Mick talks about how he managed to win a major AoS2 tournament with Gut Busters.
Steroids and magic...
On this episode newly crowned Aos Royalty Colin Cochrane rubs his giant sword in all of our faces. In a good way......
¿Faltan episodios?
Mick talks at length about Ogres while Dave nods and smiles. They also discuss how crap Nova was
The other Dave and Natan discuss their upcoming Tale of 4 Podcasters, Forgeworld prices and the Nighthaunt battletome.
Mick and Nathan talk about Hero Phase 3 tournament and the new Stormcast book
Mick and Dave discuss Malign Sorcery, Soulstorm the Hero Phase tournament scoring system, the Champions card game and Ogors
It's our first podcast. An emergency beta test where we talk about our first impressions of the big FAQ, 6 Nations and the new edition of Age of Sigmar. All broadcast from Mick's kitchen!