
  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Apologies for the lack of episode - get in touch using the details below!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    In this episode, Matt and Guest Star Pete discuss the recent gaming showcases by Sony and Xbox. They also generate ideas for a real-time strategy game with a career mode and survival mechanics. They explore the possibility of creating a satirical game about hedge fund managers, where players hire people for damage limitation and engage in insider trading. The conversation explores the concept of a real-time strategy game set in the world of hedge funds, where players manage a team and compete against rival teams. The game incorporates elements of career progression, survival, and morality. Players can choose to be honourable or ruthless in their tactics, with the true ending being the ability to clean up the corrupt company. The game features conversations with key characters, multiple choices, and a morality tracker. The complexity and layers of the game make it an intriguing concept.

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

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  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    The conversation features a unique game design challenge where the host, Matt, is tasked with creating four different games in 20 minutes each. The games are designed on the spot, with randomized genres, mechanics, and narratives. Each game presents a creative and imaginative approach to game design, incorporating elements of strategy, storytelling, co-op focus, and rhythm-based puzzles.

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    In this episode of the Gaming Blender podcast, Matt and special guest Tom discuss the importance of narrative in video games. They explore the challenges of creating compelling narratives and the impact of player choices on storytelling. They also brainstorm a game concept that combines puzzle mechanics, an open world setting, and a narrative theme of transformation. The game is set in 17th century Paris and follows a member of the Red Guard who must navigate the complexities of loyalty and rebellion. The player's choices and actions will determine the outcome of the game, with multiple endings based on their decisions.

    Introduction and Guest Introduction

    The Importance of Narrative in Video Games

    Player Choices and Impact on Storytelling

    Puzzle Mechanics and Open World Exploration

    Player Choices and Determining the Outcome

    Conclusion and Farewell

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    In this episode of the Gaming Blender, Scott and Matthew discuss their gaming experiences and delve into the concept of creating a new video game. They explore the challenges of managing a gaming backlog and the fear of missing out on playing certain games. The main theme of the conversation revolves around the idea of an action-adventure game with a survival element, hardcore simulation mechanics, and permadeath. They discuss the potential for creating procedurally generated tombs and the need to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging. In this conversation, Scott and Matt continue their discussion on creating a time loop game. They explore the concept of permadeath and how it can be incorporated into the gameplay. They also discuss the idea of a hardcore simulation and how the player's character can mature throughout the game. They brainstorm potential plot elements and come up with the title 'A Matter of Time' for the game.

    Introduction and Rambling

    Managing the Gaming Backlog

    Funny Gaming Moments

    Creating an Action-Adventure Game with Survival and Hardcore Simulation

    Making Traps Visually Obvious

    Procedurally Generated Tombs

    Permadeath and Hardcore Simulation

    Character Development and Maturation

    Uncovering the Plot and Breaking Free

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    In this episode of The Gaming Blender, Matt and Scott discuss the concept of an open-world physics-based crafting game. They imagine a game where players take on the role of an architect or mason in different historical eras, tasked with building grand structures using basic materials and techniques. The game would require players to navigate the laws of physics and overcome challenges specific to each structure. They also discuss the idea of gamifying the learning process by incorporating RPG elements and allowing players to learn different building techniques. The replayability of the game is discussed, with the suggestion of adding free DLC to introduce new buildings and challenges. Builders of Divinity is an open-world game where players take on the role of gods of construction. The game is set in a world where the human race lives for a certain period of time with its gods, and when civilization reaches its end, the world resets and new gods are born. Players play as Barry/Susan, a newly appointed god of construction, who must learn on the job by building things for the human race. However, they soon discover that the ancient gods are trying to break the cycle and come back to power. The game combines physics-based building mechanics, crafting, and an underdog story.

    Introduction and Funny Sidebar

    Memorable Moments on Stage

    Discussion of Genre and Mechanics

    Scott Leads the Creative Process

    Genre: Open-World Physics-Based Crafting Game

    Mechanics: Physics-Based and Crafting

    Building Grand Structures in Historical Eras

    Gamifying Learning and RPG Elements

    The Protagonist as a God of Construction

    Replayability and Free DLC

    Introduction to the Concept of Building and Construction

    Exploring the Narrative and Character Development

    The Underdog Story and the Plot Twist

    The Race Against Time and the Battle Against the Ancient Gods

    Balancing Open-World Exploration and Plot Progression

    The Importance of Gathering Materials and Unlocking Abilities

    The Challenges of Mining and Sculpting Marble

    Minimal Hand-Holding and the Tutorial Experience

    Choosing a Captivating Title: Builders of Divinity

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Welcome back to The Gaming Blender. For week's game we unveil the hypothetical hilarity of Contractors Are Us, a battle royale game set in the ruthless city of Third-Party-Topia, where businesses claw for survival. Imagine running a company that's jack-of-all-trades, master of none, taking on absurd contracts to dodge the looming threat of bankruptcy. From dog walking to house flipping, we explore this corporate Battle Royale's twists and turns, presenting a satirical yet competitive live service game concept that will keep you on your toes. Get ready to don your CEO hat and join us for a chuckle at the expense of corporate chaos!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Hey, game aficionados, fear not—we have returned, and the Game Blender is whirring away once more. So how about a side of steampunk chariot racing game, where your decisions and disasters echo through a dystopian world? Gear up for a wild ride as we concoct game worlds where innovation is king and the tracks you blaze can change everything.

    Rally steam, friends—until next time!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Strap on your overalls, folks, because we're pitching a strategic farming game that's not just about planting seeds, but also planting the seeds of an empire. Picture fortifying your homestead, reviving an ancient colony, and juggling the challenges of diplomacy and defence. We dream up a steampunk Western Frontier, where every farm has its own train station for trade and tactical manoeuvres, and coin the term "Farm Total War" for our hypothetical hit. It's all aboard the hype train in this episode, so don't miss the departure!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Fasten your seatbelts for a high-octane brainstorming session, where we ditch the typical MMO fare for a wild ride featuring vehicle-based gameplay and an assassin targeting mechanics. Scott and I conjure up a universe where strategic target selection meets the thrill of the chase.

    We chart a course through the tempestuous seas of World War II naval warfare, conceptualising an MMO where every periscope peek and torpedo launch intensifies the already palpable tension. Picture a world teeming with rivalries, narrative-rich vendettas, and strategic oceanic battles. It's a place where friendships are forged in the fires of war, and every decision has the weight of history behind it. All aboard for a strategic voyage replete with submarines, ships, and the relentless pursuit of victory.

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    It's official, we've lost our minds. Picture an open-world sandbox where you search for love while dodging the ever-looming threat of permadeath. We craft a narrative of forbidden love and survival, where every shadowy alley could lead to eternity or end it. So, plug in your headphones, and let us escort you through the darkened streets of our imagination in a gaming discussion where the stakes are always high.

    Genuinely it's insane!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Ever wondered how it feels to step into the shoes of gaming's most notorious villains? Well, folks, that's exactly where Scott and I kick off the New Year at the Gaming Blender – pondering what it would be like to design a horror game where you are the ghost!

    Now, picture yourself as a mischievous ghost, toying with a virtual family in a darkly comedic game of haunting. This episode, we unveil our twisted fascination with a ghost-themed action game where strategising your spectral scare tactics is as crucial as it is wickedly entertaining. From petty poltergeist pranks to profound moral choices, we explore how a haunting game could challenge not just your gaming skills but your ethical boundaries.

    We also take a critical eye to "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League," fuelled by the latest buzz from IGN, and debate how playing as the bad guy impacts our experience.

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Ever wonder what it takes to navigate the perilous pitfalls of game development or how a seemingly promising title can nosedive into oblivion? Scott and I sure did. This new episode starts with the cautionary tale of 'The Day Before,' a game that promised the moon but barely lifted off.

    Next, this week's game! Picture yourself leaping through a landless world, where your home is a floating base that demands your wit as much as your reflexes. That's the reality Scott and I dreamt up in a segment that's as buoyant as it is boundless. We craft a 3D platformer concept where your airborne abode is as pivotal to gameplay as your platforming prowess. Tune in to hear us sketch out this fantastical realm where physics reigns supreme, and your creativity dictates your fate.

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Picture this: a detective game that's chock-full of intricate puzzles, forensics, and serial killer chase sequences. Yes, you heard us right! We discuss an intriguing concept where the player juggles solving a murder case while evading a determined killer - imagine trying to crack a case with the threat of permadeath lurking around every corner! We even throw in an assassination System just for fun!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Promises of grand gaming adventures and intriguing insights, that's what awaits you in this week's episode of the Gaming Blender! It's a warm reunion as your hosts, Scott and Matthew discuss the intricacies of the Game Awards nominations. Uncover our thoughts on the Game of the Year contenders and ponder what it truly means to be an independent game.

    Next we channel our creativity into crafting a hypothetical battle royale game, injecting unique mechanics like permadeath, motion controls, and an "ultimate team" concept. The journey continues as we navigate the terrain of narrative creation in video games. Immerse yourself as we unveil a gripping game concept set in a dystopian future, with humanity pit against an AI overlord, a narrative that weaves itself into the multiplayer gameplay.

    Until next time, keep gaming, keep exploring!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    This week with our very special guest Best Guest we find out what happens when Football Manager tactics collide with asymmetrical multiplayer? How do you create a compelling narrative around a blob? Have a listen as we put together this week's hypothetical game which results in laughs, cool new concepts and a genuinely very satisfying final product!

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the expansive universe of esports and gaming with our friend and special guest, Gareth. We promise you an enriching conversation that not only breaks down the rising prominence of esports in mainstream media but also delves deep into the responsibilities shouldered by game developers and players alike. The thrill doesn't end there, as we also tap into Gareth's personal gaming experiences, including his introduction to the popular game, League of Legends, and his anticipation for its upcoming second season.

    We dare to push the boundaries of imagination with this week's hypothetical game! How would you feel about building towers and platforms as in Jump King, or crafting beds in a game that resets the world? Or what about the prospect of creating a destructible game world that reacts to your actions? And if that wasn't engaging enough, we even explore the concept of an inverted tower with checkpoints marked by bonfires! The risks, rewards, and strategies involved in these mechanics are sure to stir your gaming spirit.

    But gaming isn't just about mechanics, is it? It’s also about the narrative. Imagine a game with a 'forbidden love' storyline, providing not just entertainment but an emotional end goal. Picture a world where every action of yours has a ripple effect on the environment, creating an endless loop of survival games. Gareth gives an insightful take on what a capitalist system in gaming could look like (yes, really!). So, brace yourself for an enlightening and thought-provoking episode that will make you look at gaming from an entirely fresh perspective.

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Join us as we engage in an intriguing conversation with our guest Pete, a familiar voice from the Miskatonic Playhouse podcast, as we put on our creative caps and brainstorm a unique game concept blending a platformer genre with elements of tactical management, a career mode, and mobile gaming. Picture navigating a daring window cleaner protagonist with a riveting plot line of 'Escape' and a touch of humor. Inspired by classics like Pokemon and cooking games, we explore the potential of an anime-style game with over-the-top courtroom scenes and laugh-out-loud bad dubbing. Join us as we craft an action-packed, laughter-filled game plot that's hard to resist!

    Miskatonic playhouse episode: https://youtu.be/Gu00ypGD2OA

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Ready to dive into the digital realm of multiplayer gaming? We're Matt and Scott, your hosts for this episode of The Gaming Blender, inviting you to join us on a fascinating journey through our shared love for sandbox spaces and universe explorations in No Man's Sky. However, we don't just stop there. This episode is a mixed bag of our adventures and challenges in narrative-driven games, our love-hate relationship with GTA, and our thoughts on the increasing focus on microtransactions.

    Ever dreamt of a game that mixes life simulation with fighting, packed with a choice-based system? Well, we certainly have. Picture this - a soap opera-esque narrative, humorous dialogue trees evolving with every victory or defeat, and how life outside the ring impacts your avatar's performance inside. Intrigued? We further dive into the possibility of adding career modes and changing dynamics to make the game more immersive and life-like.

    We put on our game developer hats and brainstorm the mechanics of this hypothetical game. We chat about a complex boxing system where precision matters, and the risk of reputation loss adds a dash of reality. We play with the idea of a lapse in concentration during a fight impacting the outcome, mirroring the unpredictability of real life. Come along on this fun and engaging episode to discover more about the gaming world that we'd love to bring to reality.

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!

  • Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!

    Are you ready to journey through the universe of game development with Scott and Matt? This episode promises a thrilling exploration of the gaming cosmos, beginning with the recent release of Starfield and its comparison with Baldur's Gate 3. We navigate through the nebula of online reactions and delve into the intricate realms of game development and review bombing. As we orbit Bethesda’s successful game development strategies, we seek answers to high gamer expectations and discuss the mixed reactions Starfield has generated.

    As we further traverse the gaming galaxy, we brainstorm an innovative game concept. Imagine a cooperative yet competitive city-building base management system. Two players, as aspiring mayors, work together for their city's prosperity but are simultaneously fierce rivals. We ideate on adding rogue-like elements and the potential of a collaborative effort between a space-dwelling and a ground-based player. The icing on the cake? A planetary defence game with AI or robot players, security camera feeds, and first-person gameplay that keeps you on your toes! Join us on this exhilarating ride through the gaming universe. Your seatbelt is fastened, right?

    Thanks for listening and please leave us a review and subscribe if you enjoyed it. It really helps us out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gaming-blender/id1597738101

    Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or [email protected] with your ideas for new games and challenges.

    We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ

    Keep blending!