
  • "Happiness is a choice, but it's also a skill set."

    Dr. Elia Gourgouris, a psychologist and happiness expert, discusses the seven paths to lasting happiness and how to navigate challenges in life. He shares his personal journey of burnout and the importance of self-care. Dr. Gourgouris emphasizes that happiness is a choice and a skill set that can be developed through consistent actions. He encourages listeners to listen to their inner voice, practice gratitude, take action, and extend kindness to others. By adopting the mindset of a navigator, individuals can overcome obstacles and find true fulfillment. Dr. Elia Gourgouris emphasizes the importance of embracing and respecting our human nature, which includes experiencing negative emotions like victimhood, criticism, and fear. However, he advises against staying stuck in these emotions for too long and encourages individuals to pivot and take action as navigators. He also highlights the power of forgiveness, stating that it is the attribute of the strong and equals freedom. Forgiving oneself is crucial for happiness and wellness, as it allows for easier forgiveness of others. Dr. Gourgouris shares a simple exercise for practicing self-forgiveness.


    βœ… Happiness is a choice and a skill set that can be developed through consistent actions.

    βœ… Self-care is essential for maintaining happiness and well-being.

    βœ… Listening to your inner voice and acting on it can lead to positive outcomes.

    βœ… Practicing gratitude and extending kindness to others are key components of lasting happiness.

    βœ… Navigators approach challenges with a positive mindset and actively seek solutions. Embrace and respect the fact that we all experience negative emotions, but don't stay stuck in them for too long. Pivot and take action as a navigator.

    βœ… Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong and equals freedom. Practice self-forgiveness to enhance happiness and wellness.

    βœ… Self-forgiveness makes it easier to forgive others. It is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy relationships.

    βœ… Eliminate toxic relationships from your life to protect your health and happiness.

    βœ… Enjoy and be present in the golden moments of life, where reality exceeds expectations.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    00:43 The Seven Paths to Lasting Happiness

    06:09 The Power of Self-Care and Gratitude

    08:59 Taking Action to Navigate Challenges

    26:38 The Power of Forgiveness

    35:52 Cultivating Emotional Intimacy

    47:16 Eliminating Toxic Relationships

    48:25 Living with Purpose

  • "The real difference doesn't come from your mindset necessarily. It comes from this deeper energy or this resistance in your field at a deeper level."

    Paget Kagy, a frequency healer and quantum coach, shares her journey of transformation and understanding the power of manifestation. She explains that the key to manifesting is not just mindset, but also addressing the deeper energy and resistance within oneself. She emphasizes the importance of aligning energetically with success and releasing limiting beliefs and filters that hold us back. Paget also discusses the different levels of consciousness and perception of the quantum field, highlighting that everyone's experience and interpretation may vary. She encourages individuals to tap into their own intuitive gifts and connect with their higher selves to navigate through the complexities of manifestation. Paget Kagy discusses the concept of oneness and the existence of a prime creator beyond human consciousness. She explains that tapping into higher levels of consciousness can be scary and overwhelming, as it takes us away from our human filters. She emphasizes the importance of experiencing and understanding love consciousness, but also acknowledges that there may be more beyond it. Paget shares an example of how she helped someone shift their perception and energy, leading to a profound transformation in their relationships. She also discusses the importance of being ready to meet the right person and the need to work on ourselves before seeking external solutions. Paget encourages listeners to identify their edges of reality and work through the energetic resistance that holds them back. She emphasizes the power of surrender and letting go, and challenges the idea that following a specific routine is necessary for success. Paget shares her upcoming courses and offers a free frequency clearing light to help elevate one's frequency.


    βœ… Manifestation is not just about mindset, but also addressing the deeper energy and resistance within oneself.

    βœ… Aligning energetically with success and releasing limiting beliefs and filters is crucial for manifestation.

    βœ… Tapping into our intuitive gifts and connecting with our higher selves can help navigate the complexities of manifestation. There may be a prime creator beyond human consciousness and love consciousness.

    βœ… Being ready and aligned energetically is essential to meeting the right person.

    βœ… Identifying our edges of reality and working through energetic resistance can help us break free from limitations.

    βœ… Surrendering and letting go are powerful practices that can elevate our frequency.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    03:06 Releasing Resistance and Understanding Manifestation

    08:28 Aligning Energetically and Working Hard

    13:46 Activation and Self-Driving Transformation

    24:26 Levels of Consciousness and Filters

    27:56 Conclusion

    31:06 Surrendering to the Process of Personal Growth

    39:34 Upgrading Your Reality by Understanding Your Edges

    43:02 Paget's Exciting Projects and Where to Find Her

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  • "This is like a cock ring, but like slash Oura ring for guys and their health."Dr. Elliot Justin, founder of Firm Tech and the Tech Ring, discusses the world's first monitor of sexual health. The Tech Ring is a wearable device that measures men's sexual health, cardiovascular health, and other biomarkers. Dr. Elliot explains how he came up with the idea for the Tech Ring and the importance of personalized, actionable data in healthcare. He also discusses the limitations of medications like Viagra and the benefits of tracking nocturnal erections. Dr. Elliot emphasizes the need to address relationship issues, improve overall fitness, and consider wearing a cock ring as potential solutions for erectile dysfunction. Dr. Elliot discusses the importance of sexual health and the role of technology in improving sexual performance. He introduces the Firm Tech device, which tracks and provides data on sexual health, including nocturnal erections. Dr. Elliot explains the different models of the device, including the tech ring and the maximum performance ring. He emphasizes the need for men to prioritize their sexual health and offers recommendations for using the device to monitor and improve sexual function. The conversation also touches on the benefits of sex for overall health and the importance of planning for pleasure.

    Use the code JOEL15 for a discount on any of their devices.Takeawaysβœ… The Tech Ring is a wearable device that measures men's sexual health, cardiovascular health, and other biomarkers.βœ… Personalized, actionable data is crucial in healthcare, and the Tech Ring provides objective information for men and their healthcare providers.βœ… Medications like Viagra may not be as effective as commonly believed, and tracking nocturnal erections can be a leading indicator of cardiovascular health.βœ… Addressing relationship issues, improving overall fitness, and considering the use of a cock ring are potential solutions for erectile dysfunction.βœ… The Tech Ring offers a comfortable and convenient way to track sexual health and make informed decisions about treatment options. The Tech Ring device provides objective and actionable data on sexual health, including nocturnal erections.Chapters00:00 Enhancing Sexual Performance and Pleasure22:03 The Benefits of Cock Rings and Sexual Health23:35 The Impact of Sex on Cortisol Levels25:48 Planning for Pleasure and the Role of Technology28:04 Models of Cock Rings and Actionable Sexual Health Insights38:16 Navigating the Challenges of Traditional Healthcare41:18 Lifestyle and Sexual Health: A Holistic Approach44:00 Medications and Sexual Function: The Viagra Debate47:51 Testosterone and Cardiovascular Health50:25 Innovative Health Monitoring Devices: A Data-Driven Approach

  • "Amare is a much more comprehensive brand that really helps to hit on multiple facets of mental wellness."Dr. Lindsey Elmore discusses her passion for Amare, a mental wellness company that focuses on holistic health and supplementation. Amare's products are designed to support mental wellness by targeting the gut-brain axis and nourishing the gut microbiome. The flagship product, Happy Juice, combines prebiotics, probiotics, phytobiotics, and nootropics to optimize brain signaling and support emotional balance. Dr. Elmore emphasizes the importance of strain-specific probiotics and the role of bacteria in our overall health. She also highlights the research behind Amare's products and the positive results people have experienced. In this conversation, Lindsey Elmore discusses the benefits of probiotics for gut health and overall well-being. She explains how probiotics can help with post-COVID hair loss and how they affect the microbiome. Lindsey also discusses the role of probiotics in hormone balance and weight loss. She highlights the importance of building and diversifying the microbiome through probiotic and prebiotic foods. Lindsey shares her favorite Amare products, including Happy Juice, Mentabiotics, Kids Mood Plus, Kids Calm, and Ignite. She also mentions other products she recommends for sexual wellness, aches and pains, inflammation, and detoxification.

    Get $10 off and try Amare's flagship product Happy Juice or get the exact same stack I use with my kids, which includes Happy Juice, Kids Mood, and Kid's Calm night gummies.

    If you want just the Happy Juice + Kid's Mood, try this stack.Takeawaysβœ… Amare's flagship product, Happy Juice, combines prebiotics, probiotics, phytobiotics, and nootropics to optimize brain signaling and support emotional balance.βœ… Strain-specific probiotics are important for optimal results.Bacteria play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being.βœ… Amare's products have been backed by research and have shown positive results in improving fatigue, depression, anger, and tension.βœ… Amare's products have been effective for many individuals, including weight loss, improved mood, and reduced bloating.βœ… Bacteria depletion in the soil and environment has led to a loss of beneficial bacteria in our food and overall health.Chapters00:00 The Science Behind Amare's Mental Wellness Products27:51 The Impact of Probiotics on the Microbiome and Health32:22 Unique Benefits of Amare's Products for Sexual Wellness and Sleep Support

  • Sonya McVay, founder of The Six, shares her personal experiences and the pivotal moments that led her to specialize in post-traumatic fitness and sports therapy for veterans and first responders. The Six offers a holistic model that combines physical and mental health treatments to support the unique needs of these populations. By addressing the physical aspects of trauma, such as muscle tension and restricted movement, The Six helps individuals improve their overall well-being and performance. The integration of mental health coaching and support further enhances the effectiveness of the program. Building trust and fostering a sense of community are key factors in creating a safe and supportive environment for veterans and first responders to seek help and healing. The conversation with Sonya McVay focused on the innovative therapies and programs offered by The Six Foundation to support first responders. Sonya discussed the success of their approach, which includes bodywork treatments, coaching, and the use of technology such as AI. She emphasized the importance of prevention and proactive care for responders, highlighting the need for a shift in the paradigm of how mental health is addressed in the industry. Sonya also emphasized the significance of support from departments and the community in order to expand their reach and make a positive impact on responder wellness.


    βœ… The Six specializes in post-traumatic fitness and sports therapy for veterans and first responders.

    βœ… Addressing the physical aspects of trauma, such as muscle tension and restricted movement, is crucial for overall well-being and performance.

    βœ… The integration of mental health coaching and support enhances the effectiveness of the program.

    βœ… Building trust and fostering a sense of community are key factors in creating a safe and supportive environment for veterans and first responders to seek help and healing. The Six Foundation offers a range of innovative therapies and programs to support first responders, including bodywork treatments, coaching, and the use of technology such as AI.

    βœ… Prevention and proactive care are crucial for responder wellness, and there is a need for a shift in the paradigm of how mental health is addressed in the industry.

    βœ… Support from departments and the community is essential for expanding the reach of programs like The Six Foundation and making a positive impact on responder well-being.


    00:00 Introduction to Sonia McVeigh and The Six

    01:13 Personal Experiences and Passion for Serving Veterans and First Responders

    05:59 The Role of Physical Health in Trauma Recovery

    08:11 Understanding the Nervous System and Its Impact on the Body

    10:18 Pilates and ART: Modalities for Healing and Restoration

    20:54 Breaking Down Stigma and Fostering Trust in the First Responder Community

    25:26 Success and Partnerships with Departments

    26:51 Innovative Bodywork Therapies

    30:37 Integration of AI and Technology

    35:22 Focus on Prevention and Longevity

    36:58 Challenges of Implementing Programs in Departments

    43:09 Listening and Bringing Hope

    46:08 Creating a Safe Space at Home

    49:17 Supporting The Six Foundation

  • "I feel worse for people who haven't experienced adversity."

    Kelly Gormeley Soto, a life and transition coach, shares her unique pain to purpose story and the inspiration behind the Messy in the Middle project. She discusses her background, including growing up with a single mom and facing challenges such as her mother's death, becoming a single mom herself, and her ex-husband's battle with cancer. Kelly emphasizes the importance of self-care, being of service to others, and finding support and guidance from coaches and mentors. She also introduces the Messy in the Middle summit, which brings together experts in various fields to help individuals navigate life's challenges and create the life they deserve.


    βœ… Self-care and taking time for oneself is crucial, especially during challenging times.

    βœ… Being of service to others can bring fulfillment and help overcome personal struggles.

    βœ… Finding support and guidance from coaches and mentors can provide valuable insights and help navigate life's challenges.

    βœ… The Messy in the Middle summit brings together experts in various fields to provide tools and inspiration for creating the life you deserve.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    07:26 Unique Pain to Purpose Story

    12:23 The Power of Self-Talk and Belief

    25:35 The Importance of Community and Learning from Others

    31:18 The Messy in the Middle Project and Summit

    36:05 Connect with Kelly Gormley Soto

  • "We want to help people reimagine autoimmunity as not this doom and gloom thing or this life sentence or this diagnosis that you're going to label yourself with the rest of your life. But it's actually the catalyst to transform your life."

    Noelle Creamer, co-founder of Brightly Thrive, shares her personal journey with autoimmune disease and how it led her to create a supportive community for others facing the same challenges. She discusses the limitations of traditional Facebook groups and the importance of creating a positive and empowering environment for individuals with autoimmune conditions. Noelle emphasizes the need for personalized approaches to healing and the role of community in providing support, guidance, and accountability. She also highlights the impact of loneliness on autoimmune conditions and the importance of fostering beneficial connections. Brightly Thrive offers a comprehensive platform with a team of health and wellness experts, educational content, and a supportive community to help individuals navigate their autoimmune journey.


    βœ… Brightly Thrive was created to provide support and guidance to individuals with autoimmune conditions, based on the personal journey of co-founder Noelle Creamer.

    βœ… Traditional Facebook groups can be negative and unhelpful for individuals with autoimmune conditions, leading to the creation of a more positive and empowering community at Brightly Thrive.

    βœ… Personalized approaches to healing are essential for individuals with autoimmune conditions, focusing on foundational aspects such as gut health, stress management, and sleep optimization.

    βœ… Loneliness can contribute to autoimmune conditions, and community support plays a crucial role in providing connection, understanding, and encouragement.

    βœ… Brightly Thrive offers a comprehensive platform with health and wellness experts, educational content, and a supportive community to help individuals navigate their autoimmune journey.


    00:00 The Autoimmune Journey: Pain to Purpose

    02:58 The Paradigm Shift in Autoimmunity

    11:34 Community Support and Holistic Lifestyle

  • "We tested at the laboratory... it came up really high in an industrial chemical called acrylamide, which is associated with endometrial and uterine cancer."

    In this conversation, Joel Evan interviews David Steinman, a best-selling author, about hidden chemical toxins in everyday products for children. They discuss the importance of protecting children from these toxins and the role of organic foods in reducing exposure. They also touch on the impact of GMOs, the dangers of glyphosate, and the need for individuals to take proactive steps to protect themselves and their families. David shares examples of lawsuits he has filed against companies and emphasizes the importance of citizen empowerment and anti-toxic activism. The conversation with David Steinman focused on the importance of making conscious shopping choices to create change and protect our health. Steinman shared a story about how the organic food movement transformed the farming practices in Salinas, California, and improved the health of children in the area. He emphasized the power of consumer influence in creating safer options and highlighted the need for individuals to take responsibility for their shopping choices. The discussion also covered the topic of water filtration, with Steinman recommending a combination of reverse osmosis and activated carbon filters for optimal results. He provided practical steps for detoxing the home, such as using non-toxic cleaning products and choosing organic bedding and furnishings. Steinman highlighted the pervasive and destructive nature of phthalates, which are found in many everyday products and can have detrimental effects on fertility, IQ, and gender behavior. He emphasized the importance of individual action in creating a healthier future for our children and society as a whole.


    βœ… Hidden chemical toxins in everyday products pose a significant risk to children's health and development.

    βœ… Choosing organic foods can help reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.

    βœ… GMO foods should be avoided due to potential health effects and the use of pesticides.

    βœ… Glyphosate, a common pesticide, can have detrimental effects on fertility and cognitive abilities.

    βœ… Government agencies may not always prioritize consumer health, so individuals need to take responsibility for protecting themselves and their families.

    βœ… Combining reverse osmosis and activated carbon filters is recommended for effective water filtration.

    βœ… Detoxing the home can be achieved by using non-toxic cleaning products and choosing organic bedding and furnishings.

    βœ… Phthalates, found in many everyday products, can have detrimental effects on fertility, IQ, and gender behavior.


    00:00 Protecting Children from Hidden Chemical Toxins

    03:08 The Importance of Organic and Non-GMO Foods

    15:22 Empowering Consumer Activism

    30:25 The Importance of Water Filtration

    40:18 Proactive Measures for Detoxifying Homes and Protecting Children

  • "I found this one breathing technique and in one session, I completely eradicated my stomach condition."

    Curtis Lee Thomas, a mindfulness trainer and breathwork teacher, shares his journey of healing and how breathwork became the key to his own transformation. He explains that breathwork clears energetic blockages in the body, which can lead to physical and emotional discomfort. Curtis emphasizes the immediate and undeniable results of breathwork, making it a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. He also discusses the importance of consciousness and awareness in manifesting and creating a life of abundance. Curtis offers breathwork detox sessions and recommends trying breathwork with a certified facilitator for the best experience. Kurtis Lee Thomas discusses the importance of breathwork and its impact on mental health in corporate settings. He shares his experiences working with top global brands and celebrities, highlighting the positive effects of breathwork on individuals and organizations. Thomas also talks about the Just Breathe Foundation and its mission to promote mindfulness and breathwork in schools. He emphasizes the practicality and simplicity of breathwork, positioning it as a bridge between spirituality and business. Thomas envisions breathwork becoming more prevalent in the corporate world, offering a solution to burnout and stress. He also mentions upcoming projects, including breathwork parties and training teachers in breathwork.


    Breathwork can clear energetic blockages in the body and lead to physical and emotional healing.

    Breathwork provides immediate and undeniable results, making it a powerful tool for personal growth.

    Consciousness and awareness are key in manifesting and creating a life of abundance.

    Trying breathwork with a certified facilitator is recommended for the best experience. Breathwork is a powerful tool for improving mental health and preventing burnout in corporate settings.

    Mindfulness and breathwork can be introduced in the corporate world through the language of mindfulness, focusing on awareness and consciousness.

    The Just Breathe Foundation promotes mindfulness and breathwork in schools, aiming to provide children with tools for managing anxiety and stress.

    Breathwork has the potential to become more prevalent in the corporate world, offering a practical and effective solution to burnout and stress.

    Thomas is training teachers in breathwork to create a network of facilitators who can impact more individuals and organizations.

    Upcoming projects include breathwork parties and a documentary on breathwork, aimed at making breathwork more accessible and enjoyable.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    02:05 Discovering the Power of Breathwork

    06:12 The Immediate Results of Breathwork

    10:12 Mindfulness and Consciousness in Manifesting

    15:00 Different Types and Durations of Breathwork

    23:25 Letting Go and Creating Space for Manifestation

    25:42 The Key to Abundance and Removing Limitations

    27:41 Trying Breathwork with a Live Facilitator

    29:26 Virtual Breathwork Sessions and Local Places to Learn

    29:50 Breathwork's Impact on Corporate Organizations

    31:53 Mental Health and the Just Breathe Foundation

    34:57 Using Technology to Monitor Employee Stress Levels

    38:39 Teaching Mindfulness to Children

    40:26 Incorporating Mindfulness in the Corporate World

    44:51 The Future of Breathwork in the Corporate World

    47:23 Breathwork Parties: A Fun and Transformative Experience

  • Rod Francis, a coach and educator, shares his journey from a career in performing arts and modeling to becoming a mindfulness teacher and high-level coach. He emphasizes the importance of presence and mindfulness in transforming one's life and relationships. Rod highlights that mindfulness is not just a 10-minute daily practice but a way of living and embodying a culture of mindfulness. He also discusses the ethical component of mindfulness and the need for wise voices and support during times of transition. Rod provides practical tips for cultivating presence, such as stopping, taking a breath, and seeking mentorship. In this conversation, Rod Francis and Joel Evan discuss the importance of presence and mindfulness in our lives. They explore practical tips for cultivating presence, such as active listening and being aware of our internal mental processes. They also discuss the Emergent Coach Training Program, which focuses on integrating the body and nature into coaching practices. Rod emphasizes the significance of rites of passage in personal growth and transformation. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for awareness, connection with nature, and intentional practices in our daily lives.


    βœ… Presence and mindfulness are key in transforming one's life and relationships.

    βœ… Mindfulness is not just a 10-minute daily practice but a way of living and embodying a culture of mindfulness.

    βœ… During times of transition, it is important to seek support from wise voices and mentors.

    βœ… Cultivating presence involves stopping, taking a breath, and being fully present in the moment. Cultivating presence involves active listening and being aware of our internal mental processes.

    βœ… The Emergent Coach Training Program integrates the body and nature into coaching practices.

    βœ… Rites of passage are important for personal growth and transformation.

    βœ… Nature has a profound impact on human health and psychology.

    βœ… Integrating nature into coaching conversations can have a positive impact on clients' nervous systems.


    00:00 Introduction and Gratitude

    02:28 Rod Francis' Eclectic Career Journey

    08:11 Pivoting from Modeling to Coaching

    13:00 Transition and Finding What You Really Want

    29:12 Practical Tips for Presence and Active Listening

    31:00 Cultivating Presence

    38:20 The Emergent Coach Training Program

    47:08 Rites of Passage

    54:47 The Impact of Nature

    59:41 Conclusion

  • Dr. Yug Varma, co-founder and CEO of Phyla, discusses the advanced probiotic acne system that can reduce acne by 90%. The system targets the root cause of acne, which is the bacteria C-acnes, and eliminates off-target effects and side effects of traditional acne medications. The technology kills bad bacteria without harming the beneficial bacteria in the body. The brain-skin connection is also explored, highlighting the potential impact of improving skin health on the nervous system and overall well-being. Phyla is a company that focuses on developing products to address acne and other skin conditions by targeting the skin microbiome. They use phages, which are viruses that can kill specific bacteria, to rebalance the skin microbiome and reduce inflammation. The company is also exploring the potential of their phage technology to address other skin conditions, such as inflammation, uneven skin tone, and dull skin. While their current focus is on the skin, they are interested in expanding their technology to target other microbiomes, such as the gut microbiome.


    βœ… Phyla's probiotic acne system targets the root cause of acne, which is the bacteria C-acnes.

    βœ… The system can reduce acne by 90% and eliminates off-target effects and side effects of traditional acne medications.

    βœ… The brain-skin connection suggests that improving skin health can have a positive impact on the nervous system and overall well-being.

    βœ… Phyla's technology kills bad bacteria without harming the beneficial bacteria in the body. Phyla uses phages to target specific bacteria and rebalance the skin microbiome.

    βœ… Their products have shown positive results in reducing acne and improving skin health.

    βœ… Phyla is exploring the potential of their phage technology to address other skin conditions and potentially target other microbiomes.

    βœ… Maintaining a balanced skin microbiome is important for long-term skin health.


    00:00 Introduction to Phyla and the Problem of Acne

    01:24 Targeting the Root Cause of Acne

    10:29 The Risks and Benefits of Accutane

    22:10 The Skin-Gut and Skin-Brain Connections

    23:32 The Psychological Impact of Acne

    24:30 The Role of Sea Acne in Skin Inflammation

    27:12 Addressing the Underlying Cause of Acne

    30:00 Phyla's Approach: Building a Resilient Microbiome

    32:31 Exploring the Potential of Phage Technology

    35:02 Customer Testimonials: Life-Changing Results

    37:46 Phyla's Products: Making a Massive Difference

    38:44 The Link Between Phages and Healthy Skin

    41:39 Continuous Innovation and Future Projects

    46:20 Connecting with Phyla on Social Media

  • "If you want a highly collaborative environment, if you want to not only speak of an organization's where there's no titles, just roles and responsibilities, then show it by being vulnerable first."

    Steve Tashjian, a high-performance expert and consultant, shares his journey in the world of sports and how he transitioned into working with leadership and executive teams. He emphasizes the importance of being surrounded by great people and always saying yes to opportunities. Steve highlights the key themes he focuses on when working with organizations, including vision, purpose, trust, collaboration, and vulnerability. He believes that leaders should be open to possibility and change, admit their mistakes, and show vulnerability to build trust and create a highly collaborative environment. The conversation explores the importance of vulnerability, trust, and collaboration in leadership and high-performance environments. It emphasizes the value of learning from failures and debriefing them effectively. The guest, Steve Tashjian, shares insights from his experience working with elite athletes and how those lessons can be applied in everyday life and leadership roles. He highlights the significance of understanding individuals' needs, being patient, and building trust in order to bring out the best in them. The conversation also touches on the challenges of maintaining a winner's mindset and executing a process under pressure.


    βœ… Key themes for high performance in organizations include vision, purpose, trust, collaboration, and vulnerability.

    βœ… Leaders should admit their mistakes, be transparent, and show vulnerability to build trust.

    βœ… Debriefing failures is crucial for learning and growth in organizations.

    βœ… Leaders should create a safe space for admitting faults and taking ownership.

    βœ… Vulnerability is a powerful tool for gaining trust and building a collaborative environment. Leaders should be open about their role and take ownership of mistakes.

    βœ… In high-performance environments, such as sports and corporate settings, individuals have free choice and should be treated as individuals. The myth of blindly following a coach's orders does not work.

  • "Those sleeping on Essentia were getting as little as 20% increased REM and deep sleep to as much as 70% more."

    Jack Dell'Accio, founder and CEO of Essentia mattresses, discusses the importance of sleep coaching and the unique features of their memory foam mattresses. Jack got into the sleep industry when his family was looking for a clean environment for his father who had cancer. They developed an organic version of memory foam using latex and focused on performance and wellness. Essentia mattresses are certified organic and free from VOCs, plastics, and other toxins. They also regulate temperature, mitigate EMFs, and even have a blend of essential oils that reduce mold growth. Pro athletes who have used Ascension mattresses have seen significant improvements in their REM and deep sleep. Ascension mattresses offer a range of products that prioritize sleep quality and performance. Their mattresses are designed to provide thermal regulation, pressure redistribution, and allergen-free sleep. The company focuses on creating high-quality, durable foam mattresses that outperform traditional coil and organic mattresses. Essentia offers different models at various price points, starting at around $2,000 for a queen-size bed. The company also offers a custom ProCore mattress for athletes and high performers. In addition to a great mattress, maintaining a consistent sleep routine and managing surrounding light are important for optimal sleep hygiene.


    βœ… Essentia mattresses are made with organic memory foam that is free from VOCs and other toxins.

    βœ… The mattresses regulate temperature, mitigate EMFs, and reduce mold growth.

    βœ… Pro athletes who have used Essentia mattresses have seen significant improvements in their REM and deep sleep. Essentia mattresses prioritize sleep quality and performance.

    βœ… Their mattresses offer thermal regulation, pressure redistribution, and allergen-free sleep.

    βœ… Essentia mattresses outperform traditional coil and organic mattresses.

    βœ… Maintaining a consistent sleep routine and managing surrounding light are important for optimal sleep hygiene.

  • "If you're going to make stuff up anyway, make up something that moves you towards your vision."Jean Marie Jobs, a coach, speaker, and author, shares her journey into coaching and leadership. She emphasizes the importance of living fully and stepping out of one's comfort zone. Jean Marie works with executives and helps them move towards their goals by challenging their assumptions and beliefs. She also discusses the challenges of leading through change and the need for effective communication and empathy. Jean Marie highlights the importance of authenticity and being present as a leader. She shares her experience working with difficult leaders and the need for self-awareness and openness to feedback. Lastly, she discusses her work with first responders and the importance of human connection in leadership. In this conversation, Jean-Marie Jobs discusses the importance of compartmentalization and the need to dial down hypervigilance and attention to detail in order to relax and connect with others. She emphasizes the value of being present with someone and listening without the need to fix things. Jean-Marie also highlights the need for law enforcement officers and veterans to process their experiences and seek support, as unresolved trauma can manifest physically and emotionally. She shares practical tips for fostering a positive mindset, including the mantra of finding resource in every situation. Jean-Marie is currently working on a project with the United Nations in Somalia, focusing on peace, justice, and security transformation.Takeawaysβœ… Living fully and stepping out of one's comfort zone is essential for personal growth and leadership development.βœ… Effective leadership requires challenging assumptions and beliefs, both in oneself and in others.βœ… Self-awareness and openness to feedback are essential for personal and professional growth as a leader.βœ… Human connection is vital in leadership, especially in high-stress environments like law enforcement and first responders. Compartmentalization and dialing down hypervigilance are important for law enforcement officers and veterans to relax and connect with others.βœ… Unresolved trauma can manifest physically and emotionally, and it is important for individuals to process their experiences and seek support.βœ… Jean-Marie Jobs is currently working on a project with the United Nations in Somalia, focusing on peace, justice, and security transformation.Timeline00:00 Introduction and Background02:03 The Power of Personal Transformation and Reinvention04:22 Challenging Beliefs and Embracing New Possibilities07:19 Authenticity and Self-Awareness in Leadership11:48 Leading Through Change: Communication and Addressing Loss20:12 Challenging Beliefs and Embracing New Possibilities23:14 The Importance of Human Connection in Leadership27:12 Dialing Down Hypervigilance: The Power of Being Present29:35 Listening Without Fixing: Connecting with Others36:08 Finding Resourcefulness in Every Situation43:51 Active Surrender: Unlocking New Possibilities47:00 Transformational Work: Universal Conversations

  • In this conversation, Joel Evan and Guy Odishaw discuss the use of bioelectric medicine, specifically neurofeedback and other devices, in treating various health conditions. They highlight the success they have seen in treating macular degeneration and dementia, with patients experiencing significant improvements in their conditions. They also discuss the importance of the electrical system in the body and how bioelectric medicine can interact with it to promote optimal health outcomes. The conversation touches on the challenges of treating patients with dementia and the potential of visual entrainment in improving communication skills. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the transformative power of bioelectric medicine in improving health and well-being. The conversation explores the use of audiovisual entrainment devices in regulating the nervous system and promoting healing. The devices create a sense of safety and help individuals engage in talk therapy and emotional release. Different brainwave frequencies, such as alpha, theta, and gamma, are used depending on the individual's needs and tolerance. The devices can be used with children, and strategies like negotiation and rewards can be employed to encourage their use. The importance of regulating the nervous system for overall health and longevity is emphasized.


    βœ… Bioelectric medicine, including neurofeedback and other devices, has shown promising results in treating various health conditions.

    βœ… Patients with macular degeneration and dementia have experienced significant improvements in their conditions through the use of bioelectric medicine.

    βœ… The electrical system of the body plays a crucial role in overall health, and bioelectric medicine offers a way to interact with this system for optimal health outcomes.

    βœ… Visual entrainment has the potential to improve communication skills in individuals with dementia.

    βœ… Bioelectric medicine provides a transformative approach to healthcare, offering safe and effective treatments with minimal side effects. Audiovisual entrainment devices can help regulate the nervous system and promote healing.

    βœ… Different brainwave frequencies, such as alpha, theta, and gamma, can be used depending on the individual's needs.

    βœ… The devices can be used with children, and strategies like negotiation and rewards can encourage their use.

    βœ… Regulating the nervous system is crucial for overall health and longevity.


    01:24 Treating Macular Degeneration with Bioelectric Medicine

    08:33 The Benefits of At-Home Treatment

    11:19 Exploring Bioelectric Medicine and its Applications

    16:21 Understanding the Practitioner's Background

    25:15 The Challenges of Working with Dementia Patients

    26:14 Rapid Results with Audio-Visual Entrainment

    27:36 Addressing Emotional Hurdles in First Responders

    27:55 Devices for Healing Trauma

    29:31 Exploring Brainwave Frequencies in Therapy

    32:36 The Power of Audiovisual Entrainment Devices

    35:45 Improving Regulation and Academic Performance in Schools

    47:47 The Role of the Nervous System in Health and Longevity

  • Dr. Mario Torres Leon discusses the importance of emotional connection and communication in relationships. He highlights the challenges that men face in expressing their emotions and the impact it has on their relationships. Dr. Mario emphasizes the need for men to develop a language for feelings and emotions to create a deeper connection with their partners. He also shares personal experiences and stories to illustrate the importance of vulnerability and emotional awareness in building strong relationships. Dr. Mario Torres-Leon discusses the importance of acknowledging and addressing the underlying issues in relationships. He emphasizes the need for men to have open conversations about their emotions and vulnerabilities, as this can lead to personal growth and stronger connections with their partners. Becoming untriggerable, or being present and fully engaged with one's emotions, is a key aspect of this process. Dr. Torres-Leon also highlights the significance of language and the impact it has on the brain, as well as the importance of recognizing and understanding the physical sensations associated with emotions.Takeawaysβœ… Men often struggle with expressing their emotions and connecting with their partners on an emotional level.βœ… Developing a language for feelings and emotions is crucial for men to deepen their connection with their partners.βœ… Vulnerability and emotional awareness are essential for building strong and fulfilling relationships.βœ… Becoming untriggerable allows individuals to be fully present and engaged with their emotions.βœ… Language plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and experiences.βœ… Recognizing and understanding the physical sensations associated with emotions is important for self-awareness and emotional well-being.Timeline02:53 The Importance of Emotional Connection08:42 Challenges in Expressing Emotions11:32 The Limitations of Traditional Self-Growth Methods21:20 The Consequences of Emotional Disconnection26:38 The Power of Vulnerability28:45 The Importance of Open Communication and Emotional Vulnerability31:55 Becoming 'Untriggerable' for Personal Growth and Relationship Improvement35:27 The Connection Between Language, Emotions, and the Brain50:32 The Importance of Body Mapping in Understanding and Expressing Emotions

  • Curt Storing, founder of Dad Work, shares his journey of personal growth and transformation as a father and husband. He started Dad Work because he realized he was an awful dad and husband and wanted to change. Through self-awareness, meditation, and men's work, he was able to heal his past wounds and become a better father and husband. The biggest mistake he sees men making in their marriage and fatherhood is not taking on the role of a leader. Men need to lead emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and communicatively in order to create fulfilling family lives. In this conversation, Curt and Joel discuss the importance of leadership in relationships and the challenges of being imperfect. Curt shares his personal struggle with perfectionism and the need to appear perfect, which has impacted his relationships with his family. He also talks about his current focus on embracing his imperfections and learning to prioritize others over himself. The conversation then shifts to Curt's decision to step away from his successful business, Dad Work, and his journey of surrender and faith. Curt shares his new projects, including Truth Journals and Proclaim Podcasting.


    βœ… Self-awareness is key to personal growth and transformation as a father and husband.

    βœ… Men need to take on the role of a leader in their marriage and family, leading emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and communicatively.

    βœ… Men's work and community support are crucial for healing past wounds and developing emotional intelligence.

    βœ… Hard work, self-reflection, and continuous learning are necessary for personal growth as a father and husband. Leadership is essential in building trust, communication, connection, and intimacy in relationships.

    βœ… Embracing imperfections and prioritizing others over oneself is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships.

    βœ… Surrendering to God's plan and trusting in His faithfulness can lead to unexpected blessings and personal transformation.

    βœ… Curt's new projects include Truth Journals and Proclaim Podcasting, where he helps others with journaling and podcast editing.


    01:18 The Motivation Behind Dad Work

    08:27 The Power of Men's Work and Community

    14:07 The Transformational Power of Going All In

    21:21 The Importance of Leadership in Family Life

    22:22 The Challenge of Emotional Intelligence and Communication

    22:49 The Role of Leadership in Relationships

    24:00 The Challenge of Surrendering to God's Plan

    26:02 Healing Toxic Performance Identities

    42:49 Curt's Current Projects: Truth Journals and Proclaim Podcasting

  • "My definition of leadership is influence."

    In this conversation, Joel Evan interviews Al Herrera, a leadership coach and identity expert. Al shares his journey from being a criminal indicted on federal crimes to becoming a top leadership coach. They discuss the importance of energy, truth, and connection in leadership. Al emphasizes the significance of self-talk and identity in overcoming challenges and becoming a leader. They also touch on the misconceptions about leadership and the importance of self-mastery, adding value to others, and seeking feedback. In this conversation, Al Herrera and Joel Evan discuss the importance of personal growth and leadership in both professional and personal life. They emphasize the need for feedback and accountability, as well as the power of forgiveness and receiving. Al shares his unconventional advice of forgiving others and the impact it can have on personal growth. They also discuss the significance of being a leader in the family and the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Al shares his rituals of working out, prayer, and gratitude.


    βœ… Leadership is about influence, not just having a title.

    βœ… Self-talk and identity play a crucial role in overcoming challenges and becoming a leader.

    βœ… Feedback and accountability are crucial for growth and development.

    βœ… Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and freedom.

    βœ… Being a leader in the family is just as important as being a leader in an organization.

    βœ… Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are key to effective leadership.

    βœ… Rituals such as working out, prayer, and gratitude can enhance personal well-being and growth.


    06:37 The Power of Energy, Truth, and Connection in Leadership

    26:14 The Importance of Seeking Feedback for Personal Growth and Leadership

    42:25 Projects and Initiatives for Personal and Professional Development

    50:18 Recommended Books for Personal Growth and Leadership

  • "A true warrior is not one that fights, but walks into their own battle."
    Arthur Levitan, a Taoist master, shares his journey from pursuing the American dream of wealth and success to finding fulfillment in Taoism. He emphasizes the importance of embracing the principles of nature and the permanence of principles over values. He discusses the need to adapt and run towards crises rather than avoiding them, as well as the role of humility in overcoming challenges. Levitan also highlights the Dao De Ching as a manual for warriors, emphasizing the importance of monitoring the mind. In this conversation, Arthur Levitan discusses the qualities of a true warrior and the importance of self-reflection. He emphasizes the need to walk into one's own battles and not run away from them. Levitan also highlights the significance of seeing oneself and the world clearly, as well as finding one's place in the world. He explains that many high-level executives and successful individuals may be lacking in certain areas of their lives because they have focused solely on their careers. Levitan advises going all in and committing fully to a goal or endeavor, as half-hearted efforts lead to hesitation and lack of success. He also stresses the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people during a crisis and not judging others. Finally, Levitan shares his exciting projects, including a platform for people in sobriety and a book on training AI systems to promote spiritual awakening.


    βœ… The American dream of wealth and success does not guarantee happiness and fulfillment.

    βœ… Embracing the principles of nature and permanence is essential for personal growth and success.

    βœ… Running towards crises and accepting them as part of life allows for adaptation and resilience.

    βœ… The Dao De Ching serves as a manual for warriors, emphasizing the importance of monitoring the mind. A true warrior walks into their own battles and does not run away from them.

    βœ… Many high-level executives may be successful in their careers but lack fulfillment in other areas of their lives.

    βœ… Going all in and committing fully to a goal or endeavor leads to greater success.

    βœ… During a crisis, it is important to surround oneself with the right people who can provide support and guidance.

    βœ… Engaging in practices like Qigong can help recharge and energize the body and mind.


    13:51 The Dao De Ching: A Manual for Warriors

    35:08 The Mind of a Warrior

    41:44 Challenges Faced by High-Level Executives

    51:21 The Power of Community in Times of Crisis

  • In this conversation, Dr. Kim D'Auramo discusses the importance of connecting with the truth of our physical symptoms and the messages our bodies are sending us. She emphasizes the need to be present and listen to our bodies, rather than suppressing or overriding the symptoms. Dr. D'Auramo also highlights the role of emotions in healing and suggests softening the body and allowing the energy of emotions to move through. She shares that chronic diseases and symptoms can often be a result of disconnection and self-suppression. The conversation also touches on the power of tapping (EFT) in shifting brainwave states and allowing new information and awareness to come in. In this conversation, Joel and Kim discuss the importance of surrender and acceptance in healing and personal growth. They highlight the connection between physical symptoms and belief systems, and how addressing the core issues can lead to overall improvement in various areas of life. Kim introduces her year-long program that focuses on shifting the brain and expanding one's concept of self to access greater creative power. They emphasize the power of honest communication and vulnerability in relationships. The conversation concludes with information about Kim's upcoming workshop and where to find more information about her work.


    βœ… Connect with the truth of your physical symptoms and listen to the messages your body is sending you.

    βœ… Softening the body and allowing the energy of emotions to move through can facilitate deep healing.

    βœ… Chronic diseases and symptoms can be a result of disconnection and self-suppression.

    βœ… Tapping (EFT) can shift brainwave states and allow new information and awareness to come in. Surrender and acceptance are key in healing and personal growth.

    βœ… Kim's upcoming workshop provides an introduction to her work and the opportunity to experience exercises and guided journeys.


    00:00 Introduction and Recap

    09:21 Understanding Disconnection and Self-Suppression

    16:37 Tapping into Deep Healing with Emotional Freedom Technique

    41:23 The Universal Roots of Disconnection