Klankbank is het natuurgeluiden platform van geluidsman Olivier Nijs. Hij heeft zich de afgelopen 20 jaar gespecialiseerd in het vastleggen van geluiden in de natuur. In zijn podcasts vertelt hij over de projecten en films waarbij hij betrokken is. Hij werkt onder andere samen met natuurfilmer Ruben Smit en verzorgde de geluidsmix van diverse Nederlandse natuurdocumentaires.
Hosts Brandon Gregory and Maria Milazzo, two neurodivergent former English majors, talk about movies as they relate to mental health, mental illness, and invisible illness. From blockbuster hits to arthouse films, there are plenty of movies commenting on these issues. Conditions ranging from depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder to PTSD, emotional abuse, and oppression are discussed.
Grace Leeder & Matt Scott are joined by Survivor 41’s Dr. Evvie Jagoda to discuss LGBTQIA+ representation on Survivor.
Waarom leerde niemand je ooit hoe je moet omgaan met stress, hoe je een vriend kunt troosten, of hoe je stopt met het continu checken van je Instagram? De Podcast Psycholoog bespreekt elke aflevering een belangrijk psychologisch thema en geeft tips die je meteen kunt toepassen in je dagelijks leven.
In de serie Hoofdverhalen gaat Marissa in gesprek met mensen die een fikse tegenslag voor hun kiezen kregen die hun leven (tijdelijk) op z’n kop zette. In elke aflevering blikken zij terug op hun meest moeilijke momenten en geven ze een kijkje in hun hoofd. Hoe gingen ze om met verdriet en onzekerheid, en wat hielp hen uiteindelijk hun leven weer op te pakken?
Sound design De Podcast Psycholoog: No.Pia.No, sound design Hoofdverhalen: KLOAQ Audio Design, artwork: Tim Straver -
Openhartige gesprekken met podcasters, auteurs, coaches en sprekers over stress, geluk, zingeving, geld, seksualiteit, burn-out, depressie, angst, liefde, status, ego en meer. Interviewer: Patrick Kicken (ex-3FM en Radio Veronica)
UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone breaks down the centuries of sexist socialization that causes us to struggle with self-doubt, burnout, and anxiety.
Hosted by Master Feminist Coach Kara Loewentheil, J.D., founder of The School of New Feminist Thought and author of Take Back Your Brain (Penguin 2024), each episode teaches you how to turn down the noise of societal expectations, turn up the volume on what YOU really want in life, and change your thinking to make sure you go get it.
This podcast is an essential resource for anyone eager to embrace a life free from limiting beliefs and societal constraints.
If you ever find yourself asking questions like…
*Why am I so anxious about stuff that isn’t a big deal?
*How can I stop overthinking everything?
*Am I selfish for wanting my life to look different?
*Will I ever feel comfortable in my body?
*Am I a bad parent?
*How can I ask for more money at work?
*Can I stop people-pleasing?
*How can my partner and I communicate better?
… then you won’t want to miss an episode.
Visit to learn more about The School of New Feminist Thought and more. -
The Mindvalley Podcast brings you the world's leading minds in personal growth, exploring cutting-edge ideas for mind, body, spirit, and work. Join Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani and renowned TV host Megan Pormer as they dive deep into the transformative wisdom that traditional education often misses. Unlock the secrets to extraordinary living, expand your consciousness, and discover the tools to create a life you love. Join us every week - Big names. Big topics. Big transformations. Welcome to The Mindvalley Podcast.
Download our Free Award Winning App for More Happiness, More Meaning, and Living Your Life Purpose.
The Meaning of Life Experiment is a Free App to help you discover more Happiness, more Meaning and your Life Purpose, based on the Science of Happiness. Each day you can access a powerful 10 or 20 min Meditation, a Video, and some Reflection Questions on your app, or on the website timeline.
Our Vision is: Transform Yourself, Transform Your Community, Transform the World!
To uplift Humanity’s narrative to one where we live inspired lives through the joyful expression of our shared human values. We do this be empowering ourselves to increase our awareness of limiting thoughts, emotions or behaviours through Meditation, Self-knowledge & Service, so that we may fulfil our potential.
We also believe in empowering people to make a difference in the world. By helping people discover their Life Purpose, we can create a world where people are living their potential, and enriching their communities. Through this, we can create a Conscious Change Family to support the creation of a more Conscious Society. -
YouTuber, Author & Mind Coach Dan Jones Hypnosis Sleep Stories to help you sleep fast, sleep well & sleep all night. There are free and paid sleep stories available.
Hoe en waardoor wordt iemand slachtoffer van nepnieuws?
De Deventer Mediazaak is een zesdelige podcastserie over hoe de Deventer moordzaak ontaardt in een mediazaak. Van verslaggeving en waarheidsvinding via infotainment naar een hetze. Feit en fictie gaan een eigen leven leiden en er vallen meer slachtoffers dan alleen de vermoorde weduwe. Journalisten, redacteuren van talkshows, opiniemakers, BN’ers en andere betrokkenen vertellen hoe ze onderdeel werden van deze mediadynamiek.
Podcastmaker Annegriet Wietsma borduurt daarmee voort op het boek De Deventer Moordzaak; het complot ontrafeld van journalist Bas Haan. In de podcast is een belangrijke rol weggelegd voor Michael de Jong, die door de media verdacht werd gemaakt en bestempeld als ‘de klusjesman’. Hij vertelt hoe de affaire zijn leven tot op de dag van vandaag bepaalt.
De beste podcast klassiekers van Nederland, hoor je bij NPO Luister. Luister ook naar TBS, de Showbizzmoord of WRAAK in de gratis NPO Luister app. -
Podcast van Michael en Cindy Pilarczyk. Over zelfontwikkeling, persoonlijk succes, mentale gezondheid en levenskunst. Wij inspireren jou met praktische info hoe jij je mooiste leven kunt gaan leven. Missie: Join the movement for a healthy, wealthy, happy life!
*The Official Podcast for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers*
Good Humored talk about Maternal Narcissism while highlighting how to cope and sharing experiences that foster growth. Not only did maternal narcissism abuse effect us as children but it effects us as Women too. It's time for us to experience personal freedom and happiness. This form of abuse is not discussed enough, there are so many of us daughters that are living in bondage and I want to sound the alarm and bring global awareness to Maternal Narcissistic Abuse, while providing hope and creating solutions for freedom.
Understanding Maternal Narcissism, gathering the tools to "vanquisHER" and heal from the damage done.
Website: -
Um podcast de Cultura Pop, com Guilherme Fonseca e Pedro Silva. Produzido por Vitor Teixeira.
TV-columniste Angela de Jong en verslaggever Gudo Tienhooven bespreken wekelijks zaken in de mediawereld. De presentatie is in handen van Manuel Venderbos.
Dr. Mindy is a women's hormones and fasting expert, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and a mission-fueled woman here to teach you just how powerful your body was made to be. The Resetter Podcast explores to empower you with knowledge, tools, and science on all aspects of health and wellness through meaningful conversations with some of the most brilliant minds that walk this earth. New episodes are released every Monday.
This is your year-round cycling feed!
Geraint Thomas has started the world's biggest cycling club. And you’re all invited. Follow the Tour de France winner and amateur rider Tom Fordyce as they take you on a fascinating ride round some of the biggest stories and guests throughout the off-season.
And once racing gets under way, join former team-mates and best mates Luke Rowe and Geraint as they bring you banter, guests and inside information from the heart of the peloton like no one else. -
Hello everybody, welcome to Crypto PTSD. This will be a show for people who have had encounters with cryptids. A place to share their stories without fear of ridicule. If you know someone, or you yourself would like to share your story, email us at [email protected]. Thanks for listening, and don't forget to subscribe and share us with your friends!
A podcast devoted to the erotic thriller genre. Fatal Attraction, Basic Instinct, that sort of thing. Co-hosted by film critics and film fans Matthew Turner, Leslie Pitt, Amelie Thomas and Paul Costello.
Interviews met de meest inspirerende artsen van Nederland! Verschillende artsen, binnen én buiten het ziekenhuis op de koffie bij de coassistent, in plaats van andersom.
Door: Doris van der Heijden, Tiara Ringers, Tessa Dinger, Eva Heeling, Mare Köllen, Nina Buisman, Duveke de Gaay Fortman, Daantje Gratema, Benjamin Lorié, Olivier Banus, Teuntje Dop, Noor Vrouenraets, Bente Gijsberts, Philippine Peters en Li Ling Ho