
  • Hello and welcome back to the final episode of Collective Wisdom for 2023.

    We really are in the presence of a superstar as my guest, Dr. Zareen Roohi Ahmed joins us once again today. Earlier this year Zareen shared her deeply moving story and profound insights.It was an episode that touched many hearts and resonated deeply.

    As founder of Gift Wellness and now author of her new book, The Gift, that tells the story that inspired her to start it. Zareen is a beacon of resilience and purpose. Her journey marked by the tragic loss of her daughter Halima tells of how she used love to fuel a powerful mission to bring healing and support to community through her social enterprise.

    Her story is not just one of overcoming immense personal grief, but also of channeling that experience into a force for societal good. Today Zareen returns to delve deeper into the themes of her new book, and to share how her continued work is inspiring others to pursue their dreams, even in the face of adversity.

    Her story is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for transformation, and the impact one person's vision can have on the world. It's the season of gifting and giving and this is certainly a gift I'd love to share with you all during this festive season.

    Gift Wellness

    The Gift: One Women's journey from tragedy to building a global business for good

    Period Angels App

    The collective Wisdom Podcast Playlist


    Production by Chris Hall-Franzkowiak


  • Hello there, my wise friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom, where we delve into the journeys of remarkable individuals who are making an impact through their creativity and passion. And today is no different.

    I'm joined by a really gifted and talented artist and graphic designer, Lauren Philliban, who, as you'll hear, has written and illustrated a beautiful new children's book due out next year. It's a book that explores the role that kindness and friendship play in solving some of the biggest challenges we face today, such as immigration and protection of the environment. And judging from the feedback she's received so far from her very critical focus group it's going to be a firm favourite amongst the five to seven year olds it's written for.

    Lauren's here to share more about her path to success, and some of the intricacies of the publishing industry, in short, the art of bringing a story to life.

    Lauren Philliban’s Website

    Lauren Philliban on Instagram

    Maxey Images - Nicky Maxey Countryside Photographer

    Wisdom: ‘Embrace the power of saying ‘Yes’ to your own potential’

    Music ‘Carry You’ by Novo Amor

    The collective Wisdom Podcast Playlist


    Production by Chris Hall-Franzkowiak

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  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome back to Collective Wisdom, the podcast that delves into the stories of remarkable individuals who use their unique gifts to make a meaningful impact on the world.

    Today's episode is a celebration of creativity and the transformative power of art. I'm joined this week by Sue Preston, an artist who creates abstract art that resonates with the depths of human emotion.

    In this episode, we explore why creativity is a lifeline for so many. It's not just about making art, it's about expressing our deepest thoughts and emotions, and connecting with others on a profoundly human level. Creativity can be a source of solace, a means of communication, and even a pathway to healing.

    So, I have a question for you. When was the last time you felt truly connected to your creative self? Our brains are wired not just to be doing things, but to be actively engaged in finding creative solutions. And perhaps one of the secrets to living a long and fulfilling life is when we find ways of tapping into that creative potential every single day.

    Song: I’m Not Calling - Hollie Col

    The collective Wisdom Podcast Playlist


    Pearl of Wisdom: Chop Wood. Carry Water

    Music: ‘You’re gonna make me lonesome when you’re gone’ Bob Dylan

    Production by Chris Hall-Franzkowiak


  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome back to another episode of Collective Wisdom. This week I had planned to feature a fantastic guest. But sometimes, even the best-laid plans go awry. Now, the old me would see this as a disaster, a failure even. But today, I see an opportunity here, a chance to turn a challenge into a win.

    Today's episode is not a story of failure but one of resilience, adaptation, and hope. Instead of interviewing a guest, we are going to explore how perceived setbacks can be transformative opportunities.

    If you've been following Collective Wisdom, you know how much I believe in the power of Acts of Simple Kindness, or ASKs. Today, let's perform an ASK towards ourselves by reframing a setback as a setup for a comeback.

    Forever Projects Website

    Wisdom: Inside every regret, there’s a simple lesson teaching us how to do things differently in future

    Music: Beethoven’s 6th Symphony. “The Pastoral Symphony

  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome back to another episode of Collective Wisdom. Today we are privileged to have with us an extraordinary guest, Clare Louise, who is author of 'And Always Annaliese'.

    Before we begin a quick but essential note, the subject matter of today's episode deals with the loss of a child and some listeners may find the content emotionally very difficult. So please do exercise some self-care in deciding whether to proceed with this episode. And you might also want to listen with headphones.

    Today's conversation is unlike any we've had before.

    It delves deep into the corners of human experience that are often left in the shadows, pain, loss, but also crucially, the resilience of the human spirit. Clare Louise has courageously penned down her journey, a heartbreaking yet transformative experience. Following the loss of her seven-year-old daughter Annaliese, her book serves not just as a tribute to her daughter's life, but also as a guiding light for those grappling with incomprehensible loss, or perhaps supporting someone who is. It's an episode that takes courage to speak, to listen, and most of all to try and understand the indescribable so without further ado, I'll hand you over to Clare Louise

    And Always Annaliese Website and Book

    The Compassionate Friends

    Child Bereavement UK

    The Lullaby Trust

    Grief Cast by Cariad Lloyd

    Grief Works App by Julia Samuel

    Music: Oom-Pah-Pah from the Original Soundtrack of Oliver!

    Wisdom: Losing a child is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever face. Know that you are never alone and find the tribe you need to help you through it.

  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom and thank you so much for being here. October the 10th was World Mental Health Day and October is fast becoming a month where we focus our attention on mental health issues.

    Last month, I met today's guest Dr. Kerstyn Comley at a networking event and I was really interested in the work she's currently doing with her co-founder, psychologist Dr. Susie Godson. Together they have designed and created an app called Tellmi.

    It is a safe, anonymous app where you can talk about absolutely anything from anxiety to autism, dating to depression, or self-harm to self-esteem. Sharing your experiences with an awesome community helps you to feel better. Our moderators check everything to keep you safe. And our in-house counsellors are always on hand if you need extra help, given the huge increase in the numbers of young people who are experiencing or will experience mental health issues.

    I invited Kerstyn to come along and talk a bit more about the app and how it came into being and how it's now fast proving to be a hugely helpful resource.

    Tellmi Website

    Tellmi App on Apple Store

    Tellmi App on Google Play

    Wisdom: ‘Givers Get Lucky’ The person giving help also gets the benefit of feeling better.

    Song: ‘I’m So Excited’ by The Pointer Sisters

  • Hey there, my wise friends and dear listeners and welcome back to another episode of Collective Wisdom, where today we're diving into the fascinating world of human design. Have you ever wondered what makes you uniquely you? How your individual traits and tendencies can shape your life's journey?

    Well, if you have, and I know I have, today you're in for a treat, because we have a remarkable guest who's here to shed light on just those questions. Michaela Gaffen Stone is a seasoned expert in the realm of human design, a system that offers profound insights into our authentic selves, our potential and our purpose. She is here to guide us through this intriguing approach to self-discovery and personal transformation. Throughout our conversation. Michaela will unravel the mysteries of human design, sharing how it can illuminate your unique gifts, talents, and the path that aligns with your true self.

    So, whether you're new to this concept, or already well versed, her wisdom will undoubtedly inspire you to explore the depths of your own design.

    Episode Number: 92 How to use Human Design to discover your unique gifts and talents

    Guest: Michaela Gaffen Stone

    Show Notes

    Michaela Gaffen Stone’s Website


    An Introduction to Human Design

    Wisdom: Imagine what the world could be if we could remove blame from our vocabulary

    Song ‘Song of Women’ by The Hu, Halestorm and Lzzy Hale

  • Well hello there dear listeners and a warm, warm welcome back to a brand new season of Collective Wisdom. I'm thrilled to be with you once again, sharing the inspiring stories of changemakers entrepreneurs, writers, and creatives from around the world.

    In this season, we'll continue our exploration of the incredible impact of storytelling, creativity, and the pursuit of our unique gifts and talents. We'll hear from individuals who like me believe in the power of connection, and how sharing our stories can lead to positive change in the world.

    This episode is particularly close to my heart, because we have a very special guest joining us a remarkable individual who has a unique perspective to share, Anastasia. She was originally from Kyiv in Ukraine, and now a grateful guest here in the UK. I have nothing but admiration for the way she has shown up and faced the huge challenge of arriving here 18 months ago, with such resilience and positivity. It's by no means been an easy journey.

    Anastasia has very kindly agreed to share a bit more of her story with us today. And it's my hope that on hearing it, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the power of simple acts of kindness and how they can transform lives for both the giver and the receiver.



    ‘Brother Louie’ by Modern Talking

    Wisdom: Learn how to accept what you cannot change

  • Hey there, my wise friends. There's definitely a sense of celebration and optimism in the air this week. There's a new moon. Some of you are celebrating Diwali and the victory of light over darkness. It's that same sense of positivity and optimism that drew me to my guest today. Damon Bowen-Ashwin, who is still in the middle of his story. Having been diagnosed with a brain tumour two years ago, he's just finished a gruelling 30-Day round of radiotherapy and is now embarking on a course of chemotherapy. But his courage, resilience and determination to get through this challenge is just so compelling. I went into this conversation knowing that I was going to hear from a remarkable man who is full of compassion, humility, and empathy. Those are all the qualities that I'd seen in Damon when we met whilst training together last year, but what I found was way beyond that. He shared how, although this has without doubt, been one of the most frightening times of his life, what has also come out of it is a beautiful love story, which just made my heart sing.

    A story about meeting Wim Hof, who has been a powerful mentor and source of inspiration, and who actually got in touch with Damon because he also was so touched by his story. And ultimately, it's a story about the power of self-belief, and an understanding that we always have more choices than we think we have when life takes an unexpected or unwanted turn.

    I love talking to Damon. There were moments when I had tears in my eyes and moments when we just laughed. I hope that his relentless faith and optimism in the face of huge adversity bring the same sense of joy to you. So here's Damon to tell you his story.

    Adapt and Flow Mindset and Positivity Coaching - https://www.adaptandflow.co.uk/

    [email protected]

    Adapt and Flow You Tube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUFEKX6-emp8LXI45maYg3A

    Damon Bowen Ashwin on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/damon-bowen-ashwin-cpc-eli-mp-97423811/

    Adapt and Flow on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/adapt_and_flow_dba/

    Adapt and Flow on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1781845782000011

    Wim Hof - The Iceman - https://www.wimhofmethod.com/

    Song: 'The Way It Is' by Bruce Hornsby - https://open.spotify.com/track/6V50MyHPGhEmwYu0Wdyf0t?si=a3542914f65f48e7

    Wisdom: We can do ANYTHING if we put our minds to it

  • Hey there, my gorgeous friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom.

    This is the last episode of season nine, and you've maybe heard of the old saying, do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life. In many ways this is true. If you're passionate about what you do, and you're putting your focus and energy into it, you won't feel like you're working.

    In today's episode, we're joined by a very special guest, Jude Galea, who shares what she's learned by doing just that. Jude is a medical doctor who worked on the busy A&E wards throughout the pandemic but has been making the transition to being more of a holistic health coach and healer. Her unique journey and experience give her a profound understanding of the human body and mind which she uses to help her clients achieve optimal health and wellness.

    In this episode, we'll dive deep into Jude’s journey, the importance of holistic health, and how we can all achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life. It's a fascinating story and I think one we can all learn from

    Jude Galea's Website Dr. Body Mind Soul

    Dr Body Mind Soul Podcast

    Eastern Body Western Mind by Judith Anodea

    Dr Gabor Maté - The Myth of Normal

    Music: ‘It’s a beautiful day’ by The Kiffness

    Wisdom: Do what you love

    If there is an important woman in your life who has been an inspiration to you, perhaps now is a good time to remind them of just how much they matter. And if there is someone who has a story you’d love to help shine a light on then do drop me a note to [email protected]

  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom, where we explore the insights and perspectives from our lived experiences.

    In this episode, we're joined by a messaging coach and speaker Joanna Ingram. As a messaging coach Jo has helped countless entrepreneurs, coaches and thought leaders to refine their messaging and communication skills, allowing them to better connect with their audience and grow their businesses with a unique approach that blends psychology, marketing and storytelling.

    Jo has gained a reputation for helping her clients to create powerful messages from a place of genuine authenticity that will resonate with the right audience for them and drive meaningful results with more ease and less effort. Authenticity comes from the same ancient Greek root, as the word author and authority. And as you'll hear, Jo discovered for herself, we can't really be an authority in our own life. Without first knowing ourselves.

    Being authentic means claiming our own power to tell the story of our lives, which in her own case, involves finding the courage to carry on after she very nearly didn't make it through the birth of her first child. I hope you'll agree that hearing her story, you can't help but gravitate towards her infectious, life affirming energy.

    Joanna Ingram’s Website

    Joanna Ingram on Instagram

    ‘Closer to Fine’ by The Indigo Girls

    Wisdom: Trust the universe has your back.

  • Hey there, my wise friends and thanks so much for joining me for another episode of Collective Wisdom. April 2nd was World Autism Awareness Day. And this week I'm sharing the story of Charlotte Crawford, who is also known as the autistic artist.

    Charlotte is a real inspiration to me, as her story is one of courage, creativity and determination. As you'll hear, she found school particularly difficult and spent most of the time feeling isolated and anxious. Eventually, her mental health issues became so severe that she was hospitalized.

    Autism is now known to present very differently in autistic women and girls. And Charlotte is fortunate that she eventually received a correct diagnosis. As so many women and girls go under the radar and as a result don't get access to the support they need to help them navigate the challenges of being autistic.

    In a world that doesn't quite fit for Charlotte. It was only when she was able to show up as her true self and embrace her differences, that she was able to find some real happiness and success. I'm so grateful to Charlotte for trusting me with her story, as I know that it will help others who are perhaps struggling with the same issues to feel less invisible and alone. And as she says, it's her hope that they don't feel they have to suffer in silence.

    Charlotte Crawford’s Website: The Autistic Artist

    The Square Peg Community Podcast with Amy Richards

    Christine McGinness: Unmasking my autism on BBC iPlayer

    Chris Packham: Inside our autistic minds on BBC iPlayer

    Music: ‘Clair de Lune’ by Claude Debussy

    Wisdom : ‘The top of one mountain is the bottom of another’ Life is made up of peaks and troughs

  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom, which this week is all about the importance of creativity for our health and well-being.

    As human beings, we have an innate capacity for creativity. And it's an essential part of what makes us human. engaging in creative activities has been shown to have a range of benefits for our mental, emotional, and physical health. In fact, creativity has even been linked to reduce stress, increased happiness, improved cognitive function, and a stronger immune system.

    One person who really understands the power of creativity is Jo Hunter, who is CEO of a social enterprise called 64 Million Artists that aims to foster creativity in everyone in the UK. Jo has long believed that being creative is the opposite of producing something brilliant or being perfect, in fact, is often perfectionism that stifles our creativity and makes us give up instead.

    For Jo creativity means to transcend traditional ideas, rules, and patterns, and make new ones and that's something she believes we should be encouraging everyone to do. And just after we recorded this episode, I was sent a message about a painting class hosted by the artist Caroline Chappell. And in the class we simply got to play at mixing colours to create harmony and discord. And she talked about all the best things happening in the margins when we allowed ourselves to be free enough to make mistakes. It was a lot of fun. And I have Jo to thank for the inspiration.


    64 Million Artists Website

    64 Million Artists on LinkedIn

    Do Schools Kill Creativity? TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson

    Music :

    ‘You light up my life’ by Leanne Rimes

    ‘It’s all about you’ by McFly

    Wisdom ‘Find something you can be grateful for every single day’

  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom. This podcast, as you know is all about celebrating our differences and the fact that it's diversity that makes humanity so or inspiring. So, it was such a thrill to be invited to Hong Kong to host a panel for International Women's Day recently, that was all about equity and inclusion.

    What happens when we listen to each other's stories is remarkable and always fosters connection. And that's just what my guest today, Imogen Short, specialises in, she invited a lot of women in the workplace to share their stories. And the outcome is Pivot, a wonderful comedy web series that draws on those experiences, and aims to highlight some of the madness in the world we're living in.

    It's really about bringing the power of storytelling to leadership and surrounding yourself with people who share your values but bring a different perspective. I just loved hearing Imogen stories about the creative journey she's been on recently. And I hope you do too.

    PIVOT webseries

    Pivot social channels:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Its-time-to-PIVOT-105042171999221Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pivot_web_series/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pivot-web-series/

    Three Wise Sheep Productions

    Imogen Short on LinkedIn

    Song ‘Marjorie’ by Taylor Swift

    Wisdom ‘Everything you want in life is on the other side of fear and discipline

    ‘You suffer more in imagination than reality’ Marcus Aurelius

    ‘Favourite Mug’ by Hana Preston (16)

    I want to have a favourite mug.

    I want to live such a mundane, perfect life that I can wake up in the morning and be excited to pull my favourite mug clean from the dishwasher.

    I want to have a favourite mug and a favourite brand of tea and a favourite skimmed-ness of milk which I can add to every mug of English breakfast.

    It thrills me. Such an existence. Godless and undone and cupping the mug of tea to my chest.

    I will come downstairs in my dressing gown and there will be traces of the sunrise still gracing my kitchen, and I think I might start crying because it will feel like atonement, even then.

    I will have an Aga. A nice kettle. A bread bin with a wooden lid and a toaster with different settings.

    I say all of this to a friend and she has to suppress an emotion which I think might have been pity.

    She only says, is there nothing else? and it takes me back to the altar because no, of course there isn't.

    It's just this. Me and my favourite mug and no god in sight.

    Me and my kettle and the steam cooling on the windowpanes.

    Tea on a hot day even though it might overheat me because my mug is shining on the drying rack.

    It'll have a chip in it. It must. It will have at least one flaw and it will decidedly not be pretty or pleasing to the eye.

    It will be a bizarre colour and will wear an awful slogan and might have a dog on it. Or a sheep. And no god.

    It will not be perfect because it was not created at His will.

    It will be stupid. People will avoid it when looking in the mug cabinet.

    Its colours will run and its paint will peel and it will not be perfect because it is not His.

    I say something like I want to have a favourite mug and what I mean is I want to live a life untouched by God.

    Nothing ever means one thing. I am cracked and peeling and avoided in selections,

    and I am not His. And He will understand this, I hope.

    I will get up in the morning and find my mug and He will not once cross my mind.

    My life will be so barren of religion - the plague - that I will have a favourite bloody mug. That will be all. Mundanity. And my tea.

  • Hey there, my wise friends. And thank you for joining us for another episode of Collective Wisdom, which this week is all about financial health and well-being. Which given we're in the middle of a cost of living crisis, and we're all seeing the price of commodities go up and inflation is on the rise, feels like an important conversation to have.

    My guest Anna Orenstein-Cardona is a financial coach and educator with a background in financial trading, who is really passionate about helping women, in particular, to get really wise about their financial health.

    Money problems are one of the biggest causes of stress and had a real impact on our mental health. So, her work is more important now than ever. We talk about the self-empowerment that comes when you start to take ownership of your finances, and some of the simple ways you can start from where you are and make small but positive changes that over time will have a big impact.

    As you'll hear, she really is a wealth of knowledge, and this episode is pure gold.


    Website: https://wearyourmoneycrown.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/wearyourmoneycrown/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/WearYourMoneyCrown/

    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annaorensteincardona/

    The Tree of Hope by Anna Orenstein Cardoba

    Recommended Financial Literacy podcasts:

    The Get Paid Podcast

    Suze Orman Women and Podcast

    So Money Podcast with Farnoosh Tourabi

    Song: 'I am light' by India Arie

    Wisdom: Bless and Release

  • Hi there, my wise friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom, which this week I'm recording from Hong Kong, as I'm here to host a panel interview with some really inspirational female leaders for International Women's Day on March 8th. And I can't tell you how good it is to be back here after three years looking out over the harbour.

    Joining me today I have one of the most inspirational female leaders I've ever met Dr. Zareen Ahmed. Zareen has had to find a way to carry on after losing her daughter Halimah in 2007.

    This is a bittersweet story that some may find distressing, but I hope you'll agree that Zareen’s courage and compassion has helped to define light in the darkness, and ultimately to learn to live alongside her pain and grief and find healing.

    Halimah means gentle, mild-mannered and generous and those are all qualities that come from her mother. We laughed and shed tears together in this most generous of conversations.

    Dr Zareen Ahmed’s TED TALK : A Mother's Gift to Humanity, Period Justice


    www.giftwellness.co.uk Use the code Cat30 to receive 30% off any products

    Song: Sunshine by Gabrielle

    Sunshine Lyrics:

    Made a wish, I can dream

    I can be what I want to be

    Not afraid to live my life

    And fulfil my fantasies

    I learnt a lot of tricks to help me live my life

    You helped me find my paradise

    When you came you were my

    Sunshine through my window

    That's what you are my shining star

    Sunshine making me feel like

    I'm on top of the world telling me I'll go far

    Reaching out, for the highs you inspired me to try

    I felt the magic inside and I felt that I could fly

    I'm looking at the world in an optimistic light

    You made me appreciate my life

    'Cos when you came you were my

    Sunshine through my window

    That's what you are my shining star

  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome to another episode of Collective Wisdom as we continue to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, with the whole of season nine, and a wonderful woman from Korea. Semi Lee, as you'll hear, is full of compassion.

    She talks all about her family and what they mean to her, including her beloved grandmother, who sadly passed away earlier this year, but whose legacy is definitely living on through Semi and the way she's showing up for other people.

    At one point Semi says that what drives her is her belief that every child has potential with the right love and care. And she's out to show us just how true that is by sharing her message of hope and optimism.

    Thanks so much for being here. And if there's someone in your life who's inspired you recently, do remember to tell them that.

    Compassion International

    Sponsor a Child - Compassion International

    Cambodia children’s Fund

    Homepage | Cambodian Children's Fund (cambodianchildrensfund.org)

    Save the Children (I attached two links – I support through Korean entity but it has international version of it)


    Humanitarian Aid Organization for Children | Save the Children

    Good neighbours (I attached two links – I support through Korean entity but it has international version of it)


    GoodNeighbors International


    Music ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran

  • Hey there, my wise friends and welcome to this episode of The Collective Wisdom Podcast. This season is dedicated to inspirational women from around the world as we're celebrating International Women's Day on March 8th, and this week, it's the turn of Mikki Gaffen-Stone. Mikki is a parenting coach, educator, and expert in the science of behaviour change.

    Today we'll be exploring her unique insights into the world of modern parenting. Mikki’s approach to parenting is based on her own experience as a mother of two children, who she says taught her more than any class or book ever could. She is now on a mission to help parents raise their children with empathy, respect and compassion.

    I am so excited to have Mikki here today to share her wisdom and some of her best stories with us. We talk about how to have better conversations with your children, especially the teenagers, and the magic that happens when you're able to walk away from blame. I wish there were more people like Mikki in positions of authority and leadership, the world would definitely be a much better place for it.

    website: www.gaffenstone.com

    facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaela.stone.942

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikki-gaffen-stone-15660a84/

    Music ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen

    ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ by Queen

    Wisdom: ‘It’s not about you’

  • Hi there, my wise friends. And welcome back to a brand new season of Collective Wisdom. I took a bit of a break over Christmas and the new year to rest up and recharge my batteries. And I have to say I really missed you all, both the messages in my inbox from people around the world and the conversations I get to have with inspiring humans making a real difference in their communities and beyond. So, I'm really excited to be getting back into the latest round, which as International Women's Day is just around the corner on March 8th, I thought I'd dedicate the whole of season nine to some truly inspirational women.

    So, this season, we're delving into the important issue of equity and equality, and why it's crucial to have equal representation and opportunities for all women in all aspects of society. We'll hear from women who have overcome adversity and shattered barriers in their fields and learn about the challenges they faced along the way will hopefully let their stories inspire us to continue fighting for a more equal and just future for all women.

    We're kicking off with a talented designer and creative brain behind the brand Umutoni Jewellery. Umutoni shares the story of her brand and its mission to empower artisans from Kibera, the largest slum in Kenya, through the creation and global sale of their unique and beautiful jewellery. By working with these artisans and providing them with a platform to showcase their talents Umutoni not only helps to elevate their craft, but also helps to break down barriers and challenge stereotypes about life in the slums. It's a story of creativity, entrepreneurship and social impact that's making a real difference in the world.

    Umutoni Jewellery

    Song: ‘I’m going to be ready by Yolanda Adams’

    Wisdom: Don’t be afraid to ask for the help you need.

  • Hey there, my wise friends, and welcome to the final episode of season eight of Collective Wisdom, and the final episode of 2022. Wow, that feels like quite something.

    This week's guest, Rebecca Hopkins is someone I'm so excited to have a conversation with, as together with her sister, Claire, she has been busy building successful skincare brand for the last 17 years. This really is one of those kitchen table to household names, success stories that we all love to hear. And although it's never all plain sailing, for Rebecca, it's always been about finding balance in life, and making sure you're taking care of yourself, as well as building a community to support others.

    As you'll hear, she's an expert on how to keep your skin in balance and looking and feeling at its best. But also, in finding those things that keep you grounded, which for her includes spending time in nature, and even doing some wild swimming.

    Your life is ultimately made up of single days. And if you make sure that at least some part of them is spent doing something that feels good, then you're way more likely to be able to look back over your year and feel that sense of ease and balance that Rebecca and Claire have been promoting in the work they do all along. So I really hope you enjoy this conversation.

    Balance Me Website

    @balancemeskincare on Instagram

    Song ‘One Day Like This’ by Elbow

    These lyrics are poetry and deserve to be here too:


    Drinking in the morning sun

    Blinking in the morning sun

    Shaking off a heavy one

    Heavy like a loaded gun

    What made me behave that way?

    Using words I never say

    I can only think it must be love

    Oh, anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day

    Someone tell me how I feel

    In silly wrong, but vivid right

    Oh, kiss me like a final meal

    Yeah, kiss me like we die tonight

    'Cause holy cow, I love your eyes

    And only now I see the light

    Yeah, lying with you half awake

    Oh, anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day

    When my face is chamois creased

    If you think I wink, I did

    Laugh politely at repeats

    Yeah, kiss me when my lips are thin

    'Cause holy cow, I love your eyes

    And only now I see the light

    Yeah, lying with you half awake

    Stumbling over what to say

    Well, anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day

    So, throw those curtains wide

    One Day Like This a year would see me right

    Throw those curtains wide

    One Day Like This a year would see me right for life

    Wisdom: ‘Saying ‘No’ is actually saying ‘Yes’ to yourself