What does holding down the fort even mean? When your spouse is focused on business, or serving in the military, how do you hold down the fort? How do you keep things going at home in a stable way so that the family keeps moving forward with positive progress?
Your home space is your sanctuary. The home is your foundation and needs to be in a stable, working order. Take the time to care about your surroundings. Get rid of clutter. Always remember that in building an empire you’re either creating or destroying.
Wherever it may be, hold down your fort!
How do couples deal with one wanting to do something while the other doesn’t want to? How do two different personalities get along in the same house?
Be honest.
It’s important to go in the same direction as a couple.
Be accommodating
Be in exchange - give more than you take
Say yes moreSome issues you should not even mention because they will not be important a week later.
If you have a disagreement you may feel like you’re not making progress but when you get it out you may notice the change after a week or so when all that information sinks in, the partner will take it into consideration over time.
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Sometimes it takes long time to reach targets. Elena wants to feel good and win so when she can’t reach a goal because it’s really big and needs more than a week, she sets smaller targets along the way so she can keep winning.
You don’t need to win all the time but you need to win more than you lose.
You need targets to look forward to! So never lower your targets, but keep in mind there is nothing wrong with hitting smaller targets. I'm all about 10X, but not every goal has to be Mount Everest.
Sit with your spouse and see where are you going. Maybe you don’t know where you are, but if your challenges and obstacles never change you won’t change!
Feelings are overrated—they are just emotions and don’t mean anything. You have a hand but you are not a hand. It doesn't define who you are. Neither should your emotions. If you’re depressed, you’re probably rehashing the past. You are stuck in a sympathy band.
We are better when we are looking towards the future. Sometimes when you reach one of your goals, there’s a vacuum after you accomplish it. You have to keep asking yourself what’s next, what’s out there.
People who don’t go for more, who don’t go after new goals and dreams, get stuck in the past. We’ve all met this person. It’s the ex-high school quarterback who relives that state championship game 20 years later vicariously through his son. It’s the old man who talks about what life used to be 30, 40, and 50 years ago. It’s living in yesterdays. It’s all downhill in life when you start living your todays in yesterdays. Hungry people live for today and for the future. They aren’t sold that they’ve had enough.
If you didn’t know the G & E Show is in the top 15th on Itunes! How do you get on the same page and how do you stay on the same page as your partner? It’s a continual process—you have to write your goals down.Most people would agree that they should exercise and write their goals down but they don’t do it. If you really understood the importance of doing it, you would.
What do you think marriage is? Is it having a lot of sex? Monogamy? You might think you can be better by yourself. Two people in a marriage can actually lift each other up—expand to greater heights. When you have your 100% and someone adds their 100%—you increase your magnitude.
If you want to have a great relationship, it starts with being supportive. Are you being a supportive partner? You need to have big goals together for your relationship to work long term. What are your goals, and have you talked with your partner about them?!
I expect great things from you this year. Most people will give up on their goals by February 15th. That’s not going to be you. This is your year to break out. You're going to become great. There are no excuses. No moaning. No groaning. No barriers and no obstacles.
You need to impress yourself, not your mom and dad, your banker, or associates. Everybody has a different game. What can you put on your calendar this year that would impress you? If everyone was singularly focused on doing what they can to impress themselves, they’d be paid so much money and wouldn't have time for wars, drugs, and violence.
I’m always looking for ways to impress myself. I came from a town where there’s no Rolls Royce in town. I didn’t buy the car to impress you. I love that car. It impresses me. People have streamed 119 years of video footage on YouTube. The 10X Rule was one of the top ten audio downloads. These are things that impress me.
How do you set goals? How often do you write them down? Do they actually work? Goals are the food that you need to consume. That’s why it’s important to fertilize them everyday—you go to where your mind takes you. If you stay focused long enough, you’re going to get what you’re focused on. It’s not the law of attraction. It’s the law of action. With the year coming to an end, it’s typical for most people to make resolutions, to get pumped for what they will accomplish, and how big they are going to blow up in the following year. After a few weeks, you’ll see the enthusiasm drop and old habits return. Why? Most people don’t give their goals and dreams the right amount of focus. That makes it easy to get sidetracked by day-to-day details, the media, or politics. Everyone is susceptible to distractions. That’s why I write my down goals every single day: in the morning, at night, and every time I have a disappointment. I also write a personal quote that acts as a reminder and reinforcement for my daily activities. When you do this, you’ll notice a pattern will start to emerge. Things that are important to you will keep repeating and things that are not will drop off. Keep your attention on the goals and the right vehicle will show up. Keep your eyes on the windshield. Focus on big plans and targets, not on the mechanics. The only reason to go to work every day is to achieve your goals, not to make money.
You’ve got a lot going on. You run a business. Marriage. Your kids. The ability to change is vital to your success. You can wish or meditate but, in order to change, you have to make or become different. When I was 25, a mentor told me something that I’ll never forget: “To change, you’ve got to change.”
How do you change? Do you make gradual moves or do you wait for the grizzly bear to come rip you apart? You don’t like to travel. Travel more. You hate flying. Go on more flights. You don’t like sleeping outdoors. Maybe you need to take a camping trip. Remove your rigid thinking.
All Change Starts With You!
Did you ever have a purpose class in school? Most people go to school for 17+ years and don’t even know how to define the word purpose. If you don’t know your purpose, or if it’s vague, you will not have success no matter how much education you have. Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. How do you define your purpose?
You write it down.
Don’t just do it in your head. If you don’t know where to start, remember that what you do is who you are. If you’re lazy, on Instagram all day, a complainer—then that’s who you are because what you do is what you are. If you don’t like it you must change your purpose.
How to Think Big When You’re Not: The G&E Show—Successful people dream big and have immense goals. They are not “realistic.” They leave that to the masses who fight for leftovers. One of the questions posed in the 10X Rule asks: “How big are your goals and dreams?” The middle class is taught to be realistic and average, whereas the successful think in terms of how extensively they can spread themselves. It’s not about being average. It’s about being above average. The greatest regret of my life is that I initially set targets and goals based on what was realistic rather than on giant, radical thinking. “Big think” changes the world!
Everyone could use more friends. How do you gain more friends? Make your social media come alive! Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn etc. are great ways to get known. In business, your biggest problem is obscurity. You are a business, by the way. The bigger your business, the bigger your empire. We’re building our empire through social media and you can too:
#1 The first thing you need in social media is a commitment. Commit to a specific number of followers. Commitments are always followed by time and money. Commit to many platforms, not just one.
#2 After commitment comes content. This means daily. You need different kinds of content.
#3 Collaborate with other people. Do for them what you want done for yourself.
#4 Share. You have information that others don’t have. Anything you’ve done or experienced you can share with others. They are hungry for your expertise.
#5 Promote. Don’t be shy! You need to promote yourself and stop flying under the radar. You need to promote until people are complaining about your promotion
Who’s in your circle? Who’s hanging out in your empire? Empires get torn down from the inside. Your posse should never end, it should be like the ocean. The Atlantic comes in and out, and friends come and go; there’s a constant flow. If a toilet gets clogged, it gets backed up. Are you getting backed up in life by people? Are the 5 people you hang out with the most a sewer?
When Grant was 25, his mom exiled him telling him that he wasn’t welcome anymore until he cleaned up his act. Do you need to kick someone out of your posse? If someone is causing trouble, confront them.
You need inflow and outflow in your relationships. Don’t be a big fish in the small pond, because ponds are stagnant.
The commissioner of the NFL Roger Goodell and President Donald Trump are involved in the controversy over whether football players should stand or kneel in protest during the national anthem. Grant’s view is that we live in America so if people don’t want to stand up they shouldn’t have to stand up. This isn’t the Soviet Union. Should the NFL make players to stand? Elena’s view is that football is not a political platform. In any relationship you’re going to have disagreements, but the thing to remember is to move on from those disagreements fast. Don’t let them ruin your day, your week, or month. Too many people let small things turn to big things because they can’t get a handle on how to come together after disagreement! What do you think about players kneeling during the national anthem?
Is Colin Kaepernick mad? Comment below!
We were in Mandalay Bay during the mass shooting on Sunday night. The fact is, you’re surrounded by evil and bad things happen to good people—in Las Vegas and every other city on planet Earth. You have to be prepared for things that might happen. During times of crisis people look up to people who are calm and who are prepared and trained to lead. When you become an expert in something you become less nervous in it because your confidence grows. Four main points on how to protect your empire:
1.Training—What are you training on?
2. Get the right people around you—Who do you have in your group?
3. Never let your guard down.
4. Confront Evil.
Are you willing to fight for the people you love? Who’s on your team? How do you defend the ones you love? Here’s a quick list to keep in mind as you build your empire:
1. Decide who’s team you’re on
2. Commit to defending the people on your team
3. Defend at all costs and shut negative rumors down
4. The other person is either on your side or on the other sideJust because you have a brother doesn’t mean they are on your team. If you can’t defend them, get rid of them. If you won’t fight for your own dreams you won’t fight for anyone else.
Every Wednesday at noon EST Elena and I do a show on marriage, relationships, and business. How can you run a company AND keep the spouse happy AND give attention to the kids? If it were easy, everyone would have massive success in every area of their life. It takes commitment to make it all work. Today on the show we talk about how to give back!
What does a successful man look like, and what does a successful woman behind the man look like? A successful man will be hardworking, ethical, courageous, powerful, and ambitious. What’s behind a powerful woman that’s behind that man? A person willing to put someone else first. Understand you are a team and understand the role you play. To have confidence in yourself, no matter your role, is power. Look at the big picture and step outside of yourself. Powerful women flow power to their man. The truth is real men want a powerful woman. Powerful women aren’t needy, but they aren’t independent either. A powerful woman is a balance of being independent but also enjoys being taken care of. A powerful woman disciplines herself and is in the relationship for the greater good. How do you define a powerful woman?
How do you keep things exciting and not put it on autopilot after 13 years of marriage? One big thing is to not start nagging your partner about how they don’t pay attention to you. This will only cause them to get defensive. When you run a business you have things to take care of urgent things—the fuse is getting low and it’s about to blow—and you can’t always put your attention on your spouse when they want it.
Marriages need a system in place that will make the time to talk, so pull out your calendar and make talk time. During talk time, do two main things:
1. Validate what they’ve done good.
2. Go over goals to get in alignment.You must start looking for all the right things your spouse does. The massage, the candlelit dinner, the weekend trip, it’s all good, but your big picture problems as a couple will remain— that’s why you must come together and help each other find solutions to each of your problems. Many times her problems will be different than his problems. He might be distracted with work stress, she might be distracted by 3 kids at home. Seek to solve your problems together and you will not be taking your spouse for granted.
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