
  • Brace yourselves! This episode of IMPACT unveils a seismic decision that will shake the very foundation of Meghan’s world.

    In this episode, Meghan shares her realization that to take things to a much bigger level of impact, there are things she needs to let go of blindly.

    There are things she needs to let go of not necessarily knowing what is on the other side because they are tethering her from the full view.

    Moving to the next level is not about harder work, it's about harder decisions. Meghan believes that to lead other people, we have to be willing to lead ourselves not just with our voice, but with our actions. So with that in mind, Meghan has decided to take a sabbatical from the IMPACT Podcast.

    She is committed to making huge leaps on an emotional level, on a financial level, and on a ‘potential for failure’ level because her vision for impact is huge.

    Life is less about what you do, more about how you make people feel, and everything about how you choose to show up in the world.

    But fear not, as Meghan clarifies this sabbatical is not a goodbye in any way. This is not the end of the show, this is the end of act one.

    Meghan's fearless choice will compel you to examine your life through a lens of unwavering clarity and empower you to release anything that no longer serves your future. Hit play now to embrace the changes needed for your next chapter, your next act.


    [01:04] Reflection on Ted Lasso and the power of knowing when to move on

    [04:45] Exploring the benefits of personal coaching

    [10:01] Reflections on letting go and moving forward

    [16:30] Closing this act





    “We are walking into the intermission, and one of the things I'll invite you to do is maybe regroup yourself, grab a drink, stretch your legs, but know that the story is not over.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “And so this is an act of personal leadership. That may or may not inspire you to take similar actions in your own life and in your own world. I'm excited for this next step.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I'd love for this to be a moment where you two look at your life with ruthless clarity and confidence and acknowledge the things that may not be serving the next chapter, the next act."

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I have a vision for how I want to live my own life and it is not constantly pushed up against the wall. And I've worked really hard to create certain freedoms in my life and yet I engage in an ongoing manner in the behaviors that keep me pushed there.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I have committed six and a half years, 327 episodes of conversations. It has been an enabler of ticket sales and traffic and growth of my clinical practice. It has been a launching ground for new programs and new phases of my life. It is also at a place where I feel like I can tie a beautiful bow on this experience, that I can look at this podcast with immense gratitude for what it has brought into my life.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

  • This week on IMPACT, Meghan welcomes her personal mindset coach Geeta Sidhu-Robb to discuss how you can overcome your fear to become a powerful and abundant woman.

    Geeta is a multifaceted entrepreneur, lawyer, and health coach and helps powerful women overcome the inner blocks preventing them from reaching their true potential. She is direct, compassionate, and experienced. She does not hold back because honesty is the only way to heal emotional wounds.

    Society trains women to hold back, but being a good girl will inevitably lead to unhappiness, people-pleasing, and a lacklustre existence. You don’t need to succumb to the cultural narrative any longer. Geeta teaches you how to face your deepest fears, especially your fear of failure.

    Geeta reveals the blinders and traps that keep you stuck playing the good girl so that you can become a woman of IMPACT.

    Her motto is “anything is possible. If you can see it, you can do it; if you can dream it, you can make it happen. Listen to this powerful conversation and then get after it!


    [1:30] Making Internal Shifts

    [5:00] Capitalizing on Your Failure

    [8:00] Why Women Fear Failure

    [11:30] The By Product is Imposter Syndrome

    [14:00] Moving Through and Past Your Fear

    [18:30] The Reality of The Good Girl Payoff

    [21:00] Start With Your Deepest Fear

    [26:30] What Enables Powerful Women

    [30:00] Parenting Powerful Daughters

    [32:00] What is Feminine Power

    [36:00] How Power Isolates You





    Lead Like A Woman


    “I find the original core problem that you’re really afraid of, and then I unpack that for you, and I show you that when you actually look at that problem if it happened you would not die, and then there’s an acceptance that takes place when you get there, and you just absorb it.”

    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb

    “The good girl will never be rich. The good girl will never be happy. The good girl will never have self-respect. The good girl will never have self-love. The good girl will never permeate with lush abundant femininity, because they are directly opposite, so the good girl is never going to be happy, and she doesn’t know how to cope with it, so she tries to make it someone else's fault.”

    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb

    “The one thing I want everybody to think about is that actually the control to change this is in your hands. It's a hundred percent in your hands. Because if you take responsibility for being appalling, then I want you to take responsibility for the fact that you can change that as well. You must. You can't take responsibility for one and not the other.”

    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb

    “The fear of these things will not stop bad things happening to you. So if they're gonna happen, why don't you just have control over your own life instead?”

    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb

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  • On this episode of IMPACT, Dr. Patty Ann Tublin reveals how to protect yourself from the biggest pitfalls in entrepreneurial relationships.

    Dr. Patty Ann is an experienced psychotherapist who applies her knowledge to coaching high-level entrepreneurial relationships. She helps CEOs and business owners create safeguards that protect the integrity of each relationship they enter into.

    Navigating business partnerships and personal relationships can easily fall into chaos if mismanaged. Dr. Patty Ann discusses how you can successfully navigate the three fundamental relationships for every entrepreneur and gives tools to predict and prevent the worst-case scenarios so you can thrive in business and life.

    Dr. Patty Ann shows you how to set personal boundaries so you don’t lose your identity in your business venture. Your spouse, kids, and friends deserve your undivided attention at home; she teaches you how to create separation between professional and private time to preserve the relationships with your loved ones.

    Some entrepreneurs will do anything but create a contract, but these are vital tools that protect you and your partner. Dr. Patty Ann helps you reframe your mindset regarding professional contracts and having an exit plan in writing.

    These conversations aren’t always easy, but to make an IMPACT in the world, you must lead yourself and your partnerships down a path of integrity. What’s an uncomfortable conversation today could be what preserves your relationship tomorrow.

    Join us to learn how to safeguard your relationships from the common pitfalls of entrepreneurship.


    [1:25] Managing Entrepreneurial Relationships

    [4:30] The Gory Details

    [5:45] Dr. Tublin’s Expertise

    [8:10] Managing Personal Relationships as an Entrepreneur

    [14:00] Setting Intentional Boundaries for Working

    [16:00] Traps to Avoid in Entrepreneurial Couples

    [18:50] Selecting a Business Partner

    [22:00] The Importance of Putting It In Writing

    [26:00] Crafting Your Exit Agreement

    [29:00] Wanting a Business Friend

    [32:00] Navigating Gendered Partnerships






    How to Read Body Language: 10 Secret Tools of the Trade - download free report at DrPattyAnn.com


    “It doesn’t matter what your business is, because it’s the relationship aspect that is usually what creates the success, or what makes the success impossible.”

    -Dr. Patty Ann Tublin

    “It lays out the intentions. It enables you to come together and outline; if we did exit, if we did pull apart from this because things happen in life, here is the behavior and conduct, and integrity that we want to bring to the table.”

    - Dr. Meghan Walker

  • Do you have the tools to navigate sensitive topics with wisdom and discernment? Navigating uncomfortable situations takes foresight and a willingness to accept how your words IMPACT the outcome of each of your engagements.

    On this episode of IMPACT, Sam Horn joins us for a second round of linguistic wisdom as she breaks down her framework for navigating difficult conversations from her book: Talking on Eggshells. She teaches you how to pause a situation so that you can interact with wisdom, grace, and presence.

    The first thought that pops into your head does not always lead to a positive outcome. Sam shows you how to flip the script and shift from shaming to shaping behavior with critical thinking, personal responsibility, and empathy.

    Interrupting communication patterns is hard, but Sam’s framework helps you master proactive grace and conscious language. Sometimes wisdom means knowing what topics are off limits so you can focus on commonalities instead of frivolous conflicts. Sam explains her theory about quicksand conversations and how she sets conversation boundaries to preserve long-lasting relationships.

    This episode will help you navigate any conversation with confidence and grace. Join us to discover the power of intentional language!


    [2:00] Talking on Eggshells

    [5:20] The Origins of The Book

    [9:00] Stop and Think

    [16:20] Own Instead of Other

    [23:20] Informed Avoidance

    [24:40] Employing Radical Empathy

    [31:45] Interpersonal Situational Awareness

    [36:40] Life is a Gift







    Early Access to Talking On Eggshells


    “As soon as we have contempt, we have no compassion, because we have come to the conclusion that they’re clueless, or that they don’t know what they’re doing, or that they’re stupid, or whatever, and it is the end of compassion and it will lead to conflicts.”

    -Sam Horn

    “I believe that this book is my pebble in the pond of my legacy, of how we can, even in challenging times, choose words that help instead of hurt and shape instead of shame, and coach instead of criticize.”

    -Sam Horn

    “My hope and my goal is for us to understand that life is a gift. And, as the Harvard study found, the number one precursor of a healthy, happy life is good relationships.”

    -Sam Horn

    “We want to turn fight, flight and freeze into flow so that in the moment we can say something that helps instead of hurts.”

    -Sam Horn

    “We're not taught this in school. We're taught math, we're taught history and science, you know, we're taught calculus, you know, are we taught what to say when we don't know what to say? Are we taught what to do when someone's blaming us for something that's not our fault? Are we taught what to do when people are complaining and won't stop and listen? No, we're not taught this.”

    -Sam Horn

  • On this episode of IMPACT, Meghan is joined by David Henzel for a conversation you won’t want to miss!

    David Henzel is a veteran entrepreneur who has taken his talent and skill in being able to design predictably positive and successful businesses and applied it to happiness and mindset in his own life. He doesn't just get a niche and arbitrarily go and design something new. He has a formula for how he designs successful businesses. In fact, David has a formula for how he designs his successful life.

    David teaches you to overcome resistance and build habits that create the environment for your dreams to become a reality. You are in control of your destiny, but you have to be bold enough to face your fears to become a person of IMPACT.

    His approach to success is simple; form the habits that support your goals instead of waiting for the right mindset to start your journey. It’s obvious, yet most entrepreneurs are guilty of this specific type of procrastination.

    This episode is your wake-up call to start living a life you can be proud of. Join us for an enlightening conversation about the power of habits, love, and happiness.


    [3:00] A meaningful conversation

    [4:45] A multifaceted entrepreneur

    [10:30] Starting multiple businesses

    [16:00] Recognizing the patterns

    [19:00] Developing the mindset

    [25:00] Exposure therapy

    [27:45] Dismantling your fear

    [32:00] Managing your happiness

    [35:00] Structure brings freedom







    “I’m not dwelling that long in emotional states, and if it doesn’t feel good I take a step back and contemplate; how can I work around this? How can I fix this? How can I create the environment that makes this easier for me?”

    -David Henzel

    “I think habits determine everything in your life.”

    -David Henzel

    “Every decision in life you have to make out of love or out of fear.”

    -David Henzel

    “I always use my emotions as a filter. Like do I feel good about something? Then I lean in. Does it not feel good? Then I take a step back and think like why does this not feel good? Is it something that's not aligned with my values? Do I not want this? Or is it something that I actually want but I’m afraid because it’s outside of my comfort zone. And then I reframe my mind.”

    -David Henzel

    “The courage won't come in the mail. Competence and confidence is the byproduct of repeated courageous action.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I think structure brings freedom and also planning brings freedom.”

    -David Henzel

  • Are you waiting for your ideal customers to come to you? You probably have a list of expectations of your ideal client, but have you ever asked yourself if you are an ideal provider?

    On this episode of IMPACT, Meghan will challenge you to evaluate the standards you have of yourself.

    She teaches you that the energy you project is reciprocal. The clients you are currently attracting are a reflection of your own energetic output. If you want to level up your clientele, you need to assess what your ideal clients desire from you. Meghan shows that it is possible to effortlessly manifest opportunities and clients by doing the work within yourself first.

    You are capable of raising your energetic capacity, building courage, and becoming the person your ideal clients want. This episode will encourage you to ask the right questions and get to the bottom of who and what you are attracting so that you can expand your own capacity and shift into a better version of yourself.

    It’s time to stop looking outward and take a deeper look at the IMPACT your energy has on the world around you. If you are ready to do the work and become your client's ideal provider, do not miss this episode.


    [1:00] Working within our confines provided

    [1:50] Who is your ideal customer?

    [3:00] What are you doing to be the ideal provider?

    [4:50] Are you equally being the person they want?

    [5:30] The qualities of your questions

    [6:30] Who do you need to become?





    “When you are doing what you need to do to sit in a space of confidence. When you are dismantling your own limiting beliefs. When you are taking yourself to the next level, guess what wants to walk through the door
an equal energetic match.”

    -Meghan Walker

    “The question is not where do I find these rich people who are ready to get well? The question is, who do you need to be to effortlessly attract them into your world?”

    -Meghan Walker

    “I believe the quality of your life is tied to the quality of your questions.”

    -Meghan Walker

    “Who do you need to be to attract your energetic match into your world? Whether that be your job or your ideal client. What needs to come next for you so that you are the person who effortlessly brings those other individuals into your world?”

    -Meghan Walker

  • Are you stuck in an endless self-destructive pattern? Each of us is on our own spiritual journey, and it takes courage to acknowledge our weaknesses, but once you take ownership of your faults you can break free from the paradigm and forge a new path to your authentic self.

    On this episode of IMPACT, Meghan shares about her continued commitment to building her WORTH ethic as discussed previously in episode 311 “Why I Burned Out In 2022 & How I Am Going To Fix It.” Meghan details the shift in her physical and mental well-being after she devoted herself to an honest self-assessment. She learned that you can not free yourself from negative patterns until you acknowledge they exist.

    The essential you is worthy, although your ego can prevent you from expressing your authentic self. With each experience, you develop new neural pathways and expectations that shape your worldview and behavior. Without healthy self-awareness, you can get stuck in a negative feedback loop. You can break free from learned behaviors, patterns, and the stories that keep you from stepping into your full power.

    Meghan speaks to the power of self-reflection and self-love. You can blame others for how they treat you, but you can only control how you treat yourself. As you build awareness of your inner voice, you can repair negative self-talk to stop cycles of endless negativity and self-doubt. How you treat yourself sets the standard for everyone around you. People instinctually pick up on your behavior, so be kind to yourself, and you may be surprised to find that the world is a loving arena to play in.

    This episode offers practical tips and tools for building a positive relationship with oneself, repairing negative self-talk, and breaking free from the paradigms that hold us back. Tune in to hear Meghan's inspiring story and learn how you too can break free from negative patterns.


    [2:30] Speaking my truth

    [4:50] Investing in growth

    [8:00] Mind and Body Evolution

    [12:25] Treat yourself how you want to be treated

    [16:40] Be clear about what you want

    [19:30] Acknowledging your wounds

    [21:00] Busyness is a symptom of scarcity

    [23:50] It’s not your job to save everyone





    “If you can’t treat yourself the way you want to be treated, it is a really hard sell to get other people to do it for you.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “Get really clear about telling what it is precisely that we want. This assumption that if we’re nice to other people they should just know, cause they love us enough, leads us down a dead road of assumptions and storytelling.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “What’s right for me doesn’t have to be right for other people to still be right for me, and it might sound so simple, but it is so profound.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “We've been fed a narrative that these people exist in the world who can read every single desire you have in your heart because they love you enough. What if that actually isn't true at all? What if part of your job is to just be really clear on the things that you need to thrive physically and emotionally and with compassion you share those.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “Sometimes when we are leading a movement, we need to recognize that not everyone is going to want to walk alongside that.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

  • Do you have a handle on your finances? Every personality is different, and understanding your financial strengths and weaknesses is the first step to becoming financially empowered!

    On this episode of IMPACT, Meghan sits down with Kiné Corder to examine the money-managing archetypes and how to understand your prosperity blueprint. Kiné uniquely blended the world of financial planning and psychotherapy to create Presidential Lifestyle, where she councils entrepreneurs on how to manage stress, family, and finances to build a harmonious life.

    Kiné teaches about your money mindset and breaks down the different approaches to money management. By becoming aware of your tendencies to spend, save, and even how you attract money into your life, you can shift into a new phase of prosperity.

    No matter what your financial status is, Kiné gives you the tools to remove the emotional burden of financial stress, so that you can prioritize your family, health, and wellness. Prosperity is your birthright, and money will not solve all of your problems. Kiné shows you a new path to financial freedom, and it begins with your mindset!

    If you are ready to let go of financial stress and embrace your birthright of prosperity, listen now!


    [4:30] Discovering Kiné’s why

    [7:400] Working with women

    [8:50] Trauma and money

    [12:00] Negative money spirals

    [13:00] Emotional Integrity

    [16:00] Judgments and Righteousness

    [24:30] Organizing your life

    [27:30] Your prosperity birthright

    [36:40] Emotional Money Management








    Free Webinar


    “If we are not where we want to be financially, it does not mean that we have to be emotionally drained or down about that. You can have less money than you want to have and still be in integrity.”

    Kiné Corder

    “Can you shift your prosperity birthright? Sure you can, but that’s the work you were talking about. You’ve got to do your work.”

    Kiné Corder

    “You’ll need emotional mastery and part of emotional mastery doesn’t mean that you’re good at all the areas of what I call the money cycle, it just means you know which ones are your strengths and which ones you might be challenged with and you work around them.”

    Kiné Corder

    “I want us to be able to talk about money in a forward momentum capacity while simultaneously honoring the trauma that seems to be triggered when we, when we go there. And the intention here is that we find a way forward so that these two things can move into a state of momentum simultaneously. Because I don't want, I don't want people's progress with respect to money to be shelved while we're unpacking the trauma piece. I actually feel like money can be a catalyst to unpack these components.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “It's really hard to talk about where we could go if we don't acknowledge where we came from.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

  • Is fear holding you back from living a joyful life? Today on IMPACT, we uncover the connection between trauma and entrepreneurship with Jennifer Gilbert, founder of Save the Date, an elite event planning firm. Jennifer shares how she created an empire by flipping the traditional event business model!

    Jennifer turned a traumatic experience into motivation for a joyful life and turned her passion into a highly successful business. She recounts her journey from trauma to empowerment and the emotional rollercoaster in between. Trauma can present itself in many ways, it can be small, big, and over in an instant, but these moments impact us for the rest of our lives, but Jennifer teaches you how to reclaim your power so that you are not ruled by fear!

    With fear behind her, Jennifer is now a wildly successful entrepreneur, mother, and author committed to joy, with gratitude and love in her heart! She details what it takes to make your next event memorable and teaches you how to be a master of the details!

    If you are ready to end the cycle of trauma and take back control of your life, then tune into this episode of IMPACT as we flip the script on fear!


    [1:50] Highlights of Jennifer’s career

    [9:25] Returning to normal life after trauma

    [16:00] Creating a joy-centered life

    [20:00] Getting over the feelings of shame

    [22:00] Trauma and Entrepreneurship

    [24:50] Trauma is relative

    [28:00] Reclaiming your power

    [32:00] Staying calm under pressure

    [36:10] Constituents of an incredible event





    “Fear is false evidence appearing real.”

    - Jennifer Gilbert

    “It was just that second, I don’t know, but I was just like, you know what! You picked the wrong girl, and I just said to myself, GET UP! This is not your life, and if you allow this situation and this person to derail your dreams and your future, and what you wanted, then he may as well have killed you, so GET UP!”

    -Jennifer Gilbert

    “There is no contest when it comes to how somebody feels about a situation like we’re all just in our own stuff, so it’s not a, worse or better, it’s just a relative.” [24:50]

    -Jennifer Gilbert

    “It really is a shift, because once you realize all I can do is control myself when I wake up or control my emotions about a situation, then you take back the power in your life, and so fear doesn't become this huge thing that is looming out there.” [28:50]

    -Jennifer Gilbert

    “Incredibly triumphant things can come out of the face of trauma.”

    - Dr. Meghan Walker

    “So for me I was like well it already happened and I couldn't control it and I can't control anything else that's ever gonna happen in this life, but I can control myself and I can make a decision on how I'm going to handle this and who I'm going to be afterwards.”

    - Jennifer Gilbert

    “So I think not having fear about what's going to happen allows you as an entrepreneur to throw your idea out there or to say I'm gonna try it cuz what's the worst that can happen, it won't happen. Okay, well so what else? Try something else.”

    - Jennifer Gilbert

  • How do you earn respect?

    We often hide behind credentials, but genuine respect is earned by those bold enough to solve problems, lead with intention, and communicate effectively.

    On this episode of IMPACT, Meghan is joined by Sam Horn, an accomplished author of 9 award-winning books, an impactful speaker and expert in powerful language who has coached entrepreneurs all over the world. Sam believe one of the best ways we can disrupt the way we do business is to disrupt the way we communicate and together with Meghan, redefines what it means to be a "powerful leader."

    Respect is never demanded, it’s earned. How you communicate outweighs what you are communicating. Every interaction either builds a relationship or undermines it. Proper communication can empower you and your audience.

    Can you summarize your vision in 60 seconds? That’s how quickly you lose the attention of your audience! Sam teaches you how to get attention and hold it and how to harness your power through her leadership framework.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a master of intrigue about earning the respect you deserve and becoming a leader with impact!


    [7:40] Who is Sam Horn?

    [10:20] Infobesity into Intrigue

    [18:00] Earning respect

    [21:00] Intentional vs accidental

    [24:00] Honoring the room

    [25:35] Leadership framework

    [27:00] Create space for nuance

    [32:35] Resentment to rapport

    [36:40] Mastering the delivery

    [40:25] Powerful language and respect

    [44:00] Ink it when you think it

    [46:45] Talking on Eggshells



    Tongue Fu!

    Talking On Eggshells



    Early access to Sam Horn’s book Talking On Eggshells


    The 5-Step Action Plan For Practitioners Ready To Unlock Financial and Time Freedom


    “Use the word imagine. The word imagine pulls people out of their preoccupation because they’re picturing your point! They’re not distracted, they’re seeing what you’re saying.”

    -Sam Horn

    “We can either reflect what is happening or we can direct what is happening, and if we are paying attention to the nuance, and to what we do want, instead of what we don’t, we often can say something that will facilitate that.”

    -Sam Horn

    “In the real world, there are times we are the messenger of bad news, and we can’t change the bad news. We can change the way we deliver the bad news, so at least people know that we care, instead of shrugging our shoulders, not my fault, don’t blame me, nothing I can do.”

    -Sam Horn

    “Richard Branson said, time is the new money. And I think that time is a new trust and the clock starts ticking the second we stop talking. So if we hit the ground running, then people's eyebrows go up and we have earned their respect because we've already delivered value.”

    -Sam Horn

    "A huge part of leadership is about listening and reading the room."

    -Sam Horn

    “The language we use is so important, as it can either create a sense of powerlessness or empowerment in ourselves and others.”

    -Sam Horn

    "The through line from power to powerful and the thing that enables the zipline from one to the other is work on or acknowledgement of your self-worth. And the deeper your self-worth goes, the easier it is to move towards places that make you powerful as opposed to hanging onto power."

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    "When we have a rising tide mentality, power is just defined as the ability to get things done. And if we want to get things done, then the more we enlist people and cooperate with them and make it a win for them, the more they will want to do this instead of they have to, or they're being paid to or they're being told to."

    -Sam Horn

    "Our role and goal in life is to be a peacemaker and to see how we can use language and set an example so other people respond in kind."

    -Sam Horn

  • This week, Meghan is bringing the heat with a paradigm-shifting episode of IMPACT that will transform the way you approach your business. It’s a jam-packed episode that's filled to the brim with 5 game-changing boss moves to help you achieve your full potential as a CEO and leader.

    From the very start of the episode, Meghan will challenge your limiting beliefs and mindset blocks that may be holding you back. You'll learn how to get crystal clear on your vision, tap into your inner confidence, and ditch the need to constantly prove yourself to others.

    But that's just the beginning! Meghan dives deep into the practical side of running a successful business, providing actionable tips and strategies to help you maintain a strong work ethic and cultivate consistency to build long-term success.

    And the best part? Meghan delivers this wealth of knowledge in a way that will leave you feeling energized and inspired to take action.

    So if you're ready to accelerate your success and transform the way you approach your business, you won't want to miss this powerhouse episode of IMPACT with Meghan!


    [2:00] Holding space for your power

    [6:00] Get clarity on your goals and values

    [8:40] Trust your own decisions

    [10:00] Speaking from authority

    [12:00] Rise above the prove it energy

    [12:49] Self-authorized state

    [16:00] Fear of judgment

    [19:30] Committing to consistency

    [24:00] The Impactful CEO

    [26:00] Design your Care strategy




    The Impactful CEO

    Free Training - The 5-Step Action Plan For Practitioners Ready To Unlock Financial and Time Freedom


    “You have to be very clear on the values you bring to the table so you know whether you have alignment from the person across from you.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “If you are constantly asking for proof itself or you're finding your patients are constantly asking for proof when they walk into your office, I want you to check in around where the fracture is with respect to trust.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “If you are curious about where you might be sabotaging your own success, one of the places I would look at is how consistently you have followed through on your commitments.”

    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “A self-authorized state is the consequence of trusting yourself. Trusting that you are in the right place at the right time. Doing the work so that you have the power, and strength to hold a presence in a particular room. Whether that is across from your client or whether that is in decision-making in your business. This ownership of authority is sometimes something we have not been socialized to have.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “If you make the decision to hand power to this lateral validation crew, then what happens is, you are giving permission to their opinions to set your standard for success.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “If you decide that the opinions of your colleagues matter, then what happens is, you’re going to be held back to the lowest common denominator level.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

  • This week on IMPACT, Adele Tevlin is shaking things up with a conversation that may trigger some female entrepreneurs. It's time to stop reacting and start setting boundaries that protect your values.

    Are you struggling to express your boundaries? Adele has a powerful message for you. When it comes to contracts, there must be mutual love and respect for each other's non-negotiable values. Adele will shift your understanding of contracts and reveal what happens when you cross boundaries in business.

    As a holistic nutritionist and mindset coach for female entrepreneurs, Adele understands the power of contracts as a sacred tool that upholds a code of conduct, even when emotions run high. When you fall out of alignment with the divine feminine and begin acting from the wounded feminine, you may fall into destructive patterns.

    In business, anger is a destructive force, but Adele has the solution. By formulating a contract that protects your values, you can avoid toxic behaviors like manipulation and aggression with your associates. Setting boundaries is an act of love for yourself and those who enter into a contract with you. It's time to start operating with integrity and create a sacred contract that truly supports your success.

    Ready to become solution-oriented and balance your boundaries with empathy? Don't miss this enlightening conversation with Adele Tevlin.


    [4:00] The wounded feminine

    [7:45] The energetics of how women do business

    [10:00] Adele’s come to Jesus moment

    [15:00] The shadow side of the fractured feminine

    [20:00] Contracts provide clarity when you question yourself

    [24:30] Boundaries are an act of love

    [31:00] Your word is law

    [34:00] Balancing boundaries with compassion

    [36:00] Conditioned responses

    [39:40] Boundaries versus a standard

    [42:00] Navigating difficult conversations








    “When a woman is in her healthy feminine, she’s powerful. When she’s in her divine feminine, she’s grounded, she’s powerful, she’s full of integrity, she’s in her most mature state, but when a woman is in her fractured feminine, and she’s got her back against the wall or she’s triggered, she goes into things like being a victim. She goes into behaviors like manipulation.”

    Adele Tevlin

    “It’s all unicorns and rainbows when you’re happy, but the minute something goes wrong, all of us are primordial minds that will go into defensiveness or reaction, so intelligence is actually low. The contract is there to serve as that sacred template, no matter what the circumstances are.”

    Adele Tevlin

    "Boundaries are compassionate. Boundaries are an act of love. Boundaries are a communion between two people that says, "I respect you, you respect me."

    Adele Tevlin

    “What am I telling my consciousness if I don't uphold my contract? My contract means nothing. And for me, my word is law.”

    Adele Tevlin

    "When we can heal collectively as women we have the power to really change not just the world but the fabric of how women do business together and the impact that we can have.”

    Adele Tevlin

    "Most people operate their business with standards rather than boundaries."

    Adele Tevlin

    "There's a part two of this conversation which is how to have difficult conversations cuz we're not good at that. So I think sometimes we resort to manipulation because it saves us from having to have a challenging conversation. And in our own mind it reconciles the situation to make it the other person’s fault.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    This episode of IMPACT was brought to you by Practice Better. Visit www.practicebetter.io to learn more and get 30% off your first 3 months on any paid plan when you use the promo code MEGHAN30 at checkout. It’s time to say goodbye to a patchwork of software and hello to an organized, efficient practice!

  • Debt! The conversation no one wants to have but nearly everyone is a part of. This week on IMPACT, host Meghan Walker welcomes back Mary Shores, a 2nd generation debt collector and author of Conscious Conversations. Whether you’re in debt or struggling to recoup payments from clients, this episode will give you insight into the emotional aspect of debt collection and impact your approach to finances within your family and business.

    Mary teaches entrepreneurs how to approach the conversation of debt with empathy while still being firm on their expectations. Debt collection is not sexy but is vital to your company’s survival. In this episode, you will hear about the challenges small business owners face when clients fail to uphold their end of the sacred contract.

    This episode is a reminder that you are dealing with human beings who may be facing financial hardship beyond their control, and how you approach them could be the difference between recouping your money or taking a loss. For the clients on the other end of the conversation, this episode will shift your perception of debt collectors who are simply trying to make a living.

    This is a conversation that everyone needs to hear. So tune in and get ready to uproot your opinion of debt and your responsibility within The Sacred Contract.


    [6:45] Embodying spirituality in debt collection

    [9:10] Shifting the collective consciousness

    [10:17] The psychology of debt from both sides

    [14:15] The Sacred Contract

    [17:00] Engaging in conscious conversations

    [23:00] Preventing delinquent accounts

    [25:50] The Fear of the freakout

    [29:00] Every patient, every time, everywhere

    [34:20] Debt is not the enemy

    [37:40] Teaching kids about finances




    Conscious Communications

    Communication Code for Collectors




    Debt is not the enemy. It's not bad to owe money. You can look at debt as an investment. If you take on debt because it's an investment in yourself or in your business that should be looked at as a very healthy thing. That is a resource that we have a privilege to have, but we shouldn't make the loan the bad guy.

    -Mary Shores

    “It can feel like someone has taken advantage of us. It can feel all different kinds of ways, but I think we don’t talk about it, and what we really need to do is have solutions in place, understand this as a business function and a business role, make plans for it accordingly, but more importantly, learn to let go of it!”

    -Mary Shores

    “When you talk to someone, you're asking them questions, you’re getting them to open up. You’re getting them to discuss the emotions of it, and what we know from social psychologists is that discussing the emotions behind a feeling helps those feelings dissipate.”

    - Mary Shores

    "There's a deep shame associated with owing money."

    - Mary Shores

    "When I engage with someone and deliver a service for someone, this is like a sacred act of my life's work. Like it's not a flippant transaction for me. It is deeply meaningful."

    - Dr. Meghan Walker

    "How do you approach these difficult conversations?... It will get easier with practice."

    - Dr. Meghan Walker

    “Higher collections through stronger connections.”

    - Mary Shores

    This episode of IMPACT was brought to you by Practice Better. Visit www.practicebetter.io to learn more and get 30% off your first 3 months on any paid plan when you use the promo code MEGHAN30 at checkout. It’s time to say goodbye to a patchwork of software and hello to an organized, efficient practice!

  • You officially have permission to be lazy! Yes, you read that right. On this episode of IMPACT, we scientifically dismantle the myth that hard work yields the best results and teach you how to optimize your human potential! This week’s guest is the father of biohacking, Dave Asprey. With the help of his revolutionary time-saving approach to health, he has authored 4 New York Times best-selling books and is well on his way to his fifth with his latest book Smarter Not Harder!

    If you want to maximize your IMPACT, Asprey’s protocol will eliminate hours of unnecessary work and will actually make you more productive than ever. As an entrepreneur, your time is valuable, and fighting your body's natural propensity for laziness is actually hindering you in the long run.

    The harder you push yourself, the deeper your body goes into survival mode rendering your vigorous exercise and perfect diet useless. Your body cannot distinguish exercise from survival stress, so those intense workouts convince your body that your life is at stake. Asprey teaches you how to quickly trick your operating system into fight or flight mode and then efficiently reset back into rest and recovery. This quick transition mimics the body's natural rhythm of short bursts of high stress balanced by long-lasting laziness. You really only need a 5-minute exercise a few times a week to produce the best results possible!

    Imagine all that you can achieve with all that extra time available to you! In this episode, Dave Asprey, is true to his word and teaches you how to work Smarter Not Harder!

    Listen now and get ready to challenge everything you thought you knew about productivity.


    [7:00] People want to help you and allowing them to do so is an act of service

    [8:30] The hero’s journey into biohacking

    [11:50] The nonsensical surgical approach to children’s health

    [13:50] Combining the medical mindset with the hacking mindset

    [14:30] The separate intelligence controlling your body

    [16:10] Mitochondria are assessing your reality and deciding your fate on a cellular level

    [20:20] Changing the way your system interprets reality so you can be calm and achieve more

    [22:00] Manifestation is the process of interfacing with your operating system

    [25:10] Your lag time on reality gets slower as you age

    [30:16] Slope of the curve biology: returning to baseline quicker

    [35:10] Very brief bouts of pain spike dopamine and make you happier

    [38:00] Focus on building your energy because doing the work without energy is torture

    [43:20] The difference between the operating system of a man versus a woman

    [51:25] You gain courage when you lose your fear of dying



    Smarter Not Harder

    The Human Upgrade Podcast

    Danger Coffee

    Upgrade Labs

    40 Years of Zen


    “First thing I would've said would be to understand that people actually want to help you and when you let them help you, you are performing an active service. That would've been really, really helpful cuz I was toiling under the mindset that I had to do everything myself because no one would help me or wanted to help me.”

    -Dave Asprey

    “When you look at the human body, there is probably a separate intelligence running your meat, that is not you and is faster than you!

    -Dave Asprey

    “There is no one who wants to be healthy as their first thing except people who are incredibly sick like I was when I had chronic fatigue. When you can’t get out of bed because you’re sick, when you think you might die, that’s when you want your health back.”

    -Dave Asprey

    “When you really learn how to manifest what you’re doing is, you’re interfacing with your operating system and you’re getting in alignment and you’re telling it that it is safe and should expect to see something, and when it expects to see something, it will see it and when it sees it, it’s real.”

    -Dave Asprey

    “Your immune cells the mast cells, they’re looking for potential threats and when they find one they explode and release all sorts of mitochondrial signaling molecules called inflammatory cytokines, so if you were to just look at mast cells and look at mitochondrial function, you would solve about 90% of what’s going on in medicine.”

    -Dave Asprey

    This episode of IMPACT was brought to you by Practice Better. Visit www.practicebetter.io to learn more and get 30% off your first 3 months on any paid plan when you use the promo code MEGHAN30 at checkout. It’s time to say goodbye to a patchwork of software and hello to an organized, efficient practice!

  • The age of transactional care is coming to an end! Artificial Intelligence is disrupting every industry and medicine is no exception. On this episode of IMPACT, host Dr. Meghan Walker tested this theory and asked ChatGPT to create a plan for menopausal women and it formulated a program that could easily replace the first 4 visits with most doctors. What does this mean for care providers? It means that you need to provide more than just the essentials, you need to provide transformational care!

    You won’t help people by lowering costs, if you want to truly help your patients you need to innovate what you offer. Creating a signature system in your clinical practice, not only helps your patients but also future proofs your business against AI innovations.

    Meghan maps out how to design a transformational care plan using her A.C.T.I.O.N framework, just 6 steps that will take your practice to a whole new level to attract clients and keep them. To provide life changing care, you need to be specific about exactly who you intend to transform and how you’re going to do it. Serving everyone usually serves no one, so commiting to a niche is an important step in crafting your signature system.

    By stepping outside the norms of care, you will set yourself apart from practitioners who are strictly transactional. Creating a system aimed at transformation gives patients emotional support, resources and a deeper understanding of what is happening in their own body.

    Want to take this A.C.T.I.O.N framework, break it down to the granular level and build out your signature approach to care? Then join Meghan on March 9th at her Signature Care System Implementation Lab. By the end of the day, you'll have gotten actual work done to create a unique care plan that will attract clients, add another barrier between yourself and a technology like ChatGPT, future-proof your business, and move it away from a series of transactions and into a transformational experience.

    Listen to this week’s episode and register for The Signature Care System Implementation Lab with Dr. Meghan Walker on March 9th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m EST at signaturesystem.biz.

    Let’s set a new standard for care and take your business to a whole new level!


    [4:10] Is Artificial Intelligence an existential threat to humanity?

    [7:30] How AI is quickly going to disrupt every industry, even the medical industry

    [12:00] AI is increasing it’s intelligence at a compounded and exponential rate

    [13:30] How to mitigate your risks against AI within your practice

    [15:10] Leaving the old model behind and forging a transformational approach to care

    [20:00] Designing a care plan that enables patients to transform

    [23:40] Identifying the niche that you are offering transformation to

    [27:50] Moving away from appointment setting based on blocks of time into the function of it

    [31:40] Tapping into the A.C.T.I.O.N framework

    [44:30] March 9th: Designing your signature care system







    Signature Care Implementation Lab with Dr. Meghan Walker

    March 9th 10 - 4 EST - signaturesystem.biz


    “This is not because I am sitting her with massive amounts of data and evidence that your particular industry, medical practitioners, naturopathic doctors, functional medicine docs, TCM practitioners, all of you are necessarily going to be threatened by this but I can say it is likely to disrupt what you are doing.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “When you are delivering a transformational experience, when you design your own signature care system, you create another barrier between yourself and a technology like ChatGPT.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “When you’re designing out transformation and you are delivering it as the strategist, I want you to think of it as a hat. Any clinician can wear any type of hat. It’s the strategist who earns the most because it’s the strategist who has the most responsibility. It’s the strategist who designs and refines the transformational process.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “For patients, when they can get a more comprehensive, insightful understanding of what’s happening in their body, it significantly elevates compliance.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I want to examine this topic from a really objective place because I think one of the thinking traps we could move into on this is that, oh, I've got time because I'm in one of these impenetrable vocations that's not necessarily gonna be on the first target hit list for artificial intelligence.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “One of the cool things that we see when we move someone from a transactional system of care to a transformational system of care is we actually see those patients and those practitioners working with one another three times longer. There is a financial benefit to that because you are interacting with that patient three times longer.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    This episode of IMPACT was brought to you by The DNA Company. Discover how The DNA Company's genomic insights can help your patients improve their health outcomes. Right now, as an exclusive offer to listeners, get $100 off a DNA 360 test and report by going to: theDNACompany.com/ImpactLives

  • Do you feel disempowered by your assumptions around money? This week on IMPACT, Dr. Meghan Walker is busting the money myths and mindset mistakes that are dictating your relationship with money so you can break free from limiting beliefs and take control of your financial future.

    Throughout the episode, Meghan breaks down the four levels of her money mindset framework, so you can assess where you are in your relationship with money. Building your future state begins with being ruthlessly honest and truly acknowledging where you are and where you would like to be. Once you know what level you’re playing at, you can adjust your mindset and take on a new course of action to change the trajectory of your finances.

    Your parents' attitude towards finances, your past financial blunders, and your expectation around money heavily influence your beliefs of what is financially possible. This is why Meghan also breaks down the 7 tools you need to shift your relationship with money into a higher vibration to toss aside your limiting beliefs and grab hold of the financial situation you desire.

    And what if we treated and committed to our relationship with money the way we do our other relationships? Then what might be possible?

    Tune in to this week’s episode to find out!

    Oh and FYI, you’re going to want to make sure you’re in front of your keyboard, ready to go in your notes section on your phone or with paper and pen in hand to capture all the crucial information Meghan lays down to shift your relationship with money today.


    [2:00] When the mind decides that something is impossible

    [5:20] Your ardent belief that it is not possible is the only thing keeping it from happening

    [7:30] The psychology of money and the dangers of categorizing yourself with limiting beliefs

    [9:40] Understanding what your origin level is within the framework of quantum wealth

    [11:40] The lie that money comes from outside forces and is unattainable

    [15:35] Hoarding your money clocks the fluidity of money and shuts off financial creativity

    [21:23] Knowing what game you’re playing and honestly accessing the level you’re at

    [24:30] Building a skill set and a strategy to deploy your investment into your growth

    [28:10] Be ruthlessly honest with yourself and acknowledging your current financial situation

    [29:25] Get clear on what you need to earn, what you want to earn and understand why

    [33:25] Identifying your money leaks, so you can put systems in play to form a better outcome

    [34:50] Categorize the money myths from your childhood and creating alternative possibilities

    [37:30] Describe your new relationship with money and take responsibility for your part in it








    “When it comes to achieving a future outcome, losing weight, building wealth; the part of our brain that protects us from putting in too much effort only to be disappointed, it is fully lit up in both of these paths.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “Shift the mindset pieces, so that you are open to making different decisions, and when you make different decisions and align them with different actions, you get a different outcome. That’s just the way building a future state works.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “The more we say “I'm not like them”, without actually understanding what they are like, we encase ourselves in the energy of the work, win windfall vibration, and it is a vibration and it’s a very disempowering vibration frankly, because you have no control of your financial destiny.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “If you don't believe your actions are actually going to warrant any kind of outcome for you, you're not gonna take them in the first place. And so we have to shift that belief system and to shift that belief system, what we really need to do is we have to lift the veil on the story.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “The core thinking trap that defines that “win work windfall” level is that money comes from other sources, money comes from work, money comes because I want it in a lottery or money comes because I inherited it. And if those things don't happen for you, it's like you just can't see that there are any other ways that money may come into your life.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I can't wait to help you change more lives, have more impact, and put more money in your pocket along the way.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    This episode of IMPACT was brought to you by The DNA Company.

    Discover how The DNA Company's genomic insights can help your patients improve their health outcomes. Right now, as an exclusive offer to listeners, get $100 off a DNA 360 test and report by going to: theDNACompany.com/ImpactLives

  • Get ready for a game changing episode of IMPACT! You’ve certainly never heard an episode like this before.

    This is for two reasons.

    One, because host Dr. Meghan Walker drops powerful truths about entrepreneurship and reflects on her own experience with burnout at the end of 2022. Meghan loves her work and this feeling of burn out was not a result of work overload. It was actually the result of client relations that had failed to honor their sacred contract. After some self reflection, Meghan realized she was stuck in self created resentment because she failed to set and uphold her own boundaries. She was taking ownership of others' emotional issues which prevented them from following through on their agreed upon financial responsibilities. By allowing others to negate their own commitments, she denied them and herself the opportunity to grow.

    A much needed break over Christmas and the New Year resulted in the perfect time to recognize that leading to the next level meant setting clear boundaries and by holding people accountable to their commitments she was elevating how they operate in the world of business.

    And two, because Meghan sets the stage for the trajectory of the podcast in 2023. And it’s massive. It’s exciting. And it is definitely going to lead to major IMPACT.

    Meghan has committed to focusing on the concept of a "worth ethic" - the activities, commitments, and decisions that elevate our value as leaders and help us avoid burnout. That expands our capacity for contribution, for vision and where we can go next. And so this year, the content of the IMPACT podcast is going to focus exactly on this!

    Meghan will pursue ideas that take us to the fringe, explore concepts that might make you feel uncomfortable and discuss topics that in an instant are going to shed from you, the stories and the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

    Follow along with the IMPACT podcast and you can expect to master your worth ethic and thrive as a leader in 2023!


    [2:30] For the first time Meghan experienced burnout. She had nothing left in her and felt unmotivated

    [4:30] Gaining perspective on the things that were holding her back

    [5:50] Gaining clarity on the things driving her burnout

    [7:20] How resentment was the culmination of poor boundaries

    [8:30] Meghan’s resentment

    [9:25] Taking ownership and letting clients off the hook for their emotional state

    [10:50] Manipulative conversations that left her feeling responsible for clients negligence

    [11:50] Realizing it was her duty to set and hold boundaries

    [12:40] The sacred contract and enforcing compassionate boundaries

    [13:45] Holding people accountable to their commitments elevates how they operate in business

    [17:20] Committing to worth ethic: the decisions that expand our capacity as a leader

    [18:20] Redefining your worth ethic in 2023








    “Resentment, for me, was always accompanied by having poor boundaries in a particular area. When I become resentful of someone or a situation it is usually because I was not clear in articulating or because I didn't know what my boundaries were at any given moment.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I was witnessing, in real time, how I was enabling other people to sabotage their own commitments, with respect to money, and I too was acting out a pattern that I had become familiar with in my own life.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I was just sort of in denial. I was in denial of acknowledging it. I was in denial of how I was gonna have to address it. And then even as I turned on my mic to record this, I was in denial of having to admit it to my listeners.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I am an empathetic person and I am an empathetic person with boundaries in progress.And one of the things I realized I was consistently doing is I was taking ownership for what was happening in their emotional state and the way I was taking ownership of it, which is really none of my business to do, and not part of what my sacred contract with these clients is all about. I was letting people off the hook for having to pay and follow up.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “It also enabled me to get really clear on this idea of a sacred contract. This idea that when you engage in business with someone or you make a commitment to someone, that you give them your word. And when you give someone your word more than checking that box in the terms of conditions or any other pieces, this is a reflection of your integrity and your brand.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    This episode of IMPACT was brought to you by The DNA Company. Discover how The DNA Company's genomic insights can help your patients improve their health outcomes. Right now, as an exclusive offer to listeners, get $100 off a DNA 360 test and report by going to: theDNACompany.com/ImpactLives

  • Join host Dr. Meghan Walker on this week's episode of IMPACT as she sits down with Dr. Neeta Bhushan, a world-renowned speaker on grit and resilience, co-founder of the Dharma Coaching Institute and co-founder of Global Grit Institute, a mental-health training platform for leaders. Together, they explore the importance of facing our negative emotions head-on, instead of hiding them away as we strive for success.

    As high-achievers, we often want to hide our emotions and push them away as we strive for the next level of success. However, this is an unhealthy way to deal with negative emotions, and it can ultimately take a toll on our psyche, well-being, and even our sense of self-respect and self-worth.

    In this powerful and inspiring conversation, Dr. Bhushan provides valuable strategies for dealing with negative emotions and overcoming challenges. She explains that it's important to feel the emotions, identify the limiting beliefs and then reframe the stories in our heads to learn from our mistakes, setbacks, and failures. By facing our negative emotions head-on, we can turn them into opportunities for growth and cultivate the mindset of a resilient person.

    Dr. Bhushan also shares her personal journey and the insights she gained from her own experiences, including the lessons she learned from writing her latest book, "That Sucked, Now What?".

    Tune in to IMPACT and discover the secrets to turning challenges into opportunities for growth and resilience.


    [6:05] “Suck” moments in Neeta’s life

    [8:13] Imposter syndrome felt by Neeta

    [18:34] Toxic positivity

    [20:24] How to process the heaviness

    [30:30] Having intentional audacity






    https://neetabhushan.com/pre-order - pre-order online and receive the following bonuses: digital journal, 5-Day Fly Forward Practice and 1 ticket to the virtual book launch with special guests

    https://www.thatsuckednowwhat.com - purchase the book and get the workbook + 5 day fly forward practice


    “It's so much easier in our culture to shove it under a rug, put it in the back seat, fake it till we make it. But what about just feeling it to heal it.”

    Dr. Neeta Bhushan

    “The capacity to take that pain and not suppress it or move it deep into the holding tanks of your emotional toes, but to actually face them head on.”

    Dr. Neeta Bhushan

    “Many times we tend to overwork ourselves and distract ourselves because we're running away from things that are so deeply wounded in our own personal life. And that was my bandaid.”

    Dr. Neeta Bhushan

    “I wasn't even 30 yet and had all of these trappings of success, but internally, I was spiritually dead.”

    Dr. Neeta Bhushan

    “We're so afraid of diving into the depths of that pain to really uncover and sit with the beauty and the magic of what comes up as a result of it that can truly change our life.”

    Dr. Neeta Bhushan

    This episode of IMPACT was brought to you by The DNA Company. Discover how The DNA Company's genomic insights can help your patients improve their health outcomes. Right now, as an exclusive offer to listeners, get $100 off a DNA 360 test and report by going to: theDNACompany.com/ImpactLives

  • Unleash your inner power and with host Meghan Walker as she dives into the world of female leadership, financial health, and wealth on this week's episode of IMPACT! Meghan sits down with three accomplished women: Mary Shores, Adele Tevlin, and April Stroink who share their insights on how to embrace your feminine energy, overcome confidence gaps, and cultivate self-love to achieve financial and personal success.

    As women leaders, it's essential for us to embrace our feminine energy, not just our masculine energy. This means leading from a place of empowerment using collaboration, empathy, and compassion. This can be difficult to do when we're surrounded by men in similar roles, but cultivating self-love and a sense of abundance is crucial when it comes to our ability to achieve our goals.

    The discussion also touches on the importance of keeping emotion out of money decisions and realizing that health and wealth go hand in hand. Financial health is one of the pillars of our overall health, and when we're successful financially and have a healthy relationship with money, we're able to serve people in our communities and have a greater impact.

    This week's episode of IMPACT is a must-listen for any woman looking to improve her leadership skills, achieve financial success, and build a healthy mindset. Don't miss out on this valuable conversation and tune in now to benefit from the wisdom and experiences of these powerhouse leaders.


    [3:06] Background on Adele Tevlin

    [8:08] Background on Mary Shores

    [14:50] Background on April Stroink

    [19:58] Why the gender gap is really a confidence gap

    [23:33] Why it’s important to have policies and procedures

    [41:48] Tips on asking for money

    [52:57] Handling household finances

    [59:14] Two ways to pay yourself












    “For women in leadership, I sometimes feel like I'm walking the plank and I'm alone. It’s my own limiting beliefs.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I believe in the power of empathy and compassion in order to create an ultimate rapport and connection with your patients.”

    Mary Shores

    “We have to drop this emotional charge we have over the people that owe us money. We need to be able to let that go.”

    Mary Shores

    “You build up your container, you fill yourself up, you fill up your capacity to lead and to love, and then you're overflowing with it because love is infinite.”

    Adele Tevlin

    “We all have a masculine and feminine energy, or part of us, it's kind of like the ying and the yang.”

    Adele Tevlin

    “The biggest mistake that I see business owners make is chasing the top line and really getting away from the core of their business.”

    April Stroink

    “Part of being a female leader is about balance. When you self care, mentally, emotionally, and physically you actually expand your capacity for all the pieces. That is why it is a limiting belief, ladies, that you don’t have time for yourself. The secret to being able to do more is actually to do more for yourself.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “There's a part of your brain that when you visualize, it's actually using the same neural networks as if you are actually practicing it. So visualization is key.

    Adele Tevlin

    “Understanding financial health and how to get there and how to wrap your mindset around it is absolutely going to distinguish you when it comes to how you're working with your patients.”

    Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I so often see that the business is running the owner versus the other way around.”

    April Stroink

    This episode has been brought to you by The Confident Clinician.


    Registration for The Confident Clinician is open until January 31st so take action and register here:


    Your practice will never be the same.

  • This week’s episode of IMPACT is one for the books! It combines interviews with two of Meghan Walker’s previous guests whose insight and knowledge surrounding mindset and self-authorization is astounding.

    Dr. Shyamala Kiru, a registered psychotherapist and family and couple therapist works in particular with high-performing, high achieving women and mothers who are juggling multiple roles and identities. She discusses with Meghan that to navigate our relationships and improve our quality of life we must master our ability to communicate assertively. When each person in a relationship is responsive and not reactive, where they can make choices from an informed and self-regulated place, the relationship will thrive. When we access our emotional intelligence we have the capacity for incredible impact.

    David Bayer, a motivational coach, digital entrepreneur and author of MindHack.com is one of the emerging thought leaders in the evolution of mindset. He believes that using your mind to rewire and reorganize the brain is the linchpin of human evolution. There are two states of being – powerful and primal. Powerful states include happiness, joy, calm and curiosity. Stress, anxiety, overwhelm and fear being primal states. If we give ourselves permission to feel good enough, then we exist in the powerful state. The fears diminish and happiness and abundance rule, giving us the opportunity to have a greater impact in the world. Live in your joy, calm and peace to have that powerful living experience.

    We need to identify the things we can control and the things we can’t, and take radical responsibility for our own happiness and mindset. The journey is about knowing yourself at a deeper level and removing the resistance that’s there in the form of thinking so that you can decide to do something new moving forward.

    Appropriately enough, what each conversation boils down to is that self-authorization and a healthy mindset leave room for impact. If you’re ready to see the lies in the untruth that you've been telling yourself then this is an episode you cannot afford to miss.

    Tune in now and get ready to take responsibility for your mindset and happiness!


    [2:11] Background of Shyamala

    [4:45] Background of David

    [11:24] Shyamala’s struggles being a new mom

    [13:19] David’s two states of being: powerful and primal

    [15:52] Why we need to take radical responsibility for our own mindset

    [26:30] One of the biggest sources of stress conflict in couples

    [30:04] The psycho cybernetic loop

    [35:05] How to change the experiences of your life

    [41:48] Positioning your business in the marketplace












    “I have seen time and time again the correlation between our ability to really master our mindset, our ability to communicate assertively or communicate with confidence and how that really feeds into our ability to navigate our relationships well.”

    Dr. Shyamala Kiru

    “We are focused on helping as many people in their personal suffering as possible so that we can collectively create the future of the world that we all share.”

    David Bayer

    “This next evolution of personal growth, which is defined as utilizing the mind to rewire and reorganize the brain, is the linchpin of the evolution of the entire human species.”

    David Bayer

    “When we're in rest and reconnection and recharging, that's when we're connected to inspiration and creativity and flow states and an intelligence that is greater than ourselves.”

    David Bayer

    “The only two things we can control are what we think and what we do.”

    Dr. Shyamala Kiru

    “When we look at the couple's system, it is actually strongest when each individual is executing at their fullest potential. So when each individual partner is executing in a way where they have a hold of their mindset, where they're really able to be responsive and not reactive, where they're really able to make choices from an informed and self-regulated place, that is when relationships are at their strongest.”

    Dr. Shyamala Kiru

    “In my opinion, we can't talk about relationship strategies, whether it's parenting or whether it's around intimacy, unless we talk about the mindset piece.”

    Dr. Shyamala Kiru

    “We need to take radical responsibility for our mindset and own happiness because if we don’t do that we can’t be there for our kids, we can’t navigate our relationships and we certainly can’t show up as our professional selves.”

    Dr. Shyamala Kiru

    “Your thoughts are an extension of your core beliefs. And then you experience those thoughts as feelings. So your beliefs produce your thoughts, your thoughts you experience as feelings. Those feelings motivate or demotivate action or activity. And the action and activity produce results. And then those results reinforce the core belief. And so this is referred to as a psycho cybernetic loop.”

    David Bayer

    “That whole journey is about coming to know thyself at a deeper level and removing any of the resistance that's there in the form of thinking and seeing the lies in the untruth that you've been telling yourself while knowing that you can decide something new moving forward.”

    David Bayer