The hardest part of developing a plan for your team can be where to begin.
James' effective planning tool provides you with a simple framework for crafting business goals and how to carry out meaningful conversations as well as:
- Clarify and target the strategic objectives and tactics that will get your org to your annual revenue target
- Identify partnership opportunities and other ways to collaborate & divide workload
- Pinpoint the determining factors necessary to design content built to impact your target audience & ease growing pains
Sources and Resources:
- The Canvass https://getplexd.com/free-planning-tool-performance-problem-canvas/
- Lori Niles-Hoffman DBL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorinileshofmann/
- Bianca Baumann: https://www.linkedin.com/in/biancabaumann/
- Cathy moore- https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathy-moore-5383187/
- Keegan peterson - https://www.linkedin.com/in/keeganpeterson/
- Jake Knapp- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jake-knapp/
@LloydDeanUK on Twitter -
In this episode we explore the things to consider if you're looking to scale up your VR projects and my guest is expert Sam Watts.
Sam is actively engaged in the immersive technology community, living his passion for VR and games for Make Real. Sam has delivered and supported dozens of digital products at Zynga, NCsoft, Kerb and Epic. Clients have included BBC, Channel 4, EDF Energy, Sky and Sony PlayStation.
Sam’s commitment to the VR community means that he is an in-demand panelist and commentator on the emergence of VR. Maintaining close relationships with industry leaders such as Oculus, HTC/Valve and Sony, Sam also ensures that Make Real has early access to all key emerging technologies.
Check out Sam on Twitter - https://twitter.com/vr_sam
Read Sam's Articles - https://medium.com/@vr_sam/interviews-quotes-blog-posts-more-3ecf3eee2d16
Follow Lloyd on Twitter - @LloydDeanUK, Instagram (lloyd.dean), LinkedIn and lloyddean.co.uk
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Kevin M Yates is a "Fact Finder for Learning & Development". An expert on data driven learning, Kevin provides us with some fantastic ideas and concepts to apply to our learning strategy.
This episode follows on from our conversation with Stacey Hatch on the topic of measuring impact (https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1vdtb) and it's no surprise that Kevin and Stacey both mention Jack and Patti Phillips' ROI approach as a great way to measure performance improvement.
We discuss xAPI, data approaches and questions to ask stakeholders!
Sources and Resources mentioned during the show:
Kevin's website - https://kevinmyates.com/
LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/kevinmyates
Facebook - facebook.com/kevmyates
Twitter - twitter.com/kevinmyates
Jack and Patti Phillips from the ROI Institute - https://roiinstitutecanada.com/
Follow Lloyd on Twitter - @LloydDeanUK, Instagram (lloyd.dean), LinkedIn and lloyddean.co.uk
Please support the show by sharing with your audience and social networks -
Adam Harwood is an experienced L&D professional who’s worked in organisations in both the tourism industry and retail sector. He’s currently working at the fashion brand ASOS, where he is responsible for the transformation and development of the digital learning strategy.
When we conducted this recording Adam was close to finishing his time with ASOS and we though it would be a unique time to reflection on his learning experiences so others could benefit from his achievements.
Sources and Resources mentioned:
Adam on Twitter - https://twitter.com/adamharwood26
The Good Practice Podcast - http://podcast.goodpractice.com/
MindChimp Podcast - http://mindchimp.co.uk/
David James - https://twitter.com/DavidInLearning
Myles Runham - https://twitter.com/mylesrun
Nick Shackleton-Jones - https://twitter.com/shackletonjones
Follow Lloyd on Twitter - @LloydDeanUK, Instagram (lloyd.dean), LinkedIn and lloyddean.co.uk
Please support the show by sharing with your audience and social networks -
Microlearning is a popular topic in learning right now. Some people swear by it whilst others seem frustrated at the notion of a simplistic approach to learning.
In this episode JD Dillon - a savant on the topic - answers questions from the podcast audience. We discuss what microlearning is, why some observers of microlearning are not so keen on the term and the need for context when applying a microlearning strategy. Most importantly, we discuss how the principles can be applied to day-to-day learning. These can be used in any area of learning!
Sources and Resources mentioned:
JD on Twitter - https://twitter.com/JD_Dillon
Jane Hart on Twitter - https://twitter.com/C4LPT
Axonify - https://axonify.com/
LearnGeek website - https://www.learngeek.co/
Follow Lloyd on Twitter - @LloydDeanUK, Instagram (lloyd.dean), LinkedIn and lloyddean.co.uk
If you've enjoyed this show please share to your audience and feel free to leave an iTunes review in the podcast section of the platform. -
MOOCs have been around for a little while now with mixed opinions. The average completion rate for a MOOC is roughly 15% and MOOCs are often lambasted with this observation. In this podcast we explore why this might be the case through the perspective of a learner motivations with my guest Sheila MacNeill
Sheila is the Vice Chair of ALT, and a Senior Lecturer in Digital Learning at Glasgow Caledonian University. She works as part of the Academic Development team providing strategic direction, pedagogic guidance and practical support to staff embedding digital, blended online learning across the curriculum.
Sources and resources mentioned in the podcast:
Article reviewed:
Follow Sheila on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheilmcn?lang=en
Learn more about ALT: https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2018/
Follow Lloyd on Twitter - @LloydDeanUK, Instagram (lloyd.dean), LinkedIn and lloyddean.co.uk
Thanks! -
In this episode we have expert Dr. David Chandross answer a range of questions on gamification.
We discuss lots of of the research and questions from the audience. David provides tips for everyone to take away and lots of great resources.
The show notes are more like a reflection blog and can be found here https://lloyddean.co.uk/football-manager-psychology-gamification/
Sources and resources mentioned in the episode:
David Chandross https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-chandross-ph-d-92a01234/
The Gamification Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loaTbicPzoA
Board Game Geek https://boardgamegeek.com/
Top 100 People in Gamification https://www.rise.global/gurus/r/latest\
Amy Jo Kim https://twitter.com/amyjokim
Andrzej Marczewski https://twitter.com/DaveRage?
Michiel van Eunen https://michielvaneunen.nl/blog-2/
Gamification Hub https://www.facebook.com/groups/gamificationhub/
Follow Lloyd on Twitter - @LloydDeanUK, Instagram (lloyd.dean), LinkedIn and lloyddean.co.uk -
Fosway have produced an interesting case study with Sky's Learning and Development teams following their innovative approach to organising their team and solving business problems. For example, instructor led training no longer exists and elearning is limited to specific use cases - e.g. certain mandatory training.
David James supported Sky during this journey and offers us further insight from the case study.
Sources and resource mentioned during the show:
Fosway Innovation Case Study Report:
Guardian Long Reads:
Scroobius Pip Podcast:
MindChimp Podcast:
David's Blog:
Nick Shackleton-Jones:
Follow Lloyd:
Twitter @LloydDeanUK
Instagram lloyd.dean
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In this episode I discuss with V model with Stacey Hatch. Stacey is an expert in the area of return on investment (ROI) and was awarded "Global ROI Practitioner of the Year" in 2015.
Stacey provides lots of great tips on how to better evaluate training requirements and explore the need to partner with the business rather than be subservient to perceived needs.
Resources discussed:
The V model https://roiinstitutecanada.com/roi-methodology/evaluation-planning-the-v-model/
ROI Institute https://roiinstitutecanada.com/
10 Easy steps to ROI https://roiinstitutecanada.com/roi-methodology/10-easy-steps/
Check out Stacey's LinkedIn page - https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacey-hatch-79904257/
Get in touch with Lloyd on:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/LloydDeanUK
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lloyddeanuk/ -
This show is the start of my "reference list" chapter and my guest is Danny Seals and we discuss lots of things including Danny's podcast "The Mindchimp podcast"
Danny’s podcast is just great. It’s slightly different to some of the others out there as he explores the person behind the role. The benefit of this is a very rich conversation. Whenever I listen to an episode of Danny’s podcast I find myself being submerged in the conversation that he is having with his guest. This means I usually end up having my opinion and thoughts on the conversation they are having and will work through “problems” with them.
Listening to Danny’s podcast during the commute in the morning is like a warm up for my day!
Follow Danny - https://twitter.com/Dannyboy83
Listen to the Mindchimp Podcast - https://mindchimp.podbean.com/
Book mentioned in the show:
"You've been publicly shamed" https://www.amazon.co.uk/So-Youve-Been-Publicly-Shamed/dp/1594487138
Follow Lloyd - @LloydDeanUK (Twitter) -
The future of learning job roles might well include marketing and employee engagement techniques.
In this episode, we explore with Mike Taylor ways to turn this into reality.
Share your thoughts on this episode!
@LloydDeanUK (Twitter)
Sources and resources that were mentioned on the podcast:
Twitter: @tmiket
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/miketaylor
Steal from Marketing Conference Slides & Resources:
Content Marketing Institute: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/
Copyblogger: https://www.copyblogger.com/
Product Hunt: Producthunt.com
BetaList: Betalist.com
Hemmingway App: http://www.hemingwayapp.com/
John Stepper: @JohnStepper www.workingoutloud.com
Working Out Loud book by John Stepper
Seth Godin: (@ThisIsSethsBlog) - “Did you do the reading?”
https://seths.blog/2015/11/did-you-do-the-reading/ -
The principles of learning should focus on the human experience and pedagogy. This is why Kahoot! has been such a success - it has 70 million monthly active users and over 1.6 billion players since it launched in 2013 to boast.
I interview Jamie Brooker about what learner centred approaches really are and how to achieve them with Edtech tools.
My take away from all of this episode is to adopt a human centred design approach in learning and development. Where possible, design learning that takes into account the human experience whilst doing your best to include pedagogic rational in the process.
Jamie Brooker is co-founder of Kahoot! and We Are Human.
Find out more about Jamie:
@Jamiebrooker (Twitter)
https://t.co/Fb9YRjTCgP (Jamie's website)
Books mentioned in the podcast:
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products. Nir - Eyal https://amzn.to/2Lf5gQ3
Podcast reflection and high level notes:
https://lloyddean.co.uk/learner-centred-design/ -
In 2016 Google reported that 20% of all searches undertaken on it’s mobile apps and Android devices were done so through voice. It’s not just Google, Gartner suggests that 30% of all web browsing sessions by 2020 will be undertaken without a screen. Yet despite the increase of VoiceFirst platforms, products and usage there is still a gap in understanding how VoiceFirst technology can make our lives easier; 72% of users say they don’t know how to use all of their smart speaker’s features.Learning and Development teams don’t appear to be exploring the potential of the technology despite all of the signs that VoiceFirst technology is becoming an everyday aspect of our lives.Our innovation is focussed on tools like virtual reality, augmented reality or trying to put that “Click next” button, for elearning, in a really engaging place. Alexa, play a “sigh” sound.My special guest, Bradley Metrock, discusses what VoiceFirst is and how it could be used within L&Dwww.lloyddean.co.uk
The “Learning Ecosystem” is a befuddling term and the aim of this episode is to explore:
What is a learning ecosystem?
So what - why do you need to be considering a learning ecosystem?
How could a learning ecosystem work in practice?
To provide tangible takeaways that you can apply to your learning environment
My guest, Phil Clarke, explores how this could work in practice and what we in learning and development need to consider.
Organisations have historically relied on one central system for people development yet the emergence of the new-world learning providers gives support for one argument - that a single solution (E.g. an LMS) usually doesn’t work in the long run. The fact that some LMS providers are starting to offer features of LXPs is another indication that they are now playing catch up.
We discuss xAPI, Learner record stores, who is already working well with these technologies and much more.
Phil provides excellent points that we can use toda
Blog - lloyddean.co.uk -
We explore what Digital credentials are, the differences between them and digital badges, as well as Cities of Learning (CoL).
Through digital badges, or credentials, where badges are built around an open standard and used interoperably, there is a unique opportunity for an organisation to utilise competencies as their internal currency. Digital credentials could be aligned to existing competency frameworks as well as for other skills challenge. They might also help your talented employees identify future opportunities in your organisation rather than leaving to go elsewhere.
The challenge is for digital credentials to contribute to a much broader competency problem rather than to be used in isolation. When it comes to anything digital related we are guilty of getting excited before thinking through the purpose of what we are trying to achieve. We need to think of the opportunity with digital credentials.
https://twitter.com/LloydDeanUK -
Some key terms arise when discussing AI. Lots of people will use words such as machine learning, deep learning, algorithms and AI interchangeably. Not having a rough idea of what each term really means can have consequences when we expect results. So what does each term really mean?
Firstly, I’m no expert on this topic and I’d suggest that you seek to understand from those who are - namely through an organisation like Filtered. They’ve created a brief quiz of 7 questions to gauge our collective understanding of the terms and providing a completion document at the end of the document which is useful.
Rather than regurgitate work that is already done, I’d steer you towards Marc’s article on the differences between each term and branch out from some of his links. For me, I’m much more inquisitive when an organisation talks about their great algorithm and am becoming much more interested in understanding deep learning and it’s potential benefits. For more, check out www.lloyddean.co.uk -
Virtual reality is still evolving - despite what anyone else tells you. This is why it is extremely difficult to identify projects in learning and development where VR has had an objectively positive impact. We don’t even have a standard definition. Some focus on the word “immersion” which reflects the association of VR with a headset whilst others highlight that virtual reality is about simulating a real-life scenario as closely possible. So why not call it simulation (we could also branch AR and MR in that bracket) and be done with it? No, in our social-media enriched world I honestly think this is because #VR is more appealing and more eye-catching than #simulation.
This podcast episode discusses the application of virtual reality and how we can all be more systematic with its use.
Professor Bob Stone is Director of the Human Interfaces Technologies Team at the University of Birmingham.
Please visit www.lloyddean.co.uk for a more detail blog description of this podcast episode. -
“The Future of Learning Podcast” aims to provide insight and expertise on various topics related to learning and learning technologies. You might be exploring how virtual reality can be used by your organisation and want information on where to start or you might be in a senior position and need to understand how various learning technologies can help you deliver against your strategy.
These are specific examples but you can understand more by reading my about page located on www.lloyddean.co.uk .
The format of the Podcast itself will be slightly different to some others. In the vast majority of episodes I’ll be asking the questions to the experts.
I’ll be learning with you, the audience, on each episode. Each episode will be distributed weekly.
Topics that we'll cover include virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Learning Ecoystems, LMS, Strategy, ROI, Innovation and much more.
What does the future of learning look like to you?