
  • Just a quick announcement for you, listeners! Penny (and her human friend Rebecca) will be working a booth at San Diego Comic Con, the Luna Sea Studios/Little Vampires booth! In the meantime, THE GORGON SHOW is going on a hiatus for a bit.

    Also, stay tuned, because THE GORGON SHOW is planning a crowdfunding campaign, which will mean lots of chances at extra content and ways to get involved with the show!

  • Penny chats with another aquatic guest, this one undead! Natasha the Rusalka discusses a second life in the water and the many uses of long hair.

    Content warning for this episode: discussions of sexual assault and suicide (non-graphic, part of rusalka lore)

    Natasha the rusalka sounds spookily like Haviva Avirom, who can be found on Twitter at @bardic_lady, and who sells stunning jewelry here.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

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  • Penny talks with Navagunjara about the difficulties of dancing when none of your feet come from the same species, the joys of cosplay when you're naturally blue, and figuring out which of your nine component species is giving you that craving! Meanwhile, Sibyl the oracle wonders if a god is sending her a meme during the horoscope segment.

    Navagunjara's voice sounds an awful lot like that of Mira Guha, who can be found on Instagram at @miraguhafitness or on her website.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Seelagy, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    This particular episode was edited by Sibyl the oracle, because Hank the gremlin interfered with sending the files to Sir Cai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of original shows like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny talks with a Knucker, recording from his knucker hole. They discuss what exactly a knucker is, what kinds of human clothing impact digestion, and certain pie-based rumours.

    Crikey the Knucker sounds so very much like Tim Meredith, who can be found streaming at twitch.tv/thebrothersmeredith.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    And check out the new Faustian Nonsense show SUPER SUITS wherever you get your podcasts!

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • It's time for another cryptid as Penny interviews the Snallygaster! Hear about having the same name as a certain musical snake, possibly being the only one of your kind, and the importance of saying thank you.

    Johann the Snallygaster sounds a little like Luke Patrick, co-host of talk podcasts Hanksy Panksy and Greeced Lightning.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny discovers she's right about what's been causing all her technical struggles over the last year, and learns about a roommate she didn't know she had. Meet Hank!

    Hank the Gremlin sounds kinda like Greg Carrobis, the Conductor of actual play podcast GHOSTS ON A TRAIN!

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • It's time to release the Kraken! And by release, we mean listen to Penny interview the Kraken about what it's like to be a legendary beast from the depths, the varying tastes of different ships, and the assholery of geese and dolphins.

    The Kraken sounds quite a bit like Lee Tomanelli, creator of the upcoming audio drama THE SOUND MUSEUM on the Faustian Nonsense network! Check out the homepage and trailer for THE SOUND MUSEUM here: https://www.faustiannonsense.com/sound-museum

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny interviews Cath Palug, who brings good news about a lovely place for humans to travel where you probably maybe won't get eaten!

    This episode's guest sounds quite a bit like Sir Cai (formerly of the round table) who does the audio editing for THE GORGON SHOW, and a bit like Cai Gwilym Pritchard, creator of CHAIN OF BEING and sound editor of SUPER SUITS!

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Sibyl has taken over the podcast feed for THE GORGON SHOW to bring you a special episode of another podcast--a podcast that the gods are apparently big fans of! They've told Sibyl, who now tells you, that you should check out the show H.G. Wells Has His Regrets!

    H.G. Wells invented a time machine, you know. And being smart about it, used it to interview favorite authors from throughout time! In this episode, H.G. chats with the great Charles Dickens!

    You can listen to the rest of the time traveler's interviews on your favorite podcast platform or follow this link to the website: https://hgwellshashisregrets.wordpress.com/

  • Penny interviews an ancestral spirit with some interesting physical attributes, and learns about proper jungle etiquette!

    Gatos sounds uncannily like Joe Cruz, who just happens to be an accomplished Faustian Nonsense voice actor.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Things get a little cramped in Sibyl's closet as Penny interviews a golem in person! Listeners may find this an especially useful episode for all their friends' birthdays.

    The Golem sounds quite a bit like Dan Kovel, who can also be heard in SUPER SUITS as Ratman!

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny overcomes her fear of spiders to talk to the Spider, Anansi! Listen to an actual god talk about stories, webs, and googly eyes, and to Sibyl make a questionable bargain with the divine.

    Anansi's current mortal form strongly resembles Chijioke Williams. Chi can be found on Twitter at @Inner_Qi, and you can find out more about her upcoming audiodrama Between Heartbeats here or on Twitter at @BetweenPod!

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny interviews Conel the Lusca, a sea monster with just the shiniest scales. Learn about being a dragon in the Caribbean, some secret portals around the world, and the importance of taking care of our oceans.

    Conel the Lusca sounds like what would happen if Bennoni Thomas was turned into a giant sea monster. You can find Bennoni on Twitter at @darcwizrd.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Back from hiatus (and some much-needed rest) Penny interviews Sandra Sandman, who brings an important message about your sleeping habits--yes, yours!--and the fate of the multiverse.

    A word of caution: please do not listen to this episode while doing anything you really need to be awake for! In particular, please do not listen while behind the wheel of a vehicle of any kind.

    Sandra Sandman sounds eerily similar to Erin Nicole Lundquist, who can be found on Twitter @ErinLundquistVA or on her website at www.erinnicolelundquist.com.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Editing by Sir Cai, formerly of the round table, who can be found on Twitter at @mynameisnotcai.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Former guest of the pod Cerberus handles social media for THE GORGON SHOW! One of the heads looks suspiciously like Brenden Southerland...

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to new episodes of originals like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny interviews Britt Marie the Skogsrå, a Scandinavian forest creature with important messages for our listeners about protecting the forest, the evils of Ikea, and pizza!

    Britt Marie sounds exceptionally similar to Rebecca Hansson, the mind and voice behind BE NOT AFRAID.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Sound editing by Sibyl's doppelganger Jaci.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to episodes of original series like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny is delighted to introduce her very first cryptid, the Ozark Howler! They tell her all about their morning routine of laughter yoga, where the name "the Ozark Howler" comes from, and what barbecue sauce goes best with human flesh.

    The Ozark Howler's voice sounds unsettlingly like Xan Wyngraf, whose tweets you can read at @inXanityTTRPG!

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Sound editing by Sibyl's doppelganger Jaci.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to episodes of original series like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • This week is really something special, a series of recordings from the floor at SDCC! Penny chatted with monsters, probably-human creators, and other folks around the con! And since Sibyl refuses to be left out of a whole episode, she included her personalized fortunes for Patreon subscribers for August!

    The Gelatinous Cube sounds kinda like Collin Smith. 

    Mothman vocally resembles Kallie Chris. 

    Cthulhu sounds an awful lot like Beth Accomando, KPBS Arts and Culture Reporter and host of Cinema Junkie. 

    The Folletti (the chicken thing) bears a striking vocal resemblance to Judy Neeb.

    FilmGeeksSD was represented by a very human Sterling Anno. 

    IDWGodzilla was the also human Keith Davidsen, Director of Public Relations and Marketing at IDW Comics. 

    Monkey Minion is the also also human Dane Ault, the artist behind Monkey Minion Press and owner of the best laugh ever. 

    Monster High was represented by the lovely human Ande Arend.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Sound editing by Sibyl's doppelganger Jaci.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to episodes of original series like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny interviews Cerberus, guardian of the gates of Hades (a little less strenuous since Hades got a doorbell with a camera)! We hear from all three dog heads, plus the snake tail. Penny and the heads bond over having snakes who often won't shut up, the horror of knife-wielding fleas, and a general dislike of certain humans.

    All of Cerberus's heads sound quite similar to the talented Brenden Southerland! Check out Brenden's twitter at @BrendenVA.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Sound editing by Sibyl's doppelganger Jaci.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to episodes of original series like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny interviews a charming shapeshifter named Uisce (call her "ooooh!"), a selkie! She's an elephant seal with her skin on, human when she rips her skin off. And she gets along a little too well with Sibyl the oracle...

    Uisce the selkie sounds strikingly similar to Jolene Cotnoir, whom you can find on twitter at @bonesjolene, and whose delightful podcast PARANATURAL SUPPORT SERVICES TEAM tweets at @psstcast.

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Sound editing by Sibyl's doppelganger Jaci.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to episodes of original series like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Note from Sibyl: You'll also hear a trailer for an awesome podcast called Of Mice and Men and Monsters! The gods told me I'd like it, and they were right as always--and I sense that you'll love it too! Check it out at their website, www.omamam.com, or on your favorite podcast platform.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!

  • Penny is so excited to interview her first human guest...except she may not be human. Unless she was joking. You decide! Penny's guest this episode is award winning author and friend to creatures of all sorts, Seanan McGuire!!

    Listen as Seanan and Penny talk about how gorgons are portrayed in Seanan's books (wonderfully and respectfully!), the wonders of talking to snakes, and Komodo dragons.

    Seanan McGuire sounds exactly like Seanan McGuire, for obvious reasons. You can find her books wherever books are sold, check out her website at seananmcguire.com, and find her on twitter at @seananmcguire!

    Penny Cephalonia sounds a lot like Rebecca Hicks, on Twitter at @RHicks.

    Sibyl Corvin's voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Jaci Szilagyi, who twitters at @jekyllyn.

    Music is by TJ, the empathic vampire! Learn more or get your own awesome music at https://linktr.ee/afkai.

    Sound editing by Sibyl's doppelganger Jaci.

    Check out the art of Penny's vocal doppelganger at lunaseastudios.storenvy.com!

    Follow THE GORGON SHOW on Twitter at @GorgonShow, or email us at [email protected]. See transcripts at faustiannonsense.com/gorgon-show.

    THE GORGON SHOW is a proud member of the Faustian Nonsense network. Check out other projects by FN at faustiannonsense.com.

    If you'd like to support the show, and the independent creators of FN, you can become a patron at patreon.com/faustiannonsense and earn our boundless and eternal gratitude! Sign up for the crossroads tier to get early access to episodes of original series like THE GORGON SHOW!

    Today's episode is brought to you by THE CALL OF CTHULHU MYSTERY PROGRAM, a dark comedy actual play podcast that uses The Call of Cthulhu to tell you weird and delightful stories. Find out more and listen at cthulhumystery.com or wherever you listen to podcasts. Sibyl predicts that it'll make your day!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Finding Monster Right is a hilarious podcast in which Adam and Allie answer questions you've never asked about monsters from folklore, pop culture, and our own world. Find them wherever you get your podcasts, and on twitter at @MonsterRightPod!