Gareth, Ash and a very croaky Dan rate new, AI-generated intro themes, answer a lot of your deeply personal questions and share their love for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, Robocop: Rogue City, Venba and V Rising. Plus! A quiz to test our knowledge of weirdly named classics, and we mourn the loss of two wonderful studios at the hands of bad Microsoft management. Good job our podcast has just been acquired by Microsoft*, eh?
(Fact checking Dan here: I realise now that Robocop: Rogue City is set *between* Robocop 2 and 3, but I'm glad it barely references the awful third film.)
*For roughly an hour
Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
In this jumbo comeback edition of the show, Ash, Dan and Gareth are back in the saddle and ready to fill you in what they've been up to for the last four years while offering zero explanation for their extended absence.
The show itself has emerged from stasis unchanged, so expect the usual answers to your questions, a rundown of what we're playing and a quiz inspired by Gareth's universal currency of choice. Rather embarrassingly, it's been so long since our last recording that we completely forgot that the Great Debate topic is EXACTLY the same as the previous episode's. Whoops.
(Also, contrary to Jazz McVoiceover's claims in the intro, Simon Chong doesn't appear in this episode. Sorry.)
¿Faltan episodios?
Simon's back! Sort of. We catch up with our transatlantic absentee Alan via 'live' satellite linkup, and discover how life is for our LA-ex. (Spoiler: enviably great.) We also delve into some excellent Getting To Know Us questions, including casting our dream game-to-TV series. Plus! The world's most successful arcade games form the basis of our quiz Play Your Cabs Right. And, to honour the passing of Konami code creator Kazuhisa Hashimoto, we discuss your--and our--favourite cheats.
We skirt dangerously close to highbrow territory this week, as we discuss which games introduced you to hitherto unknown periods of history or works of fine art. Hopefully it's only a blip. Elsewhere, Gareth's love of Fortnite is reignited, Ash explores post-apocalyptia on a land boat, and Dan slowly unravels in a quiz custom-built to break him.
Who's your Best Gaming Friend? After last episode's rather downbeat discussion, we bring the mood back up with a chat about those special someones that you can always depend on to be up for a game. We also cover old franchises that we'd love to see revived, including Timesplitters and obscure Sierra gem Manhunter: New York, plus there's a tricky quiz on Academy Award-winning film titles in other languages. Oh, and there's some soup chat.
More hot chat about the games and entertainment we're in thrall to, including Ring Fit Adventure, Griftlands, Borderlands 3, Clash Royale (yes, again), Good Omens and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Plus, an air of melancholy hangs over the team as we discuss our tragic gaming tales, from deleted saves to sad cancellations. It's not all doom and gloom though, as Dan introduces his daughter to the podcast for the first time in his quiz Orlawatch. Can you guess which Overwatch characters she's renaming and describing?
Do you know your DIMPS from your GIMPS? Your Hipster Whales from your Hipster Fish? Then Gareth has just the quiz for you. Before you test your knowledge of obscure devs, listen to us talk through our favourite--and most hated--games and films of recent weeks, including Clash Royale, My Friend Pedro, Blasphemous, The Endless, Knives Out, Downsizing and the first 20 minutes of Marriage Story! Plus! Gareth's tale of dough woe and your--and our--memories of gamer rage.
We'd love to say we've spent the last 12 months painstakingly resculpting and honing our dormant podcast into a resplendent new beast, but, if anything, you should probably consider this a regression. In this unplanned, unscripted and un-unedited new era of ExAlPod, we get up you up to speed on our challenging 2019, gush over games and a great year for TV, and even find room for a quick game of 'Name That Film Score'. It's good to be back.
Our Christmas special isn't late--it's just really, really early. International animation superstar and Alan alumnus (Alanmnus) Simon Chong returned to the UK for the first time since departing for a new life in LA, so we ended our hiatus to find out just how much he regrets leaving us behind. (Spoiler: not at all.) Lots of the usual chat returns, including a fun new game where we gauge SiChong's eligibility for permanent residence in the US.
True to form, promises made in the previous show have been broken. This is not the takeover show we teased, but another hot three-way between Dan, Gareth and Nick. So, kind of like being promised a donut, but getting a brownie instead, i.e. you still win. This time, we get exasperated at Battlefield V sexism, excited about a dedicated Switch Pokémon, effervescent in our praise of Cobra Kai and engrossed in debate about the merits of review scores.
Against the soundtrack of a life support machine’s rhythmic beep, The Explosive Alan Podcast’s eyes finally flicker open. Weakly, it attempts to rise from its prolonged slumber, limbs limp, head heavy, throat parched. A passing nurse spots this unexpected recovery and rushes over, immediately guiding the straw within a nearby cup of water to its cracked lips. It takes a short sip, then mutters something barely audible. “I’m sorry, can you say that again?” ExAlPod motions for the nurse to come closer; he duly obeys. With the nurse’s ear now inches from its mouth, it quietly repeats itself: “We’re back, bitches.”
While ExAlPod continues its stay in the Hyperbollock Time Chamber, Dan has rustled up a new podcast concept and wants to use you, our neglected listeners, as guinea pigs. It's called Word/Play, features contributions from Noclip's Danny O'Dwyer and Final Games' Liam Edwards and, for this pilot show, tackles the subject of crime. Give it a listen, and let Dan know what you think by dropping him a Tweet or DM @MrPointyHead.
Featured music:
L.A. Noire - Main Theme
Yakuza - For Who’s Sake
Payday 2 - Blueprints
Hotline Miami - Miami
Watch_Dogs - Lucky Quinns Theme
GTA2 - Main Theme
Gunpoint - Stealth Crawls And Dance Halls
FFVI - Kefka’s Theme
GTAIV - Main Theme
Yakuza 0 - Money Makes Money
Sam & Max Hit The Road - Another Idiotic And Baffling Assignment
The Getaway - Art Appreciation
Persona 5 - Interrogation Room
GTA Vice City - Main Theme (Extended Mix)
LEGO City Undercover - ‘Quiet 01’
Watch_Dogs 2 - Eye For An Eye (Reprise)
Reports of our demise might have been slightly exaggerated, but the departure of Simon Chong is 100% true. Sadly, his prodigious animating talents caught the eye of Hollywood bigwigs, and no amount of promises of being paid in real money or upgrading his Etch-a-Sketch could convince him not to flee 5,400 miles across the world to escape our clutches. Were we going to let him flee without recording a goodbye podcast? Were we fork. So, we took our mics out of hibernation for one last huzzah as the awesome foursome and put together this special show. (‘Special’ in this instance means poorly prepared.) Find out more about what Simon will be up to in California, hear a special story from a 9 year-old Chong, listen to his horrified reaction to our special parting gift, and catch our reactions to your tributes at our premature funeral. It’s going to get emotional.
WE'RE BACK! Again. Again.
Yes, after the lofty high that was the 100th live episode, we took a small break from podcasting while we, amongst other things, had surgery, fell ill, travelled to Edinburgh, worked very hard and tried to finish your Mum's 10.000 piece jigsaw she's had round the back for the last 13 years.
No, but really, we forgot to get any audience participation this episode, so it's just us rounding up all our love for the Switch and Zelda, as well as a challenge about the Bechdel Test. Finally, as it's episode 101 we have ourselves a lovely rip of section based on TV classic Room 101.Enjoy, friends. It's nice to be back, eh?
Wholesome Memes: https://twitter.com/wholesomememe?lang=en
Well, we made it. 100 episodes. No one thought we could do it, especially us, but here we are! AND we survived it. This episode of the Explosive Alan Podcast was brought to you in front of a live audience complete with more booze than was ever necessary. Who will win in this epic audience VS Alans showdown? If you were there, you know, BUT DON'T RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF THEM! Enjoy, all. And before you start listening. We're sorry. For everything. What Makes Us Happy Links: Freeze Frame Bot: www.twitter.com/freezeframebot Segata Sanshiro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc3AK8k90xw Ducktales (Alternate): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmpAx8Z5z40 Where The Water Tastes Like Wine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-F4B5-OsUA
A 99 ice cream, 99 problems and 99 luftballons. There are many things that have 99 in quantity, but it’s 99th Explosive Alan Podcast that’s really where it’s at. This week, Dan and Simon are talking all things Horizon Zero Dawn, as well as discussing our desert island games, Ubisoft, and oh, THE LIVE EPISODE THAT’S HAPPENING TOMORROW (25/02/17) IN LONDON! Get your tickets if you haven’t right here www.bit.ly/exalpod100
What Makes Us Happy Links
The Sentinel: http://boketto.tv/
Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/live/
2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z04M6NhkIKk -
It’s the filler episode of all filler episodes! Episode 98 is a bit manic, but by golly we’re going to make our 100th episode our actual 100th episode! This week it’s just Dan and Simon chatting about absolute nonsense for half an hour, some things about video games, some things about naughty things we’ve done. ENJOY IT! WE DID!
What makes us happy link: Halloween finger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZFT7odS-2I
Get your tickets to the live show! There aren’t many left now, and it’s happening soon. 25th of February 2017 at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm) at the Secret Weapon in Stratford. Tickets here: www.bit.ly/exalpod100 -
Episode 97 is here with its hands in the air like it just doesn’t care! This week the fantastic foursome discusses things from Superhot VR to Dandy Dungeon and everything in between. You can’t say we aren’t eclectic on this show! Also, don’t forget, our 100th episode will be in front of a LIVE audience in Stratford, London on the 25th of February at 7.30pm. Get your tickets while you can here (they’re free) www.bit.ly/exalpod100
Welcome aboard the SS ExAlPod, there’s no getting off now, you’re locked in, sorry ‘bout it! So, get ready for this week’s returning special “How To Be Awesome At…” episode. This time, DATING! Which should be interesting as three of the four Explosive Alan team have been in relationships for a combined 45 years. Fair warning, this gets weird. Very weird. ENJOY!
ALSO, don’t forget to get your tickets for our live 100th episode coming up on the 25/02/15. It’s at 7.30pm at the Secret Weapon bar in Stratford, London, and we’d love you to be there. Get your tickets here www.bit.ly/exalpod100 -
It’s episode 95 of the Explosive Alan Podcast! And this week we see the triumphant return of the challenge section thanks to a crafty one devised by our very own Dan Maher… ish. We’ve also got talk of Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil 7, and OH YEAH, DID WE MENTION WE HAVE A LIVE PODCAST COMING UP ON THE 25/02/17 IN LONDON? Go here to grab your tickets. No, go on, go, we’ll wait… www.bit.ly/exalpod100
What Makes Us Happy Links
Archaeogaming: When Two Worlds Collide - http://thekillabunny.kinja.com/archaeogaming-when-two-worlds-collide-1791483025?rev=1485093708205
Bad Lip Reading: Seaguls (Stop It Now) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9t-slLl30E - Mostrar más