but it's nothing that people who've read all of the paperbacks and the Turn Coat sample chapters online don't already know. All the same, you've been warned! -
¿Faltan episodios?
[19m 58s] In this first of three parts, Fred sits down with Jim at his house to talk about the things going on with his family, his proud papa moment, swinging around nerf lightsabers in the dead of night while camping, exploding zombies with propane tanks, and oh, yeah, that signing tour he's going on in April.
- The Signing Tour
- Shannon's New Book
- NERO with Jim -
Part 5 of a 5-part series: Jim reads the Turn Coat sample chapters at ConDFW.
ConDFW.orgAbout Turn CoatThe Jim-Butcher.com Store OR the Dog Eared Books Virtual Signing
Discuss this episode on the forum -
Part 4 of a 5-part series: Jim reads the Turn Coat sample chapters at ConDFW.
ConDFW.org About Turn Coat The Jim-Butcher.com Store OR the Dog Eared Books Virtual Signing
Discuss this episode on the forum
Chapter Posting Dates: Chapter 1: February 25 Chapter 2: February 26 Chapter 3: February 27 Chapter 4: March 3 Chapter 5: March 10 -
Part 3 of a 5-part series: Jim reads the Turn Coat sample chapters at ConDFW.
ConDFW.orgAbout Turn CoatThe Jim-Butcher.com StoreDiscuss this episode on the forum
Chapter Posting Dates:Chapter 1: February 25Chapter 2: February 26Chapter 3: February 27Chapter 4: March 3Chapter 5: March 10 -
Part 2 of a 5-part series: Jim reads the Turn Coat sample chapters at ConDFW.
ConDFW.org About Turn Coat The Jim-Butcher.com Store Discuss this episode on the forum
Chapter Posting Dates: Chapter 1: February 25 Chapter 2: February 26 Chapter 3: February 27 Chapter 4: March 3 Chapter 5: March 10 -
The Butcher Block returns with a bang!
Part 1 of a 5-part series: Jim reads the Turn Coat sample chapters at ConDFW.
About Turn Coat
The Jim-Butcher.com Store
Chapter Posting Dates:
Chapter 1: February 25
Chapter 2: February 26
Chapter 3: February 27
Chapter 4: March 3
Chapter 5: March 10 -
It's the (much-delayed) third episode of Butcher 'Spress!
American Cancer Society's Relay for Life: Make a donation! Jim and Shannon's second auction: autographed first-printings of the four books in the Codex Alera! Ends June 27th.Upcoming Glee: 5/21: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #2-- Diamond's Comic Shop Locator 6/11: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #1 reprint-- I'm not kidding, he looks like Iron Man 6/25: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #3 7/23: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #4 7/30: Chris McGrath Cover Art Calendar 10/21: Blood Lite, "Day Off" 10/21: Welcome to the Jungle trade hardcover 10/21: Storm Front, issue #1 10/31: Backup from Subterranean Press. Green Man Review: April Gutierrez's review pre-order Storm Front (no date yet) Storm Front's artist: Vincent Chong Subterranean Press is also planning special editions of Fool Moon and Grave Peril, but we don't have any details yet. 12/11: Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury, and Cursor's Fury on audio (NEW DATE!) 12/02: Princeps' Fury in hardcover and audio formats. (This is an update from what was said in the podcast! The publishers finally seem to have realized the silliness of their previous schedule.) 1/6/09: Mean Streets, "The Warrior" 3/3/09: Small Favor in paperback 4/7/09: Turn Coat hardcoverEarly 2009: The Dresden Files RPG New Livejournal CommunityBleeding Alpha playtesting listCon Schedule: 7/11-13: Polaris in Toronto, Canada 7/24-27: Jim and the Dabels at San Diego Comic Con 10/24-26: MileHiCon in Denver, CO 2/20-22/2009: ConDFW in Richardson, Texas 10/16-18/2009: Jim and Shannon at Kingsport Women's Festival in Kingsport, TN -
[12min 23sec] It's the second episode of Butcher 'Spress!
Upcoming Glee:
4/16: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #1 (sold out 5/2!)Diamond's Comic Shop Locator 5/21 or 5/28: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #1 reprint 5/28: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #2 New Comic Covers on the forum 6/25: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #3 7/23: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #4 7/30: Chris McGrath Cover Art Calendar (Christian McGrath.com) 10/21: Blood Lite, "Harry's Day Off" 10/21: Welcome to the Jungle trade hardcover 10/31: Backup from Subterranean Press. Cover art and sample image. pre-order Storm Front (no date yet) Subterranean Press is also planning special editions of "Fool Moon" and "Grave Peril," but we don't have any details yet. 11/20: Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury, and Cursor's Fury on audio 11/25: Princeps' Fury audio 12/02: Princeps' Fury hardcover-- Cover Art! and April 2009: Turn Coat hardcoverCon Schedule: 4/18-20: MobiCon in Mobile, AL 6/10: Signing Marathon with Jim and Shannon in the Jefferson City area 7/11-13: Polaris in Toronto, Canada 7/24-27: Jim and the Dabels at San Diego Comic Con 10/24-26: MileHiCon in Denver, CO 2/20-22/2009: ConDFW in Richardson, Texas 10/16-18/2009: Jim and Shannon at Kingsport Women's Festival in Kingsport, TNCall in and leave the show voicemail at 301-6377-HAT!The Music
2006 Pl@stic Soul .22Discuss this episode on the forum here. Find a nearby branch of Priscilla's favourite pizza restaurant here! -
(32m 44s) Fred returns after a long hiatus with an interview. Our guest is Ernst Dabel of the Dabel Brothers, publishers of the upcoming Dresden File comic.
- rpgpodcasts.com
- Catie Murphy
- The Dresden Files Comic Book
- New York Comic-Con
- 2006 Pl@stic Soul
- .22 -
(12m 38s) The Butcher Block is back with a new style of episodes: Butcher 'Spress, all the news you mortals need to know!
The News
12/04: Captain's Fury hardcover
12/26: My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon, "Heorot"
3/27: Captain's Fury audio
4/01: Small Favor US hardcover and audio
4/03: Small Favour UK hardcover
4/16: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #1
-- druiz (at) dabelbrothers.com to inquire about missing posters
-- Diamond's Comic Shop Locator
5/28: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #2
6/25: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #3
7/30: Chris McGrath Cover Art Calendar
10/21: Blood Lite, "Harry's Day Off"
10/21: Welcome to the Jungle trade hardcover
10/31: Backup
-- cover art
-- pre-order Storm Front
11/20: Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury, and Cursor's Fury on audio
11/25: Princeps' Fury audio
12/02: Princeps' Fury hardcover
and April 2009 (whoops! we said 2008 in the podcast!): Turn Coat hardcoverCall in and leave the show voicemail at 301-6377-HAT!
The Music
- 2006 Pl@stic Soul
- .22 -
(26min 21sec) Fred and Priscilla talk news, and the listeners phone in their Alera Love.
Call in and leave the show voicemail at 301-6377-HAT!The Music
- 2006 Pl@stic Soul
- .22News Items with Priscellie
- September 4th, Release of Many Bloody Returns, "It's My BirthdayToo." Book signings all across the country. Jim was in Kansas Cityat B&N. Early September book signings for Many Bloody Returns
- Cover art for Supernatural Honeymoon! Edited by P.N. Elrod, outDecember 26th. My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon Cover Art
- Subterranean Press
- Real Life Comics Dresden Files Sighting
- Codex Alera on Unshelved
- The Drumstick Campaign
- Jericho
- dresdencity.org
- maenad.tripod.com
- dresdenfiles.org
- New Home 4 Dresden Petition
- PhauxCon in Philly, October 5-7
- Shannon Butcher
- The Dresden Files RPG Playtest ApplicationAlera Love
- Read about the Codex Alera
- We hear from Fred, Priscilla, Jackie in Austin, Meg, Charles from Texas, Gloria, and "The Man in the Shadows"... spooky.Quick Addendums
- Strange Brew on P.N. Elrod's Livejournal
- Captain's Fury cover art previewComment on this Show over at Jim-Butcher.Com
(14m:23s) Short and bittersweet. Here are the relevant notes.
TV Guide on the Cancellation
The Mos Eisley that is the Sci Fi Dresden Files Board
The TV Series Forum Board on Jim-Butcher.Com
Alera Love Call-In Number! 1-301-6377-HAT (1-301-637-7428) Call in and share the love, dammit!
Discuss this episode on the Jim-Butcher.Com Forum.
(30m 24s) Fred talks with Ryan Macklin about Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New Beginnings. Also, updates on various Jim-Butcher.Com news items from Priscellie, and a TV show news update (such as it is) from Mickey Finn.
New Blurbs - Captain's Fury and It's My Birthday Too: News Item!
Heorot: News Item!
The Laws of Magic Series on Dresden Files RPG: Part OnePart TwoPart Three
Free Button Giveaway: News Item!
Dresden Files Series Season 1 DVD: Amazon Preorder
Storm Front and Fool Moon in Hardcover: Preorder Storm Front Preorder Fool Moon
The Jim-Butcher.Com Store: Store Link
Mickey Finn's TV Show News: Forum Thread
Going Green - Reduce your carbon emissions! Learn more here
My house's stats on what going green did for us and the environment: Blog post
Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New Beginnings: Product info page
Preorder Finis at Indie Press Revolution: Preorder it here!
Ryan Macklin's Master Plan: The Podcast
Paul Tevis's Have Games, Will Travel: The Podcast
Discuss this episode over on the Jim-Butcher.Com Forums -
(31min 45sec) Fred plugs in for a quick episode in a new format. He checks in with Butcher Block News Correspondant Priscellie for an update on everything that's happened since the last episode, and goes over to the grill with Chad Underkoffler to cook up some "butcher burgers", looking into discrepancies in the continuity of the novels.
The Music: The PodSafe Music Network 2006 Pl@stic Soul .22 News with Priscellie: Bestseller News Continuing Bestseller Success Storm Front will be coming in hardcover New cover art for Small Favor from Christian McGrath TV Show Renewal Watch - Forum Thread Season Two Renewal Campaign - Bonnie's Season Two Renewal Campaign - DresdenFiles.Org Dresden Files Short Story Anthologies Future of the Dresden Files Books Small Favor - April 2008 Bumper Sturgeon's Law Breaking News Season 1 will be on DVD Bumper Ryan Macklin's Master Plan Butcher Burgers with Chad Underkoffler (Spoiler Warning!) The Dresden Files RPG Evil Hat Productions Atomic Sock Monkey Press -
(43min 04sec) Fred (or is that Iago?) talks about visiting with Jim at StellarCon, dishes on the future of the Dresden Files and Codex Alera series, and with White Night about to hit stores, talks about Dresden #10. Plus, information about Jim's signing tour and bookstore appearances, a deeper look at the foundations of the Dresden Files RPG, and a chat with one of our forum regulars about the last four episodes of the TV show.
The Music:The PodSafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com2006 Pl@stic Soul: http://tinyurl.com/y6k69q.22: http://tinyurl.com/tel5vCatching Up at StellarCon:Stellarcon: http://www.stellarcon.org/homeAudio "bloopers" from Summer Knight: http://www.jamesmarsters.com/james/summerknight.htmlSummer Knight Audio CD version: http://tinyurl.com/2llc2mSummer Knight MP3 version here: http://tinyurl.com/39sl6dJim's April Signing Tour:Signing Tour: http://www.jim-butcher.com/news/000174.phpFeedback page with Jim's publicist's info: http://www.jim-butcher.com/feedback/White Night Buy it at Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/egcchOr do the Virtual Signing with Dog Eared Half-Price Books: http://www.dogearedhalf-pricebooks.com/virtualsigning.htmCodex AleraThe series: http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/alera/Cursor's Fury: http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/alera/3/The Dresden Files RPGWebsite: http://www.dresdenfilesrpg.com/Based on Spirit of the Century: http://www.evilhat.com/?spiritDresden Files TV DownloadsAvailable on iTunes: http://www.apple.com/itunes/Fred's Quick Plugs Beast Hunters: http://www.berengad.com/Sneak peaks and other tidbits on Fred's LJ: http://drivingblind.livejournal.com/tag/beast+huntersPriscilla's Quick PlugsPhauxCon: http://www.phauxcon.com/ (Jim will be at PhauxCon 5 this fall)Comic News Insider: http://www.comicnewsinsider.com/CNI Forums: http://www.cgspodcast.com/forum2/ (descend, minions!)The Timeline: http://www.jim-butcher.com/bb/index.php/topic,1592.msg28573.htmlRyan Macklin's Master Plan: http://masterplan.libsyn.com/
To discuss this episode, come on over to the Jim-Butcher.Com Forums: http://www.jim-butcher.com/bb/index.php/topic,2396.0.html -
(39min 26sec) Fred talks about the Curse of Knowledge when it comes to the TV show, and brings on a friend who's seen the TV show but never read the books to help apply a "filter". But first, some news about how you can see Jim in March and April, how you can see him on the set of the TV show, and how the TV show's been doing in the downloadable arena. Plus, a small update on the progress of the RPG.
The Music:The PodSafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com2006 Pl@stic Soul: http://tinyurl.com/y6k69q.22: http://tinyurl.com/tel5vJim's Appearances in March & April:Stellarcon: http://www.stellarcon.org/homeI-CON: http://www.iconsf.org/Signing Tour: http://www.jim-butcher.com/news/000174.phpWhite Night Buy it at Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/egcchOr do the Virtual Signing with Dog Eared Half-Price Books: http://www.dogearedhalf-pricebooks.com/virtualsigning.htmBehind the ScenesVideo Interview at SciFi.Com: http://www.scifi.com/dresden/video/index.php?cat=features&seas=1&vid=63736Dresden Files DownloadsAvailable on iTunes: http://www.apple.com/itunes/The Dresden Files RPGWebsite: http://www.dresdenfilesrpg.com/Fred's LJ Update: http://drivingblind.livejournal.com/243907.htmlChad's Quick PlugsAtomic Sock Monkey Press: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/Dead Inside: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/products/di.aspTruth & Justice: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/products/tj.aspThe Zorcerer of Zo: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/products/zoz.aspDon't Rest Your Head: http://www.evilhat.com/?dryh -
(40min 30sec) Fred returns to talk about the first two episodes of the TV show, hints at some upcoming news about White Night, fails to get Jim on the line due to a deadline, and touches on his experience at Dreamation 2007. Plus, he sits down with Dresden Files RPG co-author Rob Donoghue to talk about the Dresden Files on TV.
The Music:The PodSafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com2006 Pl@stic Soul: http://tinyurl.com/y6k69q.22: http://tinyurl.com/tel5vGaming:Dreamation: http://www.dexposure.com/d2007.htmlIndie Games Explosion: http://community.livejournal.com/ige/Indie Press Revolution: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/Dresden Files:White Night Info Page: http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/dresden/9/The TV Show: http://www.thedresdenfiles.com/Conversation with Rob Donoghue:Spirit of the Century: http://www.evilhat.com/?spiritThe Dresden Files RPG: http://www.dresdenfilesrpg.com/Monk: http://www.usanetwork.com/series/monk/Psych: http://www.usanetwork.com/series/psych/Blade Runner: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083658/Heroes: http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/Lost: http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/index -
(21 min 2 sec) Fred's running off to Dreamation and Jim's on pain medication, so this episode deviated a bit from our original expectations. You'll find a short commentary on the first episode of the TV series, "Birds of a Feather", including an apology Robert Wolfe made about some of the episode, as well as Fred's thoughts on controversy. But that's all secondary to this episode's special "Prime Cut" from the upcoming Summer Knight audio book...
The Music: The PodSafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com 2006 Pl@stic Soul: http://tinyurl.com/y6k69q .22: http://tinyurl.com/tel5vDreamation: http://www.dexposure.com/d2007.html
Summer Knight Audio: Preorder the Audio CD version here: http://tinyurl.com/2llc2m Preorder the MP3 version here: http://tinyurl.com/39sl6d Get MP3s of chapters 1, 2, and 13 at the above links! - Mostrar más