
  • Have you ever noticed how a delicious meal can instantly lift your spirits? Food goes beyond just fueling our bodies; it nourishes our souls and strengthens connections with the people around us. But how exactly does food create happiness and deeper connections?  

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Paul Cure explore the fascinating link between food, happiness, and building meaningful relationships.

    Paul Cure is a Realtor with the Burgess Group | Compass and the Community Chair for the Conference on World Affairs. He is also a freelance journalist who specializes in lifestyle topics, including design, style, food, and travel. Paul is passionate about bringing together various businesses and personalities to foster community building and social engagement.

    In this conversation, Ashish and Paul discuss how shared meals can enhance happiness and strengthen relationships.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • What is Slow Food?

    • The Emotional Impact of Eating Environments

    • How Sharing a Meal Cultivates Mindfulness

    • Building Connections Through Food

    Struggling to find meaningful ways to connect with loved ones? We've got the recipe for you! Don’t wait! Tune into this podcast now.


    • Burgess Group | Compass - https://burgessgrouprealty.com/paul-cure/

    • Also mentioned: The Eat-In Method by Callie Cavanaugh https://calliecavanaugh.com/program 


    • Comfort Food: Exploring Our Relationship and Craving for Love and Belonging At the Table by Paul Cure

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Relationships can be tricky because they mix together two people with different backgrounds and habits, and sometimes things get a bit tangled up. It’s like blending two different paint colors without making a mess! Every relationship hits rough patches, but we can turn those bumps in the road into springboards for growing closer.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari, Founder of Happiness Squad, discusses how to cultivate positive emotions to deepen our relationships.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • How to generate positive emotions

    • Practice being a ‘gratitude detective’

    • Managing negative emotions and interactions

    • The most destructive behaviors in relationships.


    • Rewire Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/

    • The Happiness Squad on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-squad/id1663683864

    • Happiness Squad Podcast: https://podcast.happinesssquad.com/

    • Happiness Squad website: https://happinesssquad.com/

    • Happiness Squad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappinesssquad/

    • The Magic Relationship Ratio by Dr. John Gottman: https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-magic-relationship-ratio-according-science/


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

    • The Prophet by Khalil Gibran: https://www.amazon.com/Prophet-Kahlil-Gibran/dp/B001AGWEMK

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  • We're investing big bucks in employee well-being programs without really addressing the real problems affecting employees' performance. In fact, shocking stats from the McKinsey Health Institute reveal that a mere 3% of burnout comes from individual factors, while a staggering 97% is due to organizational, team, and job-related issues. 

    It looks like we’re spending a lot of money on wellness without tackling the bigger problem. Shouldn’t we be aiming for solutions that address the whole picture? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Ali Khan will discuss this issue with you.

    Ali Khan is an accomplished entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO of SHAPE - The Employee Experience Measurement Company. His leadership is marked by a commitment to creating flagship products that enhance flourishing and drive positive outcomes in workplaces facing unprecedented change. An expert in chronic and infectious disease diagnosis, Ali excels in transforming clinical, technical, and operational growth through data-driven services. 

    In the conversation, Ashish and Ali redefine employee flourishing and organizational success. They discuss how well-being and happiness are not merely byproducts of successful workplace environments but are foundational to creating them.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Defining flourishing and what helps individuals and organizations flourish

    • The Flourishing Wheel: 12 domains of flourishing

    • Effectiveness of Well-being Initiatives

    • Data-driven insights in transforming organizational practices


    • SHAPE Website: https://www.shapepowered.com/

    • SHAPE Global news: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sheilacallaham/2023/09/19/startup-advances-employee-productivity-measurement-captures-attention-of-global-leaders/?sh=4d0ff1f541c9 

    • Check out our related episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/lv/podcast/the-power-of-purpose-driven-organizations-with-alex-edmans/id1663683864?i=1000633983201 


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Do you know how stressed people are at work these days? Studies show a startling fact: nearly 40% of young workers feel they're on the edge because of job stress. It's clear we have a serious issue that's hurting both people's well-being and their job performance. 

    Could our work environments be contributing to the problem? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Genevieve Bonin explore this critical topic.

    Genevieve Bonin is the Managing Director and partner at Boston Consulting Group. She is a seasoned leader with over 27 years of experience in the public and private sectors, specializing in solving complex problems and leading transformational change. 

    At BCG, she leads the global public sector practice with a focus on Defence and Security and heads the Canadian Public Sector practice. A recognized thought leader in diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health and well-being, and leadership, she has authored numerous articles and delivered keynotes on these topics.

    Her military background as a Naval Engineering Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy deeply influences her ongoing commitment to philanthropy, particularly in supporting troops, veterans, and their families. She serves on several boards, including the True Patriot Love Foundation, Invictus Games 2025, and the Royal Ottawa Hospital Institute for Mental Health Research.

    Genevieve holds professional titles as a Fellow Certified Management Consultant and Professional Engineer and has been honored with the Telfer School of Management Philanthropy Award and the Veterans Affairs Ministerial Medal for her contributions to society. 

    In this conversation, Ashish and Genevieve discuss the importance of ongoing attention to workplace mental health and the need for businesses to prioritize improving their employees’ well-being and productivity at work.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Combating Workplace Burnout

    • Research on Mental Health Among Canadian Workers

    • Determining Workplace Stressors

    • The Concept of Generative Leadership

    • Organizational Strategies for Mental Health


    • Genevieve Bonin at Boston Consulting Group: https://www.bcg.com/about/people/experts/genevieve-bonin 

    • Genevieve Bonin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/genbonin?lang=en 

    • The Royal Mental Health Center: https://www.theroyal.ca/research/biography/genevieve-bonin 

    • The Next Frontier of Workplace Culture: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2023/workplace-burnout-costing-canadian-companies-billions 

    • Why Canada Needs Generative Leaders: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2022/generative-leadership-aiding-canadas-public-sector 


    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Our world feels increasingly divided, largely because we tend to surround ourselves with people who think the same way we do. This creates a cycle where we constantly reinforce our own beliefs and opinions. Over time, this makes it challenging to see or appreciate different viewpoints, as we're not regularly exposed to them.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Diana McLain Smith, Founder and Author of Remaking the Space Between Us, discuss overcoming our divides by transforming how we interact and understand each other in a divided world.

    Diana McLain Smith is a distinguished author and consultant specializing in leadership and organizational development. She has a robust academic background in psychology and social systems, and her work primarily focuses on helping leaders and teams navigate complex relationships and organizational challenges.

    Diana is also well-known for her insightful book, "The Elephant in the Room: How Relationships Make or Break the Success of Leaders and Organizations," where she explores the dynamics of human relationships within a professional context. Her expertise is frequently sought by leading organizations looking to enhance their leadership effectiveness and team collaboration.

    In the conversation, Ashish and Diana share their insights and provide actionable advice for improving societal and personal connections.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Ending the Epidemic of Loneliness

    • Hope as a crucial political act

    • Empathy as a superpower

    • Transforming conflict into an opportunity for improvement

    Tune in now and find out how you can take part in remaking the space between our divided world!


    • Diana’s website: http://www.dianamclainsmith.com/

    • Company website: http://www.newprofit.com/

    • Remaking the Space Between Us on Substack: https://remakingthespace.substack.com/about

    • Citizen Connect Organization: https://citizenconnect.us/

    • Listen First Project: https://www.listenfirstproject.org/

    • Roots & Shoots Organization by Jane Goodall: https://rootsandshoots.org/

    • Solutions Journalism Network: https://www.solutionsjournalism.org/


    • Remaking the Space Between Us by Diana McLain Smith

    • Elephant in the Room by Diana McLain Smith

    • Divide of Conquer by Diana McLain Smith

    • Waking Up White by Debbie Irving: https://www.debbyirving.com/the-book/

    • Primal Fear: Tribalism, Empathy, and the Way Forward by Rob Smith

    • Ask: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs In Leadership and Life

    • Begin Again by Eddie Glaude

    • Difficult Conversations by Bruce Patton

    • Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Here's a thought: What if the real secret to making more money was to focus less on the money itself? True success in organizations isn't just about chasing profits, but about being driven by a genuine purpose. It’s about making a meaningful impact, serving a greater cause, and adding value to the world.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish chats with Alex Edmans, a multi-award-winning professor of finance at London Business School with a PhD in finance from MIT Sloan. As a Fulbright scholar, he joined Wharton in 2007 before moving to London Business School. His TED talk, "The Pie Growing Mindset” and “The Social Responsibility of Business," has a combined 2.8 million views. He's written for the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and the Harvard Business Review.

    The focus of this conversation is Alex's book, 'Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit'. Through quantitative research, Alex introduces the concept of growing value for all stakeholders rather than merely dividing it. He presents three pivotal principles that guide organizations in defining their purpose. 

    Ashish supplements this with examples from his own work, ensuring that leaders, shareholders, or stakeholders of organizations will benefit. 

    Ready to redefine success and discover the power of purpose in organizations? Listen to this episode now!

    Things you will also learn from this episode:

    • The concept of ‘growing the pie’ and long-term greed

    • The correlation and causation of employee satisfaction and stock returns

    • The power of purpose in maximizing profit


    • Alex Edmans’ website: http://www.alexedmans.com/ 

    • Growth the Pie website: http://www.growthepie.net/ 

    • TED Talk: The Pie-Growing Mindset https://www.ted.com/talks/alex_edmans_the_pie_growing_mindset 

    • TED Talk: The Social Responsibility of Business  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5KZhm19EO0 


    • Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit

  • Do you ever feel like you're juggling work and your personal life at once, trying to keep them from crashing down? You're not alone. The traditional notion of work-life balance often paints an unrealistic picture of perfectly equal scales. But let's face it; the scales are rarely balanced.  

    Stress builds as you struggle to keep up, leaving you exhausted and frustrated. What if there was a better way to balance work and life? 

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari sits with Scott Shute, Founder of Changing Work. 

    Scott Shute is a keynote speaker, author, and leadership coach with extensive experience as an executive. He is passionate about people development, integrating the practical aspects of leadership in the modern business world with the wisdom of ancient traditions. 

    With over twenty-five years in customer-oriented leadership and executive roles, including three years leading Mindfulness and Compassion programs at LinkedIn, Scott now aids other leaders and companies to become more compassionate and effective. 

    Scott aims to weave these practices into the fabric of company culture, influencing how products are developed, sold, and serviced to benefit employees and customers. His background in operations allows him to scale these transformative practices across organizations effectively.

    In the conversation, Ashish and Scott discuss the concept of work-life integration and the best approaches to blending work and life.

    Here are other things you will learn from this episode:

    • The meaning and inspiration of the ‘Full Body YES’

    • Work-life balance vs Work-life integration

    • Handling unmeaningful work

    • Mindfulness and compassion programs

    • The Changing Work Collective


    • Scott Shute website: https://www.scottshute.com/ 

    • Work with Scott Shute here: https://www.scottshute.com/work-with-me 

    • Changing Work Movement: https://www.changingwork.org/ 


    • The Full Body YES by Scott Shute: https://www.scottshute.com/the-book 

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Ever feel like chasing personal achievements isn't really making you happy? You're not alone. It's a common trap that leaves many of us feeling empty. It's a frustrating realization that success and status often fail to fill the void we hope they would. It leaves us questioning, what does happiness truly mean?

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Stephanie Harrison, Founder of The New Happy, discuss a groundbreaking approach to finding your ‘new happy’. It's happiness, redefined.

    Stephanie Harrison, Founder of The New Happy Co., is a multifaceted entrepreneur, acclaimed writer, innovative designer, and engaging speaker. Holding a master's degree in positive psychology from the prestigious University of Pennsylvania, she has dedicated her career to pioneering a transformative philosophy of happiness.

    As the author of the upcoming book NEW HAPPY: Getting Happiness Right In A World That’s Got It Wrong, set to be published by Penguin Random House on May 14, 2024, Stephanie continues to influence and reshape the conversation around what it truly means to live a fulfilled life.

    In the conversation, Ashish and Stephanie discuss a new formula for happiness that’s about more than just personal gain—it's about community and helping others.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • The Old vs. New Concept of Happiness

    • The importance of self-acceptance

    • Growth through self-love

    • Discovering your talents

    • Serving others with your gifts

    Tune into the full episode here to hear their insightful discussion on the new meaning of happiness.


    • The New Happy website: https://www.thenewhappy.com/about

    • New Happy Book: https://www.thenewhappy.com/book


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

    • Author of New Happy: Getting Happiness Right in a World That's Got It Wrong: https://www.amazon.com/New-Happy-Getting-Happiness-Right/dp/0593541383

  • Have you ever wondered how many people change careers after a job loss or by choice? Studies show that, on average, individuals undergo a career transition about five to seven times during their lifetime. The problem is that each transition is not without its own challenges. So, what does it take to navigate these waters successfully?

    In this episode, Ashish Kothari, Founder of HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, offers a comprehensive guide to career progression, specifically how to secure promotions or transition into new roles and leveraging the "Sunflower Model" to achieve professional growth and success.

    The episode serves as a comprehensive guide for listeners to reflect on their current positions, identify what they truly want from their careers, and make strategic moves to achieve those goals while maintaining personal well-being and a sense of purpose.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    How to assess your skillsThe importance of feedback and coachingThe concept of Job CraftingThe benefits of open vs closed networks

    Tune in now and discover the secrets to the smoothest career transition! Check out our latest article here for insights and strategies that work.

    Resources:Rewire Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/  The Happiness Squad on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-squad/id1663683864 Happiness Squad Podcast: https://podcast.happinesssquad.com/  Happiness Squad website: https://happinesssquad.com/ Happiness Squad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappinesssquad/ 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Many organizations and individuals often find themselves stuck making only small, incremental changes that don't really solve the bigger issues. Sticking to minor adjustments means missing major opportunities and failing to meet evolving challenges. There’s a clear need for a more impactful approach to change.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD podcast, Ashish Kothari and Robert Quinn discuss how to drive deep organizational change effectively.

    Robert E. Quinn, Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, is a leading expert in leadership, culture, and change. He co-founded Positive Organizational Scholarship and the Center for Positive Organizations. 

    Robert is among the top 1% of cited professors in organizational behavior. His notable books include the global bestseller Deep Change and the award-winning The Best Teacher in You. His latest work, The Positive Organization, explores breaking free from conventional business cultures. 

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • The purpose-driven definition of happiness

    • Concept of Deep Change versus Incremental Change

    • Role of Leadership in Organizational Change

    • Integration of Well-being into Corporate Culture

    To explore their insights in detail, listen to the complete episode now!


    • Robert Quinn’s website: https://robertequinn.com/ 

    • Robert Quinn’s blog: https://robertequinn.com/blog/


    • Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Change-Discovering-Jossey-Bass-Management/dp/0787902446

    • The Best Teacher in You: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Teacher-You-Accelerate-Learning/dp/1626561788 

    • Watch out for Prof. Robert Quinn’s upcoming book: “The Transformational Moment”

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Have you ever wondered if there's a secret recipe for genuine happiness? Imagine if you could break down happiness into a formula, one that would guide you through the complexities of emotions and lead you to a life of fulfillment and joy. In this episode, we’ll unravel just that together with Ashish Kothari and Dr. Alphonsus Obayuwana.

    Dr. Alphonsus Obayuwana, a physician-scientist and happiness coach, is the founder and CEO of Triple-H Project LLC, specializing in training and certifying happiness coaches. His contributions to the field include the renowned Hope Index Scale, widely adopted by major corporations and academic institutions, including the Coca-Cola Company and General Motors. 

    A Literary Titan Gold Award-winning author, Dr. Obayuwana has published extensively on human hope and happiness, culminating in his groundbreaking work, "The Happiness Formula."

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish and Dr. Alphonsus unpacks the ‘happiness formula’ – a concept that delves into the very essence of what makes us truly happy.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    The happiness formulaFive sources of human hopeFive inborn human hungersFive triggers of happinessThe relationship between hope and happiness

    So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let’s walk through their insights together – it’s a conversation that might just change the way you see happiness.

    Resources:Triple H Project LLC - https://triplehproject.com/ 
    Books:The Happiness Formula: A Scientific, Groundbreaking Approach to Happiness and Personal Fulfillment - https://www.amazon.com/Books-Alphonsus-Obayuwana-MD/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AAlphonsus+Obayuwana+MD Hardwired for Happiness - https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534663/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1665467131&sr=8-3 

    Other books mentioned:

    The Book of Hope by Jane Goodall - https://www.amazon.com/Book-Hope-Survival-Trying-Global/dp/1250784093The Awakened Brain by Lisa Miller - https://www.amazon.com/Awakened-Brain-Science-Spirituality-Inspired/dp/198485562X
  • Let's face it, work can be a pressure cooker sometimes. Aside from the physical toll, it's also about mental stress and feeling isolated, making us less productive and more likely to call in sick. But what if our workplace focused on keeping us healthy in every way? We'd probably feel more motivated, stick around longer, and do better work. 

    In this episode, we feature Barbara Jeffery, a Partner at McKinsey & Company in the London office who leads the People and Organizational Performance practice in the UK, Ireland, and Israel. With over 15 years of experience in various sectors, including healthcare and public services, Barbara specializes in strategy development, organizational design, and driving large-scale change. 

    She is also deeply involved with the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) as an Affiliate Partner, focusing on Employee Health and Wellbeing. Moreover, Barbara is a Board member for Business in the Community (BITC), a prominent organization championing responsible business in the UK.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Barbara Jeffery, Partner at McKinsey & Company, discuss how addressing our holistic health could transform our work lives. 

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    Holistic health in the workplaceThe 4 dimensions of holistic healthHow organizations can foster holistic healthUnderstanding burnout
    Resources: Addressing Employee Burnout: https://www.mckinsey.com/mhi/our-insights/addressing-employee-burnout-are-you-solving-the-right-problemBarbara Jeffery: https://www.mckinsey.com/our-people/barbara-jeffery Working Nine to Thrive: https://www.mckinsey.com/mhi/our-insights/working-nine-to-thrive Reframing employee health: Moving beyond burnout to holistic health: https://www.mckinsey.com/mhi/our-insights/reframing-employee-health-moving-beyond-burnout-to-holistic-healthPresent company included: Prioritizing mental health and well-being for all: https://www.mckinsey.com/mhi/our-insights/present-company-included-prioritizing-mental-health-and-well-being-for-all 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Today's organizational leaders need more than quick reactions to unpredictability; they need 'deliberate calm.' This skill is all about responding thoughtfully to challenges, not just keeping your cool. But how do you develop this ability?

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, we delve deeper into this topic with Ashish Kothari and Jacqui Brassey, a renowned expert in health and wellbeing and Co-Leader of the McKinsey Health Institute. 

    Jacqui, who also contributes to the World Wellbeing Movement and Wellbeing at Work, and is part of the World Economic Forum's Health Workforces Initiative, brings over two decades of experience in international business and academia. 

    In this conversation, Ashish and Jacqui discuss her bestselling book, 'Deliberate Calm,' offering practical advice on maintaining calm, shifting mindsets from protection to learning, mastering dual awareness, and fostering purpose and psychological safety in teams.

    Things you will learn in this episode:

    The importance of deliberate calm in decision-makingHow deliberate calm fosters team collaboration and understandingThe concept of dual awarenessHow to practice deliberate calm

    • TEDx Talk: Zoning In and Out of Stress by Jacqui Brassey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XasET2Psi7c 


    • Deliberately Calm by Jacqui Brassey: https://www.amazon.com/Deliberate-Calm-Learn-Volatile-World-ebook/dp/B09TKZ96PB 

    • Authentic Confidence by Jacqui Brassey: https://www.amazon.com/Authentic-Confidence-Jacqueline-Brassey/dp/9462158266 

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Losing your job can plunge you into a sea of uncertainty and stress. But what if this moment is actually a hidden doorway, opening to a path of self-discovery and inner peace? 

    Losing your job can feel like a big setback. It's more than just losing a paycheck; it can shake your confidence and disrupt your daily routine. But it's important to remember that this isn't the end of the road. In fact, many people find that job loss is a turning point for something better. It's a chance to reevaluate what you really want from your career and life.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Founder Ashish Kothari, shares simple yet profound practices through the sunflower model that could be your guide through this maze.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    How to use your time after a job loss effectivelyImportance of self-awareness The role of mindfulness in coping with job lossExploring purpose and meaningLiving intentionally

    Tune in now to discover how these practices can transform this challenging time into a journey towards a brighter future.

    Resources:Rewire Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/ The Happiness Squad on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-squad/id1663683864Happiness Squad Podcast: https://podcast.happinesssquad.com/ Happiness Squad website: https://happinesssquad.com/Happiness Squad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappinesssquad/ 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Do you find yourself getting upset at work over small things? Your past experiences might be influencing you. 

    The cycle of reacting to workplace scenarios with heightened emotions like frustration or anxiety is a sign of being caught in an unconscious pattern. This can affect your professional relationships and personal well-being, creating a barrier to success and satisfaction in your career.

    Conscious healing at work is a great way to deal with this. It helps you understand and control these feelings, and we’ll explore this further in this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast with Ashish Kothari and Susan Schmitt Winchester.

    Susan Schmitt Winchester is the Senior HR Advisor for Applied Materials and the former Senior Vice President and CHRO of the same company. With over 36 years in corporate HR, she specializes in creating inclusive cultures and driving company performance. 

    Susan is also the CEO and Founder of Healing at Work and the author of "Healing at Work: A Guide to Using Career Conflicts to Overcome Your Past and Build the Future You Deserve." 

    A fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources, she serves on several HR boards and committees, including the HR Policy Association and the University of Michigan's College of Engineering Leadership Advisory Board.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    The Journey of Self-Discovery and Self-Acceptance in Professional EnvironmentsUnderstanding ASDP (Adult Survivor of a Damaged Past) and Its Impact in the WorkplaceThe Role of Childhood Experiences in Shaping Adult Coping MechanismsTransforming from an Unconscious Wounded Career Path to a Conscious Healing Career Path

    Take the first step towards a better work life. Explore conscious healing and see the difference.

    Resources:Healing at Work Website: https://healingatwork.com/ Can Quantum Physics Explain Consciousness? https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a40898392/quantum-physics-consciousness/ 
    Books:Healing at Work: A Guide for Using Career Conflicts to Overcome Your Past and Build the Future You Deserve: https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Work-Conflicts-Overcome-Deserve/dp/1951744527 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • In today's fast-moving world, leaders can't afford to stick to the old ways. Ignoring the ever-changing landscape around us means missing out on new opportunities and risking stagnation. It's essential for any leader to stay agile and resilient – that's what modern leadership is all about in these challenging times.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Andrew White, CEO of Transcend.Space, dive deep into the concept of modern leadership.

    Andrew White is a visionary in modern leadership, dedicated to understanding and shaping the role of business leaders in addressing global challenges. At Said Business School, he directs the Oxford Advanced Management and Leadership Programme, annually guiding 80 global leaders towards new strategic directions. 

    As the founder of Transcend.Space, Andrew works with purpose-driven leaders to foster positive change beyond profit. His insights extend to global leadership retreats, contributions to Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, a TEDx talk, a podcast, and his popular LinkedIn newsletter 'Leadership 2050' with over 5,000 subscribers.

    In the conversation, Ashish and Andrew address how leadership is transforming in response to the unique challenges and rapid changes of the modern world.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    The Challenges of 21st Century LeadershipHuman-Centric Approach to LeadershipThe Importance of Active Listening SkillsIntegrating Technology in LeadershipThe role of Personal Development and Mindfulness in Leadership

    Tune in now to gain invaluable insights and tools to transform your leadership style and make a positive impact in today's dynamic world.

    Resources:Transcend.Space on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/transcend-space/ Transcend.Space Website: https://transcend.space/who-we-are/ Andrew White’s TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9fwC3tInlo Leadership 2050 Newsletter: https://transcend.space/leadership-2050/  
    Books:Andrew White’s Harvard Business Review article: https://hbr.org/2016/06/lessons-from-companies-that-put-purpose-ahead-of-short-term-profits Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655
  • A lot of people feel stressed and burnt out at work these days. Even though companies try to help with things like health apps or gym memberships, these efforts often don't really solve the problem. That is because these solutions only focus on the individual and ignore bigger issues like the work environment, how teams work together, and whether the job itself is satisfying and meaningful. 

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Dr. Samata Vasisht, Founder of Synergy Holistic, talk about how to improve wellbeing at work. 

    Dr. Samata Vasisht, transitioning from a seasoned physician to a holistic well-being expert and transformational coach, offers a rare fusion of spiritual wisdom and scientific insight. Her global journey, spanning from the US to the UK, Dubai, and India, has equipped her with diverse experiences and profound knowledge. 

    She has left a significant mark on top-tier companies like Unilever, Microsoft, and Shell. Dr. Vasisht stands as an inspiring guide for those seeking to master the challenges of today's workplace with resilience, purpose, and a profound understanding of well-being.

    The conversation highlights a crucial gap in many well-being programs: the failure to address broader issues such as the work environment, team dynamics, and the meaningfulness of the job itself.

    Ashish and Dr. Samata highlight the importance of a holistic approach to well-being in the workplace. They suggest that true improvement comes from creating a supportive and flexible work culture, where employees feel valued and find purpose in their roles. 

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the deeper factors that contribute to a healthy and fulfilling work life.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    Life's Autocorrect Mechanism and Innate DrivesShifting from Individual Healing to Collective HealingFlourishing and Well-Being in ActionThe Dimensions of Well-Being

    Tune in now to gain insights on how to transform your workplace into a thriving environment where well-being is not just an individual responsibility but a collective achievement. 

    Resources: Leadership that Works India Website: leadershipthatworks.com/ Company Website: synergyholistic.world 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Ever felt like you're on a never-ending quest for happiness, yet it's always just out of reach? You're not alone. In fact, many of us find ourselves in a relentless cycle of chasing moments of joy, hoping to catch them, only to watch them slip through our fingers. It's exhausting, isn't it?

    But in this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, our very own Founder, Ashish Kothari, offers us a fresh perspective. He talks about happiness not as something you chase after, but as something you can cultivate within – like a garden that needs tending. 

    He introduces us to the Sunflower Model of the 9 Hardwired for Happiness practices, which includes self-awareness, purpose, mindfulness, gratitude, mastering emotions, well-being, building a sense of community, and intentional living. These happy habits offer us tangible tools to navigate through our daily challenges and plant the seeds of a happier, more fulfilling life.

    It's about time we learn to find joy in the here and now, to grow from our past without being tethered to it, and to look forward to the future with optimism, not fear. So tune in to this first solo episode with Ashish.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    Cultivating Happiness as a State of BeingThe Sunflower Model of the 9 Hardwired for Happiness practicesGuidance on Deepening Relationships and Building Community
    Resources:Ashish Kothari on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashishkothari1/ Happiness Squad Company Website: https://happinesssquad.com/ Rewire Yoga Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/ 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • In today's fast-paced world, many of us struggle to find true happiness and balance. Despite our well-being practices, like yoga, we often fail to translate its benefits into our daily lives. Many people practice yoga to relax and find peace. However, they often struggle to keep that calm feeling once they leave their yoga class and return to their busy lives.

    In this podcast, Ashish Kothari and Alicia Rae Parks, Manager of Happiness Squad’s REWIRE Yoga Program, talk about how to make the benefits of yoga last longer, even after you leave the yoga mat. They introduce a special program called Rewire Yoga, which helps you use yoga in your everyday life, not just in class. 

    Alicia shares her own story about how yoga helped her through tough times. She’s a yoga teacher dedicated to bringing authenticity and a sense of community to her practice. She has transformed her life and teaching approach by shifting from fear to happiness. 

    As the Program Manager of the REWIRE YOGA program, Alicia aims to help yoga teachers enhance their skills and deepen their practice, both on and off the mat. Her mission is to empower teachers to thrive in their profession and to make “happiness” a key element in the yoga community.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    Integrating Yoga into Daily LifeWhy you should try the Rewire Yoga ProgramPersonal Transformation Through YogaHow Yoga Brings Holistic Well-being 

    This is your invitation to shift to a more purposeful and meaningful life! Tune in to this episode now and start making a difference.

    Resources:Alicia Rae Park’s Website: https://linktr.ee/Aliciaraeyoga Rewire Yoga Program: https://community.happinesssquad.com/plans/361217?bundle_token=147d27a5abebb960fd96c25f21e597ab&utm_source=manual 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • In our fast-paced world, many of us struggle with self-trust and tapping into our inner intuition. It's tough to achieve personal and professional success when these crucial qualities aren't quite working as they should. But hold on – there's hope! 

    In this exciting episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, we've got a solution for you. Our guest, Jesse Janelle, is a real pro when it comes to personal development. With her impressive track record as the founder and CEO of Gemini Leadership and the brains behind the Soul Session method, Jesse's got the expertise we all need.

    Jesse is an ICF certified transformational coach, and her TEDx talk on the power of self-trust is in the top 2 percent most viewed talks of all time. Her mission is to help mystic-minded millennials reach new realms of possibilities for their lives.

    In the conversation, Ashish Kothari and Jesse explore how to boost your self-trust and give you practical tips to kick your intuition into high gear. They also explore the power of tarot-based leadership coaching, and how leaders can not only level up their own self-development but also help others do the same.

    Things you will learn in this episode:

    Understand Why Happiness Means FreedomA Tarot-based Approach to Leadership CoachingThe 3 elements of Self-trustHow to Rebuild Your Self-trust and Reconnect with Your Intuition

    Don't miss out on this chance to supercharge your life! Join the conversation and let's unlock the secrets to self-trust and intuition that can transform your world.

    Resources:https://geminileaders.com/ 7minutetarot.com (Free Masterclass)

    Hardwired for Happiness : https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655