
  • Exploring THE Spiritual Art (For Your Closure)

    Why did I begin the Free to be Show?

    What makes you feel that are not free to exist?

    For the final episode of my podcast, I am speaking freely about the most normalized form of narcissistic abuse and how you alchemize it.

    When you experience narcissistic abuse your personality splits into your authentic self and your representative, your mask. It is clinically called Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder, is a complex psychological condition caused by many things. These include severe trauma during early childhood (usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, or emotional abuse). It's also known as split personality disorder. Reference 

    Interestingly there exists a normalized version of this that may lead to a mental health issue over time for BIPOC in general but especially Black women. The first capture of this phenomenon was in the 1903 book, “The Souls of Black Folk,” written by the late civil rights leader W.E.B. DuBois spoke about Black people surviving by highlighting the need for Black Americans to recognize their double-consciousness, or the two parts of their identity: their Blackness and their “Americanness” — or how they were viewed by white Americans. DuBois talked about double-consciousness, and that’s what code-switching is now,” Dr. Barlow adds. “You had to, for your survival, exhibit that double-consciousness.” Reference Jodi Ann Burrey talks about showing up as your “authentic self” at work as a Black woman is the same as not wearing a custom to a Halloween party in her TED talk The Myth of bringing your full authentic self to work.

    This is the beginning of generational trauma or taught imposter syndrome. Because you are always proving to the world that you are someone you are not. And I say all of this to say that the greatest form of narcissistic abuse that occurs is institutionalized racism. Although the “official” dots have not been connected in the American Psychological Association publication created on September 1, 2021 and last updated January 24, 2023 Psychologists are working to develop more effective ways of promoting Black men’s mental health


    “Being a black man in America means being my brother’s keeper. Being a black man in America means being my brother’s keeper while keeping a distance from my brother because I don’t trust him further than I can see him. It’s believing the cops don’t care about you. It’s learning how not to doubt yourself because when you’re born everyone else already does.”

    —Poet Prentice Powell, written following the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014

    “We should place less emphasis on whether Black men are resistant to therapy,” said Stevenson, “and more on understanding the contexts in which they already feel comfortable talking about their feelings and traumas. If a Black man is able to find a treatment that is culturally responsive, that he understands, and that embraces the uniqueness of his difference, he is more likely to use that service.”

    And my work is to heal the souls of Black women because they are the pillars of society, the Black crumbling family. As you can see it is a cellular recalibration that has to...

  • This is an excerpt from my series published now as a course, 13 Days to Multi-Orgasmic Aging. This is day three about your choices and understanding the power of that.

    Listen as I share how I chose to create my first birth story. In my ignorance I chose body -mind wisdom over fear. Reflect on your birth story if you have had a child. Mostly listen for the power and gifts of honoring choices that elevate your each and every heartbeat and breath.

    #bodywisdom #replnishme #detachedlove #multiorgasmicaging #multiorgasmic #cordeliagaffar #intimacy #selfnurturing #selflove

    Cordelia Gaffar, the Ultimate Joy Goddess and  CEO of Cordelia Gaffar Enterprises, is a bestselling author, speaker, and host of The Free to be Show podcast.

    Cordelia's journey led her to rediscover many ancient body wisdom mindfulness practices, intertwining from aboriginal cultures across the globe. The result? The Four Mind Alignment (TM), unveiled in November 2022 after two years of client studies and five years of research.

    This transformative methodology empowers women to be fully expressed and completely embodied in her natural leadership merging ancient wisdom for total well-being. Cordelia's approach builds on her Replenish Me (™) process, featured in "Detached Love" (2020), promoting self-nurturing through food, movement, and sleep.

    Now, she offers Embodiment Experiences in intimate group coaching and retreats, inviting women to a journey of self-discovery and replenishment. Cordelia is a former CFO and veteran home educator to her six children, three of whom have graduated going on to serve in the US Navy and become entrepreneurs in their own right. Subscribe to the Free to Be Show as we explore joy, enlightenment, and the transformative power of Cordelia Gaffar's wisdom.

  • ¿Faltan episodios?

    Pulsa aquí para actualizar resultados

  • This is the audio version of my recent LinkedIn article Soul Love vs Carnal Ravaging.

    Visit me on LinkedIn and subscribe to my newsletter there.

    At the end, I make an invitation to join the 29 day challenge to leap into your intimacy. On my website https://cordeliagaffar.com/, I share all the details of this 29 day DIY experience.

    I am here for YOU! Reclaim your Ultimate-Joy! You may not realize it but your body wants you back. Be present in your body like never before.

    It’s leap year, which means that we get 29 days in February!

    Vibration matters and the vibrational meaning of 29 is

    (2) Harmony

    (9) Transformation awakening

    and in calendar format you get to experience your intimacy transformation with harmony and balance.

    There are also journal pages included to capture your experience and voice memos are also highly recommended. Also you may chose to join my private LinkedIn Group (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12966627/) to enhance your experience.

    Mindlessness is the Real Issue: Let’s Make Distinctions

    There is sex. And then there is great sex.

    There is being orgasmic. And then there is being multi-orgasmic.

    Everyone who has sex is not having great sex.

    Everyone who has an orgasm may not have more than one.

    Most women do not have orgasms. Not even one.

    Most men don’t know that they can have more than one orgasm.

    Most people don’t know that sex is sacred.

    Most people don’t know that when you reach orgasm that is a form of enlightenment.

    My call is back to soul love.

    #intimacy #soullove #enlightenment #leapyear #healing #medicine

  • Do you feel shame around money? Is it the same for sex? Or is it more for one than the other?

    This episode is for YOU!

    In just over 30 minutes you will hear the solution to your internal drama. It is my joy to introduce you to a new friend of mine, Joanna Doiban. 

    She teaches the three pillars of wealth - wealth mindset, money organization, easy-bake-oven “investing” to busy women and moms revolutionizing this male-dominated industry from telling you what to do to educating you on how to utilize money intentionality. With a Bachelors in Finance and a Life Insurance license in dozens of states, Joanna is a trailblazer and thought leader in Financial Self-Care and Wealth Education for women. She is a trailblazer and thought leader on wealth energy and wealth planning for women.

    She loves to teach female founders adopt wealthy habits (energetically + strategically) so they will always be supported by money throughout their lives

    Wealth Activator for Women

    Connect with her Want to talk money?

      Let’s grab coffee


    We can connect on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/joannadoiban/

    Join my Private FB group to learn how to be a Money Master here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamamoneymasters 

    Website: www.joannadoiban.com  

    #moneymatters #wealthactivatorforwomen #sexandmoney #moneyandsex #womenhelpingwomen #moneyempowerment #wealth #joannadoiban #theulimatejoygoddess #cordeliagaffar #thefreetobeshow

  • It's a revolution of the heart, a reclamation of the divine feminine within you.

    Happy #freetobe #friday

    Here are the Deep Dives and Discoveries you will experience listening to the Free to Be Show #podcast today👇🏽

    💎Integrate and normalize your sexuality as a core component of mental and emotional well-being.

    💎Explore the synergy of nutrition, movement, and spiritual practices in supporting your journey.

    💎Uncover your authentic self, free from societal conditioning and limiting beliefs.

    💎Understand your unique responses and experiences in intimacy, and how to channel this knowledge in all facets of your life.

    It is about:

    🧘🏾‍♂️How humans can transcend your slave mind

    ☮️The importance of giving yourself permission to be free

    🥰The importance of beginning within

    🎉The power of reinventing yourself 

    💎Embodiment is the the truth and the light 


    👉🏾it’s your choice to have sex or hip surgery. 

    Listen here 


    I welcome your questions and comments 👇🏽 below or at hello@cordeliagaffar.com

    Cordelia Gaffar, the Ultimate Joy Goddess and CEO of Workout Around My Day Inc. As a bestselling author, speaker, and host of The Free to be Show podcast, Cordelia guides women on a transformative journey to normalize great sex resulting in being Multi-Orgasmic!!. Her unique methodology, The Four Mind Alignment (TM), unveiled in November 2022, empowers women to embrace a Multiorgasmic existence through ancient wisdom. Cordelia's holistic approach, including the Replenish Me (™) process, documented in "Detached Love" (2020), invites women to nurture themselves with food, movement, and sleep. Explore joy, enlightenment, and transformative wisdom with Cordelia on The Free to Be Show!​

  • The Language Maven, Eva Arrissani, on Reinventing Yourself

    Today Eva shares her story through her word of the year Reinvent. Listen closely to how she restructures her thinking with every reinvention. Listen to how she creates her choices creatively. Most of all listen for your own story within hers.

    She is the creator of three podcasts most recently:

    The Word Play Show - learn where to tune in and subscribe! https://www.linkedin.com/events/thewordplayshowwiththelanguagem7153023114556121089/theater/

    Allow yourself to be kind to yourself and this conversation gives you a step by step on how to do that!

    Originally from Libreville, Gabon, residing permanently in Pretoria, South Africa, Eva ARISSANI is an entrepreneur at heart and a creative thinker. 

    She is the Founder and Director of Transcentral Pty Ltd, a South African-based company  specializing in language services and coaching programmes. She is also the Initiator, Co founder, and Executive Director of She Phoenix Femme Phoenix(SPFP), a South African-based NPO which aims at empowering and inspiring the Girl Child, young women, teenage girls,  women of all walks of life. 

    She is the Published Author of New Moi New Life: Five Ways to Build a New 'You' and Live  an Extraordinary Life. She is also the Published Co-Author of Intuitive Living: A Practical  Guide for Women Who Want to Deeply Trust Themselves – her chapter is entitled She  Phoenix Femme Phoenix: The Rise. She is currently authoring another book. 

    She is the Host of The Language Maven Show.  

    She is married and mom to 3 daughters.  

    In a nutshell, Eva is a multidimensional global woman juggling business, family, spirituality,  philanthropy and much more, striving to live a balanced life and impact the world in a positive manner.  

    Her motto is: “We all have a past. But how it influences our present and our future is up to us.”

    Connect with her here https://www.linkedin.com/in/eva-arissani-translation-expert-b539a658/

  • Permission to Be Free to Be with Omozua Isiramen

    Omozua and I have known each other over the course of our entrepreneurial journey and we have seen the resistance in our clients and ourselves. In a recent conversation we decided to dissect what it takes for 'us' to have permission to be free!

    She breaks down:

    15:00 what fear looks like in the brain and how to reroute and extinguish it. 

    25:15 How love looks in the brain and how to increase more of it

    Although we are specifically talking to women of African Diaspora even if you are not a woman or of African Diaspora this episode is your permission to be free!

    The science of thoughts:

    Is it resourceful or non resourceful?

    Before caring what anyone thinks about you and reflecting on what you think about you?

    Empowering or diminishing thoughts?

    Omozua Isiramen is a certified Neuroscience Transformation and High-Performance Specialist who helps Ambitious and Self-led Leaders Accelerate Their Careers By Decoding Their Unique Brain Signature Without Relying On Outdated Strategies So They Get Results Within 90 Days and elevate their personal and professional lives in all areas by attaining neuro agility and emotional mastery.

    She coaches and consults internationally, created the Brainification Program and the Manyoufest Code, and fuses her deep understanding of neuroscience with a burning passion to help individuals and teams develop brain agility and mental flexibility to have a fast, flexible, and focused mind that can learn, think and solve problems quickly and easily.

    She has spent over 20 years working and helping both women and men live more fulfilled and richer lives. Using proven techniques, tools, skills, years of coaching experience and training, she helps her clients transition from an undesired state A to a desired state B. Her approach is one based on the human first, and is driven to help her clients step out of their comfort or pain zones by understanding their brains - how it serves us in any given situation, navigating their emotions, and to start aiming for the things that truly matter to them with ease and confidence. 

    If you truly need long-lasting change and professional help with gaining clarity, building confidence, or living a fulfilling life; book a Gap Analysis session with her. She will work with you to look specifically at the things that may be undermining your confidence and chart a way forward for you starting from wherever you are in the process.

    Power Phrase Be CEO of Your Brain, Life, and Results

    Omozua  A. Isiramen M.A.

    Neuroscience Transformation, Neuro Agility & Peak Performance Specialist

    Website: www.omozua.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/omozuaisiramen/

    Cordelia Gaffar, the Ultimate Joy Goddess and CEO of Workout Around My Day Inc. As a bestselling author, speaker, and host of The Free to be Show podcast, Cordelia guides women on a transformative journey. Her unique methodology, The Four Mind Alignment (TM), unveiled in November 2022, empowers women to embrace a Multiorgasmic existence through ancient wisdom. Cordelia's holistic approach, including the Replenish Me (™) process, documented in "Detached Love" (2020), invites women to nurture themselves with food, movement, and sleep. Explore joy, enlightenment, and transformative wisdom with Cordelia on The Free to Be Show!​

  • Beginning Within with Melinda Wittstock

    You will love this conversation!

    How many times in your life are you given the answer and you miss it because you are up in your head?

    Every experience is happening for you. Your inner world must be aligned in a certain way to realize your Big audacious purpose!

    22:11 The spiritual level

    23:01 practical level gaining skills and understanding what is truth?

    24:02 Solving the problems with technology 

    25:05 How Podopolo can help creators

    Join Podopolo here as a podcaster

    Listen on Podopolo here

    Melinda Wittstock is a 5-time serial entrepreneur and the CEO and Founder of Podopolo, the AI-powered interactive podcast app and creator marketplace revolutionizing podcast discovery and discussion and making podcasting profitable for creators. Melinda also hosts the fast growing "Wings of Inspired Business" podcast named by Entrepreneur Magazine as #8 of 20 of the top business podcasts for 2020. The Wings mission is to #LiftAsWeClimb, helping female founders leverage their feminine power

    Formerly a senior executive, producer, host, and award-winning journalist for some of the world’s leading media brands, including the BBC, Times of London, ABC, CNBC and Financial Times, Melinda created and grew a BBC TV show to a 20 million audience. Steve Jobs told her she "asked the best questions" when she interviewed him as a 24-year-old correspondent of the Times of London. Melinda went on to innovate one of the world’s first crowd-sourcing mobile apps, growing unique users to 3 m in 8 mo

    A spiritual practitioner of meditation, yoga, and gratitude Melinda is passionate about encouraging conscious leadership and evolved entrepreneurship using business as a canvas to transform lives and solve global challenges. Her travels have taken her to many exotic places including Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island and the Amazon Rainforest. She's a loving mom to two teenagers and a golden retriever.

  • Diving Straight Into the Heart with Zai Miztiq

    What a beautiful conversation with my sister Zai Miztiq about

     (1) being with your emotions (grief) 

    (2) redirecting your anger and

     (3) supporting small local businesses instead of large multinational  corporations. Watch to the end for an invitation from Zai! 

    You are always #winning!

    You may also watch this episode on Instagram and follow us there https://www.instagram.com/tv/C1XPy36Lui2/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

    She is a 2x Amazon Best Selling Author, International speaker, strengths coach & empowers, educates, and enriches women and youth locally and globally.

  • Join me for this live discussion with Darryl Ray ware II, known as The First Human Rights Billionaire and The First Black 30-Year-Old Billionaire in Human History.

    During our conversation he also announced that he will be running for President of the United States in 2028.

    After the election, in 2023, Darryl Ray Ware II founded Think Chief, a $17.5 Billion Dollar Global Health Conglomerate That utilizes Collectivist Ideas to further the performance of Capitalism in The Name of Reaching Society’s Highest Aspirations. Think Chief Publishing Provides Stories of Truth, Faith, and Love for Women of Color in the United States. Think Chief Hotels are Ending Homelessness in The United States. Lastly, Think Chief Saha is Preventing Malaria Transmission among Nigerian Citizens. As a result of Think Chief Publishing, Ware invented the "The Nine-Count" literary device in his poem “Put Your Hands Up” as well as “The God Complex” literary device in his poem “Leave God Alone.” Ware also invented “The Ware Method” literary device which combines research literature with poetry in his articles: “The State of The City” and “The State of Louisiana.”

    Ware is The Wealthiest Person in The City of Houston, Texas. He is The 4th Wealthiest Person in The State of Texas. Ware is The Wealthiest Person in The History of The State of Louisiana. Ware is The Wealthiest Black Person in The History of The United States of America. Ware is The Wealthiest Black Person on Earth.

  • In this beautiful heart to heart conversation between two divorced moms, Galeema shares her shifts in gratitude, loss, grief, love and so much more. She speaks of implementing all that she has encouraged others towards. This is Healer thyself exploration and mirror of the depth of womanhood.

    Mother of four amazing children, Galeema (pronounced Haleema) Davids is committed to showing Muslim women their immeasurable worth and purpose; she does this through her coaching practice. 

    Galeema has authored Soft & Strong and Enlightened Queen, He's Not Your Man, as well as other books, all focusing on bringing women back to connecting with their deeper selves.

    Connect with her at linktr.ee/galeemadavids and follow her here instagram.com/davidsgaleema

    #cordeliagaffar #galeemadavids #muslimsingemoms #divorce #grief #loss #love #bestsellingauthors #thefreetobeshow #podcast #repleinishme #theultimatejoygoddess #femininity

  • Daniela Stevens (she/they) is a trauma- and attachment-informed certified Sex and Intimacy Coach for couples and individuals of all bodies and all expressions.

    She supports people to experience deep sexual connection and intimacy with themselves and their partner name by addressing the intersections of personal experience with multiple systems of oppression and by guiding them to clarify, connect, communicate, heal, and co-create the sex they want and the intimacy they desire.

    For over twenty years, she's worked with thousands of people coaching one-on-one, teaching in college classrooms, and guiding them in yoga studios utilizing somatic attachment therapy, embodied conflict resolution, somatic abolitionism alongside neuroscience, holistic healing, trauma resolution, and modern coaching blended with ancient tantric and taoist wisdom.

    For her, nothing is more important than connection.

    In this episode Daniela educates us on gender fluidity and so much more. Listen to learn, understand and relate better to the people in your world.


    Cordelia Gaffar, the Ultimate Joy Goddess. As CEO of Workout Around My Day Inc, she's a bestselling author, speaker, and host of The Free to be Show podcast.

    Cordelia's journey led her to rediscover sex as a mindfulness practice, intertwining ancient body wisdom from Islamic sexology, erotology, tantra, and the Kamasutra. The result? The Four Mind Alignment (TM), unveiled in November 2022 after two years of client studies and five years of research.

    This transformative methodology empowers women to be Multiorgasmic, merging ancient wisdom for total well-being. Cordelia's approach builds on her Replenish Me (™) process, featured in "Detached Love" (2020), promoting self-nurturing through food, movement, and sleep.

    Now, she offers the 90-Day Embodiment Experience, inviting women to a journey of self-discovery and replenishment. Join us on The Free To Be Show as we explore joy, enlightenment, and the transformative power of Cordelia Gaffar's wisdom.



  • 13 Days of Multi-Orgasmic Aging

    It is all about how you relate to your inner world. Over the next thirteen days I will dissect the ways you can age multi-orgasmically. 

    Get ready to blow your own mind. 

    Get ready to love you

    Get ready to love what iz

    Get ready to age Multi-orgasmically

    And of course

    Be free!

    Cordelia Gaffar, the Ultimate Joy Goddess and CEO of Workout Around My Day Inc. As a bestselling author, speaker, and host of The Free to be Show podcast, Cordelia guides women on a transformative journey. Her unique methodology, The Four Mind Alignment (TM), unveiled in November 2022, empowers women to embrace a Multiorgasmic existence through ancient wisdom. Cordelia's holistic approach, including the Replenish Me (™) process, documented in "Detached Love" (2020), invites women to nurture themselves with food, movement, and sleep. Explore joy, enlightenment, and transformative wisdom with Cordelia on The Free to Be Show!​

    You also get the opportunity to win a session with me. I will be giving away 1 very special prize. Invitations:

    Get the Book $25

    Venmo and Cash App  $CordeliaGaffar for your copy of Detached Love

    Best of all the worlds: Attend the next sisterhood circle (you get the book and get to connect with me in person with a community of like minded women) https://events.humanitix.com/three-year-celebration-detached-love-book-signing

    Win a private one hour  session with me by attending all 13 days at least 10 live (Value $1,000) Personalized Multiorgasmic Embodiment Practices 

    #freetobe #theultimatejoygoddess #cordeliagaffar #detachedlove #bestsellingauthor #awardwinning #multiorgasmic #effortlessaging #multiorgasmicaging #podcast #selfnurturing #momofsix #homeschoolingveteran #replenishme

  • Fantasizing is the magnetic that pulls everything together. Listen to my solo episode that dives into fantasizing.

    Cordelia Gaffar, the Ultimate Joy Goddess. As CEO of Workout Around My Day Inc, she's a bestselling author, speaker, and host of The Free to be Show podcast.

    Cordelia's journey led her to rediscover sex as a mindfulness practice, intertwining ancient body wisdom from Islamic sexology, erotology, tantra, and the Kamasutra. The result? The Four Mind Alignment (TM), unveiled in November 2022 after two years of client studies and five years of research.

    This transformative methodology empowers women to be Multiorgasmic, merging ancient wisdom for total well-being. Cordelia's approach builds on her Replenish Me (™) process, featured in "Detached Love" (2020), promoting self-nurturing through food, movement, and sleep.

    Now, she offers the 90-Day Embodiment Experience, inviting women to a journey of self-discovery and replenishment. Join us on The Free To Be Show as we explore joy, enlightenment, and the transformative power of Cordelia Gaffar's wisdom.


    #fantasizing #cordeliagaffar #theultimatejoygoddess #freetobe #podcast #thefourmindalignment #replenishme #bestsellingauthor

  • This was an open and honest conversation about freeing yourself to create your life. My guest this week has written Sensual Faith: The Art of Coming Home to Your Body. That title really says it all 

    Listen to hear the religious, cultural and social constructs and institutions that hardwire and confine you. And also listen for how Lyvonne freed herself from it all. 

    About my guest:

     My name is Lyvonne Briggs, and I am a body and sex-positive womanist preacher, speaker, and author. I am the host of Sensual Faith, a sacred space for you to uncover your spirituality, recover your sensuality, and discover your sexuality. If that sounds good to you, and that feels good to you, then you’re in the right place.For those of you who desire to feel at home in your body, who want to love God and love sex, who want to indulge in sensual pleasure without shame, tune in bi-weekly on Thursdays, and follow the conversation online using #sensualfaithpod. Let’s co-create this juicy, delicious community together, and remember, faith should feel good.Follow me on all social media, check out my platforms, and visit my website, www.lyvonnebriggs.com, to contact me for speaking, teaching, preaching, and more!

    My Website: www.LyvonneBriggs.comPatreon: www.Patreon.com/LyvonneBriggsCoaching: www.Calendly.com/LyvonneBriggsTarot card readings: www.Calendly.com/LyvonneBriggsInstagram: @LyvonneBriggsTwitter: @LyvonneBriggsTikTok: @LyvonneBriggsYoutube: Lyvonne Proverbs BriggsCash App: $PastorBaeVenmo: @LyvonneBriggsPaypal/Zelle: Lyvonne.Briggs@gmail.comCredits:Hosted by Lyvonne BriggsProduced by Kobe GuilfordEditing and sound mixing by Kobe GuilfordMusic from “Be Your Girlfriend (Instrumental Version)” by Lil’ Loca


    Cordelia Gaffar is the Ultimate Joy Goddess - a soul medicine woman guiding women to be Multi-Orgasmic!! My journey led me to relearning sex (unpartnered as well as partnered) as a mindfulness practice and source of enlightenment. Professionally, I am the CEO of Workout Around My Day Inc, speaker and movement facilitator, a four-time best-selling author of eight books, two time award-winning host of The Free to be Show podcast and globally recognized as a Health Thought Leader. Personally I divorced in 2021 after twenty years of marriage, have six children ages 9-23, veteran homeschooling mom.

    She created a system of rebirth through combining ancient body wisdoms including Islamic sexology and erotology from The Encyclopedia of Sexology and Erotology, K A P, tantra from the Buddhist Tibetan tradition, and the Kamasutra. The Four Mind Alignment (TM) has been five years in creation and open to the public November 2022 after two years of case studies with my one to one clients and five years of personal and professional research. 

    Through this original methodology, she helps women to be Multiorgasmic for the elevation of their total well being by embodying deep ancient body wisdom for the elevation of their body and soul resulting in transforming their professional and personal lives fully replenished. 

    The Four Mind Alignment (™) builds on her signature process, Replenish Me (™) documented in my book Detached Love:Transforming Your Heart So That You Can Transform Your Mind (2020). Replenish Me (TM) is creating sustainable systems of self-nurturing including using food as medicine, movement as an emotional stabilizer and metabolic harmonizer and sleep as the main detoxifier. Implementing these two systems allows female CEOs to live for her Ultimate Joy and be Multiorgasmic!

    Currently offering 90 Day Embodiment Experience.

    Start your journey...

  • Reflections On Feeling Safe in Your Body:

    Self-Forgiveness, Your Lotusverse, and  the ceasefire within

    Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day! 

    This is the perfect day to explore Feeling Safe in Your Body. Indigenous people have been and currently are being stripped of their humanity. Food supply is being controlled, health facilities destroyed and basic human choices obliterated. Acknowledge the existence of indigenous populations in your country and the land they preserved so that you have a country. 

    Acknowledge the existence of the indigenous populations worldwide 🌍Palestine, Australia, Congo, Cameroon, Yemen and many other places where mass #genocide is happening. Indigenous girls as young as eleven are taking birth control to delay their periods due to lack of sanitary supplies and sometimes it’s naturally occurring and mothers are miscarrying babies. They don’t have indoor plumbing and must be guarded to take care of their personal  hygiene. 

    Yes you may not resonate with that level of insecurity and yours may be body dysmorphia. This is a form of psychological slavery which subliminally causes you to look the other way because you don’t feel safe in your body, therefore unsure or afraid to protect the rights of others. 

    Throughout this article I will intertwine and make connections between you and indigenous women. As you read, think about how you feel in your body and honoring the sanctity of your desires. In my recent conversations, events and research, I see more and more how internalized a woman’s pain is and the words that sprang forth for me were: Self-Forgiveness, Your Lotusverse, and  the Ceasefire within. Slowly the pieces are reconfiguring into an embodiment puzzle. Your experiences are your experiences and for you. Give yourself grace and self-forgiveness.

    The self-forgiveness begins with acknowledging that sex has been weaponized and for that narrative to persist women’s bodies must be objectified. Little girls being told that sex is only for marriage and for procreation is the beginning of the inculturation of “you are an object and this is what you are good for”. That is what we are seeing reinforced with  recent legislation determining what gynecological services are available to women. Similarly girls approaching puberty in countries without access to feminine sanitary products are effectively told that their bodily functions are insignificant. Somewhere within, you are asking why must I validate my existence and why are there laws about my sexuality outside of my control? It seems unconscionable in the twenty-first century, right? And it is what keeps women enslaved. The slavery is psychological. So the reclamation of women’s collective sovereignty begins with denying the inculturation of female insignificance. Slow down and see the institutional constructs embedded into our society. Women are considered unprofessional when they express their emotions, dismissed for following their intuition, and shamed for owning her sexuality as a spiritual practice. So what is a human who denies her emotions, abandons her intuition (embodied wisdom) and is ashamed to be self-expressive? 

    A slave

    Free yourself to Be. Anxiety and depression is the result of  your normalized survival mode. Yes the daily grind of maintaining the family schedule, care of elderly parents, food prep while maintaining a career has you in survival mode.

    Read full article on LInkedIn LinkedIn or YouTube

  • The Medicine of Orgasm: withAllowing Your Soul’s Desire with Nut Tmu-Ankh Butterfly Dreaming 

    I love the way you speak about orgasm vs sex. Open your mind and thighs to this wisdom. All disease is resistance. It is the tolerance for it that causes us issues in our tissues. Fear is the avoidance of pain. What is pain?

    Let’s dive into the medicine of Orgasm

    Nut Tmu-Ankh Butterfly Dreaming 

    19:47 -  20:30 Slavery - ruled my by fear, ego…we call chainz freedom and freedom chainz”

    Exploring Your Heart and Lotusverse 

    I think this recording and chart will be a good starting point for our Orgasmic Life! conversation.



    “My most alive moments have been those when I’ve allowed my mind to thoroughly lose itself to any recollection of limited human-ness. Others may call such moments samadhi, ascension or NDE’s, I know them as Orgasm and pure Bliss” 

    Nut(say it with an oo please) Butterfly iz an internationally recognized Nubian-Khamite priest, executive mentor and Bliss warrior who guides leaders, artists and all manner of sacred professionals to life, love and mission Bliss through unconditional whole self revelation and applied Orgasmic Awareness. 

    Nut iz 

    counselor to the called 

    revealer of radiance 

    slayer of suffering 

    molder of mastery 

    midwife for Magnificence 

    She’s an ecstatic deep devotion and high activation Life Mastery mentor who shows victims how to re•create themselves as leaders, and leaders how to live as masters. 

    As Abu’t Arit (chief priestess) of Kra Mut Ankh ~ Temple of the Mother of Life, she iz charged with the revelation of Sh'ti Mer - a resurrected ancient Afrakan, 5 stage, initiatory path of Orgasmic Alkhamy, and once lost great-grandmother to Indian Tantra. 

    You can find "DivaMama" Nut online at Orgasmic Living!(.com), where she welcomes sacred professionals, single and partnered lovers and all Bliss warriors into initiation into the Divine revelation of Bliss consciousness. 

    She iz the founding mother of SANCTUARY - A Self Love & Sovereignty Healing Home for Richly Melinated Warrior Wombn. A Desire to expand access to the Liberation & Leadership mastery celebrated in this Sistahood led to establishing the Sanctuary For Survivors scholarship and residency fund supporting wombn escaping violence. 

    Nut iz also a favorite guest on several national and international radio/podcasts and iz featured in the DVD Magdalene Unveiled: the Ancient & Modern Sacred Prostitute, by Kenneth Ray Stubbs. And in the book Reclaiming Eros: Sacred Whores and Healers, by Suzanne Blackburn and Margaret Wade. 

    Nut’s devotion iz full out Orgasmic Liberation & Life Mastery for all because, as she declares, “Anything less iz slavery.” 

    #sexuality #sexasmedicine #orgasmicliberation #orgasmicliving

  • Gut Healing and Sexual Health (PID) with Timesha Conyers-Hopes You have heard me speak about my Four Mind Alignment ™ process and the four minds: Lotusverse, stomach, heart, and brain. 

    And you may be wondering ‘What is the Stomach Mind?’ That is why I am so excited to introduce you to my next guest!

    Timesha Conyers-Hopes is here to guide you to healing. She is a Trauma informed Holistic Practitioner, author and clinical herbalist and founder of TNM, That Natural Mompreneur.

    Her focus is using food as medicine, releasing trauma, positive mindset shifts, and toxin-free living. Let's get you to healing, the natural way with TNM Timesha you can find all my content under #thatnaturalmompreneur on every platform. 

    Here are the highlights of this very informative AND entertaining best way to utilize the next hour.

    Gut health in relation to sexual healthVagina has its own microbiomeUnderstanding the distinction between Healing STI (cold) and STD (bronchitis)High quality supplementsPID doesn’t equal infertilityThe truth about IronSTI/STD are not a life sentence

    #PID #thatnaturalmompreneur #freetobe #podcast #cordeliagaffar #fourmindalignment #theultimatejoygoddess

  • Normalizing Intimacy is Being Orgasmic with Dr. Sadaf Lodhi

    During this playful conversation, Dr. Lodhi, the creator and host of The Muslim Sex podcast, and I talk about what it takes to be orgasmic. Spoiler alert! It’s in the title…Normalizing Intimacy.

    Listen for how you can upgrade your connection with yourself and your partner. It will be the best investment of time all week.

    She is a board-certified OB GYN and executive coach for women based in New York.

    After graduating from the University of Michigan with honors, receiving a Bachelor’s of

    Science in Biochemistry, she acquired a Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine at

    Michigan State University and completed her residency in gynecology and

    obstetrics. Later she was certified as a life and executive coach from Rutgers University as well as Sexuality Counseling and Sexuality Education from Michigan. 

    In her own words,”I am a sex counselor and educator. As a practicing

    OBGYN in New York for over 20 years, my mission has always been to empower

    and educate women. Most recently I have opened up a telehealth practice

    serving patients in NY and Michigan for sexual and menopausal health. I help

    women with sexual confidence through coaching as well so that they can find

    pleasure in their relationships. I believe that all women, regardless of their

    backgrounds, have the potential to live life to its fullest.

    Currently new patients for tele health in NY and Michigan and ccepting new clients for coaching. 

    Reach out for everything drsadaf@drsadaf.com. 

    To find out more about Dr. Lodhi, follow her on TikTok and IG and go to her website drsadaf.com for details about her next retreat September 16-23, 2024.

  • The statistics show that 80% of women have never experienced orgasm versus 99% of men always experiencing orgasm. To be clear orgasm and ejaculation are not the same thing, Ejaculation is the fluid that is emitted as the result of an orgasm. Both women and men ejaculate. Orgasm is the rapid pleasurable release of neuromuscular tensions at the height of sexual arousal. IN this episode my guest shares her journey from having never experienced an orgasm during decades of marriage to not only experiencing it once but becoming multi-orgasmic. That was the beginning of her journey to becoming a certified Sex and Intimacy coach.

    Daniela Stevens (she/they) is a trauma- and attachment-informed certified Sex and Intimacy Coach for couples and individuals of all bodies and all expressions.

    She supports people to experience deep sexual connection and intimacy with themselves and their partner name by addressing the intersections of personal experience with multiple systems of oppression and by guiding them to clarify, connect, communicate, heal, and co-create the sex they want and the intimacy they desire.

    For over twenty years, she's worked with thousands of people coaching one-on-one, teaching in college classrooms, and guiding them in yoga studios utilizing somatic attachment therapy, embodied conflict resolution, somatic abolitionism alongside neuroscience, holistic healing, trauma resolution, and modern coaching blended with ancient tantric and taoist wisdom.

    For her, nothing is more important than connection. Connect with her on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielastevensnow/