
  • Dr. John Lewis earned his BS in Business Administration from University of Tennessee, his MS in Exercise Physiology also from the University of Tennessee and then his PhD in Education and Psychological Studies from University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. In the 90’s and early 2000's he grew in rank at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in various areas of research. I tracked him down in 2014 to find out more about his study titled “The Effect of an Aloe Polymannose Multinutrient Complex on Cognitive and Immune Functioning in Alzheimer’s Disease”.


    Get Daily Brain Care:


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    Get Aloe from Haley Nutrition:


    Who is Dr. Reg McDaniel:



    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:41 Introduce Dr. John Lewis

    01:40 How is it possible "Sugar Is Good For You"?

    04:07 What was the study "The effect of an aloe poly mannose multi nutrient complex on cognitive and immune functioning in Alzheimer's disease" about?

    04:25 Why aren't studies of this nature typically financed through organizations like NIH and Alzheimer's Association?

    10:33 Why a couple was willing to donate so much money to study nutrition for a disease process when even positive results would only amount to dietary recommendations

    11:25 A psychiatrists perspective that food could never help - only drugs work. (He was wrong!)

    12:10 Why doctors are so blind to the fact that nutrition plays such a large role in the allowance of and recovery from disease.

    13:00 Dr. Reg McDaniel's ("Reg") story about realizing how nutrition plays a role in disease and may even make the HIV viral load undetectable.

    16:50 How Dr. Wesley Calvin, a naturopath, had patients with HIV that became "HIV undetectable" by consuming aloe vera.

    20:30 How the psychiatrist that was part of the aloe multi-nutrient study came to realize that nutrition could make a difference.

    22:19 What was the product used in the study on cognitive health and Alzheimer's disease?

    23:37 how positive were the results of this study?

    23:56 What is the "ADAS-Cog"?

    24:55 What is the difference between clinically and statistically significant?

    28:41 What is the amount of product people had to have to get these positive results and is more better?

    29:53 Can you consumer more than is recommended?

    30:27 What is your theory on how the mechanism of the benefit was?

    31:07 What is the CD4 to CD8 ratio and how was it affected by the multi-nutrient complex used in your study?

    33:20 How did the polymannose multi-nutrient product affect stem cell production?

    35:10 What is neuroplasticity?

    37:10 What is the summary of benefits shown by this study?

    39:40 Product Reveal "Daily Brain Care" in the canister and capsules

    44:49 What are the special sugar molecules found in the "Daily Brain Care" products?

    52:00 The study done in the 30's showing mannose when given to rats that were in ketosis

    53:27 Dr. Robert LoPinto who mentioned Dr. John Lewis and his lecture at the FCA

    55:08 What is the principle investigator?

    55:43 What does "peer reviewed" mean?

  • Chad Austin is the author of "Make Fitness A Priority" the book series. His App "The Fitness Pivot" is a tool that helps you make fitness a priority regardless of how busy your schedule is. In this #podcast Chad reveals secrets and tips to help you prioritize you life and meet your fitness goals without taking away from your other priorities.


    Visit Chad's Website:


    Buy the Book Series "Make Fitness A Priority"


    Get "The Fitness Pivot" app for Apple:


    Get "The Fitness Pivot" app for Android:


    Visit  @chadaustin6923  on YouTube



    00:43 Introduce Chad Austin

    01:48 What is fitness?

    04:47 How do you measure fitness?

    07:32 What is Chad Austins sport and why does he do it?

    08:39 Mid-Roll Commercial

    09:43 How important is diet in achieving optimal fitness?

    09:56 What are the 3 pillars of fitness?

    10:33 How do you get in the right mind space?

    12:02 As a fitness professional, what comes before growth?

    12:35 What is the most important part of overcoming a mental hurdle?

    13:19 What "quick results" scams have you seen?

    14:17 Why don't you use before and after photo testimonials?

    15:35 Why do men have "low Testosterone" at age 40?

    15:50 What is the best medicine for most problems we have?

    17:00 What are some tricks to get back into the fitness routine?

    17:42 What is "The Fitness Pivot" app?

    18:01 Why do people get stuck in the "I'm too busy to workout" excuse?

    19:18 What is the absolute truth about forcing a fitness plan?

    20:29 How much time per week needs to be dedicated to fitness?

    21:00 What is "The Fitness Reset"?

    23:30 What is the misperception and why are people reluctant to get a personal trainer?

    24:29 What is a favorite testimonial related to what you do?

    25:44 What is the common denominator behind all of your great testimonials?

    26:58 Where can we get "Make Fitness A Priority" the book series?

  • ¿Faltan episodios?

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  • Christina has a master's in nutrition and is author of the book "The 28 Day Runway: Your Pathway to the Healthy Lifestyle of Your Dreams". Her accomplishments are many, some of which we'll discuss in this podcast. Christina's passion is inspiring people to lead healthier more fulfilling lives. You can get started by evaluating your own life by taking the Serenity Sphere Assessment, a 15 minute quiz available on Imagine What I Can Be dot com. Go to the website and click on Serenity Sphere or look for a link below. I took the quiz and that is how I connected with Christina.


    Take the Serenity Sphere Assessment: https://imaginewhaticanbe.scoreapp.com/

    Visit Christina's Website: https://imaginewhaticanbe.com/

    Buy the Book "THE 28 DAY Runway": https://amzn.to/3MyMvFo

    Visit the Blog with Full Transcript of this episode: https://drhaley.com/triumph-over-trauma/

    Listen to this episode on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...

    Subscribe to Christina Williams on YouTube: ‪https://www.youtube.com/@imaginewhaticanbe


    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:51 Introduce Christina Williams

    02:50 What are the 5 love languages?

    03:44 Why should everyone take the love languages quiz?

    05:57 When is "Excellence" not good enough?

    08:01 What are you really doing to your body to build muscle?

    10:00 What trauma happened to you in childhood that set you on the coping path?

    17:02 How were you able to face your fears by giving presentations in front of everyone?

    18:32 How do you get over the hump from Victim to Victor?

    21:40 When the uncomfortable is your comfort zone, can you just relax? Or do you have to be uncomfortable... because overachievers tend to not be...

  • Dr. Guerry Grune. Guerry is a surfer and chemical engineer. His surfer life revealed the dangers of excessive sun exposure and his chemistry knowledge revealed the dangers of toxic chemicals and hormone disruptors in cosmetics. this inspired him to figure a way to make a safe sunscreen that actually worked, applied easily, and lasted in the water. Through his efforts he developed such a product and named it "3rd Rock Sunblock" with the help of his 13 year old daughter. Eventually the creation of additional products with the same standards bloomed into 3rd Rock Essentials. this episode is sort of a geeky product review. Guerry's high standards makes him a customer of Haley Nutrition and my high standards recently made me a customer of 3rd Rock Essentials.


    Visit 3rd Rock Essentials:



    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:16 Dr. Haley Show Intro

    00:48 Introduce Dr. Guerry Grune

    02:06 Introduce Nutroleum Lip Balm with beeswax

    05:06 Dr. Guerry Grunes credentials

    09:51 How did 3rd Rock Sun Block come to be the world's best sunscreen?

    11:15 Are Sunscreens Safe? by Margaret Schlumpf from University of Zurich

    21:23 the patented zinc Oxide Complex made with L-Arginine

    23:35 which rays does Zinc Oxide filter, uva or uvb? and which rays are the cancer causing rays?

    24:15 What is the difference between zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (TIO2) in sunscreen?

    25:15 What is SPF, Sun Protection Factor and what does it mean?

    25:45 How is UVA rays dangerous?

    32:37 What chemicals should we tolerate and what are "Earth Grown Ingredients"?

    33:42 What is the difference between synthetic and non-synthetic

    36:04 What is D3+K2?

    39:21 What is chelation?

    40:28 What is the Hi-Z Chelated Zinc Oxide?

    41:16 Why did you make this Zinc Oxide product and what other forms are there and what is best?

    44:54 What is Nutrasporin?

    47:51 What killed Muhamad Ali?

    48:12 What strains of bacteria are killed by your chelated silver oxide product?

    48:27 study of 12 women with urinary tract infectins (UTI) getting results with topical application of chelated silver oxide.

    50:20 How safe is consumming chelated silver oxide when it comes to potentially killing off healthy gut flora?

    52:15 Case example of ingesting chelated silver oxide to treat food poisoning

    55:40 Should I buy concentrated silver or diluted ready to drink silver?

    57:00 Here are some common topical applications of silver in a spray bottle

    1:00:27 What is the difference between 3rd Rock Essentials Silver Infusion Silver Oxide Dietary Supplement and the colloidal silver?

    1:03:40 can you nebulize silver?

    1:08:46 Do the chelated silver oxide products expire?

  • Dr. John Poothullil practiced medicine as a pediatrician and allergist for more than 30 years. He retired in 2008. He holds certifications from the American Board of Pediatrics, The American Board of Allergy & Immunology, and the Canadian Board of Pediatrics. Through his clinical experience and years of research, Dr. Poothullil has developed and investigated new theories to the cause of diabetes that challenges the insulin resistance theory. He has authored several books on this topic.


    Buy Dr. John's book "Eat, Chew, Live":


    Visit Dr. John Poothullil's website:


    Visit this show's blog page:



    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:17 Dr. Haley Show Intro

    04:29 What happened to Dr. John Poothullil that made him realize he had to do research?

    05:24 Can you predict when you are going to feel hungry next?

    06:23 How does the brain know when it is time to be hungry?

    06:37 How does the brain know how much you need to eat?

    07:27 It you test your blood sugar, you have highs and lows. Where do those nutrients go?

    08:03 What is the number one cause of overweight?

    09:16 What three things can we observe and learn from toddlers?

    11:30 How is the food here in the United States different than the food you grew up on in India?

    12:50 Why is Diabetes the worst condition you could have?

    14:14 What is insulin resistance and how do you measure it?

    18:14 Aloe Vera commercial

    19:47 Where does energy from the human body come from and what causes diabetes?

    21:40 What dietary change caused the Pima Indians in Arizona get diabetes

    25:42 What time of day is it OK to eat grains?

    27:10 What does Dr. John Poothullil eat?

    29:00 What signal should you listen to to know when you should stop eating?

    30:50 What is the lesson here?

    33:10 The importance of chewing your food

    34:15 What really causes diabetes and why insulin resistance doesn't make sense

    40:05 When do we stop making fat cells?

    42:35 What is "Authentic Body Weight"?

    46:40 When can a fat person be healthy?

    49:10 What are the two things that cause weight gain?

    49:55 How did Dr. John Poothullil get cancer and what did he do about it?

    51:55 What is cancer?

    52:55 The human reproduction simplified

    59:50 How does aloe vera help the body fight cancer?

    1:01:20 Dr. John Poothullil's medical approach to fighting cancer

    1:04:00 How is cancer in children different than cancer in adults?

  • This is Part 2 of time spent with Dr. Bill Ormston, aka "Dr. O" the animal chiropractor. In this part we focus more on the core principles of chiropractic and how a chiropractor or Dr. of veterinary medicine can become an animal chiropractor.


    Buy the book “Yes! It’s Really A Thing” By Dr. Bill Ormston from his website “animalchiropracticeducation.com https://www.animalchiropracticeducation.com/product-page/yes-it-s-really-a-thing-bookBuy the book “Yes! It’s Really A Thing” By Dr. Bill Ormston on Amazon https://amzn.to/46zFs8rBuy the book "The Reality Check" by Heidi Haavik on Amazon https://amzn.to/4ceEhN2Visit Dr. Bill Ormston’s website allcreatureseveryspine.com aka “ACES” https://www.allcreatureseveryspine.com/Visit Dr. Bill Ormston’s website animalchiropracticeducation.com https://www.animalchiropracticeducation.com/Visit Dr. Bill Ormston’s website flexequine.com https://flexequine.com/Check out Dr. Bill Ormston’s Podcast on iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/animal-chiropractic-clinic-chatter/id1555356901yeschiro.comyesaces.com


    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:17 Dr. Haley Show Introduction

    00:48 Introduce Dr. Bill Ormston

    01:33 Why you shouldn't go to Dr. O for a chiropractic adjustment

    02:31 Dr. Haley's first and only time adjusting a dog

    03:50 An example of how and why humans subluxate differently than an animal from a gravity perspective

    05:30 Where in the United States chiropractors can adjust animals legally

    06:15 Heidi Havoc, author of "The Reality Check"

    07:20 The wisdom of the body and how much smarter the life in us is

    11:35 1957 study Pottengers cats study which showed the processed food fed cats got disease whereas the raw fed cats lived longer

    14:11 What is the difference between adjusting people and kids when it comes to fear of doctors?

    16:58 Midroll Haley Nutrition Aloe Vera highlighted

    19:05 how different animals react to chiropractic adjustments

    21:20 Who is your typical customer for animal chiropractic and what services do you offer?

    29:16 The safety pin example of performing a chiropractic adjustment vs. other therapies

    31:03 How a chiropractor learns how to adjust the spine

    35:35 How chiropractic saved Dr. O's son

    39:21 What chiropractors do

    45:18 If your daughter was riding a horse, would you want that horse adjusted?

    50:18 How do you become an animal chiropractor?

  • Today's guest is Dr. Bill Ormston... he goes by "Dr. O". Dr. O is a chiropractor... but not just any kind of chiropractor. In fact, trust me, you don't want to go to Dr. O for a chiropractic adjustment... unless you are an animal. All of Dr. O's patients are animals. Dr. O teaches those with licenses to practice veterinary medicine or chiropractic how to adjust animals. He is author of the book "Yes! It's Really A thing" An informative Guide to Animal Chiropractic.


    ACES "All Creatures Every Spine":


    Get the Book "Yes! It's Really A Thing" a chiropractic liofestyle for your dog by Dr. Bill Ormston:



    Check Out Dr. Bill Ormston's Podcast:




    This Podcast Blog Page:



    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:12 Show Theme Intro

    00:41 Introduce Dr. Bill Ormston

    03:39 the Flexner Report, Morris Fishbein, Rockefeller and Carnegie

    05:30 Can Chiropractic Cure Seizures?

    14:20 What is the Flexner Report?

    23:39 What are the 33 principles of chiropractic?

    24:10 What level of activity should older men be capable of?

    25:57 How often should you get chiropractic adjustments?

    26:05 What is a subluxation?

    28:45 An example of what a subluxation can do to someone.

    33:26 What is ARDOR?

    37:23 What does the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system have to do with it?

    39:00 The independent presidential candidate that knows more about you when you pay with many 3's... like $33.33?

    40:30 The history of Chiropractic and Chiropractic in Veterinary medicine.

    40:35 Who is Dr. Sharon Willoughby?

    41:48 What is ACES "All Creatures Every Spine"?

    42:00 Do chickens that get chiropractic taste good?

    46:00 Do Giraffe's have more neck bones than humans and can you adjust them?

    49:00 What was the most unique animal you ever adjusted?

    50:10 What was it like adjusting Sid Williams?

    52:40 Adjusting a paralyzed dog

  • Angie Marie uses her cycle as a mindfulness and action-oriented tool to move, eat, work, and be in relationships with intention. She has been teaching clients and students to do the same. She is a public speaker on this topic and author of "The Cycle Syncing Handbook". She also hosts the podcast "for the love of" with Jeni and Angie. Other accomplishments include being a doula and fertility awareness educator.


    Get the Book: "The Cycle Syncing Handbook":


    Get the Book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" (Tony Weschler)


    Angie Marie's Website:


    Podcast: "For The Love Of"


    Website "Hormone Hacker"


    The Podcast Show page



    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:40 Introduction Angie Marie

    02:24 Angie Marie's personal struggle with birth control and ectopic pregnancy

    03:46 Female Athlet Triad aka "relative enerty definciencey in sport"

    05:58 Why is Dr. Haley having this discussion?

    07:08 What did you learn in school about female health?

    08:02 Why is it difficult for someone to get pregnant after hormonal synthetic birth control (the pill)?

    09:21 What are things to consider when deciding which birth control might be best for you?

    10:56 How do you wish you were prepared as a child for the female changes ahead of you?

    11:30 What is the main event of the cycle (it's not the period!)

    12:39 What is the purpose of the period following ovulation?

    15:06 What are the four seasons of the female cycle?

    19:48 What are the birth control options, which are best, and how do you combine them?

    22:20 How does fertility awareness work as a birth control method?

    24:57 What is the typical timeline of events in a normal healthy cycle and what are the days you can get pregnant?

    28:15 What can interfere with your normal cycle?

    29:26 What is the best time during the cycle to try to get pregnant?

    30:35 Does the strongest urges to mate correlate with your most fertile days?

    32:00 What is your favorite took learned in Doula Training?

    32:35 What does the acronym BRAIN stand for?

    35:27 What should parents share with their children that are going to go through these changes?

    40:38 How important is nutrition related to menstrual cycle symptoms

    43:45 What are some success stories related to your teachings?

  • Bob Ross was in a doctoral program at a medical school in medical physics to treat cancer patients when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He made some mistakes along the way and learned from them. He reveals his secrets to help healing in his free 45 minute online masterclass found at "the hidden secret to healing .com For me his masterclass was a good reminder of principles for healing and health.


    Take the Free Masterclass:


    Get a free YouTube 5 minute guided tapping for stress relief:


    Visit Bob's website for insights to emotional healing:


    Visit the show Blog Page:



    00:00 Intro Snip

    03:00 Bob's passion for helping people as a 6 year old

    06:18 Hyperthermia effect for cancer therapy

    09:55 How high should you allow your boddy temperature to rise?

    10:50 What can we do for our health?

    11:20 Bob's brain cancer diagnosis after hypersomia

    14:03 What Bob thinks caused his condition

    17:07 What are cancer cells and how do we stop them?

    17:57 How to support your immune system

    18:24 Disclaimer and advice for those taking a medical approach to cancer treatment

    19:29 Bob Ross' medical disclaimer

    21:57 Bob Ross explains his gift of healing which he seems to accomplish by following the direction of his "intuitive hits" which is like hearing a voice (of God???)

    23:09 John 3:8 - For those that follow the Spirit

    24:08 possible correlation between cancer and unhealed emotional trauma

    24:24 How emotional trauma can lead to cancer from an adaptive change

    27:00 Bob Ross explains tapping, aka "EFT"

    29:00 Success example of using tapping to help someone that had fear of attack

    32:30 Making your body hostile to cancer cells

    34:49 A story of helping migraines using an eye movement technique

    41:49 The love of money is the root of evil

    42:00 A worker is worth his wages

    43:03 the Placebo effect

    43:12 Your faith has made you whole

    44:00 Why is our faith important in healing?

    44:33 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert

    48:00 What is EMDR? (eye movement desensitization reprocessing)

    48:53 Do you fear cancer? What would you do if you got it?

    49:12 the difference between Vitamin C and Liposomal Vitamin C

    51:00 Hyperthermia and where you can get it

    53:19 About "magic bullet's" like aloe vera...

    54:00 Lifestyle change (in contrast to the magic bullet or medical approach)

    54:26 The physiology associated to the every emotional state

    55:45 the 4-5-6 breathing technique

    58:33 The takeaway is that we have a greater capacity to heal and we actually know more about ourselves than the doctors know.

  • Dr. Vrzal, a chiropractor and author of "The Headache Advantage" helps us understand helping the body from a whole person perspective and using symptoms to get to the actual cause of the problem.







    00:00 Intro Snip

    01:46 Why did Dr. Haley become a chiropractor?

    02:35 Why did Dr. Vrzal become a chiropractor?

    05:09 Dr. Haley tells of his first headache patient

    06:42 How is a headache an advantage?

    09:00 How is applied kinesiology used to help correct the problem

    10:00 What are common problems in people's diets?

    11:10 What is the difference between eastern and western medicine?

    14:15 Describe a first visit with Dr. Vrzal

    16:16 What is the Dr. Vrzal technique?

    18:00 What is Neuroemotional Technique?

    23:12 What does low back pain have to do with bowel function?

    25:30 What is yeast over-growth, leaky gut and how does that affect the gut brain connection?

    27:55 What are the various communication methods in the body?

    29:40 How does the diet log work?

    31:24 How you can use the blood type to figure things out

    32:23 What is the one best diet for everyone?

    34:50 Will the vegetarian diet work for you?

    35:35 will Paleo diet work for you?

    37:30 Does soda make you fat or is it the bubbles?

    38:18 What causes tinnitis?

    39:45 What causes Alzheimer's Disease?

    40:50 Are there safe sugar substitutes?

    42:10 How to kill lyme

    42:35 P450 the first phase of liver detoxification


    Visit Advanced Supps Online:


    Get Trevors Favorite Supplement “WarPath” at “Advanced Supps“


    Get Trevors Favorite “Post-Performance at “Advanced Supps“


    Visit Trevor Bower on Instagram


    Visit Trevor Bower on YouTube


    Watch this episode on YouTube


    Listen to this episode on iTunes



    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:06 The Dr. Haley Show Introduction

    00:39 Dr. Michael Haley introduces Trevor Bower from advancedsupps.com

    01:31 Dr. Haley and Trevor swap bowling stories

    05:15 Trevor explains his reason for supplements and what his bad experience was when shopping for them.

    08:28 How Trevor made decisions overall for his business emphasizing communication and transparency.

    11:00 How much do employees at AdvanceSupps know their products?

    13:30 How much of the supplement industry is online vs. in-store?

    16:05 how the store model has changed before and after Covid

    17:59 The Dr. Haley Show Midroll

    19:01 Can people shopping online get personal attention and questions answered regarding their supplement choices?

    22:10 Trevor discusses some of the failures when it comes to carrying other brands.

    22:25 Does AdvancedSupps.com have their own brand?

    26:28 What is the difference between a brand and a private label?

    29:14 How did you make your first product and how has it evolved?

    29:50 How many did you have to have made to start your brand?

    30:20 Dr. Haley explains the business of starting a brand and compares it to private lables which are often found in Doctors offices.

    32:28 what are the multiple levels of profit for most brands?

    34:48 Dr. Haley interupts the show to mention the monthly promotional

    36:10 Who do you work with when going to a laboratory?

    36:50 How Trevor Bower comes up with a formula

    40:10 Dr. Haley tells a story of a product failure on a previous formula of a product we currently make.

    42:18 Dr. Haley explaines products that doesn't have fillers and how clumping is a good thing.

    45:40 Dr. Haley asks about Kurt Angle's statement regarding his products.

    46:38 What products does Trevor use that his company makes? Warpath, the pre-workout supplement to get a better workout. Post-Formance by United Nutra

    58:47 Outro

  • Dr. Joan Ifland teaches doctors and other health practitioners how to use food addiction recovery to put diet related diseases into remission. She is the author of the textbook "procesed food addiction". Dr. Ifland has been creating breakthroughs in recovery from food addictions for 25 years now. She is the founder of "ARC" which stands for "Addiction Reset Community".



    Buy the Text Book "Processed Food Addiction"


    Subscribe to Dr. Ifland on YouTube:


    Visit the Processed Food Addiction Website:


    Take the "Food Addiction Self-Quiz"


    Follow the Facebook Group:


    Follow Dr. Ifland on Twitter:


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    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:15 The Dr. Haley Show Intro

    00:46 Introduce Dr. Joan Ifland

    02:19 How profitable it is to make us sick

    03:14 Dr. Joan Ifland's education in economics and political science and how it is used for health and wellness

    03:48 Unregulated capitolism explained

    04:20 "This is not your fault!"

    07:00 How stressful programming was used to sell products

    09:05 Dr. Haley's tv programming commercials research

    12:34 Dr. Joan Ifland explains "mirror neurons".

    13:52 73% of Americas diet is from processed foods

    14:44 Dr. Haley's Diet confession

    16:30 The "ARC" recovery for getting off processed foods

    18:33 "If you still have it... it will start to work again".

    19:12 Midroll Commercial

    20:30 ...it cripples cell function

    21:10 role models are essential part of changing behavior

    24:10 what the advertisers don't want you to know

    24:47 What is a processed food?

    31:52 Why you need to eat fat

    33:21 Dr. Haley's other confession about his diet

    48:15 The Addiction Business Model and the 5 "A's"

  • Dr. Otto Janke shares insights not only on how to be healthy, but why to be healthy. His message is inspiring. I read and recommend his book "You Were Born To Be Healthy".


    Get the book "You Were Born To Be Healthy":


    Visit Janke Family Chiropractic:


    Visit Dr. Janke on YouTube:


    Visit Janke Chiropractic on YouTube:


    Watch This Episode on YouTube:


    Visit this episodes show page:



    00:00 Intro Snip

    01:03 Introduce Dr. Otto Janke

    01:30 Dr. Janke explains why he finally wrote his book "You Were Born To Be Healthy".

    03:10 You were born with 100% level of health. Everyone's level of health is different.

    05:20 Dr. Otto describes his best week in practice.

    07:10 What is chiropractic and why for babies?

    08:42 The analogy between planting in the garden and giving humans the best opportunity for health

    09:34 Why is chiropractic important for a newborn?

    10:35 Dr. Haley describes his favorite story adjusting an infant when new in practice.

    12:23 chiropractic is not about pain...

    12:46 Dr. Otto explains why he is "the poop whisperer".

    13:37 Aloe Vera for better health

    14:50 Chiropractic education for Dr. Otto at Palmer Chiropractic is described.

    16:42 The differences between medical school and chiropractic school

    17:50 Why Dr. Otto went to chiropractic school.

    18:28 We are the most over medicated. We are born with everything we need

    19:47 If you threw all the medicine in the ocean, this would happen

    20:00 History of Chiropractic

    21:22 Why chiropractors do what they do

    22:28 Why do people still get chiropractic when they have been coming for years and still have pain?

    23:36 What kind of chiropractic does Dr. Otto do?

    26:20 What are some misconceptions people have about chiropractic?

    29:05 What is longevity and how does chiropractic fit in?

    31:30 What is heart rate variability and how is it measured?

    35:30 How long does it take to see consistent results in heart rate variability?

    36:50 When is the last time Dr. Otto Janke got a chiropractic adjustment and why?l

    38:30 What does Dr. Janke do for fun and physical fitness and what does he think he should be able to do?

    41:55 Is pickleball a cult?

    43:38 Dr. Haley's review of the book "You Were Born To Be Healthy"

    Tags: chiropractic, Dr. Otto Janke, health, subluxation, overmedicated, love, longevity, heart rate variability, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, insight, subluxation station, adaptation, nervous system, pickleball, exercise, hiking,


    Visit Jude on the GodTalks Website:


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    Get the Book "God Talks" by Ed Rush:


    Get the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear:



    00:00 Intro Snip

    01:06 Introduce Jude Sullivan "The Fitness Pastor"

    01:47 What is God Talks and who is Ed Rush?

    02:20 Why can't we hear God when He talks to us?

    03:20 Mental Gymnastics to get to the right answer

    04:50 How do you know when it is God verses when it is you?

    05:00 We are Spiritual beings having a physical experience

    07:19 The Bible says "Be still and know that I am God"

    08:00 Jude's experience recognizing the voice of God

    08:53 God's desire for you

    10:18 God is Love

    12:35 Do all Christians have to have a defining moment of when they became a Christian?

    13:50 How emotions can confuse people regarding God's desire for a relationship with you.

    16:50 What Jude things is the single most important thing we can ask God. (What is our purpose for our life?)

    18:12 How Jude got the name "The Fitness Pastor", at a time when he was struggling a little bit about bringing his faith into his practice as a clinical exercise physiologist.

    19:22 Its not about what you do to be the foundation of who you are. It is who you are and how is that expressed in what it is that you do.

    22:10 How do you handle adversity in business like complaints and negative reviews?

    27:20 What are some time management strategies?

    31:30 How the book Atomic Habits helped Jude address problem solving

    35:40 God isn't about "Coincidence"...

    38:00 How to get in touch with Jude Sullivan

    38:50 What are the services offered through God Talks?

  • In this podcast with Crissy Clark from Ripple Ranch we discuss the various treatment options to deal with past trauma and have recovery from related substance abuse.

    Crissy Clark her master’s degree in Social Work at Texas State University. Crissy developed an interest in Substance Abuse Recovery while working at Austin Recovery Treatment Center in Kyle, Texas. This is also when she developed an interest in Trauma Treatments. Crissy has a passion for learning creative ways to offer individualized treatments for Trauma and Substance Abuse.


    Ripple Ranch


    James Clear's "Atomic Habits":


    Marsha Linehan's DBT Skills


    The Dr. Haley Show Podcast



    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:59 Introduce Crissy Clark from Ripple Ranch

    02:54 What is EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing?

    05:10 What is the difference between CBT cognitive behavioral therapy and CPT cognitive processing therapy?

    06:20 What substances are abused

    07:32 What kind of traumas contribute to substance abuse?

    07:45 What is the difference between "Little T" trauma and "Big T" trauma?

    09:45 What are people doing to avoid remembering their traumas?

    11:09 What makes ripple ranch unique?

    12:08 Why do people abuse drugs?

    13:10 Midroll aloe vera commercial

    14:30 What is the ace assessment?

    16:08 We are improving by getting to the core of the substance abuse problem rather than just medicate the symptoms

    18:22 What are the various support groups available for substance abuse recovery?

    19:03 Therapy is Crissy's number one recommendation for trauma

    19:56 What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?

    20:35 What are triggers and how do you deal with them?

    25:03 What is urge surfing?

    28:20 Why do people avoid getting help?

    31:50 What stops people from getting results when people go for recovery?

    35:39 How often do you have to turn people away from substance abuse treatment?

    37:30 People have to be ready to detox and it is painful for them physically and emotionally

    38:20 How important is natural treatments like diet, exercise, rest, mental input for trauma and substance abuse recovery?

    42:23 What is the relationship between mental health and nutrition?

    43:50 What is your favorite testimonial at ripple ranch?

    44:55 what does a first day of treatment at ripple ranch look like?

    46:55 What should you look for in a trauma and substance abuse recovery center?

    48:40 Why do people travel from all over the country to go to ripple ranch?

    49:10 What would you change about the current system of recovery?


    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:17 Intro Dr. Haley Show Podcast

    00:53 Introduce Dr. Gurpreet Padda and this show

    03:27 What is the difference between sedation used in minor procedures and surgical anesthesia

    05:25 How do you avoid getting patients addicted to pain medications?

    07:40 The rat study that demonstrated addiction is related to loneliness

    08:37 What is Hedonic Substitution?

    11:50 How much cheaper and how available is fentanyl?

    17:40 What is metabolic inflammation?

    22:20 What events led to making cereals popular for breakfast?

    24:57 How did Seventh Day Adventists play a role in making cereal popular?

    25:35 Who is John Harvey Kellogg?

    28:54 If you wanted to control the population, what diet would you recommend for them?

    29:57 Why is the African American population vitamin D deficient?

    31:00 What are the problems with telemedicine and how is it limiting?

    38:10 What is Chardi Kala?

    39:20 How can you change your nutrition merely by changing your thoughts?

    41:30 What percentage of the US population is healthy?

    43:46 Should we get all vaccines, some, or none?

    51:47 What is the difference between fasting and time restricted nutrition

    58:05 What is artificial or advanced general intelligence (AGI)?


    Padda Institute - https://painmd.tv/

    Reverse Diabetes MD - https://reversingdiabetesmd.com/

    Dr. Padda on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/-padda/

    Dr. Padda on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@paddainstitute/

  • Terry Tucker is is author of the book Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principles To Leading Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life. He's a sought after speaker who uses the power of real life stories to motivate, inspire, and encourage others. He went from being an NCAA Division 1 Basketball player to SWAT Team hostage negotiator, to cancer warrior. His cancer eventually led to amputation of his foot in 2018 and then leg in 2020. Yet somehow he embraces the pain and difficulty and uses it to become stronger and more determined. He's appeared on literally hundreds of podcasts. I believe the way I can help you the most is by convincing you to subscribe to his YouTube channel  @sustainableexcellence  and take in his weekly inspirational. You've heard of daily devotionals... Terry delivers weekly "Inspirationals". They are about 5 minutes long and typically consist of a real life story of someone who did something great.


    This episode blog with Transcript:


    Buy Sustainable Excellence on Amazon:


    Terry's Website:


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    Terry Tucker on Instagram:


    Terry Tucker on YouTube:

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl2CUA6R1zP2ZcjzhzGKWkQ - @sustainableexcellence


    00:00 Intro Snip

    00:54 Dr. Haley Show Introduction

    01:31 Introduce Terry Tucker

    03:28 Podcast Beginning

    04:28 Terry's Cancer Update and drug trial description

    06:40 Why Terry participates in a drug trial

    08:20 Cancer isolates us

    10:10 Do your friends treat you differently because you have cancer?

    11:45 Being comfortable in the uncomfortable and embrace the suck

    13:05 What is a PET Scan?

    14:28 What are the rules to clinical studies? Can you do other treatments?

    19:33 The three approaches to treating cancer are medical, natural, and integrative

    20:42 Where does Terry Tucker get his knowledge and biblical principles from?

    23:02 What does the title of your book mean "Sustainable Excellence - Ten Principles To Leading Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life"

    27:00 Ed Mylett's 4 types of people: unmotivated, motivated, inspirational, and aspirational

    28:49 What about selfishness verse selflessness and how it relates to your overall wellness? The Mr. Rodgers story.

    29:50 Are you born empty or full?

    32:58 How do you reprogram your brain? What techniques do you use to change the direction of your thoughts?

    36:07 33% of the country hits the snooze button 3 times before getting out of bed

    36:35 The rule of 100 - if you spend 18 minutes a day doing something...

    39:08 What is meant by "when you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in a way that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice". (Native American Blackfoot Proverb)

    40:33 "Band of Brothers" mini series that followed the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment during WW2 George Luz had about 1900 people show up at his funeral because of how he lived his life

    41:34 The hospice nurse that gave him the book "Imagine Heaven" about near death experiences

    44:33 How Terry influenced a nurse but would have never known how something he did changed her life

    46:24 Tell us about the book "Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principles To Leading Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life"

  • Pharmacist Dr. Kathy Campbell explains obesity as a symptom of another issue that needs to be dealt with. She helps others overcome obesity essentially by increasing their nutrition and decreasing their toxicity. She emphasizes the health of the microbiome and the return to real food. The concepts are presented in a way that you have likely never heard before.


    00:00 Summary Snip

    00:52 Introduction

    03:37 What pharmacists really do

    02:07 Drugs are only approved as an adjunct to diet and exercise

    03:20 Food Substances

    04:00 The Minivan and kids meals

    05:47 The Castro issue in the 60"s and the shift from sugar cane to HFCS

    06:53 What is ATP - adenosine triphosphate

    08:30 the assembly line analogy to energy production and what is happening when our nutrition isn't there

    10:47 This is the cure to all disease...

    14:19 Life is good, but how do you get better than great?

    15:03 Obesity is a symptom but not the problem

    15:25 When is a slow metabolism an asset?

    15:50 The environment will change your genetics

    16:22 We have a deficiency in plant, movement, and love, etc.

    16:38 What is killing our microbiome?

    19:12 How some medications alter acid production in the gut

    19:30 the strategic marketing in the 40's that health came in a pill bottle

    20:08 Pharmacology and medications have their place, but...

    21:23 Are we hosting the microbiome or are they hosting us?

    21:41 When we eat, we are feeding them, not us

    22:22 What is the difference between feeding the microbiome fiber and sugar?

    25:45 Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride's take on Soil in the farmlands and the soil in our body

    29:56 When is the right time for antacids? What is the alternative?

    35:01 Aloe vera for acid reflux

    35:30 Enzyme Demonstration using capsules and oatmeal

    36:05 recommendations for people with acid reflux

    36:38 circadian rhythms of acid production

    38:00 how do you know if your bowels are working properly?

    40:09 Inflammatory bowel and leaky gut causing autoimmune disease

    41:05 Why would the body "open the gates" causing leaky gut?

    42:25 Address analogy of antibodies, antigens, and autoimmune problems

    47:15 What is your favorite testimonial related to what you do?

    50:25 Where is the best place to buy Obesity the modern famine

    50:15 How the individualize coaching works

    RESOURCESBuy the book “Obesity – The Modern Famine” on AmazonVisit Dr. Kathy’s Website “drkathysays.com“Visit Dr. Kathy’s YouTubechannel for more tipsListen to this episode on iTunesPASTE DESCRIPTION HEREhttps://haleynutrition.comWatch this episode on YouTubeListen to this episode on iTunes

    00:00 Summary Snip

    00:45 Introduction Sean Spire Aspire Labs and Crossfit

    02:39 What Sean likes about Crossfit

    05:19 How old can you be and still do crossfit?

    07:07 Jake Paul or Mike Tyson?

    09:10 What does your ideal gym have in it and how close are you to that?

    10:15 What recovery protocols do you wish were available

    11:52 What have you seen go wrong when someone did not have a coach

    16:20 Is there competition in crossfit?

    18:27 What do you think about the statement "No Pain No Gain"?

    24:12 What are the traits of someone successful in crossfit competition?

    28:00 How important is someone's "Why"?

    31:38 What is the best time and opportunity for someone to start crossfit?

    33:00 How much community is there in the crossfit gym?

    35:19 Final words of encouragement

    39:25 What is the two minute rule?

    41:19 How to contact Sean Spire


    Aspire Sports Lab Website - https://www.aspiresportslab.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/aspiresportslab/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/seanspire

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@aspiresportslab/

    Dr. Haley Show Episode Page - https://drhaley.com/crossfit-training-sean-spire/

  • In this episode we talk with Personal Trainer Eric Dagati. He has worked with many professional athletes and teams, executives, and ordinary people. He helps you understand what personal training is and how gains can be measured... surprisingly, how much weight you lift isn't the standard! He helps you know what to look for in a gym and clarifies the relationship between gym and customer... I never thought of it that way!


    This Episode Blog Page:


    Eric Dagati's Website:


    Eric Dagati on LinkedIn URL


    Eric Dagati on Facebook URL


    Eric Dagati on Twitter URL


    Eric Dagati on YouTube URL


    Eric Dagati on Instagram


    Dr. Michael Haley from http://drhaley.com subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dr-haley-show/id1573943789


    00:00 Show Snippet

    00:52 Introduction Eric Degati

    04:00 Why are different diets for different people?

    08:30 Who is your typical client?

    08:44 What are examples of things people goal for in a training probram?

    09:31 How should we define exercise?

    10:16 What is an "exercise snack"

    11:00 What would you look for in a gym?

    13:38 What are some of the things you have seen people do wrong in the gym?

    16:26 "If you want big arms, you have to have a big chest. And if you want a big chest, you have to have big legs."

    19:35 How can we measure longevity as it is related to exercise (Ex: VO2 Max and Grip Strength)

    21:05 What are people doing wrong to get injured?

    23:27 Eric describes how his virtual program works

    25:12 What is the best time of day to exercise?

    26:43 What are some traits that makes someone successful with their overall fitness and health?

    27:03 Non-negotiable habits

    30:00 Don't start big... why you should ease in to an exercise program

    31:49 The three tenants that Eric teaches: Move, Fuel, and Reset

    32:19 We don't make our gains in the gym

    33:38 The best way to get in contact with Eric Dagati

    34:15 What does a first training session look like?

    36:53 What reversing the aging process looks like

    37:48 What the trainers obligation is

    38:48 What should our later years look like?