On this episode we talk about “Berserk” a manga which many consider a masterpiece of art and storytelling! This was a difficult task to try to tackle but we did our best! Stuggle, wiggle, contend!
On this episode we get freaky by talking about sexual fetishes and some of the weirdest kinks out there! We also discuss the different theories of how people develop them!
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On this episode we talk about a famous urban legend that is known world wide called “The Hat Man”. Is he trying to scary you or just a pervert watching you from the corner of the room? Could he even be a protector of sorts or evil master of shadows?… I guess you will have to be the judge of that
On this episode we talk about animals who like to alter their minds! Whether it’s downers, uppers and all rounders animals like to experience an altered state like many humans do as well! We are not promoting drug use in this episode and we do explore the harsher realities of mind altering substances. Listener discretion is advised!
This episode is our 2nd installment of our “Tales of Giants” series where we highlight extraordinary feats, deeds or accomplishments of human beings! These are the kind of people that many look up to!
Welcome back to another installment of our Halloween series and this years highlighted monster is the Human Being! We will be discussing serial killers and what makes them the monsters that they are!
It’s been awhile but we’re glad to be back with another episode! We are joined by returning guest Gary Wayne author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy! Make sure to go show him some love by checking out his book and the rest of his work! [(Sorry for audio issues)]
Ron's guest appearance on MNMD episode 89! Thanks to Mat from "The Great Deception Podcast" for having us on and letting us share the audio!
On this episode we are joined by Andrew from “The Politics & Punk Rock Podcast” to discuss how he got into podcasting and his experience with being apart of a band in the so cal punk scene. We also discuss some pro wrestling towards the end! This is a really fun episode especially if you’re into politics, punk rock and wrassling!
On this episode we discuss some Brazilian mythology and it is as unique as the country itself! Never poke a jaguar with a short stick!
On this episode we talk about the giants who walk among us or in other words human beings we should be looking up to! Ron and Zach are back in the studio together for this one also!
We are joined by NYPatriot who is a former member of a secret society and on this episode he shares his experiences with joining and leaving plus his experiences with magic what he thinks it really is! (Sorry for audio issues) https://linktr.ee/occultrejectsandfriends?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=c3d87094-d6c7-4f4f-b28f-e227a7cd35ef
On this episode we discuss flying cryptids including the mothman, jersey devil and Thunderbird! We usually go deep but this time we’re soaring high! (Sorry for audio issues from Ron’s mic)
On this episode we discuss paranormal stories involving animals in the first ever episode we recorded together in the same room!
This is our guest appearance on “MNMD” which is one of the best round table shows out there! Hosted by Mat from “The Great Deception Podcast” and Ryan from “Dangerous World Podcast” so definitely go check out both of their shows as they’re some of the best out there! Please give us a 5 star review or rating as it really helps our shows grow and Thank You!
On this episode we have another swapcast with Niko from “Upstate Unconventional Podcast” and his new co host Rosie aka Pepper to discuss many topics that are strange and paranormal as well as share our personal experiences with that! Go show them some love by checking out their show and following them at @upstate_unconventional and @rosie.quartz_ on instagram!
On this episode we are joined by a very special guest Don Schneider who is an investigative researcher of Bigfoot and other cryptids for 40 years! You can find more of Don’s work on his YouTube channel “Unacknowledged and Unknown” and Instagram as well!
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