
  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    No matter how long you have been on this entrepreneurship journey, you know by now how it is full of ups and downs… as soon as we think we got this, something will happen that will potentially throw us off our tracks. But how do we keep moving forward while avoiding to keep making the same mistakes over and over again and avoiding the dumb tax? Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    There will always be challenges thrown our way, and the main mistake we can make is actually not learning from themHow to avoid the hamster wheel of business ownership and avoid the dumb taxWe will always make many mistakes along this journey of life and business ownership, and we can chose to admit and learn from those mistakes or find blame somewhere else... which one do you think would serve you better?

    Join our Canine Rehabpreneur Community: www.facebook.com/groups/k9rehabpreneur/ 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    There are many pieces of a puzzle that need to come together for us to gradually build a canine rehab business that is profitable and sustainable. During our recent Incubator Mastermind retreat we had a session on "The 8-layer Growth Funnel for Canine Rehab Therapists" where we discussed the 8 different systems that need to come together for us to achieve that, and for today's episode I wanted to discuss the first step: find, build, and deliver . Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    The importance of understanding the average customer does not understand what canine rehab entails, nor do they have a passion for it like we doWhy we need to to connect with our target audience in a deeper level and have an in-depth understanding of their fears, frustrations, goals, and aspirationsHow to build the solution for what they need rather than selling "canine rehab", "underwater treadmill, or "laser therapy"The importance of figuring out the business model that matches the results you can deliver along with the customer service you would want to provide

    Join our Canine Rehabpreneur Community: www.facebook.com/groups/k9rehabpreneur/ 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

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  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    It is extremely rewarding to be a business owner, but as many of you know it can certainly be challenging. One of the most challenging aspects of being a business owner and entrepreneur is finding the balance in our lives between work, life, and everything in between. No matter what we do and how much we cross off our to-do list, it feels like there is always more to be done, and that is why for today's podcast episode I wanted to discuss The Success Triangle and its 3 key elements. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    How we have to be in tune with those 3 key elements to avoid burnout and making wrong decisionsThe importance of staying centered, and having a goal or purpose that keeps us moving forwardHow to find a balance between work, home, and our own health (both physically and mentally)The benefits of being creative as a business ownerHow to move forward even though we never know if something will work out or not

    Join our Canine Rehabpreneur Community: www.facebook.com/groups/k9rehabpreneur/ 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    For today's episode we discuss how the economy has changed over the last couple of years and how that relates to the field of veterinary medicine and canine rehabilitation. More specifically, we discuss how something that might have worked before might no longer anymore as things have changed into a "fight or flight economy". Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    The current state of veterinary medicine in terms of private equity acquisitions and new clinics openingHow to manage the fact that pet owners might not be as willing to spend their money compared to the previous couple of yearsHow to escape the race to the bottom in terms of lowering our prices in order to hopefully attract more customers The role of marketing and nurturing in this new "fight or flight economy"How to build that business model for your canine rehab business

    Join our Canine Rehabpreneur Community: www.facebook.com/groups/k9rehabpreneur/ 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    For today's episode we discuss the roller coaster of being a business and entrepreneur in the field of animal rehabilitation. This rollercoaster can be so stressful as many of us got into physical therapy or veterinary medicine simply looking for a steady job, but suddenly have found themselves having to be an entrepreneur just to be able to practice animal rehabilitation in our own terms. So, how do we deal with that? Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    The importance of self-acceptance and how that relates to dealing with the challenges we face as entrepreneurs Why do we get stuck and lose momentum, and what can we do to just keep moving forwardThe importance of turning an emotional problem into a logical challengeHow developing our "courage muscle" will help us deal with those challenges and be better prepared for the future Switching from a victim mentality to shaping our own lives with how we decide to face and deal with whatever life throws at us

    Join our Canine Rehabpreneur Community: www.facebook.com/groups/k9rehabpreneur/ 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    For today's episode my goal is to help elevate your level of thinking so you can step away from the day-to-day grind and start to see things from a different perspective. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    Switching our thinking from the work we have to do to how we are going to do itThe disconnect between processes and strategiesThe importance of focusing in the long-game and understanding our customer cycleWhy leads are not the same and we need to meet them where they are at within our customer journey


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    For today's episode we discuss the concept of the confidence gap and its impact on personal and professional growth, including my own struggles with confidence and what helped me overcome that challenge. Please understand this is a very common feeling, especially when it comes to start and running our own business, and the goal of today's episode is to help you understand how to overcome that as well. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    Understanding what confidence really means so we can stop telling ourselves that we cannot overcome itThe importance of not viewing confidence as just a feeling and instead understand how we cam work through itThe definition of the "Confidence Gap", and how having confidence should not be a pre-requisite for us to go after what we wantWhy we need to enjoy the journey rather than just focus on the destination


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    For today’s episode I wanted to expand on marketing and hopefully help you expand your views on the benefits that having a marketing strategy brings to your business beyond simply attracting new patients. I wanted to talk more about that because folks make the mistake of thinking that marketing is simply about getting new patients, when in reality a strong marketing strategy will not just fuel your business but it will actually be foundation for many different aspects that will help you build a successful and thriving canine rehab business. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    How an effective marketing strategy will be vital for you to raise your rates and charge what you are worthThe importance of marketing within your nurturing system, which will allow you to have conversations with prospective clients on auto-pilot and help you educate them on how you can help themThe role of marketing in helping decrease drop-offs and convert more new patients into actually completing the full plan of care that you are prescribing to themHow marketing can actually help you attract the type of clients who will be complaint with your program and their home exercise program, thus increasing their odds of having successful results for their pets

    For more information regarding the K9Rehab Marketing platform please visit www.k9rehabmarketing.com for a demo video and to fill out an inquiry form if you would like further information. 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    Recently we have focused a lot of episodes on mindset and personal development with the topics covered on our podcast, and as much as those topics are so vital for our success, for today’s episode I wanted to circle back to talking about marketing. More specifically, how we can optimize and improve our marketing in a way that we are actually spending less time actually doing marketing! Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    The importance of marketing for the canine rehabilitation industry and the need to diversify marketing portfolios beyond veterinary and word-of-mouth referralsThe challenges of building a canine rehab business within an unpredictable lead generation systemThe challenges of managing the fluctuation in leads and caseload, and finding a balanced approach to lead generation pursuing unpredictable leads through community events and networking, while also implementing a predictable lead generation systemThe importance of a strong paid ad strategy on Google for driving consistent leads and the need to adapt and stay updated with Google's new features and campaignsThe benefits of automating various business processes, such as email marketing and lead nurturing, and why automation should not replace human interaction but rather complement it, providing multiple touch points and educating potential customers about the business's offerings

    If you are interested in having us running your google ad accounts, please fill out the inquiry form below. We will be in touch to see if you would be a good fit for those services, and after we chat I will honestly say if it would be good for you to implement google ads for your business, and if it isn’t I can help give you the resources that would be more helpful for you at this time.

    Google Ads Inquiry Form: https://forms.gle/e82gxHDyReGoXQkP6 

    For more information regarding the K9Rehab Marketing platform please visit www.k9rehabmarketing.com for a demo video and to fill out an inquiry form if you would like further information. 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!

    I am back from vacation and during that break I had the opportunity to do some reading and reflecting, and for today's episode I wanted to share some of my thoughts about the key to success in entrepreneurship. When I first became an entrepreneur and business owner my mindset was about “owning a job”, meaning having enough clients and patients on my own to simply cover the take home pay that I would otherwise have as a human physical therapist. However, 1-2 years into this journey I realized that I had to elevate my mindset when it came to it, otherwise I ran the danger of getting caught in a hamster wheel of simply owning a job rather than owning a true business. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    Why most of the success in your life will come from understanding how and why to do the thing, and not from doing the thing itselfThe importance of understanding that we are not in the canine rehab business but in the customer service business and we just happen to provide canine rehab as that serviceHow the fundamental principles of how to be successful has never changed, and why we need to master those principlesHow to shift our mindset from simply working harder and harder, and stop wearing the "busiest person" badge of honorThe fallacy of developing passive income, and why that pursuit often gets in the way of us achieving the success that we want with our business


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • It is crazy to believe that we are now in July and that the 1st half of the year is over! Time has sure flown by and just like that we started Q3 and along with it the 2nd half of 2024. We can’t change how the 1st half has went because that is past us now, but we can learn from it, reflect on how things went, analyze our metrics and KPIs, and make a plan as to how we would like the 2nd half of the year to go and the goals we would want to achieve. It doesn’t matter if you feel like you have “won” or “lost” this year so far, we have to keep in mind that we are just halfway through it and we have another half still to play.

    Listen to to this podcast episode as we discuss:

    What to do if you had a great 1st half of 2024? How to keep that momentum going and make sure we don't mess things up?What if 2024 has not gone your way so far, what can we do? How to take the emotion away from our decisions?The importance of tracking metrics and KPIsWhy you should invest some time into analyzing and planning for the remainder of the year, and what questions to ask yourself when you do thatHow to take control of your business and stop chasing your tail around


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • It is safe to say that one of our biggest struggles as entrepreneurs and business owners is time management, especially when it comes to work-life balance and setting our boundaries. The year of 2023 and the first few months into 2024 were challenging due to changes we had at the clinic, especially when it came to staff which pulled me back into spending more time directly on patient care compared to what I had planned, and that made me realize that before parenthood I was able to compensate and push forward because I simply had more available time on my day… on my week.. or my month. Well, that was no longer the case and I had to be more direct and purposeful with my time, which has led me to reflect back on something I have discussed with our Incubator Mastermind students before: time management vs choice management. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    how to shift our priorities and why it is more about choice rather than time managementwhy we should get extreme clear on our goals and prioritiesthe importance of expanding the box around us rather than setting hard boundarieshow to maximize our energy my defining our non-negotiableshow to become more productive with our time


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Let's dive deep into a personal development topic that I feel can make such a huge impact into how we operate our lives and our businesses: false beliefs. In today's world we are bombarded with information from social media, news, TV, etc... although that is not a bad thing, it can also lead towards us hearing some the same false beliefs over and over again. Technology has also helped us surround ourselves with colleagues who are online, which is great because sometimes it can feel very lonely out there as a canine rehab therapist and business owner, but we also need to be careful with what is getting discussed on those forums so we don't feel trapped by false beliefs. Listen to today's episode as we discuss:

    why our brain wants to keep us in the "comfort zone" allowing us to create these false beliefs we tell ourselveshow to rise above false beliefs, and prove everyone (including ourselves) wrongThe #1 false belief for canine rehab therapists: raising our prices and worrying about people's willingness to pay what we are worthwill people spend money on rehab during harder economic times? Yes, but they will want to make sure they are getting value in returnwhy selling a commodity or modality of treatment is not the answerhow to put systems in place and develop a mindset that will lead towards a thriving and sustainable canine rehab business


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • For this episode we discuss our decision making process as canine rehab business owners and how we can end up putting ourselves in a box. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:

    how we can only make the decisions we need to make today with the information we have available at this point in timehow we can put ourselves in a box when it comes to the business model we chose for our canine rehab business, and why we don't need to conform with the models that worked for 10+ years that might not work as well todayhow we can put ourselves in a box when it comes to our marketing strategies, and why we don't need to accept the fact that the only way to get new clients is through veterinary referralshow we can put ourselves in a box when it comes to our pricing strategies by copying what others have done without even understanding if that would also work for our own business modelhow we can out ourselves in a box when it comes to having an underwater treadmill simply because that is what surgeons and veterinarians are referring to or maybe because that is what pet owners think of canine rehab based of social media postswhat to ask ourselves when making a decision, both in life and in business


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • We have hit episode 100, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to discuss the current state of the industry and how we can stand out from the competition in this new era of canine rehabilitation! Listen to the episode as we discuss:

    The importance of us needing to prove to ourselves that something can be accomplishedThe current state of veterinary industry with private equity, corporate buyouts, and consolidationHow consolidation and private equity has forced business owners to become better at running their businessesThe importance of standing out with your customer journey and marketing strategyThe freedom and benefits of calling your own shotsHow building a solid team culture will influence recruitment and retention How relationship based marketing with a nurturing process will allow you to build the business of your dreamsThe new era of marketing with Google ads with Performance Max and Generative AI, and why you need to take advantage of it

    If you are interested in having someone running your google ad accounts, please fill out the inquiry form below. We will be in touch to see if you would be a good fit for those services, and after we chat I will honestly say if it would be good for you to implement google ads for your business, and if it isn’t I can help give you the resources that would be more helpful for you at this time.

    Google Ads Inquiry Form: https://forms.gle/e82gxHDyReGoXQkP6 

    Marketing 101: Turning on your Google Machine: https://www.k9ptacademy.com/google-machine 


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • As business owners and entrepreneurs, we need to constantly be working on ourselves to overcome any insecurities and second thoughts we might be having about ourselves and this journey that we are on, and that includes working on our “courage muscle”. Much like a muscle, courage can be developed but it can also be lost. Every time we make a decision by taking the easy way out, we weaken our ability to develop that muscle and become more courageous, whereas whenever we make a bold and difficult decision we strengthen that muscle and work on our ability to become more courageous and resilient. Listen to this week's episode as we discuss:

    How to have the courage to make decisions and keep moving forward, even when it seems like everything is going against usHow to have the courage to make decisions that go against the norm of what has been done in our field or against the expectations others have from usThe importance of working on yourself and surrounding yourself with a community of peers and colleagues who are going along this same journey that you are on


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Have you ever asked yourself and spent some time thinking about what the market of canine rehabilitation really needs and what are consumers asking for? Well, I did so recently and shared some of my thoughts on this topic with today's podcast episode. Listen to it as we discuss:

    It is not just about what we do, but how we do itDoes the market need just more access to canine rehab? Or does the market actually need improved access to "true rehabilitation"?Are we building a business that exemplifies what we want from it? Or are we building a business based on a model of what has been done in our field before?What type of therapist or clinic is the market asking for? The importance of collaborating amongst different professionals within our fieldInnovating to stay ahead and avoiding falling behind what the market is asking from us


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Today we discuss the concept of "Real Time, Real Response", and that how that applies to the decisions we make as business owners and entrepreneurs. Listen to today's podcast episode as we discuss:

    You can only make the decisions you need to make today with the information you have available todayUsing numbers and metrics to guide our decision-making process while taking some of the emotional attachment we have from our business away from itHow our business journey is much like a road trip where we need to use a GPS even if we already know where we are going so we can informed of any real time changes we might need to makeWhat if our plan does not work? How do we move forward?


    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • Every few months I go down to Florida to spend some time with my business mentor. I have been doing so for the past 6 years, and I can tell you with certainty that doing so is one of the biggest reasons for the success we have had with TheK9PT as well as my ability to help coach and mentor canine rehab therapists to achieve the same themselves. Why is that important? Listen to today's podcast as we discuss:

    The benefits of stepping out of the day-to-day and having time to think and reflectSetting yourself up to success by surrounding yourself with a community of other business owners who understand the challenges that you are going throughImportance of regularly creating a game plan of what you are trying to achieve and the tasks needed for you to accomplish thatInternal vs external accountability and why we usually work harder when we don't want to let other people down

    As I shared last week as well, we will soon be opening 3 new slots for new students to join our Incubator Mastermind program… if you would like to chat more about it then please follow the link below to fill out a form, and afterwards I will contact you so we can chat about it to see if it would be a good fit for you.



    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks

  • What would you do if you had no competition? What type of business would you run? How much would you charge? What decisions would you make that would be affected by the fact that no matter what you did, people wouldn’t have someone to compare you to?

    If you haven’t done so, those are great questions to think and ponder about. I recently shared some of my thoughts on those questions during one of our recent Incubator Mastermind calls, and today I wanted to share some of those thoughts with you on our podcast. Give it a listen as we discuss:

    If that was the case and we had no competition, would we truly charge whatever we want? Or even better, would we be willing to charge whatever we want?How our mindset towards money plays a factor on how much we chargeWhy price comparison by potential clients is a not a bad thingHow the market is determined by the customer, and how we can ethically influence their willingness to work with us

    During our Incubator Mastermind call we went on to discuss the Success Triangle, and how we are able to build something that will help you stand out from the competition around you. As I shared last week as well, we will soon be opening 3 new slots for new students to join our Incubator Mastermind program… if you would like to chat more about it then please follow the link below to fill out a form, and afterwards I will contact you so we can chat about it to see if it would be a good fit for you.



    Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:

    1) Go to www.k9ptacademy.com for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet

    2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected] 

    3) Share this episode with a colleague who might also find it helpful :-)

    4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks