
  • I had the great pleasure of interviewing The Bodacious Brotherhood. The BB came together in The Mindset Coach Academy Certification when they were randomly assigned to the same small group.

    I always say that you “get out of the small group what you put into it”, and these men showed what’s possible when you cut the bullshit, get vulnerable, and put it all on the table.

    I first noticed this group had a special bond when they started calling each other out during our weekly big group calls. I knew I had to get this group of men on the podcast to talk about how they pushed past social norms to create this special group centered around radical honesty and vulnerability.

    In the episode, we cover:

    The key moment early on that defined their team cultureHow rare it is to have vulnerable male friendshipsAdvice for men wanting to develop deeper relationshipsThe massive ripple effect of accountability and support

    If you’re interested in joining The MCA Certification, see what’s possible! Take a peek inside one of the most valuable pieces of the program: The small groups!

    Follow The Bodacious Brotherhood

    Ken Bizup is the owner of Athletes Mental Trainer where he helps athletes overcome mental blocks to reach peak performance. He is an MCA graduate and has been an MCA team leader for years. Learn more about Ken at www.athletesmentaltrainer.com and on Instagram at Athletes_Mental_Trainer

    John-Austin is a former professional baseball player and an MCA graduate whose aim is to bring Mental Training to baseball atheltes. Learn more about John-Austin at www.mintcompetitors.com and on Instagram at MintCompetitors

    Brandon Stokes is a Mental Performance Coach and MCA graduate. He works with younger athletes and families to put their dreams into action. Learn more about Brandon at www.mentalgameathlete.com and on Instagram at MentalGameAthleteTransform

    Jeff Stover has been a Human Performance Advocate for over 30 years. Jeff is a lover of sports and life, a Mental Training coach, and an MCA graduate.

    Related Resources:

    Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE, ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide

    The Mindset Coach Academy Certification: If you are ready to step into your purpose as a Positive Performance Certified Mindset Coach, join our waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens: https:www.positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification

    Here’s a glance at the episode

    [1:02] Lindsey introduces The “Bodacious Brotherhood”, and asks each one of the members to introduce themselves.

    [5:17] Brandon explains where their group name comes from. As a group, they started with “belief” and grew from there. Brandon talks about how a family emergency created intense vulnerability in the group early on and how he used The BRAVR Method.

    [10:17] John-Austin speaks on how the group approached working on themselves from a holistic perspective; wanting to be better fathers, husbands, business owners, and coaches.

    [12:54] Brandon tells a story about a time he froze in the spotlight, and how the BB held him accountable. The group talks about how they helped each other remember their strengths how that forged a bond.

    [17:10] Jeff shares how he believed “Iron sharpens iron” in the group. Lindsey asks Ken about his experience as an ongoing MCA team leader.

    [22:26] The BB talks about the key moment in the group that forged emotional safety. They go on to share specific examples of times when the group’s accountability and coaching made a big difference.

    [25:41] John-Austin talks about how rare it is to have vulnerable male friendships, and what the group has meant to him.

    [27:56] Societal norms around male friendships make it hard to connect. Jeff talks about his intentional approach to creating mens groups.

    [31:55] The BB speak on how you “get out of it what you put into it”, and how that mindset shaped the value of their weekly team meetings. Lindsey asks how this experience will help them as leaders moving forward.

    [35:30] Ken identifies the transformational power and value of the small groups in The MCA Certification and the group wraps up by sharing their advice for men wanting to develop deeper connections.

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • When it comes to mental training, 97% of young athletes need to learn a few core principles to totally transform their game. They don't need customized game plans, they don't need you as their coach to reinvent the wheel and create a curriculum for them. Most athletes will benefit immensely from learning just a few core principles.In this Mental Monday, I'll give you everything you need to help your athletes faster using tools that already exist and are proven to work. Press play to get started!____________________________[THE MENTAL GAME PLAN]

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  • Midway through The Mindset Coach Academy Certification, a lot of students start feeling behind. And it can be really discouraging. If you are feeling behind, whether that's in your career, or relationship, or life in general, I encourage you to ask yourself this:"What if I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be?" How might this question shift the way you think about yourself and the way you show up?____________________Join our Mindset Coach Academy Certification! Applications open to the public this Wednesday (6/19) with early access available to our waitlist!https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE, ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

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  • Can you help people
 and make money?

    Can you be a good person
 and make money?

    Can you make a real difference
 and make money?

    Money comes up a lot with my MCA students. And it’s rarely about counting dollars and cents. Money is symbolic, and a lot of us have a complicated relationship with it.

    There’s a lot to unpack when it comes to choose whether or not to charge money as a mindset coach, and today, I’m coming in hot with 3 reasons why I believe you absolutely, 100%, no doubt about it, need to charge money as a mindset coach. Because you playing SMALL won’t inspire others to play BIG.

    If you are on the fence or feel guilty about making money as a mindset coach, I URGE you to listen to this episode.

    Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE, ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide The Mindset Coach Academy Certification: If you are ready to step into your purpose as a Positive Performance Certified Mindset Coach, join our waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification The Mindset of Selling: This blog will help you see your relationship with “selling” clearly, reframe your mindset, and start selling from a place of empowerment and excitement: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/blog/mindset-selling

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • I recently took a trip to LA with my longtime friend, Brianne. We came across a booth on the promenade where people were asking moms to give advice. I don't normally do things like this, but In this case, I was inspired to sit down and share one bit of advice I would give to my younger self. Back when I was just becoming a mom. In today's Mental Monday, I'll share what I said, and (more importantly) what I learned from sharing it.____________________Another piece of advice I would give to parents is to start teaching your kids visualization! For help on how to bring visualization into your family, read: "How to Teach Visualization to Athletes of Any Age" https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/blog/how-to-teach-visualization-to-athletes-of-any-age-mt30-day-3 Join me on Instagram to chat about the episode! https://www.instagram.com/lindseypositiveperform

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • Do you need to work on giving people grace? I know I do. Today's episode is a reminder to myself that I can never really know what other people are going through. đŸ‘‰đŸ» That server that is taking forever with your checkđŸ‘‰đŸ» đŸ‘‰đŸ» The parent that's losing their patience with their kidsđŸ‘‰đŸ» The person that just cut you off in traffic Your brain will always prioritize your own experience which means that giving other people GRACE is something that takes practice.💡What's one trigger for you? When do you need this reminder? I'll go first đŸ‘‰đŸ» I need this reminder when I'm on the phone, stuck on hold, in customer service hell 😅____________________Want a guided visualization you can use anywhere from your phone? Our Tap Into Your True Power Guided Visualization will help you let go of self-limiting narratives and step into your purpose. Make this visualization part of your daily mindset practice. Download the recording here: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/offers/kig3abUL/checkout?preview=true

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • Monday mornings are for nerding out on mindset work! My question for you today is: Is your subconscious on board with your goals?There are so many ways to use mental training to align your subconscious with what you say you want, but one that we don't usually talk about it to think about the downside of achieving your goals. Don't get me wrong, it's very important to spend time thinking about the upsides, and getting pumped about future you. But even the most exciting goals have a downside. Today on the podcast, I'm getting into it. I'm getting into the science, and into the practicality of what it looks like to clear out mental clutter so you can go for your goals 110%. Tune in!-------------------------If you want to go for your goals, you have to pay attention to your limiting thoughts (we all have them). We all know exactly what to say to ourselves to keep us playing small. It's time to confront your inner haters so that they can no longer stand in your way: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/thoughts-that-keep-you-small

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

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  • My guest today is Skye Eddy, the founder and CEO of Soccer Parenting Association. Sports are in Skye’s DNA. She is an experienced coach and former professional player with a long and impressive resume. Today, Skye is tirelessly working to bridge the gap between parents and coaches to create a stronger, more holistic foundation of support for young athletes. As a professional athlete-turned-soccer mom, Skye knew there was a need for better parent/coach collaboration in youth sports, but didn’t realize just how much work needed to be done until she experienced being a parent on the sidelines.

    She saw a pattern: Coaches were defensive towards parents and quick to put them in the “crazy sports parent” category. While parents were too afraid to speak up for fear of being thought of as a “crazy sports parent”. So, she set out to build an educational framework to help coaches and parents learn to communicate, collaborate, and support one another.

    The work Skye has done through Soccer Parenting Association has changed the game for coaches, parents, and most importantly, athletes.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How the research and science supports parent/coach collaborationActionable ways coaches can cultivate a positive parent/coach relationshipHow lack of education causes stress in parents, and creates a ripple effectThe “crazy sports parent” dilemma (and how to break the cycle)How to create a future where sports are really designed for kids

    Skye is incredible at stating simple concepts in new ways, and shedding light on the sociology of sports. The work she is doing is incredibly important. With every course, presentation, and student, Skye is creating a better sports experience for the next generation of athletes, parents, and coaches.

    Talk about giving back to the game!

    I’m thrilled ot help Skye spread the word about Soccer Parenting Association and all her incredible resources for parents and coaches. Let me know what you think about the episode!

    Follow Skye

    Website: soccerparenting.com

    Twitter: @SkyeEddy

    Course: “Parent Engagement for Coaches”. Use our special coupon code “POSITIVE” for 25% off at soccerparenting.com/parent-engagement/

    Related Resources:

    Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE, ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide The Mindset Coach Academy Certification: If you are ready to step into your purpose as a Positive Performance Certified Mindset Coach, join our waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens: www.positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification

    Here’s a glance at the episode

    [1:24] Skye introduces herself by talking about why she founded Soccer Parenting. As a professional athlete-turned-soccer mom, she wanted to optimize her relationship with her athlete, and noticed a need in youth sports.

    [4:20] Skye shares her answer to the question, “What are you trying to accomplish?” and how the value of youth sports goes far beyond competition.

    [7:10] How is the Soccer Parenting Association bridging the gap between parents and athletes? Skye shares a personal story about her daughter losing motivation and the what that taught her about the industry, from a parenting perspective.

    [12:06] Lindsey examines the relationship between commitment, expectations, and pressure, and its impact on young athletes. Skye shares wise words about structural issues in sports.

    [16:42] We have to be aware that there is no guaranteed result when we sign our kids up for sports. Skye shares some research that supports the value of parent engagement programs in schools.

    [19:54] Where does the ‘crazy sports parent’ character come from? Skye talks about how this small percentage of parents have hugely impacted how coaches engage with folks on the sidelines. She asks coaches, “What do you believe to be true about youth sports parents?”

    [25:14] Skye shares some actionable ways coaches can nurture a positive parent relationship. She recommends going through her one hour course, “Parent Engagement for Coaches”, and appointing a Social Coordinator.

    [31:37] Lindsey talks about what it was like to coach young athletes this year. Skye mentions the importance of recruiting quality coaches for our youngest, most novice players.

    [33:40] The episode wraps up with a quick overview about where you can find Skye and how you can access her resources for coaches and parents.

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • The word ego gets a bad rap. But I would argue that great athletes and high performers NEED ego. We may never have the belief in ourselves or the GUTS to go for what we want without our egos. In today's Mental Monday, I talk about how ego can drive us forward, or hold us back. Most importantly, you'll learn how to use your ego for good (not evil :) -------------------------Join me on Instagram to chat about the episode! https://www.instagram.com/lindseypositiveperform

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • Do your day-to-day habits line up with what you say you want? This is a question I ask myself regularly. And especially when things start feeling harder than they should. If you feel tired, or overwhelmed, mentally unsettled, or like you're not really making progress on your goals, this episode is for you.Whether your goal is to be healthier, pursue your hobbies, be a good partner or parent, or build your business, If your schedule and goals are not aligned, everything will feel harder. In today's Mental Monday, I'll guide you through these questions:#1 Are you aligned?#2 if you are NOT aligned, WHY is that?#3. How can you find alignment?This episode is short, sweet, and oh so practical. Take 5 minutes out of your day and listen to today's Mental Monday!-------------------------BRAVR Method: The BRAVRℱ is a step-by-step SYSTEM designed to get you and your athletes the focus, toughness and resiliency in practice (and beyond) that you ALL deserve. Trusted by hundreds of coaches to have highly productive, focused team practices. For the coach that KNOWS the mental game IS the game. www.positiveperformancetraining.com/bravr-system

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

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  • COACH: Discovering and defining your core principles can be a game-changer!

    In the MCA Insider group, we have 5 core principles that anchor us to our shared purpose and give us something to really sink our teeth into. I find myself coming back to them whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, or foggy, or need a big old boost of energy.

    If you are a high achiever with big, ambitious goals, you have to clear the clutter and stay focused. Having clearly defined principles makes it easier to navigate challenges with confidence and avoid getting stuck in the weeds.

    Today, I share our 5 core principles. I hope that they help you the way they’ve helped me. Please, take them, leave them, use them, change them, and make them your own!

    This episode starts with a life update and then dives into all 5 principles. To go straight to the meat of the episode, feel free to skip ahead to 9:28.

    Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE, ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide The Mindset Coach Academy Certification: If you are ready to step into your purpose as a Positive Performance Certified Mindset Coach, join our waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens: www.positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification 8 Ways to Harness Your Inner Power: In the same way you follow a program from theory to practice to be physically strong, the same is true for building your inner power. Like physical programs, harnessing your inner power is an ongoing practice that takes time and intention. Here is our guide: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/blog/harnessing-inner-power

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • Is your smartphone running your life? Listen, these things are designed to grab and hold your attention. They're like having a buzzing, blinking, ringing casino in your pocket.Smartphones are so great in so many ways, but, when left unchecked, they can eat away at your time, confidence, productivity, and focus. I've learned this the hard way (haven't we all?) When I have no shot clock (i.e. no limits), I can be on it all day. Today, I'm getting PRACTICAL about the reality of phone use. The 5 tips I'm sharing have helped me immensely to stay in control of my phone use without wasting energy on willpower alone. Try these 5 simple tips!-------------------------Want a guided visualization you can use anywhere from your phone? Our Tap Into Your True Power Guided Visualization will help you let go of self-limiting narratives and step into your purpose. Make this visualization part of your daily mindset practice. Download the recording here: www.positiveperformancetraining.com/offers/kig3abUL/checkout?preview=true

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • Today's Mental Monday explores the question, "When (if ever) does it make sense to visualize the worst case scenario?"This is a HUGE topic, and one that I can't fully cover in this short episode. There is no simple answer (and that's what makes it fun to talk about!) Let me be very clear, I don't think it's healthy to seek out obstacles, or dwell on the negative stuff. You don't want to be careless when it comes to mindset work. That's why in today's episode, I'm telling you why I believe visualizing the "worst case scenario" can be very healthy, put your mind at ease, and actually help you move TOWARD your goals. Most importantly, I'll teach you HOW to visualize the worst case scenario in a way that won't have a negative impact.---------------------Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

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  • Today on the podcast, Chris DeSantis is talking all about Positive Psychology!

    Chris and I met a couple months ago when I was a guest on his podcast, The Swim Brief Podcast, and we had so much to talk about that I had to stop him and tell him to save it for this podcast!

    Chris is the first athletic coach in the world to get an advanced degree in Positive Psychology (in 2009). Chris is the definition of a pioneer in his industry, and has brought the power of positive psychology to sports. He has been a swim coach his entire adult life and has a unique perspective and application that is so complimentary to what we teach at The Mindset Coach Academy.

    If you’ve ever wondered what Positive Psychology is, or how to apply it to sports, you’re in the right place.

    The cool thing about positive psychology is that none of it is specific to any particular sport. I’m certain that you will be able to apply what you learn in today’s episode to improve countless other areas of your life.

    In this interview, Chris digs into the history of positive psychology, how it was founded in the late 90s and how it evolved from the field of psychology that (at the time) only really looked only at what is wrong with people. Chris teaches and entertains with a ton of personal stories, including a time he pissed off Princeton’s swimming and diving team, how exactly to embrace your fear of failure, and the vital role of negative visualization.

    Let’s dive in!

    Follow Chris

    Website: chrisdcoach.com/

    Instagram: instagram.com/chrisd_coach

    Facebook: facebook.com/cdswimcoach

    Podcast: The Swim Brief Podcast

    Related Resources:

    Psychology of Competition: In The Psychology of Competition toolbox, you’ll gain a scientific understanding of the psychology of competition, and be introduced to printable worksheets, on the go guided visualization, and exercises you can use to help you and your team get your mind right before, during, and after competition:.positiveperformancetraining.com/psychology-of-competitionHow to Become a Mental Performance Coach: Our latest and greatest FREE ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD!). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of:.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide The Mindset Coach Academy: If you are ready to step into your purpose as a Positive Performance Certified Mindset Coach, join our waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens: positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification

    Here’s a glance at the episode

    [1:40] Chris reveals how he was the first athletic coach in the world to get his advanced degree in Positive Psychology.

    [3:15] Lindsey and Chris dig into the question, “What is positive psychology?” Chris explains why he’s excited about the question, and how the term can be misleading.

    [6:51] The field of positive psychology has to work in tandem with pathology. Chris talks about the difference he’s noticed in his business from pre-covid to post-covid and how the world has started to embrace sports psychologists.

    [11:03] Lindsey asks Chris to share some actionable things coaches can do to work positive psychology into their curriculum. Chris shares an experience he had where he turned something he loved into a miserable experience because of his fear of failure.

    [16:14] Chris explains where ‘fear of failure’ really comes from. And why he’d love to have “a team full of athletes that fear failure.”

    [21:47] Chris shares an example of a time he pissed off Princeton’s swimming and diving team. He then talks about why he believes we were all born with a ‘negativity bias’.

    [26:30] What comes after ‘reframing’ failure? Chris makes the case for “negative visualization” and shares how it can actually calm your brain and prepare you for success.

    [33:05] Failure creates empathy for the athletes you coach. Chris talks about a time that he failed during a presentation, and what he learned when he reached out to the coach for feedback.

    [37:43] “If you’re a coach who wants to push people really hard, then positive psychology can really help.”

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • I think most of us would agree that jealousy is a negative thing. When we feel it come up in ourselves, we either push it down, or dwell on it, or come up with reasons why that person's life is better because of their upbringing, or opportunities, or intelligence, socioeconomic status, genetics, or dumb luck.I recently listened to this podcast by Jenna Kutcher who was interviewing communication specialist, Dori Clark. She talked about how you can use jealousy in a healthy way. That episode is what inspired today's Mental Monday. Listen to the episode to learn:💡the 1 question you need to ask yourself next time you feel jealous. And 💡 how you can actually benefit from the feeling of jealousy IF and only if you have the tools to navigate it. ---------------------Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide

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    “I love Lindsey’s straight forward, realistic approach to motivation and living your best life.”

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    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

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  • What do you do when you don't feel inspired? When you're staring at a blank page feeling uncreative, lost, and low energy... How do you pull yourself out of it? SHOULD you pull yourself out of it? In this Mental Monday episode, I want to talk to you today about how to reframe being in (I'll call it) "a cycle of chaos in your brain".When I'm experiencing this, It's really hard to see past it. In this Mental Monday, I'll help you find perspective next time you're just "not feeling it".---------------------------Let's connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindseypositiveperform Guided Visualization: Our Tap Into Your True Power Guided Visualization will help you let go of self-limiting narratives and step into your purpose. Make this visualization part of your daily mindset practice. Download the recording here: www.positiveperformancetraining.com/offers/kig3abUL/checkout?preview=true

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    “I love Lindsey’s straight forward, realistic approach to motivation and living your best life.”

    <– If that sounds like you, we'd love for you to rate and review the podcast!

    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • Do you remember morning conditioning? Waking up at 5 AM to get yelled at by your coach and run sprints with your team in the rain (why was it always raining?).

    Imagine all the energy it would have taken to wake up and do morning conditioning on your own. No team, no coach, just you relying on sheer willpower to create a workout plan, show up on time, and push yourself through your entire workout.

    I don't care how dedicated you are, it is SO much harder to do it alone.

    This is true for morning conditioning and it’s also true for entrepreneurship, parenthood, professional development... etc. etc.

    Today on the podcast, I’m talking about the importance of finding community, especially in an area of your life where you want to excel.

    After I left basketball, I didn’t even realize how much I missed having a community of people to lean on as I took on my next challenge of building a business. Finding a team is not easy outside of competitive sports. It’s not that you can’t build one, it’s just that it's not obvious how to go about building one.

    Not only that, but when you don’t have a team, it can leave a void that you may not even notice.

    In today’s episode I talk about:

    What happens in your brain when you’re surrounded by like-minded people.The time I spent $25,000 in search of a team (and what I learned)How I plan to bring mindset coaches together in 2024The unique challenges of entrepreneurs (+ how loneliness can derail you) The difference between friendships and teammates

    It's time to get real about your support system, find out where you have an 'energy leak' and create community around your goals so that you can maximize your energy.

    How do you think team plays (or has played) a role in your growth (or struggle) as an entrepreneur? Tell me about it on Instagram. And if you’re a mindset coach looking for community, I hope to see you in The Mindset Coach Academy!

    Download our free e-book: “How to Become a Mental Performance Coach”: This FREE, ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide

    The Mindset Coach Academy Certification: If you are ready to step into your purpose as a Positive Performance Certified Mindset Coach, join our waitlist to

    be the first to know when enrollment opens: www.positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification 5 Steps to Building an All Star Team (Outside of Sports): In this blog, I’ll give you actionable steps to help you build a team that wants you to fulfil your highest potential. Learn about two types of teammates, when it’s time to make cuts, and how to know when you have a good team. https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/blog/all-star-team

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    “I love Lindsey’s straight forward, realistic approach to motivation and living your best life.”

    <– If that sounds like you, we'd love for you to rate and review the podcast!

    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • "How are you?" Doesn't have to be a passive greeting. I reconnected with an old friend the other day, and it sparked a new perspective on this question, one that had the power to change my week.I talk all about it on today's Mental Monday.-------------------------If you know someone who needs this reminder today, send them this episode, and don't forget to rate and review!

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    “I love Lindsey’s straight forward, realistic approach to motivation and living your best life.”

    <– If that sounds like you, we'd love for you to rate and review the podcast!

    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • I started playing hoops again. You're going to be hearing a lot about this in the upcoming weeks because this is kind of a big deal to me.And as a former professional athlete who hasn't played competitively in a while, it was really really humbling to get back out there and play. It took a lot of reflection on my part to realize I was avoiding doing this thing that I devoted the first part of my life to. Because I knew I would be bad at it. I talk more about this whole experience on today's Mental Monday podcast, so I hope you'll check it out, ask yourself, "What am I avoiding?" and feel inspired to do what you love, even if it's uncomfortable at first.If you know someone who needs this reminder today, send them this episode!--------------------BRAVR Method: The BRAVRℱ is a step-by-step SYSTEM designed to get you and your athletes the focus, toughness and resiliency in practice (and beyond) that you ALL deserve. Trusted by hundreds of coaches to have highly productive, focused team practices. For the coach that KNOWS the mental game IS the game. www.positiveperformancetraining.com/bravr-system

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    “I love Lindsey’s straight forward, realistic approach to motivation and living your best life.”

    <– If that sounds like you, we'd love for you to rate and review the podcast!

    This helps us reach more high performers — just like you — on a personal growth journey to become better leaders, competitors, and humans. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Let us know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding episodes to the feed each week and we don’t want you to miss out. Follow now!


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  • As a parent, I’ll take any help I can get. Period.

    Today on the podcast, I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to Jeanine Mouchawar, a parenting coach and certified life coach who works specifically with parents of teenagers.

    If you are a parent of a teenager, you’re likely feeling growing pains. What worked for you before doesn’t work anymore. Your teens are craving more independence,

    navigating social stresses, and juggling real world pressures and responsibilities. They might even be starting to do things that scare you.

    If you have kids of any age, or coach teen athletes, stop what you’re doing and press play. You guys, this episode is absolute gold.

    Jeanine created a 5-step framework to help parents like us guide, influence, and support our teens. Today, she’s breaking down each one to show you how to bridge the communication gap with your teen to transform your relationship.

    Jeanine is an absolute superhero because she gives parents the lifeline that they’re looking for. She teaches strategies to navigate difficult conversations, become your teen’s go-to person, and actually enjoy the teen years.

    What I love about this episode is:

    As a parent, I’m always hearing about the infamous teen years, and frankly will take all the help I can get. I learned SO much from this interview. This 5 step framework comes from Jeanine’s personal experience raising a challenging teenager who was engaging in risky behaviors. Her system really works, and she’s living proof of that. Jeanine gives parents so mant actionable ways to transform patterns of communication right away AND long-term.

    Stop the parent-teen battles, stop feeling helpless, start taking actions that bring you and your teen closer together, and create the calm and peaceful home you so deserve.

    Follow Jeanine

    Website: jeaninemouchawar.com

    Instagram: instagram.com/jeanine.theparentingcoach/

    Facebook: facebook.com/jeaninemouchawarcoaching

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jeaninemouchawar/

    TikTok: tiktok.com/@jeaninemouchawarcoaching

    Related Resources:

    Jeanine’s Blog: Why is it So Difficult to Set and Maintain Boundaries With Your Kids? : When you’re having an uncomfortable conversation, your fight or flight kicks in. But you have to learn how to manage your uncomfortable feelings: jeaninemouchawar.com/parenting-gems/why-is-it-so-difficult-to-set-and-maintain-boundaries-with-our-teens How to Become a Mental Performance Coach: Our latest and greatest FREE ultra-simple guide will show you how YOU can make mindset coaching your full-time career or part-time hustle. (Even without your PhD!). Take the first step to becoming the mindset coach you've been dreaming of: https://www.positiveperformancetraining.com/guide

    The Mindset Coach Academy: If you are ready to step into your purpose as a Positive Performance Certified Mindset Coach, join our waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens: www.positiveperformancetraining.com/MCACertification

    Here’s a glance at the episode

    [1:59] Jeanine starts off by introducing herself as a parenting coach for parents who are either trying to navigate a tough relationship with their teen or hoping to prepare for the teen years.

    [4:29] Parents often approach parenting teens by trying to stop a certain behavior that is making them worried. Jeanine explains how that creates a negative cycle.

    [9:12] Teens need different parenting than they did when they were young. We can’t parent through force. Lindsey draws a parallel with being a sports coach.

    [11:21] When your teen does something that scares you, your nervous system gets flooded. Step 1 of Jeanine’s 5 step system is about regulating your own emotional system before you talk to your kids. Shame plays a big role in you teen’s reaction.

    [15:20] Jeanine and Lindsey chat about how you can calm your nervous system quickly using more ‘surface level ways’ for quick wins right away.

    [17:48] Step 2 is all about zooming out and observing the behavior. Jeanine warns not to get into what she calls ‘mommy fast forward brain’ and what happens when you do.

    [21:31] Getting curious is step 3 in Jeanine’s framework. What is your teen thinking/feeling/or causing them to make that choice?

    [28:55] To meet your teen where they’re at, you have to normalize their feelings so they don’t feel alone. Tell them “YOU are not the problem, it’s you and me against the problem”. This is step 4. Jeanine offers some examples of healthy ways to chat with your teens, leading with empathy.

    [31:45] Jeanine dives into step 5 which is all about helping your teens solve their own problems. Jeanine explains the importance of buy-in before offering advice.

    [34:18] Lindsey and Jeanine chat about how coaches can apply this framework to sports, and how the parenting and coaching emotional framework has evolved over time. Lindsey asks “How do you approach disciplining your teen?”.

    [39:27] Lindsey and Jeanine end the episode with a discussion on “natural consequences”, why they’re important, and how to know when it’s time to step in.