
  • The Reaction to Inaction, How Organizations, Employees, and Customers Lose When People Fail To Act by Jack Jackson


    How It Will Change Your Entire Organization
    Jack Jackson, an award winning and seasoned executive, has been working on this book for twenty years. Over his twenty-year career as an Executive he has taken detailed notes, interviewed researchers, psychologists, business leaders, and personally witnessed firsthand the downgrade of the American company. For decades now modern American companies, organizations, and teams have operated within an old-fashioned and archaic methodology. Organizations from corporate America to the US military have spent millions of dollars on fancy retreats, consultants, coaches, and “experts” to improve performance. This framework for the organization of the future will shape and build your organization into a powerhouse of performance, a culture of innovators, entrepreneurs, free thinkers and high achievers. This book helps every team member from the janitor to the Chief Executive Officer find purpose and fulfillment in their day-to-day work and strive to be their absolute best.


    This book IS “the anti-coach book. The anti-consultant book, the anti 'I bought this leadership book and now I am asking my team to read it' book." In this groundbreaking and genuinely new approach to modern business, Jackson offers a framework and blueprint backed by research and years of data that will once again ignite American business innovation and inspire teams to achieve at the highest level.

    Real World Application
    This book is not meant to be read once and left alone. This book is meant for everyone within a team, an organization or enterprises of any size and any industry that wants to drastically improve. This book is designed and written for real world application. Each chapter comes with templates, how to’s and suggestions to implement the framework that will radically change your organization and begin your journey to excellence.

    The Power of Now
    Discover the transformative power of living in the present moment with the best-selling book by Eckhart Tolle. Find inspiration and guidance to help you overcome anxiety, stress, and negative thoughts. Start your journey today.

  • The Jersey Death Squad: A Journey to Kill Jessie Freeman by Mark Meding

    This is a story about four friends who grew up together in rural northern New Jersey. The four are close enough to be brothers- chosen family- whose loyalty and love for one another becomes a powerful force in their lives growing up. But when the boys witness a tragic accident befall a local police officer, they are severely impacted, especially upon learning the full extent of the injury. As the boys witness the impact of the tragedy on their friend's wife and family, they create a pact: if any one of the boys should ever become a mental or physical burden to their friends or family, the remaining friends need to end their life. Decades later, once the boys grow up to be men, they are devastated to learn that due to a horrible accident, one of them meets the condition they had described in the pact. The remaining friends connect with one another and set off on a journey to get to their soul brother to fulfill their fateful obligation. A compelling, frequently funny story about reconnection, friendship, and love that asks the question....?? can the boys fulfill the pact and murder their friend this many years later and with so much to lose? ??

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  • Michael Sakata Dives Deep into Infrastructure Challenges in Maryland and America

    About the Guest(s):
    Michael Sakata is the President and CEO of the Maryland Transportation Builders and Materials Association (MTBMA). Boasting over 20 years in the transportation sector, Michael has driven record membership growth and advocates for 35,000 workers and business owners. His impactful partnerships include appointments by Maryland Governors Wes Moore and Larry Hogan. Michael previously held significant roles at the American Road and Transportation Builders Association and has received accolades for innovation. He holds a degree from George Mason University and an Executive Education Certificate from Yale School of Management.

    Episode Summary:
    In this enlightening episode of The Chris Voss Show, Chris is joined by Michael Sakata, President and CEO of the Maryland Transportation Builders and Materials Association. Michael shares deep insights into the intricacies of infrastructure management, the state of US infrastructure, and the critical need for investments and innovations in this sector. The conversation ranges from specifics about local infrastructure projects to broader discussions about federal funding mechanisms and the challenges of maintaining and upgrading transportation systems.

    The episode kicks off with Chris and Michael discussing the importance of infrastructure and the repercussions of failures like the Francis Scott Key Bridge incident. Michael addresses the current state of infrastructure in the US and underscores the necessity for sustained funding and innovative solutions to overcome the challenges posed by outdated systems and modern-day needs. They also delve into the intricacies of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and its impact on infrastructure projects across the nation. Other topics include the role of public-private partnerships, the influence of electric vehicles on gas tax revenue, and the critical importance of active citizen engagement in lobbying for better infrastructure.

    Key Takeaways:
    Infrastructure's Critical Role: Michael stresses that robust infrastructure is essential for economic stability and public safety, reflecting on the devastating impact of infrastructural failures like the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
    Federal and State Funding: Federal funding, largely stagnated since 1993 without increased gas taxes, is insufficient alone. States need to find innovative funding solutions to supplement these shortfalls.
    Public-Private Partnerships (P3s): P3s are highlighted as an essential strategy for developing infrastructure quickly, though they come with long-term costs and commitments.
    Impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs): EVs, due to their lower contribution to gas taxes and heavy weight, pose unique challenges for infrastructure funding and maintenance.
    Actionable Advocacy: Engaging with legislators to emphasize the importance of infrastructure funding is crucial for sustaining and improving transportation systems.

    Notable Quotes:
    "Infrastructure improvements are essential to move us from a C rating to something more respectable, ensuring the economic well-being and safety of our nation."
    "The federal gas tax hasn't increased since 1993, and this stagnation is a significant hurdle for funding infrastructure."
    "Public-private partnerships can fast-track infrastructure projects, but come with the obligation of long-term tolls and private management."
    "Electric vehicles, despite their environmental benefit, are not contributing similarly to infrastructure maintenance due to their minimal gas tax payments."
    "It's vital for citizens to lobby their legislators for improved infrastructure funding – our roads, bridges, and overall transport systems depend on it."

  • Rashmi Airan Shares Journey of Resilience and Transformation

    About the Guest(s):
    Rashmi Airan is a captivating speaker, consultant, and catalyst for transformation, focusing on fostering organizational cultures centered around authenticity. With a background as an investment banker and an attorney, she brings a unique perspective on leadership, core values, and decision-making. Rashmi's powerful story includes her time in federal prison, which she now uses to inspire and motivate others. She has worked with global corporations and associations, providing keynotes, leadership workshops, and ongoing consulting services aimed at creating safe havens for courageous and often challenging conversations.

    Episode Summary:
    Welcome to another episode of The Chris Voss Show! In this engaging and insightful episode, Chris Voss sits down with Rashmi Aaron, a dynamic speaker and consultant dedicated to fostering authenticity in organizational cultures. Rashmi shares her compelling journey from a successful career as an attorney and investment banker to her time in federal prison, and how she has emerged stronger, using her experiences to teach others about leadership, resilience, and ethical decision-making.

    Rashmi delves into her process called "Rise through It," a three-step method focusing on acceptance, letting go, and taking bold action. She discusses the importance of self-accountability and vulnerability in leadership, and shares how her consulting work helps C-suite executives and teams build trust and improve accountability. Rashmi’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit, making this episode a must-listen for anyone looking to navigate challenges and lead with integrity.

    Key Takeaways:
    Acceptance and Ownership: Recognize and take ownership of your current situation to pave the way for transformation.
    Letting Go: Release ego, fear, control, and judgment to find enlightenment, courage, conviction, and grace.
    Bold Action: Act with courage and make significant changes to rise through challenges.
    Relatability and Vulnerability: Sharing personal stories and vulnerabilities can open the door to deeper, more meaningful conversations and trust within teams.
    Fear and Uncertainty: Addressing fear, especially related to change and uncertainty, is crucial for growth and resilience.

    Notable Quotes:
    "Failure is just an opportunity to try again."
    "If you're not trying to fail, you're not trying hard enough."
    "Not doing something is still doing something wrong."
    "We are all humans, we are all drops from the same ocean, and how dare I pass judgment on others?"
    "When we can actually recognize that the entire purpose of being humans on this earth is to be fallible, that is the human experience."

  • Art of Tea: A Journey of Ritual, Discovery, and Impact By Steve Schwartz

    Have you ever wished the world would just stop for a minute?

    What if it could?

    As a teenager, Steve Schwartz lived in 24/7 survival mode, going hungry whenever he couldn't find enough work to pay for a school lunch. At the age of eighteen, he nursed his dying mother through the final stages of terminal cancer.

    His mother's death launched him on a journey to the far reaches of the world, where he discovered a passion for the ancient, calming rituals of tea.

    Fascinated by the craft, he voyaged with sages and tea gurus around the globe, sourcing in far-flung fields and developing award-winning blends along the way, turning that passion into world-renowned teas.

    Join Steve, the founder of Art of Tea, as he reveals the surprising true story behind its international success. Learn how he grew a tiny tea concept into partnerships with brands like Wolfgang Puck, Caesars Palace, Disney, and Vera Wang, all through the timeless ritual of tea itself-and its mysterious ability to carve small pockets of peace into modern life.

    About the Guest(s):
    Steve Schwartz is the founder and master tea blender of Art of Tea, a handcrafted tea purveyor based in Los Angeles. He is also the bestselling author of "Art of Tea: A Journey of Ritual, Discovery, and Impact" and an expert in Ayurvedic traditions. Steve's passion for combining herbs and botanicals was deeply influenced by his studies at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico and his personal journey following his mother's battle with cancer. His company, Art of Tea, sources the top 1-2% of tea leaves and botanicals from around the world to create award-winning tea blends.

    Notable Quotes:
    "Stories are the owner's manual to life." - Chris Voss
    "I found the school in New Mexico called the Ayurvedic Institute and fell in love with the alchemy, blending herbs and teas and botanicals." - Steve Schwartz
    "The beauty behind tea is, when you're making a high-quality tea, 97 to 98% of that is water." - Steve Schwartz
    "Imagine, getting a bag of unsalted unflavored chips. So on the top of the bag you get these beautiful uniform shapes, right? Well, that's what we source in tea." - Steve Schwartz
    "Incorporating a seven-minute tea ritual in your day can significantly enhance your time management and focus." - Steve Schwartz

  • Top 5 Digital Marketing Hacks For Creating Brands: Build a Multi Dollar Business by Ms Maliha Farooq Ismail

    As a marketer I have always been looking for novel ways to study this discipline. Not just that I have also been constantly trying to find new avenues to apply this knowledge to gain a better perspective.

    Marketing has evolved to adapt to an increasingly online world with businesses following suit to incorporating the digital wave of marketing in their day to day operations

    At the onset, digital marketing may seem daunting. Whatever the reasons for you to delay jumping on this digital marketing bandwagon, you will eventually regret not embracing it sooner.

    The greatest advantage of using digital marketing is that it is scalable. You don't need to invest a huge sum of money to start and whatever you invest can be easily tracked and monitored through the help of analytics.

    This book is an attempt to highlight the top 5 digital marketing hacks for creating brands. It gives you an in-depth look at the hacks you can. use to deliver a rock solid digital marketing campaign.

    I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you ....

  • Mission Ready Building High-Performing Teams from the Battlefield to the Boardroom By William Branum and Brenda Neckvatal

    We will bring you to your next level of business.
    In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, merely keeping up is no longer enough. To truly thrive and outpace the competition, elevating your team to its next level of performance is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. With decades of experience in the most demanding environments imaginable, William brings the unparalleled discipline, leadership, and teamwork skills honed during his 26 years as a U.S. Navy SEAL. Brenda, with her expert insight into HR practices, crisis management, and group dynamics, complements this perfectly, translating these high-stakes military strategies into actionable, impactful corporate methodologies.

    William Branum is a highly decorated Navy SEAL veteran who served in the United States military for 26 years. During his extensive military career, he honed his leadership skills, cultivated a strong mindset, and gained invaluable experience in high-pressure situations as a sniper instructor, leading teams on operations ranging from protecting the interim Iraqi elected officials to direct action missions in Baghdad as well as specialized in undersea operations with missions that were required to be approved by the President of the United States. After retiring from the military, William has made it his mission to share the lessons he learned with others as a speaker, author, and business, and leadership advisor.

    William’s expertise in leadership and mindset has been sought after by organizations ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. He draws on his experiences to provide practical advice on how to cultivate a leadership style that inspires and motivates others, and how to develop the resilience needed to succeed in challenging environments.

    William's commitment to serving others has also led him to support several philanthropic causes, including the Navy SEAL Foundation and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

    Through his work, Branum continues to inspire individuals and organizations to embrace the qualities that have made him a successful leader: discipline, dedication, and a willingness to push beyond one's limits.

    Brenda Neckvatal

    Brenda is an award-winning HR professional, a 2x bestselling author, and has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Inc., and US News and World Reports. Perseverance, integrity, and relentless optimism are just a few of the ingredients that make up what you experience when meeting and working with Brenda.

    Not only does she help business leaders solve their most difficult people issues, but she is also a specialist in group dynamics, crisis management, and HR compliance, and a mentor to professionals in HR working as an HR department of one.

    She started as an HR sprout after a solid fourteen-year career in retail management. She really enjoys helping people solve their unique problems, and human resources offered her the ability to support her co-workers in a greater capacity. Having the benefit of working for a total of six Fortune 500 companies, she converted her experience into advising her audience to use tried and trusted best practices that help small businesses achieve their workforce goals.

    In her 30-year career in human resources and business, she has consulted to over 600 small businesses and C-suite leaders. She has optimized employee effectiveness and helped mitigate the high costs associated with making hasty employment-related decisions.

  • The Mighty Moo: The USS Cowpens and Her Epic World War II Journey from Jinx Ship to the Navy’s First Carrier into Tokyo Bay by Nathan Canestaro

    The Mighty Moo is the tale of how a scrappy little World War II aircraft carrier and its untested crew earned a distinguished combat record and beat incredible odds to earn 12 battle stars in the Pacific.

    The USS Cowpens and her crew weren’t your typical heroes. She was a flattop that the US Navy initially didn’t want, with a captain nearly scapegoated for the loss of his last command, pilots who self-trained on the planes they would fly into combat, and sailors that had been in uniform barely longer than the ship had been afloat. Despite their humble origins, Cowpens and her band of second-string reservists and citizen sailors served with distinction, fighting in nearly every major carrier operation from 1943 to 1945, including the Battles of the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf. Together they faced a deadly typhoon that brought the ship to the verge of capsizing, and at war’s end there was only one US aircraft carrier in Tokyo Bay to witness the Japanese surrender—The Mighty Moo.

    In the years to follow, Cowpens’ service has become the wellspring for a remarkable modern tradition, both within the US Navy and the small Southern town that still celebrates her legacy with a festival every year. The Mighty Moo is a biography of a World War II aircraft carrier as told through the voices of its heroic crew—a “Band of Brothers at sea.”

  • Melissa McKenzie Dives Deep into Website Design and Squarespace Templates
    Discount Code: Use code "Chris10" for 10% off any website template on Carbon and Clay.

    About the Guest(s):

    Melissa McKenzie is a talented website developer and the owner of Carbon and Clay. With a background in graphic design and a minor in website design, she has carved out a niche for herself through her budget-friendly Squarespace templates tailored for service-based businesses. Melissa is also a mom of five who successfully runs her business in just a few hours a day. Her expertise lies in transforming ordinary websites into 24/7 client-generating machines by infusing strategic insights into her designs.

    Episode Summary:
    In this episode of The Chris Voss Show, Chris Voss welcomes Melissa McKenzie, the owner of Carbon and Clay, to discuss how businesses can leverage affordable Squarespace templates to build compelling and effective websites quickly. Melissa shares her journey from a graphic design graduate to a successful entrepreneur managing a thriving business while raising five children. Highlighting the evolution of web design, she makes a compelling case for ready-made templates, especially for service-based businesses, coaches, influencers, and course creators aiming to create professional websites without a hefty price tag.

    Melissa dives deep into the advantages of using Squarespace templates, emphasizing their user-friendliness, design sophistication, and strategic layout options that help businesses convert visitors into customers. She explains the importance of having a mobile-friendly website and optimal content placement to reduce bounce rates and increase engagement. The conversation also covers Carbon and Clay's unique services, including five-day website launches, done-for-you customization options, and valuable resources like copywriting and training videos. By the episode's end, Melissa offers listeners a special discount code to get started on their web design journey.

    Key Takeaways:
    Affordable Professionalism: Using Squarespace templates allows businesses to achieve a professional look and functionality at a fraction of the cost of custom websites.
    Time Efficiency: Carbon and Clay offers a five-day website launch service, ensuring that customers can get their sites up and running swiftly.
    User-Friendly Platforms: Squarespace's all-in-one capabilities, including e-commerce, blogging, and invoicing, make it a versatile choice for various types of businesses.
    Mobile Optimization: In today’s mobile-first world, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for user engagement and reducing bounce rates.
    Comprehensive Support: Carbon and Clay provides resources like copywriting, training videos, and customer support to help clients make the most of their new websites.

    Notable Quotes:
    "Nowadays anyone can make a website. All you have to do is put your content in and places like Squarespace or WordPress develop it for you." - Melissa McKenzie
    "If you lay it on a site that has like 16 gazillion links at the top, you're just, you're gonna exit out and you're gonna find somewhere else because it's just too overwhelming." - Melissa McKenzie
    "I would like to bust the myth that your website is just like a landing page to send people to or like a static brochure." - Melissa McKenzie
    "A lot of times people will come from WordPress and be like, I cannot manage my site. I'm paying someone all the time to just switch out an image or add a page, and then they switch to us and they're like, that is so easy." - Melissa McKenzie
    "Starting to think about your website in a way where it is actually working for you to gain leads and sales on autopilot." - Melissa McKenzie

  • Diving Deep into Crypto with Expert David Doss!

    About the Guest(s):

    David Doss is an accomplished entrepreneur and fund manager with over 15 years of experience in marketing, growth, and investment. He holds a summa cum laude BA from UC Berkeley, an MA as a Fulbright Scholar, and an MBA in strategy and innovation. David has led teams with seven-figure budgets in the digital economy and alternative assets, working with notable entities such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Citi. Currently, he chairs CKC Studio Blockchain Growth Studio and manages CKC Fund, focusing on de-risking digital asset investments and providing blockchain services. He also serves on Chain Board's overseeing corporate events and managing Cayman-based alternative asset funds.

    Episode Summary:
    In this dynamic episode of The Chris Voss Show, host Chris Voss interviews David Doss, the founder of CKC Fund. David delves into his extensive background in marketing, global digital transformation, and fund management. He shares his journey from growing up in Silicon Valley to becoming a leading expert in blockchain and digital assets. Highlighting the potential and growth of these innovative financial vehicles, David provides insights on the benefits of decentralized investments and the appeal of cryptocurrencies.
    David Doss emphasizes the advantages of investing in blockchain technologies and digital assets while addressing the misconceptions that often surround these markets. As a watch and alternative investment enthusiast, David draws parallels between his early interest in collectibles and the intricate world of digital currencies. His expertise spans managing substantial portfolios and navigating the complex regulatory environments, particularly in locations like the Cayman Islands. Throughout the episode, David underscores the importance of proper risk management and diversified portfolio strategies in achieving significant returns in the dynamic digital economy.

    Key Takeaways:
    Investment Opportunities in Blockchain: David Doss explains how blockchain technology opens new investment opportunities, offering significant growth potential and diversification in one's portfolio.
    Regulatory Environment in the Cayman Islands: He provides insights on the benefits of using Cayman Islands for investment vehicles due to its stringent regulatory framework and global focus.
    Evolution and Growth in Digital Assets: The episode reveals the cyclical nature of digital asset markets, with notable growth phases following periods of consolidation, indicating a promising outlook for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
    Diversification in Digital Portfolios: Emphasizing the importance of a well-balanced portfolio, David discusses the strategy of allocating investments across various digital assets to maximize returns and manage risks.
    Alternative Investments: David shares his journey and passion for alternative investments, including his early interest in collectibles like trading cards, shaping his approach to the digital asset space.

    Notable Quotes:
    "We're providing blockchain services overall in two main areas: digital asset fund management and blockchain program management." – David Doss
    "There are roughly 25,000 different cryptocurrencies, not even counting tokenized assets." – David Doss
    "The crux of it is wanting to provide people with hardworking investments." – David Doss
    "Digital assets are acting as a hedge against volatility in other markets." – David Doss
    "Thinking of asymmetric upside is having a floor but not having a ceiling, which can really benefit a portfolio when properly managed." – David Doss

  • Chrysalis: Awakening to God's Path, Protection, and Power in Your Life by Guy W Gane

    This book will show you how to achieve any goal, realize any dream, and attain every wish. By adhering to God's word, by listening for His voice and by accepting His guidance and directionyou will bring to pass the life that He has planned for you.

    Man suffers by his own choice. Not out of hoping to do so, but out of ignorance of not knowing otherwise.

    Best-selling author Guy W. Gane, Jr. has now written a book truly for the ages. Not since 'Think and Grow Rich' has a book had the capability to change a persons' destiny in such a profound way.

    Throughout the Bible lies the blueprint for a life of happiness, peace and love. Gane has constructed a manuscript that allows scripture to attest to just that.

  • PlanAssist®: Make Better Financial Decisions Kindle Edition by Timothy Clifford

    A comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of personal finance with confidence and clarity. Through the innovative PlanAssist® process, this book offers a structured approach to financial planning, emphasizing the importance of proactive decision-making, strategic diversification, and the value of seeking formal and informal counsel. It dismantles the often daunting landscape of financial management into manageable steps, making wealth-building accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial background or stage in life. At its core, the book champions the philosophy that financial success is not merely about making money, but about making wise decisions that lead to having money. By prioritizing planning, diversification, and seeking counsel, it guides readers towards achieving financial security and independence, advocating for a disciplined yet flexible approach to personal finance that adapts to life's changes and challenges. The underlying message is through responsibility, discipline, and informed action, anyone can navigate their path to financial well-being and stability, building a legacy of wealth that extends beyond the mere accumulation of assets.

  • Exploring Urban Farming and Food Justice with Erica Allen

    About the Guest(s):
    Erika Allen is the founder and CEO of Strategic Development and Programs for Urban Growers Collective, an organization focused on creating sustainable and equitable community food systems. She is also the President of Green ERA Educational NFP and co-owner of Green Era Sustainability Partners. Erika Allen has been appointed by the Illinois Governor to the Illinois Leadership Council for Agricultural Education and by the Biden Administration to join the Farm Service Agency Committee for Illinois. She also serves as the co-chair of the Food Equity Council for the city of Chicago.

    Episode Summary:
    In this episode of The Chris Voss Show, host Chris Voss is joined by Erika Allen, an influential leader in sustainable agriculture and food justice. Erika discusses the importance of growing your own food, especially in urban settings, highlighting the numerous health and community benefits. From food as medicine to creating local economies and addressing food deserts, Erika's insights are both profound and accessible.

    Erika shares the transformative work being conducted at the Urban Growers Collective and the Green Era Campus in Chicago. These projects focus on creating circular food economies that reduce food waste, generate renewable energy, and provide educational opportunities. She emphasizes the role of such initiatives in empowering communities, mitigating climate change, and offering sustainable economic opportunities. This episode is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in sustainable agriculture, food justice, and community development.

    Key Takeaways:
    Community food systems can drastically improve food security, economic opportunities, and public health, especially in underserved areas.
    The Green Era Campus utilizes anaerobic digestion technology to convert food waste into renewable energy and nutrient-rich compost.
    Urban Growers Collective focuses on food justice through educational programs, community gardens, and support for local food economies.
    Growing your own food not only provides nutritional benefits but also fosters a deeper connection to the environment and community.
    Sustainable agriculture projects can serve as powerful tools for trauma-informed care and community healing.

    Notable Quotes:
    "We all should know how to grow food and to be able to continue our relationship with the earth and with one another through our food system."
    "There's a correlation between environmental health and our human health."
    "Knowing that one's life energy can be spent on, you know, creating peace and prosperity within our own communities."
    "The food that we eat, if it's not nutritionally dense, we're depriving our systems of the building blocks to repair ourselves."
    "We get addicted to processed foods, and to mitigate that, if you start eating fresh, local foods, it drastically improves your health."

  • Too Brown to Keep: A Search for Love, Forgiveness, and Healing by Judy Fambrough-Billingsley

    Judy Fambrough-Billingsley bares her soul by describing the transformation experienced in her quest to find both birth parents after being abandoned to live in a Kinderheim shortly after World War II. Too Brown to Keep: A Search for Love, Forgiveness, and Healing recounts the captivating, true account of the emotional and psychological effects of being an abandoned biracial international adoptee who overcame the odds of the emotional trauma of abandonment, grief, and loss. She includes a thought-provoking chapter on Forgiveness and Healing. This easy-to-read self-help book concludes with a guide to researching your own ancestry or finding and reconnecting with a person who has been missing from your life.

  • Reversing Alzheimer's: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health by Heather Sandison

    A revolutionary and much-needed exploration of Alzheimer’s and how patients and their caregivers can take back control from this insidious disease.

    A significant portion of our population worries about the grip of dementia as we age. With over 6.5 million Americans living with Alzheimer's, the urgency for a solution has never been greater.

    Dr. Heather Sandison is at the forefront of dementia care and research. The founder of Solcere Health Clinic, San Diego’s premier brain optimization clinic, and Marama, the first residential memory care facility to have the goal of returning cognitively declined residents to independent living, Dr. Sandison knows better than most what Alzheimer’s does to people—to their brains, their bodies, their families, and their lives.

    If you're facing the challenge of Alzheimer's, either personally or as a caregiver, there is hope. A growing body of evidence shows that implementing a handful of strategies can improve cognition and quality of life in dementia patients. In Reversing Alzheimer's, Dr. Sandison lays out this customizable and doable approach so that you can start supporting you or your loved one's brain health right away.

    Within these pages, Dr. Sandison distills complex neurocognitive research into actionable steps, empowering you to:

    Fortify your brain health against cognitive decline
    Implement lifestyle changes that can reverse the effects of Alzheimer's
    Transform your environment to support cognitive wellness
    Understand options for brain health to fit any budget
    Dr. Sandison's expertise, derived from her clinical practice, residential care, and peer-reviewed research, charts the course for a future where Alzheimer's is not a terminal diagnosis, but a reversible condition. Reversing Alzheimer’s is an essential tool for anyone aspiring to rewrite their story and achieve a future free from the affliction of Alzheimer's.
    About the author
    Dr. Heather Sandison, a distinguished naturopathic doctor, has devoted her career to providing compassionate care and innovative solutions to those affected by dementia. Renowned for her pioneering work, Dr. Sandison has integrated groundbreaking, holistic, and multimodal interventions, seamlessly creating clinical, residential, research, and educational platforms. Her relentless dedication has not only transformed the lives of patients and caregivers she has also set new standards in the field of dementia care.

  • Richard Lovatt Talks Bollywood, Sales, and Soap!

    Sales Consulting and Coaching: ClosedAndPaid.com
    Grapplers Guard Soap: GrapplersGuard.com

    About the Guest(s):
    Richard Lovatt is a British-born actor and a skilled sales director. Best known for his unique and bombastic journey into Bollywood, Richard rapidly rose through the ranks of the Indian film industry despite his foreign origins. With a robust acting background, he has pivoted to apply his expertise in sales, working with top-tier entrepreneurs and high-revenue businesses as a sales director. Richard is also a passionate practitioner of grappling sports like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has recently launched a product, Grapplers Guard, a specialized soap aimed at fighters and grapplers to prevent bacterial infections.

    Episode Summary:
    Join Chris Voss on a riveting journey as he converses with Richard Lovett, a British-born actor who defied the odds and carved a name for himself in Bollywood. Now in the world of sales and entrepreneurship, Richard shares his extraordinary story from Manchester, UK, to the glittering world of Mumbai's film industry, highlighting the gripping twists and turns along the way. Pivoting from acting, Richard is now a sales director for high-revenue B2B businesses and has recently launched a hygienic product called Grapplers Guard—a soap designed for athletes.

    In this episode, Richard discusses his transition from Bollywood to sales, revealing the secrets behind his coaching strategies that have helped companies and sales reps achieve remarkable success. Digging into his latest venture, Grapplers Guard, he explains how his personal experience with staph infection inspired him to develop this unique product. Richard delves into the properties of colloidal silver, the active ingredient in his soap, and its benefits for athletes, especially grapplers. This episode offers a blend of entertainment, inspiration, and practical advice for listeners.

    Key Takeaways:
    Richard's unique journey from a British actor in Bollywood to a successful sales director for high-revenue businesses.
    The surprising yet effective ways Richard helps businesses assess and refine their sales processes.
    Insightful stories of individual sales reps, including remarkable success stories from Richard's coaching.
    Richard's creation of Grapplers Guard, a specialized soap for fighters and grapplers, inspired by his personal bout with a staph infection.
    The therapeutic benefits of colloidal silver in combating bacterial infections and promoting overall health.

    Notable Quotes:
    "When I first started, I made $17,000 in my second month. I made 25,000 in my third, 33 in my fourth, and continually going up since then."
    "In three days, the staph infection cleared up completely after using colloidal silver."
    "Quite a lot of companies I work with have funding from VC, capital, or angel investors, but if you have my consulting fees, I'm happy to work with anyone."
    "You have no idea, it's 0.5% silver, but that's all you need for it to have an effect."
    "You have to accept, sometimes there's just balls on your face. That’s part of the jujitsu journey."

  • My Dad My Dying Sun: A True Story of Love and Legends by David Sahadi, Lou Sahadi

    Lou Sahadi was born into a life of adversity, but he overcame it. For nearly three decades, Lou was a successful magazine publisher and also authored thirty-one acclaimed sports books, many of which became best sellers. From the 60s through the 90s he was the most prolific sports author of his time. Lou loved sports. Lou also absolutely adored his son.

    David Sahadi landed his first job at NBC Sports when he was just twenty-three. His love and passion for the sports industry combined with Lou’s connections opened doors. With his guidance, David became an Emmy-Award winning television producer and director. He has been honored to receive 27 PROMAX Gold Medallion Awards. And though many believe the son became more famous than his father, there was never an ounce of envy. Lou was simply so proud and in awe of the son he loved and guided.

    At eight, David met Cassius Clay at the Fountainbleu Hotel. Lou was interviewing him. As David boarded a plane the following day, there he was. With immediate recognition, Clay vaulted him up onto his lap, telling the flight attendant, “He’s sitting with me.”

    At thirteen, Lou ushered his scrawny kid David into the locker room at Shea Stadium. The New Orleans St. beat the Jets. Payton and Eli Manning’s dad Archie who was the NFL’s best quarterback at the time. Archie at over 220 lbs handed David his sweaty t-shirt from the game. It must have weighed ten lbs. David would wear that over-sized shirt for ten years.

    When Lou was sixty-eight, the tables turned. David was working for the WWE and Lou showed up at one of his son’s shoots in South Beach. Lou met The Rock. The connection was instantaneous. David made Lou an extra in the commercial, with his new found friend, The Rock.

    Adversity found Lou on August 30th, 2020, after suffering a horrific fall. Cracking his skull and causing severe brain trauma, with the doctors saying he had only an 8 percent chance of survival. Miraculously, through boundless love and Lou’s unrelenting determination to stay alive for his five children, Lou made a full recovery.

    Lou lived another two-and-a-half years before succumbing. David knew that Lou hung on because of his five children. David was with him that day. David kissed Lou’s lifeless forehead after his last breath was released into the ethers, torrents of tears rolling down his swollen cheeks, and said, “I love you so much Poppa. And don’t worry about your children. They are my children now, and I will take care of them.”

    This book is Lou’s story. David’s story. The emotional story of Love, Connection and the Blessed lives they lived together in the shadows of Legends.

  • Grand Theft AI by James Cox

    “The Matrix meets Blade Runner.” --Nicholas Sansbury Smith, New York Times bestselling author of Hell Divers

    San Francisco, 2051. Rising like neo-Shanghai over the Bay, a labyrinth of quantum accelerators, hologram dreams, and fiercely regulated androids. Forget powder, pills, or bud--kids get high slotting wafers of data under the ear, and they'll pay fat ¢rypto for the best. At the hottest nightclub in the city ... the Fang.

    Baz Covane is a battle-scarred thief who sticks to small-time bots. Ria Rose is the underworld "fixer" with a big-time score that could easily get 'em both killed. 'Cuz the Fang's psychotic kingpin Otto Rex has a vault with more security than a fusion reactor. And the glass inside is priceless--enough to set up Baz, Ria, and their crack team of cyber-misfits on the white sands of Tahiti forever.

    But this crime doesn't just carry infinite VR-Prison time--it's Baz and Ria's last shot at redemption. Forced to confess every last secret on their neurals, they'll have to trust each other completely if they stand any chance of infiltrating Otto's lair, raiding its spiraling rings of physical and virtual firewalls, to finally hack into his mind and crack his deepest layer of security, before the Blackhawks touch down with federal warrants--for Grand Theft AI.

  • Long Haul: Hunting the Highway Serial Killers by Frank Figliuzzi

    "A true-crime masterpiece." —Don Winslow

    From the FBI’s former assistant director, a shocking journey to the dark side of America’s highways, revealing the FBI Highway Serial Killings Initiative’s hunt for the long-haul truckers behind an astonishing 850 murders–and counting.

    In 2004, the FBI was tipped off to a gruesome pattern of unsolved murders along American roadways. Today at least 850 homicides have been linked to a solitary breed of predators: long-haul truck drivers. They have been given names like the “Truck Stop Killer,” who rigged a traveling torture chamber in the rear of his truck and is suspected to have killed fifty women, and “The Interstate Strangler,” who once answered a phone call from his mother while killing one of his dozen victims. The crisis was such that the FBI opened a special unit, the Highway Serial Killings Initiative. In many cases, the victims—often at-risk women—are picked up at truck stops in one jurisdiction, sexually assaulted and murdered in another, and dumped along a highway in a third place. The transient nature of the offenders and multiple jurisdictions involved make these cases incredibly difficult to solve.

    Based on his own on-the-ground research and drawing on his twenty-five-year career as an FBI special agent, Frank Figliuzzi investigates the most terrifying cases. He also rides in a big-rig with a long-haul trucker for thousands of miles, gaining an intimate understanding of the life and habits of drivers and their roadside culture. And he interviews the courageous trafficked victims of these crimes, and their inspiring efforts to now help others avoid similar fates.

    Long Haul is a gripping exploration of a violent, disordered world hiding in plain sight, and the heroes racing to end the horror. It will forever unsettle how you travel on the road.
    About the author
    Frank Figliuzzi was the FBI's Assistant Director for counterintelligence where he served 25 years as a special agent and directed all espionage investigations across the government. He is a national security contributor for NBC News and a columnist for MSNBC Daily. He is the author of the national bestseller, The FBI Way: Inside the Bureau's Code of Excellence.