Written and Narrated by R. Scott Smith
Voice Actor: Emory Stevens
Show Tile: Ben Lesser-Brunori
Music: Jared Sims
We explore the ancient myths of Atlas—was he a mythical figure or part of the landscape? What are the stories and interpretations of Atlas, and how has it shaped our own world.
¿Faltan episodios?
Written and Narrated by R. Scott Smith
Voice Acting: Raina Burke, Humanities Major UNH
Music: Jared Sims, Professor of Music at U. West Virginia
Check out our website for images, maps and more! manto-myth.org/gmf
Written and Narrated by R. Scott Smith
Voice Acting: Liv Ketler
Show Tile and Original Art: Beatrice Mattison
Learn about one of the most famous serpents from the primeval period, its relationship to Delphi, and the god Apollo’s final triumph over it.
Join us for an in depth look at the Typhoios myth in Greek culture and a counterpart from the Hittite world! We are joined by Hittite expert, Prof. Gregory McMahon.
Written and Directed: Jake Compagna
Host and Narrator: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: Julia Sommer and A.J. O’Neil
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Voice Actors: A.J. O’Neil and Julia Sommer
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: Julia Sommer and A. J. O’Neil
Music: Jared Sims’ Brooklyn Tea (Opening and Closing), Jack Anderson (transition music)
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: A. J. O’Neil and Julia Sommer
Music: Jared Sims, Brooklyn Tea; Jack Anderson, Improvisation
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: A. J. O’Neil, Camden Roy, Julia Sommer
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims
Written and Narrated by: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Music: Jared Sims
Special Guests: David Kaye (Professor of Theater and Dance, UNH, director of Hecuba) and Julia Sommer (lead role of Hecuba)
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: A. J. O’Neil and Julia Sommer
Music: Jared Sims, Brooklyn Tea
Written and Directed: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: A. J. O’Neil and Julia Sommer
Music: Jared Sims, Brooklyn Tea
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: Julia Sommer and A. J. O’Neil
Music: Jared Sims
Original Art: Allina Podgurski
Go see manto-myth.org/gmf for more!
Written and Narrated by R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: A.J. O’Neill, Julia Sommer (Samantha Coetzee)
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims
Find visual aids at manto-myth.org/gmf!
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: Julia Sommer and A. J. O’Neil
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims
Written and Directed: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims
Written and Narrated: R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors: Julia Sommer and A.J. O’Neil
Music: Jared Sims, “Brooklyn Tea”
Special Guests: Sarah Iles Johnston (Ohio State University), Paul Robertson (University of New Hampshire)
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