
  • Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Momma…you don't have to do it ALL on your own.

    In fact…inviting your kids into the kitchen (if this fits within your capacity) has MORE benefits than you might have imagined (the eventual cooking that will be done by NOT you is only one of a very long list!)

    We want to talk about not only those benefits...but HOW to actually get there and with us today to do that is...

    Licensed occupational therapist, with over 20 years of experience working with kids ages 3-8 AND more than 17 years in the trenches parenting her OWN children.

    She has a LONG track record of success supporting parents and their children because she meets parents where they ARE and gives them real help to gain clarity over their challenges and foster better connections with their kids.

    Getting Kids in the Kitchen (01:33)The Eject Button (06:45)A Helpful Safe Start (08:25)Peaceful Meal Times (14:35)Final Questions (26:50)More from Kelly (33:17)

    Learn more about Kelly and her programs on her website!

    You can also listen to HER podcast!

    Remember sweet mommas,

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
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  • What if your home could (largely) run without you?

    What if your children (both younger and older) knew how to pick up after themselves (and were part of the team that picked up after the family as a whole)?

    What if the necessary tasks of running a household were completed quicker and there was more time for FUN for everyone in the family?

    Regardless of how you feel about chores, there is an abundance of research out there proving they CAN be a positive thing (think LESS Cinderella and MORE Cheaper by the Dozen)…

    There are a MILLION ways to implement a chore system, but it IS a system, which means Brittany has one and she's been improving it every month for a LONG time.

    We're so happy to have our fellow momma of many and delightfully inquisitive friend Renee Amato with us to answer some common questions about setting up and running a chore system.

    Chores Defined (02:15)Family Chores (06:30)Chore Assignments (12:00)Standards (13:13)Incentives for Chores (16:15)Ages & Stages (22:52)Chore Swapping (30:00)Payment for Chores (33:35)When are Chores Done? (36:00)

    Get the Family Chores Breakdown, and never forget sweet momma...

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Our guest today is all about elevating daily life with liturgical living practices in small manageable bites...and for our mommas of many...small and manageable is music to our ears!

    She's a beautiful Catholic wife, educator, theologian, event planner, and trained ballet dancer. She specializes in the study and application of liturgical living, culture, tradition, & festivity.

    After growing up in a family full of seasonal experiences, she married into a big Catholic family that was overflowing with liturgical tradition and fell in love with sharing it with others.

    If the liturgy is for everyone, then a liturgical life is too.

    So this begs the question...what ARE liturgical living practices? What does it look like to live a liturgical life?!

    Liturgical Living (01:45)Liturgical Living & Food (04:15)What Liturgical Living Looks Like (08:08)There's a Place for Everyone (14:33)Unrealistic Expectations for Mothers (17:00)Final Questions (20:22)More About Steffani (28:50)

    More from Steffani...

    Steffani Aquila is the founder of His Girl Sunday, a ministry and small business that welcomes individuals, families, and parishes into liturgical living that fosters interpersonal and story-centered Catholic heritage, identity, and tradition throughout the Church year.
    She is the Director of Communications for the University of St. Thomas, Houston and she has a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. Steffani has 17 years experience working in Catholic institutions, is a national speaker, Catholic author, and runs an award winning Instagram account.
    She is also a liturgical living contributor to the Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays. Steffani enjoys hosting feast day parties with her husband, reading theological books, and ballet dancing.

    She has a beautiful Instagram.

    You can find her on Facebook.

    Steffani’s book will be out in October from Ave Maria Press, and it is all about how to build liturgical living, Catholic culture, and festivity in the home and in the parish.

    Head to Steffani’s website and join her email list!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Now, this is going to be a treat for ALL our homeschool mommas!

    We have the absolute blessing of chatting with a Catholic Homeschooling and Certified life coach (who ALSO has an excellent podcast named Happy, Holy Mama).

    She's got 7 stellar kids (all homeschooled), she's a wife of 17 years, AND she's devoted her life to helping Catholic families fall in love with God through their relationships and homeschooling lifestyle.

    Emily Brown (00:45)I Just Don’t Want Them to be Weird (04:30)The Litany of Not Enough (07:07)Calm Down & Connect (11:30)The Fountain (14:20)Mom’s Office Hours (17:30)You Can Never be Behind in God’s Will (29:00)Sacred S.P.A.C.E.S. (35:00)Final Questions (38:30)More About Emily (49:45)

    More from Emily Brown...

    Emily will be a Keynote Speaker at The Catholic Homeschool Conference

    To learn more about her, head to her website

    If you're interested in learning more about her membership, you can find it here.

    Her brand new Homeschool Course is available now!

    While you're checking out her offerings, don't forget about Emily's podcast!

    Finally, never forget...

    Sweet momma, you are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Are you intentional about how you run your home? Or…do things just happen and ONLY when YOU do them?!

    Would you like things to run a bit smoother?

    Do you need help? A village? A little community?

    Our next guest is back by popular demand, and she's got some ideas about ALL those things (and we think you'll like them!)

    This isn't just some *expert* who's here to tell you what to do (we have a pretty strict policy against that around here)…

    She's a homeschooling mom of 6 and her family owns a dairy farm in southern Alberta.

    She's deeply connected with the unique struggles of life in regards to motherhood and has built a business by helping women create harmony, order, and cooperation within their home and family so they have energy and the mental fortitude to do all the things that God has asked of them (and the wisdom to discern what God is actually asking of them!)

    Habits & Systems (02:16)There's a System for That (03:38)Systems for Homeschooling (09:57)Choosing Where to Begin (13:37)The Big Five of Homemaking (18:15)The Next Steps (20:40)The Six Features of a Successful System (25:05)Do Your Systems Change? (31:53)The System That's Working the BEST for Tessa Right Now (35:25)Final Questions (40:45)More About Tessa (46:48)

    Get the Morning High-Five

    Check out her web site buildacountryhome.com

    She has a course called Stressed to Blessed: Mastering the Art of Christian Homemaking and in the course she walks you through your whole home system, set up standards for your home (what you want to do, when you want to do it), and there’s a whole lesson on communicating these standards to your children and spouse to help them get on board.

    Tessa believes that the home is the whole foundation for society, and as mothers it’s our responsibility to set a tone of order, peace, creativity, fun, harmony (siblings should get along) and she believes that children should be taught the skills to run a household.

    You can find Tessa on Instagram @buildacountryhome

    Remember sweet mommas,

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • The fact that Mayhem begins with May just seems too apropos...

    The end of school is mayhem...our schedules are mayhem...our minds are mayhem...our homes are mayhem...

    Today we're talking with a certified productivity and organization expert, the owner of ClutterLESS, wife, and mom of 4.

    The end of May feels like the end of the marathon…your legs are wobbly, medical attention may be needed…

    How can we set up our homes to serve us in this transition from the end of school into the summer…and what are some of the ways Kelly sets up HER home so it runs in the background and she’s not tripping over her home in addition to the other chaos happening?

    How Alliteration Can Assist YOU (03:20)Maintenance Monday (04:32)Straighten-up Saturday (06:43)Meal Prep & Planning (11:30)Final Questions (17:00)More About Kelly (24:35)

    You can find Kelly on Instagram @clutterlesskelly and on Facebook at ClutterLess Kelly.

    She JUST re-vamped her website clutter-LESS.com, and you can head there to learn about her membership, her online course, and working with her online or in-person (depending on where you’re located).

    Finally, get her Weekly System Guide!

    Remember sweet mommas,

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • You might think that "Motherhood" and "tranquility" don't belong in the same sentence…

    Maybe your reality is so far from "tranquil" that you can't even imagine what that would look like…

    But, sweet mommas, What if there were clear, defined steps you could take?

    What if you had a guide to move you towards tranquility?

    What if that guide was a mother of many herself!?

    We're excited to share our guest today, Laura Vanderkam!

    She lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband and five children, she’s the co-host, with Sarah Hart-Unger, of the podcast Best of Both Worlds, AND she’s the author of Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters (among other amazing books).

    168 Hours (01:45)Rule 1: Give Yourself a Bedtime (06:20)Rule 4: Three Times a Week Is a Habit (12:35)Rule 5: Create a Back-up Slot (17:17)Blocking Time (26:00)Introducing Children to Time Management (28:04)Final Questions (33:54)

    Check out Laura’s new book, Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters

    She co-hosts Best of Both Worlds podcast with her friend Sarah Hart-Unger (a mom of three), where they discuss issues of work and family from the perspective of people who TRULY enjoy both. They talk about parenting, adventures, making time for yourself, reading…check it out!

    You can find Laura on Instagram @lvanderkam

    Or on her website LauraVanderkam.com

    If you subscribe to her monthly newsletter here you’ll receive a free time makeover guide!

    Finally, remember sweet momma…

    YOU are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • A few months ago, Brittany was invited to be a guest on the Everyday Parents podcast, and we're SO excited to share it with you! It's not often that a podcaster is interviewed on her OWN podcast, and getting a sneak peek into the large family life is always fun (even if you have your own large family...maybe ESPECIALLY if you have your own large family)!

    Brittany White (00:32)Pregnancies & Births (02:26)Supporting a Family of 9 (03:19)Home Sweet Home (04:05)Community (06:03)What Brittany Would Like to Share (08:20)Daily Routine (09:41)Final 3 Questions (29:48)

    To hear other interviews similar to this one, listen to the Everyday Parents Podcast

    Follow The Everyday Parents on Instagram

    Sign up for their Newsletter

    Before you go, check out our new Seasonally Simple Wardrobe Planner in the shop! It will probably organize your life (as far as clothes and laundry go).

    Sweet mommas never forget,

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • A few months ago, Brittany was invited to be a guest on the Everyday Parents podcast, and after that appearance, we were super excited to have them on ours! They share a peek into the life of everyday parents on their episodes…their routines, the things that are special to them, and what’s most important to them…and it really gives insight to what’s working for many other family types.

    Everyday Parents (00:48)Family Systems (05:00)Caitlin & Jerome's Family Systems (06:38)Systems that Didn't Work (09:20)Morning Routines (18:20)Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork (21:22)A Day in the Life of the Everyday Parents (28:50)Meal Prep by Jerome (31:47)Life After DInner (34:21)Final Questions (39:04)

    After several questions and requests, Brittany has finally created a guide for the wardrobe planning system she’s been using for her family.

    She took a blend of capsule, minimalist, and practical wardrobes and broke it down into four simple steps (with ALL the tips and tricks she’s learned through clothing her family of 9 over the years). Go check out the Seasonally Simple Wardrobe Planner for kids today!

    And finally, sweet momma, please remember…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Follow The Everyday Parents on Instagram

    Sign up for their Newsletter

    Listen to THEIR Podcast (you might hear a familiar voice in episode 41)

    And finally, sweet momma, please remember…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • How on earth does a mom dress so many kids?! Is there a system to make this process simpler and more affordable?! With Brittany…of course there is! If just the idea of finding and organizing clothing for all YOUR kids gives you heart palpitations, keep listening momma, because we’ve got you!

    The Wardrobe System (02:51)The Twice a Year Clothing Swap (04:10)The Seasonally Simple Wardrobe Swap...Part 1 (11:08)Shopping for Clothes (18:10)The Clothing Checklist (20:22)The Seasonally Simple Wardrobe Swap...Continued (22:46)Growing Kids (36:21)The Seasonally Simple Wardrobe Planning Tool (45:00)

    The Seasonally Simple Wardrobe Planner has a checklist for boys and a checklist for girls, and a how-to for the steps Britt uses for her wardrobe swapping. The MOST important thing is to do what works for YOUR family. Take the information in this podcast and make it your own! Test it out, add your own little spin, and do what works best for YOU!

    How do YOU do wardrobes? We’d like to know! If you want The Seasonally Simple Wardrobe Planner tool, it’s available for you now!

    And finally, sweet momma, please remember…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • On this episode, we’re back with our favorite Board Certified Behavioral Analyst—Renee Amato— to talk ALL things tickets!

    If you’re new to us…or haven’t followed along on IG…the tickets are a system Brittany developed (along with input from her children and husband) to bring a little fun into their homeschool!

    Tickets 101 (00:54)Turning in the Tickets (06:15)Adulting Skills (15:22)Keeping Track of the Tickets (15:22)The Perspective of a Behavioral Analyst (20:54)Invitation (23:16)

    Before we go, there are a few items in the shop that are pretty new!

    The Homeschool Plan Like a Mother Guide is great for when you’re planning your homeschool year. Excellent questions and prompts will get you to think about the ‘Why” behind what you’re doing. Whatever your reasons for homeschooling, this will help you stay organized and aligned. Keep track of spending, curriculum purchases, student and parent narratives…the list goes on! These prompts and reflections can help you get out of the weeds and SEE the progress you’re making in your homeschool!

    We ALSO have the editable clipboard template you can use daily in your homeschool. This can give even the youngest kids some independence and autonomy in their day!

    And remember sweet momma…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Community is important in every aspect of life…even in homeschooling.

    This doesn't mean you have to be involved in a co-op or homeschool group in your local area (although that CAN enrich your experience), but it DOES mean that finding your 'people' (either in-person or online) IS important.

    Social media can get a bad rap (many times deserved) but it is a GREAT way to find new ideas, hear differing perspectives, and (if you're following uplifting accounts) see solutions you never would've considered (or even heard about) before!

    With ALL these things in mind, and in an attempt to REALLY serve the mommas in our community, we've asked our good friend, fellow homeschool momma, and former co-op co-teacher Renee Amato to join us in asking (and answering) questions about two systems Brittany uses daily in her homeschool!

    Clipboards 101 (00:47)Tasks Included on the Clipboards (04:45)Using the Clipboards (07:15)The "Right" Number of Tasks (11:40)Examples of Tasks (14:05)When Kids Stop Doing the Work (16:20)Kids Taking the Lead (27:33)The Beauty of the Spiral Notebook (30:30)Getting Started and...Tickets (32:45)

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Sweet mommas, We ARE our sisters keepers.

    WE (yes…you and I in all our mess and imperfect-ness) are the first line of defense for our friends when it comes to a culture of care for women.

    On this VERY podcast, we have shared stories of several women who had reached their lowest lows, and it wasn't a mental health professional who suddenly appeared and popped up to tell them they had a problem (although they WERE a big part of the solution)…it was a close friend.

    Today we have a beautiful wife and mom to four amazing children who ALSO happens to be the licensed professional counselor behind Sacred Heart Mental Wellness.

    Catherine DiNuzzo utilizes traditional cognitive-behavioral counseling practices all through a Catholic lens, and she is here today to talk with us today about anxiety and how our mental health can show up differently in our cycles.

    Catherine DiNuzzo (00:00)What is Anxiety? (02:40)Talking TO Your Body (06:04)Anxiety & Your Cycle (09:00)Don't be a Bully...to Yourself (12:20)A Proactive Approach to Anxiety (16:40)Helping Fellow Mothers (26:52)Rapid-Fire Questions (31:53)More About Catherine DiNuzzo (34:30)

    Catherine DiNuzzo, MA is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice, and specializes in helping clients to overcome anxiety and depression, as well as other concerns. She is the heart and soul of Sacred Heart Mental Wellness, providing mental health information, resources, assessments, and videos for the Catholic who wants to live a mentally fit lifestyle. She and her husband, live in Kansas with their four amazing children.

    Right now, Catherine has a simple book written FOR her clients and people who love her client, called The Catholic Guide Through Anxiety (this is a quick read). She has also has a series of videos explaining mental wellness. Finally, she’s working to get out to speaking events this year…in her experience—this is the best way to serve the greatest amount of people—and she would love to speak at YOUR event (simply reach out for more info).

    And as always, sweet momma, never forget…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Today, we have the pleasure of chatting with Christina Valenzuela…a wife, mom of four, and the owner and creative director of Pearl & Thistle.

    She offers a unique blend of theology and science to bring better body literacy to Catholics. She's been a certified instructor in the Boston Cross Check™ method of Natural Family Planning since 2013 and her signature course, Cycle Prep, was a 2021 OSV Innovation Challenge finalist.

    She holds an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Notre Dame as well as a Masters in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. She is a life-professed member of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic and today she is here to teach all of us how to introduce our teens (and really, the entire family) to their cycles in a beautiful way…

    Christina Valenzuela (00:00)Proximate Formation (03:00)Building a Culture of Care (05:16)Tracking Your Cycle (16:59)Cycle Prep not Period Prep (23:09)Too Late (27:45)Preparing & Affirming (32:30)Rapid Fire Questions (36:30)More About Christina Valenzuela (40:42)

    If you'd like to learn more about Christina and Pearl & Thistle, you can head over to Pearl & Thistle's Shop to see everything she has to offer!

    If you have a daughter who will soon be ready, we highly recommend the Cycle Prep: First Period Course for girls by Pearl & Thistle!

    Remember sweet momma,

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Today we have a seasoned wife and mother of more than 37 years. She's homeschooled and lived the public school life with her five children and is now the feminine genius behind Wisdom Wellness Coaching and the podcast Cycles and Sanctity.

    She has a heart for teaching women more about their fertility and how our cycles can help us grow in holiness AND she's just recently started a program for women in menopause and perimenopause!

    Mama Jane (00:00)Cycles 101 (02:15)Being an Advocate for Yourself (15:45)Tracking Your Cycle (21:00)Creating Cycle Friendly Rhythms (25:30)Menopause (30:45)The Beauty of Homeschool for Teen Girls (34:30)The Cycle is a Gift (36:15)Rapid Fire Questions (37:05)

    More from Mama Jane...

    Every Thursday, you can listen to Mama Jane’s newest episode of her podcast, Cycles and Sanctity. On social media, you can find her on Instagram and Facebook. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching, check out her website, Wisdom Wellness Coaching. And finally, you can always book a Call to learn More About Uniquely Beautiful You, Mama Jane's Private Coaching Program for perimenopausal/postmenopausal women.

    Have you left us a review? Make sure to do this in your podcast platform of choice (five stars and uplifting words are our favorite!). We read every single review AND they help our podcast reach more women!

    We do have two NEW products in the shop…the Homeschool Plan Like a Mother and the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template are now available for purchase!

    And, sweet momma, don’t forget…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Have you ever had the experience of God literally putting someone in your life?! Like, just setting them right there, in front of you, and being like…this is one of your people.

    That’s exactly what happened to us with Renee!

    She's a mom of 4, a military wife, and the definition of flexible when it comes to going with the flow...she's moved all around the world and she's just all around hilarious.

    She works with women who want to lose weight…but have no idea how…She helps REAL moms use REAL food to lose TONS of weight (I should know…with her help, I’ve lost 80 lbs!)

    As if that wasn’t impressive enough, she’s a board certified behavior analyst who has advanced training in nutrition, and she’s truly a beautiful soul and a wonderful friend AND travel partner…

    Renee Amato (00:15)Renee's Journey with Health & Food (01:42)Learning About Nutrition (03:55)Working with Renee (05:55)Fuel...Don't Deprive (11:20)Changes that Make an Impact (13:15)Delay Not Deny (18:12)It's Not Never...It's Just Not Right Now (21:15)A Balanced Approach (22:50)Starting Small (30:02)Italy (36:47)Rapid-Fire Questions (42:03)More from Renee (46:04)

    To hear more from Renee...

    Are you on Instagram?! You NEED to check out and follow @Reneeamato!

    If you’re interested in the FREE (and gorgeous) Ultimate Healthy Travel Guide, click here!

    If you're not on our email list yet, you need to be! Join here!

    Have you left us a review? Make sure to do this in your podcast platform of choice (five stars and uplifting words are our favorite!)

    And, sweet momma, don’t forget…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • Grab your favorite cup of something warm and join us as we chat with Kelsey!

    Kelsey Pasquarell (00:12)What Led you Into...and Out of...Burnout (01:20)The Physical Side of Chronic Stress (04:20)Better Patterns (05:50)Recognizing Burnout (07:55)Where to Begin (10:00)Time Management and Burnout for Moms (14:45)Recovering from Burnout (22:00)The Martha & Mary Secret (24:35)Rapid-Fire Questions (38:30)

    More from Kelsey

    Here for her podcast…

    Here for her Lenten Challenge…

    Here for the Unstuck workbook…

    If you’ll drop a comment in our DMs, or leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform, we’re always delighted to hear from you!

    And, sweet momma, don’t forget…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • If you can believe it...each podcast is supposed to be 20 minutes long. Of course, it never works out this way (especially when we get talking!).

    This is part 2 of the episode where we discuss our goals for the year!

    Goals Continued (00:30)Why Not All the Goals at Once? (24:27)The Barns (28:10)

    Moms…you SHOULD set goals. Get moving in the right direction. If goals are feeling a bit too big now, pick systems. Goals come in many colors, shapes, and sizes…and you are the best person suited to change things in your home!

    Message us! Send us a DM on Instagram with ONE thing you’re going to start, or email us at [email protected]!

    Finally…leave us a review so we can reach more moms just like YOU!

    And sweet momma, don’t ever forget…

    You are doing beautiful work!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.
  • At this point in our series on goals, mom goals, systems instead of goals, and really ALL things 'mom achievement'...we thought we'd share our approach to goals in 2024 (secretly in the hopes that you would share yours with us)!

    Goals & Temperaments (00:45)A Different Approach to Goal Setting (05:05)Themes (14:55)Goals (18:00)

    This is where we’re going to take a pause, and we’ll be back next week!

    Before you go…send us a DM with a takeaway from this podcast!

    Also…leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform! These help us get our message out to more moms!

    And never forget…

    YOU are doing beautiful work momma!

    Find the complete podcast notes on our website.

    To find The Deliberate Day on Instagram, click here.

    Looking for items shared in our podcasts?!

    Here's the Editable Homeschool Clipboard Template Here's our Homeschool Plan Like A Mother Guide! For the 12 Week Planner, click here! (Use code PODCASTMOM for 20% off!) Get your FREE Meal Planning Kit here. For the Favorites List, go here. If you're planning an adventure, you'll find the Ultimate Family Road Trip Guide here.