In this episode I interview several of the reps in my company to get their best tips and tricks for growing on instagram and making it on the sales rewards trips! I have to warn you the episode does have poor sound quality cause of the loud environment we were in but I hope you can still grab key takeaways from these Social Sellers!
These are all their Instagram accounts!
Beth Mellem:
Kelly Pollit: https://www.instagram.com/kellypollitt_?igsh=MWZ4MDNucnYwdzhjZg== (https://www.instagram.com/kellypollitt_?igsh=MWZ4MDNucnYwdzhjZg==)
Kimber Kelly:
https://www.instagram.com/rustic_touch_beauty?igsh=Ymc2aTh3ZGlucDN2 (https://www.instagram.com/rustic_touch_beauty?igsh=Ymc2aTh3ZGlucDN2)
Sonya Frame:
https://www.instagram.com/sonyajoframe?igsh=MWc3N2FqdGlnc3JjaQ== (https://www.instagram.com/sonyajoframe?igsh=MWc3N2FqdGlnc3JjaQ==)
Annie Bender:
https://www.instagram.com/annie.k.bender?igsh=bW5wdG4zZ3FxZHNz (https://www.instagram.com/annie.k.bender?igsh=bW5wdG4zZ3FxZHNz)
Courtney Jilek:
https://www.instagram.com/thecourtneyjilek?igsh=eDZhOHdhZ3J3MHlu (https://www.instagram.com/thecourtneyjilek?igsh=eDZhOHdhZ3J3MHlu)
Angela Knudsen:
https://www.instagram.com/themissminty?igsh=dWd6Z3Q4cWd1cXQ4 (https://www.instagram.com/themissminty?igsh=dWd6Z3Q4cWd1cXQ4)
Jojo Stuart:
https://www.instagram.com/everyday_jojo?igsh=MWF6czhkeXMyODJtbg== (https://www.instagram.com/everyday_jojo?igsh=MWF6czhkeXMyODJtbg==)
Jessica Perez:
https://www.instagram.com/rancher.jess?igsh=MWgxNjlnbmFuMnU4Ng== (https://www.instagram.com/rancher.jess?igsh=MWgxNjlnbmFuMnU4Ng==)
Courtney Hamilton:
https://www.instagram.com/itscourtneyhamilton?igsh=MTBmcXM1YTlmbTFnNw== (https://www.instagram.com/itscourtneyhamilton?igsh=MTBmcXM1YTlmbTFnNw==) -
This episode will discuss my accidental winter slow down, and how I majorly got in my head about my content. I also do a deep dive into my *almost* breast augmentation! I would love for yall to join in with my reels challenge for the month of February! It’s on my instagram profile, where you can join my broadcast channel!
https://www.instagram.com/the.jackie.richards?igsh=YXZ2N256NXBmNjF5&utm_source=qr (https://www.instagram.com/the.jackie.richards?igsh=YXZ2N256NXBmNjF5&utm_source=qr) -
¿Faltan episodios?
This episode features Heather Burge, a top leader at Seint. And she walks us through how she intentionally did network marketing without social media for an entire year!
Find her here:
And here!
http://heatherkburge.com -
In this podcast I talk a lot about my use of a medical stimulant, and I want to reiterate I am not a doctor and I’m not encouraging or discouraging the use of them. Just simply sharing my story. Always consult with your doctor if you have concerns.
This is going to be a 2 part episode, where on the next one I interview Heather Burge on how she healthfully took a step back from
Social media for a year. That will
Come next week!
I’m excited to connect with those who needed this message -
This week’s episode I share all my nerves of launching something into the world. And it’s taking me back to my beginning days of being seen starting small. I always want to be a reminder that it’s ok to not be the best and know everything. That you can grow in your business as you do it sloppy. And that you truly should challenge yoirslef to collect experience and failures over sales and constant growth.
The Bio Blueprint Course mentioned in the podcast: https://thejackierichards.com/bio-blueprint (https://thejackierichards.com/bio-blueprint)
Stardust App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stardust-period-tracker/id1495829322 -
In this episode I dive in with network marketing expert Bob Heilig on the importance of Social Sellers knowing how to hold conversations before going viral, or going down the rabbit hole of reels. He teaches us how this skill is quite possibly more valuable than a content strategy.
Join Bobs exclusive workshop happening next week! How to turn likes to leads 👉🏼
Connect w/ Jackie:
https://instagram.com/the.jackie.richards?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== -
This week’s episode is a sneak peak in my Bio Blueprint mini course. A guide for social sellers on how to optimize your bio for your target audience!
GET ON COURSE WAITLIST for the Bio Blueprint: https://api.leadconnectorhq.com/widget/form/10098sYW2IIbUuPMoAve?referrer=https://l.instagram.com/
Connect w/ Jackie:
https://instagram.com/the.jackie.richards?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== -
In this episode I drill my husband on how he got the nerve to support me in my Social Selling journey. We talk about how important it is to have a game plan with your spouse to have a vision of what your'e trying to create.
We talked last week about law of attraction and holding an abundance mindset, so this weeks episode are 3 things you can DO to get you closer to making money FAST.
This episode is a throwback to the things I did in the beginning to grow in confidence and belief that I could make money in network marketing!